#kpop smut


; optional male lead smut |  ☁️

The sound of a sudden splash on the opposite side of the lake you have been lounging next to for the past hour pulls your eyes from the book in your hands. Your attention is drawn to the water droplets flinging in every direction before you notice one, two, three soaked and smiling men surfacing for air. As you arch a brow, you stare in wonder at the three rowdy guys splashing around, grins reaching their eyes and your jaw only drops when you spot one of them stand up with his body facing away from  you, water cascading down every muscle of his toned back all the way to the curve of his ass. 

You only wanted to enjoy a quiet afternoon reading beneath the sun as you relaxed on a towel against the dock, overlooking the water every now and then as the soft breeze mixes with chirping birds and the world drowns out around you. Never did you expect yourself to be gawking at three naked strangers after they jumped into the lake to distract you from your book, and you find your face swelling with heat the moment the one on the far left grabs the attention of the one standing, all before nodding your way and all three sets of eyes turn to look at you.

The first man flashes a smirk you only catch a glimpse of before your attention turns back to your book once again, but the way your heart pounds in your chest from getting caught only has you reading the same line over and over. You hear the three mumble between them as the breeze draws their quiet chit-chat closer to you, sharing laughter between them, and as you peek over the edges of the white pages, you notice the smirking man swimming towards the dock you’re settled on. 

Your heart sinks to the pit of your stomach, taking a deep breath in an attempt to play it cool, but there’s no doubt in your mind the soaking wet and naked stranger is going to draw attention to the fact that you were staring at them.

“I’ve never seen you here before.” The deep voice has you gripping your book tighter as you bite down hard on your bottom lip, though his tone is soft and friendly and there’s no reason for you to try to hide from him now that he’s right below where your feet are hanging off the edge of the dock. “You must be new around here, huh? What’s your name?”

You gulp, counting to three while taking a much needed, deep breath, and finally muttering your name to him after lowering your book to your lap. “I am new here. I just moved into the house at the end of Olive Route. My grandmother used to live there.” 

Your home isn’t far from where your newly dedicated reading spot is at the lake, having moved in only a few weeks prior. You’re now trying to get settled in after your grandmother passed a year before and all the paperwork was finally approved to have the deed in your name, not having too many belongings to move from your cramped apartment in the city, but finding it to be a sign to get away for awhile and enjoy the peace of mind such a small town can give you. 

If your grandmother taught you anything, it was to put yourself first, whether it be mental or physical health, nothing was more important. Now that she’s gone, you realize more than ever that you allowed years of school followed by years of work to define you, taking hold of your life and not letting go until you were running ragged and too exhausted every step of the way to even consider taking time for yourself. Moving into her old house seemed like the perfect step to follow her wishes of making an effort to look out for your well-being. Being among nature relaxes you more than you expected, or at least, that’s what you assumed until running into the stranger that is now smirking while staring up at you with his sharp gaze and intense eyes. 

He introduces himself as he tells you his name, running fingers through the strands of his dripping wet hair with a grin. “It’s nice to meet you. We don’t see too many new faces around here, so it was a surprise to spot you. Normally it’s just us.” He motions back to his two friends who seem to be whispering between themselves while flashing grins toward the two of you every now and again as they swim around in the lake’s murky waters. He informs you their names and they must have heard him speaking of them from the way their smiles widen as they offer a friendly wave your way.

The heat floods your face once again as you offer a shy, hesitant wave in return, thankful he hasn’t thrown it up in your face that you were gazing at the three splashing around in the water. Which still leaves the question of why they are in the nude, but from him mentioning not having many visitors, you guess privacy isn’t normally a concern for them. You almost feel guilty, as if you’re intruding, but this stranger seems polite enough as he swims near your feet with a smile, not the least bit concerned of the sun shining directly through the water to give you more than a generous peek at his body if you wanted it. 

“It’s nice to meet you, too,” you reply, looking anywhere else but at him in case your eyes are tempted to wander.

“Well, I’ll let you get back to your reading,” he begins, swimming past the dock to reach the water’s edge to your left, “hope to see you around soon.”

With that, he stands once again to make his way onto the shore, body dripping with water cascading down every curve, and muscle, and sharp line that exists over his frame, fully on display with not an ounce of shame as he takes his time making the long way around the lake’s edge to reach his friends. Immediately you’re gulping and turning away, snatching open your book in an attempt to not think about how every inch of you is warming up because of him.


You can’t resist heading back to the lake two days later to take a break from cleaning and organizing your new home. The fresh air will do you good after being around so much dust, you tell yourself, though part of you realizes you’re curious if the same rowdy boys will be splashing in the water once again. Though you’re well aware you moved to such a place to focus on yourself while putting your own sanity first, you can’t help but to admit the new friends bring a certain excitement to your otherwise newly plain life. Not that you mind, of course, considering a hectic, exhausting schedule and an overabundance of work was your routine day in and day out and now you enjoy the peace and quiet, but it’s easy to become thrilled by something so new.

You receive your answer only a short while after setting out your blue beach towel against the dock and flipping open your book. It doesn’t take long to hear the rustling of bushes and the crackling of sticks before the blur of three bodies from the corner of your eye earns your attention. One by one they throw themselves into the water with a loud splash, the ripples against the surface even reaching the tips of your toes as you sit on the dock with your legs over the side. 

You try to look away, but the sight becomes hypnotizing. Watching them play with one another as their voices travel across the water to reach you, hearing a few foul-mouthed things as the stranger from yesterday grips one of the other boys around the neck before the two become submerged. The other throws his head back as laughter erupts to reach every direction of the woods, voice echoing between the trees and you find yourself grinning at the scene before you without realizing you were staring so hard. 

When the two emerge from water to take a breath, a playful shove against one’s shoulder has him cackling just the same. Though, it doesn’t take much longer for the three to notice you sitting on the other side of the lake, their commotion settling at the sight of you until their lips twist into playful grins.

“Hey!” one of the friends yell, running his fingers through his hair to push to soaking stranding from his face. “Wanna come in?”

As you stammer and mutter and try to think of a reply, the friendly stranger from before shoves his friend and shakes his head. “Who wants to swim with you?” 

You can’t help but to giggle at the question, biting your lip as your cheeks burn with heat. “I’m good for now, thanks!” you yell back at the three, hearing one of the friend’s groans of disappointment as your new polite friend shakes his head and the last man chuckles beside him. As they do so, they find themselves swimming closer to close the distance between you, and you find your heart racing from their attention. 

“So you live in the old house at the end of Olive Route, huh?” The last friend mentions, causing you to become curious at what the three have said about you when you weren’t around. Clearly he has mentioned it to the two men lurking by from the day before, and the thought of them gossiping about the new face in town tempts you to giggle. 

“Mhm,” you hum, finding it harder to concentrate when they swim so close, lingering near your feet as you skim the water’s surface, clutching your book tighter and taking a deep breath. “My grandmother used to live there, but when she passed away, she gave the house to me.” You don’t mind filling them in on your new life. After all, they seem friendly enough, and it’s not like you have made any other new acquaintances during your first few weeks in the new town. 

“Oh,” the other friend begins, mentioning your grandmother’s name with a grin, calling her by a nickname you’ve only heard a few speak before, like friends she played bingo with or the older ladies at the flea market she would take you to when you visited. “She used to bring baked goods for school fundraisers when we were kids.”

The words have your heart swelling with love at the memory of her. She was always baking, or doing something kind, and even a small story told by the three you just met only makes you wish you had visited her more often after getting out on your own. Though, she would have never held it against you for not making the trip to stop by as often as you would have liked, knowing you were too focused on school and then work while she was making desserts for children and taking care of her small town. 

“That sounds like her,” you tell the three with a wide smile appearing on your face. 

The four of you chit-chat a bit more as the afternoon turns late and they continue to swim around beneath you and play. You learned that the three of them have been close since birth, with their parents being friends before them, and their parents’ parents before that. You don’t have many stories to tell them, realizing your life was consumed with work the past few years more than you would like and it only left you to see you felt emptier, lonelier, when it was all said and done. Though you do mention to the three that you moved into your grandmother’s home for something new and different, and the looks shared between the boys doesn’t go unnoticed. You try to shake off the butterflies that begin fluttering in your stomach at the sight.

You lose track of time sharing little details between yourselves until the three mention they have been in the water too long. You realize you have taken too long of a break from cleaning and organizing, and decide to say goodbye to them for now. You begin to gather up your book and towel in your arms while they begin roughhousing once again, giggling and waving a last goodbye over your shoulder, happy to have met a few new faces you find yourself being comfortable around.


After your conversation with the playful new friends a few days prior, you find yourself itching to go back to the lake just to run into them again. You admit it still gets lonely at times, not having anyone else to talk to besides a phone call from your mother every once and a while, and a distant friend that checks up on you when she has the time to. You realize it’s your own fault for allowing yourself to become so lost in your previous job, but you feel a bit luckier now to have three new neighbors to turn to for a friendly face. 

Even if you don’t know the three well after only a few conversations, you find comfort in their presence and playfulness, and they always seem to be polite and kind whenever you come around. Though their complete lack of shame as they splash around naked in the water is something you will have to get used to, wondering if they’re so free and open with every new person they meet. You remind yourself it’s something they have probably done since they were kids, so it has become so normal to them. 

When you arrive at the lake, you spot nothing but calm waters. You try to ignore the disappointment filling your chest as you lay out your towel against the dock once again and settle with your book in your lap. You’re sure they don’t go for a swim every day, right? It’s not like you are even good enough friends to be expecting one another, but you can’t deny that the past few times spotting them out near the lake has made your days a little better.

Regardless, you find yourself becoming caught up in your book once again. At least you’ll have the peace and quiet to read, you tell yourself, even if talking to your new friends sounds a bit more exciting. The still waters around you calm you, eventually tossing your legs over the side of the dock to allow your feet to skim the surface as your eyes devour the pages. But it doesn’t take long for the sounds of chirping birds in the distance or the gentle breeze to become interrupted by a rustling in the leaves behind you.

Your eyes dart up as you twist your body to look around, spotting him, the most familiar stranger this town has to offer you, wandering your way. For the first time, he actually adorns a thin t-shirt and dirty, ripped jeans pressing against the muscles of his body, but he performs the same gesture of running strong fingers through the strands of his hair and sighing without a word before settling next to you on the dock.

“Where’s your friends?” you ask him the first thought that pops into your mind to earn a chuckle. It’s clear he’s still in the mood for a swim even if he’s alone from the way he begins plucking at the laces of his sneakers and taking them off, as well as his white socks, one by one. 

“One already had plans today, and the other didn’t feel like coming.” He turns to you and smiles before tugging the neck of his shirt over his head to toss aside, leaving his bare chest on display, and you’re nearly embarrassed from the way it has heat filling your face. “So, I have no one to swim with today. Unless…”

You arch a brow, but can’t help to grin. “Unless?”

“Unless you want to swim with me?” he offers, though his tone is a little hesitant and you wonder if he’s worried you will turn him down once again. The thought is tempting, you have to admit, and with only him swimming with you, it doesn’t seem as intimidating. “You’re thinking about it. I can see you’re considering it.” He teases you with a wide smile, gently nudging your arm with his elbow while chuckling.

“Maybe…” you hum, biting your lip to keep from grinning too much.

“C’mon,” he pouts, “I won’t let anything scary get you.”

Before you can reply, he stands to push his jeans and boxer-briefs down to his feet, kicking them off in a swift motion before diving into the deep, cold waters of the lake, not even giving you time to register his naked body jumping past you. The splash from his weight leaves drops hitting your legs and feet to make you squeak and giggle. After a few seconds, he resurfaces, shaking his head to send more water flying in every direction, all before running his hand over his face to rid his vision of loose strands of hair. 

“Come on in, it feels amazing!” he beams, and you chuckle and shake your head.

With a heavy sigh, you place your book against your towel after folding the corner of the page to mark your place, thinking to yourself how you can’t believe you’re actually doing this. Even if it is a bit spontaneous, and something you would have never done before, the thought of swimming with a stranger excites you, and he has made you feel nothing but comfortable with him apart from the shyness that creeps up whenever you think about how careless he is with his own clothes. 

As you bite your bottom lip, you reach to untuck the tank-top you’re wearing from your shorts, but you pause a moment to turn to him. “Look away.”

His lips turn into a grin at your sudden request, but he obliges, turning his whole body before swimming a little ways from the dock to allow you some privacy. Once you’re more comfortable, you tug your top over your head, followed by unbuttoning and pushing your shorts to your feet, leaving you in your lace bra and panties. You’re not as confident as him, however, so you leave the lingerie on as you have a seat on the dock to ready yourself, and before you can talk yourself out of it, you’re sinking into the water.

“Ah!” you whimper, beginning to shake from the unexpected temperature as the shock of the water takes hold of your limbs. “It’s cold!” 

He turns around the moment he hears your voice, a pleased smile on his lips. “It won’t be for long. You’ll get used to it.” He swims closer to you, leaving only a foot between your two bodies as you move your arms, kick your feet, and try to stay afloat. It’s been too long since you’ve been swimming. “It’s even better naked… you feel more free,” he adds, and a rush of heat swells from the pit of your stomach to every inch of your body.

“Is that why you and your rowdy friends are always out here?” 

“Hm, yeah you could say that, among a few other reasons,” he tells you, and you feel as if the two of you are drifting closer to one another without realizing. “We like to swim after a run. It helps us cool down.”

“A run?” you ask. “Are you on a college track team or something?” You can’t help but to giggle as he grins.

“No,” he replies, shaking his head. Before you can pry further, a snap of a twig echoes across the lake, earning your full attention with your head jerking to the right. “Are you scared?” You turn back to him to see his smirk, and you quickly raise your chin to feign more confidence.

“No, but… you never know what can be out in the woods,” you tell him, then add, “or the lake.”

“Don’t be scared,” he laughs, then licks his lips to have a shiver running down your spine. “I’m the scariest thing out here right now, trust me.”

You frown, taken back by his words even if the tone of his suddenly deep, dark voice has you gulping. “You saying that makes me want to do the opposite of trust you.”

“It’s okay,” he tells you, playful voice returning that you can’t help but to give in to, “I like you.”

You open your mouth to speak, but he suddenly submerges himself beneath the water. As luck would have it, the sun has disappeared behind a cloud, no longer illuminating the murky waters for you to see where he swam to, but the black shadow swimming beneath your feet gives you a clue. 

“Where’d you go?” you call for him, turning your body behind you in hopes he will pop up at any time now. “Hello?!” Your heart begins to race, wondering why he’s teasing you, and the moment you feel a tug on your foot, you let out a loud shriek of his name. 

Before you have time to react, you feel two strong arms wrap around your waist a second before he emerges behind you, gasping for breath and squeezing you tight.

“Hey!” you begin to yell between giggles, attempting to swim away, but he playfully holds you against his chest. “That’s not funny! You scared me!”

“Hey! I told you I wouldn’t let anything scary get you. I meant it!”

“Anything but you, maybe,” you add, laughter shared between the two of you until you feel his grasp on your body tighten. His chest becomes flush against your back, large hands pressed against your flesh to have heat swelling from between your thighs as your heart pounds against your chest.

“Do you mind?” he asks, whispering in your ear with a deep, raspy tone you feel right in your core. You gulp, lowering your hands to rest against the arms that hold you, finding comfort and security in his embrace in the moment even if you aren’t sure why. Without hesitation, you shake your head, telling him you don’t mind at all if he’s so close to you. 

“I should get going,” you tell him when he releases his arms from your body. 

“Want me to walk you home?” he offers to take you by surprise, heart fluttering from him looking out for you.

“I can manage this time,” you promise him, watching him flash a smile before the two of you are climbing onto the dock to clothe your dripping wet bodies. As soon as you slip your top and shorts on and he manages to at least put on his jeans, you gather your towel and book and say your goodbyes, and he smiles before telling you to get home safely.


Even if your new home in a small town in the middle of nowhere offers more peace than a busy city, you still find yourself waking up from bad dreams occasionally. Maybe your mind has been running too wild, or stresses from your previous life begin to taunt you, having your slumber filled with thoughts of overdue paperwork and bosses scolding you to fill you with shame for doing so poorly.

At least it’s better than the high school dreams, you think to yourself as you crawl out of bed and rub your sleepy eyes. Anything beats dreaming about being late for a test when you already graduated more than six years before. Still, your mind begins to buzz with worries and thoughts of the past, and being in your grandmother’s home only makes you miss her advice and words of comfort when you need them most.

The first thing that pops into your mind as you step into the kitchen for a glass of tap water from the sink is the lake. For a few weeks it has brought you comfort and a nice distraction, and after bad dreams, you feel the need for fresh air to clear your suffocating mind. After gulping down the water to clear yourself of a dry mouth, you exchange your nightgown for an oversized t-shirt and jean shorts before slipping your shoes on at the front door. 

You don’t bother locking it behind you. No one comes out this far anyway, you tell yourself. As you bounce down the steps to your front porch, the midnight air filling your lungs already puts your mind at ease. With the moonlight guiding your way along the dirt trail past the rows of trees, you make your way to the lake’s edge in no time, taking in the serene sight of calm waters and listening to the chirping of crickets around you. 

It becomes easy to let go of the bad dreams and stresses in such a peaceful environment. You feel like you can breathe deeply again and it doesn’t take long to feel the weight of past burdens lift from your shoulders. You take another long, deep breath and close your eyes to enjoy the brush of midnight air against your skin and for once, you don’t mind being so alone when it does its job of clearing your head.

The moment doesn’t last too long, however, suddenly hearing a rustling of bushes to your left to cause your attention to turn to the noise as your eyes pop open.

“Hello?” you call out, though you want to assume it’s nothing but a wild animal. A snap of some twigs and crunching of leaves sounds a bit more like larger footsteps than small paws can offer, you realize, finding your heart racing as you speak again. “Is someone there?” 

Your first thought is the noises possibly coming from him, or one of his two friends. After all, they are the only ones you have ever spotted this far out of the town’s limits, but when you receive no reply, your knees begin to shake with uncertainty. You remain silent for a moment, listening, waiting, until a shuffling between trees of some sort from behind you has your entire body jerking toward the sound.

And when you do so, your whole body’s weight shifts to one foot as your ankle rolls against the dock, misstepping to send your balance off center. You try to regain control of your footsteps, until your shoe snags on a warped board against the dock, sending your body falling forward before you can stop yourself.

It all happens so quickly. You shut your eyes as you let out a yelp, crashing face first into the water’s surface with a splash that echoes between the forest’s trees. You flap your arms and kick your legs, trying to figure out which way is up, but the light from the moon is too dim and every inch of the water beneath the surface remains pitch black. You open your mouth to release the breath in your tightening lungs, only to have it filled with lake water in an instant. 

The adrenaline shooting through you does no good for your muscles that begin to ache out of a struggling fear that consumes you. The seconds tick by as you struggle to reach the surface, but the moment takes hold in the form of confusion while trying to swim for even just a breath of air.

It’s not until you feel two arms wrap around your body to pull you closer to the surface do you begin to give up. The quickness of exhaustion setting in when you’re struggling to swim after being startled leaves you helpless, and the moment you feel your face break that water’s surface is when you finally gasp for a deep breath to fill your desperate lungs.

The arms around you hold you tight, pulling you to the water’s edge with your back hitting the dirt shore hard. Gasping, struggling to breathe, yet body remaining limp and lifeless, you blink a few times until your vision begins to clear.

“Are you okay?” someone asks, and it takes a few seconds for the familiar voice to register in your mind. “Just breathe, okay? Breathe, I’ve got you. I’m here.”

He continues speaking, causing you to blink a bit more, taking a deep breath to calm yourself until you recognize the face staring down at you belongs to him, spotting his wet hair with drops dripping from every strand and a soaked t-shirt clinging to the muscles of his chest. He grips the sides of your face as he scans your body for any injuries or issues, and brings his gaze back to your eyes to make sure your breathing is steadied. 

“What… what happened?” you ask between coughing and struggling to sit up right. “What… what was that? I thought I heard…” He places a hand on your soaking wet back to make sure you can sit up right.

“You really shouldn’t be out here at night.”

“What?” You’re taken back by his suddenly stern, yet worried tone. He leans closer, brushing a few dripping strands of hair from your face to display his concern.

“It’s not safe, okay?” His voice softens with every word, hand cupping your face to earn your full attention. “I was joking before with you, but I’m serious this time. Don’t come here at night.”


“Let’s get you home. You’ll catch a cold.”

He doesn’t allow you to say anything else, or ask anymore questions, as he helps you to your feet. You remain confused and shaken, but you allow him to take care of you, throwing one of your arms to hook around his neck while he wraps a hand around your hip. He guides you to your home with quiet directions from you, mind running wild, but the seriousness of his words rests heavy on your mind. You aren’t sure what he means, but you’re no fool not to believe him, and you decide you don’t want to find out any more details in the moment. 

“Thanks,” you whisper as the two of you travel up the steps of your front porch. Once at your front door, he finally releases you from his grip, giving you a look from head to toe once again to make sure you’re okay. 

He only hums and nods, clearly just as worried about something he isn’t comfortable speaking about, and you don’t push him. You feign a weak smile before pushing the door to your home open and stumbling inside, dripping puddles on the floor beneath you that you can’t care about in the moment. Your back presses against the door once it’s closed behind you, pausing to take a deep breath for a moment and try to understand what happened. 

Why was he so worried? Did he see whatever was in the bushes that startled you in the first place?

You realize you can’t worry about it now. You’re too exhausted and in need of a shower, but before heading to the bathroom to strip yourself of soaking wet clothes, you take one peek out of the blinds covering the two small windows on your door. However, you fail to see him leaving your home along the long, dirt trail into town. Instead, the only thing you spot is a fluffy, white tail bouncing along side to side before disappearing into the darkness.


It takes you nearly a week to gather the courage for a walk down to the lake, but you do so without your favorite book or beach towel to accompany you. This time, you only wish to become comfortable around the water in the middle of nature once again. After becoming startled and falling into the lake, only for him to conveniently be around to save you, you weren’t sure if you would find as much peace as before.

But it doesn’t take long for the calmness of the water to put your mind at ease, finding the sun shining on your skin to be the rejuvenation you need after spending so many nights wondering over his words. You slip your shoes off and settle against the dock, allowing your feet to skim along the water’s surface like you always do, with your hand clasping the edge of the wooden boards and your eyes closing to soak in everything around you.

It also doesn’t take long for the three boys to bring commotion to the lake’s still waters. They run in with a loud splash, and can’t help but to smirk to see the three of them together once again. The moment one of his friends spots you between their playing and splashing around, he nudges your brave rescuer to have your heart climbing in your throat. Surely he informed them of what happened a week before, and it doesn’t surprise you when he turns to whisper something to the other two before swimming across the lake to reach you. 

Before he can make it to you, you decide to make it a bit easier on him. Grabbing your shoes in your arms, you tuck your feet beneath you to stand and make the trip to the water’s edge. He receives the hint, swimming past the dock just as you settle in the dirt with your arms wrapped around your knees. Once he reaches you, he has no shame uncovering his body from the water before his back falls into the dirt next to you, grinning after exhaling a heavy breath. 

“I was scared you weren’t going to come back here after the other night.” 

Your heart skips a beat at his worry, as well as the way you try to avert your gaze not to gawk at his bare body beneath the rays of sunlight. “I thought about it,” you tell him honestly.

“I’m glad you came back.”

You smile at his words. “Me too.” Then you sigh, and his warning continues to weigh heavy on your mind from the other night. “But, I can’t stop thinking about what you said. Why shouldn’t I be out here at night? What’s out here that I should worry about… besides you?” The last few words only tease him slightly, though part of it remains true. He is intimidating even if you feel comfortable around him. Maybe it’s the stress of being startled, but you admit you’re thankful he was there in the nick of time to save you.

“Me?” He chuckles, sitting up straight with his arms resting on his knees. “Well, I hope you know by now that I would only want you to be safe. I would never cause you harm, or allow anyone else to.”

His words have you gulping, chest blossoming with the sudden warmth of the care he shows for you and you try to stop your heart from beating wildly in fear of him hearing the way it pounds so hard against your chest.

“But, there are other things.”

“What kind of things?” you ask, inching closer, hanging onto his every word. He turns to you with a smirk, looking you from head to toe with a lick of his lips that tempts you to shudder beneath his intense gaze.

“Are you sure you want to know?” As he asks, he reaches to brush a few loose hairs from your face, before his palm cups your cheek and his thumb brushes over your bottom lip, licking his lips once again from the way he feels you tremble against his touch. “There are scary things, things that would only get a hint of your scent and not be able to control themselves.”

You find yourself gulping once again from his words, opening your mouth to attempt a reply, but as his hand drops to your neck and his thumb runs along the curve of your throat — from your jaw to your collar bones — you can only mutter a few words in return. “My scent, like the way I… the way I smell?” You blink, confused, and he chuckles at the way you whispered the last few words.

“Mhm,” he hums, causing your breaths to deepen and the baby blue sundress you’re wearing to tighten against your breasts from the way your body reacts to his touches. “You smell incredible.”

Before your mind has too much time to run wild with his words, he pulls away from you. 

“Which is why it’s dangerous for you.” 

But the desire is already there, as well as the heat swelling from between your thighs. “Maybe I want it to be a little dangerous.” You barely recognize your own voice as you speak the words, but you can only blame him for that.

“You don’t know what you’re saying.”

“Yes I do,” you stand your ground. For so long you were the prisoner of strict schedules, textbooks, and then nine to five’s and praying for overtime so you can afford rent. You weren’t living, only existing, and something about being with him makes you feel so alive it’s terrifying, but you can’t resist. “I know what I want.” 

“You don’t even know me.”

“So what? People have h-hook-ups all the… all the time!” Your confidence fades at the mere mention of sex, something you would have once been ashamed for even thinking, let alone speaking out loud to the man you find irresistible. 

“No,” he chuckles in a dark tone, turning to you once again to grip you by the back of the neck and meet your eyes with a fire in his own. “I mean, you don’t know what I am.” 

Your bottom lip begins to quiver, words wavering with every syllable, but you don’t back down. “Tell me.”

“Why do you trust me so much?”

“I… I don’t know,” you tell him, wishing you knew the answer as his defenses soften from your own honesty. “I don’t know, I just… I just do. I can feel it, especially after the other night. I know you won’t hurt me. I know you care about me.”

“You’re right.”

“Then what’s wrong?” With that, you sigh, nearly admitting defeat. “Do you not… not want me?” Your tone cowers as you lose the last bit of confidence, wondering if you have been reading the signals all wrong.

But when he grips you tighter, exhaling a heavy breath from his lips, you swear you hear a rumble in his chest that sounds similar to a growl erupting inside of him. “You have no idea how much I want you.”

Your breath catches in your throat for a moment, blinking to allow the strained, desperate words to register in your mind. “Then… take me.” 

He hesitates, gazes drifting from your eyes, to your lips, to the way your chest swells with need in every breath, and back again. There’s a tug-of-war going on inside him, and he bites his lip and exhales a heavy sigh before leaning toward you. His lips clash with your own and in desperation you reach for him, whimpering against his skin and tugging so tight against his shoulders your nails dig into his flesh. He groans in return, becoming greedy, parting your lips with his tongue as he savors every ounce of the way you kiss him, but before he becomes too carried away, he pushes himself off of you.

“Meet me here,” he gasps, body tense, as if he’s trying to resist the temptation that is you, “tonight. Right here, okay?”

“But you said—”

“I’ll protect you,” he interrupts, fists clenched and nostrils flaring.  “Will you come?”

You knew there’s no way you could deny him. “Of course.”


Your heart couldn’t beat any faster inside your chest as you make the trip from your house down to the lake. With shaking knees, each step becomes harder than the last, but the thrill of being with him keeps you going. Even if you’re uncertain about venturing to the lake at night after his warning, you find yourself trusting him more than you realized. You’re more than confident he meant every word about keeping you safe.

You travel to the same spot the two of you were settled together earlier in the day. The cold chills your skin and you hug your arms to your body tighter, a shiver racing down your spine as you hear a distant howl mix with the breeze whistling through the trees. The moonlight is dim, but it did a good enough job lighting your way to the lake, heart pounding against your chest the longer you wait on him.

As the minutes tick by, your confidence that he will show up fades. The cold breeze begins to get to you, goosebumps spreading over your skin as a chill surges through you to earn a shiver. You wait a little longer, shifting your weight from foot to foot and sighing, peering all around you for any sign of him.

Just when you’ve nearly given up hope and turn from the lake to head back to your home, your eyes pop at the sight of the same white fur before you that you noticed the other night disappearing into the darkness. Two bright, yellow eyes start back at you to keep you frozen in place, watching the creature — a large, intimidating wolf — take a step forward. Large paws leave prints in the dirt as it grows near, a black snout sniffing the air around it and ears perking when you exhale a heavy breath you weren’t aware you were holding.

