#kiss meme


some smooches with my fav babies for valentine’s day tomorrow

Joanna belongs to @frisslimbim

Jos is mine


They’re lesbians, Lestrade.


Kiss Meme!


Send me a number and a pairing, and BAM YOU GOT SOME FINE ART!

It’s been a while since my blog was COVERED in smooches. Time to change that!

From the lovely @lossie92

1. “Good morning” kiss

2. Kiss on the forehead

3. Drunk/sloppy kiss

4. Awkward kiss

5. Angry kiss

6. “I’m sorry” kiss

7. “I’ve missed you” kiss

8. Seductive kiss

9. “War’s End” kiss (see how adorable it looks HERE)

10. “Goodbye” kiss

11. “Spiderman” kiss

12. Kiss on the nose

13. Kiss on the ear

14. Kiss on the neck

15. Kiss on the back

16. French kiss

17. Shy kiss

18. Surprised kiss

19. Sad kiss

20. “Doing the do” kiss

Hi everyone! Sooooo turns out that sitting hunched over a computer for long periods of time does bad things to posture >.< I want to keep drawing and I want my back to be happy, and I’ve realized that my best solution would be to get a drawing iPad!

They’re expensive, so I’m doing a “no more back-breaking Sayuri art, happy backs only!” fundraiser here, to get myself the iPad Pro to draw! Any little bit helps, but I’ve also decided to sweeten the pot!

For $40 donated, I will draw a kiss of your favorite ship, and I’ll reveal them as I get closer to my goal! Pick one of these kisses (link) and send me in your ship (and a second choice)*, and I’m happy to draw it! Thanks to everyone for so much support for me, and I can’t wait to keep bringing you art .

* I am a multishipper and live for great ships, but I won’t draw Sess and Rin romantically or Inu and Sess as anything other than brothers. If by any chance your ship choice makes me uncomfortable, you can choose another ship.
Donate on ko-fi


Bonus: Add a bit of tongue action.

Submitted by anonymous

Submitted by anonymous


Good morning baby…

A scribbly dibbly offering from the Kiss Meme

Give me another one - I’m still warming up


Awkward - four’s a crowd…

But you can’t tell me that Sango and Miroku aren’t the biggest inukag shippers there are.

I think I have sufficiently milked this joke enough now. I think I am done. Fixed Inu’s face too, because I wasn’t happy with it.

One more ask to draw…

@superpixie42@keichanz@coquinespike tagging you because you seemed to get a kick out of it before.
