#whimseys events


Whimsey’s Story Event, “I Do, My Love!” -Keiji Epilogue

Ten years had passed since our wedding. I stood in the kitchen working on making afternoon tea for us. “You should really let me help you with that, dear.” Keiji’s mother said as she entered the kitchen.

I smiled at her. “You know you don’t have to. I’ve got it under control.” I assured her. “Though if you’re here…who is minding the boys?”

My mother-in-law smiled. “Their father and grandfather of course.”

“I should probably get the first aid kit ready then…just in case.” I said, moving the the food from the fire and dousing it.

“I am sure all is well. Boys will be boys after all.” She said with a warm smile.

“True.” I agreed. “You know, Keiji and I really glad you both agreed to come here with us. I know it means a lot to Keiji to have you guys here.”

“He’s fought a long time to get a home for us all again.” She agreed. Her kind, wise eyes looking at me. It didn’t take me long to realize she must have seen through every guise Keiji had put up for so long, but knew there was no way to stop him or change his mind.

“I also appreciate all the help you provide with the boys.” I added. “I really don’t know what I’d do without all of your help besides maybe drown.”

She laughed warmly. “I love it.” She said. “Family is the most important thing.”

We were finishing up the tea and snacks before heading out to the garden, where Keiji and his father were with our boys. It was so funny and so cute, watching Keiji wrestling with our boys; Chiharu, Benjiro, Souta, Riku, and Niko. All five of them had varying combinations of mine and Keiji’s features, but they all had his bright red hair.

Keiji’s father was sitting on the verands watching the sight, a bright happy smile on his face. Keiji had finally been granted his own land and the construction of our small castle had just completed earlier this year. As soon as we’d moved in, we had invited his parents to live with us. They had jumped at the idea of getting to spend so much time with their grandsons and had taken to being grandparents so well.

“Come on, why don’t you boys take a break!” I called out to them. “We’ve got tea and snacks.”

“Snacks? You made some mochi right?!” Niko, our youngest asked.

“Of course, I know it’s your favorite.” I answered.

“Did you make it or did Obaasan?” Souta asked.

“I did.” I answered. “But I used Obaasan’s recipe.”

“Well…it should still be good then.” Souta said.

“Come on now, you know you love your mom’s cooking.” Keiji said as he came up and grabbed a piece of mochi.

“Yeah, but your mom’s cooking is better.” Souta replied.

I narrowed me eyes at my son and then reached forward to ruffle his hair. “Next time I’m just going to not make any for you.”

“Are Uncle Sasuke and Uncle Kanetsugu still coming for dinner tonight?” Riku asked.

“Yes, they should be here soon.” I answered.

The country had finally been united and we’d made peace with the Uesugi-Takeda alliance in part because of Keiji and Kanetsugu. I was happy that we could finally be open with our friendships and they had become an irreplacable part of our family.

“Speaking of, we should probably be getting ready to welcome them once we finish our snacks.” I said. “No one got any cuts or scrapes while you guys were wrestling around?” I asked.

“Moooom, we’re fine.” Chiharu, our oldest said in that exasperated tone.

“The boys are all fine, Ava.” Keiji assured me, climbing up on the porch to stand beside me. “I’m the one that’s all banged up.” He was then giving me a grin. “Ya got any of that salve ya make?”

I smiled up at him, catching on as he held his hands out to me. “You have those invisible cuts again?” I teased.

“You know it.” He answered. “The only cure is your touch…some kisses, too.”

“Ewww!” Our boys chorused.

“Mom, Dad why do you have to be so gross?!” Benjro asked.

“Yeah, that’s supposed to be when you’re alone.” Riku said.

Keiji and I laughed and shook our heads. I was then placing my hand in his. “Come on, I’ll treat these wounds of yours.” I turned and started to head back into the castle, when a wave of dizziness washed over me and I began to stumble.

Keiji quickly caught me. “Ya alright?” He asked, concern in those golden eyes.

“I’m fine.” I answered.

His mother was coming around in front of me then. “Let me have a look.” She was then looking into my eyes. “Well, I’d say that’s it then.”

My eyes widened. “Don’t tell me you’re thinking what I think you’re thinking.” I said. “Especially since you’ve been right every time.”

“But I am dear.” She said, smiling knowingly at me.

Keiji was chuckling. “Maybe this time we’ll get that girl who looks just like you.” He said as he pulled me closer and turned me around so that I faced him.

I smiled up at him. “I don’t know it seems boys are all we have…besides I love these little redheaded devils.”

“Mama, Papa?” Niko asked. “Am I gonna be a big brother?”

“It seems so.” I answered.

“Yay!” Niko squealed in delight.

“Ugh.” The older boys groaned.

I looked up at Keiji. “You know this keeps up and I’m just not going to let you touch me anymore, right?”

Keiji chuckled. “I’m sure I can always get you to change your mind.” He replied, leaning in to kiss my forehead. “Besides, you look pretty cute pregnant.”

Later that night, after dinner and putting the boys to bed, Keiji and I were sitting up in our room. Keiji had me pulled into his lap, his arms wrapped snugly around me. “You know, for a cybical asshole, you look pretty happy.” I told him, my tone teasing.

“How can I not be?” He replied. “You’ve given me everything I’ve ever wanted and then some.”

“Five wild little boys?” I asked. “And likely a sixth one on the way.”

Keiji chuckled. “Well, them, too.” He replied. “Our home, our family, my dream, and a slew of new ones.”

I smiled as I wrapped my arms around his neck. “You deserve all of it Keiji. I love you and I love our life and our family. I wouldn’t trade any of it or change a single speck of it.”

“Dammit.” Keiji said. The next thing I knew, I was lying back on the futon and he was over me. “You just always know how to make me want you…this is why you keep getting pregnant.”

I giggled. “I don’t mind. I’m pretty sure I already said that I love our family, didn’t I?”

Keiji smirked before leaning in to capture my lips in a heated kiss. His hands had gone to my sash when there was a soft knock on our door and Niko was calling to us from the other side. “Mama, Papa, I had a bad dream, can I come sleep with you?”

Keiji groaned quietly before pulling away from me and opening the door, scooping the boy up into his arms and bringing him in. “Of course.” He said.

“You just come right here.” I agreed patting the bed beside me.

The three of us were soon snuggling up together. I smiled at Keiji as Niko soon fell asleep, nestled in between us. I really did love our life and I knew Keiji did too. It wasn’t perfect but it was pretty close.

Whimsey’s Story Event, “I Do, My Love!” - Keiji Pt 3- The Wedding Night

NSFW 18+ content

After the wedding ceremony, we returned to Azuchi castle’s main hall for a banquet with our friends and family. I was so excited that Keiji’s parents were at the wedding. I had always wanted to meet them, but I wasn’t sure if that would be possible. I was also happy that Keiji had family that he did love and they loved him in return. His mother also seemed enthusiastic and loving. I was glad she was my mother-in-law.

We were sitting down, enjoying the food (which Masamune had prepared, so it was AMAZING) and sake. A band had been brought in to play music. Keiji’s parents had come over to join us. His father looked so happy for us and so proud of Keiji.

“You’ve done really well, Keiji.” His father said, giving him a harty pat on the back. “For Lord Nobunaga to agree to hosting the party in his castle…”

“Keiji is a very important member of the Oda forces.” I said, smiling.

“Nah.” Keiji said, waving his hand. “Pretty sure this is all about you, Princess. I’m just lucky enough to be tagging along.”

“Oh don’t act like that.” I told him. “Or have you already forgotten Nobunaga’s words when you asked for me as your reward for that last battle? He called you baluable and then told me I was to make sure you didn’t up and leave again.”

Keiji’s father was practically beaming with pride. “I always knew you would make a name for yourself.”

“I knew Lord Nobunaga had to think highly of you.” His mother said. She then leaned over to me and whispered in my ear. “Thank you for making my son happy. I’ve never seen such a genuine smile on his face before.”

“Mom, what are you over there talking about?” Keiji asked. “You’re not over there telling Ava all of my embarrassing stories from when I was a kid?”

She giggled and winked at me. “Of course not, I was just telling her how I hoped for grandchildren soon.”

The party went on for a while, Keiji and I mingling and talking with our friends. Everyone was wishing us well. There was still plenty of teasing, too. Mitsuhide and Masamune saying something about how heartbroken Mitsunari must have been.

As we were chatting with everyone, I happened to look up and noticed a cieling tile move. I was thinking quickly and put my hand on Keiji’s arm. “Hey, I just remembered something.” I said.

Keiji looked at me, confused a moment. “Remembered what?” He asked.