The creature remains calm, however, never lunging or even moving too swiftly to take you by surprise. Its presence finds a way to comfort you when you realize the same safety you feel when you’re with him takes hold of you. The wolf lowers its head a second before he lays flat against the ground, displaying anything but aggression before you. And you find yourself mimicking its motions, dropping to your knees with your hands resting in your lap to show your trust in the creature.

In the blink of an eye, however, the wolf’s fur begins to recede as spots of human flesh appear in patches. Your eyes pop at the sight, jaw hanging open while noticing the snout retracting and bright, yellow eyes darkening into a deep, familiar color. Fingers extend from the paws and the strong curve of muscles begin to surface, and second by second the creature shifts right before your eyes before your mind has time to register the process.

Until you’re no longer staring at an animal, but the gasping, human body of him on his hands and knees before you, fingers digging into the dirt and spine bent in a devilish arch to leave you shuddering at the sight.  It takes him a few seconds to regain control of his human mind, but your jaw remains slacked and you feel as if you’ve forgotten how to breathe. Every ounce of air is sucked from your lungs, eyes so wide they begin to strain, bottom lip trembling as you try to make sense of what just took place before you. 

All you can manage is a mutter of his name, voice so weak, confused, but you remain unafraid as he peeks at you through his lashes. 

“I wanted to show you,” he begins the moment he catches his breath. “I wanted you to know what I was.” 

“I don’t… but you…” You fail to complete proper sentences, blinking, rubbing your eyes, expecting any second to be back in your bed. If the bad dreams weren’t getting to you, you expect they were now, but him crawling toward you with caution and the cold air sending a chill down your spine tells you it’s real. He’s real, and he’s no human. Now you understand what he meant when he told you it was dangerous, and he was the scariest thing around. You should be afraid. You should be running.

But you sit still, allowing him to crawl to you, accepting him with hands reaching to thread fingers through his hair to grip the strands tight. He peers up at you, waiting on you to give in to him now that he’s shown you everything, and you can’t back out now, not hesitating to pull him close.

Your lips collide as he pulls your body against his own naked flesh to hold you tight. His skin burns like fire to warm you beneath the chill of the midnight air, every move of his lips against your flesh igniting a flame of pure desire within you, every touch tempting your body to beg for more. You whimper against his lips until his kisses trail to your jaw, tongue swiping over your skin for a taste that has him growling against your body. The noise vibrates you to your core, shaking with anticipation as the desperation burns between your thighs. 

He has you on your back in seconds, licking along your neck, kissing here and there just to hear you moan his name. He teeth scrape along your exposed collarbone while his hands push the hem of your dress up to your hips. His touches are electric, sending surges of warmth to every inch of your body as his fingertips dance along your panty line. His lips pamper your chest until he reaches the swell of your breast over your sundress, your own back arching to beg without words for more.

But he suddenly stops, earning a whimper of a protest from your lips until he places a tight grip on your wrists, pushing your arms above your head and pinning your hands into the dirt.

“Are you sure?” He gulps, and takes a deep breath, nostrils flaring and chest rumbling with another growl of pure desire. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

“Yes,” you whimper, not even hesitating for a second, pressing your thighs to his sides and rolling your lower half against his body. “Please.” 

It’s all the convincing he needs. The way you beg him has the temptation rising until he snaps, lips colliding with yours once more as his hands roam your body. His palms brush over your breast to have your chest pushing into his grasp while he kisses a trail from your mouth to your neck. He growls against your skin, becoming greedy as the despereation to have you takes hold, and the way you whimper his name and open your body to him only increases the tension and desire between the two of you.

He grips the straps of your dress, for split- second hearing the sharp tear of fabric echo into the night’s sky before he’s pulling the flimsy material aside to leave you in nothing but sheer, black panties. The motion is so quick, taking you by surprise as the breeze chills your skin and ghosts over your body. But his mouth has the warmth swelling from between your thighs, sending waves of heat to every inch of your body as he hooks his fingers into the band of your panties while his mouth teases an erect nipple. His tongue circles around the flesh and you can’t help but to entangle shaking fingers between the strands of his hair while soft moans fill the air.

“Please,” you beg him, feeling the ache between your legs growing the longer his tongue toys with your hardened nipples. He groans at the sound of your voice, becoming impatient himself before his mouth lowers down your stomach. He leaves a trail of desperate, quick kisses between growls erupting in his chest, and the sound has you shaking with anticipation. 

Before he can stop himself, he lowers his body just enough to have his teeth sinking into your inner thigh, earning a gasp from the slight sting sinking into your flesh until the heat of red hot pleasure swells within you. He latches on as the band to your panties is snapped, just like your dress before, the muscles of his chest and arms tensing as he does so and the moment takes over him. He has to have you, taste you, fuck you into the dirt until the two of you are sweaty, and messy, and out of breath. The urges inside of him rise to the surface as he tosses the shredded remains of your panties aside and releases his bite on your thigh before parting them wide for him, not hesitating to sink his head between your legs and begin devouring you for every drop of arousal you offer him.

“God!” you gasp with his name following, back arching from the water’s shore with the first swipe of his tongue along your slit. He wastes no time tasting you, parting your folds with his tongue dipping into your entrance to gather up the juices that drip out for him, all before trailing up to your clit to offer quick, needy circles around the swollen bud. Your thighs shake around him, listening to the deep groans and heavy growls filling his chest as he pleasures you, with his hands on your hips to hold your body steady and your own fingers lowering to tug on the strands of his hair. “Please… don’t stop.”

He groans from the desperation in the words and the way your voice shakes with every syllable. Your thighs tighten around his head, but he never slows his pace at lapping up your juices, swirling his tongue around your clit, or teasing your aching entrance as you beg him for more. He growls between your legs like a hungry animal, loving the way you taste and call his name, enjoying the arousal dripping on his tongue and how you quiver in his hold. Your body is on fire from the bliss swelling inside of you as the world drowns out around you, no longer consumed with worries or stress, but succumbing to the pleasure he offers.

“Oh my God…” You whimper his name mixed with curses, but his tongue has left you so speechless you can no longer warn him that you’re growing close to the edge. When his lips press to your flesh and he sucks on the hood of your clit, your entire body tenses as your mind becomes fuzzy with ecstasy. He knows exactly how to keep your body worked up, circling your clit in a steady motion, lowering to lick up the juices that spill before swallowing every drop with a groan. 

He mutters between your legs something about how fucking delicious you taste, but the words barely reach your ears from the way you continue to whimper and moan. You’re shaking in his hands, legs beginning to twitch the longer he tends to your aching, soaked center. Part of you wonders if he’s enjoying it just as much as you, loving having his face buried between your thighs while you tug on his hair, and your curiosities are answered each time he groans and growls against your flesh. 

The tension tightens and the heat swells at your core, feeling yourself barrelling over the edge due to his mouth. His expert maneuvers between your thighs have you crying out for him, voice drowning between the trees all around and the thought that you are out in the open where anyone could watch the two of you never crosses your mind. The pleasure building in the pit of your stomach takes hold of your body, and your mind, focusing on nothing but the way his mouth presses to your folds and his tongue draws out every sinful whimper of you begging him not to stop. 

You call out for him a final time before the tension snaps, bursting into red hot heat flooding your body. The bliss fills you to every inch, hips bucking against his face, thighs trembling, fingers falling from the the strands of his hair as your back arches from the dirt. He continues licking up your slit as you come undone, drawing out every little cry and whimper and moan that is just for him, loving the way your body moves in pure ecstasy against him and loving even more that he’s the reason you feel so damn good.

When you finally settle from the high, he lingers between your thighs for a bit longer. His tongue darts out to lick up the essence of your orgasm, wanting to taste you a bit more until you’re trembling in sensitivity and calling out his name. 

In a second he’s hovering over you, hands pressed in the dirt near your head, taking in the sight of your bare body beneath him as your chest heaves and your eyes flutter. He licks his lips and smirks only a moment before he dips his mouth to press his lips to your own. The kiss is fiery hot as you taste your pleasure on his flesh, but it warms you all over again as your tongues collide and he groans against you. 

It doesn’t take you long to become desperate for him again, wanting to feel him inside of you, wanting to be so close to him. The ache between your thighs returns, and from the way he pulls away to grip your hips and flip your body over, you’re aware he’s dying for the same. Your hands and knees hit the dirt with your back bent and your ass in the air, and he pulls your soaked slit against his aching hard cock with a swift tug of your hips.

He grinds himself against you, huffing and panting and groaning, feeling the way you move your ass against him while calling out to him. “Please,” you gasp as his fingers dig into your side, “please… fuck me.”

The desperation in your tone mixed with the weakness of a low, trembling voice earns a growl building deep within his chest. He can wait no longer, quickly lining his length up to your dripping, readied entrance before sinking his cock deep inside of you. His motions remain careful even if he’s desperate to have you, easing into the juices that drip out for him as you cry out in pure bliss. He fills you up and the noises of him thrusting inside of you, the messy squelch of a cock buried deep, mix with his groans and your own whimpers. He allows you to adjust as your head begins to spin, concentrating on the feeling of him inside of you, his hands on your waist, his hips against your ass. 

When you begin to whimper his name once again, he begins to pull away, only to grip you tighter to smear the dirt against your body while thrusting himself back into you with a snap of his hips. The animal in him takes over the moment he feels you squeezing yourself around his length, groaning, growling, repeating the motion of slapping his hips against your ass and burying his cock deep within you. 

The pressure rises and the tension coils in the pit of your stomach, digging your fingers deep into the dirt to try to hold on to your sanity. Sweats beads over your skin just the same as him, crying out for him, moans mixing with curses to form a stream of a pure sinful melody from your lips. His powerful thrusts behind you quicken, causing you to grow weak before him as your body begins to quiver in his grasp, and he quickly catches on to have an arm wrapping around your ribcage.

He pulls you closer to him, body molding with your own, sweaty, dirty chest pressed to your back that remains just as filthy, twitching his hips, fucking you harder to have your eyes screwing shut and your jaw slacked. The whimpers and moans of his name grow quiet as you grow breathless, pleasure taking hold of every inch of your body once again until your toes are curling and he’s whispering deep and dark in your ear from behind.

“You feel so fucking good,” he groans between clenched teeth, snapping his hips against you once again to leave you shaking, “so fucking wet, and tight squeezing around me like that.” His words have a burst of heat surging through you as you latch onto his arm wrapped around you tight, never letting go.

You cry out, wanting to warn him you’re growing close to the edge once again, mind growing numb, everything around you fading into black. But he doesn’t give you the chance to speak before his teeth are sinking into the flesh of your neck from behind, latching on in a firm grip while growling once again. The sting of his bite only burns for a second before the pleasure takes hold, loving the way he marks you as his own and loving even more the way he fucks you. “Fuck… oh my God…”

Before you can whimper anything else, the pleasure erupts inside of you, red hot heat unraveling to every limb, every finger and toe, and swarming your mind as you become lightheaded. Your body grows limp in his hold before his arm grips you tighter, keeping you steady, pumping into you from behind, allowing you to ride out the high with him deep inside of you.

He doesn’t stop thrusting his hips even as you come down. He chases his own pleasure inside of you, hitting deep within your walls as your own arousal drips out around him. The slick and messy noises mix with his groans and praises of how incredible you feel wrapped around him, heat continuing to rush to your face as your entire body becomes overly sensitive.

With one final, sharp inhale, the bliss takes hold of him. His hips slow as he begins to release inside of you, filling you up with a few huffs and grunts, creating a bigger mess between your thighs. He thrusts one last time as the last few drops spill from him, continuing to hold your body close until you’re both too spent to hold your own weight.

The two of you collapse against the water’s shore, dirty, and messy, and sweaty, but he pulls you close enough to press his lips to your forehead. His hand caresses your hip as you lay next to him grinning and trying to catch your breath, finding his sudden affection to be the perfect aftermath of your pleasure. And when he regains enough strength, he nuzzles closer to you, kissing your lips, and your cheek and jaw, before his mouth brushes over the spot he bit along your neck earlier. No doubt you’ll be a bit sore in more places than one when you awake in the morning, but he tends to you with affectionate kisses and touches to help sooth your body in the moment.

“Do you want to go for a swim?” he suggests with a smirk, and it causes you to giggle. Of course he would offer such a thing, but with your body on cloud nine and your heart fluttering from how he can go from passionate lover to gentle and sweet, you would probably agree to anything in the moment.

All you can offer is a nod before he helps you to your feet, the two of you carefully walking to the water’s edge, dipping your toes in first to test the temperature, only to realize you’re still too hot and sweaty to care. He guides you into the water with care, never releasing his hold on you, allowing you to lean your body into him as he keeps the two of you afloat. 

“You’re right,” you mention after a while, and after a few more kisses shared between the two of you, “swimming naked does make me feel more free.”

“I told you,” he chuckles and pulls you close in the water to pamper you with his lips falling to your neck, so concerned over where he’s bitten even though you pay it no mind. You’ve never been so spoiled after being with someone, and you have to admit the way it has your chest swelling with affection for him. 

You whisper his name when he pulls away from your body, “I can’t say that I understand what’s going on, and part of me still feels like I’m dreaming, but…”

He grows silent, all smiles and grins fading while listening to your every word, so you continue.

“I feel safe with you, and I like being with you. It’s not just the water that makes me feel free, or being out here, but you as well.” You pause for a moment to collect your thoughts, mind racing once again, but all you can focus on is the way he makes you feel in the moment. “And I guess that’s all I really want to understand right now, because that’s all that matters to me. The rest I will figure out later.”

He smiles, kissing your lips again. “I’m so glad I ran into you that day,” he admits with a grin. “I’m extra glad my friends caught you staring at us naked… otherwise I wouldn’t have swam over.”

You tried to hide your face from him, becoming embarrassed and grinning wildly, but he takes hold of you, kissing your lips, and soothing all of your worries.

; optional female lead smut |  ☁️

She’s always so breathless the moment you place your hands on her, as if she’s been expecting your touch and craving your pleasure for far too long. Long days turn into needy nights lately and you never miss an opportunity to spend an intimate moment with her to ease all the tensions or worries. Even if that means taking a shower together and promising it won’t lead to anything considering you’re too tired and she needs to be up early, but it always comes to something more.

She whispers your name as your fingers skim her stomach, trailing down to her mound before slipping between her thighs. She leaves a peck on your lips to urge you to continue, as if she’s saying she’s been waiting for this moment all day. Her nose crinkles with a giggle as you tease between her thighs because she’s too horny and yet too sensitive all at once. You bite your lip and continue, parting her folds, finding her clit to offer release. 

She can’t keep her hands off you, either. With a moan thanks to your fingers gently caressing between her legs, she reaches for you. Gripping your hips, she presses her lips to yours while positioning your body so her hand can dive between your thighs, offering you the same bliss. Together, you pleasure one another beneath the hot, steaming shower stream. She tosses her head back with a whimper, and your eyes watch her face as your own jaw falls slack, a moan falling from your lips. 

You feel her slick folds growing wetter, deciding to tease her by pushing two fingers to her entrance. A gasp fills the small shower the moment you dip inside her warmth, coating your skin with her juices before drawing them back to her clit to continue pleasing her. Meanwhile, she’s filled with bliss but determined to make you feel just as good, massaging your folds, tending to your own clit to have you whimpering her name in moments. 

You feel the arousal dripping from within, growing even hotter beneath the shower with her hand snug between your thighs. Her moans grow in volume, getting lost in pleasure as well as the need to make you feel good. 

But she is much closer to the edge than you. Soon, her hand slows as the bliss takes hold. Her chest heaves and she gasps for air, suddenly so breathless. With a lick of her lips, she pulls her hand from between your legs to grip your wrist, a whimper of your name begging you to keep going. You give in without hesitation, noticing her eyes screwing shut, her lips remaining parted. Her drenched hair clings to her face and neck as she moans and cries out beneath the shower head, the moment completely taken hold of her as she topples over the edge and she’s never looked more beautiful.

Her thighs tremble around you as she clings to you for strength, coming undone with a final gasp. She rolls her hips to grind her pussy against your hand caressing her clit so she can ride out the bliss until the very last second.

Then she begins to come down, and you still have the urge to tease her. With a smirk, you lower your fingers to her entrance while she attempts to catch her breath, dipping them inside her once again to hear the sounds of her slick arousal to signal how hard she came. She giggles breathlessly and pushes your hand away gently, having grown too sensitive for your teasing.

However, she has regained enough strength to drop to her knees before you. With one final glance up to meet your eyes, she buries her face between your thighs to have you gasping in surprise, a wave of warmth surging through your body. Her tongue meets your flesh in a quick swipe over your clit, moaning from the taste and how wet you’ve grown while getting her off.

“I love eating your pussy,” is all she says, because she knows exactly what the words do to you. All you can do is whimper while guiding her mouth back to your body, feeling her tongue glide over your clit to settle against the swollen nub. There she begins massaging slowly in circles just to tease, and you can’t help but to moan her name. Soon she falls into a pleasurable rhythm of eating you out, caressing your clit with her tongue, drawing you closer to the edge until your legs are quivering around her. You’re breathless in no time, looking down at the woman between your thighs, noticing her looking up at you just as you tell her you’re coming. She presses into your body, drawing out every moan and cry from your lips as you roll your hips against her, grinding your clit against her awaiting tongue as you reach the pure ecstasy of cloud nine. 

; optional male lead smut |  ☁️

w: ass play

The moment you slide down onto his length, he releases a deep groan that floods your body with goosebumps. With his hands on your hip and fingers pressing into your flesh, he instructs your pace even if your back is to him. He has the perfect view of your ass rising and falling as you slip up and down his cock, laying on the bed with limbs over white sheets and allowing you to take control for the moment.

Yet he can’t resist guiding you, teasing you, toying with you and making you squirm on top of him, with his palm lowering to your ass cheek to tap his fingertips against your flesh when he decides you’re going too fast for his liking.

“Slower, baby,” he instructs, voice deep and raspy and so demanding, yet you love every second of it. Maybe he just loves the view of watching his cock disappear between your folds from behind, wanting the moment to last for as long as possible, yet the anticipation within you is growing. Your nails leave little, red moons against his thighs as you lean forward, realizing how pleasurable the sting against your ass actually is and inviting him in for more.

“But it feels so fucking good,” you talk back to him, teasing him as the words release in a desperate, strained whimper, “I wanna come.” You raise up and slide down his cock once again, hands pressed to his thighs for support and your eyes screwed shut as you lose yourself to the feeling of him filling you up.

His palm connects with your flesh once again, leaving an outline darker than your skin as a remnant of your disobedience and a gasp fills the room from your surprise. “You’ll come when I say so, baby” he reminds you, never hesitating to put you in your place if needed. You can’t complain; submitting to him is a pleasure all on its own and even if you love the punishment, you love when he guides your body to do as he says. “Be a good girl and ride me slowly,” he groans, warning you to follow his orders if you want the pleasure to be worthwhile in the end.

You obey him for now, easing up and down his cock with quiet moans spilling from your lips. Thighs tremble against his body because even at a gentle pace, being filled with so much of him becomes nearly overwhelming. It doesn’t help that his hands are on your ass, guiding you, squeezing your flesh in his palms. It doesn’t help the noises he releases. And it doesn’t help that his fingers begin to wander, with his thumb lowering to your puckered rim to apply pressure, if only to work your body up further.

A whimper of his name fills his ears the moment he circles your tight rosebud with his thumb, pressing against your entrance while continuing to watch you slide up and down his cock.  The added stimulation does nothing to help your sanity, moans beginning to spill from your lips and your grip on his thighs becomes so tight you feel his muscle tense with a hint of pain from pressure. You can’t help but to increase your pace, regardless of his warnings, even if you know the punishment is just as pleasurable as the reward.

His hand connects with your ass once again, a heavy palm leaving a burning sting, but it only makes you cry out louder for him. Your body rises and falls over his length, juices dripping out to coat his flesh and from the grunts and groans behind you, you know he can’t deny how hot it is to watch you disobey him just to fuck yourself against him.

For a moment, he pulls his hand away, causing your curiosities to grow as a disappointed whimper leaves your lips. Only until he returns his thumb to its previous position does your excitement return, now coated in saliva as he presses the digit against your ass. Another gasp floods the air, feeling him enter you from behind, thumb easing into your ass as your motions stall a moment to adjust. His opposite hand on your hip encourages you to continue, fingers brushing over your flesh until you gather the courage to keep riding him.

Rocking your hips against him, you fall back into a pleasurable pace, feeling him push the digit farther inside of you until you’re crying out his name in return. His cock hits deep within your walls, earning more juices to drip against his flesh, letting him know you’re growing closer to your end. Your body quivers on top of him, nails leaving marks over his thighs, teeth leaving bites against your own skin, and it only takes a few more moments before the bliss building up inside of you is unraveling to spread to every limb.

You grow too weak to move as a fire ignites within you, warmth spreading from between your thighs to take control of your entire body. You’re shaking and so breathless on top of him, and he quickly gets the hint as his hips begin to pump from below. Continuing to push his thumb inside of your ass, and with his cock thrusting deep into your clenched walls, you lose all control of your body, far too gone to do nothing but release whimpers of curses mixed with his name.

A moment later, you’re easing off of him to collapse against the bed, heavy breaths spilling from your lips, yet a hand against your thighs to part your legs, followed by his body pressing against your own, warns you he’s far from done with you yet.

; optional male lead smut |  ☁️

w: vampire!au. biting/blood.

The rain drumming against the windows one floor above you is faint enough you almost miss it, but you know the sound all too well by now. As you stir from your sleep, rubbing your eyes before reaching to stretch your arms above your head, the body behind you brings the memories of the night before racing through your mind. One look down at your naked flesh beneath the sheets is another reminder as a smile forms over your lips. 

You try not to disturb him while pushing the covers away, but he releases a soft, sleepy moan before his grip around your waist tightens.

“Good morning,” he whispers, causing you to giggle and begin to push his hand away. “No, don’t get up.”

You exhale his name, feeling him pull you closer to his chest.

“It’s raining,” he tells you, and he would notice the sound without even searching for it, “let’s stay in bed a little longer.”

“It’s always raining this time of year,” you inform him, smile widening, “and it’s six in the evening, not morning.”

“It’s morning for me,” he reminds you with a chuckle against your bare shoulder, but you’re all too familiar in the difference of sleep schedules between humans and vampires. It took you a while to adjust to falling asleep beside him just before the sun rises and waking up in his arms as soon as the street lights flicker on. Now that you have been with him for over a year, you have learned to enjoy the feeling of being a night owl with him. 

“Just a little longer,” he begs for the second time, hands beginning to roam your body with his fingertips brushing over your hip. “I like laying in bed with you. You’re so warm.” At that, you chuckle, finding the complete opposites in body temperature to be amusing considering his touch typically causes you to shiver.  Not to mention it’s chillier in the basement where the two of you made it your bedroom to sleep away the days, so the extra warmth from your body, or the blankets, or loving one another aren’t taken for granted.

“I have work in a few hours,” you mumble, finally succeeding in pushing him away, though you have to admit you would love to stay in bed with him if you could. “And unlike you-” You begin slipping from the covers. “-I don’t get to have breakfast in bed. I have to actually cook and eat my food, remember?” 

He lifts his head from the bed to watch your bare hips sway from side to side as you linger toward the door. His messy hair earns a giggle from you after you glance over your shoulder, and you even spot his sharp canines beneath swollen lips. 

“Well what am I supposed to do if my breakfast keeps running away from me?”

Before you can reply, he leaps from the bed in all of his vampire speed, collecting you in his arms as you squeal and giggle, all until your back is pressed to the door leading to the first floor of your home, and his mouth is at your neck a split-second after.

“Listen, you know I love playing scary vampire, scared human with you,” you begin with a light, playful tone, and he chuckles with his lips against your flesh, “but I am really hungry, and I need to shower.” 

“Fine.” He pulls away with a sigh and a grin, reaching behind you to grab your robe off the hook attached to the door and wrap it around your shoulders. 

“And don’t give me those eyes thinking you’re going to get your way anyway.” As he covers you up to keep the chill out of your body, you stare into his eyes to see them darkening with a flicker of desire at just the thought of tasting you, along with the other activities it always leads to when his mouth is on your body. “I know your eyes turn dark and red like that when you’re horny.” With a kiss on his cheek and then a bite of your lip, you turn to head upstairs as he yells after you.

“That’s not true.” You hear his footsteps on the creaky stairs behind you after he’s rushed to cover himself with his boxer briefs, following you to the kitchen now that the sunlight isn’t pouring into the house. “I’m always horny…” 

You offer nothing but a quiet giggle as you search through the fridge, deciding on a quick bowl of cereal before your shower. He takes a seat at the kitchen table to watch you rummage through the cabinets until you find a clean bowl and the nearly empty box of cereal. Someone needs to go shopping, you tell yourself, but then you grin remembering that only one of you actually eats in the house, and shopping for yourself isn’t always a priority.

After eating your cereal, he follows you to the bathroom where you begin brushing your teeth before your shower, and he just can’t seem to keep his hands off of you. Giggling with a mouthful of toothpaste proves to be difficult, you realize, attempting to hold back the noises as he slips the robe from your shoulders to run his hands along your bare hips. 

“Can I join you?” he asks, then presses his lips to your neck. You can feel the two prominent fangs as he does so, kisses lingering until he reaches your shoulder to send a shiver down your spine.

You fail to answer him, only turning around to shove your toothbrush covered in toothpaste in his mouth, and then you turn away to rinse your own. You leave him wide-eyed as you pull away from his hold to turn the handle to the shower, waiting only a few moments before the water is warm enough. And you assume he’s finished cleaning up when you feel his presence behind you as the steaming hot water cascades down your body.

“You think you’re cute?” he asks, causing you to giggle once more.

“Sometimes,” you tell him, but the word releases in a soft moan when his mouth brushes just below your ear. “Not on my neck,” you warn him.

“Hm?” he questions, pausing with his hands on your waist and you feel the presence of his arousal pressing against your ass.

“If you’re going to bite me,” you begin to explain, “don’t do it on my neck. I don’t need my co-workers giving me dirty looks all night because of it.” 

Though vampires have been known for a while, and most try to co-exist with humans, there are both humans and creatures that aren’t too fond of one another. You remember the looks the ladies you work with have given you before, silently judging behind their narrowed eyes and pursed lips for being with him. It doesn’t help that you took a job as a receptionist for an emergency room, getting a chance to see all the vampire related accidents and attacks first hand, and they never fail to try to talk some sense into you for being with one. Since then you have tried to remind him not to leave marks where others can see. 

It’s your business anyway, you think, no one needs to know where you allow him to bite you. 

“I can feed tonight,” he tells you, proceeding to press kisses against your flesh every few words. “I don’t want you to be tired on your shift.”

“I’ll be okay,” you tell him. “If you’re hungry-”

“I can wait,” he interrupts just as his hand begins to dip between your legs, and the moment his fingers brush over your folds, you’re in no position to argue with him. “I’d rather make you come, instead.” 

“You usually do that before… before you feed from me.” Your words become breathless the moment his fingers press to your clit, teasing you with slow circles to earn a whimper of his name. He says nothing, only releasing a hum against your skin as he kisses down to your shoulder, fingers playing between your thighs while caressing steady patterns over your clit. You whimper his name once again, eyes falling shut while the touches of his lingering hand make their way to your breast. His thumb brushes over your erect nipple to send a shiver through your body, and the arousal begins to pool between your legs the moment he offers a gentle pinch to the hardened bud. 

As the water cascades down around the two of you, you release muffled whimpers thanks to him dipping his fingers into your entrance to gather your juices, then easing the digits over your swollen clit. The motion has your thighs shaking around him, threatening to clamp shut the moment his motions quicken, moans growing louder as he palms your breast with nails beginning to dig into skin. 

“How does that feel, baby?” he asks before pressing his lips to your neck once more, fangs applying pressure and you know he can feel your blood pumping as your heart races faster. Before you can offer a reply, his fingers quicken in their pace, leaving the blood rushing to your head, becoming light headed as the surge of bliss fills your body. “I can feel you shaking,” he says when you fail to answer him. 

All you can do is whimper his name, head rolling back against his shoulder to expose your neck for him, and you know it’s such a tempting sight, but with the way his fingers work between your thighs, you find yourself not caring in the moment. He performs quick, steady circles over your flesh, earning arousal dripping down over your folds and your hips beginning to rock against his hand. He alternates between palming your breast and teasing your nipple with the other hand, receiving a moan of his name louder than the rest as you feel the familiar heat swell in the pit of your stomach. 

“D-Don’t stop,” you whisper to him, so breathless and lost in the pleasure. He groans against your neck, fangs pressing to your skin, but he keeps his promise of leaving no marks. Instead, he works quicker, groans becoming growls because he can feel you growing close to the edge of release. You tremble in his hold, body tensing before the first wave of bliss rolls through you.

His name releases in a gasp from your lips, trembling and gripping his wrist where his hand brings you to your end. The surges of heat and pleasure reach to every limb, and he doesn’t slow his fingers or pull away, drawing out every last ounce of pleasure, every breathless moan, until your body grows numb. When he feels you fall limp against him, deep breaths mixing with the stream of the shower, his fingers move to your entrance to gather up the juices dripping out for him.

