#kite x reader


Long Time No See (Part 2)

Kite x Freecss!Reader

Part 1Part 2

Synopsis: Your brother was hellbent on finding your father, and like a good sister, you followed along to make sure he was safe. You didn’t like your father, didn’t like the memories of him, but there was one thing you did like… And that was Kite.

Song: Ilimilo by Billie Eilish (https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=lH1F6m3slrQ&feature=share)

A/n: I’ve become the biggest simp for this man. It’s a god damn tragedy for me.. do you know how many men and women I simp for?!!? let’s just add another one on I guess… smh

Gons eyes flicked between you and Kite, the silence in the air was heavy with tension. You sat on one side of the fire, far from your brother and Kite. You weren’t sure where to start, how to start the story that Gon needed to hear. Gons patience was wearing thin, his aura growing angrier by the second. Deciding to just spit it out, you opened your mouth to begin the story. “I’m in love with your sister. Have been for about 12 years now”

Your mouth shut as Kites words cut through the tense air, butterflies exploding in your stomach as you processed the words. Gons aura became even more protective at the sentence, not happy with a random man being in love with his sister. “I met your dad, Ging when I was 16, it was the same time I met Y/n….” Kite trailed off as his eyes drifted over to you.

“It was love at first sight”

You let out a scoff of disbelief, if he loved you so much, he wouldn’t have left you to raise Gon alone. “Love at first sight huh? You sure didn’t think so when you left us on Whale Island” you rose swiftly from the ground as the words tumbled from your lips. The butterflies in your stomach were beginning to make you feel sick and the way he was looking at you made it worse. “I left because I loved you-”

“Save it, Kite… You only cared about Ging. Just like everyone else…”

Gon gasped at your statement, he was trying to figure out what to say to reassure you that he didn’t feel the same. That no matter what you were his sister and he loved you more than he loved Ging, but you disappeared behind the tree line before he could say anything. Kite let out a sigh, hand coming up to rub harshly at his tired eyes. You still had that temper… He thought he got that taken care of…

“You left her?”

Kites hand fell from his face, eyes landing on Gon who seemed to have calmed down a bit. “I left to go find your dad… It was a part of my training, but she wanted me to stay with her” Gon nodded at the words even though they made him sad, so this was the guy who broke your heart.

“You know Gon. I was in love once…..” you whispered out, fingers trailing through his dark hair as you both watched the sunset. “Yes… and you said he broke your heart?”

Your eyes grew wide as you looked down at the 6-year-old in your lap. “Well don’t worry y/n… If I ever meet that guy, I’ll pummel him!!”

You smiled at the memory as you trekked deeper into the forest. It was nice to get away from the boys and especially Kite, stupid man… Making you feel things you haven’t felt in years. Who the hell did he think he was?

The sound of a branch snapping froze you in your tracks, your head turning to the source of the sound somewhere in the shadows. Your breathing steadied as you conjured your weapon, “You’re going to get hurt being all alone. These woods are dangerous-”

“You sound like my dad” you growled out, cutting Kite off as he emerged from the darkness. “Nothing like your father… I, for one, actually care about you”

Any other person saying those words would have gotten a mouth full of your fist, but he was different. He was always different. Tears formed in your eyes but you looked away before he could see them. “You’ve never been shy about crying around me… What’s happened to you?” Kite cooed out as his cold hand gripped your chin, forcing you to look up at him. You hated how quietly he could move, hated it because you always imagined that he was with you on Whale Island, you just couldn’t hear him.

What a sick illusion…

His thumb lightly swiped away a fallen tear, frown deepening as you once again averted your gaze. “I’m as weak as my father said I was, Hunters don’t cry. I don’t deserve my license-”

“That’s enough… Your father was a sick and stupid man, don’t let his words poison your mind-”

“Funny you say that yet you left me to go find him”

Silence filled the space around you, your sharp words felt like a knife that was deeply embedded in his chest. He didn’t know how to change the past, didn’t know how to fix the present. A cold breeze whooshed by, the hairs on the back of your neck standing up as both his gaze and the wind sent a chill down your back. “I love you” you averted your gaze at his sweet words, wanting nothing more than to vanish off the earth at this very second. You still were angry at him, you feel like you’d always be angry at him, but you couldn’t help the way he made your heart skip a beat.

