#kim jinhwan


Chanwoo: “No” is tooserious

Chanwoo: “Nope” is toocasual

Chanwoo: “Nah” is just right

Yunhyeong: Did you kill this man?


You had gone over to watch a movie with him, and by the end of the movie you had fallen asleep on their shoulder/chest. (YOU ARE NOT A COUPLE / He Has a crush on you)


I feel like Hanbin would be super taken back. He may blush a little considering his lack of experience with relationships. When he feels your head drop heavily to his shoulder his cheek would heat up and he’d gulp and not know what to do. He would have a debate in his head whether or not to wake you or wait until the movie truly ends to casually start talking to wake you.


Jinhwan would be pretty chill tbh. He would probably turn his head a little to see if your head was actually on his shoulder and that you were truly asleep, even though he already knows you are. He would probably let out a deep sigh and continue watching the movie.


Oh boy, Yunhyeong would probably jump/shiver when he feels your head fall onto his shoulder. He would jump, slightly turning himself onto his thigh farthest from you. His jump would cause your head to slide to his chest and eventually his hip. He would be much like Hanbin in the way that he wouldn’t know what to do. He would probably move his hand onto your shoulder as if about to wake you, but stop and ask if he should or not.


Kim. Ji. won. This boy would probably be shocked and possibly even blush a little. But, when the realization kicks in that his crush is asleep on his shoulder and their arm is wrapped over his abdomen, he would be completely “chill”… well he would act chill in case you woke up, because lets be honest, he’s internally flipping his shit. He wouldn’t wake you, instead he would lean his head back and try and get some shut eye himself.


Donghyuk would be pretty calm. He wouldn’t want to wake you, instead he would stay relaxed. He would probably look over at you and smile. He would be quite happy to see your comfortable enough to sleep around him. When the movie comes to an end he would probably shake you gently awake and tell you you missed the end of the movie and probably chuckle at you and your messy hair from his sweater.


Junhoe would sit, frozen in place. His breathing may increase. It’s not like he doesn’t have experience in situations like this, but it’s the fact he likes you. His cheeks would flush red and he would stare off into space while internally questioning to wake you or not. He would be similar to Hanbin in this way. Eventually he wouldn’t be able to take it past the end of the movie and wake you up as the credits begin to roll.


Chanwoo, surprisingly, I think would be quite calm with the situation. He would let you sleep for a little bit, but once he realizes you are sound asleep on his shoulder he would slowly get up off the couch and gently lay you down with a cushion beneath your head before taking his seat on a chair or floor.
