#kny fanfic



᯽⸱៰ ͘ ࣭⸰ ͙ࣳ They’rebig,buff, and built. Let’s talk about all things beefy with this collab, dedicated to our favs who could easily throw us around <3

In honour of hitting 4k I thought I’d host a collab dedicated to my favourite kind of man, the one that could squish me with their tits <3 this is very on brand hehe



due:anytime in November


Any character (maleorfemale, there are some beefy females out there too! ) from any fandom is welcome for this collab. Just send me an ask or a DM to join!

Characters can be written up to three times, but honestly, I’m not picky, just talk to me

The piece can be SFW, NSFW or DC so long as it’s tagged and labelled appropriately

All pieces are welcome, including art. Just let me know the details when you ask in your ask/dm

The posts will be due any time in NOVEMBER, so November 1st all the way to the 30th! (I know many writers will be writing for kinktober and I don’t wanna overwhelm anyone <3) this is a loose due date so if you need more time lemme know <3

Tag your piece with #bigbeefymencollab and tag me when you’re done so I can add you to the masterlist

Feel free to reblog this to spread the word <3

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A/N- I hoped everyone liked this series!

Part One|Part Two | Part Three

Gender: Gender Neutral Reader

Warnings: yandere, stalking, kidnapping, murder, obsession, manipulation, gaslighting, and more

Characters: Mitsuri Kanroji, Uzui Tengen, and Shinobu Kocho

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YANDERE MITSURI is a clingy and a harmless yandere, she is happy if you are happy and that’s what matters to her. Though she is hurt when you express to her that you are in relationship with a person, but she loves to see you smile and squeal with happiness. Still a little part of her hopes in the end you’ll choose her.

YANDERE MITSURI is like your best friend, you can tell her anything…but she’ll use that to get what she wants—like blackmail. If you refuse to cuddle her or show her attention, she’ll will “playful” say she’ll tell your crush that you like them. Sometimes that stuff turns into an argument, like her using your most sensitive and hurtful secrets to get at you. In the end she’ll apologize and make it up to you to see your smile again. She hates arguments but sometimes causes them without thinking.

YANDERE MITSURI wouldn’t dispose of anyone, like I said if that person makes you happy then so be it. But… If that person is being harmful then maybe she’ll get someone to do it for her [*cough* *cough* Obanai].

YANDERE MITSURI wouldn’t also kidnap you for the same reason, she would hate to see those bright eyes dull into sorrow. At most with her clinginess, it would feel like she is with you 24/7 and almost like she lives with you.

YANDERE MITSURI = no punishments. Punishments = you not being happy. If you wanted to distance yourself from her, then she’ll let you if it makes you HAPPY, but though I can see her turning into a stalker and leaving you litte notes or gifts.

YANDERE TENGEN is a fanatical and a possessive yandere, he is also bit of a self-indulgent yandere but just little. When this man spotted your flamboyant self, he is already at your feet begging for you to marry him. Claiming he is the god of festivals and listing the benefits of being married to him.

YANDERE TENGEN is a package deal! Not only do you get Tengen, you get his wives ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). It’s a team goal to make sure you are protected and loved—it like an orgy party of yanderes [LMAO]. Tengen is yandere for all his wives, but more with you.

YANDERE TENGEN would certainly abduct you, he is just taking what is his [and his wives]. After sometime of you rejecting them, they’ll take desperate measures and kidnap you. Ignoring your screams and cries until y'all reach his estate, that’s when they smoother you with affection and cooing soothing words.

YANDERE TENGEN and his wives would get rid of anyone who would get in the way of being with you and obviously a person who is a potential threat to you—they’ll take no chances you getting injured.

YANDERE TENGEN would allow you to go out to the village WITH the supervision of his and your now wives. If you start to behave badly, like throwing a tantrum or trying to escape, he is quick to snatch that freedom from you.

YANDERE TENGEN would punish you. He would break your leg/s if you tried to escape or maybe cut ya tongue if you continuously insult them, though he has to be feed up with you in order for him to do something that serious. Sometimes it just blows him away on how horrible you act towards them sometimes;they spoil you with gifts, affection [sexual or not], food…whatever your heart desired.

YANDERE SHINOBU is manipulative and isolating yandere. She’ll manipulate you into believing that she is the only one that loves you, using tactics to make you stay with only her and only loving her.

YANDERE SHINOBU would murder someone for you, she knows how to kill someone with people not thinking it’s her. She’ll poison one of your friends and when you find them slumped on the ground and barely breathing, you cry for her to help them. She will agree and ask you to leave so she can sit there and watch them gasp for air, then “sadly” break the news to you that your friend had died.

YANDERE SHINOBU as well would manipulate you into believing you are sick or hurt, so she can keep you high and dependent on her. She has a room in her estate dedicated to you, were she keeps you hidden from the world.

YANDERE SHINOBU wouldn’t necessary kidnap, more like take you at your most vulnerable times. If on a mission you get injured, Shinobu is there to drag you to her estate and take care of you. In actuality she is gonna keep you until she has you tamed and has you wrapped around her finger, you will never leave her.

YANDERE SHINOBU would poison you, not enough to kill you but make you sick, if you tried to escape. When you get up and try to leave, your now weak legs would cause you to fall to the ground and she’ll be there to catch you and tell you she told you so. “See my little butterfly, you’re too sick. I’m the only one who will take care of you!”

She had told everyone that you had died, they had fake funeral and all for you. She believes if you went back out into the world and figured it out, it’ll be too overwhelming for you. Why not stay somewhere you are feed, cared, and loved? Everyone in her estate knows you are there and is willing to keep you protected and a secret, it’s useless to run to them and rat on Shinobu—they’ll do nothing but tell Shinobu about your pleads for help.

Part One | Part Two | Part Three

Genders: Gender Neutral Reader

Warnings: yandere, stalking, kidnapping, murder, obsession, manipulation, gaslighting, and more

Characters: Muichiro Tokito, Giyuu Tomioka, and Kyojuro Rengoku

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YANDERE MUICHIRO is a stalker and a Hoarder yandere. After you dozed off to the dream world, Muichiro sneaks into your room and hovers above you. Watching you before leaving to take your things.

YANDERE MUICHIRO is forgetful but he always remembers you, and he questions himself why he does. This is a reason why he is so interested in you, rather romantically or platonically—though if you are older than him, he would probably be a platonic yandere and could see you as a parental or older sibling.