“Dad! I found the item you talked about- Whos this?”

Your father and the white-haired boy turned to look at you, your dad’s eyes lit up a bit at the sight of the object in your hands while the other boy’s lit up at the sight of you yourself. At first, you were uncomfortable with the way the boy, who seemed to be about your age, stared at you but you didn’t have time to care as your dad stormed over with outstretched arms. Expecting a hug, your arms opened as a big smile formed on your lips, only for both to fall as he grabbed the item instead.

“You’re getting faster, but you still aren’t good enough…”

The white-haired boys’ eyebrows furrowed at the way this man, Ging, spoke to you. He heard you call the man ‘Dad’ but was this really any way to talk to your daughter? You didn’t seem to care though, only nodding in agreement with the cruel words.

“I wanted to punch your dad that day. Just in case you were wondering”

You let out a deep breath, knowing exactly what he was referring to and just how cruel your father was to you before you even had the chance to say hello to Kite. Nodding in agreement, you took your face from his grasp and turned back towards the campsite, wanting nothing more than to get back to Gon and forget today. Kite didn’t say anything, only followed closely behind you. There were random sounds and howls in the forest, sounds that would normally put you on edge, but the feeling of Kite’s aura made you realize just how long it’s been since you didn’t have to be brave. It was comforting and relaxing all at the same time to be able to walk through a scary forest without fear, and it was all because of him.

Stopping in your tracks, you became overwhelmed with how calm you felt. “Something wrong?” His words were soft, only causing the fluttering in your heart to intensify. He made you feel so safe, so cared for, so loved. Turning, you took in the sight of him under the moonlight, staring back at you with concern and confusion. “Y/n… Is everything alright-”

“I hate you” you breathed out, heart hammering in your chest as your feet carried you to his lanky form. His face contorted into one of pain, but it soon turned ot one of confusion as your gripped his shirt and yanked him down to your height. “I hate you for leaving me alone. I hate myself for never letting go… But most of all, I hate that I love you so much”

His mouth opened to respond, but you didn’t want to hear any of it. Your lips brushed up against his, inviting him to take the first leap. He quickly understood and pushed his lips down onto yours, fingers lacing into your hair to deepen it further. THe both of you stumbled backward till your back hit a tree, your hands gripping at everything it could touch. His shirt, his neck, his face, his hair, all of it was being scratched and pulled as you tried to deepen the kiss further. You wanted to be one with him, wanted it to be like the old times.

You tried so hard to suppress these feelings, but damn did it feel good to let them out.

Mysterious Love - Ch. 4

A/N: I proofread this while drunk. I am still drunk. Please. E n j o y <3

Word Count: 3092




You had honestly started to think you were spending more time in Kite’s underground ‘office’ than your own home. If you were to time it, it would probably be true. You had been there for days, permitted to sleep on the couch there without worry while you worked. A lot had happened while you researched this plant and created antidotes for it. The spice of life only got hotter as this project went on. 

In the time you spent there, you had finally gotten to meet some of the Amateur Hunters that Kite spoke of. They were all incredibly sweet and weren’t bothered at all by your sudden presence. In fact, they helped you work when Kite wasn’t there, making your job infinitely easier since you had picked up extra jobs thanks to this recent discovery. 

It was now your duty to report to the Association and two other individual clients with any scientific updates on antidote production and success. Information was being relayed back and forth like crazy as these people used your info to help locate the organization, constantly keeping you on your toes. Luckily the internet in the office was high security so you could communicate these things easily without needing to get burner phones as you usually did. The privilege of a date with Kite landed you with a lovely base to work from; a lot more than what you expected to come of your strange fondness for the man. 

Currently you worked on a more refined version of the antidote from a few days ago. The first one you made worked, but it was slow and not strong enough. The next few days had been spent refining it and making it fast acting, just in case something ever happened to you. The amount of people sent to follow you around had you admittedly a little worried, so you spent a lot of time inside to develop it, and also avoid the general interaction of being stalked. There was another small reason you stayed as well, which was for Kite. It was starting to become necessary to have interactions with the man. You were truly captured by him.

