#kim taehyung x yn




Pairing: Prince!Taehyung x Queen!Reader

Summary: In the land of Aster, a powerful queendom, all female daughters of the queen are blessed by the Goddess and are immune to poison. Your mother, the Queen, is ready to step down and offer her place to you but according to tradition, the heir of Aster has to be married to ascend to the throne. You despise the fact that you have to be married to rule. As an act of rebellion, you announce that you will marry the prince of the one kingdom your mother had warned you not to.

Genre: Angst, hurt/comfort

Word Count: 6.3k+

Warnings: snakes, violence



Many thanks to my beta reader, @thewishofafallenangel!


“It’s ridiculous,” you said, walking underneath an archway covered in vines. “She decided all on her own like it isn’t my life she’s talking about. And now everyone knows and they are expecting me to be engaged by summertime.”

Abigail tightened her cloak around her petite form. It was a chilly morning and while you were mostly indifferent to the cold bite of late winter, your cousin was much more affected. “She thinks that what she’s doing is for the best. There has been talk about it. You know they have been wondering why you have never accepted any courting offers.”

“Because I don’t want any courting offers.” A strong gust of wind blew your hair back. You had let it cascade freely around your shoulders devoid of any intricate braids and jewelled pins. “Why do I have to get married? This must be the most pointless tradition to have ever existed. I don’t need to get married to have heirs and I certainly don’t need a man to rule.”

Abigail had to rush her steps to keep up with you. It had been her idea to go on a walk in the gardens but it seemed like she might be regretting it soon. “You don’t but it is what it is. It is what everyone expects. But it doesn’t have to be a big deal. You said it yourself that being married doesn’t matter in the way you rule the land. Don’t give the marriage any more significance than you have to.”

“That’s easier said than done,” you said. “He will be sitting on the throne next to mine and everyone will expect to see us together at the balls and ceremonies. I can’t ignore the fact that he will be my husband.”

He would be always there, nobles would ask after him, the servants would gossip about how much or how little time you spent together, people would wonder how soon you would get pregnant with the next heir. Your mother had complicated pregnancies and, despite her many attempts, you had no siblings. You were the only daughter of the reigning queen, the only one who had The Gift.

Keep reading

Oh wow what a great start! I was so excited when I read the notification for this first chapter. It truly doesn’t disappoint. Can’t wait to read what happens next! So curious to know why the mother is so against Gwangsu

Types Of Lipglosses They Like

genre: fluff, sorta suggestive?

pairing(s): bts ot7 x reader (separately)

warnings: kisses, slightly suggestive in Namjoons? and Jungkooks?

word count: 497

{Kim Seokjin}

  • I feel like he would adore a nice clear gloss
  • Or a slightly red tinted one
  • I think he would also buy them for you
  • He would sit you in his lap and help you apply it
  • While also sneaking a few kisses here and there
  • Then would have you put some on him
  • Because hello
  • Those lips??
  • Would look gorgeous in some gloss

{Min Yoongi}

  • Maybe a more subtle one
  • Like a clear or pinky tone one
  • You know the ones with flowers in them?
  • I think he would get the for you
  • Just for decorating your desk
  • Or you can wear them
  • I think he would watch you apply it
  • But not really help you know?
  • I think if you offered some he might use it
  • And then tease you about how the indirect kiss should become a real one

{Jung Hoseok}

  • He gives me gold/yellow and a metallic gloss vibe
  • Though he would get disappointed when he realizes that he can’t kiss you without messing it up
  • I think he would enthusiastically let you put some on his lips
  • Just because he likes having you close to him
  • And seeing your face up close
  • It’s a win-win for everyone

{Kim Namjoon}

  • I don’t think he has a certain preference
  • He just likes anything because it’s you ‍♀️
  • Though if he did have a preference
  • It would be a non scented gloss with a cooler tone
  • He would watch you put it on and then proceed to line your lips with his fingers
  • He doesn’t care if he gets it on him
  • Just wants to see flustered and putting it on again

{Park Jimin}

  • I think he’s more of a lip oil type guy
  • Lipgloss is just too sticky
  • And he can not go more than 3 hours without kisses
  • Plus the lip oils I’ve used have had moisturizer in it
  • So you get a nice sheen and non chapped lips
  • While he gets to kiss you with it sticking everywhere and some moisturizer as well
  • Another Win-Win

{Kim Taehyung}

  • I honestly don’t think he cares
  • Like Namjoon has a preference at least
  • But he genuinely doesn’t care what color, type or if there’s a design
  • He might say it’s cute but that’s it
  • I also think he would buy any and every lip product he comes across
  • He might have a preference towards ones with ‘lighter’ scents instead of the ‘heavier’ ones
  • Like a not noticeable vanilla to a strong lemon
  • He would carry some around with him just in case you need it

{Jeon Jungkook}

  • Doesn’t like it
  • He might like to see you apply it but that’s it
  • When your at home he needs to be kissing you every 30 or so minutes
  • Lip gloss is just to sticky
  • He might compromise on a lip oil
  • But be warned
  • His kisses will end up taking it off
  • Especially if it’s those ones that have a slight flavor to them