Your fluttering eyes catch a glimpse of him the moment he pulls his hand from between your thighs to bring his messy fingers to his lips. His mouth opens to taste your release on his tongue, sending another chill down your spine from the digits disappearing between two pointed fangs until he’s sucked them clean. 

The sight leaves you breathless all over again, and his smirk when he leans in to offer a kiss against your lips fills you with warmth. Without a word, he proceeds to clean you up, taking extra care just like he always does when the two of you shower together. You decide to pamper him with kisses on his lips as he washes your hair and your sleepy giggles fill the shower when you notice his eyes darkening once again from the gesture. 

The two of you make your way to the bedroom once you’re done showering and drying off with the intent to prepare for your shift, all until he grabs you by the waist to guide you toward the bed.

“You know, on second thought,” he says just after your back hits the sheets and he begins unraveling the damp towel from your body, “I think I am hungry.” With a lick of his lips, he leaves you breathless, dark eyes igniting red as he takes in your naked figure beneath him. He lingers over you with a smirk flashing sharp fangs, then he presses his lips to yours once before his mouth lowers.

“Oh, o-okay,” you whisper, eyes closing as you feel the point of his fangs press to your neck, but he doesn’t stop there. He continues down your body, lips brushing over your collarbones, between your breasts, down your stomach, leaving a trail of soft kisses though his fangs threaten to break skin any time he applies just a bit of pressure. Though he possesses all the control and all the care to make sure he leaves no marks unless he wishes too, and as his mouth hovers above your bare mound, you inhale a sharp breath before his tongue presses to your skin. 

A gulp swallows any and all words as your legs part for him, arms falling to your sides with your fists gathering the sheets in a loose grip. He releases a groan at the sight of your slit, dripping just a bit from the previous pleasure he offered, and he can’t resist leaning in to swipe his tongue over your folds for another taste.

You squeak, and then a breathless chuckle falls from your lips. “I-I’m still so… so sensitive.” The moment his tongue licks your clit, your legs jerk to cause him to press two palms to your thighs to hold you in place and keep your legs parted while he teases your swollen, sensitive bud with the tip of his tongue. He performs slow circles around your clit, gaze shifting to watch your jaw slack and your brow furrow, eyes still screwed shut as he builds up the pleasure once again. 

“I told you I was hungry,” he says muffled against your flesh, “I wanted to taste you again.” 

The words send a child down your spine as he presses the flat of his tongue between your folds. Your back arches from the bed, not being able to resist reaching for him, entangling your fingers between the strands of his hair as he licks over your slit, from your entrance to your clit, just to hear the sinful noises slip from your lips. The arousal begins to pool at your entrance once again, giving him exactly what he craves as he toys between your thighs. 

You whimper his name, lost in the pleasure you receive, beginning to move your hips against his mouth while becoming greedy, “don’t stop.” The desperation in your tone has him focusing on your clit, wrapping his lips around to suck in between circling the throbbing, swollen bud. You feel his fangs press to your folds each time, a rush of adrenaline from the danger coursing through you to mix with the waves of heat as the tension builds between your thighs. 

Strained moans of his name and curses fill the bedroom, hips rolling against his mouth and fingers tugging the strands of his hair tighter. He groans against your flesh, vibrating you to your core as he licks over your sensitive folds to earn every single noise of pure bliss you offer. His fingers dig into your thighs as you begin to tremble, keeping your legs parted as he devours between them, tongue circling quicker, harder, causing you to become light headed as the bliss takes hold.

You cry out one last time, finding the tension seconds from snapping as the warmth of pleasure begins to surge, “b-bite me. Please.” 

The breathless words take him by surprise, but he would never reject your request. The moment takes hold of him just the same, feeling your body tense a second before he pulls his tongue away to press his thumb to your clit. You cry out that you’re so close to invite him to press his mouth messy with your juices to your inner thigh, then the sharp points of his fangs pierce the sensitive, smooth flesh as the pleasure rolls through your body in wave after wave. 

Blood pours into his mouth as your cries grow quiet, riding out the bliss with his thumb circling your clit and his lips pressed to your thigh. Quivering, your body goes limp against the bed as you succumb to the pleasure of your own high mixing with him feeding from you. Groans build deep within his chest as he sucks your blood, a desperate hunger taking over from tasting you in more ways than one.

He has to remind himself to pull away as you come down from the pleasure before he becomes lost in the taste of you. Behind fluttering lids you stare down at him, bright red blood trickling down the sides of his mouth and a haze over his darkened eyes. The points of his fangs are even painted in crimson as he tries to collect his mind after feeding, while you try to collect your breath even in the dizzy aftermath of his pleasure. 

You whine, nearly snapping him back to complete reality as his gaze focuses on you. All you can do is whimper again and motion toward the blood dripping from two tiny wounds in your thigh, and he gets the hint in seconds. Leaning closer, his tongue presses against your flesh, cleaning up the mess he’s made with care until he’s confident the blood has stopped. When he pulls away, he flashes a drunken grin before disappearing to clean himself of the blood.

When he returns, he holds a warm, damp cloth in his hand to begin cleaning you, listening to your chuckles thanks to the sensitivity and when he’s finished, he leans in to press his lips to your forehead. 

“Do you need me to…” Your voice fades as you reach for him, spotting the prominent bulge beneath the towel he’s draped around his hips. But he shrugs you off with a shake of his head.

“Get some rest for now,” he says with a whisper in your ear, noticing the sleep settling in each feature of your face from his feeding. “You can make it up to me by letting me fuck you when you get home until you can’t wait straight.” The dark tone of his voice dripping with a sinful promise earns a racing heart in anticipation, and you’re aware he knows the effect his words have on you from the smirk on his lips.

; optional female lead smut |  ☁️

She makes her way to you soaking wet to remind you how much you love when it rains. Strands of hair cling to her face as the raindrops drip down the sides of her grinning lips, giggles mixing with the thunder roaring in the distance as you pull her close. 

“You’re going to get sick,” you warn her, just like every other time she manages to sneak away from her chores just as the afternoon thunderstorm rolls in. She makes the hike across half an acre of grass, through the orange groves just to meet you on the front porch of your wooden cabin hidden away from dirt roads and lonely cars passing by. You already have a fire started inside because it’s become such a routine between the two of you by now, and you can barely hear the hot, crackling wood over the pitter-patter of the raindrops against the roof as you motion for her to follow you where it’s dry. 

“I wanted to see you.” It’s her typical reply, but it never fails to make you smile. Though you do worry one of these days she will end up sick, you don’t seem to mind the thought of having to take care of her if it happens. 

She slips her stained sneakers off by the door as raindrops drip from the hem of her sundress all around. You grin as you eye the mess, and she can’t help but to giggle in embarrassment. 

“I’ll clean that up,” she promises as you smile wider, “but let’s get warmed up first, okay?” When she reaches for your hand, you slip your palm against her own before leading her down the hallway of your small cabin and making the first right into your bathroom. The thunder continues to echo throughout the skies, filling your small space with a reminder of the horrible afternoon weather, but you both ignore the sounds for now to begin undressing one another.

With a bitten lip, you slip the thin straps of a summer dress down her shoulders just as she begins to pluck the buttons to your white, flimsy shirt. When she reaches the zipper of your shorts, she wastes no time tugging until she has enough room to slip her fingers inside, coxing your clothes to the floor one item at a time. In the process, you move around her with giggles and laughter, bitten lips and shy smiles until her dress joins your clothes on the floor.

Of course she’s wearing nothing beneath. It’s hard to stop your gaze from wandering. From her lips, your eyes fall to her chest, taking in her shallow breaths before lingering lower to admire every inch of flesh uncovered just for you. While you’re lost in a daze at the sight of her, not even her sweet, familiar giggles can bring you back to reality as she finishes undressing you. Your lingerie falls to the floor to leave you just as bare as her, and now she’s the lucky one that gets to burn the sight of you in her memory forever.

Thunder shakes the earth outside once more, but you’ve done this too many times to care. She reaches to turn on the shower as the sounds of the stream mix with the raindrops hitting the windows. She pulls you close, her grinning lips finally meeting your own to have you melting into her arms. She whimpers against the kiss, allowing you a few seconds to cherish the softness, though you wish she were already warmer from running through the rain. 

That’s what you’re good for, you think, a permanent grin etched on your lips as the two of you step past the foggy glass doors of the shower. The warm water cascades down both of your bodies as she draws you in once again. Your lips crash into her own. Her hands find their way to rest against your hips. It doesn’t take long for each of you to begin warming up, feeling her naked, wet body pressed to your own, hearing her little whimpers that let you know she’s been dying to have you so close, touching each other, caring for one another.

When you pull away you swear there are stars in her eyes. She lights up the room and makes your heart flutter inside your chest, but you keep it to yourself for now other than the smile on your lips. You reach for the clean washcloth that you hung across the shower head only hours before when you were busy with washing laundry, making quick work of the suds once you begin lathering up enough cucumber body wash.

She inhales the scent with a smile, relaxing beneath the shower’s steaming stream and the way you begin to tend to her body. You take your time, sparing kisses here and there that make the both of you giggle while you clean her up, warming her skin, making her feel comfortable and safe in your presence. She tells you time and time again it’s why she likes making her way to your place every moment she can get, and you’re just thankful to have her near. 

“My turn,” she says, taking the soapy washcloth from you before pressing it to your chest. The heat rises to your cheeks as her gaze lowers to your breasts, watching her take her time cleaning you, running the cloth over every inch of skin until you feel your nipples harden beneath her touch. She notices, confirming the fact as she teases you with a single, soapy finger running around the erect bud until you can hold in your own whimpers no longer. “You’re cute.”

She teases you with a smirk, and the heat takes hold of your entire face. “Don’t tease me,” you tell her, eyes fluttering, in a single breath showing your need for her as she takes the hint. Her smirk fades, turning into a pout, but only for a moment before the devious glint in her eyes returns. She slips the cloth between your thighs as you widen your legs for her, taking a deep breath as you close your eyes and feel her caressing the tender, some-what ticklish skin just below where you begin to ache for her.

She continues to tease even though you warned her not to. She never listens, not about teasing you, or the fact that she will get sick from the rain, and only focuses on what she needs in the moment. Right now, you realize she enjoys the heaviness of your breaths and the way your eyelids flutter open to stare at her. She bats her lashes and grins, dropping the washcloth to press her hand against your folds. Your legs begin to quiver in anticipation, staring into her eyes and noticing her smirk return as she toys along the sensitive flesh of your aching warmth. 

Another deep breath is inhaled, and she mutters something about how glad she is to see you. You would agree if she weren’t parting your folds to tease your wet slit in the moment, and you settle on a bitten lip with your head rolling to one side. She takes it as a cue to continue, taking her time feeling the slick wetness begin to drip, mixing with the shower’s stream that continues to heat both of your bodies. She leans closer as she drags a single finger back and forth over your slit, teasing at your entrance just to feel how much you need her, before moving to your swollen clit that is so eager for attention.

“You’re such a tease,” you tell her in a breathy whisper, seconds before your lips crash into her own once again. She lingers for a moment, moaning against your flesh as she plays between your thighs, circling your clit around and around until you pull away in a gasp.

“But I’m your tease,” she replies, playfulness evident in her tone and you can’t help but to shake your head even though you feel the tension tugging between your thighs. 

“You’re lucky I like you.” You don’t sound as threatening as you wish due to your voice trembling while you speak, and she can only chuckle as she listens to empty words she knows you don’t mean. 

“I feel so lucky,” is all she says, her voice a whisper above the stream of water cascading around you as she eases two fingers to your entrance. A gasp fills the space between the two of you, feeling her slipping the digits inside of you to have your head rolling back against the white tiles. Your jaw slacks as you reach for a grip around her wrist, eyes shut tight but you feel her lips press against your cheek to ease the tension. “Mm, you feel so good around my fingers like this.”

Her voice sends chills down your spine, the reassuring words coaxing your body into a state of bliss as the feeling of being desired mixes with the pressure rising from her fingers inside of you. She pumps deeper, earning a moan of her name in return that fills her with satisfaction, and when her palm presses against your clit to apply pressure to your most sensitive areas, you lose all control with her. 

Her name leaves your lips in a tremble, an unsteady breath following another whimper, and it only encourages her need to pleasure you. “That feels… so good. Don’t stop.”

“I didn’t plan on it, baby,” she says, giggling in your ear before leaving kisses along your neck. “I want you to come on my fingers, can you do that for me?”

You nod as your back hits the tiled wall, nearly going limp as the bliss fills every inch of your body. She pushes her fingers deeper inside of you as her palm presses flat against your folds, urging your hips to begin rocking to receive more pleasure from her. You tighten your grip on her wrist as you do so, moaning her name, calling out for her not to stop, not to pull away, that you’re getting closer. She continues kissing your flesh in sweet, soft motions as she encourages you with whispers in your ear, telling you how she wants you to come, reminding you how much she loves it. 

As she pleasures you, she never pulls her lips from your body, her hand from between your thighs, and decides to tease and tend to your breasts while she’s at it. She reaches to press a palm to your chest, cupping your breast with one hand while the other thrusts two fingers deep within you, enjoying the way your whimpers become all the more shaky, breathy, and unsteady as she does so. A moment later she brushes the pad of her thumb over your erect nipple aching for attention, and you can’t help but to jut your chest out, begging for more. 

“Are you getting close, baby?” she asks, a hint of playfulness in her tone. “You’re getting so wet, and you’re squeezing around my fingers so tight.” With that, you finally notice your walls tightening around her two digits as they effortlessly push in and out of you. The friction of her palm only increases the pleasure, making a mess against her flesh and your own as you rock your hips back and forth. You feel the tension tightening, the heat rising, and the bliss taking hold of every inch of your body.

Before you can warn her, your jaw slacks as your head rolls back, hips stalling as you feel the first wave of pure bliss wash over you. The final thread snaps as your body grows limp, face twisting in pleasure as you cry out her name while coming undone. She never fails helping you through the bliss, continuing to thrust her fingers into you, allowing you to ride out the feeling of being on cloud nine for as long as possible.

When you begin to come down, you take a much needed deep breath while grinning at her. She leans closer, kissing your lips until she’s sure your legs have stopped shaking, and you decide to linger for a moment longer. 

She helps you clean yourself up before the both of you step out of the shower, with her reaching for a towel on the rack to her right. She begins drying you off, and you think she’s already done enough for you, but you don’t stop her. You like the attention she gives you just as much as you enjoy her company, and if you were being honest, you like when she is so adamant on sneaking over to your place to see you, even if it means running through the rain with the chance of getting sick.

Together, the two of you make your way across the hall to fall onto your bed, bodies only half-dried, but you tell yourself you will worry about it later. For now, you want to hold her close to you, becoming warm on cozy, clean sheets that smell like laundry detergent, with the rain still falling outside. You get a glimpse of your foggy bedroom window thanks to the curtains always remaining pulled back, lucky enough that you’re in the middle of nowhere and far away from any prying eyes. 

“Thanks for putting up with me,” she suddenly says, limbs tangled in limbs and her hand reaching to intertwine her fingers with your own as you lay on your sides facing one another.

Your face twists in a frown. “Putting up with you?”

She bites her lip to try to hide her grin, but ultimately she nods. “Yeah, sneaking over here when I should be helping my family out, picking peas or cleaning stables, you know… the usual.” She exhales a heavy breath, her eyes closing for only a moment as she allows the smile to finally cross her face. “I like it here… with you.” 

You prop yourself on your elbow with a call of her name, leaning closer as she stares at you. “I’m doing anything but putting up with you. I like it when you visit.” 

Her smile reaches her eyes at that, and she can’t help but to reach for you, bringing you close enough for her lips to meet your own. She holds you there for a moment, cherishing either the time you spend together or the feeling of you so close as your fingertips dance along the curve of her hip. You don’t mind either way, because what you tell her is the truth.

“Thanks,” she says in a heavy exhale when she pulls away, and you wonder how she could ever think anything different, but you don’t question it. You only decide to show her how much you enjoy her company.

In an instant, you’re on your knees before her as her eyes grow wide. Carefully, she watches you as you move closer, lowering your mouth to her lips for only a moment before you carry on. Placing kisses along her jaw and neck earns moans and soft, little whimpers in return, filling you with the same desire to pleasure her just as she did you. As you move lower, you leave soft, sweet kisses in your wake, down her chest, one on each breast and one right in the valley of both of them. 

The last kiss makes her giggle, but you realize how much you love the sound because you love when she’s happy, so you carry on, placing kisses down her stomach until you reach her mound. She inhales a sharp breath as your eyes flick up to meet her own for a moment, all before a gentle hand parts her thighs, giving you a view of her glistening slit. With a glance toward her, you notice her eyes close as her chest rises and falls, and you can’t help but to smirk because now she’s the one that has lost control. 

As you lean in to press your lips against her mound, you place a gentle grip on her thigh, feeling her quiver beneath your touch. When you continue to press kisses down her slit, she can’t help but to whimper, spreading her legs farther to invite you to do as you wish to her body. The gesture sends a wave of heat through you, eager to make her come undone just as she did to you. 

Though you wish to take your time, cherishing the sight of her open and needy, dying for your touch. Savoring the taste of her skin on your flesh as you draw your tongue over her swollen lips from one side, only to tease the other just the same. Burning the image of her fingers digging into the sheets because she has grown so desperate for pleasure from you working her up.

“Now who’s the tease?” she asks, and you chuckle, breathy and hot against her center. 

But you say nothing, deciding she’s waited long enough, and after being so generous to get you off in the shower, you can only do the same in return. The hand gripping her thigh begins caressing in long, soft motions just as your tongue slips between her folds, getting a taste of her juices gathering at her entrance before you lick a broad strip up to her clit. She shivers at the sensation, releasing little noises, soft moans and whimpers, here and there. It drives you further, wanting to watch her tremble in pleasure and come on your tongue. 

You repeat the motion to make sure she’s on the edge and ready for release, dragging the flat of your tongue from her juices dripping out up to her clit, loving the way she gasps as her body tenses. You remind her to relax with your palm caressing her thigh, and she does so the moment you fall into a rhythm of circling her swollen bud in long, soft strokes. 

You take your time tasting her, a relaxed tongue toying with her clit while she cries out for you. All before you press your lips to her flesh to suck gently, watching her back arch from the bed as her thighs tremble around you. When you release, you press the flat of your tongue to her folds, allow her to rock her hips against your mouth for a moment, giving her the pleasure her body is so desperate for.

You’re aware she needs a bit more pleasure to reach her peak, deciding to slip a hand between her thighs and press two fingers to her entrance. Your other arm snakes around her leg, pressing a firm palm against her lower stomach to keep her in place as you push your fingers inside of her dripping heat. 

Once again she cries out your name, gasping at the pressure before her noises turn into moans spilling from her lips. “That feels so good,” she whines as she tells you, “please, I want to come.” 

As she begs, a smirk grows over your wet lips as you lean between her legs once again, burying your fingers deeper, licking her clit with a broad stroke of your tongue as she attempts to buck her hips. You hold her in place with your palm against her stomach, repeating the motion as your fingers curl toward her belly button. 

“Are you gonna come, baby?” you ask, teasing her just as she did to you before, fingering her and applying pressure to her g-spot to have her eyelids fluttering closed and her head rolling back. “Come on my tongue,” you instruct, leaning in to press your lips to her slit, sucking her clit as she whimpers and clutches the sheets beneath her. 

As you continue to taste her, she continues to drip slick arousal over your fingers. She grows closer with every circle of your tongue around her clit, every whimper that falls from her lips, and every time you pump and curl your fingers inside of her. She can’t help but to call out for you, warning you she’s getting close, telling you how incredible it feels when you’re between her thighs. You feel her body tense beneath you, only a second before her moans grow quite, realizing she’s coming undone as her thighs quiver and a final gasp fills the room. Her hips struggle to move even though you have a hold on her, but you never pull your mouth away from her clit, continuing to pleasure her throughout her high until you realize her body begins to settle as she comes down.

When you finally pull away, you wipe your mouth with a grin, noticing her shaking in the aftermath of bliss, and all you want to do is pull her close. You crawl up her body, placing soft kisses here and there, beneath her belly button, between her breasts, on her neck, until you reach her lips. She embraces you fully, tasting herself on your tongue and moaning in satisfaction. She pulls away with a grin, and never hesitates to snuggle closer to you. Your legs become tangled in each other once again, an arm draped around your stomach, a hand in her hair. You think you hear her heartbeat mixing with the rain outside as well as the fire dying down to a low crackle in the living room, or maybe it’s your own heart running wild this time. 

You don’t mind either way. You love it when she’s with you. You love it when it rains. 

; optional male lead smut | ☁️

w: sugardaddy!mc. ass play. daddy kink.

Each day with him feels  like nothing less than paradise. He’s the perfect guy, no one can convince you otherwise. With his charming smile, enticing eyes, and inviting shoulders you love to hold onto, he’s more than handsome. As well as always presenting himself as a gentleman in your presence, and taking care of you like no other man could. You are in heaven, you are in love, and you are in paradise.

Especially when he decides to surprise you with a full day out on his yacht, taking you away from all of your worries, all of your stresses, stealing you from your work and your night shift job, and telling you to forget everything but the two of you being together. 

Such things are easy for someone like him, getting to escape his workday whenever he wishes, but when he is as wealthy as he and his family are, you can’t blame him.

A small grin forms on your lips while you watch him pilot the yacht with a strong grip on the wheel, fingers slipping from side to side, effortlessly navigating the waters to eventually bring the two of you near the shore of one of the many remote islands his family owns. The sun setting beyond the forest green trees and the soft breeze against your skin is icing on the cake to a perfect day, and with the waters calming to a gentle sway, he easily anchors the boat before returning to you on the deck. 

“Enjoying the view, beautiful?” Smirking, he makes his way closer, making sure to wrap his arms around you as you lean against the boat’s railing, sipping on your mixed drink you prepared a few minutes before in the cabin below. 

“Of course,” you reply, giggling as soon as you feel his lips skim your neck. “How can I complain when you’re so good to me?” You bite your lip, eyes fluttering to a close once he begins showering your skin with sweet, soft kisses.

“I love spoiling you,” he admits, and you know nothing else could be any closer to the truth, feeling your heart swell just a bit more as he speaks the words and as his hands linger from around your waist to your hips uncovered thanks to your thin, baby blue bikini. “Did you have a relaxing day off, princess?”

“Let’s see,” you begin, grinning all the while he continues his affectionate showering of kisses over your neck and bare shoulders, earning a chill down your spine and goosebumps over your skin, “I got to travel the ocean with the man I love, got to skip work and forget about my assignments. So I would say, yes, captain.” Giggling, you turn to look at him over your shoulder when he pulls away, face suddenly darkened as he peers down at you. “What’s wrong? Do you not like that nickname?” You raise a brow teasingly, already knowing well enough what he would rather be called.

“You know what name I prefer,” he groans in response, returning his mouth to your neck and pulling you close by the hips to allow your body to press into his, causing you to set your glass against the railing, being taken back by the action.

“Yes, daddy,” you whimper, eyes closing once again, feeling his hands begin to roam over your hips, and even lower to brush over your mound through the thin fabric. “Wh-wh if someone spots us?” You already know where he is headed with the way his fingers slip into the band of your bathing suit as you ask, teasing the spot just above your slit with gentle strokes of his fingertips.

“There’s no one out here for miles.” His deep, soothing voice next to your ear begins to relax you enough to ease the worries from your mind while he continues teasing between your thighs, causing your head to fall against his shoulder.  “C’mon, princess, let daddy take care of you.”

The way his fingers finally slip farther into your bikini bottoms, with simple strokes over your slit, has every ounce of concern melting from your mind. You can’t deny him when he knows just the ways to touch your body to have you worrying over nothing else, and with his other hand pushing your bathing suit bottoms lower to uncover what lies beneath, you are already lost in the moment with him. 

“How does that feel, princess?” he asks, fingers slipping between your folds to uncover your arousal at your entrance, brushing over your clit a moment later, and sending your heart beating away in your chest from his touch. 

“I-it feels good,” you coo, becoming breathless once he begins to circle to the swollen bud with a single finger, “so, so good, daddy.” You release your grip from the railing to reach for his wrist, fingers pressing to his skin to hold him tight as he pleasures you beyond words in an instant. 

“Do you want more, princess?” His question has your legs trembling, fingers picking up pace between your legs before slipping to tease your entrance. “Can I taste you, baby?” 

Even the cool breeze against your skin couldn’t stop you from becoming flustered, heat rising within your body and face darkening at the thought of his mouth between your legs in the middle of the ocean, in the middle of nowhere, yet with the risk of getting caught threatening to return to your mind. 

“Please, daddy.” Still, you want to feel his mouth on your body, feel his tongue between your thighs, and feel the pleasures of him tasting you. 

He says nothing more as he pulls his hands from you, leaving you empty and yearning for only a moment before he drops to his knees. A tight grip on your waist has you stepping back toward him, and a palm against the small of your back has you leaning toward the railing. A moment later he hooks his fingers in the band of your bikini, gently easing the fabric down your ass to uncover your soaked slit once the bottoms are around your feet. 

You hear his deep groan at the sight before him, loving the way your arousal glistens off your folds, loving how you are always so needy for his touch, so ready for his pleasure. A gasp spills from your lips the moment he presses his mouth to your ass, kissing the skin gingerly, taking his time to explore every inch with his lips and tongue. His mouth draws near your slit, forcing the anticipation to rise, body quivering while waiting to feel his mouth against your clit like you have been so desperately needing. 

When his tongue finally grazes your slit, your entire body trembles with a chill surging down your spine, finally feeling his mouth against your skin, between your thighs as he licks all the way to your puckered rim and down again. His tongue teases your clit, drawing circles over the flesh for a moment to earn delicate whispers of his desired nickname as you rock your hips against his mouth, only to have him grip your thighs to keep you in place.

He repeats the motion, licking a slow, steady stripe all the way up your slit, reaching your ass to circle the rim for a moment, earning breathy whimpers in return before he trails down to your clit once again. Your hands clutches the rail, nails digging against the glossy, wood finish as your jaw slacks. Profanities spill into the breeze once he begins tending to your ever so sensitive nub, rolling his tongue over your flesh slowly, steadily, making sure to lick all of your juices that drips out for him.

“Oh my god, daddy,” you cry out, getting lost in the way he tastes you, teases you, licks every inch of flesh between your thighs until you are a trembling, whimpering mess before him. “D-don’t stop. Please,” you beg him, pushing your body toward him to get more of his tongue caressing your clit, to get more of the pleasure, and to feel yourself becoming closer and closer to your peak. 

His grip on your thighs tightens, warning you to be good, to be still, to take every ounce of bliss he offers as his lips wrap around the hood of your clit, sucking harshly against the delicate skin to hear you cry his name louder, to feel you quiver against him, feel you shake and nearly lose your balance until he pulls away. 

You are breathless, so close to your end, but with the way he continues to torture you, to tease with kittenish licks over your clit to drive you wild, tells you he won’t let you off that easily. 

“You’re so wet, princess,” he informs you. “So wet, and you taste so, so sweet.” The words have the desired effect on your body, causing you to push your hips towards his mouth to get more, to get anything he is willing to give to allow you to come. 

But when you hear his deep, dark chuckle, one you have heard so many times before to let you know he is the boss, that he is in charge, it only warns you that you would need to beg for what you wanted. 

“Daddy,” you whimper, voice unsteady, so unsure of yourself as you begin to plead, “I-I want…”

“Yes, princess?” he asks as your words fade, rising from his knees to tug once on the string securing the bikini top to your body. In a flash it hits the white-painted deck of the boat, leaving you bare, exposed, open for all to see, but he is the only one that matters in the moment. “Tell daddy what you want.” 

“I-I want you to fuck me,” you say ,exhaling long and slow as he pulls you closer to his body with an arm around your waist. “Please, daddy.” 

You glance over your shoulder at him in time to see him peel his tank from his body, eyes lowering to notice the way he pushes his shorts down his hips, unveiling his painfully hard cock beneath. A palm against your back once again has you bending over, a second later feeling the tip of his length press to your soaked core. His fingers dig into your hips by the time he eases himself inside of you, earning a gasp once he has filled you up, pressing his cock deep within your walls. 

You clutch the railing once more, keeping your knees from buckling beneath you as he leans forward, cock still deep inside of you as he reaches between your thighs to press his fingers to your clit. The added pressure from his cock as he toys between your legs sends your body into overdrive, moans spilling from your lips mix with curses, joined with a desperate ‘daddy, please’ every now and then has him twitching within your walls, groaning at feeling you wrap around him so tight as you shake from the sensation.

Finally his hips begin to move, ridding you of the tension that begins to swell inside of you as he fucks you senseless, flesh smacking against flesh and all you can do is push your body into his thrusts to receive every last bit of pleasure. His fills you up over and over, until your mind grows too numb to focus, the only thing you can possibly concentrate on is the bliss that overwhelms you to the brim. You continue to whimper, and moan, and call out his name, not caring of your volume but only of the way he can make you feel so, so good.

