#le comte de saint germain


Ikévamp Headcanons: MC gets a serious injury doing chores

⚠️TW: mentions of blood and injuries

Le Comte:

- When refilling the freshly laundered towels in La Thermae, you underestimate just how slippery the floor is and take a fall, smacking your head hard on a corner

- It only takes a few moments for you to come to, but the incredible pain in your head stops you from sitting up, all you can do is clutch your head in dizzying agony and wait for someone to find you

- Comte gets a funny feeling and decides to go looking for you and panics when you don’t respond to him calling your name for that long. He’s beside himself with worry when he finally finds you on the floor with a bloody head, groaning

- “Chérie?! What’s happened here- Can you hear me?” He’s cradling your head in his lap and applying some pressure to your wound with his napkin. Thankfully the bump is bigger than the gash and you’re still conscious

- When the bleeding has seemingly stopped, he picks you up and hurries to get you to your room while calling for Sebastian to fetch a doctor. He’s gentle and careful as he lays you on your bed

- Comte will check on you all the time and asks the other residents to keep their eyes on you to make sure you’re feeling okay and you’re not working yourself hard

- He takes it upon himself to change your bandages and give your head a gentle kiss in apology for what happened to you even though you reassure him that it was just an accident


- You’re dusting the shelves in the library on ladder that stretches nearly to the ceiling when you lose your footing and end up hurtling towards the ground, landing with a sickening snap

- An ungodly scream escapes you as you see bone sticking out of your leg and the pain starts to flood in, blood staining your frock

- It doesn’t take long for Leonardo to burst through the double doors and run to your aid, followed by Le Comte, both of them fraught with worry

- “Cara mia?! What’s the- Oh no. I see, you had a little fall, yeah? Stay there, dolcezza-” He tries to calm you down while you cry, gently lifting you onto the nearby sofa as Comte props up a cushion for you to elevate your leg on

- “Scusa, let me just adjust your pillow. Can you take some deep breaths for me, cara mia? Brava, just like that. You’re doing great.”

- “Keep her calm and her leg high, Leonardo. Chérie I’ll be back with a doctor soon, please be still.” He leaves as quickly as he entered and now its just you and Leonardo, letting you squeeze his hand as hard as you can to distract yourself from the pain

- He’s angry at himself for not telling you to be careful on the ladder and you can guarantee you won’t be allowed back up it any time soon

- Once you’re bandaged up and have a cast on, Leonardo doesn’t let your feet touch the ground once. You’re on bedrest for a while and in that time he reads to you and has the other residents visit you with various ways to keep you entertained

- If you need to leave for anything, he’s carrying you like a featherweight bride and checking on your leg all the time, he knows you’ll take a lot longer to heal than he would and he hates to see his little compagna in pain

- “Don’t forget to ask for help every now and then, yeah? I can only stand to see you hurt so many times before I roll you up in sheets and stick you in my room so you don’t get hurt again.”

- There is now a sign permanently stuck on the ladder that reads “No Lambs Allowed Beyond This Point”, courtesy of Leonardo


- You’re cleaning in the kitchen, standing on an old battered chair when one of the legs gives way and you tumble down, the counter top colliding with your ribcage as you let out a yelp of pain

- The injury feels severe as the slightest movement puts you in agony, and you call out for Arthur to help you. He’s there in moments, rushing to your side and helping you to sit up and spotting the broken chair

- “What happened, luv? Was it this blasted chair? I’ll smash this thing to splinters! Oh, sweetheart-” His past medical experience comes in handy with how to deal with the injury but you still need proper treatment, so he’s delicately and slowly carrying you to your room until another doctor can be called in

- He fetches as many pillows and cushions as he can, even pinching them from his own bed to build you a complete pillow fort so you don’t have to move a muscle, not that there’s room to move amongst your plush castle

- “Forget writing, my talents clearly lie in construction! Wouldn’t you say? Who needs Sherlock Holmes when I can *build* Sherlock *homes*?”

- “If it didn’t cause me physical pain I would throw every single one of these pillows at you, dork.” You groan, trying to suppress any laughter that might cause you pain again

- It takes a while for you to heal up completely but Arthur is there every step of the way helping you wash and dress and he’ll watch over you in the night so you don’t move around too much and hurt yourself more

- “No more standing on chairs now, alright? You had me worried sick, if anything’s going to stop you from walking I want it to be me~ Haha, I’m just playing, luv. But I’m serious about you being careful.”


- You’re pruning the tall hedges around the mansion when you try to reach just a little too high and the ladder slips from under you and you fall, hard

- Fortunately, Theo was just coming back home from a deal and saw you fall, and he’s already running to help you as fast as he physically can

- You’re on the ground in tears, clutching your limp and oddly angled wrist as Theo wraps an arm around you and takes hold of your injured wrist in his other hand

- “Your hurt your paw didn’t you, Hondje? Do me a favour and tell me how many clouds you see over there, okay?” He tries to keep you distracted while he scoops you up and takes you inside gruffly shouting for Arthur

- It takes a little while to get you fixed up but eventually your wrist is straightened and bandaged tightly and Theo is very strict about you resting it

- “What were you thinking, knabbeltje? Next time call your master when you need something up high, when I saw you fall, I was terrified.”

- He forbids you to do any chores no matter how much you insist you can do it one handed and every now and then he pulls you close and gives you little kisses on your wrist

- After that you find that your high up chores are all mysteriously done for you and Theo suspiciously denies all knowledge
