#kun au


☆ [nostalgic] summer romance!au kun
it’s late …… but happy birthday leader kun ~
find others here: johnny|haechan|taeil|taeyong|mark|jaemin|yangyang|yuta|sicheng |chenle

  • there’s a sharp knock on the glass of your window 
  • you stare up at the ceiling and don’t move an inch from the comfort of your bed until the knock comes again. and again.
  • with a groan you roll off your sheets and compose yourself before walking over and pushing your curtains aside
  • on the other side of the window is kun
  • standing god knows how on the side of the second story of your house and you cross your arms
  • he motions for you to open the window and you shake your head
  • he rolls his eyes and somehow the little gesture ticks you off to no end
  • who does he think he is? always being so rude, even when he needs me to do something for him!
  • he motions again and you try not to look at the strong line of his arms - he’s wearing a sleeveless tank and jeans which really? how athletic is he climbing in those thing-
  • you sneer but you give in, undoing the latch and pushing open the window
  • stepping back, kun climbs through without a hitch and once he’s standing on the carpet of your bedroom you look up and start
  • “i was about to go to sleep what are you doing her-”
  • “where’s your cousin?”
  • he doesn’t even look at you.
  • in fact, he looks over your shoulder at your door that’s closed
  • “he said to meet him before we both sneak out, but that dumbass could have just met me at the party himself.”
  • you uncross your arms and instead curl your fingers into fists at your side
  • “so why didn’t you sneak through the guestroom window asshole -”
  • “don’t know which window is the guest room. i just knew this one was yours because of the childish curtains.”
  • he gets under your nerves. he really does. he has since you meet him as the naïve new kid at your towns middle school
  • and he - he was the ever so perfect at everything upperclassman. 
  • that hadn’t changed much now - as you got older you came to understand that kun could do no wrong in the eyes of everyone BUT you
  • your parents thought he was the shining example of a young man, your friends all wanted to date him, and now even your cousin who was staying with you for the summer was impressed with him.
  • they’d met at the party you had thrown to welcome your cousin and how kun even got there - you don’t know - but he’d shown up with sicheng and ten 
  • and then was talking to your cousin and everyone and making you irritated the entire night ……. and yet ………… here he was now 
  • sneaking out with YOUR cousin to go to another party. who’s party? you didn’t know - your own damn cousin had invited KUN and not YOU
  • you don’t want to bite your tongue anymore - you want to start mouthing off on him just like he thinks he has the right to do with you 
  • but if you raise your voice, you’ll wake your parents and you have the sinking feeling that if they walked in on this scene 
  • they might not be as angry about it as other parents would be……you cringe, thinking about how your mother had once inquired you if kun and you were considering being more than friends.
  • you look up at him now. more than friends? he’s going to be my enemy till i die.
  • you think your worry comes to life when your door opens and you turn so fast in fear of seeing your parents actually standing there, but it is just your cousin
  • who grins at kun and pushes past you like you’re a ghost in your own room
  • “ready to go dude?” he asks and kun suddenly takes this moment of all to look at you 
  • he makes a noise of agreement, but he keeps his line of vision on you. it makes something crawl up your skin. creep, don’t look at me like that! 
  • it only lasts a split second, before both boys are using your window to sneak out into the sticky summer night and you’re rushing over to shut it. 
  • before you do - you watch them disappear out of the backyard - two figures in the moon. 
  • you huff, reaching for your curtains and you don’t notice kun look back.
  • this keeps happening. 
  • sometimes kun does come sneaking back through your window (he says he can’t get the guest room one where your cousin is - there’s nothing for him to climb up on that side of the house) but rather than just that
  • kun just keeps appearing around you
  • he’s at the same parties, he’s at the same park, he’s at the same beach. the town has never felt smaller and your cousin is the reason for it all. he drags kun everywhere - like they’re the bestest of friends.
  • they’ve known each other for like two or something weeks…..can’t they find other people to hangout with! maybe i should just stay in my room from now on-
  • you turn off the shower and try to erase the thought from your head. you wrap a towel around yourself and scurry down the hall back to your room where you shut the door and sigh.
  • he annoys me so much that my brain can’t help thinking about him when it should just be trying to throw him out of my he-
  • your shoulders tense when you hear a familiar sound at the window. 