YANDERE MUICHIRO would eventually kidnap you, like all yanderes he wants to keep you to himself and wants to protect you.

YANDERE MUICHIRO would eliminate anyone without a thought. He would eventually forget about it, so what is it for him to worry about.

YANDERE MUICHIRO expects you to show him affection and attention when he wants it. If he wants you to come lay on the grass and watch the clouds with him, you better obey or he’ll act out.

YANDERE MUICHIRO punishments are “accidental”. In anger he would either slap you or twist your arm, then he would look at you and back at his hand. He would then apologize before leaving for couple hours and would come home, acting like nothing never happened.

YANDERE GIYUU is the wrong idea type of yandere. When you show him an ounce of kindness and make an effort in talk to him, he believes you did it out of love.

YANDERE GIYUU would want to be near you as much as he can, even at a distance he would want you to approach him and show him the kindness you had showed him every time you guys interacted.

YANDERE GIYUU would threatened, similar to Obanai, more than eliminate someone. The day that a drunken man stumbles up to you and begins to make flirtatious comments, Giyuu is right behind you. He would be glaring at the man, his hand on his sword in a threatening way, until the man scurries away.

YANDERE GIYUU would not kidnap you, but if he notice that you are starting to distance yourself from him then he’ll take extreme measures to keep you with him.

YANDERE GIYUU punishments are a slap on the wrist, literally. He would excuse your erratic behavior as to getting used to your new environment and completely ignores it [If kidnapping you had already taken place].

YANDERE KYOJURO is a delusional and overprotective yandere. The second this man had laid his owl-like eyes upon you, he knew the both of you were in love.

YANDERE KYOJURO is painfully obvious in love6, he is loud about it too and will clearly declare his devotion for you. He would speak to Kagaya for you to be his tsuguko, and during those times he would be touchy-feely and blunt about his love.

YANDERE KYOJURO believes when you are acting out, it’s because of a person filling your mind with nonsense. He would find that person he believed to be the cause and dispose of that person.

YANDERE KYOJURO wouldn’t punish you. He is convinced that you are infatuated with him like he is with you to be disobedient. Like above, he would blame it on a person who he assumes it to be.

YANDERE KYOJURO would kidnap you, well he wouldn’t say it’s kidnapping. He’ll force you to quit the demon slayer corps and live at the Rengoku estate.

Part One | Part Two|Part Three

Genders: Gender Neutral Reader

Warnings: yandere, stalking, kidnapping, murder, obsession, manipulation, gaslighting, and more

Characters: Gyomei Himejima, Sanemi Shinazugawa, and Obanai Iguro

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YANDERE GYOMEI is submissive yandere, and what I mean by a submissive yandere is that he is willing to do anything you ask him to do [besides letting you go].

YANDERE GYOMEI would gaslight his darling, he would deny that he kidnapped you and would try to say he was protecting you from those man-eating demons. Though in the far parts of his mind, he knows he did wrong.

YANDERE GYOMEI hardly let’s anyone near his darling, besides genya and that’s because he see genya as his own. Gyomei is protective of his darling and when he is on mission, he leaves genya to keep an eye on you and him to report any of your misbehaving behaviors to him.

YANDERE GYOMEI’S punishments for his darling are mostly mental and emotional. He would lock you in a unlit room with no windows or signs of life, and another would be him guilt tripping you. He would get on his knees, burying his face into your stomach, and give reasons why he did the things he did [blaming you for his actions, another way of gaslighting].

YANDERE GYOMEI would not eliminate a person if he did not have to, only possible way would be if that person is a threat to or being harmful towards his darling. Most of the time when Gyomei makes his presence known, the person is intimidated by Gyomei’s appearance and would eventually leave you alone.

YANDERE SANEMI is an impulsive and overprotective yandere. He ADORES his darling and wants to keep them safe, but sometimes when he gets angry at his darling and can’t help but to act on it and hurt them in some way.

YANDERE SANEMI would eliminate anyone who sends harm to his darling, doesn’t care how much you plead for him not to. He also wouldn’t care if it was one of your love ones or even his, they are dead.

YANDERE SANEMI can get violent if you behave badly, deny his affections, or escape. He would act irrationally and potentially hurt you.

YANDERE SANEMI punishments are agonizing, he would hurt you physically and all of the above. If he gets angry, he might break your leg or finger. You deny his love filled gestures, he will force you to act upon it.

YANDERE SANEMI absolutely does not allow anyone near you, not even a fly. He does not want anyone besides him to see you, breath same air as you, or touch you. He doesn’t let you outside, fearing the demons that lurk at night and “dangerous” people would hurt you. If he is feeling generous he might let you see the light of day with his company, those days are when he is in a good mood.

YANDERE OBANAI is undoubtedly a stalker and obsessive yandere. As he watching you from the tree he is perched on, he can not help or shake the thoughts of you out of his head—it drives him insane!

YANDERE OBANAI would eliminate someones for you but most of the time he threatens them. If you are likely to have a lover, his first option is the scare them away and his second is to get rid of that probable lover.

YANDERE OBANAI would allow you to go outside and to the near by village, but unknowingly to you he is watching from afar to make sure you are safe.

YANDERE OBANAI typically doesn’t punish you because he doesn’t want to hurt you. Though sometimes he does and they aren’t really severe, at most it’s a lecture.

YANDERE OBANAI would allow few trust worthy people, like Mitsuri or Shinobu for medical reasons. He would let you interact with the village people but if they look at you in the wrong way, he’s out to get them and is going to make their life miserable.

YANDERE OBANAI would have someone, like Sanemi or Kaburamaru, to watch over you when he is on missions—so don’t do anything bad.

Stupid Lies and a Kiss (part 1)

Pairing: Tengen Uzui x black!fem oc or reader

Warnings: 18+! recreational drug use, dry humping, dick teasing

Note: i couldn’t wait any longer to post this, the set up was taking too long for me to work out SO I GUESS ANOTHER INCONSECUTIVE FIC FOR Y’ALL


it was kind of out of nowhere when he suddenly commands her to “come here.”

she sees his cheeks hollow, noting the allure of his profile, especially with him so close. the man’s cockiness grated on her nerves, but tengen was undoubtedly sexy… hell, he was irritatingly sexy. his knowing it was just icing on the insufferable bastard cake that was his personality. still, it was a great portion of his charm, and it would be a lie to say she didn’t enjoy his company. damn him. when the joint is free from his lips, asia is left to melt as she watches the way his throat moves to let his mouth blow a neatly executed smoke ring. 

