#la fashion blogger

Abbott Kinney in #hashtags: The LA Hub of Independent Fashion Boutiques and Lifestyle CafesIf you’re

Abbott Kinney in #hashtags: The LA Hub of Independent Fashion Boutiques and Lifestyle Cafes

If you’re visiting LA for the first time you kind of feel it’s obligatory to rent a bike, go cycling down Venice Beach and check out all the Hulk Hogans of this world pumping some iron at the outdoor gym (aka Muscle Beach). I admit we had fun doing it, but Venice Beach has become hugely touristy. What I would suggest doing is going for a little bike ride and ending up on Abbott Kinney. The LA hub of independent restaurants and cafes, as well as quirky lifestyle and fashion boutiques!

If you’re taking our advice (which you should because we’re always right) and visiting Abbott Kinney, then here’s a list of all the spots we’d recommend you try out…in the form of #hashtags: http://bit.ly/2dWRMrn

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