#korean class


Resources I’m using right now to study Korean by myself (Sept. 2021)


Korean Vocabulary by Evita (link)

(this link goes to her Anki page that you can download and import on your own anki to use it)

What I personally did was import it into my anki, export it as a txt. file and then pasted it on an excel file.
So in that way I have the list of all the vocabulary for a better self-control and I copy them in my memrise deck.
On excel I highlight in yellow the words I already know and in green the ones I don’t know and I need to add to my vocabulary deck.

This deck has over 5000 words so you will use it for a good while hahah.


Talk to me in Korean (TTMIK) Lessons

I was using the Korean in Grammar In Use books (I finished the first one and I started the first chapter of the second one) and I highly recommend them but right now I’m really busy with college so I had to squish my time to study Korean. That’s why I decided to use the lessons TTMIK offers since they are short and I can do them faster.


Daily Routine in Korean by TTMIK

I finished this book a few days ago and it was really helpful now that I’m more advanced in my learning (I tried to use it when I just started and it was impossible for my brain to remember the phrases and make them make sense).

Resources made by me

Vocab deck (link)

This deck is made by me with all the resources I have used so far for vocabulary til now. The levels are divided in 1000 words each cause I think that helped better with my organization. If you decide to use it, I hope it can be helpful for you ^^

Hanja deck (link)

I made this one using the guide of Hanja made by How To Study Korean (link). It’s a great guide, and I recommend it if you are interested on learning some hanja.
My deck has 260 hanjas that I found the most useful and interesting. Right now I’m not studying hanja anymore cause I think the ones I learned are enough according to the level where I am now, and I wanna use that time to learn more things in Korean properly. That’s why, if you wanna learn them all I recommend you the guide made by How To Study Korean.

I hope this can be truly helpful for anyone who needs it.
I will try my harderst to post more often, specially lessons and vocabulary lists.
Thank you to everyone who follows the blog, I hope it can be useful to yall. And also thank you for everyone who follows me on Instagram (@/itslostfocus) where I post daily pics -not so daily, sorry I’ve busy- of my progress learning Korean.

Happy learning everyone! ^^

보다 = To see (뵙다 is a polite way to say 보다)

같이 = Together

공부하다 = to study

다니다 = to go like routine (usually used for school, church, library etc.)

대학 = University

어디= Where

복잡하다 = Complex , Complicate

* 어디 가는 길이세요? = “Where were you heading to?”

* 저는 _____에서 태어났어요 = “I was born in ______”

Ex) 저는 한국에서 태어났어요 / 저는 호주에서 태어났어요

*(similar expression) 저는 _____에서 자랐어요 = “I have grown up in _____”

Ex) 저는 영국에서 자랐어요 / 저는 터키에서 자랐어요

If there is any question about expressions on the comic of if you need more examples for expressions, please leave comment below!

No matter where you are, or even who you’re talking to, when you wish to spark up a conversation you

No matter where you are, or even who you’re talking to, when you wish to spark up a conversation you’ll always need to start with a greeting. In English this could be anything from “hello,” to “hi,” or even “good morning” or “good afternoon.” The great news is there is only one word that you need to learn in Korean that translates as all of these greetings!

안녕하세요 is the standard way to say “hello” in Korean and can be used to greet someone no matter what time of the day. The phrase is made up of two words that literally translate as “are you at peace?” or “are you well?”

Our blog post here teaches you how to pronounce “안녕하세요” like a native.

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Jacket =  재킷 (”jae-kit”) or 자켓 (“jaket”) 

Jacket =  재킷 (”jae-kit”) or 자켓 (“jaket”) 

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