“Something I forgot.” I answered. “I left a certain thing in my old room last night.”

“Well, then maybe you should go get it.” Keiji replied.

I gave him a look. “Well, come with me.”

Understanding seemed to light in his eyes. Then he gave me a grin before turning back to Mitsuhide and Masamune. “Well, looks like it’s time for us to get out of here. Looks like my wife can’t wait to get me alone.”

“She definitely looks eager.” Masamune said.

“You could have been less obvious little mouse.” Mitsuhide added, that cheshire grin on his face.

I let out a groan as my cheeks reddened. “Ugh, you men.” I muttered.

Keiji was wrapping his arm around my waist. “Well, come on, let’s go if you’re that eager. I don’t wanna keep ya waiting!”

I lightly smacked his chest, but Keiji remained unaffected. We were then exiting the banquet and making our way to my old room. When we stepped inside, Keiji was instantly pulling me close. “I thought we were going to wait till we got to the inn, but I’m glad to see you’re just as eager as I am.” He said, grinning at me.

My heart was racing in my chest. I mean yeah, I was very much looking forward to our honeymoon, but that’s not why I wanted to come here. I took a deep breath to collect myself. “While I am very much ready to start our honeymoon, that’s not why I wanted to sneak away.”

“And you call me a tease, Princess.” Keiji said, leaning in to kiss me.

I giggled and put my hand over his mouth. “Just wait till we have some real privacy.”

“Huh?” Keiji asked as he pulled my hand away.

I pointed up to the ceiling. Then I looked up. “Alright, I think you guys can come on out now.”

The familiar ceiling tile was moved back and this time two figures alighted to the ground instead of just one. Sasuke pulled his mask down and waved a friendly greeting. Keiji looked at the other man, with surprise. “I can’t believe you guys risked coming here like this.” Keiji said.

“Just wanted to congratulate you on your wedding day.” Kanetsugu replied, giving a small smile. “I also had to be sure that there really was a woman crazy enough to marry you.”

“Thank you guys for coming.” I said, smiling brightly.

“I couldn’t miss my BFF’s wedding.” Sasuke replied. “I am glad to see you looking so happy. Congratulations to both of you.”

“Yes, congratulations and good luck with this one. You’re going to need it.” Kanetsugu said.

We were only able to grab a few more moments with them before they were both bounding back up into the ceiling and leaving. Keiji turned to me, that grin on his face. “Can’t believe YOU knew they were here and I didn’t.”

“Well…uh…confession time…I just know to watch the ceilings.” I replied.

“Sasuke sneaks into the ceilings here regularly, doesn’t he?” Keiji asked.

I nodded. “Yeah, when we first arrived here, it’s how he would check on me to make sure I was doing okay.”

Keiji shook his head. “To think everyone was worried about my friendship with Kanetsugu when my princess is the real naughty one. Not saying anything about an enemy spy sneaking into the castle and having regular conversations.” He teased me.

“We never shared information.” I reminded him.

Keiji grinned. “I know.” He replied. “Of course, now I’m not sure how I feel about another guy sneaking into your room though.”

I knew he was teasing me. “You know it’s not like that. When I first arrived here…I was kind of scared of everyone. It was nice having a friend from my time drop in to chat every once in a while.”

“Yeah, but there’s usually only one reason a man wants in a lady’s room.” Keiji continued on.

“Pretty sure you’re the only one to ever come in here with those intentions.” I teased right back.

“Nah, but I’m the only one you let go that far.” Keiji continued.

“You’re my one and only, Keiji.” I reminded him, wrapping my arms around him. “And now you’re my husband.”

Keiji’s composure seemed to break then. “Ah, dammit…we really do need to get going.” He said, looking away from me.


“Now I’M the overeager one.” He said before capturing my lips in a passionate kiss.

We longered for a moment in my room before returning to the banquet only to bid everyone goodbye as we headed off on our honeymoon. Our plan was to stay at an inn not too far from Azuchi. We arrived by nightfall and eagerly made our way to our room.

As soon as we were alone, Keiji was closing the door behind us and turning to me…and the look in his eyes…I swear if I were made of ice, I would have melted into a puddle in that instant from his gaze alone. “I hope you’re ready Ava.” He said, his voice dangerously low.

I could feel my belly tightening with desire already. “Oh? Just what do you have planned?” I asked.

Keiji crossed the room to me in an instant, his strong arms coming around me. “Oh, I think you know.” He replied. “Lady Maeda.”

I felt my cheeks redden even as a smile came to my face. “Keiji…”

His lips were on mine then, his large hands sliding over my body. He slid my jacket off of my shoulders. He pulled back to look at me, mischeif sparkling in those golden eyes. “Well, I wasn’t expecting this.” He said, his fingers running over my naked shoulders as he leaned in to kiss my neck. “This something you would wear in your time?”

“Hmm, yes."I answered, my mind already becoming hazy. "Of course…in my time…I wouldn't…have needed…the jacket.”

Keiji was pulling back to look at me again. “So, you’re telling me you can walk around with that much skin showing?”

I nodded. “I can wear an even…shorter dress, too.” I answered.

“I think I like the idea of things in your time.” Keiji replied with a grin. He was pulling me back in for another kiss as his hands went to undo the obi at my waist.

I was already working to undo the ties of his clothes, baring his top half. Keiji was pulling back to look at me and looking a bit surprised when my dress wasn’t falling away once my obi was undone. I giggled. “You want some help?” I teased, I was then turning around to reveal the corset lacing at the back of my dress.

Keiji’s fingers were quickly untying and loosening the silk ribbons. He leaned in and kissed the sensitive spot where my neck met my shoulder. “You’re lucky…I was a breath away from just ripping this dress off of you.” He whispered in my ear before nipping at my lobe.

A shiver of pleasure ran down my spine. Soon my dress was undone and falling into a pool of silk at my feet. Keiji’s strong arms were wrapping around my waist and pulling me back against that broad chest. His lips were trailing over my neck as his hands came up to fondle my breasts, thumbs circling my nipples.

“Ah…ng…Keiji!” I cried out.

Keiji’s lips twitched into a smirk on my neck. “Teasing me and turning me on like you have been…I hope you’re ready for this long night…you just might lose your voice after tonight though.” He was then sliding one hand down the front of my body ever so slowly before his fingers came to stroke that sensitive little bud between my thighs.

I moaned and cried out at the intense sensations coursing through my body at every stroke from Keiji. He teased me to the brink before taking me down to the futon, pulling me onto his lap so that I was straddling him. My hips eagerly sank down, my heat welcoming him inside. Our lips met in thousands of kisses as he began to thrust up and I bucked my hips, riding him until I was finally finding release.

I broke our kiss, throwing my head back in pure bliss as I moaned out his name. Keiji’s arms held me tightly through my intense pleasure and his lips were on my throat, his fingers going over my snesitive flesh, drawing out my pleasure. As I came down from my pleasure high, Keiji was laying me back, still inside me as he moved us so that he was over me now.

He gave me a devilish smirk. “I hope you know, I’m not done with you yet. I plan to make you cry out for me all night long.”

I was already panting and breathless. But I smiled. “Just as long…as you’re ready…for me to…love you…in turn.” I replied, running my hands over the sculpted muscles of his body. “I want to show…my husband…how much I love him.”

Keiji’s face reddened. “There you go turning me on again.” He said. “My wife…” He didn’t finish whatever he planned on saying because his lips were on mine. Our tongues twisting and tangling as our body continued to twine together in pure bliss. Our first night as husband and wife was only just beginning and I lost count of the number of times he made me cry out. I was certain that my voice would be gone by the morning.

Whimsey’s Story Event “I Do, My Love!” - Keiji Pt 2- The Wedding

We took our time planning the wedding. I needed plenty of time to make my dress, which was going to be combining elements of a modern wedding dress with a traditional kimono. But part of it was also spent arguing with Hideyoshi. He wanted to make it some grand affair fitting of a vassal of Nobunaga and an Oda Princess…even if I was just a fake princess. Since it was a title given to me by Nobunaga himself, Hideyoshi said it was how everyone would see me.

However Keiji and I just wanted something a little smaller and more intimate. Just a simple wedding with the people who mattered most to us in attendance…well at least most of the people who mattered most to us anyway. There were two exceptions, but Keiji and I knew that some things would just take time for everyone to accept.

With help from Nobunaga telling Hideyoshi to calm down, we had finally gotten our way and the wedding was to be held in a small shrine in not far from Azuchi castle. Of course, there was also a copious amount of teasing from Masamune and Mitsuhide during our planning sessions.

“Ava, how is the dress coming along?” Masamune asked me, during one session.