Growing closer to his own end, he slows his hips a moment before slipping his hand between your thighs once again, fingers finding your clit to caress back and forth over your slick folds. He pumps his cock slowly, with long thrusts hitting you deeper than before with a twitch of his hips, drawing out every last well-deserved cry until your body shakes in his grasp.

Electricity surges through you, starting between your thighs to reach every finger and toe and it only adds to the overwhelming bliss when he grips your waist tight, holding you in place before beginning to pump himself in and out of you. The pleasure renders you speechless, breathless, until the first wave finally crashes over you and all you can do is call out for him again and again as he thrusts his cock within your clenched, dripping heat, finally reaching his own peak with a huff and a gasp.

Fingers pressed to your aching body tighter as he holds you closer, spilling every last drop inside of you and finally pulling away with an exhausted groan. Your body presses to the railing, trying to catch your balance, thankful the waves splashing against the boat are no harsher. He joins you, reaching on either side of your body after adjusting himself in his shorts, gripping the rail to gain his composure, all the while pressing kisses to the bare skin of your shoulder. 

“C’mon, princess,” he suddenly says, spinning your body around to face him. Quickly, he places an arm around your back, keeping you steady with a grin on his lips. “Let’s get you cleaned up and dressed.”

“Daddy,” you coo sweetly, closing your eyes for the moment that his lips met the top of your head, “you’re too good to me.”

“Of course, princess,” he replies instantly, grin widening before ushering you off the deck toward the cabin, “I love spoiling you.”

; optional female lead smut |  ☁️

She looks too adorable in her pajamas (actually, your pajamas) that you just can’t leave her be. She sits with her legs crossed beneath her as the book her tired eyes scan over rests in her lap, and all you can focus on is the way the strap of her baby blue top has fallen from her shoulder and how her teeth nibble on her bottom lip when she concentrates.

“Take a picture. It’ll last longer.” When she teases you, your eyes widen, not realizing she noticed you even while reading the chapter in her novel. A light-hearted giggle follows the words, her eyes shifting to you with a lick of her lips. “Like what you see?”

A smile spreads over your lips before you answer. “Of course.” Then you sigh, all grins fading as her brow wrinkles. “But…”

“But?” She asks, brows now rising.

“But…” The word lingers on your tongue for a moment, eyes rolling up in thought. “Well, you’ve been reading for a while, and…”

“And?” she asks again, snickering.

“…and I’m a bit bored. A bit lonely. Mostly cold and needy.” It’s true, and the pout on your lips confirms as she closes the book to toss to the coffee table in front of her, making sure not to knock over her empty mug that used to be full of hot chocolate.

“So, what should we do about that?” she asks, reaching to tug lightly against your flimsy, grey t-shirt. You follow the pull until your lips brush against her own with her breath hot against your cheek once she tilts her head.

“I had a few things in mind.” A sly grin forms at the corners of your mouth a second before her skin is pressed to your own, warming your entire body with just one touch as the smell of lavender fills your nose.

Once her back falls against the sofa you have ample room to fit snug between her parted thighs, soft moans beginning to be shared between you both as her fingers wrap firmly around your neck. You can’t help yourself, touching her is what you have been dying to do, so your palm presses to her thigh before slipping low enough to earn a whimper from her lips.

When your fingers press to her clothed center, her lips leave yours once her jaw falls open, another soft moan escaping her to fill your ears. You can’t help but to grin, slipping your fingers up and down to tease her through her pajamas, seconds before her hands lower down to your chest. Taking you by surprise, cold fingertips find their way beneath your shirt, brushing over your skin until her thumbs begin to tease two hardened nipples.

Your back arches to push your chest into her hands, inviting her to do as she wishes while you begin to tug on the elastic of her thin pajamas pants. Her fingers pinch and squeeze your nipples ever so lightly, drawing out a few gasps while making it difficult to concentrate on getting your hand between her thighs once again, yet you succeed after a moment to slip your palm over her slit, feeling the dampness of her growing arousal against your skin.

Her  actions halt for a moment, getting lost in the way you touch her as her eyes flicker before fluttering to a close and her breaths catch in her throat. Your palm is replaced by two fingers slipping up and down her slit, teasing her gently beneath her pajamas while thankful she decided to forget her panties for the evening.

A steady stream of soft, delightful moans spill from her lips as you raise your body for a moment to take in her slacked jaw and eyes screwed shut, all the while reaching with your other hand to tug her loose pajama pants down her hips, giving yourself better access. Once the elastic is resting against her thighs, you finally notice the glistening of her juices against her skin, realizing how worked up she had become.

A smirk forms as you dip your head back down to her lips, silencing her noises of pleasure for a moment while pressing your fingers to her clit. Bliss fills her in the form of small circles against the swelling bud, drawing out each whimper against your lips she releases. It doesn’t take long for her moans to be accompanied by her rolling her hips to meet the friction between her thighs, and your patience begins to wear thin as you notice her struggling to clamp them around your hand.

“I can feel you getting so, so wet,” you tease her, lust dripping from every word as the ache between your own thighs grows. You’re not sure how much longer you can hold on, loving the way her face twists with pleasure and her body begs you for more, yet needing a release of your own just from watching her.

The moment you slip your fingers from her clit to ease inside of her, her legs tighten around your body, trembling as a subtle gasp hits your ears. Your mouth lowers to her jaw, pressing kisses here and there until your teeth scrape lightly across the skin of her neck, earning a breathy whimper of your name. By the time you’re curling your fingers inside of her you had already moved to her chest, thankful her top with the loose straps has already fallen off her shoulders to provide easy access for your lips to wrap around her hardened nipple after lowering the fabric just a bit more.

“I wanna-wanna come,” she exhales, hips moving against your hand in slow rolls once your thumb presses to her clit. Her nails dig into your side, letting you know just how good you’re making her feel even if her symphony of moans are enough validation. “I’m getting… getting close.” She becomes so breathless as you tease her nipples with flicks of your tongue while drawing her end closer, fingers curled inside of her to hit her most sensitive spot and thumb circling her aching, swollen clit.

You know she won’t last much longer, making your desire to fill her with pleasure rise as your mouth lowers down her body, pulling your hand from between her thighs only momentarily to earn a dissatisfied moan in return. However, once she catches on as you begin to peel the pajama bottoms from her body to toss to the floor, she remains content until the moment your tongue slips between her folds to taste her juices.

Breathy curses and gasps and whimpers fill the air as you part her thighs with both palms pressed against her heated skin, tongue circling her clit to draw out every single noise of pleasure she tries to hide behind a bitten lip. From the way she trembles against your hands, you know she’s getting closer and that’s when you decide to allow her to linger on the edge of ecstasy for a moment as you lower your motions to her dripping center, tasting her juices to watch her squirm while she becomes impatient.

“P-please,” she mutters a moment before you lick back up to her clit and circle the swollen bud once again. You focus all your attention on getting her off while watching her come undone before you. A final gasp fills the living room, her thighs tighten around you where even your hands can’t keep them apart, and her hips push against your eager mouth while you never stop sucking against her clit until the moment her body slacks before you.

You pull away grinning, wiping your mouth with a satisfied smirk as she lays breathless before you. You lick your lips of any remnants of her arousal before lowering yourself to kiss her lips once, and in attempting to pull away, she clutches your t-shirt just like before to pull you back in for seconds. A soft moan vibrates her skin from your lips, allowing her to taste herself on your tongue a few seconds before settling on your heels.

However, as she regains her mind and energy, a devilish grin forms on her lips, only a second before she’s rising to pull her flimsy top from her body to toss aside and leave her bare. She pushes you against the sofa before attacking your lips playfully, soft chuckling between the kiss while taking you by surprise.

“Clothes off,” she commands, though still slightly shaken from the pleasure once she begins to pull your t-shirt over your head, followed by her tugging on your thin pajama shorts.

You sit before her in nothing but a pair of skimpy, peach-colored panties, and she is quick to tug them aside with her finger hooking into the base of the fabric as she peppers kisses over your lips, cheek, and jaw. Your body melts into the couch, allowing her to have her way as her lips ghost over your neck the moment she reaches to tease your slit with a single finger.

“You’re already soaked, baby,” she informs you with a satisfied groan following, as if you weren’t aware how worked up you had gotten yourself pleasuring her. The ache between your thighs already warned you how much you would be dripping by the time she touched you, yet it came as a surprise to her.

Your only reply is a soft whimper of her name, hips pushing toward her to ask for more. The need for release grows and your entire body flushes with heat, desire, lust, once her fingers press to your clit.

“Tell me what you want,” she orders you, “let me hear you say it.”

She’s getting cocky, you think, knowing after reaching her end she is in a position to be, yet you can’t deny her request.

“Make me come,” you gasp, eyes shutting tight, head lolling back, “please. With your tongue.” Dying to receive the same treatment, you push all pride aside seconds before she dips her head lower, opening your eyes long enough to see the wicked smirk on her lips before her tongue darts out to lick a single stripe up your slit.

Your hips jerk in response, thighs threatening to close if it weren’t for steady palms pressed against them.  She repeats the motion, earning soft moans in return when her tongue finds your clit to slip up and down, if only to tease. However, you find it hard to care when bliss fills you instantly, loving the way she knows exactly what you like as she performs slow, steady circles around and around.

The same stream of noises slip from your lips you previously earned from her, gently rocking your hips against her tongue to get lost in the pleasure she offered. Your hands lowered to cup your own breasts as soft whimpers of her name mixed with curses filled the room, feeling her tongue quicken with its pace around your clit.

Just as you’re slipping away to heaven with her mouth against your skin, she surprises you by lining up two fingers to ease them inside your clenched walls, curling the digits a moment later. A gasp spills from within, back arching from the sofa as your hands lower to entangle fingers into strands of her hair.

She realizes your end is near as she continues to gently pump her fingers against the spot that has you seeing stars, tongue working against your clit before her lips wrap around to lightly suck the swollen, aching bud. Your jaw slacks. Your body trembles. Your eyes remain shut tight and the noises you release fade into silence as the first rush of bliss swells and surges through you.

Every limb, finger, and toe tingles with electricity and she never pulls her mouth away as you ride out the pleasure against her tongue and fingers. Moans and gasps and whimpers pour from your lips a moment later, getting lost in the ecstasy, getting lost in the moment, and getting lost in the way that she knows to love you best.

When she finally pulls away, you’re left breathless and motionless on the sofa, other than your thighs still quivering as the remnants of pleasure trickle through your body. Your mind is a mess and between your thighs even more so, knowing the both of you need a hot, relaxing shower to come down before bed.

“So, still bored, lonely, cold, and needy?” she asks with words taunting you with every syllable and a teasing grin. You quickly shake your head, chuckling while staring up at her behind sleepy eyes.

“Of course not,” you quickly reply, leaning forward to grip her by the waist and pull her close. “Well, maybe a little cold. But that’s nothing we can’t fix together.”

Her lips lingering on yours after you finish speaking sparks the warmth you need inside of you with a kiss, knowing that whatever the problem is - whether you’re bored, lonely, cold, or needy - she is always the remedy.

; optional male lead smut |  ☁️

There are moments with him which seem like heaven. So perfect you have to stop and ask yourself if it’s real, but then you don’t want to miss a single second of his smile or the way he hums to himself as he mixes a bowl full of batter. Lazy days off spent staying warm with each other in front of an oven are perfect for you, baking any and all fall and Halloween treats you can possibly think of for a scary movie night later, and even some more to store away for another time. Even if you did have to drag him out of bed for it, you don’t blame him since it was particularly chilly that morning and the blankets were warm and inviting.

“You have flour on your nose,” you tell him, looking over his messy shirt with his sleeves rolled up, hard at work mixing the dough for the next batch of cookies you want to make. He doesn’t mind doing the mixing. He’s good enough with his hands. He likes to put them to use and you like to watch him work. 

He stalls his motions to turn to you leaning against the kitchen counter, a playful pout on his lips. “And why is that?”

You already know the answer. The ingredients on his face and those spread messily over the kitchen counter were due to you getting a bit more than playful while teasing him and tossing flour his way. He returned the favor by smacking you on the ass with a spatula to make you squeak and call a truce. 

“Hm, I have no idea,” you reply, feigning innocence which makes him chuckle. 

These moments are perfect. When it’s just the two of you doing something together. When it’s quiet. When you can be yourselves, let your guard down. When you can start a food fight and he can punish you with kitchen utensils to have you both spilling with laughter. The thoughts make you giggle while warmth blossoms in your chest, and finally he sets down the bowl just as the previous cookies baking in the oven finish.

Grabbing an oven mitt, you pull the hot pan from within just as he begins rolling the next patch onto a fresh pan. You work in a comfortable silence together, joining him with the cookie dough and giggling and chuckling to yourself when he makes a cute face at you, and you stick your tongue out at him in return. In the middle of it all, you don’t forget to lean over to kiss his floured covered cheek, hearing him hum in approval. 

“We can put the next batch in while the others cool,” you tell him, watching him nod in agreement before slipping the next pan into the oven. You take it upon yourself to set the timer for fifteen minutes. 

Now you wait for one batch to cool and the other to bake. He grows a devilish smirk on his lips before grabbing you by the hips, deciding it’s payback for you teasing him from before, lowering his lips to your neck to leave ticklish kisses against your skin. Giggling, you pretend to push him away with a weak shove, all before wrapping your arms around his neck to invite him closer. 

“Hey…” you exhale his name, eyes fluttering and getting lost in his lips on you for a moment. “The timer…” you remind him, not wanting to burn the cookies or your home. 

“We have time,” he groans, the mood suddenly shifting from playful to needy. It’s no surprise to you, however. It usually goes like this on lazy days off, when you’re inside for the afternoon to find different ways to spend time together and enjoy being carefree.

Suddenly, his hands begin to roam. Diligent fingers slip beneath the hem of your shirt, fingertips skimming up your sides to make you giggle. 

“Hardly,” you remark, but you can’t turn him away. His lips on your neck feel too good. His hands moving toward your breasts make it even harder. 

“It won’t take long,” he replies, and you have to laugh at that.

“Maybe not for you,” you tease him, but you already know you’re lost in the moment to his touch.

So you rush from the kitchen to find the closest, sturdiest surface because you have exactly fifteen minutes until the timer goes off. Or maybe less than that. You don’t remember anymore. All you can focus on is pushing him down on the couch after peeling your clothes from your body. T-shirts messy with flour went flying to the floor. Jeans and shorts went next, followed by you tugging your bra from your shoulders before slipping your panties down to your ankles and him pushing his boxers down his hips. 

Now you’re straddling him and pressing your lips to his own. He groans into the kiss and heat begins to build, already so needy after teasing and being playful with one another all day. You grind your hips against him, feeling his hands tugging at your waist to urge you to continue.  A moan slips from your lips while feeling him hard and needy between your thighs, pressing against your slit as you roll your hips against him. 

“Hurry,” you tell him between urgent kisses while your fingers disappear between the strands of his hair. He takes control, pushing you by the hips until you’re hovering above his erect length, easing his hand between your thighs as a whimper of his name leaves your lips. He presses two fingers to your slit, caressing your folds as you rock yourself against his hand, all before he eases the tips of his fingers inside of you. A gasp fills the space between you as he allows you to set the pace now, groaning at the sight of you sinking yourself onto his fingers a moment later. His palm presses against your clit and another moan fills the room, feeling his fingers deep inside of you. 

He only pumps them a few times, feeling your arousal soak his flesh as he works your body up. You tug on the strands of his hair tighter, earning a groan filling in his chest.

“Come here, baby,” he says, voice breathless from watching you rock your hips against his hand. He pulls his fingers from you and grips his length in his palm, stroking himself a few times before you have a chance to lower your body onto him. A gasp spills from within the moment you begin sinking down onto his hard, throbbing length, allowing him to feel you up in such a rush of heat and desire. 

Both of your actions are quick, desperate, as his hands fall to your hips to pull your body close and you wrap your arms around his neck. His lips fall to your chest while you ride him, getting lost in the pleasure, drowning out the world around you. The tension begins to build in your body, heat swelling between your thighs while feeling him so deep inside of you, messy kisses between groans and whimpers filling the air.

“God, you feel so good, baby.” His deep, raspy voice fills your ears, followed by another groan building in his chest and it sends warmth flooding your body all over again. His grip on your waist tightens. “Love when you ride me like this…” The words are strained on his tongue. You watch his eyes close and his head fall back as you grind against his length, whimpering his name like you know he loves to hear.

But it’s not enough considering the two of you need to make it quick. Urgently, you reach between your thighs, finding your clit and massaging your flesh with your fingers. Your pace quickens, riding him faster, body filling with heat and bliss and drawing yourself closer to the edge. He senses your desperation, moving a hand from your hip to cup your breast for a moment before his thumb brushes over an erect nipple. The added sensation brings you closer to your peak, feeling him thrust his hips from below to pump his length deeper inside of you.

You say his name in a breathless release, “I-I’m getting close…”

A deep groan meets your declaration, feeling your walls tightening around him. “Come for me, baby,” he tells you, gripping your hip tighter while rolling a nipple between his thumb and forefinger. “Let me feel you…”

The heat swells and you tremble around him, lost in the pleasure and the fact that you’re so, so close, but suddenly there’s a buzzing coming from the kitchen, snapping you out of your euphoric state.

“Shit,” you curse, stalling your motions, “the timer…”

“Don’t stop,” he tells you, urging your hips to keep moving with his hand still tight against you, “keep riding me, baby.”

“But-” you attempt to protest, but he snaps his hips beneath you, earning a gasp from your lips. 

“Come for me, baby,” he guides you once again, the hand that was once toying with your nipple rising to reach the back of your neck. He keeps a firm, yet careful grip on you, and your body as well as the need for release gives you no choice but to listen. Your hips continue moving, your fingers easing the tension as they massage your flesh. His hips pump from below, whispering commands in your ear, telling you to come for him, telling you how good it feels to have you wrapped around him. The timer begins buzzing again, but you’re too lost in bliss to care in the moment. 

Finally the tension building between your thighs snaps, unraveling in a wave of heat surging through your body. You throw your head back, whimpering his name while riding out the pleasure against him, dripping juices along his length and creating messy sounds of your lovemaking to fill the room. He groans as your walls begin tightening around him, loving the feel of you coming undone while he’s inside of you. 

Finally the pressure snaps as you begin to spill over the edge with him holding you close. Your motions stall but he’s quick to begin rolling his hips into you from below. A surge of heat spirals from between your thighs to the rest of your body as you come undone, riding out the pleasure on top of him and finally growing limp in his arms. He groans, still feeling your walls contract around him while surrounded by your heat, now dripping out onto his flesh. Trying to catch your breath after the pleasure, your heart races but you pick up the slack, continuing to ride him until he reaches his own release.

It doesn’t take long. The feeling of him tensing beneath you warns you he’s getting close, deciding to crash your lips into his until he begins to come inside of you. His hips stop moving, but you keep the lazy pace, riding him through his orgasm as he becomes breathless, face flushed and suddenly too sensitive for you to keep going.

Carefully, you pull yourself off of him, collapsing into the spot next to him with a heavy sigh. Breathless, you sit in silence with one another, the both of you coming down from the high and the bliss of being so close. That is, until you suddenly get a hint of a familiar smell filling the living room.

“Uh…” You turn to him, noticing his eyelids heavy and his lips parted, still lost in post-bliss satisfaction. “Do you smell something?”

Then your eyes grow wide, jumping up from the sofa to yank your underwear from the floor and cover yourself before reaching for your t-shirt in the messy piles of clothes. While rushing toward the kitchen, you pull it over your head just as you reach the oven, tugging the door open to see a light cloud of smoke rolling into the air.

“Shit!” you curse as you reach to flip the oven off, either to yourself or him, you aren’t sure. Looking over the blackened cookies reminds you just how careless you can be when he distracts you, though he’s not entirely to blame, of course. “The cookies!”

A moment later, he comes waltzing into the kitchen in his boxers, cocking his head to one side before he chuckles at the sight of you waving the oven mitt around to clear the smoke so the alarms don’t go off. 

“Let’s get cleaned up and dressed,” he begins, stepping to you as you place the hot pan of smoking cookies on the stove top to cool before you can throw them away, “and we can start another batch.” 

He kisses your forehead and walks away while laughing to himself, and you can’t help but grin over the accident.

; optional male lead smut | ☁️

As a little girl, you always heard stories about the monster that lives high up on the mountain near the village of your home. His castle is surrounded by tall walls and thick trees, and it takes a long, winding road hidden within the forest to get there. As a little girl, you were told never to go near the road, never play near the forest, and to never, ever venture off toward the castle. 

Though the monster that lives there is not one that wishes to bring you or the people of your village harm, you were always told there were certain rules to follow when it comes to the castle and your village. Like you and your best friend making a pinky promise you swore to keep forever, there was a similar treaty set in place from hundreds of years before. For a simple price of tending to the monster’s castle from a few volunteer villagers, the monster would ward off any threats that came to your people. 

The villagers, of course, never see the monster, but some speculate what it looks like, how many teeth it has, or how quickly it could kill you. The others swear they have spotted the monster in the darkness of the night, when you look to the moon to see a reflection in the clouds. It’s all stories, according to your mother who was almost chosen as the ‘volunteer’ when she was a teenager. Instead, her best friend at the time went to fulfill the village’s duty to the monster, and your mother tells you that day was the last time she ever saw her.

The stories were enough to keep you fearful growing up. You kept your head down so as to not stand out and kept people away as much as you could. You didn’t want to be a target for the ones that choose the so-called volunteer, making you think it was somehow your responsibility for a promise made hundreds of years before you were born. 

You were lucky enough to succeed for a while. Whether it be for your lack of drawing attention to yourself or the fact that the castle didn’t need any helpers for a long time, you aren’t sure, but you were thankful to spend at least twenty-something years with your family in the village.

That all changed the day the elders marked you as the sacrificial volunteer. Tears were shed, your mother begged and pleaded for you not to be taken away, but like pinky-promises it is frowned upon to not follow through with the commitment. 

Why they chose you out of all the young villagers, you still aren’t sure, but you put on a brave face as a few guards took you to the long, winding road through the dark forest, past the thick trees, and up to the stone castle walls that looked so much higher than you ever imagined. Your heart raced when they told you the wall was as far as they were willing to go. But you were still brave, grabbing your things and passing the threshold to your new life as a servant for a monster you only knew about from stories and gossip.

There was an older woman to greet you at the door to the castle. She told you her name was Mable, and though it sounded familiar, all you could do was smile at her. Fear struck you in the heart, no longer brave but worried about your new life, as well as the old one you left behind. But Mable had many years to adjust, and she took you under her wing, helping you get settled in, explaining the chores you were to do, and most of all, informing you of the castle’s master.

She explained to you the monster wasn’t seen much around the castle. At the time, you were too nervous to ask too many questions, but Mable would fill you in when it was needed. Don’t be out of your sleeping quarters past sundown. Don’t make too much noise in the early mornings. Leave food by the master’s door, but don’t enter. Ever. Don’t go looking for the master. Don’t disrupt the master. Don’t do anything that can draw attention to yourself.

You were pretty good at that. And months passed where you never even saw this mysterious monster. You helped prepare his meals, but left them at the entrance to his quarters, of course. You cleaned when it needed it. You washed linens in the river close by that cuts through the castle’s grounds. You did everything a good servant would do, especially staying out of the way.

All it took was one night to change everything.

A night to leave you a little bored, a little homesick. A night to take you from your bed to the hall to the part of the castle where you were strictly forbidden after sundown. But if everyone else in the castle is fast asleep, the master should be too, you think.

Your bored feet carry you past the main dining hall and to the lonely stairs of the spire. You aren’t sure exactly what is drawing you to this place in the moment, but you can’t stop yourself winding up the spire, the bricks cold beneath your bare feet. You pull your arms to you as you make your way to the top of the tower, feeling a draft the thin, lace nightgown you’re wearing can’t help. Luckily, the torchers are still burning, offering a dim light until you reach the look-out point at the top.

You supposed if this monster is so great and powerful, he doesn’t need too many look-outs, guards, or anything else to protect his castle. You think the thought sarcastically, but a warmth of comfort washes over you unexpectedly. You don’t dwell on the thought for too long, however, finally getting a refreshing new view you haven’t seen in months.

Your eyes settle first on the dark forest just on the outskirts of the castle. Rows and rows of tall trees protect the walls, making you feel so small and alone in the moment. You notice the moon reflecting off the ocean far away, sparkling light dancing along the waves. The sky is covered mostly by clouds, however, and the light is hidden by the shadows once again the moment they consume the moon. The loneliness takes hold of you, releasing a sigh and wishing you could see your family. For such a large castle, everything can feel so small all of a sudden.

Your attention is abruptly pulled from your thoughts of home the moment you see another sparkle in the night’s sky. But this time, it’s not the moon. This time, it whips through the whiteness of the clouds with razer precision. You see a shimmer of black… no, purple, dancing around the moon in between the fog. Your eyes widen the moment a rumble tears through the skies, and if you were far enough away, you would assume it was only thunder from a sudden storm. 

Up in the tower, it sounds like a growl. It’s deep and evokes fear, like a warning for anyone and anything to stay away. Your heart races like light lightning, but you can’t peel your eyes from the clouds. Again you see the flash of a deep purple zipping through the sky, between the clouds, doing circles in front of the moon. And the moment the figure appears completely from the clouds is when you are sure you’re going to faint.

The figure appears before you, close enough for you to see individual, glimmering scales on its body. The color is now iridescent, sparkling from the moon and shifting between black, purple, and lilac. A long tail whips past the tower with a crack in the sky as the wide span of its wings fly by, blowing a strong breeze through the windows. Another rumble of the creature’s roar echoes through the skies, vibrating you down to your core and making your knees weak.  You’re mesmerized, unable to tear your gaze away from the creature taming the skies. It completes a circle around the castle, disappearing for a moment only to fly back around a second before diving near a lake on the right side of the castle.

The creature disappears once again beneath the waters with a loud splash. If you weren’t so stricken with surprise, you would find the sight humorous looking over the sudden waves of an otherwise still lake, but all you can do is gasp and hold your breath until it surfaces again.

But the creature doesn’t rise. Instead, it’s a human. A man. 

You’re practically leaning over the tower’s wall trying to get a better view as the man makes his way to the lake’s edge. He’s dripping wet when he comes out of the water, and much to your surprise, naked. He combs his hands through his hair after shaking his head, trying to get the moisture from the strands. Every inch of him is on display. Every muscle. Every curve. Your heart is racing as you look at him, not bothering to wonder if you should turn away, run back to bed, and pretend it never happened due to you being unable to pull your eyes from this man.

Though he looks ordinary, there’s still something so mesmerizing about him. Regardless of the sight of him in the sky, his human form draws you in, staring at his wet skin glistening beneath the moonlight, the outline of his body, the way his muscles tense when he shakes the water from his hair, and then his smile when he becomes playful all alone.

He’s beautiful. In the moment, he doesn’t seem threatening. You’re amazed by the sight of him, and suddenly your heart aches with a need to be close to him.

You quickly shake the thought from your head. It’s preposterous. He’s a monster. You’re a servant and a human. You shouldn’t be thinking things like this. 

Disappearing from the tower’s window, you hurry down the stairs in a rush. You shouldn’t have even been out, you tell yourself. You shouldn’t have broken the rules. Now do you not only know about the castle’s monster, you know about the human as well. You aren’t sure what the monster or Mable would do if they knew, you can only make sure you get back to your room before anyone catches you.

You whip through the main hall, quickly but trying to remain quiet. So far, you don’t hear a peep from anyone else in the castle. The torches are still dimly lit. Maybe Mable is still sleeping in the room next to you instead of awake wondering where you have run off to and just how many rules you have broken.

Your palms press to the door of the servants quarters, pushing the large wood panels open and it’s then when your breath catches in your throat.

There stands the monster in the hall just before the door to your room. He stares at you through his lashes, chin dipped low and arms crossed over his broad, bare chest. He adorns white trousers only, hair still damp from the lake. Your heart is about to leap right out of your chest.

“I thought I saw someone watching me,” he says after a few seconds. The deepness of his voice takes you by surprise. The words rattle your bones and suddenly there’s a warmth spiraling through every inch of you. He takes a step closer. “I clearly remember making it a rule for everyone to be inside by sundown, yet… here you are. Watching me.”

Your mouth opens to speak. He takes another step and you’re speechless. A few more steps and he’s merely a few feet from you. You should be frightened, and you admit part of you is, but somehow your mind can only focus on him being even more beautiful in the warm glow of the dimly lit lanterns on the wall. His lips twist in a smirk, but you only see it a moment before your eyes lower to his chest, taking in every delicious inch of bare skin until your knees feel weak. His strong arms rest beneath, and just beneath that a patch of hair peeks out from the hem of the unbutton, loose trousers. 

The sight of him so close simply makes your mouth water. It becomes harder to breathe in his presence. Even harder to think. 

