#my is sophiesearbuds


not to be a simp on main but…

shannon messenger is the best. her writing has provoked so much thought and emotion in me that i literally cried for like. two hours. yes i am a seventeen year old crying at a kids book.

no matter what i think about the actual plot, it’s written so well, and so beautifully. it flows amazingly. ive always loved books with more than one pov, and this only reiterates my fondness of it. this book opened up so many new possibilities, and it sparked new creativity in me. thank you shannon. youve given me so much more than you’ll ever know.

that said… my initial reaction is still super heavy in my mind, so i am seriously not able to be subjective and logical when it comes to talking about the book. specifically the ending.

i havent read the guide yet since i wanted to wait for my physical copy to come for that (i read the novella in my ebook), so ill probably be back in a few days with some thoughts on that