At the moment, you sat in the lounge with Kite and one of his Amateur Hunters, Spinner. All three of you were going through the massive folder once more to see if there was something you overlooked. There were pieces of information still missing, and you desperately needed to get to the bottom of this whole operation.

“This is the third run through of this folder. I hate this.” You groaned.

“We might have to go back to that lab if we want to find additional info.” Kite sighed. 

“Hell no. They’ve probably come back and doubled down on security. I’m good, but I do not feel like putting in the effort today.” 

“You’re quite lazy for an assassin.” Spin chuckled. 

“RIghtfully so!” You remarked. “Being on the verge of death every assignment is exhausting.”

The two of them nodded in agreement, noting the high stress nature of your job. Meanwhile, you threw down your stack of papers and picked up the manilla folder again, shaking the empty thing like it would magically produce what you needed in the moment. 

“Give me info you stupid folder.”

You fell back on the couch and held the folder up to the light, just as a regular gesture of frustration. There was no expectation for something to come of it, but something did. There was a darker patch in the folder, meaning that something was there to block out the light. You rocketed back upright, flipping the folder over.

“Now way…”

Your muttering caught Kite and Spin’s attention, and they watched you peel back a small panel on the folder, revealing a folded up piece of paper. Everyone was equally dumbfounded, putting their papers down to watch you instead. 

“Are we blind?? This is a joke, right?” You laughed.

“Nope. We… all missed that.” Kite said with a shake of his head. 

“Well now I just feel goofy.” Spin chuckled. “C’mon, what’s it say?”

You read it over in your head quickly, the silence in the room being deafening. When you finished, you looked up at the two of them with your lips drawn into a thin line.

“This is what I was looking for. The organization name, the real man in charge, everything. I have to get this to my client asap so we can shut this down.” 

“How convenient. You’re right, they are kind off stupid. Keeping a piece of information like that all in one folder, albeit behind a hilariously clever disguise, is incredibly stupid.” Kite noted. 

“I’ll leave this with you. It’s better I deliver this info verbally so there’s no paper trail to follow.” You said, standing from the couch. “I’ll be in touch. Everyone I need to speak with is at headquarters right now.”

“Be careful out there!” Spin called as you ran off.

“I will! Can’t  go dying on my new friends now can I?’ You called back, that usual grin of mischief on your face.

Off you went towards the main building of the Hunter’s Association, running as fast as you could. It would only take you fifteen minutes from your current location running, so you’d be able to get a bigger team on this case very quickly. It excited you to finally have the details you needed to close down this operation. You were getting quite sick of all your free time being plagued with possible death, thereby ruining your interactions with Kite. A proper date would be in order once everything was over.

When you arrived, you made quick work of delivering the information. You met up with your clients and higher members of the association in a closed off lounge, telling them every bit of information you had; from where they were located, who was in charge, and the intentions behind the operation. It was of great urgency, so once you had told them everything, a message was sent off to find a large team to take down the operation immediately. There was a very high chance you’d be involved too because of your skill, but you didn’t mind. It was the price of being as good as you were, and knowing as much as you did. The operation would take place later today, so it was suggested you get ready for the call.

You accepted of course and said you’d relay the info to Kite as well since you’ve been working with him. Everyone around you agreed, and finally you took off to return to the underground lab and get ready. Things were sure to get messy now.

“This crap is almost over. I hate it when things drag on too long.” You sighed to yourself as you ran down the street. “Maybe I can finally have a moment’s peace after all this is over.”

Your words were like a jinx. The moment you muttered to yourself something whizzed past your face, startling you and making you whip around. There was yet another moron in pursuit of you, except this time, his skill wasn’t moronic. Just the fact that he was initiating a fight in the middle of the street where everyone could see.

“Do you people ever lay off??” You hollered, throwing yourself back to stop him. 

“Not until you’re dead!” He retorted.

It was an even strike. You landed a lethal punch to the guy’s throat, but he too landed a hit on you. It was with a knife, so it was hardly fair, but the blade only grazed you just enough to make a cut about an inch or two deep across your shoulder. Your hit was worse, crushing the entire structure of his neck. 

“Fat chance of that happening.” You snorted, allowing the man to crumple on the sidewalk. 