“Fine.” I answered, raising a brow.

Masamune nodded. “Can’t wait to see how Mitsunari looks in it. I hope you got his measurements right.”

Keiji sighed. “I let Mitsuhide talk me into practicing my proposal and now you guys aren’t about to let me live it down.”

“Why else do you think I came up with the idea?” Mitsuhide replied.

I couldn’t help but to giggle. “I do think Mitsunari will make a lovely bride.”

Keiji looked at me and lifted a hand to muss my hair. “You, too Princess?”

I laughed. “Hey, I will never forget the sight of seeing you on one knee in front of Mitsunari…or how poor Mitsunari was dressed.”

Keiji sighed again. “I guess I can’t blame you.” He then glared at Mitsuhide. “But I can blame you.”

Mitsuhide just grinned. “My pleasure as always.”

Hideyoshi cleared his throat. “Come on, we have to talk about the prosession. We should really make it very large and it really should be a grand affair. We can go through the town. The people would love to see a wedding prosessional.”

“A party does always cheer people up.” Keiji said.

I sighed. “Can we not, though?” I asked. “I thought we were just going to have everything be you know small and about us and all of that.”

“Come on, lass. I think Hodeyoshi just wants to his his little sister be shown off just a bit on her wedding day.” Masamune said.

“Yes, mothers do love to gush over their little girls on their special day.” Mitsuhide agreed.

Hideyoshi glared at the pair and then looked at me and Keiji. “You’ve already decided you don’t want the ceremony to be huge. At least let the prosessional be somewhat grand and go through the castle town.”

I sighed and looked at Keiji.

Keiji grinned and leaned in. “Ah, come on, it won’t be that bad. Besides, what would a wedding to Keiji Maeda be without a little show?” He replied. “Besides, how can I resist the idea of showing off my bride?”

“Oh, alright.” I agreed, my cheeks reddening ever so slightly. Keiji really could be a jerk sometimes, but he was also really sweet, too.

This was pretty much how all of our planning sessions went. Lots of teasing and arguing with Hideyoshi on the details. We were still hammering out some details three days before the wedding when Keiji and I were summoned to an unexoected meeting with Nobunaga.

When we walked into the council chamber, I was surprised to see Keiji’s Uncle Toshiie sat kneeling before Nobunaga, along with a younger man beside him. The other man appeared to be around the same age as Keiji.

“Keiji, Ava I am glad you two could make it.” Nobunaga said and gestured for us to take our usual seats.

“What exactly is going on?” I asked.

Nobunaga looked at us, an amused smile on his face. “I was just hearing a proposal from Toshiie.” Nobunaga answered. “And…well clearly you should make the decision Ava.”

I furrowed my brow. “Huh?”

Nobunaga gestured to Toshiie. “As you were saying?”

Toshiie nodded and bowed to Nobunaga and then bowed to me. “I am honored to hear of the news of the Maeda and Oda clans to be united in marriage.” He began. “I think it is truly a wonderful thing.”

“What is it you’ve come to ask?” Nobunaga asked, though he either already knew what was going on or he was aware of whatever Toshiie’s intentions were.

Toshiie nodded. “I apologize if I am over-stepping, but I think that there would be a better way.” He said. He then turned to me. “Lady Ava, I believe my nephew is not the appropraite match for you. I present my son, Toshinaga as a better suitor.”

“What?” Keiji and I asked in unison.

“That is a rather bold statement, given I have already given Keiji and Ava my blessing.” Nobunaga said, his voice deep and authoratative.

Toshiie bowed to Nobunaga. “I apologize my lord. I just know how Keiji is and I don’t think he is a fitting match for the Oda Princess.”

Keiji was glaring at Toshiie. “Why you…”

“Enough.” Nobunaga commanded. He then looked at me. “Ava, this is your choice to make.”

I nodded to Nobunaga and then placed my hand over Keiji’s. “I’ve already made it. I won’t marry anyone other than Keiji.”

“As I expected.” Nobunaga said with an amused smile. He turned to Toshiie. “There you have it.”

Toshiie nodded, but then turned to me. “Please, Princess. I am sure you think you’re in love with Keiji and his boisterous persona, but that’s not how he really is. That’s not the kind of man he really is. Nor is he the kind of man who should be marrying a woman of your station.”

“I know exactly the kind of man Keiji is.” I replied. “And clearly I know him better than you do. I love every side of Keiji. He’s a good man and the only man for me.”

“I think it is time you take your leave, Toshiie.” Nobunaga said. “You have tested my patience enough for today.”

Toshiie looked like he wanted to protest, but knew better than to defy his lord. “Yes, my lord.” He replied, bowing and then exiting the room, his son following him out.

Keiji and I were soon leaving as well. Once we were outside in the hall, Keiji was pulling me into a secluded hallway and pushing me up against the wall. I looked up at him, into those golden eyes. “Keiji…” I breathed out just before his lips were crushing mine.

I gasped but quicky responded, my arms wrapping around him, my body pressing close to his. His arms were around me, his hands moving up and down my body. I was starting to tremble, feeling that needy little ache building up inside of me. Keiji broke the kiss, but still held me close, those golden eyes molten with passion, love and desire.

“N-not that I'm…complaining or…anything, but…what brought…this on?” I asked, breathless.

Keiji smirked at me. “How is a guy supposed to control himself when his bride talks about him like you just did in there, huh?” He asked me. “Calling me a good man and the only man for you, when presented with a better option.”

“I didn’t see any better option.” I countered.

“Come on, we’re going home.” He said. “And don’t blame me when you’re walking bow-legged tomorrow…and at our wedding.”

I felt my cheeks flush. “Keiji…”

“Come on, I wanna hear you make those dying duck noises.” He replied, his arm wrapping around my waist and pulling me towards the exit so we could go back home, where we spent a very passionate evening.

Three days later…

Finally the day of our wedding arrived. At Hideyoshi’s insistence, I had spent the night in Azuchi castle in my old room. In the morning, I was woken up by Masamune with a large breakfast and then the maids were coming to help get me ready. I was basically being given a spa day. I’ll admit, it was kind of nice…somewhat embarrassing but still nice. I guess if I was going to be getting the princess treatment, my wedding day was the day for it.

At least that was what I told myself. It really didn’t feel right to have people waiting on me hand and foot. They washed my hair and everything, putting scented oils in it and massaging some into my skin as well. “You’ll definitely want to wear this scent.” One of the maids told me as she rubbed some of the scented oil onto my shoulders. “My mother swears up and down that I came into existance because she wore this scent on her wedding night. Drove my father absolutely nuts apparently.”

I blushed and giggled. If anything these last few nights taught me, it was that I didn’t need any kind of special perfumes or clothes to get Keiji going.

Once my bath was over, the maids were helping me finish getting ready. They fixed up my hair and makeup before helping me into my dress. I had made a simple strapless A-line dress with an empire waist that I accentuated by putting an obi-sash and chord. Now, knowing I was in the Sengoku and couldn’t quite go out with my arms on full display -gasp how scandelous that would be- I had also made a long-sleeved bolero jacket to go over it.

My dress was plain white silk. My obi was gold and trimmed in red and I wore a red obi chord. My jacket was red with gold and orange flowers embroidered on it. I looked at my reflection for a moment and smiled, happy at the results I’d had. I really hoped that Keiji liked my dress. It was far different from anything anyone else would wear in this time.

There was a knock on my door then, Nobunaga and Hideyoshi coming in soon after. Nobunaga only smiled. Hideyoshi looked like he was ready to burst into tears and Nobunaga wore his usual haughty smile. “I should have known you would come up with sich a creation, Fireball. It is fitting for one such as yourself.”

“Thank you.” I said, smiling.

“I’ve never seen anything like it…you definitely look beautiful.” Hideyoshi said. “And that red is oddly fitting considering who you’re marrying.”

I laughed. “That kind of what I thought when I was coming up with the design.”

“It is almost time. Come.” Nobunaga said. “We will escort you to Keiji.”


Keiji stood in the hall, dressed in the traditional black adn white groom’s hakama. In just a few more moments, Ava was to be coming out and joining him and they would begin the processional to the shrine where their wedding would take place.

“There he is!”

Keiji turned at the sound of a voice he hadn’t been expecting. He put on his bright smile, though it wasn’t quite as forced as he had thought it would be. “Dad.” He said, turning to see his father coming up to him. His mother was not far behind and was soon rushing from behind her husband and throwing her arms arounf Keiji. He let out a laugh. “Heya, Mom.”

“Oh, don’t you heya Mom me.” She said pulling back to look at him.

“I’m really glad you guys coud make it.” Keiji said, his smile warming.

