#korean vocabulary


귀신들의 대화를 엿들었어요.

“야, 쟤네 세상이 더 무섭다.”

⁕ 귀신 - ghost
⁕ 대화 - conversation
⁕ 엿듣다 - to overhear
⁕ 쟤네 - they/their (informal)
⁕ 세상 - world
⁕ 무섭다 - to be scary


雪(ゆき)- - snow
積もる(つもる)-쌓이다 - to pile up
確かめる(たしかめる)-확인하다 - to make sure
勇気 (ゆうき) - 용기 - courage
あらゆる - 모든 - all, every
時間(じかん)-시간 - time
越える(こえる)-넘다 - to cross
出逢う(であう)-우연히 마주치다 - to come across, meet by chance
不確か(ふたしか)-불확실하다 - to be uncertain
状態(じょうたい)-상태 - situation, state
早い(はやい)-빠르다 - to be fast
胸 (むね) - 가슴- chest
響く(ひびく)-울리다 - to ring

抱き締める(だきしめる)-꽉 껴안다, 부둥켜 안다 - to hugh tight
消える(きえる)-사라지다 - to disappear
前に(まえに)-기 전에 - before
一度(いちど)-한번- once
舞い上がる(まいあがる)-날아오르다- fly up, soar
何もいらないから - 아무것도 필요없으니
もう少しだけ - 조금만 더
感じる(かんじる)-느끼다- to feel
触れる(ふれる)-닿다- to touch
すり抜ける(すりぬける)- 빠져 나가다 - to slip through

小さい(ちいさい)-작다 - to be small
笑顔(えがお)-웃는 얼굴 - a smiling expression
苦しい(くるしい)-괴롭다- to be difficult, torturous
答え(こたえ)が出(で)ない - 답이 안나오다 
どうやって? - 어떻게 - how
曖昧な(あいまい)-애매하다, 모호하다 - to be ambiguous
形(かたち)-모양- form
変わる(かわる)-바꾸다- to change
誓う(ちかう)-맹세하다 - to swear, promise

守る(まもる)-지키다- to protect
涙(なみだ)-눈물- tears
願う(ねがう)- 바라다- to wish, want 
届く(とどく)-닿다- to reach
100年 (ひゃくねん) - 백년 - 100 years
次(つぎ)-다음- next
一歩(いっぽ)-한걸음- a step
星 (ほし)- - star
夜空 (よぞら) - 밤하늘- night sky

彩る(いろどる)-색칠하다- to color
絵 (え)- 그림- painting
具(ぐ)-도구 - tool
選ぶ(えらぶ)-고르다- to choose
息(いき)-- breath
深い(ふかい)-깊다- to be deep
霧(きり)-안개- fog
真っ白な(まっしろな)-새하얗다- to be completely white
通り過ぎ(とおりすぎる)-지나가다- to pass
流れる(ながれる)-흐르다- to flow
映る(うつる)-비치다- to brighten, shine on
光る(ひかる)-빛나다- to shine, sparkle
嘘(うそ)-거짓말- lie
握ぎる(にぎる)-쥐다, 잡다 - to hold tight

温度(おんど)-온도 - temperature
溶け出す(とけだす)-녹아내리다- to start melting
メロディー - 멜로디/선율 - melody
確かな(たしかな)-확실하다- to be sure
温もり(ぬくもり)-녹임- melting
永遠(えいえん)-영원- eternity
続ける(つづける)-계속하다- to continue, go on

叶える(かなえる)-이루어지다- to make come true
言葉(ことば)-- word
足りない(たりない)-모자라다- to not be enough
ありのまま - 있는 그래로
伝える(つたえる)-전하다- to convey
欲しい(ほしい)-원하다, 탐나다 - to want
迎え(むかえ)-마중- to meet halfway


변하지 말라고 하지 말고
나와 함께 변해줘.

⁕ 변하다 - to change
⁕ 함께 - together


[명사] 전혀 다른 것의 섞임이 없음.

뜻을 보니 그닥 순수하진 않네.

⁕ 순수 - purity
⁕ 명사 - noun
⁕ 전혀 - at all
⁕ 섞이다 - to be mixed, blended
⁕ 뜻 - meaning
⁕ 그닥 - that, to that degree
⁕ 순수하다 - to be pure

100 Day Language Challenge

Day 2

Learn 10 new words

For this one I wrote example sentences with all of them, I used the Naver dictionary app to get the sentences (that app is very useful, it uses examples from k dramas and V live streams)

Maybe I should start typing these out instead of writing them and Taking pics, it would be faster

100 Day Language Challenge

Day 1

ok so here is day one, like it says today i need to learn 5 new words. the challenge doesn’t specify what type of word so i gave this one a theme, its food adjectives. feel free to make up any themes that you want and you don’t have to format it the same way i did, i left some space in between so i could write the words a bunch of times so i could memorize them, you can do it anyway you want 

the second pic is just the notebook i’m using to do this challenge in (i thought it looked cute so i wanted to show it off) 

the last pic is a few of the tasks that i need to do each day in the challenge, i wrote them all down i my book but i changed a few of them to make them easier to post, if you want you can follow the original here X

건강하다 ->  건강해요 

잭슨은건강해요 (Jackson is healthy) 

Extra Vocabulary

Athletic = 경기의

Active = 유효한

Strong = 강한

Fat = 뚱뚱하다,

잘 생기다 ->  잘 생겼어요

모든 샤이니가 잘 생겼어요  (all of shinee are really good looking)

Extra Vocabulary

Elegant = 우아한

Stylish = 세련된

Ugly = 추한

창피하다 ->  창피해요

윤도운이창피해요 (Yoon Dowoon is embarrassed) 

Extra Vocabulary

Ashamed/Shy = 부끄러워

Flustered = 어리둥절한

Blushing = 붉히다

Outgoing = 나가는

귀엽다 ->  귀여워요

김원필이 너무 귀여워요 (Kim Wonpil is very cute) 

Extra Vocabulary



Kitten 고양이 새끼 

Puppy 강아지 새끼

mini pointless stories from my Korean class

in my Korean class yesterday my teacher was explaining how to use the word  유행이다 which means “ to be in fashion” or “to be popular” and she asked us what do we have here in Canada that is  유행이에요 and at first no one said anything but then, one girl pulled out a fidget spinner and my teacher spun it a few times and just gave us the most un-amused look and was like “ wow i’m angry that something like this is popular” 

also in one of the example sentences we were practicing the word 놀라다 came up and none of us knew what it meant, it means to be surprised but my teacher was like “ it means SHOOK” everyone laughed so did she. I think she was trying to say “Shocked” but with her accent it sounded more like shook and someone explained the meaning of shook to her and she just laughed and said “ well yeah they’re pretty much the same thing.

idk i thought theses were funny

크다 ->  커요

뱀뱀이커요 (bam bam is big lol) 


Extra Vocabulary

To be tall = 키가 크다

Huge = 거대한 

Small = 작다

짜증나다 -> 짜증나요

잭슨은 영재에게 짜증나요  (Jackson is annoyed with youngjae)

Extra Vocabulary

Upset = 당황 

Impatient = 참을성없다

Bother = 괴롭히다
