#knights of the old republic



I did these a few weeks ago but forgot to post them here and tODAY JUST HAPPENS TO BE THE PERFECT DAY!!

Top is my Revan, Rana Esellan! Bottom is my Exile, Kailan Surik!! Now excuse me while i go hunt for a PS5

When you hit the end of all the current dialogue, but you still wanna chat, y’know???This was one of

When you hit the end of all the current dialogue, but you still wanna chat, y’know???

This was one of the first things I drew for KotOR, 10 whole years ago! Original behind the cut:

Ah, the days of scanning in the lineart and then coloring it digitally. I flipped things so it’d look more like the in-game conversations, with your character on the right.

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After the Leviathan I love the scene right after the crew escapes, when everything comes out and theAfter the Leviathan I love the scene right after the crew escapes, when everything comes out and theAfter the Leviathan I love the scene right after the crew escapes, when everything comes out and the

After the Leviathan

I love the scene right after the crew escapes, when everything comes out and they’ve gotta deal with the revelations. 

Posteda version of this a few years ago, but was never fully happy with it, so… revamp!

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Knights of the Old Republic (Hour 26): The end…?Well, this has been fun! I’ve enjoyed seeing all theKnights of the Old Republic (Hour 26): The end…?Well, this has been fun! I’ve enjoyed seeing all theKnights of the Old Republic (Hour 26): The end…?Well, this has been fun! I’ve enjoyed seeing all theKnights of the Old Republic (Hour 26): The end…?Well, this has been fun! I’ve enjoyed seeing all the

Knights of the Old Republic (Hour 26): The end…?

Well, this has been fun! I’ve enjoyed seeing all the KotOR love as I went through Revan’s journey. ♥

Full tag on desktop. If you’re on mobile, they’re all tagged #kotober.

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Knights of the Old Republic (Hour 23): On the Unknown World“After all this is over… we

Knights of the Old Republic (Hour 23): On the Unknown World

“After all this is over… we should come back here. I could use a vacation.
[laugh] “… I would like that.”

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Knights of the Old Republic (Hour 22): “Don’t open the box” they said“Surely it can’t be that

Knights of the Old Republic (Hour 22): “Don’t open the box” they said
“Surely it can’t be that bad” she said

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Knights of the Old Republic (Hour 19): Not Hiding in the MedbayI love Jolee’s stories. ♥Jolee, I thi

Knights of the Old Republic (Hour 19): Not Hiding in the Medbay

I love Jolee’s stories. ♥

Jolee, I think, loves the idea of Carth and Vera making up so that she’ll stop bothering him.

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Knights of the Old Republic (Hour 17): Carth’s request Well, all this flirting has gotten real. What

Knights of the Old Republic (Hour 17): Carth’s request

Well, all this flirting has gotten real.

What makes this moment work for me is, they’ve already established that he knows she can handle herself — the conversation right before this, he calls her skills “incredible.” And if you ask him what he’s even supposed to do, he admits he’s nothing special. This isn’t some macho posing.

This is, for years he thought his only remaining purpose was to give his life in the service of vengeance. It’s that something about this entire situation feels very wrong, and he’s the only one that seems to be worried about that. So now—if it’s ok with her—he’d like to put his paranoia to use and have her back. She’s worth it.

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Since I haven’t been drawing everything, there are some things that get missed. Over the course of Manaan (between 15 to 17 of my illustrations) Vera had an interesting mini-arc with the Genoharadan assassinations.

  • Vera has the conversation with Bastila about helping to keep each other on the light side
  • Sticking to the light has felt more or less instinctual so far. She relaxes.
  • They get to Manaan
  • The Genoharadan tries to hire Vera, and at first she’s like Absolutely not.
  • But…. they could use the credits…. and something about subtle movements to shape the galaxy for the better feels strangely appealing.
  • What’s the harm, really.
  • As they travel around, she ends up sneaking off, either by herself or with HK + Canderous. They don’t ask questions.
  • Bastila and Carth notice *something* might be happening, but she manages to convince them it’s nothing
  • Meanwhile, she’s been getting to know Jolee. He mentions being curious about her destiny, and that something seems strange. “Everything about you that I can see is odd… Slightly off, as if my eyes are trying to trick me. Something is very dark about you…”
  • This (understandably) unsettles her.
  • This is soon followed by the revelation that Genoharadan guy was using her to gain control of the organization.
  • At first she’s angry – and then she realizes.
  • It’s a wake up call, and it all kind of hits her, what she’s been doing.
  • All this in mind, she’s a lot more willing to be open to Carth’s offer of “Let me protect you
Knights of the Old Republic (Hour 15): Bastila’s doubtsBastila’s journey through the game is so inte

Knights of the Old Republic (Hour 15): Bastila’s doubts

Bastila’s journey through the game is so interesting, because you only really understand half of it your first time through. She’s holding a lot on her shoulders.

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Star Wars Lightsaber Design 2 by Anthony JonesChannelling Darth Traya

Star Wars Lightsaber Design 2 by Anthony Jones

Channelling Darth Traya

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Celebrating Star Wars day with my favourite lovebirds. :)