“Well of course, when our son is getting married.” His mother said.

“And to the Oda Princess.” His father said. “You must be doing something really amazing to have Lord Nobunaga approve of the match.”

“Just doing my best.” Keiji replied. “I can’t wait for you guys to meet Ava.”

“I bet she’s just beautiful.” His mother said.

“Beautiful kind, smart, and a fighter.” Keiji answered.

“Sounds like an amazing woman.” Keiji’s father said. “Of course, she’d have to be something special to catch your attention.”

“She’s definitely special.” Keiji agreed.

It was then that they could hear approaching footsteps. They all turned to see Ava being escorted by Nobunaga and Hideyoshi. Keiji couldn’t hardly pay any attention to the other two men as soon as he caught sight of Ava. He knew she was planning to combine elements of clothing from her time with the traditional kimono, but he hadn’t known exactly what she was going to come up with. She had been keeping it a secret from him, saying it was a tradition from her time for the groom to not see the dress beforehand.

She looks damn beautiful. Keiji thought as Ava approached him. The dress she’d made was perfect for her. The white silk along with some bold reds and he noticed organges in there, too. She was wearing all of the usual colors he wore and he couldn’t help but to smile a little smugly at that.

Ava was looking right back at him, her smile seeming even brighter than usual. He could see the love in her eyes and damn if that didn’t get his heart racing and bring a genuine smile to his face. He thought if sunshine and happiness could be embodied in a single person so well…it was in her.

“Lord Nobunaga, Lord Hideyoshi.” His parents said, bowing respectfully and pulling Keiji from his thoughts.

Nobunaga and Hideyoshi acknowledged them with a tilt of their head.

“Thank you for allowing us to come, today, Lord Nobunaga.” Keiji’s father said.

“Yes, it truly means the world to us, my lord.” His mother added.

“It is only right.” Nobunaga replied. He then turned to Hideyoshi. “Come, we shall wait at the shrine.”

“Yes, my lord.” Hideyoshi replied. Then the pair were off.

“My goodness, you must be Princess Ava.” His mother gushed, looking at her. “You’re even more beautiful than I imagined!”

Ava smiled and her cheek reddened. “Thank you…and just Ava is fine.” She was then looking at Keiji, questioningly.

Keiji grinned. “Right, Ava this is my mom and my dad.” He said, introducing them. “Guys, this is Ava.”

Ava gave them a polite bow. “I’m so happy to get to meet you guys.”

“Oh, we are just so happy to meet you, Princess.” His mother replied.

“Please, just Ava is fine.” Ava said. “We are about to become family afterall.”

“You are very kind.” His father said, a warm smile on his face. “And you are right.”

“Well, in that case.” Keiji’s mother said just before enveloping Ava into a tight hug. “Welcome to the family.”

Ava smiled as she hugged the woman back. “Thank you.”

Keiji’s father was reaching for his wife. “Come on, we shoudl go wait at the shrine with the other guests.” He said. “Let these two have a moment before they’re surrounded by everyone.”

Keiji’s mother gave them both one last hug before she and his father left. Keiji turned to Ava, taking both of her hands in his. She was smiling at him. “So, what do you think?” She asked.

Keiji wanted to tease her. He wanted to come up with some smartass thing to say…but he just couldn’t. For once the smarmy, cynical Keiji…Nega Keiji as Ava had called him, couldn’t be found. “You look beautiful.”

He could tell that caught her offguard. She blushed and looked away. She pulled herself together quickly though and was looking back at him. “No smarmy remarks today huh?” She asked, her tone playful and teasing.

“Nah.” Keiji answered. “Besides, I don’t want to be an ass to you on our wedding day.”

Ava smiled up at him. “Is that your wedding present then?”

Keiji let out a chuckle as he wrapped his arms around Ava and pulled her close. “Nah…just doesn’t seem right…besides when I look at you dressed in my usual colors and looking so beautiful…nothing but how much I love you and how happy I am that you’re really marrying me comes to my mind.”

Ava’s smile brightened. “I love you so much, Keiji.” She replied. “And I can’t wait to marry you.”

The pair shared a kiss before breaking apart. Keiji was taking Ava’s hand in his. “You ready to marry this mean cynical asshole then?”

“As long as you’re ready to marry this fake princess.” She replied, squeezing his hand.

They were exiting the castle hand-in-hand. They were joining the processional and making their way through the castle town, heading towards the sign. The entire castle town seemed to be gathered on the sides of the streets to witness the wedding procession.

Keiji put on his wild child act and was showboating a but as they made their way through the castle town. The townspeople were shoting well wishes to them the entire time. As they walked through the streets, Keiji couldn’t help but to catch sight of a familiar head of silvery grey hair.

Golden eyes quickly met with a wisteria gaze and both gave a breif smile before moving on. Keiji saw that Ava had been looking in another direction, her eyes having caught sight of something or someone else. He made note to ask about it later. He wouldn’t say what it meant to have caught sight of his friend and it was then that he remembered Ava had a friend on the enemy side as well. Perhaps he had snuck into the crowd as well.

After what felt like a small eternity, they were finally reaching the shrine and approaching the alter together. The ceremony began as they knelt down. Prayers were offered over the couple as their friends and family watched. The first of the three cups of sake was poured and handed to Keiji. He took his three sips before passing the cup to Ava.

She casually brushed her fingers over his as she took the cup and the couple shared a smile. Keiji couldn’t believe his luck or how much having Ava at his side like this made him so happy. Damn if this wasn’t the best day of his life.

Once they had finished with the three cups of sake, he was then reading the vows of commitment and together they placed the offering together. The ceremony came to a close and Keiji couldn’t help but to think of the conversation he and Ava had had about wedding traditions from her time.

He looked at her a big grin on his face. “Keiji…” She said his name so quietly.

“I get to kiss my bride now, right?” He asked before taking her in his arms and planting a big kiss on her lips, sealing their vows.

When they broke apart, Ava’s cheeks were as red as her dress. He loved every reaction he got out of her. Damn if he didn’t love her. And for some reason, this beautiful ray of sunshine of a woman loved him back. And she was now his wife. “I love you, Ava.” He told her.

“I love you, Keiji.” She replied, smiling despite her blushing cheeks.

Yeah, this is the happiest day of my life. Keiji thought as he looked at the woman he loved. For once, things were finally truly looking up and Keiji was truly happy.

Whimsey’s Story Event “I Do, My Love!”- Keiji Pt 1- The Proposal

Time for the opening act of Keiji’s wedding story event! I was having a harder time with this one than I thought, but thanks to some help from my dear friend @creativem1 for helping me through and bounce ideas, the following became possible! I hope you all enjoy!

I was walking through Azuchi’s market with one of my fellow seamstresses. We were purchasing some new sewing notions as well as on the hunt for some new fabric. We needed something for our latest order. It had to be something for some travelling performers.

“What kinds of fabrics do you think we should look for?” Mitsuki, my fellow seamstress asked me.

“Since it’s for a troupe of performers, I would think something bright and flashy.” I answered. “It really has to catch the audenience’s eye, even those who are way in the back of the crowd.”

Mitsuki nodded and then giggled. “I bet you can think of inspiration for that quite easily, Lady Ava.” She told me with a teasing tone.

My cheeks reddened as I knew what she meant. “Well…I mean…yeah, I was kind of thinking of Keiji’s clothes.” I admitted.

Mitsuki laughed once again. “There’s no shame in admitting you’re always thinking of your man.” She replied. “Of course, I take it this means you two are as hot and heavy as ever?”

My cheeks reddened further. “Yes, things are going great.” I admitted. My smile then took on a gentler touch as I thought about my love. Our love hadn’t started off eaasy and of course there was getting to know the REAL Keiji. The one no one else knew. The snarky, cynical, asshole…the man I loved.

Mitsuki’s smile seemed to gentle as well. “I can tell by that look on your face you’re really happy with him.”

I nodded. “Yes, I couldn’t imagine spending my life with anyone else.”

We continued on with our shopping, chatting all the while. We came to our favorite fabric merchant and were sorting through the bolts when the owner of the shop, a man named Tamashini, approached us. “Ah, Lady Ava I am pleased to see you here today.”

I smiled at him. “It’s always good to see you, Tamashini.”

“I was wondering if I could talk to you a moment. I have a proposal I think you’d be interested in.” He said.

“A what?” I asked.

“Please, just hear me out, my lady.” Tamashini said and then gave me his proposal. He then asked me to think it over for a few days before I gave him my answer.

“What do you think of Tamashini’s proposal, Lady Ava?” Mitsuki asked me, as we were walking through the castle gates.

