#law and order




clintfbarton: Sebastian Stan as Justin Capshaw in “Law & Order” S13E22clintfbarton: Sebastian Stan as Justin Capshaw in “Law & Order” S13E22clintfbarton: Sebastian Stan as Justin Capshaw in “Law & Order” S13E22clintfbarton: Sebastian Stan as Justin Capshaw in “Law & Order” S13E22clintfbarton: Sebastian Stan as Justin Capshaw in “Law & Order” S13E22clintfbarton: Sebastian Stan as Justin Capshaw in “Law & Order” S13E22


Sebastian Stan as Justin Capshaw in “Law & Order” S13E22

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20 seasons worth of evidence.

20 seasons worth of evidence.

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im so happy they rebooted law and order and im even HAPPIER THAT HUGH DANCY IS IN THE MAIN LINE UP 

carisi: maybe they’re just not that good at their jobs. or maybe…just maybe…no one wants to live in florida

stabler: now, it is funny that they are both real estate agents and they cannot sell their house

munch: in our continuing exploration into why florida is the way that it is

munch: crazy to think you can kill five people in the 1940s and then live long enough to see jurassic park in theaters

carisi: do they get off on this?

rollins: that’s what i was saying, like a weird bonnie and clyde?

carisi: but bonnie and clyde stuck together, bonnie wasn’t like “hey, you gotta check out this clyde guy”

stabler: backtrack just a bit

benson: about the dressing up?

stabler: yup, exactly right

kat: we gotta give kids places to make out

amaro: if i get murdered, nobody come to my funeral

munch: i wasn’t on board until you got to the decomposing body in an open field

carisi: did you buy the rubber sheets?

barba: no i didn’t buy the rubber sheets! who would do that?!

carisi: apparently you because you’re getting pretty touchy about it

stone: missing bedsheet doesn’t always equal murder

munch: their cruelty seems to know no end!

rollins: boy, the last thing i would want after vomiting is to be killed

carisi: yeah, i mean, really just a bad week for that shark

munch: i want to give him creep points for this very fun old-timey threat of, “i’m going to steal your children.” he’s like the wicked witch
