
positivelyamazonian: Bare Truths - A Chapter From Lilith’s Scepter, by Adayka (Part II) - See Part Ipositivelyamazonian: Bare Truths - A Chapter From Lilith’s Scepter, by Adayka (Part II) - See Part Ipositivelyamazonian: Bare Truths - A Chapter From Lilith’s Scepter, by Adayka (Part II) - See Part Ipositivelyamazonian: Bare Truths - A Chapter From Lilith’s Scepter, by Adayka (Part II) - See Part Ipositivelyamazonian: Bare Truths - A Chapter From Lilith’s Scepter, by Adayka (Part II) - See Part I


Bare Truths - A Chapter From Lilith’s Scepter, by Adayka

(Part II) - See Part Ihere

Resentment, misunderstandings, selfishness and pride were buried under sweat and saliva. Nothing more mattered. She loved him - not as he loved her, for he’d loved her almost from the first time he’d seen her, but she’d been gradually falling in love with him. She’d taken years and months to realize it was useless to resist the evidence, and that the exchanged kisses long ago weren’t enough for the both of them. But now it didn’t matter. All she wanted now was him, and she knew it was something she wouldn’t regret.
When their bodies finally merged, lying on the ground beneath the starry sky, she realized how badly she’d been wanting him since she met him again for the first time in Meteora. She sunk her teeth into his shoulder to stifle her moans, which might have awakened the whole camp, before abandoning herself to that ecstasy.
All around, the world seemed to hold the silence.

Here comes the second part of the fantastic comic by @adayka! As I told in Part I she’s been kind to me to draw the sequence of Lara and Kurtis’ reconciliation in chapter 16, Bare Truths. And if in the first part a lot of dialogue and emotions were released, in the end few words are needed…

This was my first sex scene ever written - and I wanted to do it so since I finished the first TRAOD sequel, The Golden Seal. Back then I was already yearning for some adult content since I felt it was what I would like to write for Lara and Kurtis, but the age restriction of the Spanish TR forum where I first published it in and the average age of my readers kept me from doing so. In Lilith’s Scepter, though, I finally fulfilled my wish.

Thanks again to the wonderful Jasmine for being so brave and kind as to draw this erotic and emotional scene. I know it’s her first sex scene too, and honestly I’ve no words because it’s exactlywhat I dreamt and intended when writing it -  to make it erotic, to make it emotional, to make it romantic, to make it tasteful. She clearly read my mind.

Thank you, darling. You left me speechlessagain - and slightly blushing, I must confess ;)

Part two!!
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positivelyamazonian: Bare Truths - A Chapter From Lilith’s Scepter, by Adayka (Part I) - See Part IIpositivelyamazonian: Bare Truths - A Chapter From Lilith’s Scepter, by Adayka (Part I) - See Part IIpositivelyamazonian: Bare Truths - A Chapter From Lilith’s Scepter, by Adayka (Part I) - See Part IIpositivelyamazonian: Bare Truths - A Chapter From Lilith’s Scepter, by Adayka (Part I) - See Part IIpositivelyamazonian: Bare Truths - A Chapter From Lilith’s Scepter, by Adayka (Part I) - See Part IIpositivelyamazonian: Bare Truths - A Chapter From Lilith’s Scepter, by Adayka (Part I) - See Part IIpositivelyamazonian: Bare Truths - A Chapter From Lilith’s Scepter, by Adayka (Part I) - See Part IIpositivelyamazonian: Bare Truths - A Chapter From Lilith’s Scepter, by Adayka (Part I) - See Part II


Bare Truths - A Chapter From Lilith’s Scepter, by Adayka

(Part I) - See Part IIhere

I’msuperhappy and excited to present a comic made by the always flawless @adayka concerning a certain scene of Bare Truths, Chapter 16 of my second TRAOD sequel, Lilith’s Scepter.

This scene basically shows the ultimate reconciliation between Lara and Kurtis - the two main characters of the story, of course - after being separated two years since the end of The Golden Seal’s events, and having had a big fight between them.

The scene was verychallenging to write so I can perfectly feel how challenging has been to Jasmine to draw this comic, too. I have no words, again, for this perfection. If there’s any flaw on the dialogues, the blame’s on me, the writer. But as for the drawings I can say but Jasmine’s captured perfectly the tension and the feelings between them. Also kudos to her for she was forced to adapt the terribly long text. Kudos also, to that amazing Marie Cornel drawn for the occasion ;)

I’ve always cared for this OTP a lot, which is more than just a OTP, it’s the canon ship in Tomb Raider universe. I spent lot of years and effort writing them as a couple and of course, it’s not a ship based just in sex or physical interaction. I’ve always wished to make this clear through my fanfics, and I feel now Jasmine helped me to express it even better.

Thank you, darling. Again, I’ve been blessed with you. I hope everyone shipping Lartis or reading my fanfics will enjoy this comic. And also, wait for Part II. Those who already know the fanfic, well… they know what’s coming. ;)

I had to share this, so it will not be lost in the limbo of the internet. And every time I want to read I know where to look. hahaha

@adayka is my new favorite artist! And I didn’t need to say that @positivelyamazonian is my favorite writer!!


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adayka: ok now i’m fine again I’m in love with this art!!! @adayka is very talent


ok now i’m fine again

I’m in love with this art!!! @adayka is very talent

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“…So what’s the plan?“ Kurtis asked, looking at her expectantly. She, in turn, looked at him confused. “The plan? We run through and don’t die.” “That’s… insane.” Lara raised her eyebrows at him. “It’s yet to let me down.” “That’s all you do? Jesus, woman, how have you survived this long?” Placing her hands on her hips and smirking, she teased him. “Are you scared?” “Of course not.” he said confidently. But as he glanced back through the bars into the next room, his eyes belied his words. “Well then, no time like the present.” she declared cheerily…”

Queen of Angels by Claire Sail

hydraballista:When I said, I kinda forgot how to draw Kurtis that is bad, somebody told me well you


When I said, I kinda forgot how to draw Kurtis that is bad, somebody told me well you should draw him more then. And I said why not
This time page full of Kurtis with Lara as guest star
#kurtistrent #laracroft #tombraider #angelofdarkness #sketch #traditionalart #hydraballista

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Before we begin, I owe you an apology. I haven’t updated this fic for a year, basically because I’m now a mother… of twins! Which makes it exceedingly difficult to find time to write and complete what little I have left to finish this fanfic. However, I’ll try to do it ASAP, because I hate unfinished projects, and I already have enough of these among my personal writings. At least I’ll finish the fanfics. So, I’m sorry you had to wait for this, and thanks for being there, always.