“Get back to bed, princess,” he says, half-sarcastically but it still makes your heart rate spike. Your chest heaves, and it’s only now do you notice his eyes fall to take in the sight of you. Your sheer nightgown hardly covers anything at all and you don’t miss the way he licks his lips. “And don’t go up to that tower again.”

“I-I’m sorry…” you finally are able to tell him in the shakiest whisper of a voice you’ve ever heard. “I… I didn’t mean… mean to upset you, I’m… sorry.” Your voice wavers with every word, and somehow it makes him chuckle. Somehow he seems even more human than before. 

“Not upset, princess,” he tells you calmly, taking another step and another until he can reach forward to cup your cheek with his large, soft palm. The nickname doesn’t seem so sarcastic a second time, but it still makes your heart skip a beat. “But it’s not safe there at night. You don’t know what lurks beyond the shadows that I would have a hard time protecting you from.”

With that, he lowers his hand and makes you even more speechless. A simple smirk is all he offers before stepping past you to leave the servants quarters, while leaving you standing there with a racing heart, confused as to why you suddenly want to know more about the monster in the castle.


A day passes without a word said of your late night adventure meeting the monster. You assume you got away with it up until the moment he asks a specific request of you.

“I’ve never sent someone so new to see him,” she mumbles in a hurry, rushing you to his side of the castle with a tray of food in her arms. “I’m not sure why he’s asked for you. It’s so unlike him.”

You follow along, knowing you’re about to give him his dinner, in his quarters, at the request of him so suddenly. You also know he hasn’t forgotten about you seeing him the night before. Maybe he just needed a day for it to click before he was truly upset about it. Maybe this is you rushing to your punishment for disobeying the rules.

“Well, I don’t know what to tell you, dear,” Mable says, handing off the tray of meats and potatoes with a glass of wine to you. Shakily, you take it from her as she opens the large, heavy door to the monster’s living quarters. “Just… be respectful, of course. The master can have a bit of a temper sometimes. Don’t speak out of line, and don’t inquire about him and you will be fine, okay? It’s not all that scary.”

She has no idea, you want to tell her, but you don’t want her to know about you sneaking out. At least if you die in the next few minutes upon greeting him, Mable can think you were only an innocent bystander in the path of the monster’s rage.

She pushes you gently through the door before closing it behind you with a thud. That thud matches the beating in your chest, pounding hard against your ribs as you take a few wobbly steps forward down the hall. He should be waiting in the dining room just up ahead. You already spot the mahogany table and grand, elaborately carved dining chairs in the next room. The walls, from what you can see as you step forward, are lined with different weapons and animal heads. There’s a slow flicker of a flame lighting the way that doesn’t become much brighter the moment you step into the room.

“Ah,” he interrupts your thoughts, standing from the end of the long table where he was sitting near a fireplace. The wood crackles behind him as it burns, but it only pulls your attention for a second before you notice him making his way toward you. “My dinner is here.”

Your eyes grow wide. “Uh… huh?” You shake your head. He chuckles as he steps toward you, reaching to take the tray from your arms.

“My dinner. Thanks for bringing it to me.”

“Oh, right.” Your cheeks burn with embarrassment, almost too shy to look at him return to his seat by the fire, but once again you just can’t seem to look away. 

“Please,” he begins, gesturing toward the chair to his right, “will you join me?” He doesn’t wait for you to move before taking the dishes from the tray. Then he takes a sip of the wine Mable and you prepared for him while you finally will your legs to move toward him. Taking a seat beside him, you watch him unfold the silverware from the clean towel before digging a fork into his food.

You say nothing as he takes a few bites, chewing and humming, sipping his wine. The fire crackles behind the two of you, watching the shadows from the flame dance along his skin. Your heart settles from the nerves as you sit with him for a moment without words, curious as to why he’s asked you to join him, but you remember Mable’s words and say nothing. 

“Hungry?” he finally addresses you, causing your brows to arch.

“Wh-Uh… no… no, thank you. We normally eat a bit earlier so we can get to our rooms… before… sun…” Your voice trails off. The last thing you wanted was to give him any reminders of you breaking the rules the night before. 

“Before sun down?” He chuckles again, flashing a beautiful smile and for some reason, your heart melts right in your chest.

For so long you were told fearsome tales of the monster in the castle. For so long, you were warned of his cruel behaviors, bad temper, and animal ways. They told you gruesome stories to keep the young ones scared and the fact that no one that went to the castle ever came back made it easy to believe.  

However, he makes it seem like every story was an exaggeration of something that started as a lie. Though you broke the rules and should be worried of punishment, you feel calm in his presence. He laughs and eases the tension between the two of you. He seems polite enough. Not to mention his gentle touch against your cheek, something that you can still feel tingling against your skin if you think about it hard enough. 

He isn’t a monster at all. 

“I’m sorry about that,” you say, lowering your head.

“I’m not upset, truly, if that’s what you’re thinking.” 

The words cause you to meet his eyes. “Then why is it a rule not to be out?” you ask, growing bold before you can stop yourself. “Why did you invite me here now if not to punish me?”

He smirks before taking another bite from his plate. “Like I said-” He chews a few times, then takes a sip of wine. “-easier to protect everyone here if they’re not rambling around at night. And if it’s a punishment you’re wanting, princess… we can make arrangements.”

Instantly your cheeks begin to burn. Your eyes lower and you can’t even look at him, allowing the words to process in your mind before they repeat like a broken record. You aren’t sure why he has such an effect on you. It makes your mind fuzzy and your body warm. Part of you wishes you could replace it with actual fear of him to make things easier, but the rest of you realizes the rush of adrenaline it gives you. 

“Princess?” you ask him in a whisper. He is a King of his own castle, you remember. Maybe he’s using the nickname to tease you because you’re certainly not royalty. You don’t even have to meet his eyes to see the smirk on your lips. It’s as if it’s burned in your memory now.

“Do you wish to be called something else?” he asks with a nonchalant tone.

It’s not something you have ever thought to be called, but coming from him, with his deep voice drawing you in, you can’t say you mind. All you can do is shake your head. 

“Good,” is all he says, and a few more moments pass with no words. Only the fire fills the silence as he finishes his meal. “But if I may ask, why were you wandering around the castle all alone?”

The question catches you off guard. Straightening your back, you take a deep breath before giving him the honest answer. “I felt a little homesick, I guess. I wanted to know if I could see my home from the top of the castle… I couldn’t.”

He stops eating entirely to take in your face, fallen with sorrow. “Homesick?”

You nod your head and he goes back to finishing the few bites he has left on his plate. “I miss my family. I didn’t realize how lonely I would feel here.” 

He takes in your words with a serious expression. Then a slight wrinkle between his brows tells you he understands. There’s not much either of you can do, however. The deal was set in place long before you, and many have had to fulfill the promise. You are only doing what so many had to do before you, and will have to after. Even if he could somehow offer you to go back home, what would everyone in the village think? Elders that had to say goodbye to their own children wouldn’t even accept you because it’s a responsibility for all that only a few have to bear. 

“I’m sorry,” is all he says, and from his low tone, you know he means it. It can’t be any easier for him, either. Everyone is told to stay away from him when they arrive. He spends all of his time alone. From what you can tell, he only talks to Mable through a door and doesn’t wish to see anyone at all.

Well, except for you. Which you still aren’t sure why.

“I… guess I understand what being lonely feels like.” He lowers his eyes, his voice barely above a whisper. 

“Why?” you ask before you can stop yourself, earning his eyes on you once again. “Why do you close yourself off from everyone? Do you… do you know what people down in the village think about you?” He should be considered a hero due to the fact he protects so many people. The rumors floating around about him have been proven here and now that they are just that. 

“I’m aware,” he sighs, then throws his head back and slumps in his chair. “I know the tales of the monster in the castle. I know people are scared of me. I know they think I will hurt or kill them if they get too close.”

“Well, you’re not hurting me…” Before you can help it, you reach for him, placing a hand over his own as it rests on the table. His brows arch. He’s surprised at the gesture. “Why choose to be so lonely?” 

“Because…” He sighs once again, attempting to get his thoughts in order. “I had someone I was close to. I spent a lot of time with them. They were my friend, but one day I let my temper get out of control and…”

He doesn’t need to say the rest. You realize where he’s going with the story. He hurt someone close to him, so now he keeps himself locked away, allowing the rumors to grow and strengthen, and allowing himself to be lonely. All the while keeping everyone safe from the horrors that stalk the nights.

“I’m sorry.”

“Me too,” is all he can say. A few seconds of silence pass before he adds, “that’s why I invited you here. I was lonely. I saw you that night looking at me. I saw your face when you saw who I really was. I knew you weren’t scared of me.” 

It takes a few seconds for the words to sink in before a comforting warmth swells inside of you. You were right to feel safe with him, because he feels safe with you. You never expected to see such a vulnerable side to such a big, powerful beast, but he makes you understand him better, and he understands you. 

“I’m glad you did,” you tell him, watching his lips curve in a smile. 


You don’t hear from him for a few days after that. He stays hidden away, and you busy yourself with keeping the castle tidy as well as helping Mable with the meals. Sometimes, you find yourself traveling up the tower before sundown for a chance to see him soaring through the sky like the first night, but he never comes. You suppose it’s due to not wanting to be seen by the villagers, or anyone else in the castle, but you don’t want to risk the rules by staying any later just to get a glimpse of him.

However, one night, just as the curve of the sun disappears behind the lines of trees in the distance, you turn to make your way to your own quarters when you spot him at the top of the stairs. 

“Breaking rules again, princess?” He smirks while making his way toward you. 

“N-No… I was just leaving…”

“You must really want the punishment,” he chuckles, stopping right in front of you, “huh, princess?”

You gulp, noticing the darkness in his tone taunting you. Though it’s not with fear, but with desire. The words tempt you, and the only intimidating thing about him in the moment is how badly your body begins to crave him. It’s like a switch the second you see him. Your body comes alive. Heat swells from the depths. He leaves you breathless and weak and wanting more of him all at once. You aren’t sure how he does it.

You’re drawn to him. 

“Answer me, princess.” He reaches to cup your cheek just like the first night you met. His touch is gentle even if the words are firm. His stern tone snaps you back to reality.

“I-I…” All you can do is give in to the desire, the way he makes you feel, the desperate need to get close to him in any way you can. “Yes…” The word is a trembling whisper from your tongue, but he hears it. He realizes in the way you speak as well as the way you lean into his touch what you’re wanting.

Two lonely souls wanting to feel close to something. Two people desiring warmth and love and comfort. Neither of you can blame the other for it, but both of you can be there for each other. 

He drops his hand to grip you by the hips in an instant. He pulls you close to his body, allowing you to feel the heat radiating off of his embrace. It only takes seconds for his lips to fall to your own, and you allow him in. The softness of his flesh, the warmth in the kiss, takes you by surprise while taking hold of all your senses. You’re wrapped up in him as the kiss deepens, not being able to stop yourself from moaning against his mouth. You’ve never wanted something or someone so much until this very moment.

He makes it clear he wants the same. The beast within him comes to light in different ways. He takes hold of you while kissing you passionately, hands roaming your body, fingers finding the hem of your dress until he slips it off your shoulders to fall at your feet. You’re bare before him and have never felt more alive. He takes a second to look over your body, groaning at the sight he sees until not touching you isn’t an option anymore. 

He takes hold of you once again. Arms wrapping around his body, you allow him to take control as you release little whimpers and moans here and there from your mouth. His lips trail down your cheek, your jaw, to your neck, kissing and sucking and licking just to get every part of you he can. Meanwhile his hands explore your bare flesh, slipping around to your ass to hold you in place with a strong grip.

Your head falls back, giving him any and all access to your body in the moment. He seizes the opportunity until he’s falling to his knees. His kisses meet your flesh once again, trailing from your chest to your stomach down to the little V between your thighs. Opening up for him, your body presses to the walls of the tower while his tongue presses to your skin. 

You exhale his name the moment his mouth dives between your trembling thighs. He keeps his grip on your ass with one hand, the other tossing your leg over his broad shoulder. He can’t help but to groan at the taste of you, finally becoming close and intimate with someone after so long.

“You taste amazing, princess,” he groans between your thighs, craning his neck to lick from your dripping entrance to your clit once again. All you can do is whimper his name beneath your breath, so lost in the moment, in the pleasure. Your hands fall to his head, fingers disappearing between the strands of hair before pulling tightly. “So sweet and all mine, princess.”

His voice rumbles between your legs, not wasting a moment to tell you how he feels. He tends to your body, using his mouth to offer pleasure in ways you’ve never felt before. He lashes out at your soaked pussy, gathering up all the juices that have dripped out because of him before drawing his tongue back to your clit. There he licks and sucks and massages your flesh until your head becomes dizzy. So skilled with his tongue, he doesn’t waste a single second making you go wild, driving you to the brink of release until you can take no more.

The pleasure comes in red hot waves through your body. It takes hold of every inch as you begin to tremble, but he doesn’t let you go. He continues tasting you, licking you, fucking you with his tongue to lick up every single drop of your release until he’s groaning once again. 

The moment you begin to grow weak in his hold is when he finally pulls his mouth away. You dare to look down at him, seeing his expression darkened with lust, his mouth glistening in the dim lighting from your arousal. He never pulls his eyes away from your own as he presses kisses to your mound to soothe your body, helping you come down from the high and back to reality.

He rises to his feet before pulling his shirt over his head, all before tugging on the buttons and ties to his trousers.  You stare at him in a lust filled haze, so entirely spent, yet wanting more, wanting to feel him inside of you. Noticing the thick line from his arousal in his pants, your body yearns for him, growing even more anxious until the moment he pushes the trousers down to unveil his hard, awaiting cock for you. 

“Com’ere, princess…” He guides your body closer before turning you around completely right in front of a window to the tower. Your hips press into the cold stone, but the contrast between his large, warm hands on your body thrills you in the moment. “Going to fuck you, princess… going to make you mine.”

“Please…” is all you can manage, completely overwhelmed by the promise from his lips. He pulls you by the hips, pressing his thick, hardened cock against your ass.

“Want that, princess?” he groans, feeling you roll your hips against him, already so eager and wanting more. “Want me to fuck you and fill you with my cum?” 

“Yes,” you gasp before you can even stop the word falling from your lips. The thought of him fucking you and spilling inside of you drives you wild. To feel his hot, thick release filling you up makes you bend forward, ass rising, legs spread so his cock is now against your dripping, soaked slit already ruined from his tongue. 

“Let me hear you say it,” he commands just as he begins to line the tip of his cock to your entrance, “tell me what you want, princess.”

“Fuck me,” you say desperately, no time to worry over the sound of your own voice or insecurities, “please, fuck me and fill with me with your cum. Make me yours.”

The monster practically growls at the words. He wastes no more time sinking his cock inside of your heat, stretching you out, making you gasp and moan and whimper profanities under your breath. He allows you to adjust for a moment, and only begins to pull out and thrust into you when he feels you rock your hips against him, ready for more. He begins fucking you like he promised, like you wanted, long, deep strokes of his cock into your pussy stealing the breath right out of your lungs. He feels so big inside of you, and it drives you wild to know what he truly is, to know how strong and powerful of a monster he can become, while he’s fucking you. Suddenly you want to submit to him, give him anything he wants in return for his pleasure. You give in to him completely, letting him take over you entirely as he pumps himself into you over and over. 

He suddenly takes hold of you in different ways, taking your body with an arm around your ribs, the other sliding a hand up to your throat.

“Let them hear you, princess,” he instructs once again, pressing a careful grip on the sides of your neck, “let them hear you scream my name as I fuck you, as I fill you up with my cum.” 

“Please,” you cry out along with a gasp of his name, not caring about who can hear or any other dangerous creatures of the night. You have him, and he will keep you safe. You give yourself to him. You become his and only his in the moment. Your voice wavers as you cry out for him, but you moan it just as loud as before, feeling the bliss of his cock so deep inside of you. 

“Again,” he orders you, his voice now strained on his tongue. You’re aware he’s getting just as close as you, but he keeps his composure in the moment, dropping the hand around your ribs to your ass with a single, solid smack against your flesh. Your body jerks, but instantly warmth floods every inch. In the moment, you realize you find pleasure not only with him inside of you, but with him making you his in any way he can. You want to be used by him because it feels too good, want him to fuck you and fill you up and do it whenever, wherever he wants. 

“Please,” you cry again, tears beginning to trickle behind your eyelids from the overwhelming pleasure. “Please… come inside of me…”

Hearing the words, he can hold out no longer. He takes a final breath, a final groan, and topples over the edge of bliss. He spills his cum inside of your walls, filling you with his seed as you begin to tremble from your own pleasure. His release is hot inside of you, feeling his cock twitch as he gives you every single drop. 

He pulls out of you with a heavy sigh, just as spent as you, breathless beyond belief. But he doesn’t take too long to recover. Gently, he spins your bare body around to face him, leaning in to press a kiss to your lips as his hand falls between your thighs. Without warning, he eases two of his fingers inside your pussy, sinking into the mix of his cum and your juices. He pushes his release into your body as it begins to drip down your slit, making sure not to waste a single drop. 

“Princess,” he says softly, his tone gentle, his voice comforting. You stare into his eyes as he fucks you with his fingers, lids fluttering as the bliss swells, lips parting to softly whimper. “I’m going to make you come again with my cum deep inside of you.”

The words leave you shaking. You feel so alive with him in the moment. He does everything right. As if the two of you were made for one another.

You can only brace yourself against his bare shoulders, hands pressing to the softness of his warm skin. He buries his fingers inside of you before pressing his thumb to your clit. You’re already trembling from being fucked by him, you know it won’t take much longer. He pulls you into a kiss once more, allowing you to moan against his lips and become lost in the moment once again. 

You become lost in his arms, the pleasure taking hold once more. Heat begins to rise, so on edge already as he circles your clit and sinks his fingers into you deep. All you can do is whimper his name and dig your nails into his skin, knees trembling, body aching for another release.

And he gives it to you. The bliss comes crashing down around you, lightning from his touch surging through your body. You cry out and roll your hips against his hand, allowing the overwhelming moment control once again. Your chest heaves and he kisses your neck through your pleasure, again and again and again until you finally begin to come down.

Then he kisses your lips softly, gently, taking his time to savor the feel of your skin against his own. He pulls you close, letting you know you’re his now, his princess, and he will keep you safe so you don’t have to feel lonely any longer.

; optional male lead smut |  ☁️

The whimpers you release from the first swipe of his tongue over your slit sends a wave of confidence to fill his chest. He never knew you would be so needy when he’s between your thighs, but you tremble beneath him from the desire, already so breathless as you beg him for more. 

“Please,” falls from your lips accompanied by a whimper of his name, an airy breath shaking from your tongue as you speak. His eyes flick toward you, staring up at you from between your legs to see your lips parted and your eyes closed. Your bare chest heaves and your nipples are hard and aching in the moment, body already so worked up just from him only teasing you. 

With a smirk, he gives you a taste of what you want while he takes a taste of you. His tongue darts out to slip between the folds of your plump, swollen pussy, so hot and wet and needing his touch. You gasp the moment his tongue brushes over your clit. Chuckling, another rush of warmth and desire floods him. He thinks you’re so cute when you’re desperately needy. You’re irresistible to him when you call his name and plead with him to make you come. 

“What is it baby?” he taunts you with the question, and you begin to whine with a lick of your lips. Your thighs fall open as if you’re inviting him to have his way with you. Your hands reach for him, but all he does is take one of them in his own and leans closer to press his lips to your palm. “Tell me what you want.”

“I want to,” you exhale, rolling your hips as if you’re searching for his tongue to press against your body, “come.”

“Oh?” he laughs. “Want me to eat your pussy until you come on my tongue, baby?”

“Yes,” you gasp with desperation, chest heaving once again, as if the words alone could make you do just that. Satisfied with teasing you, he presses his mouth to your body, his tongue to your clit, leaving an open-mouthed kiss that drives you wild. His mouth is already so wet as you soak his flesh. You’re worked up, he feels the heat of your body when he presses his hands to your thighs. You moan his name and it sounds like heaven as he eats you out, massaging your clit, diving down to your entrance to taste your juices and swallowing every drop.

He continues to please you while listening to the beautiful noises you release. Gasps and moans fill the room, whimpers of curses beneath your breath follow. Your body trembles and your thighs attempt to close around his head. You’re growing close and he doesn’t dare pull away or stop, giving you the release you begged for, giving in to your needs because you’re even more irresistible to him when you’re coming undone. 

He watches as you begin to spill over the edge. Your hips roll against him. Your face twists in pleasure, with your mouth falling open and a gasp slipping from your lips. He presses his tongue tighter to your body as you ride out the pleasure against his mouth, all before it’s suddenly too much and you’re whining once again. Teasing you, he flicks his tongue over your sensitive bud just to see you twitch, chuckling as you push him away gently and he crawls up your body to give you a kiss on the lips. 

; optional male lead smut |  ☁️

The mischief filling him to the brim is apparent the moment your eyes meet his own, a smirk on his lips to complement the devilish look as his body draws near. You, on the other hand, can feel your heartbeat two times as fast as soon as his deep, almost intimidating voice fills your ears while you lay across your bed.

“You look comfortable.” Normally, the words wouldn’t induce such a warmth to flood your body out to every limb. However, when you are in nothing but one of his t-shirts after a steaming shower as you lay on your stomach against cozy, lavender sheets with a book in your hand, you already know his mind is thinking of a hundred different ways to act out whatever desires fill him.

As he stands at the foot of the bed in nothing but loose sweats hanging off his hips, his arms fold over his chest once his brows raise, and you can’t help but to watch the muscles tighten under your gaze. You lick your lips, thinking of a reply to his statement spilled from a yearning tongue, yet your mind draws a blank.

“What’s wrong, baby? Did I interrupt your book?” This time, his tone reads playful and his smile widens. You shrug your shoulders, a grin of your own forming on lonely lips and now that he’s already pulled you from the chapter you have been reading for only ten minutes, you’re curious as to what he’s up to.

“It’s fine,” you assure him, a sigh following before resting your book on the nightstand near your head. “Getting sleepy anyway.”

“Sleepy?” he asks, a bit surprised, before taking a few steps toward you. Now he’s right in front of your body, your eyes peering up at him to meet his once again intimidating gaze. “Should I wake you up a bit, baby?”

“How?” You attempt to settle on your knees after pushing your body from the bed as the word leaves your mouth, but he is quick to act, climbing next to you only a moment before his arms reach beneath you to have you on your back. A single squeak of surprise fills the room, followed by giggles while staring up at him. The mischief floods his eyes once again, silencing any laughter before his eager hands push your thighs apart.

“No panties, baby?” He sounds pleased as he asks, and the smirk that accompanies the question confirms it. Nothing felt better than being bare beneath one of his shirts once his scent floods your nose and the warmth envelops you, maybe except for his head ducking between parted legs to flick his tongue across your folds.

You squeak his name once again, but he pays you no mind. His tongue lavishes your slit, tasting every inch, mixing your arousal that is beginning to drip from your core with his saliva, watching you squirm beneath him while having no trouble earning moans from your lips.

Your back arches, finding release with nails leaving scratches against his side as he remains on his knees next to you. When your thighs tremble and threaten to close, he makes sure two heavy palms keep them open long enough for his tongue to drag over your clit, moans mixing with curses to flood his ears.

After a few moments, you lose control of your mind, your body, your actions. Hips bucking to meet his tongue. Fingers tracing lines over your stomach to push his shirt up so you can find your nipples and play. Jaw slacking. Moans spilling from your lips. And his groans between your thighs, vibrating against your skin, only encourage you further.

“Please,” you beg him, breathless, “please, don’t stop. Almost… almost, there.”

“You taste so good, baby,” he says a moment after pulling away, and you’re quick to object until his hand replaces his mouth. His fingers ease into your warmth, your juices dripping out, coating his flesh as he curls them inside. His thumb presses to your clit, caressing up and down until the moment you’re rolling your hips against him once again.

“Come for me, baby,” he whispers, his mouth next to your ear as your thighs tighten around his hand. “C’mon, let me hear you. Let me know how good it feels.”

You can’t deny his request, eyes screwed shut, mouth remaining open as desperate gasps and whimpers fill the room. His kisses against your neck seconds before his teeth scrape across your skin draw you closer to the edge, feeling his hand working between your thighs to bring you to pure bliss.

The moment the first wave of pleasure courses through you, you’re trembling beneath him, whimpering his name as he peppers your cheek and jaw and lips with kisses. Your hips bucking against his hand never pull away to offer every last bit of ecstasy, until the moment you’re far too sensitive and push his hands from between your quivering legs.

A quiet chuckle hits your ears, knowing he feels much satisfaction from the way you succumb so easily to him, yet you can’t deny it either. Not when he’s so mischievous. 

Y/N was playing Basketball with Lisa and Yeji in gym at University.

“ Y/N you know we’re gonna kick your ass” Lisa said.

Y/N didn’t care. All he could care about was Lisa and Yeji’s ass and boobs bouncing as they run and Basketball. The bell rang.

The girls went to their locker room and Y/N pretended to go to his until they were gone. This is when he decided to take a peak. He slowly opened the door and what he seen was amazing.

30 teenage girls in their underwear, some fully nude. But he was looking for two certain girls.

He walked in. He planned to use the excuse that the teacher sent him in to grab something, but none seemed to care he was there. He couldn’t find Lisa and Yeji.

He looked in every locker row but no sight. Than he heard the showers. He walked in to the shower room and there they were.

Naked, perfect sexy bodies soaking wet with hot water and soap. He could feel his cock growing in his shorts. They see him and giggle.

He tries to hide but Lisa says" Get in here Y/N, you seen us naked now it’s our turn"

Y/N’s shocked about what he just heard, but walks in anyway. Lisa walks up and pulls his shorts and off and his erection pops out at her. She stares at it.

“Oh my God it’s huge !” Yeji looks.

Her pussy already soaking wet from watching Y/N play Basketball but THIS makes her wetter than she’s ever been.

“ What do you think Yeji”“ I think we should fuck him”

Y/N never thought he’d hear those words from either of these girls, but he doesn’t protest.

“ Ok” Y/N says.

Yeji says" me first. I’m really horny"

Y/N walks over to Yeji and she bends over against the wall. He can see her ass and pussy perfectly now.

His cock is throbbing. He wastes no time, he aims his cock and slides right in.

He can feel her pussy lips swallowing all of him. He thrusts slow at first but she begs him to go harder.

Before long he’s pounding her pussy so hard it can be heard everywhere in the locker room. It doesn’t take long before Yeji starts shaking and screaming as she begins to orgasm.

She’s done she slides down to the floor and Y/N turns to Lisa" your turn?“

” Your goddamn right it’s my turn" she says.

She pushes him to the wall and falls to her knees. She wastes no time and swallows his cock whole.

She slides it in and out of her throat.

He starts thrusting into her and just before he orgasms she pulls out and bends over against the wall" fuck me Y/N" he skids into her and starts fucking hard and fast.

She can’t keep quiet. It doesn’t take long for her to orgasm. She orgasms and squirts her lovely cum all over Y/N he goes to pull out but she says" no. fuck me in my ass" he puts the head of his cock on her ass hole and slowly pushes in.

She thrusts back and slams him into herself.“ Oh my God Y/N, you’re . fuck me hard. fuck my tight ass Y/N. HARD!!”

He does. After a while he can feel his orgasm coming and pushes as deep as he can. He shoots his hot cum deep into her ass and she loves it. He pulls out and sits on the floor.

“ What now” Y/N says.

“ Call me” says Lisa.

At this point, you have a whole group of women, yet you haven’t figured out what their good at yet. Their talent, if you will. You know after your most recent fuck, (about ten minutes ago) what your new girls are good at. Jihyo is the girl with the slave attitude, while Chaeryeong is a dirty talker.

However, you realize you need to do something about your limitations to be able to figure out their talents quickly, because, as it is now, you can’t carry on fucking for long enough to get through everyone reasonably.

So, while recovering from Jihyo and Chaeryeong, you search on the site you found the original trick for a way to program yourself, and after much difficulty, you’re able to edit yourself so that your balls generate cum faster, and the time it takes for you to be ready to fuck again after a orgasm is lowered to about a minute.

After this, you call all the girls down to the main room of the house. They all wander down in various states of undress, due to the late hour, until they see you with your cock in your hand and start stripping down each other.

You watch this while stroking your cock, then announce it’s time for the first full house event, and tell Jihyo and Chaeryeong to attend you personally while you work your way through the other girls, then you decide to find their talents in the reverse order that they joined your group.

When you figure this out, you turn to the first girl on the list, and tell her it’s her turn, and everyone else uses toys on each other. The first girl you ‘test’ is Mina, who you realize really likes having her ass fucked, and is great at it in any position.

You ram her hard from behind, doggy style, until she orgasms, at which point, her ass tightens around your cock so hard that it feels like she’s pumping it for your cum, so you give it to her, letting it squirt inside a bit, then splattering it across her back, and her ass.

Then, you sit down and wait for your cock to get hard and ready again, with Jihyo and Chaeryeong arguing over who gets to help you to erection, until you tell them to take turns, at which point Jihyo reaches over and wanks you, until you stop her and move to the second 'test’.

