#keiji wedding event


Whimsey’s Story Event “I Do, My Love!”- Keiji Pt 1- The Proposal

Time for the opening act of Keiji’s wedding story event! I was having a harder time with this one than I thought, but thanks to some help from my dear friend @creativem1 for helping me through and bounce ideas, the following became possible! I hope you all enjoy!

I was walking through Azuchi’s market with one of my fellow seamstresses. We were purchasing some new sewing notions as well as on the hunt for some new fabric. We needed something for our latest order. It had to be something for some travelling performers.

“What kinds of fabrics do you think we should look for?” Mitsuki, my fellow seamstress asked me.

“Since it’s for a troupe of performers, I would think something bright and flashy.” I answered. “It really has to catch the audenience’s eye, even those who are way in the back of the crowd.”

Mitsuki nodded and then giggled. “I bet you can think of inspiration for that quite easily, Lady Ava.” She told me with a teasing tone.

My cheeks reddened as I knew what she meant. “Well…I mean…yeah, I was kind of thinking of Keiji’s clothes.” I admitted.

Mitsuki laughed once again. “There’s no shame in admitting you’re always thinking of your man.” She replied. “Of course, I take it this means you two are as hot and heavy as ever?”

My cheeks reddened further. “Yes, things are going great.” I admitted. My smile then took on a gentler touch as I thought about my love. Our love hadn’t started off eaasy and of course there was getting to know the REAL Keiji. The one no one else knew. The snarky, cynical, asshole…the man I loved.

Mitsuki’s smile seemed to gentle as well. “I can tell by that look on your face you’re really happy with him.”

I nodded. “Yes, I couldn’t imagine spending my life with anyone else.”

We continued on with our shopping, chatting all the while. We came to our favorite fabric merchant and were sorting through the bolts when the owner of the shop, a man named Tamashini, approached us. “Ah, Lady Ava I am pleased to see you here today.”

I smiled at him. “It’s always good to see you, Tamashini.”

“I was wondering if I could talk to you a moment. I have a proposal I think you’d be interested in.” He said.

“A what?” I asked.

“Please, just hear me out, my lady.” Tamashini said and then gave me his proposal. He then asked me to think it over for a few days before I gave him my answer.

“What do you think of Tamashini’s proposal, Lady Ava?” Mitsuki asked me, as we were walking through the castle gates.

“I…I honestly don’t know. I’m flattered to say the least.” I replied. “He did give me a lot to think about.”

“It was definitely a lot.” Mitsuki agreed.

We were soon making our way back to the room we worked in with the other seamstresses. We all got to work and yet of course, Mitsuki had to tell the other girls all about my proposal from Tamashini. What I was truly unaware of, was that the walls of Azuchi castle seemed to have ears and word or my proposal would be getting around very quickly.


Keiji was returning to training the new recruits after they’d all taken a short break. While they had resumed their training though, Keiji couldn’t help but to notice the looks the new recruits were giving him. Nor could he miss the sounds of their whispers amongst themselves, though exactly what they were saying, he couldn’t quite tell.

It was frankly starting to get on his last damn nerve. Though he knee he had to get what was going on out of them the wild child way. Only Ava knew who he really was…well and he’d started letting his real personality slip in once in a while with the other Oda warlords…he wasn’t about to in front of these guys though.

He turned to one of the new recruits, aiming his practice staff at him. “Alright, come on.” He said. “You guys wanna fill me in on this secret y'all are whispering about? Got some hot new gossip going around the castle?”

The guys looked at him, their eyes wide. They were all silent.

Keiji gave them a signature wild child smile. “Come on, I’m a fun guy. I love to hear what’s new as much as the next guy. Or do I need to kick your butt for it?”

The recuits shook their heads. Then the one he was pointing his staff at spoke up. “It’s just…we heard something…something about Lady Ava…and well…we know she’s your girl and all…”

“What are you talking about?” Keiji asked.

“Well…uh we heard…that while she was in town today she received a marriage proposal from one of the fabric merchants in town!”

“Yeah, and we heard that before she could tell him anything, he was making her offers of her always being free to work with whatever fabrics she wanted…and that he wanted her to take a few days to think about it before she gave him an answer.” Another one confessed.

“And…she agreed to think about it.” Another recruit explained.

A swirl of emotions went through Keiji at that moment. He wasn’t really the jealous type. Hell he knew Ieyasu was clearly in love with Ava, but he never got into a snit when they spent time together. He had to admit though, the idea of another man actually prposing marriage to Ava…he didn’t like. Of course her agreeing to think about it…THAT was the part that got to him. She probably agreed so she could think of a way to turn him down. He thought to himself, working to calm the storm of emotions.

It was at this moment, Keiji remembered that the trainees were still around. He heaved an internal sigh and then let out a long and loud laugh. “HAHA! You guys. Rumors are just that ya know. Besides, even if she did agree to think about it, it was probably just trying to think of a nice way to turn him down.” Keiji said. “Now come on and let’s get back to training.”

While Kaiji trained the recruits, he couldn’t help but to keep thinking of Ava. He knew how she felt about him. He knew how he felt about her. She was his opposite in so many ways and yet she complimented him so well. She was the true ray of sunshine in his life. But then that made him wonder…could even someone as wonderful as her ever get tired of him and his cynical ways?

Before long, Keiji was calling an end to the training. He knew Ava would still be working with the seamstresses for a while longer. They had just gotten in a rather large order and they would be working hard to finish it. He made his way out to the garden to sit and think for a moment.