“what for..?”

she doesn’t get an answer. instead, after he placed the smoke back into his mouth, she gets a massive arm around her back, and the other reaching to grip an impatient hold onto her hip. she’s yanked into his lap without a word, shocked into bracing at his massive shoulders. god, his expression is the essence of sex. the next moment that registers, she sees how he’s slipped down lower on the couch… and feels an unexpectedly formed semi-erection being thrust into her– slow and hard, dragging against her clothed cunt in a deep curl underneath her. unsuspecting, she peeps out her surprise… and to her irritation, the noise she makes sounds far too much like a whimper for her liking. boy, what the fuck are you doing? …she means to ask him–to at least give translation through her glare if the words couldn’t come out (and they absolutely would not). he’s not moved at all. his eyes are boring right back into hers, hungry and aroused daggers piercing at her coyness, making her want to squirm even as she feels the head of his dick poking through his sweatpants. he locks her firmly against his pelvis, so she has no choice but to sit and ride each wave of his hips. fuck, and his hips have his cock so well aimed… in no time he’s slipped her pussy open, even behind the wet barrier of her panties, so that she feels his hard bulb rubbing heavily up her slit and down again. and so that they both feel her beginning to soak a spot into his pants in the process. asia trembles, not knowing that he sees every bit of the struggle on her face to not give in to or even reveal how fucking good he’s stimulating her… to keep herself from grinding her pussy down against him to amplify every part of his movements. she has to lift her hips before he hits perfectly at her clit so she won’t beg for him right there. 

“that’s what for.” he answers, passing the joint to her. tengen takes pleasure in watching her lips wrap around it–  even more at knowing that his were just on that same spot. that’s right, princess… taste me on it til you’re high as a damn kite. “you’re annoying with all the stupid questions you ask.” his hands diligently slip their way up the curves of her parted thighs, until his fingertips breeze past the hem of his hoodie and he can squeeze the fat at their softest point. “but you fit so damned nicely here on me." 

"fuck you.”

he breathes out a chuckle, “at least we’re on the same page, then.”

“oh, so that’s what you’re trying to get down to?”

“what else?” he asks, “and why not, i feel good. you’re sexy and you’re making me hard,” his ruby gaze lowers to the moist little jewel awaiting him underneath his borrowed clothing, and suddenly the need to lick his lips is unavoidable. “why not let me blow your mind while you’re here… and blow your back out while i’m at it.”

“you just swear you’ve got it like that, it’s so funny to me,” asia drones before hitting a long drag, making the end of the spliff lazily glow a bright orange. uzui smirks up to her, watching her exhale the smoke from those sweet glossy lips.

“you’re sitting pretty on the best dick you’ll ever get in this life, princess. that’s a flamboyant guarantee.”

whether to his intended end or no, asia’s back arches and she pushes away from him. it props her up more on the muscled plane between his hips, offers an even more appetizing view of him beneath her… namely of the silvery formation of his happy trail that’s now exposed. his teasing her had found his shirt now inched up somewhat on his stomach. the tan hue of his skin peeping from under his expensive pink tee, dusted with glossy wisps of his chrome white hair and disappearing with his v-line into grey sweatpants all look good enough to lick like candy. her face says it blatantly, with her head now delightfully swimming. and she pulls even more smoke into her lungs. she’s already gotten a delightful high, enough to tickle her brain and make every shift and slip of his against her skin that much more pleasurable. her mind feels like it’s floating… but she wants more. asia is chasing after nirvana with how she smokes, fading her into a hazed cloud of euphoria. in her quest for it, she fails to pick up on tengen’s sudden triumph, glaring in arrant display on his face. he has wanted her in silence for years that had stretched into eons, now. asia’s playful banter and unforced ease with him was a favorite of his, and for the thrill of their chemistry alone, he allowed her to hide behind it for this long. but he was no fool when it came to this woman. uzui felt the wall that her roasting and teasing was, constructed to hide her equal and opposite desire for him–romantic or sexual. 

smoke cascades from her mouth, and when he feels her palm brace at his chest, sees the way she edges the tip of her tongue along the ridge of her teeth, he decides to obliterate that goddamned wall to dust.

“you gonna give me an answer today, sweetheart? you can only keep up the act so long before it gets boring,” he notes with a pinch to her leg, “not to mention, you’re a shit actress.”

she feels her brow arching above his awaiting stare. both his high and his lust have tengen’s pupils blown. the bejeweled fuschia of his eyes now were stretched to a scant rim cloaking a field of black. their stare flickers slightly behind her, where he’d had a giant, gold trimmed mirror mounted in his living room for just such an occasion as this.

“that shit’s hitting you, isn’t it… you can’t even tell you’ve been biting your lip at me this whole time, can you.”

shit. she hadn’t had a clue. and seeing her release it, plump and shining, it gunned his cockiness to full throttle. 

“mhmmm. and you’re blinking exceptionally slow, your eyes are starting to roll back cause you feel so shitting good…” it worked to tengen’s advantage. every time she gave those feline blinks, his eyes were back on their reflections. her waist tapered so gorgeously. it could even be seen through his grossly oversized hoodie on her. she looks so perfect in it… on him, her pillowy thighs framing his gapped legs, the swell of her hips poured over his, the curve of her ass perched so pretty above his crotch, “guess what, though. i can make it feel so much better, pretty girl. shit, the way i can take care of you… you’ll be on another planet. i’ll make you feel so fucking amazing,” he put his attractive, ring covered hands to work, pulling up the hem of silk until it was pooled just at the dip of her sides. “fuck…” he whispers, long and drawn, primal when he finally sees the black of her panties… and that perfect, soft dish of plush and round she’s got sitting on him from their reflections. he wagers at least five courses set out on his lap for him. uzui would tear his way through them all, and not stop until well after dessert. hell, that’s what he planned to start with.

“you sure the hell want to, don’t you,” asia drawls, clearly fucking with him, but making him touch her more, “it’s finally a side of you i like– look at god! how bout you just tell me how bad you want this, baby boy..?” she smiles, rolling her tongue between her lips. his dick is straining so hard that it’s aching– something he’d expect more if he were in denim– anything more restraining, really. but it speaks to how painfully erect she’d gotten him. and he has uncharacteristically muted his want of her so long that, honestly, he doesn’t see her proposition as such a terrible one.

