

A gift for @spectralsylveon, created by @queen-evanlyn!


The Keepsakes in the Cabinets

In sickness and in health
Taako thinks. Kravitz prays. Magnus sleeps.
Three fools are in love.

Taako woke up early, as he often did on Mondays. People would be surprised by how much of a morning person Taako was, especially because he tried so hard to hide it. He had an image to maintain, and part of that image was sleeping in past noon.

But the crisp early morning air and the light just beginning to trickle in through the windows was appealing to Taako, so he got up at a time any reasonable person would call “too early”.

Taako made himself a cup of tea and sat at his desk. Jammed into the corner of the living room, he was perfectly situated to look out into the garden — the strawberries were coming in well — just the way Taako liked it. He had some paperwork for the school he had to fill out, and he did it leisurely, as the sun rose. There was no real reason he couldn’t have done it on the weekend, except for the fact that Taako had a routine. (And that his husbands — both of them — had been busy out of the house, and although Taako wouldn’t admit it, he had been worried.)

They’d both had busy weekends: Magnus had been manning his carpentry stall in the annual Neverwinter markets, and Kravitz had been collecting a bounty for the Raven Queen. Taako had stayed home and given Angus magic lessons and helped with his homework, which, honestly, why did Lucas expect Angus to be an expert of Planer Mechanics? He’s thirteen, Lucas! On Saturday evening, Ren had come over for dinner to discuss school business.

Taako breathed in the steam off his tea as he signed the last page. Even knowing that Magnus and Kravitz were highly capable, he found it difficult to focus on work when they were gone.

Now they lie intertwined on their bed, safe as houses. When Taako had slipped out that morning, Kravitz — who got home late last night and had simply curled around Taako, still dressed in his shirt and trousers — had rolled over into the space Taako left to bury his face in Magnus’ neck and twist their legs together. Another thing he wouldn’t admit: Taako’s heart did dumb things watching them.

As the sun started to rise properly, Taako’s ears twitched, reacting to movement further in the house. Not his husbands, but Angus. It had just made sense to take him in after they defeated the Hunger — he had nowhere else to go — so they had. When they told him, he had cried, thanking them over and over again, calling them “sirs” before correcting himself to “dads”. After they had calmed Angus down, Taako bent down to his level:

“You good little man?”


“Then what’s with all the tears?”

“It’s all a bit overwhelming sir — dad. I went from no dads to three!”

“Three dads huh. That’s a lot, we don’t want you getting greedy.”

“How are you going to do that… dad?”

“We’ll make a chart.”

They did make a chart, detailing which days Angus had which dad, though no one truly cared to follow it unless it provided goof opportunities. The chart hang in its place of honour on the fridge, loudly proclaiming in Taako’s sprawling handwriting that today Kravitz was Angus’ dad. (They shared Saturday, for convenience — that was when Angus had his soccer games, and he wanted all his dads present.)

Taako yawned, getting up from his desk. Their cat (Feather-duster, named by Magnus) wound her way around his legs and he stooped to pet it. The sun shone through the windows brighter now — it was almost seven.

Angus trotted out into the kitchen, dressed in his neatly pressed school uniform and cap. Taako plucked it off his head and put it on the table, moving past him to the stove.

Angus put his rucksack near the table leg and sat at his usual spot. His feet swung, not quite touching the ground.

“Pancakes for breakfast?” He asked.

Already frying the first pancake, Taako chuckled. “You know it pumpkin.”

The next few minutes passed in a companionable quiet; the only sounds were the sizzling from the pan and Taako’s soft humming.

Before long, breakfast was cooked and served. Angus dug in — like most teenaged boys, he had an insatiable appetite that Taako was all too eager to satiate. He remembered being hungry as a teenager, and it wasn’t anything he wanted Angus to suffer through.

Angus finished quickly, thanking Taako through a mouthful of pancake. He barely chewed before swallowing that last bite and rushing off to brush his teeth. Clearing the table, Taako huffed a laugh.

“Bye dad!” Angus called from the door.

“Have fun at school Ango,” Taako called in return, walking over to stand on the front deck.

He knew Lucas’ school wasn’t far, and had taught Angus enough spells to defend himself, but Taako still watched until he turned and trotted out of sight at the end of the street before going back inside. Humming again, he made two cups of tea — one for him and one for Kravitz — knowing that Magnus would still be asleep.

Kravitz was sitting up in bed when Taako brought his tea in, having detangled himself from Magnus. His clothes were rumbled, the top two buttons of his shirt undone.

