
RP from @osatyam: We’re still raising funds for the Black QT centered healing center, #BlackMa

RP from @osatyam:
We’re still raising funds for the Black QT centered healing center, #BlackMagicSanctuary .

This sauna & respite center is in stage one of getting the funds to acquire land. If we get 333 people to donate just $14, we’ll hit our first milestone of $10K.

Put $14 on it and share widely! Let’s get our communities the space and healing we deserve.

#SelfCare #BlackHealingMatters #CommunityCare #AllBlackLivesMatter #BlackTransLivesMatter #Yoga #HealingJustice #LandJustice #LandReparations #Reparations (at Atlanta, Georgia)

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You still need your rest too. What if you had access to deep, immersive, but communal rest? In a pla

You still need your rest too.

What if you had access to deep, immersive, but communal rest?

In a place that you visited weekly as if it were ritual. In a place where the magic of nature was at your doorstep.

Where your only goal is restoration.
Your schedule looks like eating good food, walking on bare earth, sitting in a room of rose quartz, & ending your day stargazing.

Atlanta needs this space. Are you ready to help make it real?
Contribute to #BlackMagicSanctuary & share widely. And tag folks who need to see this.
Art: @goodegawd

#BlackHealingMatters #SelfCare #AllBlackLivesMatter #RestIsRevolutionary #ColorBath #Reparations #ThroatChakra #LandReparations #CrownChakra #Donate (at Atlanta, Georgia)

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