#hobby lobby


I Only Need Birth Control Because … I’m Only Fat Because … And The Politics Of Appeasement

Ruth Bader Ginsberg with middle finger upFollowing the recent, horrendous Hobby Lobby decision, I’ve been seeing a spate of articles talking about why so many women need birth control not for controlling birth but for medical issues like irregular periods.

I find this argument not only irritating but detrimental. I think the argument that birth control is not just birth control but medicine SUCKS as an argument. Why should it matter…

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hobby lobby
What do y'all notice is similar about the people depicted, here?TOP: President Donald J. Trump annWhat do y'all notice is similar about the people depicted, here?TOP: President Donald J. Trump ann

What do y'all notice is similar about the people depicted, here?

TOP: President Donald J. Trump announcing the #SCOTUS nomination of Neil Gorsuch (screenshot by Michael Sitarzewski)

BOTTOM: Painting of “Scene of the Signing of the Constitution of the United States” (by Howard Chandler Christy)

Gorsuch considers himself to be a “constitutional originalist” - meaning, he assesses everything as he believes the forefathers would’ve in 1789 (potentially minus Amendments that have been made)

As always, I’d like to hear your thoughts

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Thanks to long awaited cool weather in Naples, Fl , I can wear my #hanasweater .

Shawlography is the most structurally and technically unique shawl I have ever knit. I am astounded and in love… Far from being dreary, my October was full of excitement! A whole-hearted thank you to @westknits for giving us all something to look forward to each week of an otherwise gray and rainy month. #westknitsmkal2021 #shawlographymkal ~ Lana

First project of 2021: Misurina by Caitlin Hunter.

The hat-weather season is coming soon. And I think it’s an excellent excuse to show off the lovely Cheslie Togue, which I recently tested for talented @kyiomeebee! This pattern is so amazing!

In knitting, the hardest thing for me is starting - settling on a project, working out the idea and how I want it to look… And that’s one of the reasons I love socks: starting requires almost zero effort. Socks can be started in a snap even at the end of a long day, while watching Netflix (which is exactly how these happened). Really excited to see the colour pattern turning out! ~ Lana

My current #wips. Since summer is here I do a lot of embroideries and new addiction are puzzles. I love to have several projects for every mood. ~Lana

With all this free time on our hands, we’ve been finishing old projects. This particular one has been in the works for about 7 years, and we only just finished it up now! The pattern is from one of my old knitting magazines. Absolutely gorgeous, don’t you think?

In light of recent events having us all stuck inside, we’re offering our Little Tulip Socks pattern for free on Ravelry until April 5th. Bring some of the spring sun inside and stay safe friends!

My “everyday life” (if you can call it that currently) looks like this: lots of knitting -vanilla socks and lace, hiking and talking with my family and friends. What does your “everyday life” look like?~ Lana

I’ve been obsessed with #laceknitting lately. This is fresh off the needles, the “Faux Russian Stole” #shawl. Knit it for my mom, enjoyed every stitch. Yarn-silk mohair @romniwools. Now back to my Shetland lace project.~Lana

Everyone needs a pair of #knitsocks in the winter! Happy Friday my friends!

I spent a beautiful day in Kensington Market today- and I finally got to show off my #folkeshawl , designed by talented @kiyomibee, and published in newest @amirisushop. The centre split and the soft, chunky yarn @katiayarns make for a very cozy shawl!

This project took me 2 years to start, and 12 hours to prepare the yarn #k1s1 #extremknittingyarn , 2 hours to knit, 1 blister on my right hand and 1 thirty-second video to complete! But it was #worthit . I adore this blanket. A true family heirloom! @jacquifink


Religious Liberty claim headed for federal court

(CNN - New York) The New York City Kingdom Hall (NYCKH) of Jehovah’s Witnesses has filed suit in 2nd district federal court today challenging Obamacare’s blood transfusion coverage requirements. 

“Christians shall not ingest blood,” said Jacob Edelman, spokesperson for the NYCKH, “and it is a mortal sin for a Christian to accept a blood transfusion and, by extension, to pay for one. The Jehova’s Witnesses are not asking for anything that Hobby Lobby isn’t asking for.”

Hobby Lobby objected to the comparison.

“Hobby Lobby isn’t asking for crazy requirements,” said a representative, “it’s ridiculous to demand people not get blood transfusions. If you don’t want a blood transfusion, don’t get one, but ultimately the choice is left to the conscience of the patient,” they said, oblivious to their own reality.

A preliminary injunction may be granted next week when the Court hears oral arguments for the two sides.