“You’d better think twice. My blade… was… taint…ed.”

It was hard to make out the words from the airy noises of a dying man with a crushed airway, but you heard them. Panic rose on your face, and you looked down at the now festering cut on your shoulder. A sickly green substance lingered at its edges, being the cause of the unique pain you felt. 

“Fuck. Fuck! Fucking shit!” You cursed, rightfully panicked. 

All you could do was run. You had ten minutes tops to get back to Kite’s  lab before it was too late. You grabbed your phone from your pocket and called him. There was no chance you’d make it before your body shut down. You just knew it. 

“Kite, open the door to the lab. Now. I won’t be able to by the time I get there, that is if I get there.” You spoke frantically into your phone.

“Why?? What happened?” Kite responded, feeling the urgency in your voice. 

“I was followed again. Nicked by a poison coated knife. I have ten minutes at best, remember? Get the antidote ready and be prepared for me to fall down those damn stairs. I feel heavy already…” You heaved. “Need to hang up. Can’t hold phone…”

You left him with that. It was surely all he needed to get into gear. The feeling in your arms was already becoming lost to you, so you jammed your phone in your pocket and pressed on before your legs gave out next. You had to at least make it to the entrance, so you ran as fast as your slowly numbing body would let you. 

Looking like a drunken fool you weaved through people in a poor attempt to get back to the lab. Your legs were going next, every step becoming heavy as you forced  yourself to carry on. You were so close, almost in the alley with the underground door, but your body failed you. Clearly they still had some files, because the effectiveness of the drug was a lot faster than you expected it to be. Collapsing on the pavement of the alley, you forced yourself to use all your centered weight to throw yourself forward as you toppled down just enough to get to the stairs, tumbling down them like a ragdoll. Whatever got you there was all that mattered, and Kite was there to meet you. 

“Shit.” Kite muttered to himself when he swung open the door.

Seeing your body lying there was painful. Your body was battered, bruised, and visibly in dysfunction, completely limp. He picked you up without a second to spare and brought you inside, antidote already in his pocket. 

“It’s really hard to breathe.” You laughed halfheartedly. “This is not a cool feeling.”

“Don’t talk.”

Kite laid you down on the lounge couch and sat next to you, pulling the antidote from his pocket in a syringe. No time was wasted as he injected the whole thing into your bloodstream, hoping that it would work quickly. Once he finished the injection, he took a solution soaked cloth from the counter and cleaned off your cut, preventing any further toxins from getting in and counteracting the antidote. It was a sick waiting game now, and it wasn’t looking good. 

Despite the injection, your body continued to shut down. Your eyes could no longer keep themselves open, and your breaths became so small and weak your lungs were surely giving up on you. Kite waited with bated breath, holding firmly to your wrist to monitor your pulse. It was weak, slow… and then finally stopped. 

“No… no we worked on this for days…” He whispered weakly. 

For the first time in a long time, tears welled up on his waterline. He still held onto your wrist with desperation, praying for a pulse to an unknown god. 


There it was. Twenty seconds had passed, and it was faint…

Thump… Thump…

A pulse had returned, and after a few more hopeful seconds, a dramatic breath  came from you, far from graceful at all. You gasped desperately, sucking in as much air as your body would let you as you shot upright on the couch, following up with a nasty cough. So much relief washed over Kite’s expression, extremely happy to see your sweat coated face breathing again. 

Wow. That’s some scary shit. Not breathing? I don’t recommend trying that at all.” You choked out, your cynical sense of humour having made its grand return. 

Kite did not respond to your joke though. Usually he did, and when you looked straight at him to see what was up, you were met with a hand to your cheeks. You flushed red instantly, admittedly a little confused. 

“Ah, was it a bad joke?” You asked nervously. 

“I thought you weren’t going to make it…” He mumbled. 

“Ahah, neither did I honestly. I’m just an assassin though. I’m sure someone could take my place if I fucked up too badly.” You sighed. “Speaking of, the Association is sending down a team in a few hours. The operation should come to an end hopefully. I should get ready for that.”

You tried to move, but Kite disallowed you to do so. He gripped your arm a little tighter, but still held your face so very tenderly. It was rather unexpected, your heart skipping a beat or two.

