#kindness is everything



Yk what kills me about this. Obi-Wan really had every right to be just as angry at the clones as Kanan did. Yes he was older and he didn’t witness his master being murdered in front of him BY THE CLONES ANYWAY, but he lost literally every single one of his friends on the Council (aside from Yoda) to Order 66 and Palpatine. Order 66 almost killed him too. He heard Cody asking for confirmation of his death almost immediately after getting shot down. He had to kill members of the 501st just to survive Coruscant and change the signal being broadcasted out of the temple. And then he sees a clone for the first time in 10 years. The face that he first fought in the rain all those years ago on Kamino. The face of his Commander. The face of Anakin’s Captain. The face of every single clone that he’d fought side by side with for an entire war, the faces that he knew killed the closest people he had to a family. And what does Obi-Wan do? He does not ignore him, he does not show any signs of bitterness nor resentment. He gives him money. Maybe in doing so he silently thanks every single clone that ever died for him, maybe he sees a bit of himself in an old beaten down veteran who was once the face of goodness and hope and everything the Old Republic stood for, scavenging in the streets and just trying to survive. Perhaps for Obi-Wan, it’s getting to say goodbye to the friends he maybe never really knew why he lost. Or maybe it really was just Obi-Wan, for the billionth time, being so selfless and kind when almost nobody in his shoes could have done the same.
