#sfw caregiver


Small Space Bag

When going out it is always good to pack a bag of your little gear/small stuff. Here is a bunch of ideas on what to bring!

First, choose a bag. It can be a discreet back pack or a cutesy tote! Whatever you want to hold your things in!

Then, pack some “big” items -

Lip balm to give daddy/mommy special soft kisses

Pawpaw ointment for booboos

Tissues/wipes for colds, tears, or accidents

A hat to go in the sun

Your phone/tablet/DS/other electronic device to be entertained

A portable charger and cable in case your device/s go flat

A purse/wallet in case you see a stuffie that you absolutely HAVE to buy

Then, some items for your small space -



Colouring-in book and pencil to colour when small

Spare undies/nappy if you have an accident (it’s ok, it happens!)

Your agere journal (if you do journaling for your small space or little place) to write about your thoughts and time being small

Kitty/puppy/bunny/animal ears (if you are a petre or petdre)

A stimming item for when you need it (autism, anxiety attack, ADHD, bored)

Snacks for when you’re a hungry kiddo/pet

A kiddo book you can read on your own or your caregiver can read to you

And don’t forget your favourite stuffie to help your caregiver keep you safe

Hopefully this little guide has helped! I don’t always take all of this stuff with me but I know some regressors do, or just need ideas on what to take!

Here is my finished and packed bag, with my stuffie Pepper playing peekaboo!

Nap Time

It’s always good for regressors to nap in the afternoons! So get your stuffies, your paci, and get comfy!

Cudde your stuffie/s! Being wrapped in a blanket with the AC on feels like you’re being cuddled, even when you’re alone or your caregiver isn’t around.

Lullabies, lo-fi, asmr, and nature sounds helps with sleep. I love listening to rain and ocean sounds because its so relaxing after being big!

Use the 4-7-8 method! Inhale for 4 seconds, hold for 7 seconds, and exhale for 8 seconds!

Use a natural lavender oil! Diffusing it or rubbing it on your feet relaxes your body and mind and makes it a little easier for you to drift off to sleep.

It’s ok if you can’t get to sleep. Just laying in your bed and relaxing can boost your mood when big and small. It’s also ok to miss your nap if you can’t fall asleep at all. Have a quiet afternoon instead!

Sweet dreams, regressors!


☔️ Mental Health Monday ☔️

Mental Health Monday is a day for you to talk about your current mental health or your mental health journey, share tips and tricks, and ask for or give mental health advice.

You can participate in Mental Health Monday by sending us an ask or submission, reblogging this post, or by tagging us in a post of your own. Feel free to ask/submit anonymously, just remember that you need to be logged out to send an anonymous submission and cannot do so through tumblr’s mobile app.


Self Care Sunday

It’s Self Care Sunday! Self Care Sunday is a day where you can show off your self care skills by sharing something you did to take care of yourself, either today or throughout the week. Even if it’s something very small, we wanna hear about it and tell you just how proud we are of you!

You can participate in Self Care Sunday by sending us an ask or submission, reblogging this post, or by tagging us in a post of your own. Feel free to ask/submit anonymously, just remember that you need to be logged out to send an anonymous submission and cannot do so through tumblr’s mobile app.


Show-and-Tell Saturday

Today is Show-and-Tell Saturday! Why don’t you send in something for us to see? There’s no theme, just keep it sfw, as always!

You can send in your show-and-tell through submissions, by reblogging this post, or by tagging us in a post of your own. Feel free to submit anonymously, just remember that you need to be logged out to do so. You cannot submit anonymously through tumblr’s mobile app.

We’re so happy to see what you have to show us, care cuties!





Pro tip (from a little)

Don’t tell us to use our words. Sometimes we’re non verbal, a lot of parents use it (sometimes in an ab*sive way or the parent was just bad) or anything else. Instead, please say “can you communicate what’s the matter?” Of course you can say “can you communicate what’s wrong” or “communicate what you want” or whatever you choose. It opens your little to other options of communication like sign language, pointing, writing or typing. It’s good to have multiple ways of communication

bedtime checklist!


hi little one! it’s almost bedtime, but we gotta do some grown-up stuff first, okay?

  • make sure you’ve locked your main door, your garage, and your car
  • take a shower or bath if you need to  
  • change into comfy clothes or pajamas
  • turn off any alarms (unless they’re for waking up!)
  • turn off the blue light on your screen if you’re going to be using devices! otherwise, put away your electronics 
  • plug in your phone and computer to charge ⚡️
  • if you want to, drink a glass of warm milk or tea
  • take your nighttime supplements and medications
  • if you want to, put a water bottle in the fridge for the morning
  • make sure you’ve brushed your teeth and done your skincare routine ✨
  • use the bathroom
  • snuggle up tight and have sweet dreams!

I appreciate you…

I still have over 500 followers. Thanks so so solo much to those of you who stick with me through my times of inactivity. I truly truly need you in my life. Things have been very hard lately l, and so many times, I’ve thought my tumblr was just gonna completely fall under because I go through these periods of just being completely unable to bring myself to make quality posts or even just mindlessly fill my queue. Well… Anyway enough of my rambling. I just wanted to say thank you. You guys are the true MVPs.

So art update:

I was able to get a cheap iPad Air 2 today, and I’m still taking requests for art! :) If you’re a CG an you want me to draw your little, or if you’re a little and want me to draw you, I’d be happy to!

Also, for those of you I already drew stuff for, if you’d like me to draw a higher-quality one for you now that I have the iPad, I’d be happy to do that too! :)

Just an disclaimer: I’m still practicing with digital art and experimenting with different apps, so if my art is kinda crummy that’s why :( Also I’m not as good as a lot of other artists on Tumblr, so that contributes to it as well lol. But I’ll do my best! 

That being said, if you don’t like what I drew the first time, it’s okay if you want me to try again, I won’t be offended if you ask :) 

Take care you lovely little princes/princesses/non-binary royalty! :) I love you all, you’ve all made me feel really good about myself with all of the follows and stuff. I’ve never had this many people like seeing what I had to post <3 You’re amazing.


needing therapy doesn’t make you weak

needing therapy doesn’t define your worth

needing therapy doesn’t define who you are

you are more than your mental health


Appeal to the five senses:

Something that smells like daddy

Daddy’s voice or calming music

Something to look at that reminds me of daddy

Something that tastes good

✋️Something soft and cozy


“Who’s my pretty girl?”

“Ohhh…poor baby!”

“Daddy’s here, Daddy’s gotcha…”

“Don’t you give me that pouty lip!”

*pulls me into his lap* “Come here, sweet pea.”

“Daddy will play with you if he wants to!”

“You are so…ADORABLE! Look at you!”