“Morning love,” he said, his voice husky. With sleep, Taako assumed.

Taako smiled softly, handing Kravitz his mug and settling in next to him. “That kid is way too eager to get to school,”

“Oh yeah?” Asked Kravitz with a chuckle.

Taako made a faux-outraged noise of affirmation. “No kid is that excited to sit at desk and be talked at for hours!”

Kravitz smiled at Taako, shaking his head slightly at his husband’s antics. He raised the mug to sip his tea — and then spilt it over the covers as he was struck by a coughing fit.

“Shit, Krav, are you okay?” Taako asked, taking the half empty cup from his hands and putting it on the nightstand next to his own.

He rubbed Kravitz’s back, eyes wide with worry until the coughs died down. Kravitz heaved a breath, then another, until he was breathing normally.

“Krav?” Taako asked again.

“I’m fine,” he responded, “just feeling poorly.”

“I thought you couldn’t get sick,” Taako accused.

“So did I. But I also thought that my heart no longer beat, so… anything’s possible.”

Taako hemmed, unsatisfied. He reached out and put his hand against Kravitz’s forehead, drawing it back quickly from the heat.

“Well you’ve definitely got a fever my man,”

Kravitz stifled another cough into the crook of his elbow.

“Well, up you get. I’ll make you some chicken noodle soup. Where’s your cloak?”

He found the cloak hanging on a hook near the door. As it was a magical construct, Kravitz could technically just dismiss and summon it at will, but he wanted it to hang on the coat-rack, so there it stayed.

Taako bundled Kravitz into his cloak, then led him out into the kitchen. Feather-duster rubbed against Kravitz’s legs, almost tripping him until Taako shooed her away. As Taako readied the ingredients, Kravitz leant against the counter and gazed at him. Boiling the noodles and slicing the chicken, Taako glanced over at him.

“You wanna sit down my man? You look like you’re about to collapse,”

Sighing, Kravitz dragged himself onto the countertop and scooted so his back was touching the wall. His body ached dully with the effort; Kravitz really was sick. Unbidden, his mind took him back to the last time he had been sick: shivering and shaking under all the blankets his family owned, a cough that seared his chest with pain. In his last moments he had prayed to the Queen for safe passage.

Kravitz made a face at Taako, hopefully conveying “happy?”. Taako laughed softly.

Pulling his cloak tighter around his shoulders, Kravitz closed his eyes and leant his head back against the tiled splashboard. He whispered a prayer to his Queen and breathed as deeply as he could without it triggering another coughing fit.

After a few moments, he heard her Voice in his head:

My dear Kravitz, this is not divine punishment. You are almost alive in servitude to me; this is simply one of the side effects.

Her Voice faded out with the sounds of winds fluttering and gentle laughter.

Taako hummed along as he stirred the pot.

“I love you,” Kravitz told him.

Taako blinked, turning to Kravitz with an expression of shock. This wasn’t the first time Kravitz had professed his love for Taako — they were married, after all — but this was the first time it came in a moment of quiet and distraction.

As Taako opened his mouth to respond, they both heard a crash from their bedroom. Taako’s ears twitched in momentary panic and Kravitz’s shoulders briefly tightened. Neither of them reacted well to surprises, especially violent ones.

Magnus stumbled out of their bedroom, their quilt wrapped around his shoulders. He looked awful. Sweating and shivering, his face reddened by fever, his eyes glassy.

Taako dropped his spoon, “fantasy Jesus Christ, Magnus!”

Magnus mumbled something and slumped down in a chair. Taako rushed over, and Kravitz pushed himself to his feet.

Taako put his hand to Magnus’ forehead.

“Yeah that’s way too high. I’m gonna get you some medicine for that one alright?”

Kravitz made his way over, putting his hand on Magnus’ shoulder and rubbing circles through the blanket. Taako’s eyes rose from Magnus to meet his.

“How ‘bout you boneman? Need some fantasy Panadol?”

“I’ll be fine.”

Taako made a noise of disapproval, but wandered off to get Magnus medicine regardless.

Kravitz sat down next to Magnus and rested his head on his shoulder. Magnus shifted so Kravitz more comfortable.

Kravitz rubbed Magnus’ knee.

“How do you feel?” He asked.

Magnus made a meaningless noise in response, then sniffed and said, “bad.”

Kravitz chuckled. “I’m not feeling so hot myself.”

Magnus tilted his head onto Kravitz’s. As they waited for Taako to return, Kravitz began to hum a song he his mother used to sing when he was sick as a child.

