#kim mingyu




Hey guys! I am a new fanfic blog for Seventeen. This blog is dedicated for fluff genre only. I really can’t take any request yet because I am still not that confident with my writing. 

I am actually very nervous in starting this because I used to write religiously but I fell into depression and anxiety since 2017; so I stopped loving the hobby I used to be so interested with. I am trying to find my tempo again so here I am. English is not my first language so please bear with me. I will try to make all of my post Gender Neutral as possible but I am more confident in writing with a female reader. 

Anywayssss~  It  would mean so much to me if you support this blog ♥ 

- qm

Hello guys I made a new blog for Seventeen where I would post all of my fanfics and one shot collection :( It would me so much to me if you could support me. Thank you!

그것은 약속을 어길 충분한 이유가 아니다. That’s not a good enough reason to break a promise.

Description: Promises were your thing. You never broke a promise with someone unless they did something to break your trust. That’s just who you were. Which means even though you and Mingyu had a fight, you kept your promise to be there when he and Wonwoo recorded their live stage. And just like the song title, it was bittersweet.
Warnings: Swearing
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Idol!Mingyu x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1.7k



Throughout the hustle and bustle of the pre-recording chaos, you did your best to stay out of the way, hiding in shadows and staying far away from the crowds of staff. Even if you wanted to, you couldn’t even get close to Mingyu because of the makeup and hair stylists that were crowding around him and Wonwoo. Making sure they looked picture perfect for the live recording of their song ‘Bittersweet’.

It’s not that you didn’t want to get close to Mingyu, it’s just that you and him had a fight the other day and had yet to find time to sit down and talk through what happened and what went wrong. You were mad at him still, but a promise is a promise and you never broke a promise. Ever. He’d asked you to be at the recording when they first started working on the song and not even this fight would stop you from fulfilling that promise.

Mingyu woke up that morning and wondered if you were going to show up since the fight you’d had was pretty bad. One of the worst in your relationship so far. The thought of you not showing up kept pestering him though he tried to ignore it. It only went away when he caught a glimpse of you through the shifting staff members. He wanted to go up to you but he wasn’t sure how you were feeling about everything and he was surrounded by stylists trying to make him look his best. In other words, they were doing everything they could to cover up the darkening bags underneath his eyes.

You kept your eyes on the man who had a hold of your heart as he shuffled around the studio, getting things prepared. Whenever your eyes found him, snippets of the fight replayed in your mind.

“I’ll look like a WHAT?” You shrieked, mind not believing the word that just came out of Mingyu’s mouth. “You do not get to decide whether or not I dress like a slut or not.” You glared at him with daggers but he was standing firm in his fury.

“I do when it means I worry about you.” He countered through gritted teeth.

“What is there to worry about, Mingyu?” You asked, unable to see his genuine feelings.

“That I won’t be there to protect you because of my upcoming schedules.” Mingyu explained trying to make you understand his dislike when you wore sexy outfits without him by your side. But his words only fueled your fire.

“Oh, now you don’t think I can protect myself? You think I can’t stand my ground?” You questioned him, arms crossing over your chest.

Mingyu scoffed that you would think he thinks that. But his scoff sent the opposite message to your brain.

“Get out.” You demanded and pointed at the front door.

Mingyu’s jaw dropped now that you were telling him to leave in the middle of an argument. “(y/n)…”

“I said leave, Mingyu.” You met his eyes with a look so cold, it sent a shiver running up his spine.

That second your cold eyes met his, Mingyu knew he’d screwed up. But he knew with the frustration swirling in his heart, staying and trying to diffuse the situation was like trying to use an espresso cup of water to put out a house fire.

The days following the fight were blurry at best for you. Your mind had sucked you into the past and replayed the fight over and over, leaving your body numb to the world. Mingyu was much of the same but he was forced to participate in reality with the promotions for 'Bittersweet.’

The first run through of the live recording went smoothly and, like always, you marveled at how quickly Mingyu and Wonwoo were able to delve into moods that fit the characters of the song. Watching the way Mingyu’s body swayed to the music and the way his eyes created a somber emotion, you ignored the nagging thought that said he wasn’t faking those emotions. There were few moments when he met your stare but both of you were quickly to look away. Though he’d always look back after a couple seconds to make sure you were still there. Force of habit.

Both you and Mingyu knew that each were partially at fault for things said that night. You both understood and realized this. But admitting it to the other was another can of worms that had yet to be opened. In truth, Mingyu was ready to apologize two days later but knowing how your mind worked, he gave you space for your own mind to come to the same conclusion. He had decided that he would ask you to talk after the live recording was all finished, totally forgetting about the promise you made him to show up to the schedule.

“That was great, guys!” The director called out when the first take finished. “I don’t think we’ll need too many more run throughs to get what we need!”

Wonwoo smiled happily and Mingyu tried to copy it but his didn’t reach his eyes like it usually does. He was always the brighter one out of the two.

