

(Namjoon x Reader) Oneshot, Established relationship, Family!au
Ft. side Sope and kids Seokjin Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook

Genre: (PG13) Fluff, Domestic, Kid Fic

Warnings: None!

WC: 1.4k

Description: Just an average day with your husband, kids, and best friends and their kids. 

A/N: The title sucks. I will (hopefully) revise it later lol. A last minute entry (a tad late, oops lol) for the @btscreatorscorner​ Secret Valentine event! My Valentine was @bluewhale52​ ! When asking about preferences, I got that she (I hope that’s right, I didn’t see any indication of pronouns but based on your works, I assumed :x Please tell me if I’m wrong, and I’ll adjust the fic to fit too!) is more hyung-line biased, particularly rap line. And loves their interactions with maknae line. So. KID FIC. I could have probably done a better job if it didn’t take me until literally last week to come up with this concept and that long to get around to finishing it lol. But I hope you still like it!

Also, this is a one-shot but I adore kid fics (despite this one being my first) so if anyone requests drabbles for these families, I am not opposed to writing more!


“Yoongi said they’re on their way,” your husband whispered to you as you.

“It should probably be safe to tell them now, right?” you suggested, referring to your twin five-year-olds who were currently playing a game of make-believe. What kind, was impossible to tell. The two communicated on a level that was too themfor you or anyone else to decipher.

You were scared of the day that they would speak in a secret language you would never be able to interpret—an inevitability rather than possibility.

“Yeah, probably,” Namjoon said somewhat hesitantly. “They’re only ten minutes away. Theoretically.”

You chuckled, thinking about the time when Jungkook refused to leave the car because he, for some unknown reason, insisted that he just had to bring ice cream to share with Jimin and Taehyung. Which had delayed the family’s arrival by half an hour and left you with toddlers who were too excited for their own good, resulting in even more chaos than usual.

Taking a deep breath, you mentally prepared yourself for the amount of excitement that was about to explode out of your children. You sat yourself on the floor next to where they were playing, Jimin not hesitating even a second to plop himself down in your lap without stopping their game at all. Your babies were very affectionate and you soaked in every second of it.

You kissed the crown of his head before giving them the news. “If I may interrupt you two for just a moment,” you began, and just like that all their attention was on you. They were so attentive, despite how lost in their own world they could become. “We’re going to be having company over tonight.”

“Is Kookie coming over?!” Taehyung yelled excitedly, dropping the doll he had been using as a prop.

“Yes, Kookie is coming over,” Namjoon said, crouching down next to you. “And so are Jinnie hyung and Uncle Hobi and Uncle Yoongi.”

Jimin jumped out of your lap to yell excitedly and jump around with his brother, an action that for sure would have lost you some health points if you hadn’t preemptively tilted your head backwards, having predicted the movement ahead of time.

You watched as your husband smiled fondly at the two. “You’d think it’s been months since they’ve seen him, rather than just days,” he said.

Your boys absolutely adored little Jungkook and always became excited whenever they’d get to see him. The two of you learned rather quickly that it was best to not say anything to them until the family was on their way to prevent them from anticipating too much and spending all their energy on excitement too early.

Yoongi and Hoseok have been close friends to you and Namjoon for the longest time. They attended your wedding—although they were still ignoring their feelings for each other at that time—and were your go-to babysitters when you needed someone in a pinch. Eventually, spending so much time with your precious boys gave them so much baby fever, they decided to adopt.

Although adopting a pair of brothers hadn’t been even remotely in their plans, they hadn’t stood a chance as soon as they met Seokjin and Jungkook. As soon as the couple met the two boys, they were all they could talk about. The orphanage was honest with them about the chances of the two brothers staying together being low because of their age gap and Seokjin had been so caring and protective toward his baby brother, they couldn’t stand to see them part.

A year and a half later, the two have blended seamlessly into all of your lives.

“Why don’t you both go pick out some toys to play with Jungkook?” you suggested, attempting to redirect their energy into something other than yelling and jumping.

Jimin gasped. “Yes, yes! Taetae, let’s get Kookie’s favorites! The cars and-”

“The dolls!” Taehyung finished. The two’s voices faded as they left down the hallway to their room.

You took the opportunity to continue working on dinner while Namjoon cleaned up the living area as much as he could. Although you knew there would be no judgement about toys being strewn around, you didn’t exactly want your friends to trip as soon as they walked in.

It wasn’t long before they arrived, the doorbell ringing through the house also summoning your five-year-olds to come running down the hall.

Namjoon and yourself each held onto one of your children so they could enter without any obstacles, but once they saw Jungkook being carried in Yoongi’s arms, they wriggled their way out of your grip to greet their best friend.

Luckily, they had (mostly) made it into the doorway by then. Your boys knew their manners well enough to make sure to say hello to everyone, but rushed through their greetings, clearly excited to play with Jungkook. The four-year-old had also managed to worm his way out of Yoongi’s hold as well, and it wasn’t long before the three little ones were making their way down the hall.

