#kikyo is a bitch



June 13th, 2022 - Role Reversal

Song:Ashes by Celine Dion

Summary: A limited yet calculated body snatching incident.

Disclaimer: Here I am. Continuing on my trend of choosing the most random and incorrect interpretation of the prompt.


Letting out a shuddering breath, Inuyasha took an involuntary step back - his entire body trembling as the world crashed down on him. In the span of thirty seconds, Inuyasha made it through the first four stages of grief then circled back to experience all four at once. Well, save one. Kinda. There was no doubt in his mind that what was just admitted wasn’t true although part of his mind was desperately praying this was a cruel joke.

Because surely, surely the powers had better things to do than continue to find increasingly devastating ways to punish him for existing and execute the people who dare love him.

It would’ve been better for everyone if that arrow in his heart stillpinned his corpse to that tree. Better yet, he wished that at least one of the people who’d tried to kill him over the years had been successful. He’d even take being held prisoner and someone inflicting excruciating never ending torture at this point. Having a limb amputated. Getting his eyes gouged out or being mutilated in any number of ways. Anything other than this.


The woman who had stolen Kagome’s face sighed and held her hands up in surrender. She arrived mere minutes before announcing that there had been a ‘complication that needed addressing’. Inuyasha immediately knew something was wrong - his miko would never talk so formally- and was just about to start his interrogation when Kikyo made that unnecessary by admitting, out loud, that she was inhabiting Kagome’s body. The second that sound hit his ears his heart withered up and died. Yet again he was the reason Kagome got hurt. A catalyst for unimaginable suffering. He might as well have killed her himself…

A painful sounding gasp for air escaped him as he struggled to cope with the latest and most horrific thing that had ever happened in the history of shitty things. Every part of his being spasmed and despite his best efforts, his mind was splintering.


Trailing off when the half-demon furiously shook his head and seemed to be struggling to breathe, the formerly undead miko glanced anxiously around at the rest of the motley crew who seemed eager to kill her yet reluctant to do so.

“I-is she alive?” Inuyasha finally managed to choke out - his face pale and a cold sweat breaking out over his forehead, “O-or…”

“She is inhabiting my body. I did not put her there,” Kikyo offered slowly - feeling rather strange to use a voice that did not belong to her, “Please understand. She must not be allowed to come near us. I cannot control-“


This time it was the slayer who asked the question and the almost tangible venom chilled Kikyo’s borrowed blood.

“Our soul wants to reunite and become whole once more. It has always been this way,” she replied in as calm a tone as she could muster, “My hatred and determination allowed me to resist the urge. The unfinished business I held in what was lest in my heart enough to keep my soul-“

Inuyasha flinched and she amended.

“To keep the piece ofKagome’ssoul within my vessel. However, Kagome has no darkness in her heart. That purity-“

“She does,” Inuyasha managed to get out - just loud enough for the others to hear - as one hand reached up to dig into scalp, “B-because of me. This i-is my fault.”

“If true, then she has a chance,” Kikyo offered awkwardly yet in a seemingly reassuring manner, “But Inuyasha, anyone with eyes knows she loves you. I doubt that love tainted her in-“

No. No,” Inuyasha breathed painfully before shaking his head and looking desperately into the trees, “I n-need to find her. I gotta go. I s-should g-go.”

“I agree,” Kikyo offered before blushing and absently pulling at the obscenely short skirt, “But be warned. What you find may not be what you expect. That existence is strange.”

“If she c-can save me, I c-can save her,” Inuyasha breathed infinitely less confident than he felt as he began clumsily walking forward, “I n-need you guys to watch her body, o-okay?”

As his friends nodded, Inuyasha took off - his mind filled with static and panic frankly clouding his judgment.

This was all his fault. All his fault.

There weren’t words adequate to describe the sheer panic and despair coursing through Inuyasha’s veins as he raced through the trees. The cherry on top was naturally the all too familiar crushing guilt. The knowing that whatever was happening was entirely his fault. Kagome was dying and/or dead because he didn’t have the balls to end things with his cold undead bitch of an ex. His actions hadn’t been noble. If anything, his mindless devotion was straight up suicidalandpatheticallysad.