“H-hey, don’t fuck up my heartrate right after I got it back.” You huffed.

“I’m calling the Association and telling them to send someone else besides you. I need you to stay here.” He said firmly. 

“Kite why-”

“You’re not just some replaceable assassin, ______. In fact, you’ve become irreplaceable to me. Let me take a damn moment to be grateful you didn’t die today.” He spoke softly.

His long fingers reached behind your head, gently pulling you forward. There was a moment of hesitance from him, but he brushed past it and closed the distance between you with a kiss; a very long awaited gesture filled with gratefulness. 

The second time was most certainly better than the first. It could be the atmosphere or the inherent gravity of the situation you were just in, but feeling your lips against his again made you melt into a feeling you never thought you’d get to feel again. Cheek pressed into his hand, you returned his kiss with equal sweetness, lost in the moment until he parted from you once more. 

Your eyes were half lidded, and your body at ease once more. You had run your toughness into the ground, simply accepting things as they were now. The heat of your cheeks radiating against his skin was no longer embarrassing, settled with the fact that you did indeed love and appreciate him a whole hell of a lot more than you let on. 

“Well damn. I guess I can’t say no to that.” You hummed, earning a breath of laughter from him.

“I’ve grown to appreciate your presence quite a bit. I’d like to keep you around. I think we’d make a great hunting team if I’m being honest… but perhaps we’d make a nice couple as well… if you’d dare delve into a partnership like that, that is.” He suggested meekly. 

You huffed, a soft smile spreading on your face. “Is it odd that I was hoping for that? I mean, we’ve only met just a few weeks ago but…”

“I think ‘love at first sight’ applies here. I’m not one to believe in that but… You’ve changed my mind.” He admitted.

“How mysterious. The assassin has claimed a new victim I guess~” You hummed, shifting yourself forward to lean into him. 

The pressure of your shoulder against his made you wince though, completely forgetting that you had been cut a solid couple of inches deep there. You cursed, and saw the blood on his shirt. 

“Fuckin’ hell… Sorry. I’m a bloody mess aren’t I?”

“A mess I’d be happy to take care of. It’s a shirt, don’t worry about it.” Kite said softly, turning so you could lean your other shoulder against him. “Take that rag on the table. It’s saturated in a solution containing traces of the antidote. While you hold it against your cut I’ll call the Association and get someone else on the job. Then I can take care of you from there.”

“How sweet~” You hummed, taking the mentioned cloth. 

“You don’t mind, do you?” He asked. 

You paused for a moment, then sighed. It was getting really tiring to constantly hold yourself together in such a way. He’d just confessed, and given you a second kiss. It… was fine now. 

“No. I don’t mind one bit. I think… I deserve a break.” You sighed, cutting the crap as you leaned all your weight into him, the cloth pressed to your shoulder. “I wouldn’t mind being taken care of for once…”

“I’ve finally gotten past the mysterious assassin’s steel walls, it seems.” He smiled. 

“Once again: how dare you.” You joked. “I dunno what it is about you, but I can’t help but trust you. Maybe it’s your eyes, and that streak of curious authenticity I see in them.”

“That trust will not be broken.” He then assured you. 

“God I hope not. I’ve… always wanted to love someone again…”

“So you do feel something for me~” Kite teased, taking his chance. 

“Hey, c’mon man… I’m already red as a beet. Knock it off.” You mumbled with a shy smile. “Make that call already, you hooligan.”

“I’ve been dying to see this side of you, I must admit.” He chuckled.

“Actually, I think I am the one who has been dying.” You shot back in jest.

Both of you laughed, the joke situationally hilarious. You decided to cease your jokes there though, nuzzling against his shoulder to completely relax now. The moment was nice, and you wanted to bask in it for as long as you possibly could. You hadn’t let down your walls in quite some time. It was nice, for a change, to have someone else to lean on for once. 

Kite shifted a little so you could both lean back on the couch, wrapping an arm around you to keep you close. Your eyes closed once more, focusing only on keeping the rag against your skin. He would work on patching you up after he made the call. The first step was ensuring you wouldn’t be bothered by any contracts for the next couple of days. From there, both of you could indulge in this mysterious love that blossomed between you.