“that’s a pretty subpar idea–not bad for you,” he answers, and then corrects. “the more flamboyant plan of action would be to show you, lady drab.”

“you motherf–"a benign punch to his chest punctuates, making him laugh. "are you serious!? really, you dipshit? la–”

lady drab,” he says with her, and interrupts with a shit eating grin, “countess of dull fuckery in the land of blow-your-brains-out-boredom." 

he’s already reached behind her, tracing down the line of her underwear at either ripe cheek of her bottom, hooking his fingers underneath them so he could draw the material of her panties back and up… back and up… in a slow, deliberate motion that gives her the most teasingly light stimulation… (that shuts her up, to his tickling)  until he’s got the front of them pulled down enough that the slit of her little jewel comes into view before him. asia sees his how his brows lift, signaling his surprise. "i knew i had a minxy little firecracker. miss drab gets herself waxed..?”

“shut the hell up, tengen.”

he laughs. it’s a deep, sensual rumble, and paired with a more seductive smirk on his. the combination makes her clench around nothing, making her loins ache and burn. “you got it, princess.”

he shifts the two of them lower– only a temporary measure to lower his sweats without disturbing their position so much. it also gives him the excuse to press his fingertips into the ripe fat of her behind as he slid them back onto the sofa cushion, “gods, i’ve been dreaming about what your moans sound like.”

she doesn’t get to ask. he’s already positioned himself and plunged his cock into the snug barrier of her panties, opening those glistening petals for his sizeable length to drive between, coating it in her slick. the sensation was lethal. how warm it is, the stiffness of his manhood are already too much for asia. but the second she feels a vein brush past her clit, she is electrified in a total white out of her mind. her legs tense up, toes sprawled in stunned pleasure, by the time tengen grips her to keep her from falling over, she’s already shivering, fighting not to go completely dumb between squirms.

ten, shittt!” she cries out, stretching the word into desperate sobs. it makes no sense for it to feel this amazing. uzui seems to revel in it. but he can’t mask his own pleasure, as his jaw is falling slack at the same time his throat bubbles out this sensual grunt. in the next second, though, his teeth are clamped as he takes in an elongated, sharp inhale from how divine her hot flesh is, how it’s drooling all over his hard cock. he eases in little by little, rocking back out with each inch he slips in, pressed between her juicy pussy. the desire to wet every surface of his cock drives him more than his conscious mind has the chance, and she provides abundant lubrication for every bit of him that he provides.

babydoll… oh, sweetheart, asia, fuck!” his voice fails, from a melodic praise to a hot husk, it fans over her neck, “your pussy, baby, your fucking–little pussy… you’re soakingme,shit..! i told you didn’t i–”

with that same ardor, he pulls her down by the collar of his hoodie, biting his lip to emote to her not only how sensitive she was making him, but just how badly he wanted to possess her, down to the very cells of her blood. “i told you how good you were gonna fucking feel. all for me, pretty girl.” his dick slips in until he has no room left to move. both of them short circuit, gasping and twitching from the sparks ignited over their most sinful nerve endings. tengen leans up to sink his teeth into the sweetest and softest lip he has ever tasted, and watches asia’s punch drunk look as he teasingly draws it out in a nip. he decides he could fuck her like this until she was numb; his cocktip is pillowed at the cleft of her ass–luxurious and soft enough to have him leaking precum that stained her underwear. it made her even slicker for him, combining both their arousal so lewdly. “you’ve got my dick so fucking wet, princess,” he breathes into her skin. asia’s eyes haven’t come unclenched yet from whenever she’d shut them… she’s deaf to how her voice bleeds through the restraint to keep herself quiet. it makes his length kick against her, burrowing deeper into that warm hug of her rear. “i wanna make you cum until you cry for me to stop with that smart aleck mouth of yours babydoll,” sadistically he confides, drawing back to give a thrust that makes her squeak and cover her mouth, “just like this to start, huh? you want it..? how many times do you think we can go before you pass out…”

his head slams back against the couch, shoved there by the hair asia’s fisted at either side of his skull. it paints the most profane grin onto his face. and he looks dead in her eyes with it, sordidly envisioning what indecent, what tearful, abused expressions he would melt that smug little face into.

“your good-lookin’ ass talk too damn much.”

she’s popped on the ass with that remark, and the spliff is plucked from her teeth in a flash, just as she squeals from his touch. tengen has their noses touching just as quickly, the slap guilty palm now squeezing her face in a tender hold. pursing his lips on the joint, he locks gazes with her, sultry and dominant while he drags. a delicate pinch of his fingers pops her lips into an ‘o’, and he respires gently into her open mouth. asia catches on quicker than he expects, inhaling his smoke and breath without a moment’s waste. his cock stirs when she licks at her top lip, as though it is the most delicious of tastes.

“your sexy ass fucking loves it,” he mumbles, taking another deep draw into his lungs that makes her clit swell for him. and in his style, he squeezes her ass with the same, massive grip.



Stupid Lies and a Kiss: Preview

Pairing: Tengen Uzui x black!fem oc or reader

Warnings: recreational drug use, dry humping

it was kind of out of nowhere when he suddenly commands her to come here.

she sees his cheeks hollow, noting the allure of his profile, especially with him so close. the man’s cockiness grated on her nerves, but tengen was undoubtedly sexy… hell, he was irritatingly sexy. his knowing it was just icing on the insufferable bastard cake that was his personality. still, it was a great portion of his charm, and it would be a lie to say she didn’t enjoy his company. when the joint is free from his lips, asia is left to melt as she watches his mouth blow a neatly executed smoke ring. 

