


“… “I’m taking action because I feel desperate,” said U.S. climate scientist Peter Kalmus, who along with several others locked himself to the front door of a JPMorgan Chase building in Los Angeles. A recent report found that the financial giant is the biggest private funder of oil and gas initiatives in the world.

“It’s the 11th hour in terms of Earth breakdown, and I feel terrified for my kids, and terrified for humanity,” Kalmus continued. “World leaders are still expanding the fossil fuel industry as fast as they can, but this is insane. The science clearly indicates that everything we hold dear is at risk, including even civilization itself and the wonderful, beautiful, cosmically precious life on this planet. I actually don’t get how any scientist who understands this could possibly stay on the sidelines at this point.” …”

Homo Sapiens will suffer a die-back in the next thirty years. Make your plans around that central event.

Check out these amazing energy facts that just might shock you:http://youtu.be/TnNixMosUIo

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I like to have this saved in my phone so I can show friends, family, or random people who are curious to understand the spoon theory and for them to get a better understanding of what we have to do/think about every day.

 Ancient pigment can boost energy efficiencyA color developed by Egyptians thousands of years ago ha

Ancient pigment can boost energy efficiency

A color developed by Egyptians thousands of years ago has a modern-day application as well – the pigment can boost energy efficiency by cooling rooftops and walls, and could also enable solar generation of electricity via windows.

Egyptian blue, derived from calcium copper silicate, was routinely used on ancient depictions of gods and royalty. Previous studies have shown that when Egyptian blue absorbs visible light, it then emits light in the near-infrared range. Now a team led by researchers at the Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) has confirmed the pigment’s fluorescence can be 10 times stronger than previously thought.

Measuring the temperature of surfaces coated in Egyptian blue and related compounds while they are exposed to sunlight, Berkeley Lab researchers found the fluorescent blues can emit nearly 100 percent as many photons as they absorb. The energy efficiency of the emission process is up to 70 percent (the infrared photons carry less energy than visible photons).

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 Disorder can stabilize batteriesNovel materials can considerably improve storage capacity and cycli

Disorder can stabilize batteries

Novel materials can considerably improve storage capacity and cycling stability of rechargeable batteries. Among these materials are high-entropy oxides (HEO), whose stability results from a disordered distribution of the elements. With HEO, electrochemical properties can be tailored, as was found by scientists of the team of nanotechnology expert Horst Hahn at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). The researchers report their findings in the journal Nature Communications.

Sustainable energy supply requires reliable storage systems. Demand for rechargeable electrochemical energy storage devices for both stationary and mobile applications has increased rapidly in the past years and is expected to continue to grow in the future. Among the most important properties of batteries are their storage capacity and their cycling stability, i.e. the number of possible charging and discharging processes without any loss of capacity. Thanks to its high stability, an entirely new class of materials called high-entropy oxides (HEO) is expected to result in major improvements. Moreover, electrochemical properties of HEO can be customized by varying their compositions. For the first time, scientists of KIT’s Institute of Nanotechnology (INT) and Karlsruhe Nano Micro Facility (KNMF), of the Helmholtz Institute Ulm (HIU) established jointly by KIT and Ulm University, and of the Indian Institute of Technology in Madras have now demonstrated the suitability of HEO as conversion materials for reversible lithium storage. Conversion batteries based on electrochemical material conversion allow for an increase of the stored amount of energy, while battery weight is reduced. The scientists used HEO to produce conversion-based electrodes that survived more than 500 charging cycles without any significant degradation of capacity.

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automotivetestdrivers: Why LG Chem Leads In Electric-Car Batteries: Materials Science, It Says: The


Why LG Chem Leads In Electric-Car Batteries: Materials Science, It Says:

imageThe top three battery makers for electric cars today are Panasonic, AESC, and LG Chem. But while Panasonic sells largely to Tesla, and AESC is a joint venture half-owned by Nissan, LG sells its cells to more carmakers than any other battery company. And the secret to that success is LG’s expertise in chemicals and materials science, according to… http://dlvr.it/9sVkXH

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 Researchers report new understanding of thermoelectric materialsThe promise of thermoelectric mater

Researchers report new understanding of thermoelectric materials

The promise of thermoelectric materials as a source of clean energy has driven the search for materials that can efficiently produce substantial amounts of power from waste heat.