“I…I honestly don’t know. I’m flattered to say the least.” I replied. “He did give me a lot to think about.”

“It was definitely a lot.” Mitsuki agreed.

We were soon making our way back to the room we worked in with the other seamstresses. We all got to work and yet of course, Mitsuki had to tell the other girls all about my proposal from Tamashini. What I was truly unaware of, was that the walls of Azuchi castle seemed to have ears and word or my proposal would be getting around very quickly.


Keiji was returning to training the new recruits after they’d all taken a short break. While they had resumed their training though, Keiji couldn’t help but to notice the looks the new recruits were giving him. Nor could he miss the sounds of their whispers amongst themselves, though exactly what they were saying, he couldn’t quite tell.

It was frankly starting to get on his last damn nerve. Though he knee he had to get what was going on out of them the wild child way. Only Ava knew who he really was…well and he’d started letting his real personality slip in once in a while with the other Oda warlords…he wasn’t about to in front of these guys though.

He turned to one of the new recruits, aiming his practice staff at him. “Alright, come on.” He said. “You guys wanna fill me in on this secret y'all are whispering about? Got some hot new gossip going around the castle?”

The guys looked at him, their eyes wide. They were all silent.

Keiji gave them a signature wild child smile. “Come on, I’m a fun guy. I love to hear what’s new as much as the next guy. Or do I need to kick your butt for it?”

The recuits shook their heads. Then the one he was pointing his staff at spoke up. “It’s just…we heard something…something about Lady Ava…and well…we know she’s your girl and all…”

“What are you talking about?” Keiji asked.

“Well…uh we heard…that while she was in town today she received a marriage proposal from one of the fabric merchants in town!”

“Yeah, and we heard that before she could tell him anything, he was making her offers of her always being free to work with whatever fabrics she wanted…and that he wanted her to take a few days to think about it before she gave him an answer.” Another one confessed.

“And…she agreed to think about it.” Another recruit explained.

A swirl of emotions went through Keiji at that moment. He wasn’t really the jealous type. Hell he knew Ieyasu was clearly in love with Ava, but he never got into a snit when they spent time together. He had to admit though, the idea of another man actually prposing marriage to Ava…he didn’t like. Of course her agreeing to think about it…THAT was the part that got to him. She probably agreed so she could think of a way to turn him down. He thought to himself, working to calm the storm of emotions.

It was at this moment, Keiji remembered that the trainees were still around. He heaved an internal sigh and then let out a long and loud laugh. “HAHA! You guys. Rumors are just that ya know. Besides, even if she did agree to think about it, it was probably just trying to think of a nice way to turn him down.” Keiji said. “Now come on and let’s get back to training.”

While Kaiji trained the recruits, he couldn’t help but to keep thinking of Ava. He knew how she felt about him. He knew how he felt about her. She was his opposite in so many ways and yet she complimented him so well. She was the true ray of sunshine in his life. But then that made him wonder…could even someone as wonderful as her ever get tired of him and his cynical ways?

Before long, Keiji was calling an end to the training. He knew Ava would still be working with the seamstresses for a while longer. They had just gotten in a rather large order and they would be working hard to finish it. He made his way out to the garden to sit and think for a moment.

“I know she’s going to turn this guy down, but…would she think I’m a real jerk for not proposing yet?” He pondered aloud. “I mean…it’s not like I haven’t been thinking about it…and clearly she’s a beautiful woman with options…and still she’s picked me…at least so far.”

Keiji sat, thinking for a long time. Ever since he’d fallen in love with Ava, he’d been the happiest he’d ever been. Yeah, he was still a bitter cynic, but damn if he didn’t love her sunshine. Damn if she didn’t bring a real smile to his face and make his heart race. And damn if he didn’t want that to last forever.

“That’s it.” He said with a determined look on his face. “I’ve got to make her mine…officially…but I have to do it right…and I really have to make it sweet. She deserves that.” He thought for a moment more and decided he would seek out help.

Of course, he came to regret asking for help as soon as he did. He’d meant to just seek out Hideyoshi, being that the man was known for his popularity with the ladies and was really good at planning romantic surprises. Though it wasn’t Hideyoshi who had made him regret asking for help. It was that silver kitsune, Mitshide. He’d been lying in wait and practically pounced.

Masamune and even Nobunaga had found their way into the conversation as well. Though it was because EVERYONE had heard the rumor of Ava’s proposal from the fabric merchant. They all wanted to know what Keiji’s plan of action was. How he planned to fix this and keep Ava from leaving him for a potential better match. When he’d told them he wanted to plan a romantic proposal for Ava, they all agreed to help him set it up…of course Mitsuhide had given him the idea that he needed to practice the proposal.

Hideyoshi had reluctantly agreed with Mitshide. “I hate to say it, but I think Mitsuhde is right in this case…especially knowing how your REALLY are. You really don’t want to mess this up.”

“I guess I don't…but how can I practice?” Keiji asked.

That was when Mitsuhide’s signature silver grin appeared across his face. “Why with some help of course.”

Keiji had a very uneasy feeling about this, but nodded. “Alright…I guess.”


I was walking through the halls, looking for Keiji. He wasn’t in the training hall as I had expected. Though one of the maids did tell me she thought he had gone to the council room with the other warlords. I figured if they were in the middle of council, I would show up with some tea and snakc to try and relieve any stress.

Once I had gotten the snack, I made my way to the council room. Of course, what I found when I got there…well I wasn’t prepared for it at all. I gasped as soon as I walked in. All eyes turned to me. Keiji looked instantly chagrined. Of course, I could understand why.

Keiji was down on one knee in front of Mitsunari, who was sitting with a book in hand and had a mop head on top of his head as if it were a wig and a couple of small mellons strapped to his chest. “W-what in the world is going on here?” I asked.

“Uh…” Keiji was looking for a way to explain.

“Really, we could all be asking you the same thing, Fireball.” Nobunaga replied.

“This truly did come about from you, little mouse.” Mitsuhide agreed.

I looked at them all. “What do you mean?” I asked.

“Entertaining a marriage proposal from another man.” Masamune answered with a chuckle. “Of course, you are cute enough I’m surprised someone else hasn’t tried to snatch you up before.”

My eyes widened for a moment. “A marriage proposal? I don’t remember getting one of those today.”

Keiji seemed to have recovered from his embarrassment and was coming over to me. “What are you talking about? It’s all anyone in the castle is talking about. Said a fabric merchant proposed to you. Said he asked you to think about it and you told him you would think on it.”

It all clicked into place then and I instantly started laughing. I couldn’t contain the laughter and was almost crying I was laughing so hard.

“Hey, what’s so funny?” Keiji asked.

I composed myself as best as I could and then took a breath. “Just that I can’t believe your cynical ass even believe that I would entertain a marriage proposal from another man.” I answered. “I did receive a proposal from Tamashini…a business proposal.”

Keiji blinked. “Business?”

“Yes, he asked me if I would start coming to his shop to do commissions from there.” I answered.

Keiji blinked and then was slapping his hand to his forehead. “I should have known better.”

I smiled at him. “Yes, you should have. Even your cybical ass can’t doubt me.” I told him.

Nobunaga was chuckling in amusement, while Masamune and Mitshide were doubled over laughing. Hideyoshi was letting out a sigh. Poor Mitsunari was still oblivious to it all…and still looking utterly ridiculous.

“You know, that misundrstanding still doesn’t explain why you were kneeling in front of Mitsunari or why he’s dressed like that.” I pointed out.

Keiji was taking my hand then. “Come on..I’ll tell you when we get home.” We were then exiting the castle and making our way back to his manor.

I had an amused smile on my face as I looked at my lover. “Well, come on. What was going on?”

Keiji sighed. “It was Mitsuhide’s idea.” He explained. “I was…practicing…rehearsing.”

“Rehearsing what? And why?” I asked.

“I didn’t want to sound like a dick when I asked you to marry me.” Keiji answered.

My breath caught in my throat for a moment and my eyes widened. “You…were going to ask me to marry you?”

“Yeah.” Keiji answered. He was then looking at me his cheeks slightly pink in embarrassment. “I know…I know that we cleared up that misunderstanding with that rumor about the proposal from the merchant and all…but it just got me thinking…about how much you mean to me and how I don’t ever want to lose you. And I do want you by my side…for the rest of my life.”


Keiji was then taking both of my hands in his. “Ava, I love you and you’re the best thing to happen to this cynical asshole in a long time. You’ve seen through the mask and still loved me anyways…will you marry me?”

“Yes!” I sqealed, throwing my arms around him and stretching up to press my lips to his.