“what for..?”

she doesn’t get an answer. instead, after he placed the smoke back into his mouth, she gets a massive arm around her back, and the other reaching to grip an impatient hold around her hip. she’s yanked into his lap without a word. the next moment that registers, she sees how he’s slipped down lower on the couch… and feels an unexpectedly formed semi-erection being thrust into her– slow and hard, dragging against her clothed cunt in a deep curl underneath her. unsuspecting, she peeps out her surprise… and the noise she makes sounds far too much like a whimper for her liking. what the fuck are you doing? …she means to ask him–to at least give translation of it through her glare if the words couldn’t come out (and they absolutely would not). he’s not moved at all. his eyes are boring into hers, hungry and aroused, making her want to squirm just as she feels the head of his dick poking through his sweatpants. he locks her firmly against his pelvis, so she has no choice but to sit on him and ride each wave of his hips. fuck, his hips have his cock so well aimed… in no time he’s got her pussy open, even behind the wet barrier of her panties, so that she feels his hard bulb rubbing heavily up her slit and down again. and so that they both feel her beginning to soak a spot into his pants in the process. asia trembles, not knowing that he reads every bit of the struggle casting over her face to not give in to how fucking good he’s stimulating her… to keep herself from grinding her pussy down against him to amplify every part of his movements. she has to lift her hips before he hits perfectly at her clit, so she won’t beg for him right there. 

that’s what for. he answers, passing the joint to her. tengen takes pleasure in watching her lips wrap around it–  even more at knowing that his were just on that same spot. that’s right, princess… taste me on it til you’re high as a damn kite.you’re annoying with all the stupid questions you ask. his hands slip their way up the curves of her parted thighs, until his fingertips breeze past the hem if his hoodie and he can squeeze at their softest point. but you fit so damned nicely here on me. 

“fuck you.”

he breathed out a chuckle,at least we’re on the same page.

“oh, so that’s what you’re trying to get down to?”

what else?he asked, and why not, i feel good. you’re sexy and you’re making me hard,his ruby gaze lowers to the moist little jewel awaiting him underneath his borrowed clothing, and suddenly the need to lick his lips is unavoidable. why not let me blow your mind while you’re here… and blow your back out while i’m at it.

“you just swear you’ve got it like that, it’s so funny to me,” asia drones before hitting a long drag, making the end of the spliff lazily glow a bright orange. uzui smirks, watching her exhale the smoke from those sweet glossy lips.

you’re sitting pretty on the best dick you’ll ever get in this life, princess. that’s a flamboyant guarantee.

end preview

Summery: When the only people Zenitsu considers family are killed off by an upper moon. It leaves the scared boy all alone in a dangerous world, or well, that is until a pillar finds him and tries in his own awkward ways to train him for the final selection.

Or, In which Obanai doesn’t want to but still somehow ends up taking Zenitsu under his wing

Chapter: 32/?

“But we have Gramps,” he spluttered, clutching the ratty bag tighter and barely being able to hold back the tears threatening to spill down his cheeks. “Gramps is super powerful, he’ll take care of the de…demons and we don’t have to leave!”

A part of him felt lighter than a feather but the other part of him was grounded as the mountains towering over their little village. This had happened before hadn’t it? What…..

“Are you stupid? Stop talking bullshit,” Kaigaku-senpai snapped, eyes flashing with anger and disgust. “We’re dealing with a potential Upper Moon here, you absolute moron. Now shut your mouth and let’s go. If we hurry we might get to your place before nightfall.”

“My place?”

“Oh my God,” Kaigaku hissed, looking so frustrated and angry, Zenitsu couldn’t help but curl into himself, tears finally breaking the dam and cascading down his cheeks. “You’re hopeless.” His senpai turned away from him with a sneer. “Don’t know why I shouldn’t just leave you here to get your ass murdered and eaten for midnight snack.”

“I’m sorry,” Zenitsu squeaked, rubbing his eyes furiously and trying to stifle a hiccup. “I’m sorry senpai, please don’t leave me!”

“Oh for the— Let’s just fucking go,” Kaigaku said, grabbing the bag he’d prepared for himself and marching out the door. “Try and keep up.” And then he was gone, darting across the terrain as a seasoned demon hunter; or well a seasoned as a demon hunter could be without going on missions too often. And it was all Zenitsu could do to try and keep up with him.

“What about Gramps,” he managed to gasp out somewhere up the hill. “Shouldn’t he run too! It’s an Upper Moon!”

Kaigaku didn’t answer him for a while just pumped his leg faster making Zenitsu even more miserable trying to at least keep him in sight. He didn’t want to lose track of him especially with the sun going down and night creeping in from the corners. If demons attacked Zenitsu didn’t want to be stranded all alone. Away from Gramps and his senpai, even if said senpai would be just as content to let him get gutted and eaten if presented the chance. Zenitsu whimpered at the thought and that’s when Kaigaku finally turned around to glance at him over his shoulder. “You’re pathetic,” he shouted, voice dripping with venom and making Zenitsu’s eyes that just barely dried up flood back with tears. Kaigaku clicked his tongue. “Stop crying, brat. You’ll never survive a day without Gramps the way you’re acting now and sooner or later someone poor sucker will come upon your rotting corpse and they’ll have no choice but to bury you.”

“Stop it, stop it, stop it,” Zenitsu wailed, why was Kaigaku-senpai always so mean? “Stop saying stuff like that!”

The older boy barked in laughter, throwing his head back even as he sped up even further; darting through the trees while cackling. “You truly are pathetic. Gramps wasted his time on trying to train your sorryass.”


He was right, wasn’t he? He was nothing without Gramps and he would never be anything without him. He was nothing. Years of trying to make something out of him and Gramps still couldn’t turn him into a Demon Slayer so what was even the point of him?

Biting his lower lip hard enough to draw blood, Zenitsu swallowed down the sob threatening to suffocate him, clutched the straps of the ratty bag that smelled so much like Gramps’ herb garden tighter and ran faster.

If nothing else, he could do this. He could run till his legs were worn out and the sun disappeared and maybe then, when he didn’t get in the way of Gramps fighting demons, Gramps would finally be proud of him. Maybe…..maybe.

“We’re here,” Kaigaku called ahead of him, summersaulting over the jagged rock formation that had become as familiar to Zenitsu as his tiny little hut and coming to a stop in front of the slightly ajar door. Zenitsu crossed the rocks with three quick jumps and hurried over to his senpai who was standing in front of his door, a look of pure disbelief marring his face. “Are you serious,” he said, pushing the door this way and that. “You don’t even lock your damn house? Stupid, are you trying to get robbed?”

Zenitsu opened his mouth but the older Demon Slayer was quick to cut him off. “Never mind, don’t answer that. Idiots clearly can’t think either.”

Zenitsu cringed.