Researchers reported a major step forward Friday, publishing in Science Advances the discovery of a new explanation for asymmetrical thermoelectric performance, the phenomenon that occurs when a material that is highly efficient in a form which carries a positive charge is far less efficient in the form which carries a negative charge, or vice versa.

Zhifeng Ren, M. D. Anderson Chair Professor of Physics at the University of Houston, director of the Texas Center for Superconductivity at UH and corresponding author on the paper, said they have developed a model to explain the previously unaddressed disparity in performance between the two types of formulations. They then applied the model to predict promising new materials to generate power using waste heat from power plants and other sources.

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mindblowingscience:Hybrid nanomaterials could smash the solar efficiency ceilingResearchers have


Hybrid nanomaterials could smash the solar efficiency ceiling

Researchers have developed a new method for harvesting the energy carried by particles known as ‘dark’ spin-triplet excitons with close to 100% efficiency, clearing the way for hybrid solar cells which could far surpass current efficiency limits.

The team, from the University of Cambridge, have successfully harvested the energy of triplet excitons, an excited electron state whose energy in harvested in solar cells, and transferred it from organic to inorganic semiconductors. To date, this type of energy transfer had only been shown for spin-singlet excitons. The results are published in the journal Nature Materials (“Resonant energy transfer of triplet excitons from pentacene to PbSe nanocrystals”).

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Credit: MIT

What’s new?

A fine ash, made from pulverised volcanic rocks, can be added to traditional cement to improve its sustainability.

Who is involved?

MIT engineers working with scientists from the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research and Kuwait University. The paper, Impact of Embodied Energy on materials/buildings with partial replacement of ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) by natural Pozzolanic Volcanic Ash, can be viewed here bit.ly/2EwZQwr

How is it novel?

By replacing a percentage of traditional cement materials with volcanic ash, researchers reduced the total energy required to make concrete. Building 26 concrete buildings, using cement with 50% volcanic ash, required 16% less energy than if traditional Portland cement was use, according to calculations.

The researchers also found that concrete mixed with a very fine ash was stronger than concrete made from just Portland cement. However, the process of pulverising volcanic ash to a very fine particle size requires energy. Therefore, if stronger concrete is made using this method, it becomes less sustainable in terms of energy use.

Oral Buyukozturk, a professor in MIT’s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, commented, ‘You can customise this. If it is for a traffic block, for example, where you may not need as much strength as, say, for a high-rise building. So you could produce those things with much less energy. That is huge if you think of the amount of concrete that’s used over the world.’

To find out more visit, bit.ly/2seBZg3


Week in Brief (5–9 February)

Credit:claudia gabriela marques vieira. Studland Bay, Dorset. 

An endangered species of seahorse is under threat from a proposal to drill for oil off the Dorset coast. The species achieved protection in 2008 under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, however in 2017 only 14 spin and short snouted seahorses were recorded around Studland Bay.

A proposal to drill an exploratory well 6km off the Dorset Coast, near Studland Bay, has been submitted by Corallian Energy to the UK Government. A decision is expected by 19 February. The proposal has angered environmentalists and conservationists who fear exploratory drilling could permanently damage the ecosystem.

The Seahorse Trust believes drilling in the area would disturb the seahorses’ environment. Director Neil Garrick-Maidment commented, ‘The latest seahorse sighting was just half a mile from where they are planning to drill, another was seen just under a mile in another direction and a third was two miles away from it.

‘Studland Bay has to become a Marine Conservation Zone because of the environmental impact the anchoring has caused and now we have the threat of an oil spill on the doorstep.’

To find out more visit, bit.ly/2C4e8POandwww.theseahorsetrust.org

In other news:

Sandvik Mining is investing US$25m in a new titanium and nickel metal powder plant 

– UK insurer Aviva has been criticised for investing in the Polish coal industry

Gravitricity, a UK startup, has received £650,000 in funding from Innovate UK to use abandoned mine shafts to store energy

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Solar power is the third most used renewable energy source and its popularity is growing. 

