#kim yoohyeon scenarios


Goddess! Yoohyeon - My Universe

A/N: Hi guys, girls, and non-binary pearls! I wish you all the best for whatever you chose to do today. (Also, this fic is Attempt No. 2 of trying to break @kingmaker-a after he tormented my heart with one of his fics. :] Does it pale in comparison? Definitely. But I’m gonna hit a nerve eventually.)

If you like fics like this (or if you’re looking for some fluffier content after crying), please consider checking out my Masterlist!

TW: Angst (of course), implied abandonment and/or break-up (?), car crash, more angst, hospitals, near-death experience, Yoohyeon is the literal embodiment of death, did I mention angst?

I’d trade every star and constellation in the sky for another chance with you.

The night sky burns brightly with its glamorous display of stars in the sky. You can’t help but stare at the dazzling spectacle that has appeared before your eyes.

Every star shines brightly in the sky, but the shining star of your life is nowhere to be seen.

Why did you leave me alone? You’re all I can think about every day and night. 

Every time you leave your house, the wind whispers the name of a woman who left you for the universe. Every passing figure takes her divine shape, and her voice rings into your ear when you look at the moon.

I loved you more than I’ve ever loved before. Why can’t you just stay with me for one more night?

You bite your lip as a familiar tear rolls down your cheek. You sniffle as the tears flow freely.

You saved the universe, but you couldn’t stay in my universe.


Yoohyeon stares at you from her golden throne in the sky. She observes your every breath as she eagerly waits for you to join her.

You’ll be with me soon, my dear. Just be patient and enjoy your life.

Days feel like mere minutes in Yoohyeon’s life. She’s been watching you ever since she had to leave your side.

It hurts her to think that she has to be the one to cut your life short. Being the Goddess of Death could reap some fortunes, but all Yoohyeon wanted to do was cradle you in her arms.

The day has come, and she watches and waits.

I’ll be there, Y/N, right when you need memost.


It all happened so fast. Is this really the end for me?

You remember blinding lights, an immense pain in your head, and someone calling your name. 

All of that has passed as numbness washes over you. You can only sit and stare as your family and friends cry over your mortal body as you lifelessly sleep in a hospital bed.

They don’t know that I won’t wake up again, do they?

“Y/N!” A voice calls out from above you.

“Yoohyeon?” You question as her familiar form comes into view.

“Yeah, it’s me. How have you been?” She asks as a warm smile spreads across her face.

“I don’t know, Yoohyeon, I just died.” You sigh as your gaze refocuses on your body.

I can’t leave them alone. My family and friends deserve more time with me.

Yoohyeon offers you her hand. “It’s time to go, Y/N.” 

“No.” You shake your head at her. “I want to stay.”

“Y/N, don’t make me-”

“You don’t scare me anymore. Your threats are empty, just like your love.” You hiss at her while fighting back tears.

“Baby, I’m sorry.” Yoohyeon mumbles with a guilty look on her face.

“I would’ve accepted your apology if I was crying over you like I was years ago. Things change, Yoohyeon. I want to stay.” You insist.

Yoohyeon quietly looks at the floor before speaking,

“Fine.” Yoohyeon waves her hand as you disappear from her sight. “Don’t say that I never did anything for you.”

You wake up in the arms of your loved ones as Yoohyeon disappears from your sight.

‘Til we meet again, Yooh.

Take Me Away (TMA): Yoohyeon’s Shattered Ending - Shooting Stars Fade Fast

A/N: Ah, the angst train continues with another Shattered Ending! I hope you all are enjoying all of these different endings. (Also, DC got their first win today and I’m literally so proud of them and all of the hard work Insomnias have done to support them. It’s been a long time coming. )

If you’re looking for a place to start reading Take Me Away, or if you need to get caught up on a chapter or two, then you should check out my Series Masterlist!

TW: Angst ending, arguments, failures

You admire the sapphire brooch before snatching it from the box.

I think that Yoohyeon deserves a second chance. We all make mistakes; that’s what makes us human. I think that we could get over this and try again. I may still need time to heal but I need to do so in that world.

You snuggle into your bed as a calm sleep begins to fall over you.


You wake in a familiar home as you begin to prepare yourself to film more scenes of the movie. You’re barely able to get dressed before someone knocks on your door.

“Hey, you’ve got to make a TV appearance soon! After that colossal failure of a film, we need to get you back on track.” Your agent says before you hear them leave.

Did the film not do well? I thought that it would do well due to mine and Yoohyeon’s chemistry.

You shrug before getting ready for the interview.

I wonder what Yoohyeon is doing now. Is she alive and well? She must be, otherwise the movie would’ve halted production.

You quickly exit your room before your agent can yell at you again.


