#knb midorima


Midorima is perhaps the most compatible character to be discussed with astrology, but I will bring some psychological angles to his analysis as well. Being the favorite character of Fujimaki sensei “to draw” he must have gone through some trials and errors when he was made. But on the surface, he seems like a stereotypical cool megane guy who thinks everyone is beneath him. So why is Midorima the way he is? let’s dive in with Oha-Asa style


Let’s talk his name first. Midorima’s surname is written with two kanjis: “Midori” (緑) and “Ma” (間). The first one obviously hints at his hair colour and overall color scheme: green, a colour associated with intelligence, fertility, wealth and youth. The latter character means “space” which hints at his playing style: the high arching 3 pointers. So overall, his name indicates an overachiever, perfectionist to the teeth and serious person. If his name was to indicate “Green Space”, then should he not be a visionary and imaginative person, close to Akashi or Kuroko–but he is much controlled than others. Is it a conscious character design choice, a psychological aftermath or something supernatural involved in it?

Both Midorima’s name and playing style are very Jovian in the Astrological sense. Jupiter in Eastern Astrology is the Advisor of the Gods and he signifies Space and expansion of everything good on the physical plane. Thus, he is often called “giver of great wealth, family, children and intelligence”. Jovian people are also big-hearted, generous, affectionate people. Coincidentally, Midorima is a Cancer, a house where Jupiter is exalted. However, Midorima is not a Cancer Jupiter, but Cancer Sun and his sun is placed in Pusya constellation(the Constellation of Nourishment) a constellation ruled by Saturn: the exact opposite of Jupiter in nature. While Jupiter expands everything from wealth to imagination, Saturn limits. Saturn signifies death, discipline, hard work, limitations and coldness. The juxtaposition of expansive style of play with a very controlled character kind of symbolises the conditions of Jupiter’s exaltation in Cancer. Jupiter is not only exalted in Cancer, it is exalted only when it is placed in Pusya, the constellation of Saturn. Space itself has no shape, it is unfathomable and infinite and to make it usable in the terrestrial level, limitation is required. Midorima’s counteracting character and playing style describe exactly that: in fact his controlled demeanor is the reason behind his excellence.


There is a surface dispassion and control on Midorima’s character. He tries to control everything around him: his chances through lucky items, disruptive behaviours of others and other normal things which are really common for teenagers. It’s typical Saturnian quality to restrict and control but why in such an extensive way? I think, deep down Midorima is easily afraid and fear is something he struggles with all the time. Saturn is also the lord of fear, which further feeds into the restriction side of the character. In a type A character like Midorima, who wants everything to be perfect all the time, the fear actually stems from his lack of confidence for not being good enough. He may appear that he is cool and confident, but he is not: he does have an abhorrence towards confrontations and taking things head on and face to face, which also translates well to his playing side: shooting from far. He is always afraid of something being wrong, which also makes him cling to the “lucky items”.


The child-like hoarding habit of lucky item is an adorable quirk in Midorima’a character, whose interpretation can get considerably dark. This sort of “possessiveness” are the result of dysfunctional childhood. In K-project: Return of the The Kings, Saruhiko Fushimi is a character that had dysfunctional childhood which developed into a twisted possessiveness towards his ex-best friend Yata Misaki. Midorima is not nearly as dysfunctional as Fushimi, but things are somewhat apparent. Midorima appears to have a very sheltered childhood, too lavish and sheltered that overlooked his inner insecurities with his outward brilliance. He had doting, perhaps  overprotective parents who incubated their brainy child to a sanctuary of order and discipline, thus discouraging and curtailing the caprices of a natural child. This developed a chronic dependency on “lucky items” that are supposed to make the day better, like the toy teddy is supposed to protect from the monster under the bed. It is both comic and pathetic to see Midorima from such an angle: the parenting he has been under must have been overcontrolling disguised as affection. Inshort, Midorima is the less comical version of Handa Seishuu, the young calligrapher from the anime “Barakamon” [both voiced by Daisuke Ono]


This also hints that Midorima must also be most emotional of all his peers. Japan is very conformist nation and boys are raised in a very specific ways, showing emotions is considered feminine and therefor is frowned upon on men. Kise may appear emotional on the surface because firstly he is very expressive and extroverted, secondly he is heavily impacted by his elder sisters and has healthy feminine impression on his psyche. Midorima on the other hand is a first born boy in a upper-middle class Japanese family and his emotions were in check frequently so that he could be a stalwart guardian for his decade younger sister. While Kise is shown crying in public after losing match to Touou, Midorima cries in private for more than twice. He is either shameful of his outburst of emotions, or he wishes not to show his vulnerable side. The repression of his abundant emotions creates even tougher outer shell that portrays Midorima with a “Higher than thou” outlook. Aside from feminine, he also has very delicate tendancies like “to file” nails instead of “clipping it” which could have been faster and easier, taping nails with slow pace instead of slapping them hurriedly. Although Kise is the model and works in a domain of Art, it is Midorima’s sense of delicacy that comes out in subtle manner.


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