#ikevamp headcanons


Ikévamp Headcanons: MC gets a serious injury doing chores

⚠️TW: mentions of blood and injuries

Le Comte:

- When refilling the freshly laundered towels in La Thermae, you underestimate just how slippery the floor is and take a fall, smacking your head hard on a corner

- It only takes a few moments for you to come to, but the incredible pain in your head stops you from sitting up, all you can do is clutch your head in dizzying agony and wait for someone to find you

- Comte gets a funny feeling and decides to go looking for you and panics when you don’t respond to him calling your name for that long. He’s beside himself with worry when he finally finds you on the floor with a bloody head, groaning

- “Chérie?! What’s happened here- Can you hear me?” He’s cradling your head in his lap and applying some pressure to your wound with his napkin. Thankfully the bump is bigger than the gash and you’re still conscious

- When the bleeding has seemingly stopped, he picks you up and hurries to get you to your room while calling for Sebastian to fetch a doctor. He’s gentle and careful as he lays you on your bed

- Comte will check on you all the time and asks the other residents to keep their eyes on you to make sure you’re feeling okay and you’re not working yourself hard

- He takes it upon himself to change your bandages and give your head a gentle kiss in apology for what happened to you even though you reassure him that it was just an accident


- You’re dusting the shelves in the library on ladder that stretches nearly to the ceiling when you lose your footing and end up hurtling towards the ground, landing with a sickening snap

- An ungodly scream escapes you as you see bone sticking out of your leg and the pain starts to flood in, blood staining your frock

- It doesn’t take long for Leonardo to burst through the double doors and run to your aid, followed by Le Comte, both of them fraught with worry

- “Cara mia?! What’s the- Oh no. I see, you had a little fall, yeah? Stay there, dolcezza-” He tries to calm you down while you cry, gently lifting you onto the nearby sofa as Comte props up a cushion for you to elevate your leg on

- “Scusa, let me just adjust your pillow. Can you take some deep breaths for me, cara mia? Brava, just like that. You’re doing great.”

- “Keep her calm and her leg high, Leonardo. Chérie I’ll be back with a doctor soon, please be still.” He leaves as quickly as he entered and now its just you and Leonardo, letting you squeeze his hand as hard as you can to distract yourself from the pain

- He’s angry at himself for not telling you to be careful on the ladder and you can guarantee you won’t be allowed back up it any time soon

- Once you’re bandaged up and have a cast on, Leonardo doesn’t let your feet touch the ground once. You’re on bedrest for a while and in that time he reads to you and has the other residents visit you with various ways to keep you entertained

- If you need to leave for anything, he’s carrying you like a featherweight bride and checking on your leg all the time, he knows you’ll take a lot longer to heal than he would and he hates to see his little compagna in pain

- “Don’t forget to ask for help every now and then, yeah? I can only stand to see you hurt so many times before I roll you up in sheets and stick you in my room so you don’t get hurt again.”

- There is now a sign permanently stuck on the ladder that reads “No Lambs Allowed Beyond This Point”, courtesy of Leonardo


- You’re cleaning in the kitchen, standing on an old battered chair when one of the legs gives way and you tumble down, the counter top colliding with your ribcage as you let out a yelp of pain

- The injury feels severe as the slightest movement puts you in agony, and you call out for Arthur to help you. He’s there in moments, rushing to your side and helping you to sit up and spotting the broken chair

- “What happened, luv? Was it this blasted chair? I’ll smash this thing to splinters! Oh, sweetheart-” His past medical experience comes in handy with how to deal with the injury but you still need proper treatment, so he’s delicately and slowly carrying you to your room until another doctor can be called in

- He fetches as many pillows and cushions as he can, even pinching them from his own bed to build you a complete pillow fort so you don’t have to move a muscle, not that there’s room to move amongst your plush castle

- “Forget writing, my talents clearly lie in construction! Wouldn’t you say? Who needs Sherlock Holmes when I can *build* Sherlock *homes*?”

- “If it didn’t cause me physical pain I would throw every single one of these pillows at you, dork.” You groan, trying to suppress any laughter that might cause you pain again

- It takes a while for you to heal up completely but Arthur is there every step of the way helping you wash and dress and he’ll watch over you in the night so you don’t move around too much and hurt yourself more

- “No more standing on chairs now, alright? You had me worried sick, if anything’s going to stop you from walking I want it to be me~ Haha, I’m just playing, luv. But I’m serious about you being careful.”


- You’re pruning the tall hedges around the mansion when you try to reach just a little too high and the ladder slips from under you and you fall, hard

- Fortunately, Theo was just coming back home from a deal and saw you fall, and he’s already running to help you as fast as he physically can

- You’re on the ground in tears, clutching your limp and oddly angled wrist as Theo wraps an arm around you and takes hold of your injured wrist in his other hand

- “Your hurt your paw didn’t you, Hondje? Do me a favour and tell me how many clouds you see over there, okay?” He tries to keep you distracted while he scoops you up and takes you inside gruffly shouting for Arthur

- It takes a little while to get you fixed up but eventually your wrist is straightened and bandaged tightly and Theo is very strict about you resting it

- “What were you thinking, knabbeltje? Next time call your master when you need something up high, when I saw you fall, I was terrified.”

- He forbids you to do any chores no matter how much you insist you can do it one handed and every now and then he pulls you close and gives you little kisses on your wrist

- After that you find that your high up chores are all mysteriously done for you and Theo suspiciously denies all knowledge

[⚜️IkeVamp⚜️ Scenario/Headcanon] Reactions to Reader Calling Them Cute


  • He sort of blinks first.
  • “Cute? You think I’m cute?”
  • He then smirks at you and lifts your face by your chin before you can confirm that that is indeed what you think.
  • “Are you sure you want to begin this game right now?”
  • Expect an avalanche of kisses.
  • “There, touché~. Oh and by the way, you’re cute too~”


  • Cue him giving you the side glare.
  • “Are you saying this because you want something out of me?”
  • When you say you aren’t, he just makes a “tch” noise and gets back to writing his new music.
  • But of course you don’t miss the soft pink coloring his cheeks.