You were excited to watch it grow, and so was he. 

Mysterious Love - Ch. 3

Kite X Assassin!Reader

Word Count:2782



You’d never been so excited to be woken up by your text tone. Where you normally would have yelled a voice command for it to shut up or throw the device across the room, you were eager instead and opened the message that had been sent to you. It was a text from Kite the next afternoon, the day you said you’d be completely free. You were indeed still free, and you would not be letting this chance slip away. 

_>I have a place in mind, if that’s alright. It’s a cafe near the office I rent out in the city for meetings. 

<_ Sounds good to me! I’ll see you in a few then~

He then sent you the address of the cafe and you heaved out a breath. You were honestly thinking about your last interaction; that being the impromptu kiss, wondering if you might get another one sometime soon. Since you were finally having a regular date as planned, you may just have a chance. 

For once, you dressed in something a little nicer than just black. You didn’t go crazy, but you added just a little hint of colour to your usual dark attire. Combat pants were just too convenient to give up, so accented colour via belts would have to do, and perhaps a different colour tank top than black this time. The subtle changes were usually for the better, so you went with it and carried on out your door, ready to go have that long awaited coffee.

You walked on confidently through the city streets towards the cafe, head buzzing with thoughts of seeing Kite again. It was relatively nice to be so airy and careless for once, thinking of simpler silly things instead of work and death. You really wished you could drift off in thought like that just a little bit longer, but unfortunately, your sixth sense had something to warn you about, and your peripheral vision confirmed it. 

The same person kept ending up in your vision on the side. Wherever you went, after a while, you were able to confirm that you were indeed being followed. This annoyed you greatly. You just wanted one damn moment of peace where you could enjoy the company of Kite without being forced into a job, or being threatened. This was starting to become an issue, which meant that the chances of it being related to the lab again were even higher. 

“I’m getting real sick of this shit.” You muttered to yourself. 

You were almost at the cafe by now, so there was no point in sending a warning text to Kite. It didn’t look like the guy had any intent on attacking yet, or any time soon at least. You’d just tell him in person, which is exactly what you did. As soon as you set foot in the rather adorable looking cafe you spotted Kite and made a beeline for him, joining him at the table he sat at. 

“Good afternoon. What’s with the sour face? Aren’t you happy to finally have some free time to chat?” Kite teased. 

“I am… I’m just not happy about being followed here.” You sighed, eyes still darting around. 

The look on Kite’s face sank a little. This was definitely getting to be more than just a little annoying. 

“Again? My… we can’t catch a break, can we?” 

“No. There’s…. It’s something to do with that lab. I know it is. What was in those documents you took back with you?” You suddenly asked, making direct eye contact with him. “I wasn’t really briefed on anything; just told to kill the head scientist. What little research I did wasn’t enough either. All I know is it was a paralytic drug of sorts that had plans to be used against people, and ended up being tested on animals in that sector of the forest. What were they working on in there…”

“… You’re not that far off.” Kite mumbled, recalling the contents of the documents. “It’s a lethal narcotic. A heavily altered one at that.”


“They were attempting to breed a plant that naturally produced lethal amounts of a psychoactive compound in small doses. The goal was to make something that paralyzes within minutes, eventually causing your body to shut down and die all before ten minutes can pass. It’s essentially a bioweapon, and it was going to be used to control people, animals, as well as many other less than pleasant side experiments.” Kite elaborated in a low tone. 

“Are you fuckin’ serious? This… this is an issue I shouldn’t have gotten mixed up in. I literally couldn’t get any more info on this when I asked…” You huffed, feeling a sort of panic. 

Just then, the cafe door swung open again, another customer walking in; or rather what seemed like a customer. You recognized the face of the man who walked in, and turned your head back to Kite. You didn’t want to look concerned or suspicious. Not yet. 

“That’s the guy who was following me.” You whispered. “I don’t know what the hell he’s after, but there’s a high chance it’s my life. I’ve fucked up one too many of this organization’s plans.” 

“I have a suggestion: we stay a while, enjoy some coffee like we wanted to and act normal to try and get a read on this guy. After a while we can leave for my office. It’ll be safe there, and we might be able to get rid of this one’s prying eyes somewhere in between as well.” Kite offered, giving you a rather solid option for a plan. 