Those strong arms tightened around me and pulled me close, as Keiji returned my kiss. I couldn’t wait to spend the rest of my life with him.

Whimsey’s Story Event! “I Do, My Love!” - Kennyo- Epilogue

Ten years after our wedding, I was going through the halls of the temple, doing some sweeping and dusting. I was just taking a break for a moment to wipe the sweat from my brow when I heard that familiar deep voice coming from behind me.

“Ranmaru and the disiples were right.”

I turned to Kennyo and smiled. “Right about what?”

“That my dear wife was working when she’s supposed to be resting.” He answered. “The midwife has said you should be staying off of your feet more.”

“She’s said that every time and every time I have continued as I always do and everything is just fine.” I remarked. “Besides, I know my body and I listen to it, taking breaks when I need to.”

Kennyo sighed and shook his head as he came over to me, placing a large hand over my swollen belly. “It wouldn’t hurt you to slow down just a bit.” He reminded me. “At least be finished for the day and come join me in the garden for some tea…I also stopped at that bakery in town and picked up your favorite sweets.”

“Well…I mean if you went through the trouble of getting my favorite sweets…” I replied. “And I guess it would be nice to sit down and enjoy some tea together.”

Kennyo’s warm smile lit his face as he took my hand. We made our way out to the garden, where the tea and sweets were already waiting for us. Kennyo was helping me to sit down before sitting down beside me.

“How was your trip into town?” I asked.

“It went well. Everyone is doing wonderful. They also send well wishes for your health and the baby’s.” He answered.

I couldn’t help the smile that came to my face. “That must be why I have continued to be just fine. I have so many people wishing for my health.”

Kennyo chuckled. He was about to say something else when we heard the familiar running steps. Then the familiar high pitched voice. “Mama! Papa!”

We both turned as our daughter, Anzu came running up to us tears streaming down her face. I opened my arms as she came to me. “What’s the matter, my little love?” I asked her.

“It's…Hiro and Soji…they…” She began, trying to get whatever out between sobs.

It was then we heard the familiar stomping run of two pairs of slightly larger feet. “Mom…before she says anything…you have to listen to us!” Hiro, our eldest son said.

“Yeah, Anzu was totally asking for it!” Soji agreed.

Hiro glared at Soji and smacked him on the arm. “Way to go, doofus.”

Kennyo and I shared a look. “What happened?” I asked.

Hiro and Soji both clammed up at that moment.

“They told me that when the new baby gets here…that I have to go away! They said all of your love would go to the new baby and you wouldn’t need or want me around anymore.” Anzu exclaimed before bursting into tears.

I tightened my arms around her. “Oh sweet girl, nothing could be farther from the truth.” I assured her. “Your big brothers were playing a little prank on you…a mean one.” I added this last part giving my boys the side eye.

“Your mother is right.” Kennyo assured Anzu, reaching his hand over to stroke her silky dark locks taht were just like his. “We will never stop loving you.”

“You are our daughter and nohing will ever change our love for you.” I agreed. “Just as nothing will ever change our love for your brothers. Do you think Mama and Papa stopped loving Hiro when Soji was born? Or stopped love Soji when you were born?”

Anzu sniffed. “Well…no…but don’t you only have so much love to go around?”

Kennyo was reaching for Anzu and pulling her till she was sitting in his lap. “My sweet one, that’s the thing about love. It doesn’t shrink as we bring more people into the world and our lives, it only grows.”

“That’s right.” I agreed.

“How…how does love grow?” Hiro asked.

I scooted over and patted the places on either side of me. “Come and we’ll tell you.”

Hiro and Soji came over and sat on either side of me. I placed my arms around them and hugged them.

“You see, our family started out with just your mama and I.” Kennyo said, looking at me with a tender smile. “Our love was just the two of us. And then we had you, Hiro.” He was then turning to Hiro. “And our family and our love grew.”

“And then it grew again, when we had you, Soji.” I added.

“And again when we had you, Anzu.” Kennyo continued. “And so, our love will only grow once again with this new baby.”

“And the love grows even bigger because, despite how you three act sometimes, you love each other.” I added.

“I don’t know. I don’t even really like them right now, Mama.” Anzu said.

“You’re upset with them because they hurt your feelings with that mean joke?” I asked.

Anzu nodded.

“That doesn’t mean you don’t love them or that in their own way they don’t love you.” I explained. “Though you two really could stand to be a little kinder to your sister.”

“Yes, you all should look out for each other.” Kennyo said. “Protect each other.”

Hiro and Soji nodded. “Right.”

Hiro was then looking at Anzu. “I’m really sorry we played that joke on you. It wasn’t nice.”

“Yeah, we won’t do it again.” Soji agreed. “Sorry, Anzu.”

“I guess I forgive you guys.” Anzu replied.

“Let’ go play in the garden together.” Hiro suggested.

“Yeah, we can play tag!” Soji agreed.

“Alright!” Anzu said, happily jumping from Kennyo’s lap. She gave us both a quick hug before leaning down to my belly. “I love you…and I hope you’re a little sister. Then I’ll have someone on my side!”

Kennyo and I laughed as we watched our oldest three children run off, playing together, their squabble soon forgotten. Childish joy and giggles filled the air.

Kennyo scooted closer to me and wrapped his arm around me. I leaned into him as we watched our children. Kennyo placed his other hand over my belly. “Ava, my love, thank you.” He said.

“For what?” I asked.

“For loving me and giving me these amazing gifts that are our children. My days are filled with joy and laughter thanks to you and our love.”

I felt tears begin to sting at my eyes at these sweet words. “I can’t take all of the credit. Though I have the hard part, these children are here because of the both of us. Because of our love for each other. Because you opened your heart to me.”

We were soon sharing a kiss…much to the chagrin of our children. “Ew! Mom and Dad are kissing again!” Soji exclaimed.

“Yuck.” Hiro agreed.

“Yeah, gross.” Anzu agreed.

Kennyo and I laughed and shook our heads at their reactions. But these were the peaceful days. Our life was beautiful and filled with so much love and happiness. I knew it would go on forever.

Whimsey’s Story Event! “I Do, My Love!” -Kennyo Pt 3- The Wedding Night

18+ NSFW content in this installment

After the ceremony, we had a beautiful reception banquet, choosing to hold that out in the garden as well. We’d decided to have a giant picnic for everyone, enjoying the sunlight fresh spring air. Masamune had made all the food, spending all morning leading up to the wedding in the kitchen. He had insisted, saying that he wasn’t about to let anyone else feed me for my wedding.

Sasuke, with some help from Yoshimoto and Keiji had managed to hire a band that played music for all of us to enjoy during the party. It was beautiful and perfect. Everyone who was a part of our lives had contributed to our special day in some way. It also gave me hope that we could see true peace someday. As everyone had been able to set aside their differenes for this one day.

“You seem to be quite happy, my love.” Kennyo said to me, that kind, warm smile on his face.

I returned his smile. “How could I not be? I just got to marry the love of my life and now we are celebrating with all of the people who are closest to us.”

Kennyo’s cheeks reddened ever so slightly, but he continued to smile. “I am truly blessed to have you by my side, Ava.” He said, leaning in to kiss my cheek.

“I feel just as blessed to have you at my side, Kennyo.”

“I hope that I will always be able to keep you so happy.” He replied.

Before I could say anything, Ranmaru was standing up. “Alright, I think it’s time everyone!” He announced.

Kennyo and I both looked up at Ranmaru, confused. This was not something we had planned. “Time for what?” Kennyo asked.

“The special gift we all came up with for the both of you!” Ranmaru answered, smiling brightly.

“Awe, you guys didn’t have to get us anything. Just everyone being here to celebrate with us is gift enough.” I said.

“Yes, we couldn’t possibly ask for more.” Kennyo replied.

“Learn to take a much deserved gift, my friend.” Shingen said, looking at Kennyo.

“We had to make sure there was a proper gift for our little mouse.” Mitsuhide said, looking at me.

“Alright, now stop with the teasing. We have to let them know and send them off.” Ranmaru said. He then turned to us once again. “We all know you weren’t planning on going on a honeymoon, but we all agreed that you guys should have a little vacation.”

“But we still have many things to attend to here.” Kennyo said.

“Yes, and having the one day was enough.” I added.

“Nonsense.” Ranmaru replied. “So, we all decided to set you guys up for a little hot spring vacation at the inn in town!”

“Yes, we all decided you deserved something nice and relaxing.” Shingen said. “Your room is reserved for three days.”

“And if you two want to make it there before nightfall, you should be leaving now.” Mitsuhide informed us.

“But…we didn’t pack anything.” I protested.

