#peter stone


stone: missing bedsheet doesn’t always equal murder

If you follow my Avengers fan account on Tumblr, you’ve probably seen this list but I would like to do it with SVU characters!!! Send me some prompts along with a character and I’ll make it happen! 

  1. “I was that easy to replace?”
  2. “On your knees.”
  3. “Blame yourself, you were stupid enough to believe every lie I fed you,”
  4. “Stop coming back.”
  5. “Come dance with me!”
  6. “So guess who is pregnant?”
  7. “Are you even going to cry?”
  8. “I used to believe in love.”
  9. “You’re cute when you’re ready to hurt someone.”
  10. “Are you wearing my clothes?”
  11. “Lay back.”
  12. “Get out of my face, you make me sick.”
  13. “I can’t love you, I’m incapable of feeling anything.”
  14. “Come back, please.”
  15. “Take it all off.”
  16. “Wait, are you hitting on me?”
  17. “Marry me?”
  18. “I love you! I could say that forever!”
  19. “Add that to the list of why I love you!”
  20. “I love you now, and forever.”
  21. “You’re all I have!”’
  22. “Someone is jealous!”
  23. “Come a bit closer, you know I like you close.”
  24. “Can’t you cut the tough guy act out for just once?”
  25. “Somewhere deep down, there’s good in you. Pretty far down.”
  26. “Slow down!”
  27. “I’m not leaving till I know you’re okay.”
  28. “Fuck you.”
  29. “I just need you to hold my hand.”
  30. “I lost our baby.”
  31. “I never cared.”
  32. “Tell me what you want.”
  33. “We can’t do that here! There are people around.”
  34. “Please, please stop crying!”
  35. “Where are those bruises from?”
  36. “I’m a monster.”
  37. “I need you, right now,”
  38. “You arrogant prick. Only worried about yourself.”
  39. “Now that’s a sight I’d like to see daily.”
  40. “Just one date, you can even pick when and where!”
  41. “Stop building all these walls around yourself, especially when someone is trying to constantly knock them down!”
  42. “Shut your mouth, now before you end up with a knife in your throat.”
  43. “It’s 1:30AM, what do you think you’re doing?”
  44. “You’ll always be beautiful in my eyes.”
  45. “Let’s have a child.”
  46. “Do you think you can waltz back in without any kind of explaining?”
  47. “Come shower with me.”
  48. “Listen to me for fucksake!”
  49. “What if you would have died?”“Are you plotting something I don’t know about?”
  50. “It’s been a rough day, just please lay with me.”

Pairing: Peter Stone x Reader

Summary: After a night of heavy drinking with a total stranger, Peter decides to try to win you back once again, drunk and over the phone. No better way than that at three AM.


Peter looked down at his cell phone, 2:37AM. He then looked at his shot of Jägermeister, his fifth shot of Jager, on top of three beers and on top of two shots of whiskey. He smiled, looking at the new profile picture you had just uploaded to Facebook. He looked at your smile, missing how he was the one who put that on your face, in the profile picture your loyal dog Jes was with you.

“Damn it, I miss the dog too.” The bartender looked at Peter, puzzled. Peter showed him the picture, his eyebrows perked up.

“Oh shoot and who is that? Your sister, she single?” He said, ready to get your number, Peter shot him a glare.

“That’s the reason I’m here. Drowning my sorrows cause I miss her.” The bartender smiled and handed Peter another beer.

“Now, why is that? Her choice or yours?” Peter took a drink of the beer and shook his head.

“Well, we didn’t date I guess you could say. We just hung out a lot, she slept at my house, I walked her dog, we’d have sex, we-” The bartender cut him off.

“So wait? You had exactly what a relationship is, but not a relationship?” Peter smiled.

“We just never put a label on it. I don’t know. She never asked and neither did I. My ex fiancé popped up, well problem there is I never told her that I had an ex fiancé.” The bartender shook his head, grabbing a shot for himself.