  • no fucking way
  • the curtains are drawn back now and through the glass you see the familiar outline of kun’s figure
  • you stomp over - you’ve been boiling over his constant presence and you think fine, he wants to come into your room, you wont let him until he hears what you really think
  • so you yank the window up, but not enough for him to climb through
  • “hey i can-”
  • “kun, i know everyone thinks your gods gift to this earth but what would they think of you trying to sneak into my room through the goddamn window at midnight? huh? can’t spend your summer doing something better than bothering me? that’s what the prince of this little town does - peep through wind-”
  • in the heat of the moment you throw your hands up to the glass of the window and the towel ……. drops
  • you probably wouldn’t have even noticed - how wound up you’ve gotten - but kun 
  • kun nearly falls straight off the side of your house and you can see the panic reflected in his eyes flash so you yank the window up and instead of letting him fall backwards
  • you pull him in and ontop of you
  • the two of you topple over onto your carpet - the thudding sound resounds and kun catches himself on his arms so his weight doesn’t crush you
  • you stare up - that flash of panic is still in kun’s eyes and for a second you try to figure out why when you feel the summer air gust through and all over your exposed skin
  • you scream, because what else can you do, and kun pushes himself off you
  • you reach for the towel pooled beside you and wrap yourself back up - getting to your feet with wobbly horror and staring at kun who is sitting back with that expression stil on his face
  • it doesn’t last long though because you hear someone pull at your doorknob - your mothers voice coming from the otherside
  • kun falls back and rolls himself under your bedframe - just in time for the door to open and your mother to rush in with worry laced in her voice
  • “what happened?”
  • qian kun just saw me naked!
  • “i- i though-i thought i saw something in the window im fine, really!”
  • your mother pries but you push her back toward the door gently, assuring her that it was probably an owl or a racoon in a tree. really. 
  • she touches your shoulder and says to call her if you need anything. you close the door again and listen to her footsteps down the stairs.
  • you breath in and turn around - kun has gotten out from under the bed and is now standing at the corner of your bed looking more lost than you’ve ever seen him in your life
  • no snarky remarks, no stupid smug look on his face 
  • you feel angry. you still feel all pissed off from before, but now there’s something else coursing through you. 
  • shame.
  • “get out”
  • you grit your teeth. 
  • “i - i would never-”
  • “get out kun, seriously.”
  • he stumbles, no confidence and no superiority, just an almost wounded like stride as he reaches for the window again.
  • he looks over his shoulder and you brace yourself - with him, he could look sad all he wants but you know deep down he could say something so cruel right about now-
  • “im sorry.”
  • you clutch the towel 
  • sorry for what? for being better than me at everything? for having to see me at my most vulnerable when all i ever see you at is your best?
  • you think - or at least you assume you think this - you don’t realize you’ve said it out loud
  • kun stops and swallows, “im not the best at anything. im a horrible liar you know.”
  • “what?”
  • the towel should be soft, but it feels heavy, like a lifeline you’re gripping but that just gets harder and harder to keep close
  • kun pushes his lower body through the window and then looks at you one final time
  • “im a horrible liar. the reasons i even- the reason im always around you isn’t because of your cousin. it’s because i want to be near-”
  • you don’t hear the last word because he disappears right after that, you stand in the corner of your room, he wants to be near what? 
  • you look at the shut door, the mirror hanging on the back of it, and your reflection
  • did he say he wants to be near me?
  • you don’t really go anywhere for a couple of days after that. 
  • your cousin is always out, but you don’t even want to go see your friends. you just know that that will risk seeing-
  • something knocks against your window and you look over, a new feeling swelling in your chest that isn’t like that dread you’ve felt before
  • but instead of kun’s figure - you just see the raindrops that are accumulating on the glass
  • a heavy summer storm brews up outside and you think it’s ironic. your brain feels like it is going through a tornado of its own. 
  • you walk toward it and think it would be nice to feel the rain though - to touch something outside of room and when you open it you do see something
  • you see someone in the backyard
  • “kun?”
  • you’re rushing out on the grass - barefoot and wrapping your arms around yourself in the wind of the rain
  • “kun why are you here - my cou-”
  • “im here to see you.”
  • you don’t understand - and then a strong chill that doesn’t come from the storm runs up your spine - he’s here to make fun of me isn’t he? mock me?
  • “listen, i don’t want to hear it from you of all people - you saw me naked for a second and you have no right-”
  • “its you. im always here to see you. do you understand?”
  • he’s talking over me - like usual - but why is his tone-
  • “excuse me? understand wh-”
  • the rain gets heavier and you cannot believe you’re about to do this but you’re getting soaked and so is kun and so you point to your window
  • “meet me up there.”
  • you don’t know why you invite him. you expect the worst and you expect to get hurt and made fun of it. but you do it anyway. 
  • part of you is saying it’s because you want to pick a fight - but another part, quieter and that’s been dormant for a while says no, it’s because you might think you hate kun but you aren’t going to let him stand out in the rain any longer.
  • you wish you could tell this part to shut up and go away, but you give into it every time. especially, it seems, when it comes to him of all people.
  • kun looks displaced again in your room - he usually sneaks through and acts like he owns the place - but this time he’s back to this awkward atmosphere
  • you feel sick thinking about how you kind of wish you had the other side of him back
  • “so why are you here kun, really. it’s embarrassing enough for me that you saw me-”
  • “im sick of lying.” 
  • you blink, looking at him more seriously
  • “lying?”
