#kiraz bolat



No. No, don’t do that. The one thing I hate the most is starting a sentence and not finishing it.

Sen Çal Kapımı, Episode 4, 10 & 41


Five minutes later:

Ice cream? You’re seriously going to eat ice cream at this hour? I can’t think of a better time for ice cream. Okay, fine then. Let’s go.

Sen Çal Kapımı, Episode 41

“I know you’re angry and I know that you’re blaming me. You’reright, but I really wanted my baby.I wanted a part of you to live with me. And I was very afraid that you would not want to. I was just scared. What can I do? I was so scared. Please open this door and let’s talk… Please Serkan open this door and let’s talk.”

Can’t get this off my system ~

Börülce Çörek Otu - black cumin seeds

Böcek - bug usually used as an endearment to little girls.