“Man, you know women love knowing that shit!” Peter shook his head.

“I know, I know. Like I said, we weren’t officially dating, I don’t know I didn’t think.” The bartender chuckled and let out a ‘huh’,

“Maybe we do only think with our dicks. Why don’t you call her?” He handed Peter another shot.

“She’s probably asleep, no need to wake her.” He took the shot. The shot he needed. Roughly ten minutes later, he was ready to make that call.

“Oh oh put her on speaker I wanna hear!” The bartender, who’s actual name was Mark shouted.

“Shhhhhh.” Peter whispered, “You have to be ve- ve- very quiet.” He laughed at his inability to speak well, finally there was an answer.

“Hello? Who the hell is this? It’s 3:30AM I have work in three hours. We can’t all stay up half the night!” 

“Ah there’d my firecracker! What are ya doin honey?” 

“Peter? Is that you? Are you hammered right now?” He laughed, trying to hold his head up.

“Maybe! Not as bad as last time I called you!” Which was a lie, it was worse this time. 

“You know what Peter? Seems to me like you only want to talk when you have some booze in you. Tell you what, you know where I live, you have my key still if you want to talk so bad you’ll do it sober. You call me one more time like this and you will never hear from me again, I will block your number. Sound good?” Peter sighed, putting his head down ready to sleep now.

“Okay! Okay! No more drunk calls! Go- goodnight sweet stuff!” You rolled your eyes at his saying and hung up. His new found friend Mark got his home address off his phone, called Peter a cab and sent him to his house to sleep everything off. When Peter woke up he couldn’t remember anything, Not a single thing. When he grabbed his phone, the first thing he saw was a note on the lock screen.

“I know you won’t remember shit! My name is Mark, we became friends last night. You told me about the woman you like so much and even called her. Now, heads up man she told you to talk to her in person not drunk and over the phone. Now, get cleaned up and showered up and go win that woman back! If you have any questions call my number, or if you ever wanna get together! God luck my guy!” Peter laughed at the note, not remembering meeting anyone named Mark. He read the message again, making sure he read what was wrote correctly. As soon as he saw that you had told him to come talk to you when he was sobered up, he ran to the shower and was ready to go In under ten minutes. He headed out the door, knowing all what to say and ready to have you back.

Pairing: Rafael Barba x Reader

Summary: Barba realizes maybe getting under someone isn’t the way to get over someone else.

TAG LIST: https://onelovesr.tumblr.com/


Everyone says heartache takes months, even years to get over, sometimes never. Some say to get over someone you have to get under someone else.

It had been two months since you and Rafael had called it quits, it was gut wrenching to throw away almost three years of a relationship, but it had to be done. Deep down, you knew when you both took your anger out on each other, spent more time wrapped up in a blanket than in each others arms, the quiet breakfast together and the blank stares at the office weren’t personal. When you and Raf broke up, you both admitted what had went wrong and that maybe it was best to lay things to rest for a bit, maybe a few days or weeks or maybe forever.

You knew it was forever when a young, blonde, short skirt and high heels popped into SVU with Rafael. Of course everyman in the unit was drooling over this girl.

“And who is this Barba?” He smirked, and introduced her as Lillian Gomez, his new assistant of course he had to check to make sure you were paying attention to the scene. You just looked straight ahead at your computer, trying your best to focus on the work you had. Something in you just wanted to rip Barba apart, how could he? Three years and now he comes in drooling over his assistant for you to see? How cold is that?

Weeks had passed, you were slowly dying on the inside. Why did his assistant have to be everywhere? You sat in the courtroom ready to get this hearing over with and praying that this perp would be behind bars. Carisi made his way over to you.

“Hey! How are ya?” You looked at him, arms crossed and rolled your eyes.