  • He smirks at you.
  • “Hmm~? Where is this coming from all of a sudden?”
  • He pulls you in his lap and snuggles you, making you flustered.
  • “May I remind you how adorable YOU are~?”
  • He teases you with compliments, making you blush at every word.


  • His eyes widen a bit and he smiles.
  • “Aww thank you~ So are you! Adorable even~!”
  • He then gives you a smile that’s brighter than a thousand suns.
  • You literally feel love and positivity radiate from him.
  • He also pinches your cheek gently, and chuckles when you blush.


  • He raises an eyebrow at you.
  • “Hm? Cute? I’m not the dog here.”
  • He follows that up by poking your cheek.
  • “What do you want from me, a treat? Is that why you’re showering me with flattery?”
  • He follows that up with a boyish smirk that makes you melt.
  • Before you can say anything, he sweeps you in his arms and takes you to the bedroom where the cuddles commence.


  • Arthur gives you that somewhat unreadable gaze.
  • And then makes you practically almost swoon by following that up with a charming smirk.
  • “My my~ Is the little bird trying to serenade me with her song~?”
  • Yes, yes you are trying to serenade him with your song.
  • What happens after this is all up to you~ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


  • He almost chokes on his applepie
  • “W-WhAT?!”
  • You’re almost scared by his outburst but then begin to laugh, repeating yourself.
  • He calms down a bit.
  • “O-Oh. W-Well… thank you I guess.”
  • He remains red faced for hours and, unfortunately, is the subject of teasing during the entire time.


  • His initial reaction is similar to Napoleon’s where he just blinks at you.
  • But he follows that up with this adorable playful grin.
  • “Why, aren’t you a flatterer~?”
  • He then embraces you.
  • “But I think you’re the cutest one here~ And I want to prove it to you.”
  • He proceeds to tickle you mercilessly, enjoying your laughter while chuckling at the cute scene.

⚔️ Jean

  • His eyes widen in shock at your words.
  • Like, he actually felt time stop for a split second.
  • “I’m… what…?”
  • You repeat yourself and he says, “Mademoiselle… why do you say such things?”
  • You can sense the disbelief in his tone and explain, insisting that you mean what you say.
  • It takes some time to convince him, and you feel at ease when, despite the long silence, he nods, a faint blush on his cheeks.
  • “I… hm. Thank you, (Name).”

⏳ Comte

  • He has a slight look of surprise at first, but follows it up with a smile.
  • “Wow, that was slightly unexpected but thank you, (Name)~ You flatter me~”
  • He proceeds to tell you that you look dazzling today, to which you smile and thank him.
  • It’s a short and sweet exchange that leaves both of you feeling happy, and it ends with a kiss as a sweet cherry on top.

‍♂️ Sebastian

  • His first reaction is to give you a slightly confused glance and then laugh.
  • “Where’s this coming from?” He asks.
  • You pout and blush and he chuckles, reassuring you that he’s just kidding and that he appreciates the compliment.
  • He then suddenly kisses you, leaving you a flustered blushing mess, and Sebastian definitely feels proud after that.


  • “Hm? Cute, you say?”
  • He chuckles before standing from his desk, making his way towards you.
  • “But my love, I can never compare to you~ Your large doe eyes, your lush lips, the way your hair frames your lovely face… it makes me want to hold you and never let go~”
  • His palm caresses your cheek.
  • Soon, you’re in his warm embrace, listening to his heartbeat.
  • And as he said, he doesn’t let you go anytime soon.


Headcanons that I had in my mind for quite a while now, considering that I just woke up to write those:

Vincent taking it upon himself to help Jean love his body.

Well, in his own soft way

Vincent, the epitome of an angel

And Jean, a confused boy that doesn’t have social skills and is scared of trying to interact with anyone at all

They’s balance eachother out so nicely too, I believe


Let’s preted that Jean has scars and burns all over his body from the time he got ressurected from. Now that he is a vampire, they healed pretty much and alot of them aren’t there anymore but his body is still littered in scarred skin, stretched and pink lines everywhere he looks.

Especially the side of his face.

He never adored the moment of morning where he needs to wash his face with cold water. It always urges him to look up into the mirror, and admit and remember that yes he went through all of that. He survived sitting in that damned flame, getting his skin melted off, as if he truly deserved it. Jean was never one to think lightly of himself, and even blames his own persona for things like war, for not winning it.

What a lowly person, he’d think as he gets changed for the day.

How ugly I am, he’s almost breathe out as he hides his eye from the world.

I deserve everything that has happened to me, he’d get out of his room with this thought in mind.

But Vincent was having none of that.

“Jeeeaaaann!"the moment Vincent would catch a detail of the beautiful man he’d be following after him.

Jean doesn’t undersrand why Vincent, an artist no less, would want anything to do with him. Especially not when he gets asked to model for him for the first time.

He is ugly. A person he himself hates to look at. A glance in the mirror is disgusting to him already, so what could an artist see beautiful in him? Uhhh bby no pls why do I hurt myself like this-

You cannot come to me, and tell.me that Vincent wouldn’t offer Jean to let him draw his portrait or SOMETHING.

With how often Jean is considered beautiful and pretty in the game, Vincent has to at least side glance at him when the two pass by eachother

"Can I draw your hand today? I need to exercise on my anatomy and you’re the best candidate I have right now.” Vincent would smile, a rainbow and millions of suns exploding from behind him and Jean has to squint as he looks. Every. Damn. Time. Whenever Vincent can catch Jean alone, anywhere in the mansion, he’d ask.

Que Theo crying in the background

Jean would be ready with a sort of retort, to escape the situation and run. Poor baby is scared out of his mind when Vincent suggests anything to do with his body. Even compliments on his clothes are too much for him sometimes, and it feels like a sinking feeling when Vincent compliments him on anything, at any time

It catches Jean off guard so many times too

“Wow, Jean, your hands are so beautiful. Can I sketch them?”