“Now get in,” his senpai said, shouldering his way into his home and finding the nearest surface to collapse on; which so happened to be the tiny couch shoved against the wall by the corner. “Do you have any food in this place or what?”

Having followed the older man’s steps into the house, Zenitsu nodded swiftly, not taking his eyes away from the floor and darting into the kitchen. “Can I make anything for you senpai?”

His senpai scoffed, the contempt practically dripping from every sound surrounding his body. Zenitsu felt sick. “Hell no. Just bring me something to drink, idiot. I need to get back to the village.”

Head snapping towards the other faster than Zenitsu’s mind could compute the information that had been thrown in his face, he squeaked in shock. “Back?! Why? Why would you want to go back? You know there are demons there right? Upper Moon demon even! Did you forget to bring something, why would you wanna go back!” By the end he was practically shouting so he wasn’t surprised when a dirty shoe smacked him square across the face.

“Shut the fuck up,” Kaigaku sneered, hand still raised in the air after the throw. “Do as you’re told, bring me water and hand me back my shoe, brat.”

Scrambling to do as told, Zenitsu rushes into his dingy kitchen, using his sleeve to rub away the dirt on his face and chewing his bottom lip to stop himself from tearing up again. He was such a baby. “Here senpai,” he said, handing the man a cup of water and picking the shoe up along the way as well. “I’m sorry.”

Kaigaku snorted, glaring at him over the rim of the cup. “Apologizing makes you look even more pathetic,” he said. “So stop it.”

Ducking his head done, Zenitsu nodded. Clutching the hem of his haori; he didn’t dare move from his place until Kaigaku-senpai drained the water and slammed the cup on the table and stood up. “If you must know,” his senpai said, fixing his sword to sit properly on his back and throwing his bag over his shoulder. “ Jigoro-Sensei told me to come straight back as soon as I got you to safety. He needs backup and obviously your dumbass will only get in the way.”

“I’m sorry!”

“Stop apologizing,” Kaigaku hissed, shoving him hard enough for him to lose his balance and Zenitsu fell gracelessly on the now vacated couch. “You’re pathetic. You’ll never survive the way you are.”

Zenitsu bit back a second apology and flushed with shame. His senpai looked at him knowingly; the constant disgust he held for him shimmering behind his electric blue eyes. Then he turned his back on him and walked towards the door.

Biting his lip hard, Zenitsu scrambled out of his seat. He needed to say something, anything. This…. He might never see Kaigaku-senpai again. He was going off to fight an Upper Moon and Gramps had told him they were super dangerous. He—

“Please save Gramps,” he shouted, hands clenched at his sides and eyes clammed shut. “Please be safe!”

For a while there was nothing. No footsteps, no mocking laughter, no nothing. Zenitsu didn’t dare to look up. He was afraid of Kaigaku-senpai. He was afraid for Kaigaku-senpai.

Finally he heard it, footsteps walking towards him instead of away and he shut his eyes even tighter preparing himself for the inevitable object thrown at his person but all he got was a rough hand descending on his head and a quick hair ruffle. “You’re an idiot,” Kaigaku-senpai said, voice hoarse and disgust very much present in his tone. “But you have bullheadedness going for you. Rely on yourself and don’t die, brat.” And there, at the very last layers of his words, there was fondness. It was brief, not overly strong and fleeting but it was there and….Water splattered on the wooden floor and Kaigaku-senpai clicked his tongue in revulsion. “Worm,” he scoffed. “Don’t follow me.” And with that he was out the door, vanishing beyond the tree lines until Zenitsu no longer could hair the pitter-patter of his footsteps anymore.

He couldn’t help but cry even harder.


He startled, looking around, what? Who was that? Did he just imagine….a voice?

But then there was silence again and nothing more and Zenitsu was so confused, so scared and so alone, he crumbled on the ground, crying his eyes out.


It was dark outside.

It had been dark outside for nearly an hour. Zenitsu wondered how Gramps and Kaigaku-senpai were doing. Maybe he should go check? He wouldn’t join the fight or anything, he wouldn’t even be seen. He’d been all sneaky about it and hide behind the rocky terrain. He just needed to see them. To hear them. To know they were okay. That’s all. He didn’t need anything else.

‘No, no no no,’ he thought, shaking his head. He could definitely not do that. No. It was all too dangerous. He should wait here and pray his family would be okay….against an Upper Moon.

Standing up from where he’d been curled up into a tiny ball, Zenitsu clamped his hands over his mouth and screamed; the muffled sound only calming him down a fraction.

His family was dying and he was here, hiding. What if they got killed and then the demon came and found him? He couldn’t stay here! He couldn’t!

Marching over to the door in determination, he grabbed the handle and then froze. No, nop. No. He couldn’t do this. Stalking back to his previous spot he sat back down. Clutching at his hair and burying his face in his knees.

They’d be fine. They were strong. Kaigaku was already a Demon Slayer and Gramps used to be a Hashira and everything. They’d be fine, for sure.

But maybe they wouldn’t. Maybe they would die gruesome awful deaths and Zenitsu would be all alone in the world until the demons found him and killed him and ate him and oh God, they would eat him and what if they started to eat him while he was still alive! what if they were eating Gramps right now while he was still alive and there was nothing Gramps could do and he screamed and screamed but Zenitsu couldn’t hear him because he was so far away and—–

He couldn’t breathe.

His family was dying and he suddenly couldn’t breathe. Oh God, he couldn’t breathe……

'Breathe,’he hissed at himself, shoving his face into his knees and ripping at his hair. 'You’re having a panic attack Agatsuma, breathe!’

And there, a lungful of air darted into his mouth and he shuddered. Falling on all four as he breathed, raggedly and hoarse but breathed nonetheless. Tears were once again running down his cheeks but he didn’t care. He could breathe. Oh beautiful air. He could breathe.




One hour and a half had passed. Zenitsu was outside. Bag over his shoulders, his training wooden sword in his shaking grasp and fake bravado painted across his face; only illuminated by the moonlight.

And then he ran. He ran and ran and ran and he never stopped. Never took a break even as he tumbled his way through the dark. He didn’t stop. He didn’t stop because he couldn’t. The second he stopped Zenitsu knew without a shadow of a doubt he would turn back like the coward he was and go home. But he couldn’t do that. Not now. Not when Gramps and Kaigaku-senpai and potentially the entire village was in danger. So he ran.

