#kpop gifs


bedtime checklist!


hi little one! it’s almost bedtime, but we gotta do some grown-up stuff first, okay?

  • make sure you’ve locked your main door, your garage, and your car
  • take a shower or bath if you need to  
  • change into comfy clothes or pajamas
  • turn off any alarms (unless they’re for waking up!)
  • turn off the blue light on your screen if you’re going to be using devices! otherwise, put away your electronics 
  • plug in your phone and computer to charge ⚡️
  • if you want to, drink a glass of warm milk or tea
  • take your nighttime supplements and medications
  • if you want to, put a water bottle in the fridge for the morning
  • make sure you’ve brushed your teeth and done your skincare routine ✨
  • use the bathroom
  • snuggle up tight and have sweet dreams!