#kite imagines


Long Time No See (Part 2)

Kite x Freecss!Reader

Part 1Part 2

Synopsis: Your brother was hellbent on finding your father, and like a good sister, you followed along to make sure he was safe. You didn’t like your father, didn’t like the memories of him, but there was one thing you did like… And that was Kite.

Song: Ilimilo by Billie Eilish (https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=lH1F6m3slrQ&feature=share)

A/n: I’ve become the biggest simp for this man. It’s a god damn tragedy for me.. do you know how many men and women I simp for?!!? let’s just add another one on I guess… smh

Gons eyes flicked between you and Kite, the silence in the air was heavy with tension. You sat on one side of the fire, far from your brother and Kite. You weren’t sure where to start, how to start the story that Gon needed to hear. Gons patience was wearing thin, his aura growing angrier by the second. Deciding to just spit it out, you opened your mouth to begin the story. “I’m in love with your sister. Have been for about 12 years now”

Your mouth shut as Kites words cut through the tense air, butterflies exploding in your stomach as you processed the words. Gons aura became even more protective at the sentence, not happy with a random man being in love with his sister. “I met your dad, Ging when I was 16, it was the same time I met Y/n….” Kite trailed off as his eyes drifted over to you.

“It was love at first sight”

You let out a scoff of disbelief, if he loved you so much, he wouldn’t have left you to raise Gon alone. “Love at first sight huh? You sure didn’t think so when you left us on Whale Island” you rose swiftly from the ground as the words tumbled from your lips. The butterflies in your stomach were beginning to make you feel sick and the way he was looking at you made it worse. “I left because I loved you-”

“Save it, Kite… You only cared about Ging. Just like everyone else…”

Gon gasped at your statement, he was trying to figure out what to say to reassure you that he didn’t feel the same. That no matter what you were his sister and he loved you more than he loved Ging, but you disappeared behind the tree line before he could say anything. Kite let out a sigh, hand coming up to rub harshly at his tired eyes. You still had that temper… He thought he got that taken care of…

“You left her?”

Kites hand fell from his face, eyes landing on Gon who seemed to have calmed down a bit. “I left to go find your dad… It was a part of my training, but she wanted me to stay with her” Gon nodded at the words even though they made him sad, so this was the guy who broke your heart.

“You know Gon. I was in love once…..” you whispered out, fingers trailing through his dark hair as you both watched the sunset. “Yes… and you said he broke your heart?”

Your eyes grew wide as you looked down at the 6-year-old in your lap. “Well don’t worry y/n… If I ever meet that guy, I’ll pummel him!!”

You smiled at the memory as you trekked deeper into the forest. It was nice to get away from the boys and especially Kite, stupid man… Making you feel things you haven’t felt in years. Who the hell did he think he was?

The sound of a branch snapping froze you in your tracks, your head turning to the source of the sound somewhere in the shadows. Your breathing steadied as you conjured your weapon, “You’re going to get hurt being all alone. These woods are dangerous-”

“You sound like my dad” you growled out, cutting Kite off as he emerged from the darkness. “Nothing like your father… I, for one, actually care about you”

Any other person saying those words would have gotten a mouth full of your fist, but he was different. He was always different. Tears formed in your eyes but you looked away before he could see them. “You’ve never been shy about crying around me… What’s happened to you?” Kite cooed out as his cold hand gripped your chin, forcing you to look up at him. You hated how quietly he could move, hated it because you always imagined that he was with you on Whale Island, you just couldn’t hear him.

What a sick illusion…

His thumb lightly swiped away a fallen tear, frown deepening as you once again averted your gaze. “I’m as weak as my father said I was, Hunters don’t cry. I don’t deserve my license-”

“That’s enough… Your father was a sick and stupid man, don’t let his words poison your mind-”

“Funny you say that yet you left me to go find him”

Silence filled the space around you, your sharp words felt like a knife that was deeply embedded in his chest. He didn’t know how to change the past, didn’t know how to fix the present. A cold breeze whooshed by, the hairs on the back of your neck standing up as both his gaze and the wind sent a chill down your back. “I love you” you averted your gaze at his sweet words, wanting nothing more than to vanish off the earth at this very second. You still were angry at him, you feel like you’d always be angry at him, but you couldn’t help the way he made your heart skip a beat.

“Dad! I found the item you talked about- Whos this?”

Your father and the white-haired boy turned to look at you, your dad’s eyes lit up a bit at the sight of the object in your hands while the other boy’s lit up at the sight of you yourself. At first, you were uncomfortable with the way the boy, who seemed to be about your age, stared at you but you didn’t have time to care as your dad stormed over with outstretched arms. Expecting a hug, your arms opened as a big smile formed on your lips, only for both to fall as he grabbed the item instead.

“You’re getting faster, but you still aren’t good enough…”

The white-haired boys’ eyebrows furrowed at the way this man, Ging, spoke to you. He heard you call the man ‘Dad’ but was this really any way to talk to your daughter? You didn’t seem to care though, only nodding in agreement with the cruel words.

“I wanted to punch your dad that day. Just in case you were wondering”

You let out a deep breath, knowing exactly what he was referring to and just how cruel your father was to you before you even had the chance to say hello to Kite. Nodding in agreement, you took your face from his grasp and turned back towards the campsite, wanting nothing more than to get back to Gon and forget today. Kite didn’t say anything, only followed closely behind you. There were random sounds and howls in the forest, sounds that would normally put you on edge, but the feeling of Kite’s aura made you realize just how long it’s been since you didn’t have to be brave. It was comforting and relaxing all at the same time to be able to walk through a scary forest without fear, and it was all because of him.

Stopping in your tracks, you became overwhelmed with how calm you felt. “Something wrong?” His words were soft, only causing the fluttering in your heart to intensify. He made you feel so safe, so cared for, so loved. Turning, you took in the sight of him under the moonlight, staring back at you with concern and confusion. “Y/n… Is everything alright-”

“I hate you” you breathed out, heart hammering in your chest as your feet carried you to his lanky form. His face contorted into one of pain, but it soon turned ot one of confusion as your gripped his shirt and yanked him down to your height. “I hate you for leaving me alone. I hate myself for never letting go… But most of all, I hate that I love you so much”

His mouth opened to respond, but you didn’t want to hear any of it. Your lips brushed up against his, inviting him to take the first leap. He quickly understood and pushed his lips down onto yours, fingers lacing into your hair to deepen it further. THe both of you stumbled backward till your back hit a tree, your hands gripping at everything it could touch. His shirt, his neck, his face, his hair, all of it was being scratched and pulled as you tried to deepen the kiss further. You wanted to be one with him, wanted it to be like the old times.

You tried so hard to suppress these feelings, but damn did it feel good to let them out.
