#land rights



Person appears holding a bundle of furs.

“Hi! My name’s Siqiñiq, I am Iñuipaq from Alaska, Iñuit, and I want to show you my furs!”

They shift the furs in their arms, holding up a white with blue undertone fur.

“This is blue fox, I’m going to use this on my girl’s parka’s (atigi)”

They hold up a white and brown colored fur.

“This is lamb, which in the city many of us use as liners.”

They next switch to a caramel colored outfit.

“This is sikshrik, squirrel. This is what you would use as a liner traditionally. It’s much softer, so pretty.”

The next fur is a white-grey color.

“This is silver fox, my favorite.”

The Tiktoker holds up the finale fur.

“And my wolf!”

They wrap the wolf fur around their head.

“Okay, yesterday Biden signed support in one of the largest fossil fuel projects in North America right next to my village where my mom lives right now-“

White text that says “Willow Master Project” shows up. They put the fur down and bend closer to the camera.

“-a dynamite mine less then 10 miles away would be installed over 300 miles of pipeline. This completely goes against the Paris climate agreement.

You can take action now.

Visit the link in my profile, it’ll go to a YouTube video of testimony’s of real people in these communities. Then go to silainuat.org

Thank you!”

The video stops


With much discussion with Elders Councils and around Sacred fires and ceremonies the Secwepemc Ts’ka7 Warriors have acted out their collective responsibility and jurisdiction to and in the Ts’ka7 area by deactivating the Imperial Metals Ruddock Creek mine road. Imperial Metals Corporation never asked for or received free, prior and informed consent to operate in Secwepemc Territory. The Imperial Metals Mount Polley mine disaster, in the area known as Yuct Ne Senxiymetkwe, the absolute destruction and devastation of our Territory has never been answered for. No reparations have been made. http://goo.gl/jJqajW

Placard holders Tom Thompson, Clancy Roberts and Davis Daniels protest against a Northern Territory

Placard holders Tom Thompson, Clancy Roberts and Davis Daniels protest against a Northern Territory Bill which would grant Aboriginal Territorians the right to lease and later sell Aboriginal Reserve land, and in the process lose it.

Source: Northern Territory News, 28 February 1968

Post link

I’m Gary Foley and I’M A BLACK AUSTRALIAN. I’m here to tell you a little bit about what’s happening to Aboriginal people in this country. Let me tell you a little bit because this is not just a night for music. It’s a night for understanding people who are oppressed and in this country it’s Aboriginal people who are oppressed. Our people have lived in this country for 50,000 years. Everything was cool until 200 years ago some bloke by the name of Captain Cook come out here. Now 800 million Aboriginal people lived and died here before any white man come to this country. When you arrived, when white man arrived in this country, he shot the blacks, poisoned their waterholes, murdered them left, right and centre, and those that were left were rounded up like dogs and cattle and stuck in these places called Aboriginal reserves, which were nothing less than concentration camps, and there they stayed until very recently. It’s only 14 years since you people gave us the vote in this country and we still have not got the land to give us economic independence. We need land rights and we need it now. It’s not good enough just to come and listen to music. If you people can afford the time to come to a Clash concert, then you can afford the time sometime soon – when Aboriginal people march in this town for their land rights – then you should be there.”

Gary Foley - 1982
