#mama talks


It’s okay to go at your own pace, sweetheart. If you need more time, there are people that will wait for you. If you need help, I’ll lend it to you. You’re going to do everything you want, sometimes we just end up taking the scenic route.

the school year’s just about wrapping up, isn’t it, little one? you worked very hard this year, and I know you’re going to finish strong! repeat after me: I have a sharp mind that makes me a great student. It’s okay to not know everything, I can always learn. I work hard and try my best. I am going to do well on finals.

remember to take study breaks, get some rest when you need it, and don’t forget to eat something if you’re hungry! and above all, remember:

I love you bunches, kiddo, and I see how hard you’re trying every single day ❤️

Good morning and happy Friday! Today’s going to be a great day, yeah? Here are some things we can do to make sure today gets off to an awesome start:

- Eat some breakfast! Even just a little something is good, I had a breakfast bar, some applesauce, and some coffee! ☕️

- Take our meds! Medicine helps keep us healthy!

- Go potty! Don’t forget to wash your hands!

- Brush our teeth! We want to have healthy teeth and breath that doesn’t smell icky!

I hope everyone has a wonderful day! I have to work today but tomorrow’s Saturday, so we can relax after we get home!

something sweet my own mom sent me! I thought I would pass it along to all my kiddos here

Today marks the start of a special holiday for several of our friends! Today is the start of Lunar New Year! You may also know it as Chinese New Year, because it’s the first day of a new year in the Chinese lunar calendar! Because it follows the moon phases, it changes every year, but this year it starts today, February 1st, and ends on February 15. Kind of like the zodiac, years in the Chinese lunar calendar have animals - this year is the year of the tiger! I thought you might like to color some of the animals, too!

Lots of Asian countries celebrate Lunar New Year, so let’s learn what some countries do!

In China, people wear cheongsamorqipao,andeatfishanddumplingscalledbao!

In Korea, people wear colorful costumes called hanbok! They eat dumplings called mandu and rice cakes called ddeok!

In Vietnam, people wear silk tunics with pants - they call this áodài! They eat sticky rice cakes called bánh tét or bánh chung.

In several countries, people give children lucky red envelopes filled with money! ❣️❣️ Some of these have very fun designs, like animals that match the year and cartoon characters!

Happy Lunar New Year! Let’s wear red and gold for good luck, and make this year awesome!

bedtime checklist!


hi little one! it’s almost bedtime, but we gotta do some grown-up stuff first, okay?

  • make sure you’ve locked your main door, your garage, and your car
  • take a shower or bath if you need to  
  • change into comfy clothes or pajamas
  • turn off any alarms (unless they’re for waking up!)
  • turn off the blue light on your screen if you’re going to be using devices! otherwise, put away your electronics 
  • plug in your phone and computer to charge ⚡️
  • if you want to, drink a glass of warm milk or tea
  • take your nighttime supplements and medications
  • if you want to, put a water bottle in the fridge for the morning
  • make sure you’ve brushed your teeth and done your skincare routine ✨
  • use the bathroom
  • snuggle up tight and have sweet dreams!

oh, hi sweetheart! what’s up? you have something to tell me? alright, I’m all ears!

okay, I think I understand - you want to go by a different name, right? what name should I use?

wow! I love that name, it suits you perfectly! and you picked it yourself? that’s so awesome, you’re so creative! can you tell me one more thing, baby? what pronouns do you use?

okay, I see! thank you for telling me. I love you no matter what and I’m so proud of you - you’re my perfect, lovely, thoughtful angel and I think your name is amazing!