'Please be okay,’ he prayed. 'Please please please be okay.’

He stumbled out of the woods at last; making sure to keep behind the tall bushes and not run all the way to Gramps because that would defeat the purpose of Gramps hiding him in the fir—–

If his voice hadn’t just died along with his very soul at the sight of it, Zenitsu would have screamed. His ears were still pulsing with blood and his heartbeat was still too loud for him to hear anything but he could see. With the moonlight, he could see oh so clearly. Gramps…..Jigoro-Sensei was standing in the center of the village, corpses littered around him and right in front of him was a demon. A biwa in hand she or Zenitsu assumed it was a she, was grinning from ear to ear, dark brown hair covering her face but when she shifted the hair moved and Zenitsu could see. Oh he could see. The hot pink, single eye in the middle of her face. “Tell us where it is,” she whispered, voice so beautifully melodic and dangerous Zenitsu paled three shades whiter. “If you want to save whatever remains of your village Jigoro Kuwajima-sensei, you will tell me what I want to know.”

Gramps pointed his sword at her in answer, face grim and muscles tout despite how much his knees shook and how half his face was covered in blood.

Where was Kaigaku-senpai? Had he died? Was Gramps sacrificing himself to keep whatever he wasn’t telling the demon lady a secret?

Was Gramps going to die?

Stuffing his fist in his mouth, Zenitsu bit down hard. He couldn’t afford to scream or cry out. He was so scared but he couldn’t say anything. He couldn’t do anything.

“Last chance, sensei~” the demon lady tooted and Zenitsu’s knees buckled under him. Eyes wide as plates staring at the horrific scene in front of him.

His Gramps was going to die. He was going to die. He was going to die. Oh God he was going to die.

“Kaigaku Inadama,” Gramps suddenly barked, tearing Zenitsu violently from his destructive thoughts and to the present reality. “Answer me child, why are you doing this?”


What did Gramps mean—



If Zenitsu hadn’t already been on his knees, fist shoved between his teeth, he might have just screamed his heart out and collapsed from the shock there and then. Because there was Kaigaku-senpai. His senpai. Gramps student. His brother. He was there, by the demon lady’s side and Zenitsu had for a split second desperately hoped it was to stab her in the back or something… or fight her because why, why would he stand there. Next to her. Next to the Upper Moon and not with Gramps fighting her. He was so human. He was his Kaigaku-senpai and he was standing there….with the enemy.


“Answer me!” Gramps shouted, knees clattering but standing firm nonetheless and Zenitsu just wanted to cry. He wanted to sob and screams and rip his hair out but he couldn’t he was frozen in place. Watching his newfound nightmare playout like a sick play in front of him.

“What do you want me to say, old man.” Kaigaku-senpai laughed like Kaigaku-senpai always laughed. “I wanted power, the demons promised me power so long as I delivered them something of equal value.”

“And you told them,” Gramps said, he sounded so tired.

“I did,” Kaigaku-senpai affirmed. “It was the quickest way to prove myself and honestly old man, if you didn’t want anyone to know you should have kept a tighter leash on your secrets.

"I trusted you,” Gramps said, his voice steady and powerful but Zenitsu could hear his heartbreaking all the way from where he was hiding. Gramps heart was breaking just like his own. Why was this happening? “I trusted you. I raised you. I trained you.”

“And it wasn’t enough,” Kaigaku snapped. “It wasn’t enough and instead of devoting your time to me, you got yourself a talentless bratling off the street and substituted me out! You gave up on me!”

Gramps stumbled back, shock and horror carving itself into his face and changing his expression from the serene mask he’d worn the entire time. “Zenitsu,” he whispered, arm shaking so badly he nearly dropped his sword. “What did you do to him?” Zenitsu’s heart cried out to him even as terror sunk into his bones because he was here. He was here and Kaigaku-sen…. No. Kaigaku the traitor would soon kill Gramps and come after him. And—

Why…why why why.

“You don’t give a shit about me!” Kaigaku said, voice accusing. He was human, siding with demons….for power…Zenitsu was going to throw up. Grams only glared at him with the heats of thousand suns.

“Answer me, brat, now! Did you kill Zenitsu!”

The Upper Moon lady seemed content just to sit there, stringing her biwa in amusement and Zenitsu hated her so much more for it.


“Yes!” Kaigaku growled and Zenitsu flinched back in surprise. What? “I killed him,” his traitor senpai boosted. “I took him away like you said and the minute we were out of range, I cut his throat and I watched him gurgle on his own blood until he suffocated. The little bratling cried all the way to death’s doorstep. It was hilarious.”

Gramps roared, lunging forward in a fury of attacks and the demon lady immediately got in his way, blocking him from reaching Kaigaku, and sending two notes that made Gramps drop to his knees, arms suddenly crisscrossed with bleeding wounds that Zenitsu hadn’t even seen being inflicted.

'Gramps,’ he wanted to screams.'Grampa,’.He wanted to run out of his hiding spot and save him. Be there for him. Do something. But he couldn’t. He was frozen in place. Just watching the nightmare in front of him like a puppet spectator and he was biting into his fist with all his might, watching just watching as his Grandfather was killed.

“Where is the Blue Spider Lily’s location,” the demon lady said, her voice dropping into a dangerous hiss. “We know you have it, Kaigaku here, intercepted your letter to your Master.”

“It’s too late,” Gramps huffed, “We’ve already burned it all.”

“You lie,” the demon lady said, rage making her hair defy gravity and showing off her one eye for the whole world to see. Zenitsu sat there, helplessly staring at them.

Gramps was going to die, wasn’t he.

And there was nothing he could do about it.

“He is lying,” Kaigaku said, sounding smug. “They might have burned most of it but I know he and the other Demon Slayers transferred some of it to an offsite location.”

'You bastard,’ Zenitsu though viciously, his mind finally registering fully what his former senpai was doing. 'You fucking bastard.’ He was shaking all over. He was shaking so hard he was scared they would hear him. 'I’m going to kill you. You fucking bastard. Let him go! Let him go! I will kill you!! You fucking bastard, I’ll kill you for this!!!’

Gramps bit down on his tongue hard enough to cut clean through and then spit it out, staring defiantly at the demon lady and his traitor student. They wouldn’t get a word out of him. Not now, not ever.

