

i’ve been working on a passion project this month, starting a bilingual tourism instagram for the city i work in @/explore.nichinan. I’m hoping that when the pandemic has calmed down people will want to visit more rural areas, not just crowded cities

this is a painting of an area called Nango, 南郷, famous for mangos and beaches!

if you want to see more of southern kyushu check it out!

維新dancin'鹿児島市 スペシャルムービー

If you want something entertaining to watch I recommend this video! This is the 150 Year Anniversary of the Meiji Restoration and the hometown of Saigo Takamori. This is a promotional video for Kagoshima-city made with a local high school’s male gymnastics teams. This video is very funny and the tune is super catchy!


#kagoshima    #kyushu    #meiji restoration    #saigo takamori    #鹿児島    #九州    #西郷隆盛    #日本    