“How safe is safe?” You asked, rightfully paranoid.

“It’s underground, key and passcode locked.”

“Cool. I like that. I like that a lot actually. When we leave, let me go first, and you wait for him to follow after me. Cover my back, in case he pulls some shit I wouldn’t normally expect. I can only imagine they’ll be sending better trained people after both of us since they’ve failed once already.” 

“A solid point. I can do that. Here’s the exact coordinates of the door I use to get in. We’ll meet at roughly the same time and I’ll get us inside.” He nodded, settled on the plan. 

“Nice. Thanks. I guess… another less than normal date it is then.” You huffed. 

You and Kite ordered your coffees and tried your best to make lighthearted chat. It didn’t last long though, both of you on high alert and constantly glancing at the suspicious individual just on the other side of the cafe. The conversation had turned back into talking about the documents, trying to figure out how to stop these attacks at the source. Neither of you, nor your clients, or the Association had a clue on where the root of the problem was. There would be many days of investigation to come now for sure. 

Once you had both agreed it was better to get a look  at the documents again and see what further information could be inferred, you made your move to leave while Kite still sat, waiting patiently. You dropped off your cup at the counter and thanked the barista for the drink, taking your leave. Seconds later, just as you had predicted, the stranger you assumed was following you got up and left the cafe, keeping his distance but very clearly following behind you. This irritated every nerve Kite had. He rose from his seat and did the same as you with his cup before briskly following after you. He didn’t have time to wait and see if he’d be able to hold you again, or just your limp body instead. He would be preventing the latter at all costs, because for the love of everything holy on this planet he needed to spend some more time with you.

You were smart, luckily taking a detour to the marked coordinates he gave you. The office was only a couple blocks away, but you purposefully went in the opposite direction before looping back around the block to head towards it. This gave enough time for your pursuer to make a move, if he was bold enough to do so; which he was. The idiot really pushed you into an alley about a minute later, but once again idiots were sent after you. 

Jammed into another alley out of sight, the man genuinely tried to pin you with a knife, but you were no simple informant or collector: you were an assassin. It wasn’t long before you flexed and turned the tables, knocking your pursuer to the asphalt with an arm twisted behind his back and a knife pressed close to his vitals. 

“What is with you people and alleys, huh? Always chasing me into ‘em like the outcome is gonna be any different than the last.” You scoffed. “Why the fuck are you following me and Kite around?”

“Gck, give us back our research documents and we’ll stop pursuing you, you prick- gah!” 

“Making demands while under my knife? Oh you are bold.” You laughed, shoving his arm further back to its most painful point. “Why do you need ‘em back? Hmm? What’s in there? What do you plan on doing with a narcotic so strong?”

“Go fuck yourself.” The man choked out. 

That instant, you heard a strange noise, and a long scythe blade curled into existence right before you under your pursuers neck. It was quite a fantastical sight to see, until your eyes crossed the goofy little clown at the end of it. 

“You’re supposed to buy your dates drinks first, idiot.” Kite spoke casually. 

He gave an upward pull so fast you would’ve missed it if your nose wasn’t two inches from his blade. Your hair rustled from the breeze his scythe created, and the head of your pursuer was sliced clean off, flying off to the side. Needless to say you were impressed, slowly panning your vision up to meet Kite’s eyes. 

“For once, a good roll. A very good roll indeed.” He mused. 

“Ohnow I get compliments? ‘S about time man!” The end of his scythe hollered at him. 

“Please go away…” He then groaned, causing his weapon to disappear into thin air. “Now where have I seen this scene before?”

Kite offered you his hand, and you snorted. You were kind enough to actually pull yourself up instead of yank him down into a dead body, but the thought did cross your mind. 

“That was pretty clean. Seems you’re a conjurer then. I learn a little more about you every day~” You hummed. 

“You can learn a little more if we get down to the office. They’re far, but I can feel some unpleasant presences coming to this spot.”

“Your en is that good? Wow. Seems we all have our boons and banes. Before we go though-” You paused, bending down to reach into the corpse’s pocket and pull out a syringe. “We should take this with us. This idiot really brought the poison with him. It’s a perfect studying opportunity.”