“I know she’s going to turn this guy down, but…would she think I’m a real jerk for not proposing yet?” He pondered aloud. “I mean…it’s not like I haven’t been thinking about it…and clearly she’s a beautiful woman with options…and still she’s picked me…at least so far.”

Keiji sat, thinking for a long time. Ever since he’d fallen in love with Ava, he’d been the happiest he’d ever been. Yeah, he was still a bitter cynic, but damn if he didn’t love her sunshine. Damn if she didn’t bring a real smile to his face and make his heart race. And damn if he didn’t want that to last forever.

“That’s it.” He said with a determined look on his face. “I’ve got to make her mine…officially…but I have to do it right…and I really have to make it sweet. She deserves that.” He thought for a moment more and decided he would seek out help.

Of course, he came to regret asking for help as soon as he did. He’d meant to just seek out Hideyoshi, being that the man was known for his popularity with the ladies and was really good at planning romantic surprises. Though it wasn’t Hideyoshi who had made him regret asking for help. It was that silver kitsune, Mitshide. He’d been lying in wait and practically pounced.

Masamune and even Nobunaga had found their way into the conversation as well. Though it was because EVERYONE had heard the rumor of Ava’s proposal from the fabric merchant. They all wanted to know what Keiji’s plan of action was. How he planned to fix this and keep Ava from leaving him for a potential better match. When he’d told them he wanted to plan a romantic proposal for Ava, they all agreed to help him set it up…of course Mitsuhide had given him the idea that he needed to practice the proposal.

Hideyoshi had reluctantly agreed with Mitshide. “I hate to say it, but I think Mitsuhde is right in this case…especially knowing how your REALLY are. You really don’t want to mess this up.”

“I guess I don't…but how can I practice?” Keiji asked.

That was when Mitsuhide’s signature silver grin appeared across his face. “Why with some help of course.”

Keiji had a very uneasy feeling about this, but nodded. “Alright…I guess.”


I was walking through the halls, looking for Keiji. He wasn’t in the training hall as I had expected. Though one of the maids did tell me she thought he had gone to the council room with the other warlords. I figured if they were in the middle of council, I would show up with some tea and snakc to try and relieve any stress.

Once I had gotten the snack, I made my way to the council room. Of course, what I found when I got there…well I wasn’t prepared for it at all. I gasped as soon as I walked in. All eyes turned to me. Keiji looked instantly chagrined. Of course, I could understand why.

Keiji was down on one knee in front of Mitsunari, who was sitting with a book in hand and had a mop head on top of his head as if it were a wig and a couple of small mellons strapped to his chest. “W-what in the world is going on here?” I asked.

“Uh…” Keiji was looking for a way to explain.

“Really, we could all be asking you the same thing, Fireball.” Nobunaga replied.

“This truly did come about from you, little mouse.” Mitsuhide agreed.

I looked at them all. “What do you mean?” I asked.

“Entertaining a marriage proposal from another man.” Masamune answered with a chuckle. “Of course, you are cute enough I’m surprised someone else hasn’t tried to snatch you up before.”

My eyes widened for a moment. “A marriage proposal? I don’t remember getting one of those today.”

Keiji seemed to have recovered from his embarrassment and was coming over to me. “What are you talking about? It’s all anyone in the castle is talking about. Said a fabric merchant proposed to you. Said he asked you to think about it and you told him you would think on it.”

It all clicked into place then and I instantly started laughing. I couldn’t contain the laughter and was almost crying I was laughing so hard.

“Hey, what’s so funny?” Keiji asked.

I composed myself as best as I could and then took a breath. “Just that I can’t believe your cynical ass even believe that I would entertain a marriage proposal from another man.” I answered. “I did receive a proposal from Tamashini…a business proposal.”

Keiji blinked. “Business?”

“Yes, he asked me if I would start coming to his shop to do commissions from there.” I answered.

Keiji blinked and then was slapping his hand to his forehead. “I should have known better.”

I smiled at him. “Yes, you should have. Even your cybical ass can’t doubt me.” I told him.

Nobunaga was chuckling in amusement, while Masamune and Mitshide were doubled over laughing. Hideyoshi was letting out a sigh. Poor Mitsunari was still oblivious to it all…and still looking utterly ridiculous.

“You know, that misundrstanding still doesn’t explain why you were kneeling in front of Mitsunari or why he’s dressed like that.” I pointed out.

Keiji was taking my hand then. “Come on..I’ll tell you when we get home.” We were then exiting the castle and making our way back to his manor.

I had an amused smile on my face as I looked at my lover. “Well, come on. What was going on?”

Keiji sighed. “It was Mitsuhide’s idea.” He explained. “I was…practicing…rehearsing.”

“Rehearsing what? And why?” I asked.

“I didn’t want to sound like a dick when I asked you to marry me.” Keiji answered.

My breath caught in my throat for a moment and my eyes widened. “You…were going to ask me to marry you?”

“Yeah.” Keiji answered. He was then looking at me his cheeks slightly pink in embarrassment. “I know…I know that we cleared up that misunderstanding with that rumor about the proposal from the merchant and all…but it just got me thinking…about how much you mean to me and how I don’t ever want to lose you. And I do want you by my side…for the rest of my life.”


Keiji was then taking both of my hands in his. “Ava, I love you and you’re the best thing to happen to this cynical asshole in a long time. You’ve seen through the mask and still loved me anyways…will you marry me?”

“Yes!” I sqealed, throwing my arms around him and stretching up to press my lips to his.

Those strong arms tightened around me and pulled me close, as Keiji returned my kiss. I couldn’t wait to spend the rest of my life with him.