“It’s almost like they don’t love us anymore,” Hoseok pouted as he neatly placed his shoes by the door.

“You know they’ll come back to play with us later,” Yoongi shrugged off.

After your own greetings, you went back into the kitchen to finish making the food while the rest of the boys sat in the living room to chat. It wasn’t long before Seokjin appeared in the doorway, shuffling his feet and looking hesitant.

“Hey, Seokjin,” you greeted with a smile, walking towards the young teen. “Everything okay?”

“Yeah. I’m fine, Aunt Y/n.” He not-so-subtly glanced toward where you were cooking, but didn’t say anything, avoiding eye contact.

Something you learned very quickly about the boy was that he had trouble asking for things that he wanted. You never asked about his past family, not wanting to invade his privacy, but that didn’t stop you from wondering if something had happened to make him so shy. When he opened up, he was a firecracker and his smile could light up a room. But it always took him some time to get to that point.

“Would you like to help?”

He finally met your gaze, eyes wide and hopeful. “Can I?” he hesitantly asked.

“Of course you can, sweetie.”

Back in the living room, it sounded like the three young ones already got tired of playing by themselves and decided to include your husband and friends in their playtime as well. The happy squeals of Jungkook being picked up by Namjoon, who was unsurprisingly dubbed the giant monster, and the subsequent yells of your twins to ‘Give him back!’ and recruiting the other two for help put a smile on your face.

Seokjin didn’t play with the little ones too much, which had initially worried you. Even with the seven-to-eight year age gap, you’d expected him to want to try to engage with them a little more. It didn’t take all too long to learn that he was a little more subdued, preferred to watch over the chaos and only enter when invited, rather than be a part of it.

This wasn’t the first time he had an interest to help you out in the kitchen—Namjoon would help if he wasn’t banned due to his clumsiness—and the teen’s presence was incredibly welcome. He seemed very comfortable in this kind of environment, and it made your motherly side very satisfied to give him a place to feel that. He may not be yours necessarily, but Yoongi and Hoseok were family, so of course Seokjin was as well.

Dinner and the rest of the night went just as it usually was when everyone was together. Lots of chatting, laughing, and fake arguments. After, everyone gathered in the living room with even more laughter and the beautiful sounds of giggles and sound effects of the kids playing. Eventually, even Seokjin got dragged in and rightfully so was given a role of protecting Jungkook in whatever fantasy scenario the twins were cooking up this time.

Before you knew it, it had gotten pretty late. It wasn’t the first time that everyone ended up staying the night, time having gotten away from all of you. It didn’t matter—as far as you were all concerned, everyone here was family no matter where they came from. Everyone was here now, and that was what mattered.

Putting the kids to sleep with smiles on their faces, your stomach and heart full, you felt nothing in the world could make you happier.


A/N: Ugh I could have done that better, especially the ending XD But oh well, it is what it is lol. I tried not to make it super long because I need to stop doing that lol.

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(Namjoon x Reader) Oneshot, Established relationship, Family!au
Ft. side Sope and kids Seokjin Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook

Genre: (PG13) Fluff, Domestic, Kid Fic

Warnings: None!

WC: 1.4k

Description: Just an average day with your husband, kids, and best friends and their kids. 

A/N: The title sucks. I will (hopefully) revise it later lol. A last minute entry (a tad late, oops lol) for the @btscreatorscorner​ Secret Valentine event! My Valentine was @bluewhale52​ ! When asking about preferences, I got that she (I hope that’s right, I didn’t see any indication of pronouns but based on your works, I assumed :x Please tell me if I’m wrong, and I’ll adjust the fic to fit too!) is more hyung-line biased, particularly rap line. And loves their interactions with maknae line. So. KID FIC. I could have probably done a better job if it didn’t take me until literally last week to come up with this concept and that long to get around to finishing it lol. But I hope you still like it!

Also, this is a one-shot but I adore kid fics (despite this one being my first) so if anyone requests drabbles for these families, I am not opposed to writing more!


“Yoongi said they’re on their way,” your husband whispered to you as you.

“It should probably be safe to tell them now, right?” you suggested, referring to your twin five-year-olds who were currently playing a game of make-believe. What kind, was impossible to tell. The two communicated on a level that was too themfor you or anyone else to decipher.

You were scared of the day that they would speak in a secret language you would never be able to interpret—an inevitability rather than possibility.

“Yeah, probably,” Namjoon said somewhat hesitantly. “They’re only ten minutes away. Theoretically.”

You chuckled, thinking about the time when Jungkook refused to leave the car because he, for some unknown reason, insisted that he just had to bring ice cream to share with Jimin and Taehyung. Which had delayed the family’s arrival by half an hour and left you with toddlers who were too excited for their own good, resulting in even more chaos than usual.

Keep reading