And now Kagome was the one paying the ultimate price for his failures. Probably, no definitely, alone and believing he wouldn’t even know it wasn’t her. Or worse, that he did know and went along with Kikyo’s sadistic plan because of aforementioned mindless devotion.

Sure, before now, abandoning Kikyo wasn’t even an option. Never once crossed his mind. They had a history and he had loved her. It wasn’t her fault that she was brought back in such an unnatural way and he thought there might be still time to save her. And…well, okay, so he hoped they could get back together. But that last bit was only for a little while and then, once the trauma subsided, he slowly realized that who he wanted to be with was Kagome. Which came with its own issues. Did he only like Kagome because she was Kikyo’s reincarnation? Should he take a chance on someone who was definitely going to leave - whether by choice or grand design? Was he really that pathetic that he fell for any woman who was nice to him? So many questions. Very few answers.

But one thing was certain. Clearer than ever even. He loved Kagome. He loved her. Whatever he thought he’d had with Kikyo paled in comparison. He’d come off relatively unscathed from how things ended with Kikyo. Traumatized, yes, and shamefully pathetic but he could still function. He was still largely okay. Could breathe.

If he lost Kagome…

Just thinking about that possibility made his heart start skipping beats and stole the oxygen straight from his lungs. The second Kagome died, he’d follow soon after. One way or another.

Catching the fading scent of graveyard soil, Inuyasha instantly changed direction and increased his speed. His heart pounding faster than his feet were hitting the ground.

The stupid bitch probably wasn’t even taking on souls so he’d have more time to find her and undo what had been done. Every second away from her made it infinitely more possible she’d die without ever even knowing

She probably thought he was in on this. That he’d wanted this. That he…

“Kagome!?” Inuyasha screamed desperately as he slid to a halt and glanced around the open clearing that reeked of graveyard soil. She was just here. He’d been so close but she left. She left

KAGOME?! Come back! I knowits you! Please come back to me! Please.Please?!”


Honestly? She should’ve seen this coming. Kikyo had had issues with her since the moment that cold undead bitch woke up in a false body. Up until now, Kagome had refrained from calling Kikyo names or being anything other than hurt by the situation but now? Look, it was one thing to try to kill her. Murder attempts and manipulated tactics she could handle. Those types of things were so commonplace that they almost were predictable at this point. But somehow switching bodies with her? Yeah. No. Too far Kikyo. Too far.

To be honest, Kagome didn’t even know what hurt her the most. That her consciousness had been rudely torn from her body or the fact that two days gone by without Inuyasha noticing. Their friends too seemed completely oblivious. Either Kikyo was the best actress in the world (doubtful) or her friends didn’t know her at all or, worst of all, they didn’t care.

What made all of this so much more mind boggling was that they were maybe a week out from the waterfall incident when she’d saved Kikyo on that fateful day. Stuffed to the brim with miasma, Kikyo would have crumpled into ash without that intervention. And Inuyasha…Inuyasha had actually stayed

Maybethat was the straw that broke Kikyo’s back. Inuyasha didn’t go to her. A sign that he’d actually moved on. Reality was that he was just trying to be overly nice because she maybe might have said she hated him and that impulsive outburst had hurt. It has just kinda slipped out after an emotional rollercoaster of a day. Kagome barely remembered saying it at all but she must have given Inuyasha’s behavior.

In any case, there were still some things in the newly undead miko’s control. Refusing to take in souls for one. While Kikyo might not have had a problem eating someone’s life force, it bothered Kagome immensely. After all, she was literally a reincarnation and the logical consequence of devouring a soul would be ending a chain of reincarnation. She couldn’t do it. Not today. Not ever.

And, of course, she could go wherever she wanted with speed her normal body could never match. She’d learned very quickly and very painfully what happened if she got too close to her former body. Even from relatively far away, Kikyo pulled on some invisible leash and tried to rip the soul piece straight out of her chest. 

She ran. As far and as fast as she could because if she was going to go out, she was going out on her ownterms. 


