#the angel of darkness



“…So what’s the plan?“ Kurtis asked, looking at her expectantly. She, in turn, looked at him confused. “The plan? We run through and don’t die.” “That’s… insane.” Lara raised her eyebrows at him. “It’s yet to let me down.” “That’s all you do? Jesus, woman, how have you survived this long?” Placing her hands on her hips and smirking, she teased him. “Are you scared?” “Of course not.” he said confidently. But as he glanced back through the bars into the next room, his eyes belied his words. “Well then, no time like the present.” she declared cheerily…”

Queen of Angels by Claire Sail


“He was shirtless and Lara stopped and stared at him in the mirror. In the bright fluorescent lights she could clearly see all the details she missed yesterday while he was tending his wound. Between his pectoral muscles was a downy patch of dark chest hair, and another thinner, wispy trail went from his belly button and disappeared underneath his shorts… Queen of Angels by Clairesail”