“Sonny, I’m ready to flip my fuckin’ lid! Why does he have to bring here everywhere? I mean everywhere! I’m surprised when I go to the restroom she’s not fuckin standing there behind me!” You whispered, Sonny laughed.

“I know your hurt,” He put his arm around you, “Have you talked to him? At all?”

“Nope. He hasn’t talked to me.” Sonny rolled his eyes.

“Look you can’t be that way, what are ya in highschool?” You scoffed.

“No! Why would I beg him to talk to me?” Sonny rolled his eyes, once again. You looked up to see a harsh, cold stare from Barba. Once he noticed you he turned to take his seat.

“Did you see that? He just cut through me using his eyes.” Sonny laughed and grabbed your hand.

“Look, you can do one of two things. One, tell Barba how you feel! You guys broke up cause what? Work, stress all that good stuff? Okay, talk to each other like adults. Two, keep watching him with that random lady and probably a lot more random ladies and suffer.” He paused, looking like he was trying to think of something to add. “Oh! You do have a third option, get under someone!” You slapped him lightly, you chuckled but quickly became serious when the judge stepped in. 

The trial finally ended at 6:42PM. Guilty on all charges, 25 to life, no chance of parole. This was a tough case for SVU, and Barba. Fin of course had the idea of going out for drinks at the local bar. You sighed, getting ready to walk away but you were stopped by Sonny.

“Where are you going?” 

“Home.” You smiled, getting ready to turn again.

“No, you are going to come to this bar. You were a big part of why this sick bastard got convicted.” You smiled and blushed.

“Well, you do have a point. I’ll go on one condition. Don’t let me do anything stupid. Like don’t let me get drunk.” Sonny threw a thumbs up.

“I’m your guy! I got your back and you know it!” 

Well, after six shots Sonny should watch no one. He half way lived up to his promise, but you were on your third drink so who knows? You may catch up with him in a bit. You sighed deeply, checking the time on your cell phone, no texts, no calls, go figure. Rollins came over to you as you slowly stirred your drink, occasionally looking up to see Barba and Lillian. Rollins scooted close to you.

“You know, I can baby sit Carisi if you want to bounce.” You turned your head quickly.

“How do y-” She smiled, taking a sip of beer and then cut you off.

“I had to do the same thing you are once, Nick Amaro. I had to watch him drool over his ex wife, wife, baby mama whatever you wanna call her. Sucked the life out of me, it was a real low blow, especially when he knew how I felt. I can understand you not wanting to see that.” You looked back to Barba, his hand on Lillians leg. Amanda was right, you couldn’t take that. You thanked her and paid for your drinks. You darted out of the bar, past Barba and Lillian, slamming the door shut. You sat down on the hard sidewalk and decided you needed a cigarette. You lit up and leaned your head back onto the brick wall. No sooner than you did this, you heard the bar door open. You couldn’t bring yourself to look, you didn’t want eye contact with anyone from work now. 

“Really? When did you start smoking again?” You heard Rafael say. You turned your head, blowing the smoke near him.

“When did you start to give a fuck? Mhm. Finally get your hands and mouth free for a minute instead of all over that woman!” You shouted, pissed off, hurt, all of it would be out tonight. You threw the butt on the ground and stomped on it to make sure it was out.

“You know what? I don’t give a shit. Go, go be with her! I can’t even think about another man, but you’re out here able to stick your tongue down the first girls throat! Did you really care? Did you really hurt when we broke up, or was that some kind of act?” Barba walked closer to you, grabbing your hands and holding them tightly.

“I can’t listen to her talk without hearing your voice.” He whispered. You felt less tense.

“What?” You asked, hot tears flowing down your cheeks from anger.

“I can’t listen to her without hearing your voice. You’re all I think about, even when I’m with her, I think of you. I want you, I was happy with you. Right now I’m just here. With you I was living.” He grabbed you and embraced you tightly.

“I love you (Y/F/N). I want you back, I want us.” You smiled into his shoulder, trying not to cry on his suit.