Jean is so shocked he petrifies himself to the place he was seated onto, while Vincent took his silence as a good answer and got out his sketchbook and started scribbling

To note, this was the first time Vincent asked him to pose for a drawing

It wasn’t even full on body posing, Jean just happened to sit on the same couch as Vincent, and his hand was on the arm support of the couch.

That’s it

“I…I don’t- I mean I have gloves on…”

“Oh, that’s not a problem. I meant it with the silky material on as well. The structure of your bones and skin makes the material shine so much more.”

Vincent you have no idea what you’re doing to this man you’re desTROYING HIM

Jean has gotten pretty used to it though. But not too much.

In the beginning of, whatever this was between the two of them, he still had to catch himself from running in the other direction when Vincent was in the same room with him.

The man scares him to death.

Vincent is a dangerous person.

With that smile, that personality, that encouragement, that simple acceptance of life.

Jean cannot cope sometimes.

“Wow, Jean, your hair is so beautiful. The colors are amazing! And the lenght of the strands are so balanced yet unbalanced at the same time-”

“Jean, you’re so lean but strong in your posture. I saw you practicing outside and I couldn’t help but compliment you.”

“Your eyes are so crystal like. They remind me of amethysts. No wait, the depths of the ocean. No no, not that either-”

“Actually, I wonder if I have the same color as your hair up in my room-”

“The proportions of your face are so perfect I’m actually jealous.”

Jean cannot handle all of this.

The fact that Vincent wasn’t sugarcoating anything was even worse for poor Jean’s heart

Well, at first he outright bolted away from Vincent.

Now, that he’s used to the antics of a painter,he can only let the confusion and embarrasment show with a curt nod and a lowering of his gaze to the floor

It is getting easier to accept the compliments after a long period of time, and as much as it both confuses and makes him happy, he gets used to it

And so, a very strange relationship has developed between the covermagazinemodel solider and the painter, one nobody expected there to be

Oh wow this has become increasingly long. If you wanna read more, it’s all under here

Keep reading



Headcanon: Theo + Artist Reader

Hello there darling! I hope you wouldn’t mind if I drop in a request? :3 I would like to request Headcanons of Theo if you don’t mind~ ❤️ How would he react to an artist reader who made art of him and showed it to him, but starts crying because they thought he wouldn’t like it? I hope this ask isn’t too much, it’s just that I love him to pieces ❤️ Thank you! @sweettangy

Hi Hi Dear!❤❤❤ Eeeeeep thank you so much for the request! Hehehe also thanks for waiting sooo long!❤❤ ❤ So here ya go……..