Zenitsu heard every second of it. The tongue giving out under the pressure of the teeth. It was… disgusting. It was….his face turned an interesting shade of green and he stuffed his fist even deeper into his mouth. No no no no no. Please, please no.

Please Gramps please just…just do as they say. Please.

But of course Gramps didn’t. Of course the great former Thunder Hashira Jigoro Kuwajima would never bow down to pressure from demons. Never had and never would and with that; a sinking feeling drowned his very essence, Zenitsu knew his sensei’s life was forfeited that very moment.

“Very well then,” the biwa demon said, shaking her head in faux sadness. “We already know from Kaigaku you keep detailed documentation of your travels so we only have to retrace your steps. Go get them,” she said to Kaigaku, nodding her head towards the house. Their home. Where Zenitsu had grown up training alongside Kaigaku.

Kaigaku who’d just betrayed them. For power.

The second Kaigaku disappeared behind the door, the demon lady strung her cords and Gramps flew into the air, several gashes opened across his body, blood spurting out of him and then he fell and his body made a sickening splat on the ground and….. It was……

Zenitsu muffled his scream into his fist. Shut his eyes as tightly as possible and rocked back and forth. So he didn’t hear Gramps standing up again. Didn’t hear him fight with every last breath in his lungs. Didn’t hear the amused laughter of the Upper Moon or the fearful muttering of Kaigaku. He didn’t hear anything he just sat their, curled into a helpless little ball for what felt like eternity and when he finally had the courage to look up, he wished he didn’t because Gramps just lay there on the ground. Scarlet sea surrounding him as the demon with nothing but torn bloodied clothes to show for his sensei’s effort, turned around and started to walk away, the entire village somehow slaughtered in the time he decided to hide instead of baring witness to this horror show his whole village had turned into.

Gramps weakly reached out to Kaigaku who was passing him by. Kaigaku hesitated. His heart stuttered; skipping a beat. But then iron walls came down across his face and he stepped over their sensei’s dying body and followed the biwa demon into the night.

Kaigaku was gone. He’d left. He’d left to become a demon. Zenitsu watched, staring after him. He didn’t understand.



Zenitsu didn’t know how he made his way across the field. Didn’t know how he made his way to Gramps without falling once. Without crying once. Without screaming once.

Maybe it was because he was numb. He didn’t feel much of anything anymore. His heart… did it even beat?

Dropping down next to Gramps he shook his shoulder. “Hey,” he whispered. “You can wake up now. They’re gone, so it’s okay. Wake up.”

And Gramps heart beat once, twice and then slowly so very slowly his eyes opened to meet his own and they filled with tears instantly. Gramps was crying. Huh, Gramps never cried. Zenitsu wondered why this time was different.

Reaching for his hand, Gramps smiled; lips pulling up into a scarlet tainted grin. 'You’re okay,’ he thought, loud enough for Zenitsu’s hearing to pick up on. 'You’re okay. He didn’t hurt you. My Kaigaku didn’t hurt you. He didn't…..’

“Please,” Zenitsu said, shaking his shoulders slightly when he closed his eyes. “They’re gone now so please stop trying to sleep. You need to get inside or you’ll catch a cold.”

It was very reasonable request. Zenitsu didn’t understand why Gramps was looking at him like that. So sad and resigned.


'I need you to stay strong Zenitsu,’ Gramps thought at him, eyes clearer than the pain consuming them. Dragging his Nichirin Blade towards himself and then painstakingly depositing it in Zenitsu’s shaking hands, Gramps stared at him firmly. 'Take it,’ he whispered in his mind. 'The hilt holds the location of the Blue Spider Lyli’s. I need you to be brave for me Zenitsu my boy. I need you to find Master Kagaya Ubuyashiki and give it to him. Can you do that for me?’

“You can do it yourself,” Zenitsu muttered, air buzzing around him. “You can do it yourself. Now stop sending me your dumb thoughts Gramps, just talk…. Like you always do yeah. Just talk to me. Just…. Please. Just say something.”

Gramps smiled. It was wide and bloody and old and so heartbreakingly beautiful. 'I love you and I’m so proud of you, my Zenitsu.’ And then his heart fluttered once, twice and, he was gone.

No sound. No breathing. No nothing.

Zenitsu laughed. A huff of amusement as he shook the old man’s shoulder again not caring for the blood that smeared across his palm. “Stop it Grandpa,” he said, chuckling softly. “We need to get you inside so you don’t get a cold. You know how you are when you catch a cold, right? Come one.” he shook him harder. His own body shaking alongside him. “Please sensei, just open your eyes. I won’t make you talk and stuff, just… just open your eyes for me……Gramps?”

But there was nothing. Just the sound of the wind and the owls hooting at night and little crickets finding their way home and…..him.

Zenitsu’s own loud heart beating in tune with the blood rushing through his veins and he shook. He shook in place like leaves rustling in the autumn air and he…..

Electricity crackled. His skin buzzed. His breathing stuttered and his eyes flashed.

Zenitsu screamed. He screamed and screamed and howled into the night sky. Fingers digging into the red stained soil like his life depended on it and he screamed. His throat constricted, his eyes blinded by the white light burning through them, his mind screeching against the invasive electricity scorching his memories into dust.

He screamed until he couldn’t scream anymore. He screamed until he couldn’t remember a one-eyed demon and a traitor brother and a grandfather who told him he loved him. He screamed until his tears evaporated before they could touch his cheeks and he screamed until the rain fell and his mind ached. And when he was done screaming, he wailed in anguish instead.

'Please,’he begged to anyone out there who would listen. 'Please make it stop.’

'Please. Oh dear Lord, please.’



Zenit…..nitsu. Zenit—

'Please make it stop. Please.’

Agatsuma! Wake up, brat! Snap out of it damn it! Wake up, Agatsuma!

His eyes snapped open and Zenitsu bolted upward, a dying scream ripping out of his throat before wilting at the sight in front of him.

Obanai-senpai had Yui-sama by the throat; slammed up against a wall as she struggled against him, her eyes wide in horror and face stricken with guilt. “Sen….pai?” he whispered brokenly.

“What the fuck did you do to him?!” Obanai-senpai roared at the ancient woman and Zenitsu burst into tears.

The end


I think I’ll continue my demon slayer fanfic. Currently rereading the manga and I’m starting to be obsessed about obanai and zenitsu non existent brotherhood relationship again. So I’m gonna try and get back into writing the fic.