“And that’s really too much.” Kennyo added.

“It’s not too much!” Ranmaru countered.

“And we’ve already had things delivered to your room for you.” Nobunaga said, wearing that haughty smile of his.

“You two should be going and enjoying your honeymoon.” Hideyoshi agreed.

“Yes, do get started on some children.” Mitsuhide said with a grin.

“We have a bet going on just how soon before we hear news that you’re with child.” Masamune teased.

I felt my cheeks redden. “Y-you…you guys!”

Kennyo coughed and looked away, his cheeks also turning red.

“Alright, now get going!” Ranmaru declared.

We were soon being pushed from our wedding reception. As we were at the edge of the temple grounds, Ranmaru leaned in and whispered in my ear, “Oh, and Lady Ava, this onsen allows mixed bathing.” He then gave me a cheeky grin as he and the others practically shoved us out.

We made our way through the forest and into town, our hands twined. When we arrived at the inn, we were led to our room, which had everything ready for us. Ranmaru and the others really had thought of everything and sent anything we would be needing for our stay. The inn was also arranged around the hot springs. There were larger more public ones and then there were a few smaller ones that had room built off of them, for privacy. We had one of the private baths.

“Wow, this is all so nice.” I said as I looked around the room. A large comfy-looking futon was laid out for us along with some fruit and what appeared to be some wine.

“It appears they went all out for us.” Kennyo agreed. “We should make sure we enjoy ourselves to the fullest.” He was coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around me, hugging me.

I smiled as I leaned into his embrace. It was then that I remembered Ranamru’s cheeky comment about the baths. I turned around in Kennyo’s arms and wrapped my own around him. “Maybe…we should start with a nice bath?” I suggested, feeling my cheeks burning.

Kennyo looked at me surprised a moment and then smiled. “Were you thinking we should bathe together?” He asked.

“I mean…it IS our wedding night.” I replied, before burying my face in his broad chest.

A warm chuckle rumbled in his chest. He was then kissing the top of my head. “Then come, my dearest wife.”

I felt my heart melting once again at him calling me his wife. Ah! We really are married! I squealed internally. I couldn’t be happier. “Alright, my dear husband.”

Kennyo’s breath seemed to catch for a moment and then he was coaxing my gaze back up to his, bringing my lips to meet his for a sweet kiss.

It wasn’t much later that we had made our way out to the private open air bath, shedding our yukata before climbing in and sinking into the hot water together. Kennyo placed his arm around me as we sat next to each other and I leaned my head on his shoulder.

“I don’t think I told you just how beautiful you looked today in your wedding dress.” Kennyo told me. “And I’m glad we kept it a surprise until the ceremony.”

I smiled up at him. “I’m glad we kept it a surprise, too.” I told him. “And you looked even more handsome than I imagined in your kimono I made.”

“I was stunned when you first walked out.” He confessed. “It took me a moment to believe that you truly were there as my bride and not for someone else.”

“Oh, Kennyo…” I said, “You’re too sweet. And you deserve all of the love and happiness in the world.”

He smiled warmly at me. “And it is only your love and happiness I desire.”

I swear this man could melt me with his words. I stretched up and kissed him gently on the lips. “And you will have it for the rest of our lives.” I replied, as I pulled away. It was then that I noticed the slight red stain to his lips. “Oh, I guess I should be washing this makeup off. Let me get that for you.” I was grabbing a cloth and wetting it to wash the red lip paint that had rubbed off in our kiss.

Kennyo chuckled. “Then allow me to return the favor.” He was taking the wash cloth from me and ever so slowly and gently running it over my face, washing away the makeup I wore. I closed my eyes and leaned into the touch and feeling of the warmth. He soon finished and set the wash cloth aside. I opened my eyes as his large warm hand cupped my cheek.

Those dark eyes were looking at me with such tenderness, love, and desire. He was soon drawing me in until our lips were meeting once again. His strong arms wrapped around me as I wrapped my arms around him, our kiss quickly deepening into a more passionate hungry kiss, our tongues coming out to play. He slid those large hands over the curves of my body.

I pulled myself closer, not satisfied until I could feel his skin against mine under the water. I ran my hands over the broad plains of his chest. I could feel my body temperature rising with every kiss and touch we shared. We broke apart, both of us panting.

Kennyo smiled at me, his hand going to stroke my hair. “Perhaps we should continue this inside? I am afraid in the onsen you will get too hot and pass out.”

“That's…probably a good idea.” I agreed. “Definitely don’t want to pass out.”

Kennyo was then standing up and climbing out of the bath, turning to me to offer his hand. I placed my hand in his and allowed him to help pull me up and then out of the onsen. We dried off and loosly wrapped towels around ourselves as we walked back into our room. Kennyo slid the door shut behind us before immediately embracing me once again.

Our lips met and the towels fell away as we released our hold on them to hold onto each other. Kennyo’s hands were gently tracing over my body even as our kisses became hungier. It wasn’t long before I felt the soft futon cover at my back. I wasn’t even sure how we’d gotten here already, but I was more than happy for it.

Kennyo was hovering above me, looking at me with so much love and desire. “You’re so beautiful Ava.” He told me. “And I am truly blessed to get to call you my wife.”

“I still believe I am the blessed one to call you my husband.” I replied, as I wrapped my arms around his neck to pull him closer.

Kennyo’s warm smile was so close. He kissed me on the lips and then slowly trailed kisses down the side of my neck while he brought a calloused hand to my breast, kneading and massaging before taking and circling my nipple with his thumb.

“Ah…Kennyo…” I moaned at his touch.

“Am I being too rough, my love?” He asked, pulling back to look at me with tender concern.

I shook my head. “No…in fact…I want you…to touch me more.” I replied, looking at him through love-hazed eyes. Kennyo was always so gentle and reverent in his love for me.

He chuckled warmly before leaning back in, this time bringing those soft lips to my chest, kissing in the valley between my breasts before going to lavish each of them with affectionate attention. He slid a hand lower, fingertips tracing over the sensitive flesh of my hips. Each kiss, each caress sent new thrills through my body.

“Mmmm…Kennyo…” I moaned with both pleasure and frustration. Those attentive fingers weren’t going where I wanted them most. “More…please…”

“As you wish.” He whispered against my skin and slid his hand from my hip, his fingers finally slipping between my thighs, his thumb stroking that sensitive bud and sending a jolt of electricity through me.

“Ah…yes! Kennyo!” I cried out for the touch that I had been craving.

Kennyo continued to stroke me, eliciting more cries from me as he slowly slid two fingers inside my welcoming heat, stil keeping pace with his thumb. Wave after wave of please washed over me as he continued to work me until I was coming undone.

Kennyo placed gentle kisses over my trembling body as he withdrew his fingers only to reposition himself between my parted legs. “Are you ready, my love?”

“Yes…I want…all of you…my love.” I answered breathless. It was then that I felt him enter me. I let out another moan at the familiar stretch. I wrapped my arms around Kennyo clinging to him as he brought his arms around me, holding me close to his chest as he made love to me.

We shared many kisses and caresses as we clung to each other, Kennyo thrusting and my own hips bucking to meet his. “Ava…I…love you.” Kennyo’s deep voice was in my ear, his breath washing over my skin. “Being with you…sharing our lives and…our love…I will never tire of it. I am happy…to have you…as my…wife.”

“Awe…Kennyo…I love…you too.” I replied, my gaze meeting and holding his. “I never…want to…spend a day…without you…my love…my Kennyo…my husband.”

Our love, expressed in our words, and our bodies was soon taking us both to new highs in our pleasure. Soon, release came for both of us. Gasping out each other’s names as sweet paradise came to us.

Afterwards, we lay in the futon, cuddling close together. Kennyo’s strong arms held me even as I rested my head on his broad chest. I sighed contentedly. “Hmm…today really was the happiest day of my life.” I said, looking up at him.

Kennyo smiled at me. “I can think of one day when you might be even happier.”

“And what day is that?” I asked.

“When our first child is born.” He answered.

“You…you really want children?” I asked. “I mean to make a family with me?”

“I can think of nothing I’d rather do more.” He answered. “We don’t have to decide, now of course, if you are not ready…”

“Of course I want to have a family with you, Kennyo!” I declared with a bright smile. “I think you’ll be an amazing father. You’re already amazing with the children that come to the temple to study.”

“And you are equally good with those children. I think you will be an amazing mother…not to mention how adorable you will look pregnant.”

I smiled and blushed. “I don’t know about that…but I will be more than happy to start a family with you, Kennyo.”

“Then we should get started.” Kennyo replied with a roguish smile as he pushed me onto my back and came to hover over me once again.