“There are only so many ways to tell the truth. This was notmy doing,” a very annoyed and aloof Kikyo sighed in her reincarnation’s voice, “What would I gain by doing so?”

“Oh let’s see, shall we? Second chance with Inuyasha? Destroy us from the inside? Oh, just to be evil?” Sango snapped bitterly - glancing up from sharpening her sword with a hateful glare, “Why should we believe anythingyou have to say?”

“If that is true, why would I inform you for the transference? There has been no deceit and I have not onceattempted to leave,” Kikyo huffed exasperatedly, “Much has changed. If youdo not believe me, that is yourissue.”

As the slayer continued letting out every bad thought she’d ever had where Kikyo was concerned, Miroku and Kaede sat together. Each of them deep in thought. It had been two days since a very panicked and heartbroken Inuyasha had rushed after Kagome. An action that should’ve garnered a negative and extreme reaction from the long dead Kikyo who honestly had been very cooperative. Given her rampaging and questionable decision making since her rebirth, this behavior did lend credence to her assertion that this was not her fault and her admission that she’d forgiven Inuyasha. Was willing to let him live with her reincarnation and would seek to hurt him no longer. ‘Twas the waterfall incident that changed her outlook. Allegedly, of course.

But the question still lingered. How was this possible?

“Did ye have any encounters with Naraku? Or one of his incarnations, perhaps?” Kaede finally spoke and somewhat startled by the calm tone, Kikyo glanced up at her sister.

“Not that I recall. That does not mean I have ruled him out as a suspect,” Kikyo offered quietly, “In fact, he is my primary one. Kagome will most likely allow my body to die whereas I am much more vulnerable in a mortal form. The miasma he exposed me to would have disintegrated human flesh.”

“True. And I doubt he would have expected you to admit outright you were not Kagome,” Miroku offered thoughtfully - his jaw setting then resetting, “There is also the added benefit that having to resolve this issue would cause a delay in our mission.”

Kikyo nodded once before looking down at the hands in her lap.

“Onigumo was in love with you,” Kaede commented with a bemused sigh as she got to her feet in a very elderly style, “Perhaps the second chance he wanted was to live with you as man and wife.”

Kikyo made a face that could only be described as disgust. Sango and Miroku exchanged a strange glance at the unexpected showing of emotion. Kikyo was notoriously stoic but this was a very visceral reaction. Maybe, just maybe, being in a clay body repressed her natural state of being. What that meant for Kagome they had no clue…

“That will neverhappen.”

“Then why did you team up with him before?” Sango snapped - still very much wanting to believe that Kikyo was the ultimate mastermind behind this horrible turn of events and disliking any suggestion that she was mistaken.

“Arrogance? Rage? Bitterness? Hatred?” Kikyo offered before sighing heavily and pushing the wild hair away from her face, “I could no more explain my state of mind than control the sun. That existence is strange…”

“And what about Inuyasha?” Sango challenged again - holding her sword out by the hilt as though daring the undead priestess to say the wrong thing, “What about him?”

“Inuyasha deserves…” Kikyo began before cutting herself off short and averting her eyes, “A great deal. Kagome…Kagome is worthy of him and therefore I am content.”

Scoffing in disgust, Sango lolled her head to give a skeptical glare at Miroku who seemed both unsure and yet hopeful. 

Worthyof him?” Kaede repeated.

Kikyo nodded - her eyes downcast while she played with her hands.

“Yes. Kagome loves him. Unconditionally. I would call that worthy,” she offered quietly, “And Inuyasha loves her, even if he refuses to acknowledge it. If I had not admitted outright that I was not my reincarnation, I have full faith that he would have realized quite quickly that something was wrong.”

Making a face, the undead priestess laughed softly, “His faith in his friends is also awe-inspiring. There was no doubt behind his agreement when you offered to protect this body.”

Sango huffed.

Wewouldneverbetray him,” she spat acidly, “Unlike somepeople we know.”

A sad smile and a nod of agreement.

“I am aware.”

A tense silence permeated the hut.

