#kozume fluff


kozume kenma touch hc’s

Kozume Kenma who short circuits every time you touch skin-to-skin because of how soft you are. Be it your hand intertwining with his. Or maybe you’re curled up on the sofa with his hand around your waist as he kneads your stomach. Or he had an urge to cup the fat of your cheeks in his hands. Either way, it’s so warm that he can’t help the fierce warmth that finds solace in his cheeks.

Kozume Kenma who can’t bring himself to initiate kisses often, so he beats himself up for not knowing how to show you he loves you in more “normal” ways. So, when he does kiss you (naturally of course, not by forcing himself to), it makes the occasion even more heart-wrenching and passionate and love-filled.

Kozume Kenma who spends his life hiding away from everyone until you hug him for the first time. He vows to himself that’s when he first understood the whole concept of love, before then the whole ordeal had been rather confusing, and he had simply seen it as a waste of time and a distraction. But as he felt himself melt into your touch, face subconsciously digging its way into any crevice which your chest or head or shoulder or neck may provide out of both embarrassment for the harsh blush that’s painted his face and the further seeking of the comfort he will now come to crave, he came to understand that there’s most certainly more to life than what he had previously assumed.

Kozume Kenma who would do anything to feel your hands constantly playing with his hair. It brings him what he previously presumed as an unattainable comfort but now is just normal for him after he has a rough day and refuses to care about the embarrassment of asking you for it.

rainy days

feat kenma!

word count- 1091

Rain hammered down on the thick pane of glass that separated you from the outside world, dainty fingers clutching the keys which you had just used to find your welcomed shelter. Today had been a long day, you thought to yourself as you slipped your shoes off by the entry door. You had been soaked through, practically dripping onto Kenma’s hard floors. You had gotten caught in the rain on your way to his place, silently cursing yourself for overlooking an umbrella. Up the stairs of your boyfriend’s penthouse, you could hear the muffled sound of him talking. You had been dating for a good few months now, so you felt comfortable enough to welcome yourself to a hot shower in one of his modern bathrooms.

Kenma sighed softly as he heard the animals he had decided to stream with that day screaming to each other through his headset. Rather than staying silent and attempting to process the madness any longer, he simply mumbled out a small “shut up”, sparking the attention of the two buffoons in front of him, alongside the many thousands of people sat on the other sides of their screens. Following his miniature outburst, the laughs of said men could be heard cackling from their respective rooms. Dutifully admitting his over-due defeat, Kenma slumps further into his chair, allowing himself to succumb to the relief of the special-made gaming chair, golden globes refocusing on the screen for the umpteenth time that gloomy evening. He had always found the rain comforting, all he wanted to do was finish streaming and sit on his comfy chairs by the window, reclined with the one he loved most. As far as he knew, you were still out of sight, but definitely not out of mind.

You were always able to comfort him in ways no one else could ever dream, and he was eternally grateful to you for it. None had even come close to the warmth of your body, the plushness of your skin. He could spend hours admiring you for all that you were, yet still have more to say. He knew he was truly and utterly in love with you, and was partially angry at himself for being so bad at showing it.

Once finishing your shower, you suppose Kenma won’t mind you borrowing a few of his clothes, surely he’d understand from the state of the weather you’d gone there in. You grabbed a pair of his sweatpants and one of his various hoodies. It was marvellous how comfortable you felt in his penthouse, feeling as though you fit right into his life. You walk down to the sleek kitchen in possession of your rich boyfriend, deciding to make hot drinks for both yourself and Kenma, well aware of how tired he probably is. You get two colourful mugs out from his cabinet, prancing around his kitchen with ease, preparing them, assuming its contents would warm you up from the dreary weather outside. You also thought of how Kenma would need the sugar boost, knowing how much he tended to overwork himself.

As you timidly opened the door to his streaming room, you noticed his reclined posture. You gingerly shuffled over to his seat, mugs clutched tight in your grasp. You gave the camera a tender smile, and Kenma sees the chat start blowing up. It was a common occurrence for you to feature in Kozume’s streams, and his fans loved the two of you together, even if Kenma hadn’t specified you as his significant other. Fans were clever, and very persistent, dedicating their evenings to grasping at straws, making mountains out of what you’d consider molehills, digging and digging through personal details and sifting through hours of footage just to theorise of how you both were dating. Of course, said theories were not wrong, but if they had to dig for it that much, you thought they should conclude that you were private for a reason and to keep it at that.

The man’s eyebrows furrow together at the speed of the chat flowing, before spinning around and seeing you at the doorway, shuffling your feet with uncertainty and raising the mugs with a slight smile at him. He lets himself succumb to the smile that fights to overcome his features, back to the viewers and eyes trained to yours. You took note of the fatigue in his face and posture as you slowly started to edge closer to him at his beckoning. He grabs another chair and slots it next to his own, patting it softly. As you sat down, your eyes slowly drifted from the man to his stream, giving a wave and toothy grin, before placing your and Kenma’s respectful mugs in front of you both.

The stillness that overcame the room was pleasant. Kenma had taken off his headset upon realising he wasn’t alone in the room, and you both simultaneously picked up your drinks and took generous sips. The warmth that overcame your chest, both from the hot liquid and the love in your heart was both overwhelming and yet ever so simple.

Kenma insisted on teaching you how to play a game or two, and as you talked away to the stream and your joint friends, Kenma struggled to hold back visibly showing his emotions. He had always been good at hiding them, at least that was before you waltz into his life. Now, he has more trouble than ever masking his true feelings for you. And the knowledge of the thousands of people watching him irked him in the slightest sense, as he wanted the moments he shared with you to be just that- shared with you and you only.

But as he, Bokuto and Kuroo begin another game, he stills stiff as a board when he feels a weight on his shoulder. Looking over, he sees you’ve fallen asleep, and were using him as a pillow. He laughed to himself, urging the blush taking over his features to back away to save face from the multiple strangers watching for his reactions like hawks.

They’d definitely be able to distinguish between him now and him before you’d come in to join him. They’d be able to see how his facial features softened. They’d be able to see the harsh pink tint which overcame his cheeks. They’d be able to see how he let his lips turn upward, vulnerability flashing before you.

Maybe it wasn’t so bad they knew, he thought before ending the stream and taking you to bed.