“I love you Raf.” He kissed you softly on the lips.

“So, you’re my girlfriend again?” 

“Not that easy, you have to take me to my favorite restaurant, then we’ll talk.” He smirked, grabbing your hand tightly.

“Well what are we waiting for?”

Pairing: Mike Dodds x Reader

Summary: I requested this a while ago and I’m not sure if you never got around to it or just never received it? it’s okay if you didn’t, so here it is: Could I request a Mike Dodds imagine for your wedding & it’s obviously huge because he’s the chief’s son and police royalty (and reader’s dad is chief Dodds’ Lieutenant) and it’s a really incredible ceremony, and then there’s the wedding night sex later on on the honeymoon? (: thank you

I just want to apologize for how long it took me to write this!! I saw this request and thought I had one in my drafts but I didn’t! I hope this is everything you wanted to read!

Today was the day that everyone had been waiting for. No ones excitement could beat yours. After five long years of ups and downs, nearly losing Mike, all the craziness in between it was here. Today you would be marrying the love of your life Mike Dodds. The wedding would be held in one of the biggest churches Manhattan had, of course you had never imagined having such a large wedding. When you were just a child, you imagined your wedding would be small, only close friends and family. However, William Dodds had other plans. He paid for the wedding, the church, the food, the flowers and even your dress. William loved you and couldn’t imagined his son marrying any other woman. 

You looked in the mirror, still in disbelief at the dress you had on. It was the perfect dress, the veil went along with it perfectly. You took a deep breath and smiled, today you would officially become Mrs. Dodds. You heard a knock at the door, your mother came in. She immediately felt tears flow down her face.

“You look beautiful honey. I’m so proud of you. Mike is an amazing man, you deserve everything and more. Come on, your father is waiting on you.” You were mentally preparing yourself to see your father. You knew as soon as he would saw you, he wouldn’t be able to contain his emotion. Giving his only child away. Once he saw you turn the corner, his tears flowed. 

“You’re so beautiful. I can’t believe I’m giving you away.” He said, wiping his tears on the tissue he had stashed in his pocket for this moment. 

“Dad, you know I’m not leaving forever right? We only live forty minutes away.” He smiled.

“I know baby, you will understand one day the love me and your mother have for you.”

“I already do dad.” He smiled, hugging you tight and kissing your head.

He took your arm, walking you down the isle. Everyone stood, some people you didn’t even know. You saw your family and friends, some of Mikes coworkers, and his family that you knew of. When Mike saw you, he immediately began to feel overwhelmed. The beautiful woman he had always dreamed of marrying was infront of him. He couldn’t hold his tears back. You looked incredibly stunning. You finally reached the end of the isle, your father giving you a quick kiss on the cheek.

“And who gives this bride away?” 

“I do, her father.” You hugged him tightly and whispered an ‘I love you’ before stepping infront of Mike. He wiped his tears away quickly and mouthed a wow to you.

“Ladies and gentleman, we are gathered here today to celebrate the love between these two, Mike Dodds and (Y/F/N). Before we begin the two would like to read their vows. Mike, would like to go first.” He didn’t even need a piece of paper to write his on, he knew exactly what he wanted to say.

“(Y/N), I love you. I knew I loved you from the moment I saw you in that coffee shop. Wild hair from a 20 hour shift at the hospital, colorful scrubs, you looked so tired but you were still so beautiful. I never thought one day we would be here. You have made my life worthwhile. You deal with my nonsense, the late nights at work, the people trying to kill me. You’ve been there for me through all of the good times, the bad times and the scary times. Not many people would deal with their lover out on the front lines of horrors, they wouldn’t deal with the PTSD that comes from this job, they wouldn’t put up with the nightmares, but you do. You do all of these things for me, things I never thought I deserved. So I want to end this with thank you. I may slip sometimes but I will never stop trying to give you the life you deserve. I love you.” You knew your mascara was running everywhere now, but you didn’t care. The love of your life poured his heart and soul out to you infront of God and everyone. It was worth the future picture with runny makeup.