Magnus turned his head to rub his cheek in Kravitz’s hair.

“I love you.”

Kravitz moved his arm so he was loosely hugging Magnus’ front.

“I love you too, Magnus.”

They both smiled. Then Kravitz sneezed, dislodging himself from Magnus’ shoulder.


Magnus laughed himself into a coughing fit.

Taako returned with the fantasy Panadol and busied himself serving the soup. He put a bowl in front of Magnus, and another in front of Kravitz.

“Eat up,” he said, lounging in the chair on the opposite side of the table.

Magnus slurped down a mouthful of soup.

“Gods, I love you Taako.”

Taako looked across the table at his husbands, each bundled up and gross with germs. He thought of their wedding, raising Angus together, Feather-duster. All those dogs Magnus wanted to adopt. He looked at his husbands and thought of the life they shared together.

“Yeah.” He said, “Yeah, I love you too.”

A gift for @thelamejames, created by @rockindragonz!


Strings of Fate

The thing about red strings was that Taako’s had always been connected to something, but it was mostly limp.  Except when it wasn't… There would be flashes where he would feel a tug on his pinky finger, never very strong, but always there, but it would disappear within an hour or so, as if his soulmate was jumping between planes or something.  He tried talking to Sazed about it, but, as with most things toward the end, he just blew Taako off and ignored him. So Taako never brought it up.

Being around the two idiots he called friends now didn’t really give him much of an opportunity to search or bring it up.  Right after the blew up Phandalin was the first time he felt it after joining the BoB. It was stronger this time, oddly so, and it seemed to pull him straight down towards an area just past the large black circle that once was the small town.  For a moment, Taako thought that maybe his soulmate had been in that town they had just incinerated and he would never get to meet them, but he shook his head of that thought and kept moving forward, as one does.

The next time Taako got a blip on the red string radar was months down the line when they were in the orb flying back to the moon base. He felt a near painful pull back towards the ground and had half a mind to try and turn this thing around, but as quick as it was there, it was gone.  He’d missed his chance, and this was his best one yet.


When it happened again, they were on their way to Lucas’ lab.  The pulling was painful, as if fate was trying desperately to get them to meet again.  When they stepped foot into the crystalline laboratory, the string started pulling in seemingly random directions.  Towards the wall, towards the ceiling, and at one point towards a huge crystal monster. At which point Taako thought ‘fuck no’ and proceeded to kick it’s ass, no matter how painful it might be to be possibly killing his soulmate.  When they finally confronted the monster they had been chasing, Taako had an epiphany. The man announced himself as a grim reaper for the Raven Queen herself and it all slid into place. Fate didn’t work cross-planar, that’s why blips would pop up occasionally when he would come top-side.

He stared the reaper down in disbelief, and the reaper, Kraavitz, stared back, then at his pinky, then back.  While he was distracted, Magnus brought his ax down in a wide swing, to which Taako’s only reaction was to cast the spell he’d been readying: evard’s black tentacles.  Magnus and Kraavitz got caught up in them, and as soon as Taako realized that, he dismissed the spell and walked calmly forward.

“You know, I was going to threaten you with being the star of my tent porn,” Taako said, hand on his hip and a smirk playing at his lips 

“I-this is unprecedented,” Kraavitz said, suddenly non-accented.  Taako snorted. Unprecedented was an understatement.

“Hey, uh, Taako?  What’s up buddy?” Magnus said, looking between Taako and Kraavitz.  In response, Taako held up his right pinky finger and wiggled it, then pointed at the reaper in front of him.  “Oh. Oh!” Magnus started bouncing excitedly up and down as he holstered his ax and began to squeal in the most un-Magnus-like fashion they had ever seen.

And honestly….the rest is history.

[ID: A gray scale drawing of a the adventure zone swap alternate universe. the first panel features

[ID: A gray scale drawing of a the adventure zone swap alternate universe. the first panel features kravitz in the front, and john and julia in the back. They are all facing forwards, john is slightly confused. The second panel takes up almost the entirety of the page. It’s Taako, dressed in a cowboy hat, with a veil. He is holding a scythe, and the one eye that is visible is black. His hair is braided, and seems to be flowing with the wind. There is smoke coming from the ground where his feet are. He says: “Kravitz REDACTED, you are being arrested for” and then he is cut off by kravitz yelling, “YEEHAW!” A small portrait of Kravitz can be seen, he is blushing and looking to the side, as a box floats behind him saying “REGRET.” There is another small portrait of taako, confused, as he repeats, “yeehaw?” His eye that was black before now has a pupil. END ID]

A gift for @semdill, created by @warlockmutual!