After a few camera changes and instructions from the director, the second take was underway and finished in the blink of an eye. Just as Wonwoo and Mingyu were leaving the set to get their makeup touched up, one of the light bulbs on set went out with a loud popping sound. The sound caused you and Mingyu to startle but only Wonwoo saw that you both had the same reaction to the noise.

“Let’s take a break and fix this.” The director called out over the silence of everyone.

Wanting to stay out of the way, you exited the studio and into the sun. Though the set’s ambiance was that of a night time low key glow, the sun was still shining outside and setting for the night. You leaned your arms on the railing and stared at the cars driving along the highway that sat on the other side of a small field.

Wonwoo watched as you left the studio and then he watched as Mingyu tried his best not to stare after you but failed.

“Go talk to her, you doofus.” Wonwoo nudged Mingyu’s shoulder. “You obviously want to, and if you don’t, I might make you.”

Mingyu looked at the door you left out of and sighed, “Yeah, yeah. Okay.” He agreed, ignoring the older’s threat.

You heard the door open from behind you and by the cautious footsteps, you knew it was Mingyu. He wordlessly positioned himself next to you, looking in the same direction. His presence wrapped you up in a blanket of comfort and the faint scent of his cologne made your heart emphasize just how much you missed him this past week.

“You came.” Mingyu commented quietly, keeping his eyes on the cars passing by.

You nodded once, “I might’ve been mad at you, but that’s not a good enough reason to break a promise.” You explained, pressing your hands together. After another heartbeat of silence, you spoke, “I returned the dress.” You told him.

“What?” Mingyu asked, “Why would you do that?” He turned to look at you but you didn’t meet his eyes.

“I could never wear that dress in public.” You admitted. “Plus, even if I did wear it, I wouldn’t feel right if you weren’t next to me in an equally extravagant suit.”

Mingyu had to take a second to force the smirk off his face before admitting his wrongdoings. “I never should’ve called you a slut. You didn’t even look remotely like that. And I didn’t mean to insinuate that you couldn’t protect yourself.” He added, continuing before you could stop him. “You’re the strongest woman I know but I just get protective over you. And I didn’t like the idea of you wearing that amazing dress without me. I guess, I just got a little jealous… I’m sorry.”

“Oh, Mingyu.” You finally turned to him and immediately wrapped him in a hug, arms circling around his neck. “I’m sorry, too. I know you didn’t mean it that way. I think I let my pride get in the way.” You apologized into his shoulder and his arms wrapped tightly around you waist.

“It’s okay.” Mingyu mumbled into your neck, “It happens to all of us.”

“I still shouldn’t have made you leave like that.” You mentioned, pulling away but keeping him close.

“Yeah, that was kind of shitty.” He pressed his lips together to keep from giggling. You pouted and lightly smacked his chest.

“Did you really return the dress?” He wondered, curiosity taking over his features.

“Yeah, I did.” You nodded, “The longer I stared at it, the more I realized the color was actually atrocious.”

“I thought it was cause you couldn’t wear it without me next to you.” Now it was Mingyu’s turn to pout, recalling your earlier words.

“That and the color was atrocious.” You smiled and tapped a finger against the tip of his nose.

“Then can I help you pick out the next one?” He asked with a cheesy smile.

“If you don’t, I think I may come home with a more disgusting colored dress.” You joked and Mingyu let out an airy chuckle.

“No color could look disgusting on you.” He told you before kissing your lips softly.

“You say that now.” You refuted his statement when he pulled back.

The sweet moment was shattered when three short knocks sounded against the door before Wonwoo’s head popped out with his eyes closed.

“The light’s fixed.” He stated.

“Hyung, you can open your eyes.” Mingyu laughed, taking in the older’s face.

Wonwoo opened one of his eyes and inspected the scene in front of him. When he deemed your embrace appropriate, he opened the other eye as well.

“They want us back inside for the final take.” Wonwoo restated and Mingyu nodded.

Mingyu led you inside, your hand locked tightly in his. During the third take, instead of avoiding your eyes, Mingyu can’t keep his eyes off of yours. He even found it hard to settle into the emotions of the song because all he wanted to do was smile. And watching you didn’t help the urge by any means.

Even though he did his best to contain his facial expressions, they ended up having to do a fourth take because he looked just a bit too happy.


Reblog this if you’ve ever felt personally victimized by Kim Mingyu


Looks like a cinnamon roll but could actually kill you: Woozi and The8

Looks like they could kill you in broad daylight but is actually a lil cinnamon roll: WONWOO, S.Coups, DK and Jun

Looks like a cinnamon roll and is born a cinnamon roll: Dino, Vernon, Joshua and Hoshi

Looks like they could kill you and actually could kill you: Jeonghan

Overeats and dies from consuming too many cinnamon rolls: Mingyu

Would eat your first-born child if you touch their cinnamon roll: Seungkwan

It’s my favorite thing right now
