#kennyo wedding event


Whimsey’s Story Event! “I Do, My Love!” - Kennyo- Epilogue

Ten years after our wedding, I was going through the halls of the temple, doing some sweeping and dusting. I was just taking a break for a moment to wipe the sweat from my brow when I heard that familiar deep voice coming from behind me.

“Ranmaru and the disiples were right.”

I turned to Kennyo and smiled. “Right about what?”

“That my dear wife was working when she’s supposed to be resting.” He answered. “The midwife has said you should be staying off of your feet more.”

“She’s said that every time and every time I have continued as I always do and everything is just fine.” I remarked. “Besides, I know my body and I listen to it, taking breaks when I need to.”

Kennyo sighed and shook his head as he came over to me, placing a large hand over my swollen belly. “It wouldn’t hurt you to slow down just a bit.” He reminded me. “At least be finished for the day and come join me in the garden for some tea…I also stopped at that bakery in town and picked up your favorite sweets.”

“Well…I mean if you went through the trouble of getting my favorite sweets…” I replied. “And I guess it would be nice to sit down and enjoy some tea together.”

Kennyo’s warm smile lit his face as he took my hand. We made our way out to the garden, where the tea and sweets were already waiting for us. Kennyo was helping me to sit down before sitting down beside me.

“How was your trip into town?” I asked.

“It went well. Everyone is doing wonderful. They also send well wishes for your health and the baby’s.” He answered.

I couldn’t help the smile that came to my face. “That must be why I have continued to be just fine. I have so many people wishing for my health.”

Kennyo chuckled. He was about to say something else when we heard the familiar running steps. Then the familiar high pitched voice. “Mama! Papa!”

We both turned as our daughter, Anzu came running up to us tears streaming down her face. I opened my arms as she came to me. “What’s the matter, my little love?” I asked her.

“It's…Hiro and Soji…they…” She began, trying to get whatever out between sobs.

It was then we heard the familiar stomping run of two pairs of slightly larger feet. “Mom…before she says anything…you have to listen to us!” Hiro, our eldest son said.

“Yeah, Anzu was totally asking for it!” Soji agreed.

Hiro glared at Soji and smacked him on the arm. “Way to go, doofus.”

Kennyo and I shared a look. “What happened?” I asked.

Hiro and Soji both clammed up at that moment.

“They told me that when the new baby gets here…that I have to go away! They said all of your love would go to the new baby and you wouldn’t need or want me around anymore.” Anzu exclaimed before bursting into tears.

I tightened my arms around her. “Oh sweet girl, nothing could be farther from the truth.” I assured her. “Your big brothers were playing a little prank on you…a mean one.” I added this last part giving my boys the side eye.

“Your mother is right.” Kennyo assured Anzu, reaching his hand over to stroke her silky dark locks taht were just like his. “We will never stop loving you.”

“You are our daughter and nohing will ever change our love for you.” I agreed. “Just as nothing will ever change our love for your brothers. Do you think Mama and Papa stopped loving Hiro when Soji was born? Or stopped love Soji when you were born?”

Anzu sniffed. “Well…no…but don’t you only have so much love to go around?”

Kennyo was reaching for Anzu and pulling her till she was sitting in his lap. “My sweet one, that’s the thing about love. It doesn’t shrink as we bring more people into the world and our lives, it only grows.”

“That’s right.” I agreed.

“How…how does love grow?” Hiro asked.

I scooted over and patted the places on either side of me. “Come and we’ll tell you.”

Hiro and Soji came over and sat on either side of me. I placed my arms around them and hugged them.

“You see, our family started out with just your mama and I.” Kennyo said, looking at me with a tender smile. “Our love was just the two of us. And then we had you, Hiro.” He was then turning to Hiro. “And our family and our love grew.”

“And then it grew again, when we had you, Soji.” I added.

“And again when we had you, Anzu.” Kennyo continued. “And so, our love will only grow once again with this new baby.”

“And the love grows even bigger because, despite how you three act sometimes, you love each other.” I added.

“I don’t know. I don’t even really like them right now, Mama.” Anzu said.

“You’re upset with them because they hurt your feelings with that mean joke?” I asked.

Anzu nodded.

“That doesn’t mean you don’t love them or that in their own way they don’t love you.” I explained. “Though you two really could stand to be a little kinder to your sister.”

“Yes, you all should look out for each other.” Kennyo said. “Protect each other.”

Hiro and Soji nodded. “Right.”

Hiro was then looking at Anzu. “I’m really sorry we played that joke on you. It wasn’t nice.”

“Yeah, we won’t do it again.” Soji agreed. “Sorry, Anzu.”

“I guess I forgive you guys.” Anzu replied.

“Let’ go play in the garden together.” Hiro suggested.

“Yeah, we can play tag!” Soji agreed.

“Alright!” Anzu said, happily jumping from Kennyo’s lap. She gave us both a quick hug before leaning down to my belly. “I love you…and I hope you’re a little sister. Then I’ll have someone on my side!”

Kennyo and I laughed as we watched our oldest three children run off, playing together, their squabble soon forgotten. Childish joy and giggles filled the air.

Kennyo scooted closer to me and wrapped his arm around me. I leaned into him as we watched our children. Kennyo placed his other hand over my belly. “Ava, my love, thank you.” He said.

“For what?” I asked.

“For loving me and giving me these amazing gifts that are our children. My days are filled with joy and laughter thanks to you and our love.”

I felt tears begin to sting at my eyes at these sweet words. “I can’t take all of the credit. Though I have the hard part, these children are here because of the both of us. Because of our love for each other. Because you opened your heart to me.”

We were soon sharing a kiss…much to the chagrin of our children. “Ew! Mom and Dad are kissing again!” Soji exclaimed.

“Yuck.” Hiro agreed.

“Yeah, gross.” Anzu agreed.

Kennyo and I laughed and shook our heads at their reactions. But these were the peaceful days. Our life was beautiful and filled with so much love and happiness. I knew it would go on forever.