。.*:・’:゚・’゚゚:。’ .*:・’゚:。.*:゚・’゚゚:。’・゚。.*:・’゚: 。.*:・’゚:。.*:゚・’゚

  • You were an incredibly talented artist, and you honestly loved to draw, sketch and paint 
  • (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
  • You were overjoyed when you first came to the mansion and was surrounded by so many great figures and artists ❣╰(⸝⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝⸝)╯❣
  • One of them being Vincent!  (♡ >ω< ♡)
  • You had loved his works since you were but a wee lil child. 
  • So imagine your surprise when you also discovered that his younger brother, actually was just as passionate, if not more passionate about art then you were ◑.◑
  • It was something you and the young Dutchman spent hours and house chatting about and bonding over❤
  •  ヾ(^-^)ノ
  • Different artists, art styles, techniques and of course, how much art had changed through the ages
  • What the younger van Gogh didn’t know was that you were actually an artist just like his older brother.  ≡≡≡≡φ(^∇^*)
  • The way Theo lit up whenever he spoke about art was downright beautiful and inspiring, and well you couldn’t help but want to fill pages and pages in your sketchbook, trying to capture his radiant brilliance
  •  ✲゚。.(✿╹◡╹)ノ☆.。₀:*゚✲゚*:₀。
  • You must have sketched his gorgeous features a thousand time throughout the month
  •    _ヘ(◕‿◕✰)
  • One day you and the two Dutch brothers were out taking king for a walk in one of Vincent’s favourite flower fields (◕▿◕✿)
  • Vincent set up his easel and started painting the lush field of flowers, while Theo went about playing with his energetic ball of fluff ໒(◉ᴥ◉)७
  • The sight of Theo tacking King to the ground and then being attacked by an array of loving kisses from the dog had your heart downright melting 
  • Inspiration hit! (≧∀≦)
  • And all you could think about doing was painting the scene before you
  • “Vincent?” you tapped the blond Dutch on the shoulder in hopes that he wasn’t already too absorbed in his painting  (〃ω〃)
  • “Hmmm” he hummed back, turning to look at you with a sunshine smile
  • ✿◕ ‿ ◕✿
  • “Could I perhaps borrow some scrap paper and pencils,” you asked shyly as your face flushed red ≧☉_☉≦
  • The older brother was more than happy to share his art supplies with you!
  • You low key went to his room that night and asked if you could borrow a few more of his art supplies cause you really wanted to paint the scene you had sketched out earlier
  • This angel was overjoyed! 
  • He legit set up a whole mini art studio in your room for you, just cause he was so excited to have a fellow artist in the house {´◕ ◡ ◕`}
  • So you got to painting the cute scene stuck in your head
  • Theo and king playing in the field
  • Between working with Theo and helping Sabas out around the house, you painted 
  • Until finally one day your painting was complete ◦°˚\(*❛‿❛)/˚°◦
  • It was low key the best painting you had ever done, and to say you were proud of it would be an understatement 
  • You were just about to cover up the masterpiece when Vincent came into your room to bring you some new paints he had discovered at some local art store
  • His eyes fell upon your painting, and he legit started tearing up
  • “This is absolutely breathtaking! Have you shown Theo yet.” He asked sending you the sunniest smile, all while marveling at the beauty of your art (´ ▽`).。o♡
  • “I- um, you don’t think he will think it’s weird that I painted him?” ( ˘・з・)
  • Vincent legit shook his head and gave you a reassuring pat on the head, “If I know Theo, he will absolutely love it!” ╰(✿´⌣`✿)╯♡
  • With the extra confidence booster and encouragement from the resident angel you decided to show your masterpiece to your dearest love
  • That night you randomly heard a knock on your door.
  • “Theo? Did you need something?” (・・?
  • He rolled his eyes and scoffed, slightly confused,” Vincent said you wanted to show me something, insisted it couldn’t wait till morning.”
  • (¬‿¬)
  • His blue eyes narrowed as he stared down at you, that is until out the corner of his eyes he spotted the covered canvas in the corner of your room
  • His eyes lit up as he made his way past you to the covered masterpiece, “Vincent gift you a painting or something?” (*◕ᴗ◕*)
  • You sighed following behind him, anxiety filling your chest as you softly spoke up, “No, I painted that one.” (^^;)
  • “You?” his piercing eyes shifted from the canvas to you. He knew you loved art, but all his days spent with you, you had never mentioned anything about actually being an artist (≖︿≖✿)
  • He moved closer to the painting hand resting on the sheet covering it,
  • He smirked over his shoulder at you, “mind if I take a look.” (。◑ヮ◑。)
  • You heart hammered in your chest as you gave a small nod
  • Theo pulled the white cloth covering the painting down in one fell swoop, revealing his own smiling, carefree face staring back at him (*^。^*)
  • The room was filled with silence as his oceanic eyes examined the painting 
  • Theo was left speechless (´。✪ω✪。`)
  • This, this painting was magnificent *cough* and not because he is the one that was painted *cough* 
  • Heat rapidly spreading to his cheeks the longer he examined the painting 
  • He let go of a scoff in an attempt to calm his beating heart (●´ω`●)ゞ
  • He could tell you had put your whole heart and soul into the art piece and the emotions radiating from the painting had all his senses overwhelmed 
  • The tears pricked at your eyes, and your lip started quivering 
  • 。:゚(。ノω\。)゚・。
  • You knew you shouldn’t have shown it to him, kept it a secret. He probably hates it. Think it’s uninspired. Thinks you are a mega creepo for painting him
  • With each silent moment passing your head was filled with more anxious thoughts.  (⌯˃̶᷄ ﹏ ˂̶᷄⌯)゚
  • The man’s face gave nothing away. 
  • And that’s when it happened, when you were unable to hold back the tears threatening to spill from your eyes ʕ ಡ ﹏ ಡ ʔ
  • You quickly picked up the white sheet and moved to cover up the painting, but Theo’s large hand came up to rest on your shoulder to stop you
  • “Hondje, this, this, you did this?” he was completely awestruck and overcome with emotion (◕ㅁ◕✿)
  • He turned to you, and the moment he spotted your red eyes and tear-stained cheeks he frowned down at you in confusion
  • “Ah what are those tears for, don’t tell me you’re moved to tears by your own artistry.” he teased with a small smirk  (¬‿¬)
  • He then brought his hands up to cradle your cheeks, wiping your tears away with his thumbs, “Why didn’t you tell me you could paint this beautifully, talent like this deserves to be shared with the world!.” his eyes lit up, taking on that same passionate blue flame it did whenever he would speak about his dearest brothers artworks (ᗒᗨᗕ)
  • You averted you gave, managing to speak up through sobbed hiccups, “I was scared you would hate it,” (っ- ‸ – ς)
  • He gave your cheek a light pinch smiling mischievously at you, “belachelijk”
  •  ~(。ಠ︵ ಠ@)>
  • “Ow! What the hell was that for,” you yelped out, glaring at the man while rubbing your cheek (˵¯͒⌢͗¯͒˵)
  • “Are you done barking about some nonsense, what even gave you the idea I would hate it,” he asked rolling his eyes ಠ_ಠ
  • “Because… No matter how many sketches and paintings I make, they just don’t seem good enough to show THEE THEO VAN GOGH!”
  •  ૮(ꂧꁞꂧ)ა
  • //cue Theo bursting into a hearty laughter
  • You pouted at the man, ready to cover up your painting and crawl into a hole.
  • That is until he gently lifted your chin to look into his stormy eyes, “First of all that painting over there is breathtaking, also I would be a crappy boyfriend if I didn’t appreciate my pup’s magnificent talent. Second of all… Wait, did you say you have more?”  (`◕‸◕´+)
  • His eyes lit up in childlike excitement as they fell onto your sketchbook, laying on the edge of the table ( ✪ワ✪)ノʸᵉᵃʰᵎ
  • This boy be proud of every single one of your artworks
  • He low key took that painting you did of him and hung it up in his room next to Vincent’s  (ஐ╹◡╹)ノ
  • Low key wants to start selling your art and displaying them in galleries! 
  • He is never judgmental about anything you show him if anything is super supportive and encouraging about everything you do

Hope ya enjoyed this love! Sending all the hugs! Hope u have a good day❤❤❤☺☺☺

Oh my precious Theo— ✨

I love these headcanons!! Thank you!! ❤️


Reader Crying — Jean D’Arc

Characters: Jean D’Arc x reader

Warnings: animal abuse, extortion, violence. read under your own risk

A/N: jeaaaannn my babyyy when I saw this request I almost screamed shdhdh you’ve won my heart with this request!! Hope you like it!!

  • even if it didn’t seem, Jean looked up to you so much
  • for him you were a strong woman, the one who not only had the patience to deal with him but accepted him with all his flaws and cons
  • you always stood up everytime dazai or arthur were messing with him.
  • he felt grateful, he felt like you cared about him, and defending him only made his heart to beat faster than it did when you were around
  • yes and that’s why he loved you
  • but he didn’t felt ready to tell you, what if he ruined everything? or what would happen if you stopped talking to him?
  • what he would do without you?

Keep reading


Thank you for writing this for me!!