I giggled as I wrapped my arms around him. “Yes, let’s get started.”

And so a long night of celebrating our love and trying for our family began.

You want to know what happens next? Stay tuned for a sweet epilog!

Whimsey’s Story Event! I do, My Love- Kennyo Pt. 2 The Wedding

After Kennyo’s oh so sweet and romantic proposal, our wedding preparations began. SInce the ceremony didn’t have to be religious, it actually gave us a lot of freedom to make it just about us and our love for each other and our desire to commit our lives to one another.

Kennyo was also being so very sweet with all of it, telling me he wanted the wedding to be everything I had ever dreamed of. “It’s not just about me.” I told him, as we sat with our friends who had become our unofficial planning committee. “It’s about both of us. We should make sure the wedding is the way you want, too.”

Kennyo gave me a warm smile. “Just the fact that you even want to dedicate your love and your life to me is more than enough.” Kennyo assured me.

“Kennyo…” I said, feeling so happy at his sweet words.

“Awe, there truly is nothing more beautiful than love.” Shingen said from his place across from us.

“Master Kennyo and Lady Ava are so great together.” Ranmaru agreed.

I felt my cheeks redden at the words from our friends. “You guys…”

“So, since this is going to be a wedding that reflects you guys, are you planning to follow some of the traditions from our…hometown?” Sasuke asked, looking at me.

“I was thinking of a few.” I answered smiling.

“That will be fun to see.” Ranmaru said, smiling brightly. “What kinds of things were you thinking?”

Kennyo and I had already discussed most of this stuff on our own. “Well, there were a few we decided we wanted to do. One of them is exchanging rings as an outward symbol of our commitment to each other.” I then went on to explain some of the other traditions. “Oh and one of the last traditions, Yoshimoto, I’m really going to need your help with in finding just the right fabrics, since you have such an eye for these kinds of things.”

Yoshimoto smiled. “I’d be more than happy to help you create your next masterpiece.” He said.

“So, you are making a wedding dress?” Sasuke asked, already knowing.

I nodded. “Yes.” I then turned to Yoshimoto. “I’ll show you the design when we go out shopping later.”

“Why not show me right now?” Yoshimoto asked.

“Because she has already forbidden me from seeing it until the wedding.” Kennyo answered. “Another tradition we will be following.”

“It’s bad luck for the groom to see the bride in her dress before the ceremony.” Sasuke said knowingly.

“I don’t believe in that.” I said. “But I like the idea of a surprise.”

“Does this mean you will be having a more Western style wedding?” Sasuke asked. “And would you be having anyone give you away?”

I laughed. “I suppose it will be a little more of a Western style.” I agreed. “But I don’t think I’ll be having anyone give me away. My father isn’t available for that after all.”

“Giving the bride away?” Shingen asked.

Sasuke gave a quick explanation of the tradition. Once he had finished the explanation, we heard a voice that I had not expected. At least not for a few more days when the official visit would be. “If anyone is to give the bride away, being that you are a princess of the Oda Forces, I shall gladly take that honor. You are my lucky charm after all.”

We all looked up, surprised. “Nobunaga?” I asked.

“What are you doing here, Devil?” Shingen asked, all mirth gone from his eyes.

“I have reached peace with Kennyo and his disiples.” Nobunaga explained. “And then of course, I received word of a wedding to take place between my lucky charm and the man she has chosen to live her life with.”

“This is a happy occasion.” Kennyo said to Shingen. Though I knew Kennyo still had a hard time dealing with Nobunaga, even knowing that Kicho had acted alone all those years ago and started everything…there had been a lot of hurt. I was proud of him for working so hard to move past that. “And this temple is neutral territory.”

Shingen sighed. “I suppose it would make sense for you to attend…nor would I want to cause problems for my friend or the beautiful goddess he is marrying.”

I looked up at Nobunaga. “But…you really want to give me away?” I asked him.

Nobunaga smirked. “It is only right.”

I was surprised by the touch of warmth I saw in those red eyes. There were times that I never understood the man, times I still didn’t but he could be surprisingly warm at times. “I would appreciate that.”

Nobunaga then came to join us. There was clearly still tension in the air, but as we all focused on discussing and planning the wedding, that tension slowly began to ease. It was nice that everyone could put aside their differences for the sake of mine and Kennyo’s wedding. I just hoped that this would continue and be the same on the day of our wedding…which would be in three months.

Three months later…

I stood in the spare room, looking in the mirror. Hideyoshi, Mitsuhide, and Yoshimoto had surprised me by helping me with my hair and makeup. Nothing too over the top, thankfully. I had honestly thought Yoshimoto would try going really grand and fancy, but he said that would detract from my natural beauty. He’d also said he didn’t want to take away from the masterpiece that was my dress.

With some help from some maids, I had managed to get my dress on. I had combined elements of a modern wedding dress and kimono to make something that was unique to me, but also still modest enough for the time period…and for becoming the wife of an abbot. Granted the monks had all already started referring to me as Abbess, but still…this would make it feel more official.

I smiled as I looked at my white dress, patterned with purple and gold flowers. My obi a solid purple, trimmed in gold, and a gold chord around the middle. I’m not sure how, but Nobunaga and Yoshimoto had managed to find lace for me in order to make a veil. I smiled as I looked at my reflection. As most young girls do, I had been dreaming about my wedding day for a long time. I never imagained it would be like this, and yet I couldn’t think of it being any other way.

“Ava, I’m coming in.”

I turned at the sound of the familiar voice and the door slid open. Nobunaga was walking in, dressed in his finest robes. He smiled at me. “I should have known you would have come up with such a creation. It is very fitting for you, Fireball.”

I could see the warmth in his eyes as he looked at me. “Thanks, Nobunaga.”

“Are you ready? It is almost time.” He asked me.

I nodded with a bright smile. “Yes.”

Nobunaga offered me his arm and I linked mine through his. We exited the room and began to head to the temple gardem, where we decided to hold the ceremony. All of the disiples were gathered, along with all of our friends…including all of the Oda forces and Shingen, Sasuke, and Yoshimoto.

I couldn’t help but to feel an added happiness at seeing all of these people who were enemies, putting that aside for the day. I knew it wasn’t easy for any of them, but they were doing this all for Kennyo and me. Of course, I couldn’t focus on the guests for too long.

Kennyo stood under the very tree he proposed to me under. He looked so handsome in the black kimono I had made for him, with a gold and purple sash. He smiled at me as I walked towards him on Nobunaga’s arm. Once we reached our makeshift alter, Nobunaga was releasing me and then placing my hand in Kennyo’s before taking his seat.

Kennyo and I stood facing each other and joined both of our hands and smiling. Given that this was just about us pledging our lives and our love to each other, we had agreed to write our own vows. Echanging those vows and rings.

“Ava,” Kennyo said my name, reverently as he began his vows, “you have given me so much. Far more than I deserved. You rescued me from myself and showed me that I was still a man. Your pure heart, your kindness, and your love are all gifts to me. Gifts that I treasure above all else. In return, I pledge to you my life and my love. I swear to love you every day and see to your health, safety, and happiness for the rest of my life.”

I could feel the happy tears stinging my eyes at how sweet his words were. I had not imagined just how beautiful his vows would be. Though it made sense, he was a wonderful orator. “How am I supposed to follow that?” I asked, giving him a smile. This also earned a chuckle from Kennyo and everyone in attendance.

“I am sure your words are beautiful.” He replied, giving my hands a squeeze.

I smiled at him and nodded. “Kennyo, you have shown me a love and kindness as I have never known. Even when you didn’t believe yourself kind, I always saw through to the kindness in your heart. I pledge my life and my love to you. I swear that I will love you every day and I will keep and protect that kind heart of yours and make sure you are happy for the rest of my life.”

Ranmaru was then approaching us and handing us the rings. They were simple wooden bands Shingen had carved for us. Inside the bands he had carved the characters for love, life, kindness, and joy. Kennyo took my left hand and slid the band on my ring finger. With trembling hands, I managed to slide his ring on his finger.

We stood looking at each other, smiling. Then from the crowd, Sasuke called out. “You may now kiss the bride!”

“Kiss the bride before I do!” Masamune called.

“Is kissing the bride a tradition? I’d like to participate in that.” Shingen said.

I felt my cheeks reddening, but Kennyo was smiling at me. He pulled me closer and soon our lips were meeting in a sweet kiss, sealing our wedding vows. When we broke apart, we were both smiling. “I love you, Kennyo.” I told him.

He smiled at me. “I love you, Ava…my wife.”

My heart soared at those words and my smile widened. “My husband.”
