#late discovery adoptee


An Adoptee Honestly Answers Questions about Adoption

Since I came out publicly about being a late discovery adoptee I’ve had a lotttt of questions about my views on adoption and have had plenty of adoptive parents email me personally about certain things. I am pretty open about this subject and thought it would be easier putting a single post together to answer the top questions. If you have more you would like me to address please comment or email…

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An ‘Ungrateful’ Adoptee’s Thoughts About Adoption

Today I was accused of being an ungrateful adoptee.

Yes, me. A twenty-six-year-old late discovery adoptee because I speak out publicly on social media about all sides of adoption. Well, I’ll be honest. Mostly I talk about how adoption isn’t always rainbows and butterflies.

Now, before you come at me with your pitchforks lets all take a collective deep breath. No, I’m Not Anti- Adoption, But I…

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