Guys please go check out this new blog! Its super wonderful! ❤️


I wanna see how the IkeVamps react to MC just parading around the mansion with a kazoo in her mouth just like:

(SOUND UP!!! 0w0)

Yes, that is me playing the kazoo lol

Here’s a lil gift ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

[⚜️IkeVamp⚜️ Scenario/Headcanon] Reactions to Reader Parading Around w/ a Kazoo at 3 am


  • It is 3 in the morning and he is finally about to climb into bed until—
  • “DOOT DOOT DOOT DOOT DOODOODOODOOT—” can be heard from like,,, across the hall
  • So he gets his tired ass out of bed and opens the door to see you walking up and down the hallway with a kazoo in your mouth.
  • Napoleon: *So tired he looks like this *
  • He doesn’t even question the strange instrument in your hand.
  • He just shuts the door and goes to bed.


  • Piano practice at night has never come to such a sudden halt.
  • Wtf is that sound????
  • Where is it coming from??????
  • As soon as he opens the door the noise only becomes louder—
  • You don’t turn it down.
  • He groans and shuts the door, begrudgingly continuing his performance as the beautiful melody of your kazoo echoes through the night.


  • He is awoken from his slumber and sits up, stretching.
  • Funny… That pink fish from his dream was playing this exact tune on the flute.
  • Except this time, it’s you in real life playing it on a… what’s that thing in your hand?
  • Leo would ask but he doesn’t want to interrupt so he just sits there and watches in silence, smiling at your enjoyment.
  • Oh you and your crackhead ways ✨


  • The sound of your kazoo suddenly interrupts him from his painting.
  • He glances at his door in confusion, wondering where that strange yet interesting tune is coming from, and who is playing it.
  • His first instinct is to check it out.
  • When he opens the door, he is met with the sight of you pacing around with some interesting red instrument in your hand.
  • He doesn’t know what it is, but he likes the song you’re playing, and smiles before closing the door and resuming his painting.
  • He may even paint this moment.
  • He’s a sweet bean who just wants to see you happy


  • As soon as he hears the kazoo he goes “nOPE—”
  • The door to his room swings open and he yells “SHUT UP!!!!”
  • But do you shut up?
  • Spoiler alert: No.
  • “HEY HONDJE!!! LISTEN TO ME!!!” He shouts but you ignore him.
  • Realizing that he probably can’t make you listen he sighs and just goes back in his room, slamming the door behind him and getting back into bed.


  • He is having the best wet dream known to man until the sound of your kazoo wakes him.
  • Slightly agitated, he sits up and gets lost in the sound of it, wondering who’s playing.
  • When he hears Theo yelling, he gets up and opens the door
  • As soon as he sees you, he smirks.
  • You’re pretty good at playing… whatever that instrument is.
  • He may ask you what it is in the morning. Well, after he’s done with that wet dream :P


  • It’s only been an hour after he’d fallen asleep when the hellish noise awakes him.
  • He grumbles and buries his face in his pillow, not caring who it is who awoke him.
  • But he does have the slight feeling it’s you because only you would do something this chaotic at ungodly hours of the night.
  • “Dammit (Name)…”


  • He’s sitting on the window sill staring at the moon, until a strange noise catches his ear.
  • “My my, where is that beautiful tune coming from?”
  • He gets back inside and sees you pacing around, kazoo between your lips as you DOOT DOOT DOOOOT—
  • He then grins and leans against the wall, enjoying your performance. You look so darn cute when you enjoy yourself.

⚔️ Jean

  • Jean is honestly just too done to react.
  • He just lies in bed, staring at the ceiling.
  • Why even sleep anyways?
  • Honestly tho, he’s a bit too used to the chaos that happens in the mansion on a daily basis that he isn’t all that fazed.
  • Probably falls asleep eventually.

⏳ Comte

  • Oh no not the kazoo—
  • ANYTHING but the kazoo—
  • He is NOT having ANY of it.
  • Cue Comte slamming his bedroom door open and stomping over while wearing hair curlers and a facial mask and a pink fluffy robe with matching bunny slippers.
  • “NOT TONIGHT—” he says as he confiscates your kazoo and shoo’s you to your room.

‍♂️ Sebastian

  • Tbh he was actually gonna join you until Comte took your kazoo away. Now he just has no reason to risk it.

(Hope this is worthy— )

One More Rule!!!

Hey guys! I know that I just recently closed my ask box, but I just want y’all to keep this in mind for when I open it again:

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE only send one ask at a time!! Until I have finished the one that you have sent in, please don’t send another one in. I hope this doesn’t sound rude but I want to focus on everyone’s requests without my inbox getting way too full. Don’t get me wrong, I love writing for you guys! But please be patient until I’ve answered your first request!

Thank you all for reading! ^^

shookspearewrites:Hey there @sweettangy I hope that you’re well, sweetpea! Thank you so much for thi


Hey there @sweettangy I hope that you’re well, sweetpea! Thank you so much for this request, it was so so specific which is cool but, I had to stray slightly off path for it all to make sense, I hope that’s okay ^^’ 

Thank you all so much for reading and sticking by me whilst my uploads have kinda been few and far between, it means the world to me & I hope that I can continue to make content that y’all enjoy!

- JJ x


Napoleon Bonaparte:

As MC prepared herself for an onslaught of yelling, insults and false accusations from her awful boss, her protective boyfriend Napoleon was just finishing his work teaching for the day. He and MC had agreed to meet after work so that they might go out for dinner together so, he had finished up with the children early that evening so that he could go and pick his darling up from work.

When Napoleon arrived at the art shop, he witnessed a confrontation between MC and her boss from outside the window. His body moved before he could think, rushing into the shop to shield his lover with his own body so that he stood in between her and her boss.

“Pray tell, sir, what business do you have with my employee?” The shop owner smiled condescendingly, nastily at Napoleon but, the ex-emperor stood his ground, protecting MC.

“I am her protector and I’d like to know what business you have showing her such disrespect. It is incredibly ungentlemanly to mistreat a lady.” The vampire, turned his gaze towards MC before speaking to her quietly, “Get you belongings and wait outside for me.”