“There has to be some way to undo this. A key of some kind,” Miroku sighed heavily as he got to his feet and brushed himself off, “Perhaps Mushin will know more.”

“You want us to travelwith her?” Sango scoffed in disbelief, “Are you insane?”

Giving the slayer a patient look, Miroku adjusted the beads around his wrist and raised an eyebrow in silent challenge.

“Do you have any betterideas?”

“No but-”

“Then to Mushin’s temple we go.”


Kagura had to admit that Naraku’s latest plot was surprisingly fool proof. Playing into Inuyasha’s indecisiveness where the two mikos were involved, it would undoubtedly delay the group while also getting rid of the biggest threat to Naraku’s existence. Part of what made Kagome so formidable was the lack of darkness in her heart - save one infinitesimal stain - and Kikyo seemed to survive every attack thrown at her. By switching their consciousness, one or both would be destroyed. Inuyasha picks Kikyo? Kagome is eradicated from the world and the clay body is no more. Better yet, the misfit group of mercenaries become divided and broken since his friends’ would never forgive him. Those bastards on their own comprised much less of a threat individually and Naraku’s victory would be sealed. Inuyasha picks Kagome? Kikyo is eradicated from the world and the clay body is no more. Inuyasha is devastated and likely will drive everyone away out of guilt. Kagome’s soul would have been tainted by the exposure to evil and as a result, would become a less formidable opponent.

In short, Naraku comes out victorious on his side quest to punish the undead miko for not returning his creepy, disturbing feelings for her. After all, who wouldn’t want to be with Naraku? Other than every woman in all of existence.

That all being said, Kagura had to admit that the switching of bodies was an impressive feat. First of its  kind even. And with all the terms and conditions tagged on top of it? After everything Naraku had done to date, this might very well be his masterpiece.

Assuming, of course, that Inuyasha actually made a decision. Based on his track record and from what the wind sorceress knew of the parties involved, a satisfying victory seemed highly unlikely. If she had to guess, Kagome would end up starving herself to death and Kikyo would live to see another day before the half-demon had any say in the matter.

Not that it actually mattered. No matter whichway this went, Naraku won.


“Why are you here?” came a familiar voice with all the familiar acid but there was something different about those familiar eyes that hit something deep inside of the half-demon. It was the damnedest thing. Normally whenever he met with Kikyo, he felt hollow. Numb even. The echo of love he had once felt growing more faint with each meeting.

Butthese eyes? For the first time in the past four days, he could breathe again and relief washed over him in waves.

“I came for you.”

A condescending scoff.

Hate to break it to ya but-”

“Iknow who you are, Kagome. I’m not an idiot,” Inuyasha snapped a little desperately, “I’ve been looking for you everywhere! I came to bring youhome.”

That clay body went rigid as she slowly turned to face him.

“You know-“

“I promised I wouldn’t leave you again, didn’t I?” Inuyasha tried – his voice shaking as he uncharacteristically rubbed at his upper arm, “So…”

“Ican’t go back,” Kagome interrupted bluntly before a little anger and bitterness seeped into her voice, “Your little girlfriend tries to take my soul anytime I go near her.”

”Then I’ll stay with you,” Inuyasha countered – his eyes betraying his internal screaming, “I will. We can figure this out together. Just listen-“

“Why should I listen to anything you have to say? Haven’t you gotten what you wanted?” Kagome hissed acidly and with a very pronounced flinch, the anguish in Inuyasha’s gaze increased ten fold. The situation was escalating quickly and in the worst possible way. Maybe this was what Kikyo meant by her cryptic warning.

“No.Never. I-I-“

“From the day I met you, you’ve been her dog. Hers. Going on and on about how much you loved her. You always talked down to me. Insulted me. Told me I’d never compare to the great murderousbitch! She tried to kill me and you fucking stood there and did nothing! Don’t tell me this isn’t what you wanted!” Kagome snarled angrily and fighting against the urge to react with anger, Inuyasha’s eyebrows shot straight into his bangs at the accusation. And her language. Opening his mouth to respond but couldn’t find the oxygen to form words. Instead, he simply shook his head as he swallowed repeatedly and his mouth moved in an effort to find his voice.

