#kenton visser

Home for our Nov/Dec 2016 theme.–Kenton

Home for our Nov/Dec 2016 theme.


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Infinite Regress, 2016. Acrylic on panel, 6 x 24″.A visual musing of some philosophical ideas relate

Infinite Regress, 2016. Acrylic on panel, 6 x 24″.

A visual musing of some philosophical ideas related to the origin and governance of the universe. Namely, the Infinite monkey theorem,the chicken or the egg, and turtles all the way down.


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Legacy,2015. Ink and digital color.My final QDC illustration is a tribute to my favorite teachers, w

Legacy,2015. Ink and digital color.

My final QDC illustration is a tribute to my favorite teachers, who appear in the image as little drawing-within-a-drawing portraits. It’s been great to make work alongside my fellow collectivists, and since most of us met in school, it seemed appropriate to give credit to the people who taught me how to do what I do.

Thanks for sticking around with the Quick Draw Collective. I’ve been the only dude for all this time, and I really don’t know how they let me get away with it.


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