The next girl you test is Nayeon, and it turns out she loves being choked while fucked, something you happily indulge her.

You ram her solidly for a while, doggy style again since it’s convenient for choking, enjoying hearing her pants and screams as your cock pulls at her tight pussy, until you feel yourself about to orgasm, and pull out, turning her around, holding her up by her hair, then forcing it into her shallow mouth and cumming down her throat, then across her face, finally holding her nose until she swallows your cum, just to breathe.

You let go of her hair, leaving her to ragdoll to the ground taking deep breaths, and step away, and wait until you’re hard again. This is accompanied by Chaeryeong sucking the cum off of your limp cock, then just as you get hard again, you call the next girl, Momo, over.

She immediately kneels down, and explains she loves to use her boobs, then gives you a breast job, while licking just the tip of your cock, and as sexy as this is, you realise after a couple of minutes that you need something more to orgasm quicker, and tell Jihyo and Chaeryeong to help however they see fit, and they begin to rub their boobs to Momo’s, and you feel a orgasm building.

They accompany this by saying things like" Oh, yes master orgasm for us please" and" Yeah, Y/N, orgasm for your dirty little sluts"

Then, Momo unexpectedly takes your entire head, and you explode out across the three of them, then step away again, to recuperate. As you do, Momo moves away to join in with someone else, while Jihyo and Chaeryeong lick the cum from each other, then kiss to exchange it back as you watch, then they both swallow.

Then, you’re ready to go again, and you call over Ryujin, one of the other girls, and the next in line, and to your surprise, the one after her, named Chaeyoung, walks over too, and they explain that they love watching, and helping, each other get fucked, which of course you allow, then Ryujin presents her pussy to you, and you click at Chaeryeong, who quickly licks it to get it lubricated, then you ram your cock into Ryujin so hard that she gives a small shout, then you fuck her with a rhythm, until suddenly her panting is replaced with slight bubbling noises as Chaeyoung pushes a large 6 inch dildo into her friend’s mouth.

This carried on for a while until Chaeyoung stops, and pulls your cock out of Ryujin, saying" I need your cum more. I want to be covered in it"

You look at her with interest, then decide to take her request to the extreme, and you force her to her knees, then call everyone over, and instruct them all to squirt pussy juices on her, right now.

At this, they all groan in sync, and spurts of white splatter across Chaeyoung’s pretty body, then you grab your cock and aim it directly at her face, emptying an incredible amount of cum on her face, hitting her straight in the eyes with the first spray, then coating her face liberally with the rest.

You wander over to Ryujin and shove a ten inch horse dildo into her, to get her to orgasm, then leave her quivering on the ground, cumming, with 7 inches of dildo in her.

You turn away again, and decide that before you continue, you’ll deal with Jihyo and Chaeryeong.

You quickly turn on a line of the hypnosis you in yourself, so you can decide how quick you’re erect again, then let them get in position to help you.

Once they’re ready, you make your cock ready again instantly, and slap Chaeryeong with it repeatedly, then you face fuck her brutally, cumming in her mouth only as she was at the edge of passing out, then she flops to the ground, and Jihyo starts begging for you to use her like that, a plea you respond to by slapping her with your cock so hard she falls to the side, and you leave a mark.

Then, you grab her ass, aim your cock at her, and ram her pussy so hard it creates a small bulge on her crotch, and then you pull out and shower her in cum, then move on.

The next in line is a girl named Tzuyu, who turns out, likes to ride cock like a cowgirl, which you’re more than on board with.

You lay down and she positions herself, then slowly lowers herself, groaning as her pussy stretches around your cock, then she starts to gyrate on it, pushing it into her wet walls.

You continue like this for some time, increasing in speed, until she stops, shuddering with a orgasm, then she topples off of you with a moan, and you realize she’s done, and move onto the second to last girl.

It’s a pretty haired girl this time,  named Jeongyeon, and you ask her what it is she’s good at, and in response, she kneels, grips your very cock, then takes all of it in her mouth.

You can feel as it passes by her tongue and tonsils, and scrapes along the back of her throat and down before her lips are at the base of your cock.

Then, she begins to gag slightly on it, tensing her throat around your cock, then she pulls back slightly, and uses your cock to throat fuck herself almost better than you ever could.

However, towards the end, you decide you need to show her that you can do better, and grip her hair, then force her head along your cock, holding her almost at the base, then letting go of her hair, and she gasps for air.

Realizing you’re about to orgasm, she says" I want you to orgasm inside me. Don’t worry, I’m on the pill, but I need to be used like the fuck slave I am, like the cock whore I am.“ Then shoves her pussy onto your cock, making you orgasm with a massive groan, deep inside her.

Leaving her gasping on the ground, you turn to the final person, a girl named Sana  who begs you to tie her up and fuck her. So, you fetch some leather ties, and tie her up securely, with her hands behind her back, and a gag ring holding her mouth open.

Then, you spend the next half hour ravaging all of her holes, and slapping her, leaving her red, raw and crying, before untying her. Finally, after she crawls away, you stroll to your room and, satisfied with your thorough analysis of your group’s abilities, go to sleep, happy with your progress.


You wake up the weekend after your house event, and, since you’ve nothing else to do, decide to continue looking into the use of your hypnosis magic, for other ways to increase pleasure. After some digging, you realize you need a guinea pig, and call the closest girl to you.

Jihyo walks in, only in her panties and bra, revealing her body, and you tell her to just stand in the middle of the room for you to test on her.

After about an hour, you’ve finalized your experiments. You’ve now figured out how to control every bit of their awareness, so that you can choose if they are willing, unwilling, or even know about what’s happening to them, or what they’re doing, and because of this, you feel it’s time to test it out, so you head down to the kitchen, and get about helping a couple of the girls making a breakfast for everyone.

Then, once you’re all there, you ask them to enter their names into a random generator, then pick out two names. Sana and Chaeryeong come out, and you also choose Jihyo since she helped you out earlier. You tell the rest of them to eat and go about their day, while the chosen few should wait after the others have left.

This happens, and you put the new hypnosis into Chaeryeong and Sana, then trigger it for the first time in the three of them. You make it so that Sana does what she’s told, but is fully aware and able to protest, while Chaeryeong you set up to be willing to do anything.

Jihyo is the most interesting to change, however, as she changes on her own.

When you trigger the hypnosis that allows her personality to come through in whatever situation she’s in, she slowly unbuttons and loosens her clothing just enough to look sexy, then looks you in the eye and says” Oh daddy, I’ve been a naughty girl. Are you going to… punish me?“ With a naughty giggle.

You decide that if this is what she actually fantasizes about, you should indulge her, so you tell her to wait just a moment, and then tell them all to follow you.

You lead them to a room you had set up, specifically for Sana’s bondage kink, who has been bitching about what’s happening, and why she’s where she is, so you stop outside and tell her to remember what’s happened in the past few weeks, and how many times you’ve fucked her, which she looks shocked at, and stops talking for a minute then you order them all inside.

Within the room, there’s a massive bed, and several contraptions lining the opposite wall, and the entire room has a very heavy leather theme.

You tell Jihyo to wait by the bed, then walk the other two to the machines on the walls.

You explain how they’re actually saddles that hold a woman in place, and then allow various types of dildo to be pushed into a variety of places. Sana starts throwing a yelling fit about it all, so you tell her to hush until she’s on the machine.

Then, you turn to Chaeryeong and ask her to help you get Sana, then herself onto a machine, which she’s more than happy to do, stripping the two of them, then helping you tie the two of them up.

Sana starts shouting again as soon as possible, so when you’re done tying Chaeryeong in place, you walk over, and place a ball gag in her mouth, then do the same to Chaeryeong.

You look at the two of them, and tell them that the last to orgasm gets to get off the machine and do something else, whereas the first to orgasm will stay on it for hours.

Then, you set Chaeryeong up so that she’s aware of what’s happening, but still obeys you, and then you push two vibrators into each of their pussies, and leave.

You return to Jihyo, and tell her to strip, which she does incredibly carefully, then says” Y/N- I mean, Daddy, what are you going to do to me?“

You say nothing, instead pulling out your cock and gesturing for her. She kneels down, and is about to start sucking it when you stop her, telling her to use the hand instead.

She says” O-ok, Daddy. I’m sorry, I must have been very naughty.“

Then gives you a hand job, building you up for a while, then she looks you directly in the eye, and starts begging” Daddy, please let me taste it. You’re so for me Daddy, please let me taste you in my mouth, pleaseee" .

Hearing this only makes you closer to orgasm, but you still stop her, instead making her crawl behind you like a dog while you walk over to her friend Chaeryeong, right as she begins to orgasm just before Sana, so you remove the dildos from both, then force your cock into Chaeryeong’s tight ass hole and empty your balls into her.

Then you set Chaeryeong back up again, making sure to plug her ass hole, to keep the cum in, and take Sana down.

However, when you let her down, you realize you’ve completely broken Sana’s mind, and that she’s literally staring at your cock and drooling slightly.

You tell her to help you punish Jihyo however she thinks is most helpful, then you start slapping Jihyo, and telling her not to misbehave again, then pull her over your knee and start spanking her.

As you do, Sana crawls over like a dog, and slowly puts her fingers into Jihyo’s ass, then starts fingering the poor girl while you spank her. You finish when she’s crying, and her ass cheeks are bright red and raw, and let her fall to the ground.

When she does, Sana crawls over to you and starts relentlessly sucking your cock, so you decide to give her what she wants, and you orgasm into her mouth, then she pulls off and let’s it spray across her boobs and face and hair.

Leaving her rolling on the ground for your cum, you walk back over to check on Chaeryeong, then realize she’s enjoying it a bit too much, and decide to take it up a notch.

Removing the normal dildos, you add some replacement attachments, then place these new add on dildos. You set the machine to automatically fuck her, then place the ball gag in place again, and turn it on.

You get an instant erection watching two massive 'dragon’ sized dildos enter her, in each hole, and almost orgasm when her body makes a wet" shlick" noise when the knot on the dragon cock enters her pussy.

You leave her to the machine, and turn around in time to see Jihyo rising to her knees on the bed. You walk up to her and grab her by her hair, then hold out her hand and tell her to spit.

She does, and continues to until you pull your hand away, then you smear the spit down her face, also smearing her makeup, then you bend her over.

She starts saying" Yes Daddy, please punish me, oh I’ve been a very naughty girl. I’m daddy’s little slut"

You oblige, shoving your cock into her tight little pussy, and she begins to repeat" I’m daddy’s little fuck slave, I’m daddy’s little fuck slave" over and over, in between sudden gasps, until you realize she’s about to orgasm and you tell her she’s not allowed to.

This traps her right at the edge of orgasm because of the hypnosis, and you continue ravaging her pussy.

She clearly feels your cock getting larger as you get ready to orgasm, because she starts begging you" Please, cum inside me Daddy, I’ll be your little cum dumpster, please Daddy, please, I’m a cum whore. I’ll take your cum deep in my pussy" until you hit orgasm and explode inside of her.

Taking a moment to collect your thoughts, you then tell Sana and Jihyo to return to normal, and get on with their lives for now, and tell Chaeryeong to do the same, once the machine turns off in four hours. Then, you leave to think about what to do next in your sexual conquest.


You’re minding your own business in a morning, finishing off your wake up fuck.

As you grip Mina’s hair, cumming down her throat, and she makes a noise like this" GLACK GLACK GLACK" , you hear other girls through the house wishing someone happy birthday.

You pull out of Mina, spraying her face with cum, and drag her upwards by her hair, then ask her who’s birthday it is, to which she says" …“ and you realize you’ve damn near knocked her out and she isn’t going to respond to you anytime soon.

You step outside and ask the first girl you see who’s birthday it is, and she responds saying it’s Jeongyeon’s. Apparently, she’s planning to go out with her friends and family later, and will be back around 8 or so.

At this, you begin thinking about how to wish her happy birthday in your own special way. Dozens of beautifully hot, sexy ideas flash through your head, then you figure that, since it’s her special day, you’ll wait til she gets back and ask her.

Several hours later, you’re sat reading in the living room, and you hear the door shut, and call Jeongyeon through.

She steps into the room, and sees you waiting, then you say” So, I hear it’s your Birthday.“

Jeongyeon replies brightly” Yeah, it’s been great"

“ Happy Birthday” you say" I was going to give you a gift, but I figured It’d be better if you choose the gift you want.“

Then, you pull out your cock, and tell her” So, this is all yours for tonight. Only yours. Unless you want it otherwise. And you can ask me anything.“

She stares at it, then starts to grin, then kneels and begins to slowly stroke it with both hands. She continues this for a while, even after you’re entirely erect, then she very carefully licks the tip of it.

She spends a while, slowly advancing her way down your cock, then looks up at you and says” Would you… would you help me into my birthday suit?“

You walk over to her, and slowly undress her, running your hands down her skin, ever so slightly, causing her to shiver and moan.

Then you step back, and ask her” What do you want now, Jeongyeon?“

She looks back at you, and says” I want us to make each other feel like never before, and then, I want to join you as your number two, in everything. Is that ok?“

You immediately think of all the possibilities of having a dominatrix at your side, who is still your slave, and you agree. Then, you walk her up to a bedroom, and let her push you over, then she suddenly starts deep throating you, and an intense shot of pleasure shoots through you.

You let her keep going, as she takes about two thirds of, then you grab her hair with both hands and start forcing her down the rest, feeling as your tip grazes down her throat, then she pulls off with a sudden gasp for air. She stands, with you lying flat in front of her, then slowly climbs atop of you, maintaining eye contact.

Then, with care, she lowers herself down, pushing your cock into her tight pussy. She writhes on top of you moaning, as your cock stretches her tight hole, and this continues until she begins to orgasm, at which point she flops down onto you, shuddering as her pussy leaks onto your cock, lubing it up.

At this point, you carefully place her arms next to her legs, and grab an arm and a leg in each hand, then pick her up, still impaled on your cock, then start fucking her.

She starts screaming” OH OH OH OH" with each thrust into her, until you feel like you’re close to cumming.

She starts shuddering again as she orgasms, and you set her down.

As soon as she hits the ground, she crawls a bit away and fully bends over, so that her body is flat against the ground, other than her ass which is presented to you, and she says" I want you to shove your cock into my virgin ass hole and orgasm deep inside" , and you step forward and does as she says, causing her to moan louder than you’ve ever heard.

You hear her moan, and are close to cumming, then she somehow tightens her hole around your cock, and you can’t hold back anymore, exploding deep inside her.

You spurt into her, filling her insides up until it leaks out around your cock, at which point you pull out and spray the last of it across her ass cheeks and back.

She gets up so that she’s kneeling before you, and wanks your cock, coaxing some more out, so that it spatters across her face. She flops across the bed, next to you and takes a while to recover in silence.

Then, you look at her body, still spattered in your cum, and slowly travel your gaze to her eyes.

Then, she looks at you and says" Make me your second in command, so I can help you destroy your slaves.“

You agree, and walk to a wardrobe and hand her an outfit of a bra and panties made of leather and black lace, that cover nothing so that you can still fuck her. T

hen, you ask her, since it’s her birthday” Who do you want to help me fuck first?“

She looks thoughtful for a while, then suddenly decides and says"Nayeon. I want it to be Nayeon. I want to see her body laid out in front of me, then I want to help you destroy her.”

You think about this for a minute then you tell Jeongyeon" Alright, we can do it, but, you have to stay here, in this room, and drink my cum daily until Nayeon can get here. Do you agree?“

She instantly replies” Yes" , and kneels in front of you and opens her mouth. You grip her hair and shove your cock down her throat, then pulse cum out, to give her the first day’s drink.

She tries to swallow it all but some dribbles out, and when you pull out and turn away, she crawls around licking up the remaining cum. Satisfied with this, you walk to your own bedroom.


True to your word, you plan to get Nayeon advancing your hypnosis along the side, as always.

This time around, you ensure it works in different formats, such as videos, and you give your already cock some small enhancement, and you’re left with a cock large enough that Jeongyeon gagged at half length when you forced it down her throat for her daily drink of cum, as she agreed to.

You decide to save yourself some time, and you simply send a video of the hypnosis to Nayeon on a Friday night, telling her to come to your house, and then you tell Jeongyeon she can come assist you, since Nayeon is on her way.

While waiting, you ask Jeongyeon how she would like this to go, since it is technically still a gift for her birthday, to which she replies" I want you, Y/N, to destroy her. Completely and utterly ravage her, while I help you.“

With that comment, the doorbell rings, and you ask Jeongyeon to hide for a bit while you activate Nayeon’s hypnosis. Then, you open the door and greet Nayeon, inviting her in and sitting her down, chatting with her for a bit.

You activate the hypnosis when you tire of the talk, and as you do so, are reminded of one of your early girls, which started in a similar way. Then, you tell Jeongyeon to come out, and turn back to Nayeon, as she stands there in a short grey dress, with dull thoughtless eyes.

Then, you turn her on again, and tell her to stay still, then say to Jeongyeon” I want you to tear the clothes from her and tie her up with the shreds.“

She does so with vigor, even going so far as to tear the panties apart by pulling them into Nayeon’s pussy, then steps back when she is tied at the wrists and ankles, and has her own panties holding her mouth open in a rudimentary version of the sex toys you use in the BDSM room on Sana.

She vainly wriggles in discomfort, and you decide to make this even more brutal, just for Jeongyeon, and give Nayeon awareness of the situation, yet make it so she can’t do anything about it.

She immediately starts panicking and her eyes go wide with shock, however, all the panicked motion does is arouse you more, as it makes her boobs bounce and jiggle. You tell Jeongyeon that to begin, you want her to arouse Nayeon until she’s gushing, so you can fuck her, but you want her to do it without penetrating any of her holes.

In response to this, Jeongyeon walks over and begins caressing Nayeon, slowly, tantalizingly, before occasionally interrupting it with sudden, unexpected slaps to Nayeon’s ass, boobs and even her face once.

Despite this, Nayeon stops making noises of panic, and starts panting slightly, making moans with each slap. Then, she stands directly in front of Nayeon, so that their bodies are pressed together, and moves around ever so slightly, so the two girls’ nipples rub against each other repeatedly.

Jeongyeon steps back, and crouches down to check how wet Nayeon, then licks around the inside of Nayeon’s thighs, causing Nayeon to shudder uncontrollably, before Jeongyeon saunters back to you and exchanges Nayeon’s pussy juice back to you, by sucking on your cock.

She says” Is it… wet enough for you, master? Did I do well?“ And you respond by rewarding her, and you reach down and force your entire arm into her pussy suddenly, then yank it out.

As you do so, she seizes up, orgasm, then immediately shudders and stops, all in a few moments.

Then, you bring her over to Nayeon and say” I want you to abuse this girl with me. I want to break her so badly, that she can’t remember her own name. She will only want to live for her next orgasm by the time we are done. I want her to literally coat her own boobs in dribble, from the fact that we have so completely and utterly broken her mind. Do you want to join me in that?“

She looks down at the naked, damp body of her friend, then looks back at you and says” Yes. I want to help her along to the point where she has so little mind that I could do anything to her, and she won’t care.“

” Alrighty then" you say, then tell her to fetch a specific box of toys, and while waiting, you set some hypnosis in place, then, once Jeongyeon gets back, you activate it and let her watch.

She enters the room and sees your cock, then sees it grow at least two extra inches, making it unnaturally large, and you look at her and say it’s just for her birthday gift, to help break Nayeon, then get her to open the box.

Inside are various tools for pleasure, and you pull out a strap on, with a dildo attachment as large as your cock normally is, so around 10 inches, and hand it to Jeongyeon, who puts it on, then the two of you turn to Nayeon.

You pick her up, and then reposition her so she’s on her back, facing you, with her rear end available to you.

You position your unreasonably large cock at her fragile, virgin pussy, and tell Jeongyeon you want her to watch you, to learn how to use Nayeon like the little fuck slave she is. Then, without warning, or lube, you force yourself into Nayeon’s pussy, down to the base, forcing a scream from her loud enough to break glass.

Then, you pull out, and repeat the process, then start fucking her into submission.

With every slap of skin as you force yourself into her, she screams in a mix of pain and pleasure, and Jeongyeon looks on vividly, lightly touching herself, until you notice her, and wave her over.

You say" You see how her little pussy, despite stretching for me, goes back to being tight when I pull out? Well, we need to fix that, until she’s loose, which will tighten again over time, but to break her, all her holes will need to be loose. So, I want you to force that dildo in next to my cock.“

Nayeon hears this and starts frantically thrashing, to try and avoid it, then she draws out a scream, as you both ram into her violently. Then, you both begin to fuck her in an alternating rhythm, and you grope and finger Jeongyeon at the same time.

You keep this up for a while, before deciding Nayeon’s pussy is loose enough now, pulling out with a moist 'shlick’.

You tell Jeongyeon that you want to take the virginity of each of Nayeon’s holes, and then, after, you want Jeongyeon to fuck her in some torturously sexual manner from behind while you use her throat.

Then, you step to Nayeon again, who had been beginning to recover, and force your cock into her ass, reaching around to put your fingers in her mouth, and then you fuck her raw for a while, going into some severe anal sex, before roughly yanking your cock out of her battered ass, and slapping her ass cheeks, enjoying the way they wobble slightly.

Then, you gesture at Jeongyeon to take over the back and move to the front, where you force her to deepthroat so much that her throat visibly bulges, and her eyes go extremely wide in shock, then roll back in fits of pleasure.

Meanwhile, at the back, Jeongyeon has detached the dildo, and is fucking Nayeon in the pussy with it, while simultaneously fingering her ass.

You feel yourself getting close to cumming, and pull your cock out Nayeon’s throat, and as you do, Jeongyeon walks around to you and pulls Nayeon’s face up to look at it. Nayeon looks back, and Jeongyeon slaps her, then you step forward and slap her with your cock a few times.

You sense Nayeon’s close to breaking, and figure you need one last thing to push her over the edge.

You tell Jeongyeon to make you orgasm, and she instantly reaches down and gives you an expert handjob, and then just as you are about to orgasm, you grab Nayeon’s hair and use it to shove your cock in her mouth, then you orgasm, filling her mouth.

She looks at you determinedly, and you tell her to swallow, or you’ll let her choke. Despite this, she continues to resist, right up until the moment she’s about to pass out, and you pull your cock out.

She spits out your cum, not caring as it spatters across her boobs, and says” I won’t give in. You’ll have to do better than… Wait, what are you doing?“

You slowly walk to Jeongyeon and tell her to make you fully erect again, and she touches the tip of your cock slightly, then draws back, and steps to Nayeon.

Then, she slowly drags her tongue across Nayeon’s body, collecting the cum, after which she spits it onto her hand and smears it down Nayeon’s face.

After this, you’re back to full, and you grab Jeongyeon roughly and fuck her, enjoying the way she moans and squeaks with pleasure, once again, right up to the point you need to orgasm.

Then, you walk around Nayeon to the back, and plunge into her pussy.

As you begin to bulge, stretching her pussy to the extreme, about to orgasm, she screams” OH GOD NO, PLEASE NOT INSIIIIIIIIIIII-“ and is cut off as you gush cum into her, and she jerks violently, before going still again.

After you’re done, Jeongyeon rushes forward with a plug, and blocks up Nayeon’s pussy, then licks her clit to gather up the leaked cum, before swallowing it.

You gather your stamina and grab Jeongyeon by her hair, then drag her to a sofa, and lay her on her back, and pull her legs up.

Then, you finger her viciously, making her orgasm twice before you stop. Then, fully depleted, you turn with the intention of resting for ages.

However, then you notice Nayeon, who’s currently drooling all over herself, and murmuring incomplete sentences such as” I need… so big… more…. I’m a slut… please….“ which you realise means that her mind is completely broken now.

Jeongyeon also clearly noticed, because she jumps over to the girl and starts abusing her in all manners, and Nayeon’s only response is to moan in pleasure.

You’re fully exhausted now, but you decide to call in the rest of the house’s girls, and you tell them to enjoy themselves til their tired. Then, you call to Jeongyeon, and tell her to join you in bed once she’s done, and with that, you leave and go to bed.




Mind Breaking


You’re at an after school club, and the teachers have had to leave, leaving you alone in your Biology classroom with Rose, Jennie and Jisoo. You all sit for a while chatting, before you suggest trying one of the ‘magic’ tricks you’ve been learning for fun. They all get in a line, and you get out a necklace and start swinging it back and forth as you’ve seen it done, and saying the normal phrases, trying to keep yourself from giggling.

As you do it, their eyes all become unfocused, and their faces lose expression. You finish the trick and start laughing, before realizing none of them are moving. And then, you realize it worked, and they are completely yours.

As you say the trigger word, the three of them move to kneel in a row in front of you. You say the trigger word again and the three of them start undressing themselves all in sync, all for you to watch. As they’re in their underwear, they stand up and begin to undress you.

Then, you say the trigger word again, and they all kneel once more.

You whisper into all 3 girls’ ears telling them what you’d like them to do. Once you say the trigger word yet again, they all obey.

Rose begins by grabbing you and pressing you up against the wall then slowly kisses you all over your neck, all whilst Jennie is undoing your zipper of your trousers to reveal the of a cock you are wielding. Jennie starts to suck on your hard cock, and Rose grips Jennie’s breast while forcing her head onto your cock until she gags.

In the corner of your eye you see Jisoo dancing like a dirty stripper on the tables, shaking her ass around and stroking her pussy. Jennie doesn’t swallow, so you take it out and squirt all over her boobs, hair and face.

You say the command word again, and Jennie and Rose 'perform’ for you as they both shove a two sided dildo into each other and moan most viciously, writhing on the table in front of you.

Jisoo saunters over to you, smiling seductively, and removing her remaining clothes, before straddling your lap, and rubbing her pussy along your cock, becoming increasingly horny. You turn your attention away from the girls on the table and look at Jisoo for a moment as she revels and sways atop your body, before grabbing her and pushing her against a desk.

Then, you nudge your cock into her pussy, making sure the tip is in properly, before ramming it home, causing a shriek of pleasure from her.

You begin to ram her virgin pussy, pushing her through three bouts of raw, screaming orgasm, before you yank it out and force her to choke on your cock while she slumps limp from exhaustion, until you explode cum deep inside her mouth, and refuse to allow her to breath until she swallows.

Then, you let her go and she flops to the floor gasping, as you turn to see Rose and Jennie kneeling in front of you, begging to be painted with cum.

Jennie, covered in your earlier cum grabs your soft cock and starts giving you a hand job until you’re hard again, when she pushes Rose’s mouth around it, and they give you a double blowjob until you orgasm again, painting Rose’s boobs, face and hair with your cum.

You say the trigger word for the last time and they all put their clothes back on as you put yours on then they all crawl back to kneel in the row in front of you. Then you snap your fingers and it’s as if nothing had ever happened.


You’ve had a long day at school, University, and are on the way home on the train with your two friends, Mina and Nayeon, when they suggest you try out one of the magic tricks you’ve been practicing, that they heard about from your friends at the after school club last week.

You take a moment to process this, realizing that this means you can finally have sex with these two gorgeous women in front of you, without them knowing, and it still be their suggestion. You straighten in your seat, and ask to borrow Mina’s necklace, then do your thing, knowing the result.

So, when they go all blank this time, you stop them doing anything and whisper instructions to them, to come over to your house for the weekend, and bring a change of clothes, then you click, and they snap out of it, and you do some fancy looking fakery to make it seem like nothing happened.

The next day, you’re lying in bed at midday, after deciding to sleep in, when you hear the doorbell go, and you step over to the door and look into the eye hole, seeing Nayeon.

You open the door, and let her in, making small talk, before you get bored and say the command word, at which point she goes limp and blankly stares ahead, until you say it again and she suddenly takes off her clothes in an almost frantic way, revealing her boobs hung in a lacy bra, and her already damp pussy, also decorated in lace.

She then turns to you with lust in her eyes and says" Yes, Y/N, I’m your little  whore, let me suck your cock, please?“

And, obviously, you agree, and she moves over to you on her knees, before gripping your cock with a delicate hand and quickly beginning to wank it, until it’s at it’s full, length, then she shoves it so deep in her mouth she gags on it, wrapping her tongue around your thickness.

Nayeon moves faster and faster, covering your cock with her saliva, building up, and her breast falls out of her bra, bouncing with every thrust she takes in her lips.

Then, the doorbell rings again, and you say” Nayeon, why don’t you go let Mina in?“

” Of course, Y/N" she says, standing up and seductively sauntering over to the door. You watch, seeing as her ass shifts with each step.

When she reaches the door, she opens it and Mina sees Nayeon and looks extremely confused, before you say the command word, then suddenly the door slams shut, and Nayeon is helping Mina strip, then they’re both fully naked on their knees in front of you.

They both beg" fuck us, please. We’re dirty little cum sluts, only alive for your seed.“ and other variations of the message, before you hold up a hand, and point at Mina, who spreads herself across the bed, presenting her pussy, and ass, to you.

Nayeon looks on, almost drooling as you advance on Mina, until you instruct her to take a strap on out of the cupboard and use it on Mina’s throat.