“Mike, I don’t know how I can top that one.” You said, sniffling and trying to pull yourself back together. “You are my best friend, my soul mate, no one in this world could give me the feeling you do. Life with you is amazing, I feel like I’m dreaming most days because there’s no way no woman snatched you up already. Thank you, you make me feel warm and safe. I have break down after break down when I come home from work. Sometimes, we may take that pain and frustration of our difficult but needed jobs out on each other but at the end of the day we know how to forgive and forget. We know how to talk about anything and everything. You are the other half of me I needed, now that you’re here I feel whole. You’re everything I needed and wanted. I can’t wait to see where life takes us.” Now, Mike was the one in tears, again. 

The pastor recited the classic wedding sayings, you couldn’t help but continue thanking God that you had found someone who loves you more than anyone ever could.

“Mrs (Y/L/N) do you take Mike Dodds to be your husband?”

“I do.”

“Mike Dodds do you take (Y/N) to be your wife?”

“You know it. I do.”

“You may now kiss the bride.” Mike laid his lips on yours, you had never felt this before. Each kiss the two of you had was special. The first was a nervous peck, which you cherished. Each kiss after a long day at work, the kiss you shared when he was shot and lived and now this one could be added to the list.

As the night winded down, you began ready to leave. Of course you loved seeing everyone have such a good time together, but you were ready to be with Mike, alone. Begin the much needed week and a half honeymoon in the Bahamas. The DJ finally announced that you two were leaving. Everyone cheered and clapped as you two walked down the stairs, hand in hand, husband and wife, finally. Once you were in the car Mike looked at you, so much love in his eyes.

“I’m so glad you’re officially my wife. Now, lets get this honeymoon started.” He said, kissing you on the lips and driving back to the house to get your luggage, As soon as you two walked in the door, Mike swept you off  your feet, leading you to the bedroom. Covered in roses and pictures of you two. 

“Mike, you didn’t have to do this.” You whispered, he laid you down on the bed, kissing your neck softly, then your lips.

“I know, but I’d do anything for you.” You grabbed him and forced his lips back onto yours. He quickly unzipped your dress, both of you struggling to get it off. When it was finally thrown in the floor, his suit followed after. You laid him back and stripped off the panties you had on. When you were both fully naked, you grabbed his cock and placed it in your mouth,

“Fuck.” He moaned, making you even hotter. After a few pumps in your mouth, he wanted more. He removed your mouth from his cock and stood up, bending you over the bed and shoving himself in you. He tightly grabbed your hips, beginning to pump himself in and out of you.

“Mike, oh my god.” He reach his hand into your hair, tanging it into his fingers.

“You like that? Just think, you get this for the rest of your life.” You smiled and moaned loudly. He turned you back on your back. Thrusting himself into you, rubbing his fingers on your clit, you let out a moan that made him crazy. He wrapped his hand around your neck, not too hard and not too gentle, just how you liked it. He began to pump faster.

“Mike, I-” You couldn’t even finish your sentence, you were in too much pleasure.

“Cum all over me baby, I want to do it together.” This done the trick for you, as you sent your nails flying down Mike’s back, he began to cum as well. He laid back, sweating and heavily breathing along with you.

“Wow, sex number one as a married couple, awesome.” You laughed and high fived him.

“Just think, we can have sex with the ocean breeze coming in on us just in a few hours.” Mike wrapped you tightly in his arms, kissing you on the forehead.

“Best decision I ever made, was marrying you.”

The law doesn’t sleep. See you TONIGHT for an all-new SVU!

The law doesn’t sleep. See you TONIGHT for an all-new SVU!

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Degrassi - Peter StoneDegrassi - Peter StoneDegrassi - Peter Stone

Degrassi - Peter Stone

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