Frankly, I would like to thank you for letting me draw cowboy taako!! 

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[ID: a drawing of kravitz, taako, and angus standing together. kravitz is a man with dark brown skin

[ID: a drawing of kravitz, taako, and angus standing together. kravitz is a man with dark brown skin and black dreadlocks pulled into a bun. he’s wearing a dark gray and black suit and holding a scythe in his hands, and he has one hand around taako’s waist as he smiles at him. taako is an elf with brown skin and curly blonde hair pulled into a ponytail. he’s wearing a white blouse and purple-ish pants, plus a blue-gray wizard’s hat. he’s smiling down at angus and has a hand on angus’s shoulder. angus is a short boy with dark brown skin and short curly black hair. he’s wearing a white shirt, dark blue tie, and blue sweater-vest, plus a light blue cap with a red feather in it. he’s smiling brightly and holding up a magnifying glass. the background is reddish-pink, and “for shae” is written in the top left corner, with a small smiley face. END ID]

A gift for @shae-pine, created by @semdill!

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 Time for another hypothetical Adventure Zone platform fighter moveset! Today we’ve got the Ra

Time for another hypothetical Adventure Zone platform fighter moveset! Today we’ve got the Raven Queen’s bounty hunter, also known as Taako’s boyfriend, Kravitz!

Kravitz excels at one-on-one combat. He’s got good speed, good damage, and many skills that allow him to rush down and take out single opponents. Just be careful when up against multiple foes, as he can be easily overwhelmed.

Kravitz’s down special opens his bounty book. If a foe is in line of site, they’ll be marked with a bounty for a bit. This slightly boosts Krav’s damage to them and affects his other specials. This move can’t be used again til the bounty timer wears off, whether or not it successfully marked a foe.

Kravitz’s side special has him release a crystal cluster that drifts lazily in the direction he was facing until it comes in contact with anything, at which point it will explode. However, if a foe is marked by a bounty, the crystal will move a bit faster and home in on them.

Kravitz’s neutral special is a good old fashioned sweep of his scythe. The button can be held to charge up the swing for more damage. If used on a target marked by a bounty, in addition to doing additional damage to them, Kravitz will heal for a small amount.

Kravitz’s up special has his cape transform into a pair of wings, essentially just acting as a very good extra jump. If an opponent is marked by a bounty, you have the option to charge this move, and instead of flying upwards Kravitz will fly directly towards the marked opponent.

Kravitz’ finale has him call forth the conglomeration of souls known as Legion. Legion will float in the center of the stage for a short time, during which your usual moveset will be replaced by a series of strikes and blasts from Legion.

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Taakitz….but at the beach??? This was a random prompt from my professor, bless his soul 

Taakitz….but at the beach??? 

This was a random prompt from my professor, bless his soul 

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Quick TAZ fanart to celebrate I got my hands on the TAZ comic,,, hurray!

Quick TAZ fanart to celebrate I got my hands on the TAZ comic,,, hurray!

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Thank you all, for the nice comments on the TAZanimated <3Here’s a Kravitz for you, the lovely sw

Thank you all, for the nice comments on the TAZanimated <3

Here’s a Kravitz for you, the lovely sweet boi of death!

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taz-ids: hiirenvirna:also here’s a thing i did for a secret santa we did with the folks of @seikka



also here’s a thing i did for a secret santa we did with the folks of @seikkailuvyohyke to finish our candlenights countdown! this is for @taztaas and is based on their super cute fic they posted for the eleventh day of the countdown (please go read it it’s absolutely adorable).

the candlenights coundown was so much fun and everyone’s contributions were so good. i’m glad i got to do this nice little project with such awesome people!!

[ID] a full color drawing of Taako and Kravitz, which is framed like a photograph. It shows them from the waists up, holding a cat and smiling. Taako is on the left, he is an elf with tan skin and freckles, long blond hair pulled into a bun. He’s wearing a pink sweater with a plaid scarf around his neck, and he’s holding a hairless cat up in front of him. He’s smiling and winking. Kravitz is on the right. He is a dark skinned man with long black hair that’s styled into deadlocks and pulled back. He’s grinning, and his eyes are black with slitted red irises. He’s wearing a black sweater and a red scarf, and has one hand on Taako’s shoulder. 

The cat is also wearing a black sweater, and it has large green eyes that are opened wide. It’s holding its paws up in front of him with a blank expression on its face. [end ID] 

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