Then, you turn back to Mina as Nayeon equips herself, and positions, before ramming your cock into her pussy, forcing a shriek of pleasure from her, before it’s abruptly cut off by Nayeon ramming Mina’s throat with an 8 inch strap on.

You continue to pound her like this, spit-roasting her, feeling as the warm, wet walls of her pussy contract through several bouts of cumming, leaving your cock well lubricated.

Then, you feel the pressure building and stop them both, and get them both to give you a joint tit-job, while Nayeon continues to fuck Mina with the strap on, and they both start to beg for you to orgasm on them, saying things like-

” Yes, please, I neeed itttt"

“ Oh, Y/N cover me in your cum like the dirty little cum dumpster I am.”

Until suddenly you orgasm all over their hair, boobs, and adoring faces.

You continue using them as fuck dolls for the entire weekend, before telling them they’d spent the weekend as normal, and that they should return with him next Friday evening after the train.


The next weekend, you’re lying in bed with Mina and Nayeon splayed on either side of you covered in your cum. As you lie there, listening to their slow breathing, it occurs to you - you can turn anyone into your personal fuck doll with this trick.

As you work your way through the list of people you’d use it, you realize a couple of things. The first is that it’s no longer a fantasy, it’s a real possibility, and the second is that you’re gonna need a bigger place, because a group that large won’t fit in your little apartment.

You wake the girls, and instruct them to go clean up and get ready to go home for school tomorrow.

As you watch them shower, you remember that Mina lives alone in a house of her own, and tell her" Mina, you’re now my girlfriend. Whenever anyone asks, or we’re in public together, you act as my girlfriend. I’ll be moving in with you, too. Ok?“

To which she replies” Yes, Y/N, of course.“

The week goes by peacefully, with you moving in and publicizing your 'relationship’. Your only worry is a gorgeous girl named Momo who is one of Mina’s best friends and is suspicious of the sudden relationship, and because of this, you decide you’ll add her to your sex group next.

At the end of the week, Mina invites Momo over on the Friday, and you choose another of the girls on your list to add into the group, inviting Ryujin  there as well, calling them up, and giving them the instructions to make their way to the house.

Then, you join the four of them, and lock the door behind you, then you lock the other door and sit with them. They’re all giggling together, until you sit down, at which point they quiet down.

” Looking forward to this weekend?“ You ask, giving your best innocent face.

Ryujin replies” Sounds fun enough. I hope we get up to all sorts of crazy things" grinning wickedly at you and Mina.

“ Hmm, yeah.” says Momo" How did you two get together again?“

You grin at Mina, who says” Well, it started with a magic trick-“

” What was the trick?“ Interrupts Momo.

You offer to show them, and ask Mina for her necklace again, then perform your trick, grinning as they go slack, then you leave the instructions in them, and return them to normal. When you finally get home with the lot of them, you all decide to make a little party of it, and drink a little, dance, all the normal stuff.

Then it gets to a game of truth or dare, during which you realize that you forgot to remove Momo’s suspicion, which peaks when she says” I dare you to show me and Ryujin what happens when you use that little trick of yours!“

You start laughing yourself hoarse inside, as you ask Mina and Nayeon to sit to the side of Ryujin and Momo, before getting the necklace. As you perform it again, pointlessly since the programming is already set in them, you realize you should get your own chain for this.

Then, you say the right command word, and grin as they start vigorously fingering each other, moaning and panting between making out with one another, and groping each other’s boobs.

Momo and Ryujin jump back in sudden shock, and you quietly whisper their command word, and watch as the effect slowly takes hold.

You saunter over to Momo, and start whispering in her ear” The sight of your dirty little lesbian friends makes you horny, doesn’t it? It makes you feel all sexy, and moist down there, so wet just watching them" continuing like this until she and Ryujin are fully masturbating and moaning, at which point you say the overall command word, and tell them to attend you.

You lead them through to the living room, and instruct Mina and Nayeon to go fetch a strap on, then turn to the Momo and Ryujin, who are on their knees in front of you. You point at Ryujin and tell her to give you a breast job with her boobs, and tell Momo she is to help her.

You revel for some time in the feel of soft, smooth skin rubbing along your cock for a while, until you’re fully erect, and you notice Mina and Nayeon have returned, each with massive 8 inch dildos attached to their pussies.

You tell Ryujin and Momo to stop, then tell them to lie on the ground next to each other, then you get to work, pounding away at the sensitive, pussy that Momo’s been hiding all this time.

As you do this, you see that Ryujin is being used by the other girls in both her mouth and her pussy, occasionally spasming through bouts of orgasm.

Speaking of which, you’re close to orgasm yourself, pulling out of Momo’s tight little pussy just on the edge of orgasm, then suddenly you’re surrounded by the girls, all thrusting their hands forward to help you out, until you explode onto them, mainly covering Momo’s boobs, hair and face.

As you step back, you hear the doorbell, and walk over to it, then open it and immediately say the command word, then step aside as your first girls walk in stripping themselves.

With about 8 women spread through the downstairs rooms, in states of undress, you look at Momo and say" Dammit, I missed a pun. I should’ve said it was all magic.“


Several weeks later, you’re lying in your bed after a  fueled rampage through what you realize is now your harem of women. You’ve had weeks to become familiar with their bodies to some degree, and have decided to expand the group for some more fun.

Since you realize it works, you’ve also been looking into how to allow your fuck dolls the ability to think and act independently, while still being, well, fuck dolls. And finally, you figured out how to do it, which is what started the rampage.

Now, however, you need to decide who to add to the group, so you ask them all to sit with you in the main room.

You announce the plan, and they are all enthusiastic, obviously, and begin making suggestions - none appeal to you, until one of your first fuck dolls Momo suggests one of the hottest girls at school. A girl named Chaeyoung.

You hear her name, and instantly images of her appear in your mind, and your cock becomes hard. You take this as a sign, meaning that Chaeyoung is the next to join.

And that you need to fuck one of the girls. You tell them to go return to their lives for the week, and ask Momo and another of the harem to remain for you to fuck.

This leaves you with Nayeon. You hand Nayeon a strap on, and tell her to use Momo’s throat as she wishes, then pull your cock out and shove it deeply into Momo’s pussy. You continue to spit roast her like this until you orgasm explosively onto her stomach, then you send them away, and plan adding Chaeyoung to the group.

As the week passes, you arrange to move the harem into Mina’s house, which is massive, and will be able to house a lot of girls. Then, the week ends, and you enact the plan.

You wander up to Chaeyoung and mention that there’s a party happening at your house, and that she should come along, knowing she couldn’t resist a party. She agrees, and you head to the train with her, meeting a few of the others there, namely, Mina.

You get to the house, and a party has been set up, as promised, and it rages on for a few hours, before dying down as the girls split off to their rooms, until it’s just you, Chaeyoung, Mina, and a tiny girl named Tzuyu, and they’re talking about a shared hobby of dancing. You sit with them and listen for a while, until Mina turns the conversation to your hobby of minor magic tricks.

Chaeyoung becomes interested, and begs you for a performance. You agree, for very obvious reasons, and pull out the chain you finally bought, and perform your trick, speaking the necessary instructions as soon as she goes limp, and her eyes glaze over.

You bring her back to awareness, and simply say” Right then, lets fuck" and the three of them start stripping each other.

You take in every inch of Chaeyoung’s supple body, her boobs, her pussy, before pulling out your cock. They stare at it with undisguised lust, until you grab Tzuyu’s ponytail and use it to force your cock into her mouth, throat fucking her for all you’re worth.

The other two touch themselves, or Tzuyu as this happens, until Chaeyoung gets tired of waiting and pulls Tzuyu off, making a wet bubbling sound, then pushing you backwards, and climbing atop your body.

She slowly lowers herself onto your cock, moaning as it penetrates her pussy. Then, once it’s in, she begins to lift herself, tantalizingly slowly, until she comes off of it with a sigh of pleasure, at which point you flip her over so she’s on the bed.

You yank her long legs apart and hold them in place, then look down to see that Mina is on top of her with a strap on positioned at Chaeyoung’s pussy. Then, you look further down and see Tzuyu licking your cock clean, then placing it at Chaeyoung’s virgin ass hole.

With a sudden thrust, you and Mina penetrate Chaeyoung, who screams with pleasure and pain, then the two of you pound her holes in sync, despite her almost endless spasms as she begins to orgasm. Then, her panting and screaming is suddenly muffled as Tzuyu places her dripping pussy onto Chaeyoung’s mouth, forcing her to lick the pussy.

The four of you continue in this cycle of pleasure, until you feel yourself about to orgasm, and pull out, then find that the girls have pushed Chaeyoung’s limply enthusiastic body down so that her torso is below your cock, and that they’re gathered round.

Mina and Tzuyu spit in their hands and wank your throbbing cock, bringing you right to the edge of orgasm.

Then Chaeyoung recovers somewhat, and says" Cover my slutty body in cum, Y/N. Make me your haired cumslut" before wrapping her lips around your pulsing cock, and shoving her mouth around your cock until it touches the back of her throat, finally pushing you over the edge.

She flops back as you spray cum all over her boobs, face and hair, covering Mina and Tzuyu too.

You lay back, catching your breath, then you open your eyes as you feel Mina and Tzuyu licking the cum off of your cock, and you realize this is going to be another long, yet very fun, night.


You’re sat in Math class, scribbling notes down, and feeling incredibly bored, and imaging all the ways you could better spend your time, when you feel the slightest tap on you’re shoulder. Glad to avoid work, you turn around, and immediately start to get a semi boner, as there’s a sexy a girl in front of you, named Jihyo, who you’re distant friends with.

She looks rather nervous, actually.

Then she asks" So, I, uh, heard you’re setting up a house, sort of like a sorority, and was, uh, kinda wondering if I could join?“

You take a moment to think this through.

The house you took from Mina has got plenty of space still, but you only want the hot girls as your slaves, and Jihyo’s friends aren’t all hot.

You respond” I’ll have to do an interview, of sorts, alright?“

She agrees, and asks about her other friends. You tell her to bring them, but they may not get in, as you intend to deny them all.

The day comes around, and you set up a room in the house with a desk and such, and ask Jihyo and her friends to line up, and enter one at a time. You start with Jihyo, and when she walks in, you begin to ask normal landlord questions, and tell her she has a place, if she can beat a test of yours.

You pull out your hypnosis chain, and do your trick, immediately grabbing her breast when her eyes go glassy and her arms go limp. As you fondle her, you add the instructions in, then release her, and ask her to stand in the darkened corner, then proceed to deny the others.

That is, until one girl walks in, named Chaeryeong, who you had a crush on a while back, and would love to lay down and fuck. She walks in and you follow the same process as with Jihyo, minus the fondling, then call Jihyo over and invite them both to check out their rooms with you.

Together, the three of you wander up to the rooms, and you show them around, before stopping by a bed, looking at Jihyo, and saying” Restrain Chaeryeong for me, please"

Then you grin as she grabs Chaeryeong and binds her hands together with her belt, then use Chaeryeong’s own belt to bind her legs together, stripping them both from the waist down in the process.

You stalk up to them with feline grace, then instruct Jihyo to fetch additional bindings from a nearby cupboard. As she does this, you look at the terror in Chaeryeong’s eyes, and remember you haven’t turned her programming on yet, so she’s experiencing this normally right now.

You grin, then stop her incessant pleas for help by pushing your cock into her mouth while gripping her hair. You continue to face fuck her for several minutes, enjoying the way her face bulges as your cock pushes in.

Then, you stop, as Jihyo has returned with the bindings. You instruct her to lie on top of Chaeryeong, and then you tie her up.

Stepping back, you observe your handiwork, and see the way their boobs press together, and both pussy’s slightly touch, causing each other pleasure at any movement.

You decide to add a ball gag on Chaeryeong, then move back around to the back, and debate which hole to take first. Jihyo starts begging, so you decide you’ll fuck her first, and position yourself at her ass.

Realizing what you’re doing, she attempts to protest, until you ram your cock deep into her, forcing a long scream out of her, then you begin to slowly fuck her. You decide after a minute to stop her screams, and grip her throat with one hand, pulling her body upwards, so that her boobs shake with every thrust.

She begins to pant in time with the fucking, until you stop, pulling out her ass. She slumps down on top of Chaeryeong, then suddenly quivers, and begins to fondle her boobs, as you begin to push your cock in between their pussies.

Chaeryeong begins to shake, and moan, though it’s muffled by the gag. You then suddenly plunge into Chaeryeong’s virgin pussy, shoving the full length of your cock into her.

Her body arches, and the ball gag falls out as she moans loud enough to put Jihyo’s screams to shame. You mercilessly ram her for at least half an hour, untying Jihyo to move her out the way, before pulling out before you orgasm.

When you do this, Jihyo removes Chaeryeong’s bonds, and Chaeryeong crawls over to you and begins to give you a frantic hand job, while saying" Yes master, please, orgasm on me Y/N, please master, I neeeeed ittt" .

Then Jihyo adds her hand to wanking your cock, saying" Yeah, Y/N, cover us in your cum, we’re naughty little cum sluts, we need your punishment, use our bodies as fuck slaves"

Unable to bear it any longer, you grab Chaeryeong’s hair and force your cock into her willing mouth, then explode across her throat, then pull out, cumming across her face, hair, boobs, and Jihyo’s face and hair too.

You quickly pop a cock pill, and wait for it’s effect. As you do, you survey the room, seeing the two girls lying half conscious, covered in your cum, and remember to activate Chaeryeong’s mind control, just in case, adding instructions to keep the slave demeanor. Then, you look at the door, as it clicks open. It seems the moaning attracted the rest of the house, and you decide it’s time to figure out people’s talents.

**Girlfriend’s Cousin Lia x Reader**


Y/N and his girlfriend Yeji are both 20 and very happy. Everyone in the family practically loves him. Except Her.

The loudmouth. His girlfriend’s cousin whose name is Lia. She’s 20 years old and still lives with her mother. She has a  voice so loud you could hear it a mile away.

But that’s not the worse part. She constantly puts Y/N down and berates him. Always calling him shrimp cock and he’s not even sure why.

Yeji has told him it’s because she’s a spoiled brat and he’s not afraid to say it. And while true he couldn’t help but feel like there was another reason Yeji wasn’t telling him. But to be fair he had a secret too.

Lia may have been a loudmouth, disrespectful, spoiled brat too attached to her mommy who smelled bad because she didn’t bathe. But what Y/N wouldn’t dare tell his girlfriend was he secretly thought Lia had the best damn ass he’s ever seen.

And he wanted to fuck that sexy ass. Not so much out of attraction but more to shut her up and put her in her place. He was sick of her constant insults and decided to come up with a plan.

Y/N knew he would be asked to look after the house while Yeji and her family were away for the day and Lia was supposed come over to pick up some dinner from Yeji’s mother. Yeji asked Y/N to just please hand over the food and she’ll be gone. But he had other plans. He was gonna drill that ass and shut her up.


Y/N goes to the door and sees Lia when he opens it who reacts with annoyance.

“Oh it’s you shrimp cock,"she says.

As usual she runs her mouth as she walks in. Wearing one of her usual slutty pairs of booty shorts that show off at least half her ass. Lia always keeps in a ponytail.

She turns around and here was his chance as she stands in the middle of the kitchen looking at him.

"So where’s the food?"she asks.

Y/N smiles as he unzips his pants and pulls out his 10 inch cock.

Right here he tells her he’s holding his hard cock in hand stroking it. She simply stands for a solid half minute before scoffing and looking at him unamused before running her mouth again.

” What? Am I supposed to get on my knees and suck you off? Ha! You just gave me all I need to get Yeji to dump your sorry ass.“

She goes to leave and as she does she leans in to whisper something.

"I knew you were a pig”, Lia hisses.

But as she goes to leave she feels herself stopped. She looks behind her and sees Y/N has her by the back of her shorts.

“ What the hell do you think you’re doing?” She asks annoyed and a little nervous.

He looks at her with lust in his eyes.

“Shutting you up. ”

He swings her around by the shorts and she lands on the kitchen table bent over. He spreads her legs apart with his foot much to her gasping shock and reaches around to undo her shorts.

The wide eyed gasp on her face says it all as she figures out real fast what his intentions are, but what he doesn’t see is her biting her lip in lust as then she feels him sliding his fingers down her shorts in the process and feeling something surprising.

“ Is your pussy wet?” He asks her surprised.

“N-No”, she fumbles for her words as he fingers again causing to moan just a little.

“You like being controlled”, Y/N exclaims.

She turns back to him with a devilish grin and he backs up giving her some room as she slides her shorts off with her own hands and the panties she was wearing under them as well. She looks back at Y/N with one question.

“Well shrimp cock are you gonna fuck me or what?” she asks wiggling her ass knowing how much Y/N wants it.

He gets behind her and lines up the hole he wants. He presses the tip against her asshole and suddenly she gasps.

“Whoa”, she says wide eyed. “Hold on I’ve never done– Ah!”

She is cut off when he pushes it into her ass hole hard. It does hurt at first but after a few minutes she begins to like it. Then love it as he rams her virgin hole harder and harder. Making her his and she loves it like the whore she is.

“Ah ah Oh Yeah Oh Fuck”, She moans.

“Am I still a shrimp cock”, he asks as he pounds away on her.

“Oh No”, Lia moans loudly.

He pulls on her ponytail hard making her moan even more as he drills her tight ass harder.

“Tell me what I am”, he commands of her.

“Oh Y/N you’re a fucking great! Oh god you’ve got the most cock I’ve ever had.”

He tugs at her ponytail.

“You respect me now don’t you loudmouth?” She looks back moaning and biting her lip while giving that sexy devilish smile.

“Maybe a little”, she says with a cute innocent voice.

This makes him hump harder and tug her hair harder as well making her yelp in pleasure, SPANK!

He smacks her on that sexy ass making her yelp again. She loves every second of this and now it’s time for her to show him his due respect. To worship him and make him feel like a king.

He picks up the pace as he feels himself throbbing harder and harder as he tells her what he wants her to say. But then he pulls out and looks at her as she turns around slightly puzzled.

“Get on that floor. Hands and knees”, he commands with authority.

She eagerly obeys and he kneels down behind that sexy ass and puts it back in. Slamming into her doggystyle.

She moans as he pushes down on her shoulder to get her head down and her ass further in the air.

“Head down ass Up”, he commands.“ I want your absolute obedience. Mm Yes Sir.”

She coos as he pulls out then slams back in making her gasp and moan as her eyes roll in ecstasy.

“Tell me how Alpha I am Lia.”

She obeys him. “Oh Y/N you’re so fucking Alpha.”

He reaches around and grabs her boobs. Squeezing them and pleasing them and then holding them as he pulls her body into his. making her moan louder as the sensation builds fast.

Then he commands her again. “I want you to give me the hottest fucking apology you ever gave anyone. Start talking baby.”

She moans in pleasure as she says what he wants to hear. “Oh yeah baby. Mm Y/N I’m so sorry for all the times I called you Shrimp cock. For all the insults and the attitude I gave you but oh god it’s so deep!!!”

“Don’t stop”, he tells her.

She keeps moaning as she apologizes which to him is dirty talk at it’s best.

“Oh baby if I had known you were so fucking sexy and manly I would have given you nothing but respect. Oh Yes! You are the ultimate alpha male!”

He likes hearing that as it edges him closer and he moans loudly.

“ Oh yeah tell me what I am again Lia.”

“The Ultimate Alpha Male!”

He spanks her on her ass as he’s about to orgasm. He needs to hear just one more time.

“Louder!” Y/N yells.



He shots load after load in her ass. Marking her. Making her his. And she loves it like a true submissive.

He pulls out his cum covered cock and walks around in front of her. She gets on her knees and looks up at him.

“Clean it”, he commands.

She eagerly licks and sucks the cum slowly off his cock until it is spotless. But she doesn’t stop there.

She begins to slowly take it into her mouth and suck it nice and slow much to his pleasure.

“Mm oh yeah”, he moans as she begins to go a little faster. He looks down at her as she smiles and winks at him while sucking his cock.

She stops sucking and slowly strokes with both hands asking one question.

Lia looks at him and asks,“How else can I please you my Alpha?”

He already has several ways in mind involving that pussy and her pretty face. This is gonna be a long hot night.

**Milf Jeongyeon x Bully Reader**


Let me shed some light on my background. I am a police head  officer. My name is Jeongyeon and my husband’s name is Jungkook.

He is an insurance agent. I have a son, Jimin. He is doing his bachelor’s degree at University, a nearby college. I was a normal woman until this happened in my life. Let me start the story.

One day I came home after long hours of duty. I found my son with contusions and cuts all over his face. He was crying. I was dismayed by seeing him like that.

My husband was cleaning my son’s wounds with a cotton sponge. On seeing me enter the , my son started shouting,

“Mom, Y/N thrashed me in the playground”.

I got enraged hearing that. “Where is this bastard’s house? ” I asked furiously.

My husband told me Y/N’s whereabouts.

He said, “Honey, you go and ask him to leave our son alone”.

I rode my car to his house. I was in my khaki uniform. As soon as I reached his house, I parked the car and walked towards the door.

Before I press the calling bell, a fine-looking boy in his opened the door. “Come in, ma'am, ” he said with a mannish voice.

I was very angry until I saw him.

I stood there frozen for a second. And suddenly, I regained my senses. After removing my boots, I walked into his house without saying anything. He closed the door and followed me.

Me: “Do you know why I am here?”

Y/N: “Did Jimin’s father gave a complaint or something?”

Me:“ Actually no, I am Jimin’s mother.”

Y/N: “I didn’t know that Jimin had such a hot mother.”

I started to blush and smiled a little.

Me:“Where is your mom, I need to talk to her?”

Y/N: “I am afraid that my parents won’t be here until tomorrow morning.”

Me: “Ok. Let me come to the point.. ”

Before finishing my sentence, he intervenes.

Y/N: “Do you want a cup of coffee or something?”

Me:“I didn’t come here for coffee.”

Y/N: “Then why are you here, aunty?”

I gained all my confidence and started to talk.

Me: “I am here to warn you that if you don’t stop bullying my son, you will have to face serious consequences.”

Y/N: “You and I both know why I bully your son. He is a weakling, a crybaby. It is natural for the stronger to prey on the weaker.”

Me: “How dare you?”

I slapped him!

Y/N comes closer to me.

Y/N: “I always like women like you. Enough talking about your son, let’s talk about your husband.”

I raised my hand to slap him again but this time he held my hand.

Y/N: “I know your husband is a wimp. That’s why you are here to confront me. He is not even a man to face me. I know you are dying for a real man inside.”

Me: “That’s not true, you dick. ”

I tried hard to free my hand from his hand.

Y/N: “You are a terrible actor. I can tell by your face that you need a real man to tame you.”

Me: “You are holding the hand of a police officer against her will. You can go to jail for this, are you aware of that?”

Y/N: “Come on, I am not holding your hand against your will. This is what you desire– a manly touch.”

He let my hand go free.

Me: “I can arrest you for what you have done. But I don’t want to spoil a boy’s life. Stop bullying my son and I will forgive you.”

Y/N: “ I am going to touch your boobs and I am 100% confident that you are not going to stop me from doing it.”

Saying that, he put his hand on my breast over my uniform and started cupping it.

Me: “Take your hand off my breast.”

I said it in a smothered voice. I was slowly giving myself into his touch. My primal urges started to take control of me. He knew very well how to handle a woman’s breast.

Y/N: “So, why are you not taking my hands off your body? Your hands are free now.”

I didn’t say anything. Y/N took his hand off my breast.

Y/N: “I will not touch you unless you ask for it.”

My pussy started to moisten. I wanted his touch badly. I wanted him to satisfy me. Many of my senior officers longed for me. I never entertained them. But this was different. I was feeling like a teenage girl falling in love for the first time.

Me: “I want your fingers to caress me.”

I muttered.

Y/N: “What? Say that looking into my eyes.”

Me: “I want you to run your hands all over my body!”

I burst out looking straight into his eyes. He grabbed me by my waist and pulled me towards him.

Y/N: “I am going to make you whine like a whore. Your son needs a real man as a father. I will father him.”

On saying that, he placed his lips over my lips. I opened my mouth and welcomed his tongue into my mouth.

His tongue explored my mouth. I hugged him tightly. He took his hands and snatched my ass. He started pressing it vigorously.

Both of our bodies were melting onto each other. We both started to interchange our saliva.

Y/N moved his head apart to broke the kiss. A cord of saliva connecting his lips with my lips broke as he moved his head away from mine.

He took his hands and started unbuttoning my khaki shirt. And soon, my bra strap was visible now.

In a blink of an eye, he removed my shirt. He kissed on my boobs over my bra. My erect nipple was ready to pierce through my bra. His hands slowly reached for my bra hooks. Soon my bra fell on the floor.

Now, I was In front of him wearing only pants. He buried his head in between my boobs and started to rub his face there.  His hands were pinching and twisting my nipples. A blasting moan came out of my mouth.

My hands reached his pants and unbuttoned his jeans. He was wearing underwear. I pulled down his underwear till his knees to release his python free.

I knelt down before him and kissed over his balls. He took his cock and rubbed it over my lips.

His precum was now moisturizing my dried lips. I opened my mouth to take his cock rod inside. It was much bigger than I thought.

It was twice the size of my husband’s cock.

He slowly started to piston my mouth with his rod. It reached my throat.

My tongue coiled around his cock. Meanwhile, I was massaging his balls with my both hands.

He started emitting a tacit moan. He mouthfucked me for about 10 minutes.

My jaws started to ache. I signaled him to stop.

He took his cock out of my mouth. He still didn’t orgasm. His cock was now harder than ever.

He now undressed himself and stood nude in front of me. I was standing semi-naked in front of him. He took his hand and begin removing my pants. I helped him a little to remove my pants.

Now he could see my silk panties drenched in my pussy fluids. He slid two of his fingers into my panties and begin rubbing it. I was in paradise and started to moan.

Then he took his fingers out of my silk panties and started licking it. Shortly after that, he removed my panties too.

I couldn’t believe that I was standing nude in front of my son’s bully waiting to be fucked by him.

I used to keep my privates . My red swollen pussy lips were dripping my pussy honey on the floor.

He made me turn and started spanking my ass. I was moaning out of pain and pleasure.

Y/N: “From now on, you should not have sex with your husband. Your pussy belongs to me. You are exclusively mine.”

Me: “I am only for you, baby. I am your whore.”

Y/N: “You should tell our little dirty secret to your husband. If he is not happy with our relationship then, you should leave him.”

Me: “Yes, I will leave him. I will do anything for you.”

My son’s bully made me lie on the floor. He positioned himself over me and started to rub his cock over my pussy lips.

I outspread my legs as far as I could. A slow moan came out of my mouth.

All of a sudden, he inserted his cock into my pussy.

“AHHHHHH” came out of my mouth.

He began ramming my pussy. The liquids from my pussy started flowing like a river. I was in a euphoric state.

His thrusts began increasing in pace. Our moans echoed everywhere inside the house.

He fucked me in the high tempo for about twenty minutes. Then he withdrew his cock out.

He took a cushion from the sofa and placed it under my ass. Now my pussy was several degrees steeper to his cock.

He inserted his cock inside me again but, this time my son’s bully rammed my pussy slower.

His cock reached the deepest corners of my pussy. It stretched my pussy to its limits.

I had never been fucked like this before. His cock touched my cervix.

A pulse passed through my whole body and made it shiver. I could also feel his muscles tightening.

I buried my nails on his back. We both looked into each other’s eyes.

We both had an orgasm. My pussy erupted like a volcano.

Several ounces of cum oozed out of my womanhood. My son’s bully shot his warm watery cum inside my pussy.

We both lay on the floor nude, breathing heavily for a few minutes. Then my mobile phone started to ring. The call was from my son

. It had been almost three hours after I left home.

I attended the phone and said, “Mom is coming home, honey”. I came back to my senses.

I got dressed and left the place. I rode my car back to my house .

When I reached my house , my son asked me, “what did you do to him, mom? ”.

I replied to him, “He’s been taken care of, honey”.

Then I went into the bathroom to take a bath. When I opened my pussy lips to clean, a few drops of his cum came out.

I could feel my hips hurt a little. When I went to sleep that night, my guilt of cheating my husband was subdued by the temptation of getting fucked by Y/N again.

**Step-Sister Yeji x Reader**


My name is Y/N and some days, after work, I go to my mother-in-law’s house. Last week, when I got there, she wasn’t home. I waited in my car for her, listening to my new CDs.

My sister-in-law Yeji, lives in the same house complex, and five minutes later, she was outside asking if I wanted to wait inside with her. I noticed that she had a button undone on her shirt, which she never does. As she bent over through the window I could see into her shirt (or was I staring? )

Her hair  cascades over her shoulders, down to the boobs she tries to hide with oversized shirts. The few times I’ve seen her in anything other than baggy pants, I noticed she has a ass. Her beautiful face showcases eyes and a smile no one can say no to.

Once inside, I sat down, and Yeji offered me a shot. When she bent down to put my shot on the coffee table, I could clearly see most of her boobs.