Kite nodded and both of you moved quickly to get to your destination. Neither of you had the time to waste on more idiots trying to kill you. Thankfully the office in question was only the next block over, Kite leading you to a stairway that took you underground and past some pretty intense locks. When you were finally inside though…

“This is NOT, a fuckin’ office.” You stated, looking around the massive room. 

Massive was perhaps an understatement. To your left was a lounge and bar, before you was the main room with ten computers, and further beyond that was an entire laboratory; small for a lab, but incredible to witness in what you were told would be an ‘office’.

“What? We’ve got computers, a workspace, and a resting area. Sounds pretty much like an office to me.” Kite chuckled. 

“This is a damn bunker of madness. You call it an office for cover, right? That has to be it. This is incredible!” You complimented. 

“I suppose that is why, yes. ‘Underground secret lab’ isn’t exactly an inconspicuous name.” He joked. “I need a safe place for my Amateur Hunters and I to get work and research done, and Swardani City is a convenient center point for meeting. We use this place often, and you’re welcome to use it yourself as well. I have a spare key so you can hide yourself, since you keep attracting killers.”

“I’d hope I’m attracting other things among killers after all this time.” You hinted, looking him up and down again. 

You walked off before he could say anything, headed straight for the lab to do a little more serious work. The contents of that syringe were on your mind, and you wanted to do a test right away. With Kite left hanging, he sighed and followed after you, holding off on witty responses for the moment. 

Kite watched as you started examining the collected poison right away, as if you’d always been a lab worker and knew exactly what to do. Perhaps you had been at one point though; he didn’t know. Regardless of your knowledge, it only mattered that it was enough, a thoughtful noise coming from you after a few minutes. 

“This is… wild. I mean, a milliliter of this stuff could kill in minutes with how strong it is. Hell, if this entered through a cut anywhere, the best you’d have to get an antidote is ten minutes tops.” You muttered blankly. “What kind of shit did I get myself mixed up in…”

“This problem seems to have grown exponentially. I’ll make sure to get you that key as soon as possible. You can work here safely. The walls are steel and your signal can’t be tracked. Use our encrypted internet to work with ease.” Kite offered once more. 

“Yeah. I’ll be taking you up on that one. Hah, it seems every time we try to have a simple date it gets screwy. I apologize for dragging you along into this mess of mine.” You sighed. 

“Honestly, it’s quite alright. It was partially my business as well. Besides, I quite enjoy the excitement for once. Work has gotten a lot more interesting with you around.” He hummed. 

You laughed, picking through the papers in the file on the table and pulling out a specific one with big red letters reading ‘antidote’ across it. 

“I’m glad you enjoy my presence then. That’s a huge compliment for me~” You replied. “Now, I’m no botanist, but I’m gonna take a hack at making the antidote to this ridiculous drug. This was already clear intent of wanting to use what they have left against us, so we should be ready just in case one of us gets hit.”

“A wise choice. You’re free to use the lab here as long as you need.” He nodded. 


“So, pardon my suggestion but do you think we could carry on with that date of ours? It’s safe here, so we can speak freely without worry. How about it~?” He asked. 

“Ah yes, the date! I have been meaning to ask a little more about your nen ability. I’ve never seen someone argue with their ability before, I must say.” You laughed.

“Nowthis will be an interesting conversation indeed.”

You and Kite yammered on a little more freely now all while you worked on whipping up some antidotes for this viciously strong drug. It was convenient that the solution to the problem was so easy to access for you, which was probably why the organization that originally owned the documents wanted them back so badly. For now though, you had time to work on this small project in peace, getting to know Kite a little more along the way. 

He hovered over your shoulder while you worked, helping out here and there while enjoying the closeness. The conversations you had were intellectual yet flirty, slipping in little pickup lines or compliments in between topics. It was a lovely way to carry on the date, the two of you bumping shoulders a lot more often than you thought you were. 

Perhaps love at first sight was real. Both of you thought about that kiss from yesterday, but neither of you bothered to address it. There was a much more dire situation to be concerned about at the time, but the thought still lingered, both of you wondering if you’d get the opportunity to do it again. After this mess was a little more organized, perhaps. For now, this scientific date would be enough. 
