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First project of 2021: Misurina by Caitlin Hunter.

The hat-weather season is coming soon. And I think it’s an excellent excuse to show off the lovely Cheslie Togue, which I recently tested for talented @kyiomeebee! This pattern is so amazing!

In knitting, the hardest thing for me is starting - settling on a project, working out the idea and how I want it to look… And that’s one of the reasons I love socks: starting requires almost zero effort. Socks can be started in a snap even at the end of a long day, while watching Netflix (which is exactly how these happened). Really excited to see the colour pattern turning out! ~ Lana

My current #wips. Since summer is here I do a lot of embroideries and new addiction are puzzles. I love to have several projects for every mood. ~Lana

With all this free time on our hands, we’ve been finishing old projects. This particular one has been in the works for about 7 years, and we only just finished it up now! The pattern is from one of my old knitting magazines. Absolutely gorgeous, don’t you think?

In light of recent events having us all stuck inside, we’re offering our Little Tulip Socks pattern for free on Ravelry until April 5th. Bring some of the spring sun inside and stay safe friends!

My “everyday life” (if you can call it that currently) looks like this: lots of knitting -vanilla socks and lace, hiking and talking with my family and friends. What does your “everyday life” look like?~ Lana
