#league of legend art


Mel’s character design is flawless, I loved painting her✨

“Welcome to the Lanes”

Check out my process video on my Youtube channel too!


SUP! Just posted the Process video of my fanart of Twitch, from League of Legends, a bit of an unusual process, but trying things is fun!
Hope you like it guys :)YAY

Finished this one up while tabling at 2D Con last weekend! I’ll have it available as a print at Fallcon XL in the MN State Fair Grandstand on 9/25 and at Anime Fusion the weekend of 10/22!

A quick Viktor study. My first time drawing his face.

A quick Viktor study. My first time drawing his face.

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“Before The Machine” After re-watching, Viktor has made his way to being my 1# fave character, next

“Before The Machine”

After re-watching, Viktor has made his way to being my 1# fave character, next to Jinx and Mel. He’s so pure and has such noble intentions. He’s already being corrupted by the finale, so I suspect he’s going to get even darker in Season 2(maybe start sacrificing humans to the Hex-core in order to further his transformation maybe)

I incorporated the little white butterflies that you see in the scene where he and Heimerdinger discuss his prognosis and his childhood toy ship.

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“Are we… still sisters?”

I think I’ve watched Arcane… 12 times now? Every time Vi and Jinx’s reunion scene makes me cry. And I don’t even have siblings…

Unos Fanarts de Kayle y Morgana después de su Actualización, simplemente hermosas <3….MORGUnos Fanarts de Kayle y Morgana después de su Actualización, simplemente hermosas <3….MORG

Unos Fanarts de Kayle y Morgana después de su Actualización, simplemente hermosas <3….MORGANA BESTO WAIFU ADADASDASDS cof cof…

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 No soy de hacer dibujos para navidad así que mejor hacer un pequeño chibi de Neeko con su Skin de w

No soy de hacer dibujos para navidad así que mejor hacer un pequeño chibi de Neeko con su Skin de winter wonderland XD


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 Me tomo tiempo terminar este dibujo pero al menos lo logre, un poro KDA!.. y claro una Akali, pero

Me tomo tiempo terminar este dibujo pero al menos lo logre, un poro KDA!.. y claro una Akali, pero el poro es el punto principal obviamente (9ewe)9

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When he gives you a kill instead of flowers