“I w-want you. I n-needyou,” he finally managed - his voice strangely high pitched and faint, “Don’t you k-know that? I’d n-never wantthis.”

Setting her jaw, Kagome gave him a withering glare that made him feel very small and fragile.

“J-just let me stay,” he added barely above a whisper as he took a hesitant yet involuntary step forward, “I-I can’t-“

“Why would I let some half-breedhang around, huh?” Kagome snapped and Inuyasha flinched at the insult but took another step forward.

“Y-you go. I-I’ll follow. No m-matter how long-“

“Don’t waste your breath. I’m not your problem anymore. I’m not waiting around to…to eat people just to live another day,” Kagome spat hatefully - feeling more alive seeing him in painthan she had in the past two days.

“You’re really not taking in souls?” Inuyasha breathed anxiously – fear blossoming behind his eyes, “But…but you’ll die.”

Alreadydead.Thanks for noticing,” Kagome snapped before spinning on her heel and preparing to march off. It was strange how the only emotions she could feel anymore were negative ones she usually ignored. Every ounce of hate, bitterness, rage, or depression coming out to play. There wasn’t even any pity for the broken looking man standing in front of her. No love or affection or anything she normally felt.

And when she fought against the negativity…

Just emptiness…

“Stop.Please?” Inuyasha managed to choke out when Kagome turned to leave – his feet moving on their own accord with his hand outstretched, “I-I…I won’t make you take in souls. I won’t. But don’t leave me.”

Kagome paused and tried to take a calming breath only to be reminded she didn’t breatheanymore.

“I have no-“

“I-I can’t do this without you,” he interrupted miserably as he continued stumbling forward, “We can fix this and…and…”

“Oh-ho you can do this without me. Have your pretty little body snatcher find the jewel-“

It was that comment that bubbled his pain and rage to the point where words finallyandthankfullycame.

JUST SHUT UP!” Inuyasha screamed –every bit of pain he’d managed to stomp down making the sound chilling, “DON’T YOU GET IT?! DAMMITI NEED YOU!  YOU’RE EVERYTHING TO ME! FROM SUN UP TO SUN DOWN, ALL I THINK ABOUT IS YOU ANYMORE! I FUCKING LOVE YOU! YOU HEAR ME?! I LOVE…”

Mere seconds after Inuyasha verbalized his love, several things happened in quick succession. The remaining souls burst free. Kagome crumpled to her knees. Numerous cracks appeared and the clay vessel began crumpling to ash.


No amount of screams, however ardent, could stop the horrifying sight. There wasn’t even time to properly react although there was plenty of anguish behind the two pairs of eyes.  

A choked strangled sound escaped him as he shakily made his way over to the pile where the false body had once been before kneeling down and mindlessly collecting the ash into his hands. The dust cascaded through his fingers like water through a sieve.

“C-come b-back,” Inuyasha managed in between great heaving sobs – the sounds of his heart shattering making the world around him go still, “P-Please. I…I…I’ll f-f-fix t-this…I-I can’t…”


The rain pooled in small puddles around his body but Inuyasha didn’t have the desire to move. So, he remained where he’d been for the last two days – laying on his side in a fetal position unwilling to leave the last place Kagome had been. Moving would mean he had decided to keep living and, at the moment, he wasn’t sure he wanted to. Seemed like anytime he got involved in someone’s life they came off worse for it. Mother. Kikyo…


A choked sob escaped him as his legs drew up and he pressed his clasped hands against his chest. There was hardly anything in between them anymore and he knew it, but he didn’t dare confirm that fact visually. He’d had such dreams and hopes for the future. Plans even. Not that he ever told her what he wanted. Up until the moment she left this world, Kagome thought he loved Kikyo. If he had one regret, it was that he never

Maybe it was the fact that he’d admitted he loved her out loud that killed her. Based on his experience, that logic followed. Every god damn time he loved someone they wound up dead. Usually, it was his fault too. Mother got sick but no one gave her medicine because she’d birthed a half-breed. Kikyo got murdered in some convolved plot because how dare she love him. Kagome

A painful sounding whine escaped him as he turned his face onto the ground where she’d once stood. With devastating ease, he could almost hear her voice telling him it was okay. Smell her comforting scent. Feel her hands brushing the hair away from his face.