As MC scrambled to grab her bag and coat, Napoleon took another step towards the shop owner, his right hand resting on the hilt of his rapier, “Now, sir, I don’t wish to cause you or your business any harm, but, mistreating a lady is the most unacceptable of crimes. I’d suggest that you pay compensation to this poor woman and increase her salary … should you want to keep your reputation untarnished in the public eye, that is.”

“Y-you have no right -”

“Oh, I think you’ll find that I have every right to protect the mademoiselle and see that her honour is kept in tact,” Napoleon turned to leave, glaring at the shop keeper one last time, “If I hear that she has come to any harm by your hand, you should expect a visit from the police.” 

As soon as Napoleon left the shop, MC rushed into his arms, tucking herself tightly against his warm chest. The lady gently kissed her lover’s shoulder and lifted her gazed to meet his, “You saved me…”

“I promised that I always would, didn’t I?” Napoleon stroked MC’s hair comfortingly, a warm smile spread across her lips as his hand fell to grasp her own, “Would you still like to get dinner? Or do you want to go home and relax?”

“Dinner sounds nice…”

“As you wish, my lady,” he replied sweetly, taking her arm in his own as they walked to their restaurant of choice to enjoy dinner, with Napoleon fiercely protecting MC for the rest of the night.

Keep reading


Thank you so much for this!!

Post link

[⚜️IkeVamp⚜️ Scenario/Headcanon] Alignment Charts {Part 2}











[⚜️IkeVamp⚜️ Scenario/Headcanon] Alignment Charts {Part 1}

More alignment charts, but this time they’re of IkeVamp! I included my MC in them too, and there’s a legend that helps you recognize each character, just in case you are unclear. Enjoy! ✨



((I rearranged another alignment chart for this one.))







A little while ago I wrote a few drabbles of my one of my OCs Freda with her boyfriends Theo and Arthur; You can find that post here!  And so I decided to do this for all of my OCs, how exciting (❁´◡`❁) This one is Jane x Leonardo and y’all can find Jane’s character profile at this link~


Please note that drabble 3 contains some suggestive content but nothing explicit, please proceed with caution.

And you can find my OC Masterlist here!

- JJ x


Jane’s bright forest green eyes blinked a few times, taking in the space around for the first time with curiosity, “You library is magnificent, Monsieur,” she spoke softly, taking one small step further into the room. The former Queen smiled ever so slightly, her delicate little hands clutching at the green velvet skirts of her dress in anticipation, jumping a little in place when she saw a broad, olive skinned man curled up underneath the coffee table in the corner, “Monsieur, is that man alright?”

Le Comte chuckled warmly when his golden honey eyes found Jane’s concerned expression, resting his warm hand on her shoulder carefully, “Leonardo enjoys taking his siestas whenever the mood strikes him. He doesn’t seem to care where he falls asleep, ma chere.”

“I gather so,” the lady smiled carefully, her gaze finding Leonardo once again, her pale cheeks flushing pink when the man’s eyes opened and he smirked at her, “Oh! I apologise for staring, Sir.” Jane turned her gaze to the floor to hide her blush and curtsied to him as he began to stand up, “Jane Grey. Queen Jane. ‘Tis a pleasure to meet you … Monsieur Leonardo?”

“Si,”his voice was smooth and confident, alluring in it’s huskiness, “Leonardo Da Vinci, signora,” he took her hand in his own and kissed her knuckles affectionately, once again making the lady blush. Jane gasped softly as she heard his name. an excited twinkle bright in her wide India green eyes which made the Italian man’s thick brown eyebrows raise curiously, “Oh? Ya like that, Your Highness?”

“No non è quello,” she replied almost breathlessly, turning his hand over in her own to shake it excitedly, a grin spreading across her face, “È un piacere conoscerla Signor Da Vinci!“

Leonardo chuckled warmly, shaking Jane’s hand - which was tiny and pale in his own - in return, his eyebrows still raised as he glanced over at le Comte, “She speaks Italian?” He turned his attention back to Jane who had stopped shaking his hand but still held on to him, “Il piacere è tutto mio, cara mia.”


“Leonardo, I need your help!” Jane called from the mansion’s foyer, her arms full and her tiger red eyebrows turned downward with effort.

Leonardo walked briskly from the direction of the kitchen and picked up the pace when he saw Jane, rushing to her side and scooping up the large white and ginger cat from out of her arms, his amber eyes softening when Jane’s expression relaxed, “Cara mia, what is this?”

The lady let out a sigh of relief, now only holding one tiny white Persian kitten, and she smiled a little guiltily, “I saw them on the side of the road and - a-and they looked so helpless, I couldn’t leave them, Leonardo-” She held up the impossibly small kitten against her cheek, flashing her boyfriend her best pleading puppy eyes, “We can handle just two more!”

“You said the same when you brought our pup home, Jane, mi amore,” he smirked at her, his big warm hand already stroking the fat Norwegian forest cat in his arms. He sighed, giving in - though, he knew that Jane could convince him to do anything, he loved her that much - “We can keep them. Lumiere needs more cats to play with.” Leonardo wandered closer to Jane and reached out to the kitten she held, “Ciao, gattino,” he cooed down at the tiny cat, smiling fondly at it, “Have you named your new little friends, cara?”

“Mhm!”Jane nodded happily, gently stroking the back of the white cat’s head with the back of her index finger, “This is Lady Katherine - I think she looks like a little lady and that,” she cocked her head in the direction of the big fluff ball that her boyfriend held, “That gentleman is called Piero.” And with that, Jane and Leonardo now had taken in four strays between them: Lumiere, Lady Katherine and Piero, their band of troublemaking kitties and Edward, their loyal Great Dane who acted like a big grey lapdog.


“Mhm, principessa,” Leonardo hummed lowly, his saffron eyes fluttering shut as he pressed a kiss to Jane’s cheek and they lay in bed naked, cradling each other underneath soft cotton sheets, “I feel like we should stay like this forever.”

