#akashi seijirou

monhiio: In the first image we see a before an after the curse that’s been put on you as a child stamonhiio: In the first image we see a before an after the curse that’s been put on you as a child sta


In the first image we see a before an after the curse that’s been put on you as a child starts working its magic!

And in the second? Midorima crying because he realizes hes a simp for his best friend! Fun times in my mind

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not me realizing that it’s spelt headcanons and not headcannons after like 6 of these posts


  • He has like 2 pictures and they’re both from like 5 years ago and they’re probably bad
  • pretends like he doesn’t use social media but actually just lurks
  • He has no pictures but kuroko has like 30 pictures of kagami being dumb and you’ll have to pry those pictures from his cold dead hands he will never take them down


  • He has like 20 followers but his account is just an absolute disaster
  • Every account he has is a spam account
  • Has about 400 posts but only like 5 are actually pictures of him
  • Roasts his friends in the comments of their own posts


  • You will find him on every platform you can think of
  • Actually he will find you 3 seconds after making an account you’ll get a friend request from him and either the algorithms are really good or kise is outside your house with a pair of binoculars waiting for you to finish making your linkedin account so he can add u
  • Has like 8000 pictures of himself on his instagram but if you ask him about them he’ll tell you he hates all of them


  • Also like Kagami, he has like no pictures but he’s more open about lurking cause he comments mean shit on his friends posts
  • By mean shit I mean mean shit but with love
  • Most of his pictures are like thirsts traps that he posts for like a week and then deletes them and then he does it again and the cycle repeats
  • Likes to argue with random people online


  • Has a private account with like 3 followers and he won’t accept your friend request for at least a year
  • That or he has one specific social media platform that he uses constantly and nothing else
  • Checking your facebook feed and exclusively seeing scrolling posts from your distant relatives and 5000 horocscope shared posts from midorima 
  • Doesn’t know how social media works
  • Living personification of old people facebook


  • Has very professional looking social media that he checks never
  • You’ll send him something and then 6 months later you’ll get a message from him like ‘haha, I enjoyed this image thank you for the laugh’ 
  • Or he’ll send someone a really old meme and they’re just like “Akashi thats from like 7 years ago”
  • Once a year consistently he’ll go on his friends profile and make sure to like all their posts 


  • You will never find him on anything because his account names are definitely some niche inside joke that no one understands 
  • If you do find him you will never understand his posts because he will post shit like just a picture zoomed in on his forehead
  • Can’t tell if he’s either behind on social media or he’s elavated to another level society isn’t ready for yet
  • Posting thirsty comments on his friends posts
  • And since nobody knows his account name people will just see his comments and be like wtf who is this 
  • If you get a weird dm there’s like a 90% chance its him just tryna mess with u 


  • Exactly what you think it is
  • Just one big hot mess
  • Also posts thirsty comments on his friends posts
  • Much like Kise he is on everyplatform and he absolutely will find you especially if you don’t want him to
  • Can’t tell the difference between his shitposts and his non shitsposts
makkikomori got me to watch KnB so obviously this was gonna happen once I realized I had an old wig

makkikomori got me to watch KnB so obviously this was gonna happen once I realized I had an old wig lying around that would reasonably suit akashi

featuring my oikawa jersey (too much sports anime)

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for mini akafuri artbook which i’m working right now. akafuri with kabuki AU.

for mini akafuri artbook which i’m working right now.

akafuri with kabuki AU.

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My top 10 red haired anime characters

10. Yukihira Soma

Honestly, he cracks me up. He’s so serious about cooking, which I admire, but also a compete goofball

9. Erza Scarlet

Badass woman. Enough said

8. Hisoka

I honestly can’t believe I like this fucking clown but I seem to have a thing for them apparently

7. Nagato Uzumaki

Honestly, in my opinion, one of the most badass characters in Naruto. He deserved so much more

6. Akashi Seijūrō

Kind of an asshole but an attractive one. I think he had pretty good character development.

5. Todoroki Shouto

Ok, y’all can make an argument that his hair is not completely red but I still love him.

4. Kamado Tanjiro

A baby. How can you hate him?

3. Kirishima Eijirou

Another baby

2. Karma Akabane

Another asshole

1. Gaara

My favorite character of all time. I’ve cosplayed as him before. We not talking about boruto Gaara though cause they did him dirty. (Naruto is me in the background)

So for some reason, all of my favorite anime characters are red heads. I actually dyed my hair red cause Lmao

Who’s your favorite red haired character?

Some aoaka for your day


Kurobasu rarepair

We were rewatching some episodes of knb and here’s Akashi with his savior ❤️