Amber eyes sluggishly blinked open upon the realization that someone was petting his face and talking to him above the torrential rain.

“F-fuckoff Kikyo,” Inuyasha managed to choke out as he rolled away from the face that should’ve belonged to the woman he loved, “Y-you w-won. L-leave me a-alone…”

A heavily sigh before the most unwanted action in the world occurred. The bitch straight up laid down next to him and wrapped her arms around his chest.

“G-getoff me,” Inuyasha half-sobbed – rolling again and lashing out with his foot. A foot that blindly and thankfully missed its target. It was then and only then that Inuyasha heard an awkward cough which brought his mind to a screeching halt.

Hazy amber eyes blinked away the rain and tears as they searched the girl’s face for some sign that all hope wasn’t lost. Was it fucked up that he didn’t even care that Kikyo would be gone if Kagome was back in her body? That was fucked up, right? Unfortunately, Inuyasha didn’t have the energy to sort through that strange reaction or even what he was seeing.

Because it was very clearly Kagome behind those mournful sapphire eyes – the love and affection and sympathy allher.

A heart wrenching sob tinged with hope and longing escaped at the sight.

“‘Gome?” Inuyasha whined miserably – his hands pressing together tightly just over his heart, “C-can’t b-be…”

“Then question me until you’re sure ,” the woman murmured – her hand reaching out to gently stroke his cheek. The feel of her skin was heavenly, and any will Inuyasha had to push those fingers away was vanquished. If it was her, a small part of him hoped she’d mistake the tears running down his cheeks for rain.

Slowly shaking his head, Inuyasha leaned into her touch and tried to find the will to keep living. Maybe he was already dead and this was the afterlife where she had been waiting for him…

But her waiting for him meant that she hadn’t died hating him. In the end, she hated him and had every right to feel that way. This wasn’t real. Couldn’t be real.

A pathetic whine lodged in his throat.

“I’m sorry for what I said, okay?” the most soothing voice offered quietly - her hand gently pushing his damp bangs off his face before returning to gently stroke his cheek, “I’m so sorry. I love you so, so much. You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me. Don’t you believe one thing I said. You understand?”

Jaw trembling, Inuyasha sluggishly shook his head. This had to be a trick. Kagome was gone because he had been too weak. Because he had failed her in every possible way. On everyfront.

Why wouldn’t a heart stop beating when you wanted it to?

“I l-loved h-her,” he whispered brokenly– his voice hoarse and despairing, “And s-she hated me.”

It was a strange statement to make given the circumstance but it was the only thing he could think to say.

“No. No I have never hated you,” the painful voice whispered, “I love you. So much.”

Watery amber yes opened slowly - agony and grief swirling in their depths.

“Y-you can’t be h-her. S’gone. I-I c-can’t…” he countered miserably - his face crumpling as he looked at her face but refused to meet her eyes.

“I know it seems that way but why don’t I tell you some things that might help?” Kagome offered before running the back of her hand across his cheek. Inuyasha’s face crumpled as he gave a single weak, jerky nod.

“One time you stole a ball off the court during gym class…”

Inuyasha let out a strange sob as he finally raised his gaze to meet hers. Recognition and hope hesitantly appearing behind his eyes.

“Went to the roof and stomped the poor inanimate object to death,” she continued and Inuyasha’s heaving chest faltered, “And once you blew a hole in our kitchen.”

She paused and gave him a strained yet playful smile. A strangled half-smile began playing with his lips.

“Mama told me later the cockroach lived. You didn’t even hitit.”

For the briefest of moments, Inuyasha remained curled in the mud before he weakly scooted forward and pressed his forehead against her damp black hair.

“M’sorry,” he half-sobbed as he dipped forward to press a trembling, desperate kiss atop her temple, “M’sosorry.M’sorry.”