Jane smiled tiredly as she snuggled up to her boyfriend’s side, sore beyond compare but unbelievably happy when his arms tightened around her small frame. The lady felt the blush on her cheeks - that had been present throughout their entire evening - deepen as realisation dawned upon her, “G-goodness me … we just - Leonardo, do you realise? We just-”

“Made love?” He chuckled quietly, brushing Jane’s blushing left cheek with the calloused pad of his thumb, his brow quirking with curiosity when his gentle affection didn’t slow the racing of her pulse, “Somethin’ wrong, bellezza mia?”

The shy young lady shook her head smally, averting her big forest green eyes to look at anything else but her beloved’s inquisitive gaze, “But, we’re not married. Surely we shouldn’t have-” Jane was cut off by Leonardo’s mouth on her’s, his lips kissing away her worry slowly and carefully. When they parted, there remained a look of worry painted on her pretty face and that sinking dread in her heart.

“Do you regret it?”

Jane blinked, confused, “Whatever do you mean?”

Leonardo sat himself up and pulled his girlfriend up onto his lap, one of his large hands holding onto her slender waist and his other tenderly cradling her jaw. They held eye contact, the intimacy between gentle green and emboldened amber speaking volumes as their hearts beat as one, “Do you regret sleeping with me, Jane? Would you be happier if we waited until we got married?” Jane didn’t answer, stirring Leonardo to continue, a cheeky grin on his lips, “If so, I’d put a ring on your finger by morning.” 

“No,” the queen thought out loud, placing her hands on Leonardo’s cheeks and craning forward to give him a fleeting, butterfly light kiss. She felt the stormy seas in her heart settle and self-assuredness wash over her like fresh rain in the garden, “I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love you,” Jane smiled softly at her boyfriend who squeezed her waist with both of his warm, capable hands and smirked at her, “And an experience so heavenly couldn’t be sin, of that I am sure.”


Jane giggled in the summer sun, gently holding onto her shopping basket as she spoke with her friend William Shakespeare. Her white summer dress seemed to gleam under the bright sun but even that looked grey compared to her radiant smile and anyone who saw her would surely say she was sweeter than the season’s finest fruits. Despite her joyful mood, Leonardo, her darling boyfriend, scowled when he spotted her from the other side of the town square conversing with such an unsavoury character as Shakespeare. The artist handed the now-fixed violin back to the little girl he’d been sat with and hurriedly strode towards his beloved Jane. The lady jumped a little when she felt a squeezing hand upon her side, but relaxed at the voice that followed, “Sorry to interrupt, but cara mia and I have plans now. Scusa, Will,” Leonardo almost growled the poet’s name before grasping his lady’s wrist and leading her towards a secluded alleyway.

“Leonardo?”Jane’s thin eyebrows raised in surprise and confusion when the couple stopped, with Leonardo having pinned her against a wall, “Leonardo what has gotten into you?” She put her hands up against his broad chest and pushed him back so she had room to properly observe his face, sighing when she recognised his darkened expression, “You don’t need to be jealous of him, cuore mio.” Jane gently cupped Leonardo’s cheeks with her delicate hands and she smiled sweetly when he nuzzled against her touch before burying his nose against her neck.

Leonardo sighed into her pale skin, leaving a few careful kisses on her neck before he raised his head, his expression a mixture of a wounded lion and a heartbroken schoolboy, “I know, Jane, mi amor.” The taller vampire smiled guiltily, standing back a little and anxiously rubbing the back of his neck, “Scusa. I just …” he looked away, Jane’s rich Spanish green proving too beautiful, too much for his heart to handle, “I want you all to myself. I don’t want that scarafaggio crawling in here.” Leonardo placed his warm left hand over Jane’s heart, smirking smally when her pulse beat faster underneath his touch.

The lady smiled softly, throwing her arms around her boyfriend’s waist and snuggling up against his toned body, “Il mio cuore è tutto tuo.”


Leonardo chuckled warmly as Jane’s hand brushed his own when they both reached for the orange paint, “What are you painting with that shade, la mia tigre?” He squeezed her hand softly before withdrawing to grab a jar of dark green paint instead.

“Hm, you’ll see,” the former queen grinned confidently at her lover, sending Cupid’s arrow straight through his chest and filling his heart with overwhelming warmth and affection. They both turned their attention back to their paintings, comfortable in the warm sunshine that streamed through the windows whilst the radio played quietly somewhere in the background. Leonardo noticed Jane occasionally peeking up from over her canvas and gazing at him before turning back to her painting. Likewise, the pureblood was doing the same thing. Without much warning, Piero, the couple’s fat ginger and white cat jumped from his seat on Leonardo’s lap and onto the floor, knocking over several jars of paint as he padded out of the room. “Oh dear,” Jane sighed, kneeling down to clean up the bright splotches on the floor.

“Let me help, cara mia,” as he reached for a rag to wipe the floor, Jane swiped her index finger across her boyfriend’s cheek, giggling when his eyes widened in shock at the cool feeling of paint on his face. Leonardo glanced at himself briefly in the mirror, frowning slightly when he noticed the bright blue splotch on his olive toned skin, “Hey, not fair.” The artist smirked to himself as he dipped his finger into the puddle of sky on the wooden floor and swiped it onto Jane’s button nose.

The pair of them laughed at each other, continuing to splat paint onto one another until they were breathless, grinning in each other’s arms until Jane spoke quietly, “I finished my painting.”

“Oh yeah?” Leonardo stood up and walked around her easel to view a beautiful portrait of himself with the fluffy Piero in his lap. There was a serene smile on his face which matched the one painted in acrylics which he turned towards his beloved, “ ‘s beautiful. You’re beautiful.” The pureblood reached out towards his own canvas and spun it around to show Jane a portrait of herself in vibrant pigments, “Ah but, this doesn’t compare to the real thing.” He dropped to his knees in front of her and placed a warm kiss to her lips, making the lady gasp softly.