Determining the efficacy of organic solar cell mixtures is a time-consuming and tired practice, relying on post-manufacturing analysis to find the most effective combination of materials.

Now, an international group of researchers – from North Carolina State University in the US and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology – have developed a new quantitative approach that can identify effective mixtures quickly and before the cell goes through production.


Development of a thin-film solar cell. Image: science photo/Shutterstock

By using the solubility limit of a system as a parameter, the group looked to find the processing temperature providing the optimum performance and largest processing window for the system, said Harald Ade, co-corresponding author and Professor of Physics at NC State.

‘Forces between molecules within a solar cell’s layers govern how much they will mix – if they are very interactive they will mix but if they are repulsive they won’t,’ he said. ‘Efficient solar cells are a delicate balance. If the domains mix too much or too little, the charges can’t separate or be harvested effectively.’


‘We know that attraction and repulsion depend on temperature, much like sugar dissolving in coffee – the saturation, or maximum mixing of the sugar with the coffee, improves as the temperature increases. We figured out the saturation level of the ‘sugar in the coffee’ as a function of temperature,’ he said.

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cloudtales: Buckle up for fast ionic conduction Material engineers found that the performance of ion


Buckle up for fast ionic conduction

Material engineers found that the performance of ion-conducting ceramic membranes that are so important in industry depends largely on their strain and buckling profiles.

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Ateam led by researchers at the UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science has developed nanostructures made from a compound of three metals that increases the efficiency and durability of fuel cells while lowering the cost to produce them. Their solution addresses vexing…

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Developed by researchers at the University of Texas, Austin, the new membrane-free semi-liquid battery, consisting of a liquid ferrocene electrolyte, a liquid cathode and a solid lithium anode, exhibited encouraging early results, encompassing many of the features desired in a state-of-the-art…

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 Lithium – it’s not just for batteries: It can also reduce instabilities in fusion plasm

Lithium – it’s not just for batteries: It can also reduce instabilities in fusion plasmas

You may be most familiar with the element lithium as an integral component of your smart phone’s battery, but the element also plays a role in the development of clean fusion energy. When used on tungsten surfaces in fusion devices, lithium can reduce periodic instabilities in plasma that can damage the reactor walls, scientists have found.

The results, demonstrated by scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) and collaborators on China’s Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) found that lithium powder can eliminate instabilities known as edge-localized modes (ELMs) when used to coat a tungsten plasma-facing component called the “divertor” – the unit that exhausts waste heat and particles from plasma that fuels fusion reactions. If left alone, such instabilities can damage the divertor and cause fusion reactions to fizzle.

The results are good news for future devices that plan to use tungsten for their own divertors that are designed to work with lithium.

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A research team from the Georgia Institute of Technology and ExxonMobil has demonstrated a new carbon-based molecular sieve membrane that could dramatically reduce the energy required to separate a class of hydrocarbon molecules known as alkyl aromatics. The new material is based on polymer…

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 Surprising discovery could lead to better batteriesA collaboration led by scientists at the U.S. De

Surprising discovery could lead to better batteries

A collaboration led by scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory has observed an unexpected phenomenon in lithium-ion batteries – the most common type of battery used to power cell phones and electric cars. As a model battery generated electric current, the scientists witnessed the concentration of lithium inside individual nanoparticles reverse at a certain point, instead of constantly increasing. This discovery, which was published on January 12 in the journal Science Advances, is a major step toward improving the battery life of consumer electronics.

“If you have a cell phone, you likely need to charge its battery every day, due to the limited capacity of the battery’s electrodes,” said Esther Takeuchi, a SUNY distinguished professor at Stony Brook University and a chief scientist in the Energy Sciences Directorate at Brookhaven Lab. “The findings in this study could help develop batteries that charge faster and last longer.”

Visualizing batteries on the nanoscale

Inside every lithium-ion battery are particles whose atoms are arranged in a lattice – a periodic structure with gaps between the atoms. When a lithium-ion battery supplies electricity, lithium ions flow into empty sites in the atomic lattice.

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