Shhhh. I’m okay. It’s okay,” she promised as she wrapped one arm around his back and tried to pull him closer – an action he complied with by scooting down and pressing his nose into her chest, “We need to get out of the rain, alright? Can you stand?”

A weak nod and a soft whine was his reply, yet he made no effort to move.

Kagome didn’t make him.

As the rain continued to pour down around them, Inuyasha remained curled up with his head tucked securely under her chin. Her arms held him securely in place while their friends watched on from beneath an umbrella. Of all the scenarios in which they’d wanted Inuyasha to choose their friend, Inuyasha not having a choice never occurred to them. Weirder still, it wasn’t grief for the loss of Kikyothey were witnessing. Over the past year, they had seen what that looked like and while it hadn’t been pretty, it hadn’t been like this. Seeing him this broken over losing Kagome had never even been in the realm of possibilities.

Yet here he was. Broken. Sobbing uncontrollably in both relief and despair. Curled up in a tight little ball within the arms of the woman he very clearly loved more than life itself.

“You’re okay,” Kagome whispered as she gave his trembling body a light squeeze followed by a kiss to his temple, “It’ll be okay.”


The afterlife was a strange place. Dark. Quiet. Yet every once in a while, glimpses of what you left behind on earth would appear. So it was that Kikyo watched the small white orb hovering over her palms. Watched the relief and love playing out on Inuyasha’s face as he buried his nose in her reincarnation’s hair before they settled down for the night. In all the pictures she’d been given over the past several years, he seemed much more open and affectionate than he had been. Happier than he’d ever been yet there was still sadness lingering just below the surface. Regret blooming behind his eyes when he’d tuck strands of hair behind his love’s ear.

Kikyo prayed that regret was not for hersake.

Now that she wasn’t in a vessel which corrupted her soul, it was easier to remember the good times and the love she’d felt for him.  The desire to see him happy resurfacing. And he still, on occasion, mourned for her and took the time to rebury the pitiful amount of dust he’d clutched in his palm – even though he would’ve been within his right not to do so. Naraku never once acknowledged his involvement and took that secret to his grave. There had been speculation. In those final moments as a white light burst from within her, Kikyo had tried to explain what she believed was happening but it was drowned out by panicked screams…

Naraku had placed a bet, achieved what he believed was a victory and ultimately was defeated because there was no fury like a man who almost lost everything.On some level, Inuyasha knew what happened was entirely Naraku’s fault and it was his mission in life to prevent anything from happening to his love ever again. His friends though? Especially the slayer…

Hopefully, she could address any misunderstanding in the afterlife or someone else could do that for her. There were a surprising number of people here that had nothing but good things to say about the half-demon and his motley crew. People who were waiting to be reincarnated with those they left behind. A mother and father with brilliant green eyes and foxy grins. They’d told her of the hope to be made an intact family once more. A man and a woman whose features blended together to create the man she once loved. They spoke of wanting to make apologies and visit with their son. A entire throng of people moving en masse led by a strong middle aged man who was unusually kind. They wanted to move on as a unit and were missing three pieces. A strangely dressed, disturbingly young man who she’d met but once. Who had made a comment about how much she resembled his daughter and asked a little too knowingly if they’d ever had the chance to meet. Kikyo never gave him an answer.

There were men, women and children from across time in this place. All with various types of unfinished business. All waiting…watching…

Several individuals she’d encountered asked why she waited. Was she was waiting for someone? A lover? A friend? Who wasit that she wanted to be tied to in her new life? So much so that she resisted the pull that the soul felt in anticipation of being reborn.

“My sister,” she would supply with a sad little smile - her hand absently rubbing her chest, “I’m waiting for my sister.”

The wish to be reborn and given a second chance to be with her sister was ultimately granted. A modern day miko was gifted a feisty little brother. Although it had not been her unfinished business when the time came around, being reunited with Inuyasha was the icing on the cake….

And in Kagome, Inuyasha found happiness.

Knowing that end result was more than enough to soothe whatever unfinished business might have still lingered on.