Jane muttered against her boyfriend’s lips, “You’re beautiful too, Leo.” And with that, Leonardo picked Jane up and carried her bridal style to the baths to help wash all the paint off of her porcelain perfect skin.

IkeVamp Boys + How They Kiss You

This is a repost of a request! I hope you guys and the requester @ifthiswingscouldfly enjoy this ask once again.

Napoleon Bonaparte, there was not a day he could go without kissing you. In the mornings, when you’d wake up later than him, the lazy mornings are filled with slow kisses as he trailed those kisses over your neck and ears, loving the way you curled up to him as he wrapped his larger arm around you. His kisses are longing, slow, but always filled with love for you.

Isaac Newton, his kisses are not without hesitation. His usual affections consist of holding your hand, or leaning on your shoulder once he tires of his research. Isaac’s kisses… are for those moments when he truly desires you. In those moments he wishes to see no one but you, he holds your waist in one hand with another hand drawing you up to lock you in his kiss.

Arthur Conan Doyle, how he loves to kiss you to tease you. His kisses are quick, his soft lips making your skin flutter as you were held in his lap. You’d always feel the warm goosebumps as the coffee scent of Arthur began imprinting onto you, but how could you resist the gentleman when he’d always kiss your hand when he greets you? Or, in his bed, the melting kisses that simply draw you into him…

Dazai Osamu, his kisses favour towards kisses that surprise you, often kissing you before he leaves or when he arrives. The quick pecks on your nose, the breath of his whisper to the kiss on the tips of your ear, the press of his lips to the corner of your mouth… Those feelings would warm you up throughout the day, but his favourites would be the longing lip lock he gives you only in your shared bedroom.

Theodorus Van Gogh, to him, kisses are a form of reassurance. Morning kisses goodbye meant that you were wishing him well. Kisses to the tips of your fingers are promises to return to you. Kisses to your forehead are his way of telling that everything will be alright. Kisses to your neck are promises that he’ll spend the night with you. His most intimate kiss, to your ring finger, is a promise to wed you.

Vincent Van Gogh, he has the urge to kiss you every day. Not so much as a requirement from you, but a need for him. Whether it be a kiss to your forehead, a kiss to your palm or a loving kiss to your lips, it’s a need that he ever so indulges in. In those times where you allow to give him one bite, he’ll compensate you by a thousand fold in kisses instead. It’s locked in his heart, but the kiss he anticipates the most is the one he gets to share with you once you’re married.

Leonardo Da Vinci, how he’s a fan of lazy kisses. His kisses are slow, meaningful, and usually given with much care and thought. On days he’s active, he gives the quick kiss on the cheek as a farewell. However, having you in his arms, your head against his chest as you both drift off into a siesta. Just as you wake up, he bestows a very sleepy kiss as he holds you closer, perhaps for another nap session…

Jean D'Arc, his kisses are only given when he’s alone with you. He’ll do anything else to keep you close, for others to understand that he was yours whether it be holding your hand or standing next to you. How his heart flutters when he has you in his bed, and you grant him a kiss before sleeping. The most honorable of kisses to him would be when he bends the knee, your hand to his lips as he swears to be your knight forever.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, his kisses are secretive yet filled with such passion that it causes you to get dizzy at times. Even when you two are alone, he keeps his kisses for the most intimate of moments, when he’s desperate for your touch, and when he needs to confide in you. His kisses are feverish, as his kiss demands for more of you with his arms wrapped around you.

Sebastian, his kisses are quick throughout the day, as both of you are busy. Often no one notices them, but he’ll peck your forehead instead of flicking it when you do a good job. Kisses that he finds pleasure in giving are when you’re on his lap, and he has your neck tilted to pepper kisses up along your neck to your jaw, smothering you in affection when you two are alone.

Comte Saint Germain, he shamelessly loves to kiss you. In his office, he doesn’t mind whoever walks in when he has you there, loving him so passionately. He often leans to kiss the tips of your ears as a way of teasing, or kissing the edges of your wrists as a way of promising you. The kiss on your lips that leave you breathless however, is a special promise from him to give you even more throughout the night.

William Shakespeare, doesn’t typically initiate kisses. They’re sacred to him, as if you two would only be united by true love’s kiss as the story goes. He’s no stranger to physical affection, but he’d never let anyone see him kiss you. It’s his personal method of devotion, as he’s on his knees to kiss your palm before your bed, finally pressing his own lips against yours.

Vlad, his kisses signify that you’re his and he’s yours. It’s almost as a status symbol, the way he leans to press a kiss to your forehead as his one arm is by your waist. For as much as your relationship was public, he loves to sneak kisses the way he used to when he was courting you, where he’d be on the window sill to sneak a kiss, or in the garden alone, as he uses his large coat to shield you both as he locks lips with you.

Johann Georg Faust, he was a prideful man, a smug one at that. How impressive it was, to see him fall apart at your kisses, to see his arms immediately coddle you as you bestow him a kiss, standing at the ball of your foot to reach him, his large hand cradling your head to deepen the kiss. It’s an action he’d only allow with you saying you want it, he’s not one for surprise kisses for as much as you were his own precious surprise.

Charles-Henri Sanson, he’s utterly shameless with his kiss. Sometimes when Faust demands to talk to him, he’d busy himself buried in the crook of your neck, peppering butterfly kisses up and down before reaching your collarbone, further busying himself with the scent of you. All he wants is to trap you in his arms as he deepens the kiss between you two, his soft hairs tickling your cheek…


I have a very serious very scientific question

Do mosquitoes like vampire blood?

As a certified scientist of nothing, it is my professional opinion that not only do mosquitoes enjoy vampire blood, they actually prefer the blood of vampires.

Vampires not only have their own blood type, but they are an amalgamation of all other blood types, as I’m sure the residents of the mansion are so picky to only have one blood type on hand.

So just as Arthur sees the local pub/brothel as a veritable feast (of desires and blood,) mosquitoes likely see the mansion and its residents as the same.

So it would be in le Comte’s best interest to place bug screens everywhere!