After a successful TV interview, you’re able to convince your limo driver to take you to Yoohyeon’s place.

“I wouldn’t recommend going there. She’s still torn up because of how the movie was received.” The driver sighs before shaking their head. “I know that you won’t let me take you home, so I’ll take you to Yoohyeon. No snitching, alright? I’ll say we went for food.”

You give them a warm smile.

“That sounds good to me!”


When you arrive at Yoohyeon’s home, you’re cautiously optimistic as you knock on her door.

What do I even say to her when I see her? Shall I be comforting, or should I be direct?

The door opens, and you see a miserable version of the girl you once knew and loved. Her clothes are wrinkly, her hair is a mess, and her eyes are filled with tears.

“Please leave me alone. I don’t want to talk to you.” 

Yoohyeon tries to shut the door, but you’re able to stop it with your foot.

“Why not?”

Why not? Y/N, we just made ourselves national embassaments instead of national treasures! How are our careers going to recover after this? I knew that signing up for that movie was a mistake.” 

You feel a lump in your throat as your brain dissects every word she says.

“Everything about that movie was a mistake, huh?” You ask as you try to force the tears and sadness down deep inside you.

Yoohyeon gives you a confused look.

“Isn’t that what I just said?”

You look directly in her eyes with an unmistakable amount of pain in yours.

“Was I a mistake? Were ‘we’ a mistake?” 

You take a step back from her front door as you take a deep breath. Yoohyeon pauses for a moment, and you shake your head at her.

“You know what? I don’t even want to know. Keep your secrets and lies, Yoohyeon, and keep me out of them.” You turn away from her as you briskly begin to walk back to the limo.

“Y/N, wait!”

“I don’t want to hear it, Yoohyeon!” You yell at her before climbing into your car.

The driver looks at you with concern as you let the tears fall from your eyes.

“Are you alrigh-”

“Just drive the goddamn car.” You direct. “Drive for as long as you want for what I care. I just want to be nowhere near that woman.”

“As you request.” The driver nods before starting the car.

You regretfully stare out the window as Yoohyeon re-enters her home.

I wish we could’ve worked out, but two stars only cross paths for a small amount of time before leaving each other in the dust.

Take Me Away (TMA): Yoohyeon‘s Restored Ending - You’re a Star in My Eyes

A/N: Ah, is is really that time of the week? I feel like time flies by, and it’s weird to think that this series is coming to an *official* end on June 15. I’ve still got some time to say goodbye and process not editing and doing stuff for this series. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this new chapter!

If you’re looking for a place to get caught up, or if you want to start reading the series, then you should check out my Series Masterlist!

TW: Fame, outing a relationship to the media (what a power move tbh), a cute, fluffy ending

You admire the sapphire brooch before snatching it from the box.

I think that Yoohyeon deserves a second chance. We all make mistakes; that’s what makes us human. I think that we could get over this and try again. I may still need time to heal, but I need to do so in that world.

You snuggle into your bed as a comforting sleep begins to fall over you.


You wake in a familiar home as you begin to prepare yourself to film more scenes of the movie. You’re barely able to get dressed before someone knocks on your door.

“Hey, you better be wearing something nice for the red carpet! A lot of media outlets will be there. We need to move in thirty minutes, so get moving!” Your agent announces before leaving.

They’re back! Thank goodness. I wonder what’s up with Yoohyeon, then. If we finished filming the movie, that means she’s still alive! I have to find her.

With a newfound energy, you prepare yourself for a day full of lights, cameras, and most importantly, action.


You smile at the cameras in front of you as you stand on the carpet.

I hope this movie is successful. This may make or break my career.

You pull off a few different poses before someone joins your side.

Who is that?

You look over to see Yoohyeon standing next to you. You don’t resist the urge to give her a big hug.

The media begins to yell about a possible relationship between you as Yoohyeon laughs.

“You were never one for subtleness, were you?” She can’t help but smile as you nuzzle into her.

“I just missed you.” You mumble.

“I missed seeing you everyday too.” Yoohyeon says as you pull away from her.

“So, what are we going to do about them?” You gesture to the frantic photographers and reporters.

“I think we should put those rumors to rest.” Yoohyeon smirks before sending you a wink.

“I agree.” You laugh as Yoohyeon slips an arm around your waist.

She pulls you close which causes everyone to gasp. You can feel your agent glare at you but you couldn’t care.

Yoohyeon doesn’t hesitate to press her lips against yours, and you can feel your world explode around you as more cameras flash. The reporters scream louder, but Yoohyeon’s touch drowns them all out.

God, I’d take on the whole world if that meant that you could be at my side; yet again, I don’t doubt that you would do the same for me too.