  • “your cousin is fun and all, but cmon - you said it yourself. everyone expects the best of me, why would i spend my summer partying around the town. do you think i like it?”
  • speechless you don’t say anything in response and kun continues
  • “it’s just, finally i had an excuse good enough to be around you. to sneak up through your window, to hangout with the people you are friends with, to see you. otherwise - i never get a chance to-”
  • he looks different tonight, maybe because he’s drenched with rain, but he looks more like the kun you’ve known for years
  • put together, serious, he even has his glasses on tonight which shocks you more than anything because ever since the summer started - ever since he’s been around your cousin - he seems to have ditched them
  • you think slowly the pieces are coming together in your head about what point kun is making
  • it creeps in and you think shock is going to overcome you when kun confesses - with none of that bravado he seems to have adapted - 
  • “i just know you hate me and without a good reason you would never let me near you so i - i just did the one thing that meant i could be close to you, because i dont hate you, i really like-”
  • you take a couple of steps toward him, closing your fingers around his face and you hear kun’s breath hitch up 
  • you pull him down and toward you and just as you’re about to brush your lips against his - you instead pull him into a tight hug
  • you bury your face in his chest. his hands stuck stiff at his sides
  • “im not going to kiss you until you promise me one thing kun”
  • you can feel his heartbeat and yours, both rushing - louder than the thunder outside
  • “wh-what?”
  • “if we do this - whatever this will be - you have to promise you’ll still hangout with my cousin. he really thinks you guys are best friends.”
  • after a bit of a pause you feel his chest rumble with laughter
  • which you take offense to as you pull out of his arms - “hey don’t laugh! im being seri-”
  • “this is why i want to be near you by the way.”
  • he looks at you and for the first time it isn’t cold or accompanied by a sneer, the warmth in the deep browns almost makes you coy
  • “the guy you’re enemies with tells you they like you and you go ‘whatever, just keep being nice to my cousin’.”
  • you cross your arms, “family before boyfriends.”
  • kun cocks an eyebrow, “boyfriend? you move fast.”
  • “qian kun you’ve seen me naked. you better be ready for commitment.”
  • he loops his hands around your waist and you yelp a little at the sound contact - hugging and all is one but now he is pushing you up and against him
  • “im ready for anything if it means i can see you naked again.”
  • after that - everything shifts
  • naturally it does, you do start dating the guy you swore you’d hate till you died but that’s not the only thing
  • you are also dating the most sought after guy in your town and while most of the other people your age go green with envy - your parents and cousin (surprisingly) are over the moon
  • your parents you get, but you thought your cousin would hate the idea - when infact he confesses that he’s happy you like kun now - you all three can hangout easier for the rest of his summer here!
  • you’re all having dinner one time and your mother asks what made you finally realize you liked kun
  • you fluster, and kun quips that he just had to sneak through your window a couple of times to end up sneaking into your heart
  • your parents laugh - oh qian kun would never sneak through a window, only bad boys do that!
  • you almost choke on your peas
  • you won’t lie - you have insecurities and worries in the beginning, kun could still be pulling a fast one on you. or maybe you two just will never get over the competition between each other.
  • but that all proves null, you and him can be sarcastic and joke around all you want it doesn’t stop the feelings that grow tenfold through the summer 
  • that feeling that when you are with him, there isn’t anyone else around 
  • and kun really is the best at everything (you don’t say it out loud though)
  • but he does have the looks, the brains, the popularity and boy does he know what he’s doing with those hands of his 
  • safe to say that he might have seen you naked first but you definitely saw him as well
  • you joke about it and your cousin is like ok. nevermind. this relationship between yall is GROSS jkjk
  • and then - like all things, summer ends, and your cousin is back off to his hometown 
  • and when you’re saying goodbye - he goes up to you and leans in to whisper something so no one else hears
  • “that’s not going to happen!”
  • you exclaim when he leans out, but he just shrugs and says “just promise you will.”
  • so you do promise. 
  • when you comeback to join kun he asks what the promise was about and you roll your eyes, muttering that it’s unrealistic so it doesn’t matter.
  • the only issue is - it is very realistic
  • because ten years later you are sending out invitations to you and kun’s wedding
  • he’s sitting at the dinner table beside you and watching you handwrite the notes, cutely testing out your cursive 
  • he teases your mistakes and you swat at him, he leans down to kiss the side of your cheek when he looks at the invitation in your hand
  • it’s addressed to your cousin and kun reads it out loud: 
  • “hey cousin, im keeping my promise from the past - the promise that id invite you to me and kun’s wedding.”
  • kun looks at you and you can’t believe the look makes you blush - even as a damn adult
  • kun keeps reading;
  • “and the other promise - that ill dance with you right after i dance with kun.”
  • kun chuckles, “you might not keep that one - because im not letting anyone else dance with after me. you’ll be mine that night.”
  • you scrunch up your nose, “dummy - ill be yours forever.” 