I couldn’t see everything, but I could tell that she wasn’t wearing a bra. When she stood up, I saw cleavage, cleavage that she has never shown before. Except for the tight short or pants she sometimes wore, she always dressed very conservatively, always a high collar shirt or buttoned up to the top.

Even the mini skirt that she changed into when we came in was very unusual for her.

Yeji had her drink of choice, margarita. Though she wasn’t slamming it like a shot, she was not sipping it like most people do. I have seen her get really drunk before but never taking-her-clothes-off drunk.

15 minutes and three glasses later, one more button was open on her shirt and her skirt was moving up. I wasn’t sure if I wanted my mother-in-law to come home (this was my sister-in-law in front of me) or if I wanted her to have more margarita.

I was halfway done with my shot and she was getting a fourth glass. When she sat back down, she sat with her legs slightly open, and I could see she had on panties. I was finding it harder not to stare.

‘This is my sister-in-law, ’ I told myself, 'I can’t look, ’ but at the same time I was hoping to see more.

Unexpectedly, she quickly stood up, unbuttoning one more button. Her boobs seemed ready to fall out. She walked over to me, lifting up her skirt.

I could see little butterflies on her panties. She opened her shirt, allowing one of her boobs to show, then quickly covered it. Sitting in my lap, she put her arm around my neck and drew my face into her open shirt.

“It seems like forever I’ve wanted to do this, ” she said.

She got up and walked into another room. Her skirt stayed up and I watched the bottom of her ass sticking out around the panties as she walked. When she came out of the room the skirt was missing, and her boobs were barely restrained.

As she sat down her boobs came out, but she deliberately took the time to put them back in. The shirt covered her panties. Sitting down, she had her legs open and the panties were peeking out.

I didn’t know how much more I could take of this, but I had to do something. I got up and told her I was leaving. Wordless, she removed her shirt.

As I was opening the door, I heard, “Don’t I get a kiss goodbye? ”

I turned around and gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. She turned and the kiss landed on her lips. I had to try very hard not to put my arms too low.

Instead, I gave her a tight hug in the center of the back, which only served to push those boobs against my chest.

I turned around to leave. Before I could open the door, she reached around my head to keep the door closed. In her hand was a large dildo.

“Are you going to leave and make me use this, ” she asked as she pushed her boobs against my back. “or are you going to help me? ”

I didn’t turn around right away. When I did she had already gone to her bedroom. Her panties were lying at my feet.

I didn’t know what to do. This was my sister-in-law, but I couldn’t pass up an opportunity like this. Slowly walking to the room, I could hear moaning.

As the moans got louder, I moved more quickly. Almost unconsciously, I was taking off my clothes. By the time I got to bedroom door, my pants were halfway off.

As I entered the room, I saw Yeji was lying on the bed face down and naked. For the first time I saw her ass.

“Oh, look! One of us has clothes on, ” she said to me over her shoulder. “Does that mean I have to get dressed? ”

I quickly took off what remained of my clothes. Then I started to get on the bed with her. Crawling to the edge of the bed, she stopped me.

“Stand here, ” she ordered, pointing at the floor in front of her. “Closer. ”

I moved up to the bed right in front of her. Before I could register what she had planned, she had my cock in her mouth.

I didn’t need any help getting hard, as I had been hard ever since she started to unbutton her shirt.

When she rolled over those boobs popped out. They were with nice perfect nipples, both of which were hard and sticking out.

I ran my eyes down over the rest of her body to her pussy. I was already hard, but I got even harder.

“You look like you have never seen anything like these, ” she said as she played with one of her boobs. “What, are my nipple’s then my sister’s?”

I immediately put the free breast in my mouth. I sucked on the free breast, first softly, then harder.

I watched Yeji’s hand move from her other breast down to her pussy. She didn’t stop to rub, however; she went directly in with one finger.

I tried to move down but she stopped me, moving me over to the other breast. Then she took her free hand and grabbed my cock, stroking up and down.

She pushed me onto my back on the bed, and drew my cock into her mouth. As her tongue swirled around my cock, I gently pushed her away, so that this wouldn’t end early.

She stopped and I began to get up, but she crawled up to my face, putting her pussy on it. It was dripping wet, and with her legs wide open my tongue had no problem getting in deep.

She rocked back and forth on my face. The moans were getting loader every time I plunged my tongue in as far as it would reach.

I could feel her twitching and tightening, and I thought she was going to orgasm on my face. I felt like I was going to orgasm from the excitement.

She crawled off of my face and onto the floor on her hands and knees. I wasted no time getting on the floor and thrusting my cock in her pussy; grabbing a handful of hair and pulling.

She stopped me just before I could orgasm, but only so she could turn onto her back. She grabbed my cock and hurriedly shoved it into her.

After that, I didn’t take long. I didn’t want to stop it, but I don’t think I could have even if I had tried. Of course, I did make sure we came at the same time.

“I’ve been waiting for this a long time” She said.

**Step-Mom x Reader**


My name is Y/N I am 18 years old and love watching porn. Guys and girls doing it, masturbating, dominatrix and even bondage. Usually I am really good about deleting my search history and making sure I leave no evidence but one time I forgot.

I left my computer to go to the bathroom and jerk off, and my mother walked into my room to ask me a question.

Lisa was her name, and she was always nosy and curious about my secrets and personal life. Suspicious of what I might be hiding and after realizing I wasn’t there, she opened a browser to snoop around. Checking my search history she pulled up videos of woman giving boys handjobs and tying them up and torturing them.

Followed by ejaculations, masturbations and people having sex.

Shocked at what she had seen and very upset she marched to the bathroom to confront me. My Step-mother was always the perfect woman, being very appropriate and sophisticated.

Porn was something she never liked or allowed in the house and being my only parent she was very strict with rules and discipline.

She charged the door and walked in on me wanking my cock.

I froze and yelled,“What the fuck?! Get out!!”

She said,“Oh I don’t think so mister I saw your search history you little pervert and I am very upset with my little boy!! All the porn you were looking at, that’s a big no and your gonna pay!!”

She grabbed me by my cock and pulled me to her room and lied me on her bed. Very aroused and still hard for some reason she picked me up and bent me over her knee and started whacking it.

I said,“What the hell mom what are you doing this is inappropriate, STOP!!”

She said,“No what you were watching is inappropriate and only little perverts do that!”

She smacked my ass for a good 10 minutes until I was crying.

She said,“Have you learned your lesson my little boy?”

I yelled,“No what the fuck is your problem?! I’ll do what I want bitch!”

She smacked my mouth and said,“Okay then I think mommy’s little pervert son needs a little more punishment then!”

“Since you like watching woman in lingerie tie up helpless boys and torture them maybe I’ll just do the same to you!”

Frightened I pulled my underwear up and started to run but before I could go anywhere she tripped me with her heels and pulled me back.

“Oh no no no little pervert where do you think your going?? Mommy is gonna make you wish you never watched that filthy porn!!”

She grabbed her bras that were sitting near by and tied my hands and feet so I couldn’t escape and gagged me with her thong panties. Super hard now my cock started to bulge through my shorts.

“Look at mommy’s poor helpless baby boy, is he excited I’m tying him up??”

I shook my head no as she reached for my cock and pulled it out.

“Oh yes I think he is, yes mommy’s bitch boy likes being in bondage!”

She got some of her hair serum she used for her head and squirted some on my head.

“Ah poor baby does the baby wanted to orgasm for mommy???”

She then started stroking my super hard cock until she got faster and faster and I was ready to orgasm.

Before I could I started moaning and making noises and she stopped and said,“Awww I don’t think so honey. This is a punishment not a reward.”

She did this 6 more times until I was so edged and ready to explode. She then tied my hands to her bed and my feet as well and said,“ All done.”

“I think you need to sit there a while until you’ve learned your lesson and promise to be a good little boy. Or I think next time mommy will have to try something else.”

Annoyed, upset and angry at her I started kicking and screaming for her to release me. But all she heard was muffled screams and noises.

She said" Mommy will be back for you soon to see if your ready to apologize and never do that again!“

She kissed me on the cheek with her glossed up luscious lips and said,"Be good my sweet little bitch boy, and maybe I’ll let you go.”

She walked out and left me tied up and gagged as she giggled and chuckled evilly.

**Best Friend Lia x Reader**


You and Lia are best friends. You two met through a mutual friend in college and have grown quite close over the last year. Her years of dance has kept her in good shape and quite flexible.

One night she is home alone and her boyfriend is out of town so she tells you she is afraid to stay in the house all by herself. Lia asks you to come and keep her company and maybe watch a movie or something.

You have had a crush on Lia for some time now and you jump at the opportunity to spend the night at her place. When you arrive she is fresh off of the shower and in her pjs that show off her  ass quite well.

She suggests you watch a movie in bed since the couch is old and not very comfortable. You get excited about the idea of being in bed with her and quickly agree.

Before you even get the movie started her boyfriend calls her. She tells you to be very quiet so he doesn’t know you’re in her bed. You are annoyed but what could you really expect.

Her boyfriend just keeps talking and talking and pretty soon it’s been an hour that you’ve had to just sit quietly and day dream about what it would be like to get your hands on Lia. It gets to a point that you are so bored you start to tickle her feet. She doesn’t react at all. You try tickling her calves to see if you can get a reaction out of her.

She then texts you since she is still on the phone and can’t speak to you, “you can try all you want but I can keep my composure when I need to”.

This encourages you to try harder. You tickle farther up Lia’s thighs and she glares at you but she can’t yell at you. You start moving your hands up to her hips and to her stomach and ribs. But you can’t seem to get even a giggle out of her.

She texts you again and says, “see I told you, you won’t get a single reaction out of me”.

You decide its time to step up your game. You move your hands up her body and grab both of her boobs. She looks shocked but still doesn’t make a sound.

Her boyfriend is still talking away about his trip and doesn’t seem to be ending any time soon. You move your hands back down Lia’s body and start to massage her inner thighs.

She doesn’t make a sound but now her eyes are closed and her head is tilted back like she’s enjoying herself. You get more daring and slide your hand right between her legs and start rubbing her pussy.

You can’t believe that she won’t let out even a small moan.

You pull aside her shorts and panties and slide your finger deep into her soaking wet pussy. Lia’s eyes fly open, she can’t believe you went as far as fingering her while she’s talking to her boyfriend on the phone. But she won’t back down from your challenge now and doesn’t make a sound.

You start to kiss up her thighs and then you suck on her clit while still fingering her. Now she lets out a small moan but her boyfriend doesn’t seem to notice. You keep going down on her, licking up all her sweet pussy juices.

You look up and see the phone laying next to her and she’s totally lost in her building orgasm. You reach over and hang up the phone for her and immediately pull off all her clothes. You go back to eating her out.

You can’t believe how good she tastes and how long you’ve wanted to do this to her. In no time she’s having the strongest orgasm you’ve ever given a girl. Lia grabs your head and pushes it hard against her pussy and traps it there with her thighs.

Her body is shaking like crazy and her screams fill the room.

After she lets go of your head you lay down next to her and soak in the sight of her body next to you. You watch her boobs and hard nipples jiggle as she breathes. Without saying a word she reaches over and grabs your cock.

She begins to stroke it slowly and you can feel how much better she is than your past girlfriends, you aren’t going to last long.

Lia takes off your pants and keeps stroking your hard cock, precum dripping down her fingers. You swing your leg over her and position yourself to orgasm on her boobs. As encouragement for her to stroke faster you reach behind you and slide your finger back into her wet pussy and finger her.

She starts to jerk your cock even faster and you start the strongest orgasm of your life. You shoot a long string of cum right onto her face. As she continues to stroke your cock you continue cumming, the rest of your warm cum covering her boobs.

After you’ve finished cumming on her, Lia asks if you want to come over for round two the next night.


All day you have been thinking about last. You can’t believe that you actually saw Lia naked, not to mention eating out her wet pussy and cumming on her boobs. You’re dreaming about what is going to be in store for you tonight when Lia texts you. You open your phone and read her text.

“Hi Y/N! I know it’s wrong that we did all that last night since I have a boyfriend, but I’ve never had a body shaking orgasm like you gave me last night. Do you think you could teach me what you did so I can get my boyfriend to do that to me? Also…. I’ve always had a fantasy about being tied up and resisting while a guy tries to use me…. do you think you could help me with that too? ”.

You can’t believe what you’re reading, you half expected Lia to tell you not to come over at all, but this is so much better. You tell her that you would be happy to help and that you’ll be over soon.

You arrive at Lia’s and she comes out to greet you, she’s barefoot and wearing very short jean shorts that show off her sexy legs, and a black tshirt that hangs loose off of one shoulder. She gives you a hug and when she turns around to walk through the door, you give her a hard slap on her ass, eliciting a little yelp from Lia.

As soon as the door is closed behind you, you push Lia’s body against the wall and start kissing and licking her neck while playing with her boobs. Slowly you slide your hand down her flat stomach and into her panties.

You rub her clit before moving your hand farther and sliding your thick middle finger into her soaking wet pussy. Once she starts to moan you take your finger out, and tell her that she’s going to have to work for it if she wants to orgasm.

You lead her to the bed and make her sit down on the edge. Before she can say anything you pull off her shirt and her bra and quickly you take off your leather belt and tie her wrists together.

You see the expression on her face change to one of lust once she realizes you are playing out her fantasy with her. She starts to resist, trying to get her hands free and make it difficult for you to do anything.

You flip her over on the bed so she’s laying on her stomach and hands.

You whisper in her ear “If you don’t start to behave I’m going to have to discipline you” but she keeps struggling, and so you spank her hard.

Lia let’s out a little yell but also a moan, so you do it again and again, until Lia is only moaning with each smack on your hand on her ass. You pull her back to the edge of the bed and take off your pants.

Your hard cock is right in front of Lia’s face and she is staring at it with pure lust. But she’s still trying to play out her fantasy and so she does nothing to it.

You rub the tip of your cock on her lips and her cheek, she starts to open her mouth and licks the precum off her lips but does nothing else.

You move down and rub your cock on her soft boobs. Leaving a trail of precum across her nipples. You’re getting too horny to keep waiting and so you grab Lia’s hands and wrap them both around your cock and start thrusting into them.

You use her hands until you feel an orgasm building and you tell her that you’re going to spank her even harder if she doesn’t make you finish. She listens and starts stroking you until you orgasm all over her little hands.

You clean up her hands with a towel and then push her onto her back on the bed. You kneel down on the edge of the bed and pull off her shorts and panties.

You slowly kiss up her body, dragging your cock up her thigh, and you tease her nipples by sucking and licking them. You spend an hour kissing all over her body, touching her, caressing her, teasing her clit and pussy.

She finally struggles against your belt on her wrists enough that she gets free, but she’s too turned on to struggle any more now that she’s free. She pushes your head down until you’re kissing her pussy lips.

You begin to fuck her with your tongue, she moans that she’s getting close to orgasm, and you focus on her clit to push her over the edge. You stiffen your tongue and move it back and forth over her clit as fast as you can.

Lia practically starts to scream, her whole body shakes as she orgasm and moaning your name.

After her huge orgasm you lay next to each other in bed. You’re rock hard again from going down on her and you press your cock against her ass.

Lia reaches behind her and slowly wraps her fingers around you. She strokes your cock and rubs the tip on her sexy ass.

Then she moves so that she’s laying across you and starts to blow you. It’s the best blow job you’ve ever received.

She wraps her pointer finger and thumb around your shaft in a circle and strokes you as she teases your tip with her lips and tongue. She takes you deeper into her mouth, driving you crazy.

You tell her that you’re about to orgasm and she pulls her mouth off your cock with a little pop. She begins to rub the tip of your cock on her nipples while stroking you until you orgasm all over her boobs.

You both rest for a little while in bed, her head on your chest. You talk for a long time before you go down on her again and blows you again.

You both had so much fun tonight, you decide to do this as often as you can.

Lisa and Dahyun  are roommates and were lounging around their house reading magazines. Both were interested in the makeup techniques as well as admiring the women models who always seemed to look so hot.

They would occasionally ask each other what they thought about a certain outfit or style.

Dahyun eventually found an article in her magazine where the author was explaining her first lesbian experience. The article went on to describe how different sex was with a women. It explained how women just simply know more about pleasing a women because they knew what they wanted for themselves.

To Dahyun this made sense because she could always satisfy herself even when her date didn’t know what he was doing. She went on to finish the article, but some questions about what it would feel like or wondering what a pussy really does taste like stayed in the back of her mind.

The next day Lisa and Dahyun were in Lisa’s car heading back to their house from the mall. Dahyun was still thinking about the article she had read.

She casually asked Lisa if she had read the article in Cosmopolitan. Lisa hesitantly responded by saying she didn’t remember reading it.

As they drove down the road in the car, Dahyun went on to explain that since reading it, it has been at the back of her mind and can’t seem to forget it. Lisa responded with a promise to read it when they got back to their house.

Lisa quickly parked her car and they headed to the house. Once they got through the door Lisa found the Cosmopolitan and searched through for the article. Dahyun sat on a chair with a nervous anticipation in the living room and began to think about what exactly was in the article and why was it going through her mind.

Lisa found the article as interesting as Dahyun did. Finishing the article Lisa could feel moisture between her legs, but quickly reasoned it must be from not having any cock in the past few days. Lisa and Dahyun then talked about the Cosmopolitan article.

Both agreed with a lot of the article’s content. Dahyun quickly responded by telling Lisa that she had never done it with a woman but had fantasized about it every now and then. Lisa confessed to fantasies of it but never had the desire to follow through with it.

Both Lisa and Dahyun were comfortable telling each other about their sexual fantasies and encounters, they talked for hours. Their conversation was keeping them excited the whole time.

They then began to talk about how the sensation of feeling sexually excited for hours felt and how wet their pussy was, or how hard their nipples got. Then they confessed that if each of them were alone they probably would have masturbated along time ago to satisfy themselves.

At this point they looked at each other and Lisa asked nervously “should we experiment with each other and find out if reality is as good as the fantasies?”

Dahyun, who was just as nervous about this, thought about it for a little bit then replied “yes, but only if we can stop if the other person gets uncomfortable.”

With that they agreed but didn’t know what to do next.

Lisa suggested they go to the patio to make them a little more comfortable since through their conversations they found each masturbated frequently in the patio. Dahyun agreed and they went to the patio to take advantage of the large chair.

They both hopped up onto the chair and got comfortable.

Both of them just took things slow and they began to get quiet as the nervousness over took them. Lisa slowly brought her lips close to Dahyun’s face and kissed her on the cheek.

Dahyun nervously turned her lips to kiss Lisa on her lips. They could feel how soft each others lips were and eventually slipped into a passionate French kiss with their tongues exploring each others mouth.

When they broke from the kiss their nervousness started to give way to curiosity and they began to loosen up just a bit. Both of them began to hold each other as if they were giving comfort, each could feel each others boobs, but they both new they were reassuring each other and delaying the inevitable sensations which were about to follow.

Slowly they began to undress each other, exposing their boobs and hard nipples. They touched each other’s boobs, exploring almost comparing the touch to their own boobs.

Dahyun moved her lips down to Lisa’s boobs and began to explore with her tongue. Dahyun’s tongue then circled Lisa’s nipples and left no surface untouched of her boobs and nipples.

Mean while Lisa was squeezing and fondling Dahyun’s boobs and lightly pinching her nipples.

They traded places and continued for quite some time. When they were both ready, they helped each other out of their jeans, leaving on their panties on.

Lisa glanced up and down Dahyun’s naked body. At the same time Dahyun nervously eyed up Lisa’s body.

At first they wanted to touch each others pussy through their panties until they were comfortable with what they were doing.

Lisa moved her hand from Dahyun’s boobs down her body to her stomach and almost to her panties. Unknowingly Dahyun spread her legs a bit to allow Lisa better access.

Slowly Lisa moved her fingers to Dahyun’s panties to feel the heat and softness from her pussy that lay beneath the panties.

Dahyun moved in front of Lisa and they sat face to face with their knees in the air. They began to explore the touch of the others panties.

It didn’t take long before they began to press their fingers deeper to feel the folds of their pussy lips and rub against the clit.

Each following each others advancement as they kept enjoying and exploring. The stimulation was driving them crazy, their touch was different then any man.

It felt more like being alone but better.

Lisa slowly slipped her fingers around the side of Dahyun’s panties and began to rub her pussy directly, skin on skin. Dahyun followed Lisa’s lead and after rubbing each other almost to the point of a orgasm, they decided to do away with their panties.

They were just getting in the way.

They returned to the same position and continued to rub and touch each others pussy. This time Lisa began to tense up and get real tingly.

She new what was about to happen but tried to ignore it. At that point the Dahyun could sense it and began to rub Lisa’s pussy and clit more rapidly.

Lisa then began to orgasm uncontrollably and completely stopped touching Dahyun, but the Dahyun kept rubbing Lisa’s pussy and clit, absorbed with the thought of giving Lisa this pleasure. As Lisa kept her orgasm going and her body jerking about, her boobs were bouncing in all directions.

When Lisa eventually stopped her orgasm, she desperately wanted to return the favor.

Dahyun anxiously suggested they explore further and pulled Lisa’s hand to her pussy and stuck one of Lisa’s fingers in her pussy. With that as a hint Lisa began to explore the inside of Dahyun’s pussy by moving gently around.

Dahyun quickly stuck her own fingers into Lisa’s pussy as well. Lisa could feel Dahyun’s finger slowly pushing her pussy walls apart.

They moved slowly at first wiggling around and eventually began to move into a rhythm of slipping their fingers in and out, pushing deeper and deeper, faster and faster.

Dahyun looked up into Lisa’s eyes and began to tense, her body froze and with a few more strokes of Lisa’s finger, Dahyun closed her eyes and began to bounce and move all over the bed all the while pumping her waist down on Lisa’s finger as if it were a cock. She pushed her boobs out and could feel Lisa’s boobs and nipples on them.

While Dahyun was going crazy she managed to not let her finger out of Lisa’s pussy because it felt so wonderful to orgasm and have another pussy to play with at the same time.

Meanwhile, Lisa’s pussy was going crazy, feeling Dahyun’s finger bounce around uncontrollably in perfect sync with the Dahyun’s own orgasm. Lisa could also feel Dahyun’s boobs as she continued to push them into her.

Lisa quickly realized she was going to orgasm again and this time it felt even more intense then the first time.

Her pussy tightened around Dahyun’s finger and began pulsating uncontrollably. Lisa could feel juices from inside her pussy flowing out. Finally after minutes of an intense orgasm they both began to stop their orgasm and collapsed on the chair.

They quickly fell back on their chairs, completely naked and satisfied, they began to share their experience with each other. They decided it didn’t feel that uncomfortable and that they both really enjoyed the experience.

They talked about what they were thinking about when they had their orgasm and how they felt to each other. What each others boobs and pussy felt like.

After spending all day together both Lisa and Dahyun began to dress. Dahyun softly suggested they switch panties to have a remembrance of their first time with a woman.

Lisa thought that was a great idea and she put Lisa’s panties on and finished getting dressed. Then Lisa grabbed Dahyun’s panties put them on and finished getting dressed.

After the intensity of what had just happened they decided to relax and watch TV until it was time to go to bed. When both of them got up to go to the living room they could feel the moisture in their panties left from the other and commented about their excitement of earlier.


For weeks after Lisa and Dahyun’s little exploration of each other, they felt closer. When one would come home after a guy would fuck her, they would sit up all night and talk about it in detail.

They would talk about what they felt while the guy would fuck her or tell each other what it felt like.

One night Lisa came home and was extremely upset. She explained how the guy just wanted to fuck her for himself and didn’t care about what she felt.

She went on to explain how when he started to feel her boobs up with his hands and how rough he was. Then when they got nude, which was almost immediately after they started, he just stuck his cock into her pussy, pumped a few times, began to orgasm and then rolled over and said Thanks.

Dahyun, feeling sympathetic began to massage Lisa’s shoulders. Lisa immediately responded and began to relax.

Dahyun took her time paying attention to all of her body. Lisa began to take off all her clothes to give Dahyun an easier time. Dahyun did this to Lisa for at least a couple of hours.

Every time Dahyun would be close to Lisa’s pussy she could tell Lisa was getting excited. It was then Dahyun noticed some juices flowing out of Lisa’s pussy that Dahyun decided to finish what the jerk didn’t even start.

Dahyun began to move her fingers over Lisa’s pussy more frequently and with more attention to stimulating her her clit. Dahyun would slide a finger between her pussy lips, causing them to wrap around her finger.

Dahyun would search for Lisa’s clit and toy around with it for a while and continue elsewhere.

After about ten minutes of this Lisa was getting very excited. Dahyun decided she wanted to do more, after all Lisa had a very bad date earlier.

Dahyun moved her tongue down to where her finger was on Lisa. Without missing a stroke she replaced her finger with her tongue on Lisa’s pussy.

At first Lisa didn’t notice, but in just a few seconds she knew only Dahyun and her tongue could be doing this great of a job.

Dahyun began to move her tongue around Lisa’s clit and occasionally lower to her moist pussy entrance. Dahyun noticed traces of Lisa’s date.

She could taste the wonderful taste of a man’s cum. She began to concentrate on finding as much of that wonderful taste as she could.

Her tongue kept probing deeper into Lisa’s pussy searching for what was left over.

Dahyun too was getting excited. While continuing on Lisa, she reached under her own mini skirt into her panties and began to touch her pussy.

In this position Dahyun was in heaven, she was tasting the juices of both Lisa and her date and the feelings she was getting from fingering her pussy was incredible.

Dahyun wanted this to last forever, but suddenly she noticed Lisa’s pussy moving around more frequently. Suddenly Lisa began to orgasm uncontrollably.

Dahyun had to stop her own pussy fingering pleasure to hold Lisa down. Lisa was going crazy and all Dahyun could do was hold on for the ride.

Lisa opened her eyes for a brief second to calm her self down. To her surprise she saw the next door neighbor, Y/N, standing over her and naked.

Y/N had a erection from watching Lisa and Dahyun pleasure themselves. Dahyun still was concentrating on Lisa’s pussy trying to find some more of the date’s cum.

Not knowing quite what to do Lisa wanted to take advantage of the situation and some how please Dahyun for what she had done. Lisa motioned for Y/N to move behind Dahyun and do something with his hard cock to Dahyun.

Without any hesitation Y/N moved right behind Dahyun and positioned his cock under Dahyun’s skirt. Using one hand to slide Dahyun’s soaked panties to the side and placing the other hand on her ass for support he moved his cock head to Dahyun’s wide open pussy.

Y/N then slowly pushed his cock into Dahyun’s wet pussy. It went in easily as Dahyun was extremely excited from fingering her pussy. He began to move in a rhythm, moving in and out of her pussy.

At first Dahyun didn’t notice anything. She was wrapped up in finding more of that subtle cum taste deep in Lisa’s pussy.

She could feel something but with all the excitement running through her body she assumed the pleasure was self generated.

As the rhythm increased Dahyun began to get even more excited. She moved her hand back down between her legs to continue fingering her clit.

After a few moments she began to realize something else was helping to generate the intensity. She opened her eyes and looked down past her boobs and between her legs and noticed balls hanging and slapping her fingers.

Dahyun would occasionally get a glimpse of Y/N’s cock as it pulled out of her pussy and moved instantly back into her. At the sight of what was happening she lost control.

Her eyes shut again as her body tightened up. Her pussy began to feel numb then the rest of her body went numb.

Dahyun began to lose control, bucking her ass around in the air. Just as she began to come back down to earth she could feel Y/N’s cock between her legs and in her pussy begin to expand.

It felt as if it would never stop expanding. Her pussy began to stretch and then suddenly she felt spurts of cum blasting through him and gushing deep up into her pussy.

Each time he spurted, his cock would stretch her pussy and then collapse with a gush of cum splashing into her pussy. It didn’t take much and Dahyun was beginning to orgasm again.

Each time Y/N’s cock would expand, her orgasm would contract and force his cock back down. This caused his cum to shoot up deeper into her pussy, causing her even more intense contractions.

Finally Dahyun and Y/N’s orgasm were subsiding, he pulled his cock out of Dahyun’s pussy and laid on the floor for a little while. Lisa, Dahyun and Y/N lay there completely naked and all completely satisfied.

Lisa then asked Y/N how he got in and he explained that he knocked on the door but no one answered. He said he could hear some moaning and wondered if everything was OK, so he turned the door knob and the door opened.

Y/N then went on to explain how after looking around the door he noticed two of the most beautiful women he had ever saw and they looked like they were having a good time.

Both Lisa and Dahyun blushed a little hearing him call them beautiful. Y/N said he didn’t want to interrupt them so he just got undressed and enjoyed what was happening.

Lisa and Dahyun thanked him for not leaving and for pleasuring Dahyun. They then told him if he ever needed any return favors to just ask them.

Y/N then got up and assured them he will take them up on that, then got his clothes on and left. Just as the door closed Lisa asked Dahyun I wonder what it was he wanted when he first stopped over. They just shrugged their shoulders and said I guess it will be a mystery.
