#league of legends


after all, why not? why shouldn’t i make hotness tier-list for league of legends characters?

and yeah, i know that janna’s design is far from the best but i still have a huge soft spot for ethereal elemental ladies (i had entire elemental phase back in the day… what a time)

it’s all of course deeply subjective so please don’t @ at me

and now i think i’m somewhat content with her

behold, Lady Luck in all her elusive glory

Lady Luck holding Destiny

trying to figure out her design (and breaking in new markers)

not exactly what i was aiming for but still looks kinda nice

a bit of thinking on TF’s cards

so uhh i’ve been thinking about TF’s card deck and what you can extract from it

gameplay-wise TF has 3 types of cards - blue (eye), red (dagger) and yellow (chain). in what we can take as canon lore (“double-double cross” in particular) tf has eye motif going on on both red and blue card (and possibly on yellow too, but it haven’t been shown yet)

and from his cards in LoR we know that spades (or some suit that has a cad greatly resembling ace of spades) are also a thing in runeterra

and i know that most likely it’s only TF’s deck that is this special and the rest of runeterra uses the same suits of cards as we do in our world


wouldn’t it be cool if one of runeterran card deck type had only 3 suits instead of 4 and they were inspired/influenced by noxian culture (or more likely mordekaiser’s rule), for example?

i mean, it lines up pretty well - eyes suit for destiny/vision (it even lines up with it’s usage as teleportation card in DDC), daggers/spades possibly (it’s literally “swords” in couple of roman languages lol) for might/domination and chains for deceit/guile (the least harmonious match to be honest but connotations of gold and stun still kinda fit here)
or if we go with eye motif present in all suits the blue suit could be faces (going from teleport card in DDC)

and uhh i guess that’s it. i just think that fantasy worlds deserve to have their own symbols and card’s variations and i also like to do worldbuilding for little inconsequential details

p.s. also major taro arcana as playing deck is a thing, at least in arcane. but arcane is kinda on it’s own right now so i didn’t include it in main thought process


couple of silly old memes’ redraws with Graves’ family (and one random buhru guy)

1 - i’’ll summarize, guys
the year passed, the dreams came true
(you) haven’t died - already damn great
(you) haven’t got killed - fucking awesome

2 - my lil’ cunt (afectionate)

p.s. with a little help from @vaguely-concerned i figured ms. graves’ name would be molly

thinking about ms. graves… extremely bilgewaterian lady

i’m not fully sure about her design and name yet, but at least i more or less know where i want to take her character, so there’s her younger and older versions. she’s a gruff washerwoman in both of them

ever wondered how Twisted Fate clothes work?

If you did (and even if you didn’t), here’s my headcanons on what exactly this whole ensemble consists of
quick disclaimer - TF has a shitton of slightly different portrayals across media, so take this as a base to his many, many very similar but ultimately different looks (“yes, Malcolm, that’s completely different vests - this one is maroon and that one is coral, and tonight it makes a grave difference!” as he would say himself

so brace yourself, and behold the magic transformation

step 1 - underpants, undershirt, socks (with suspenders)

frankly, his underpants here are a huge compromise between historical references and my wish to put him in something remotely appealing, so here he has some cross between modern boxer briefs and late 19th century drawers (let’s hope there’s no union suits in runeterra). socks are self-evident and undershirt id for both hygiene, protecting upper layers of clothing and still being able to show some cleavage

step 2 - corset

yeah, corsets were a fashionable thing in last quarter of 19th century, and TF is canonically a dandy and a peacock of a man. also, boned garments were known to stop bullets and blades, and a little bit of protection never hurts

step 3 - the shirt

actual shirt - fine-tailored and probably hella expensive. you don’t pull punches with this things (also it covers the corset for smoother silhouette)

step 4 - finally, some pants

@vaguely-concerned and me have wondered for a long time about purpose of those little buttons in front on his pants is league and wild rift, and came to conclusion that it’s either analogue of side cut on vaquero’s concho pants, or TF moonlights as stripper. i wouldn’t be surprised if he did, but concho pants also seems plausible enough. so here he has those pants but with additional buttoning for extra fit

step 5 - vest and boots

usually vest is supposed to be buttoned higher, cause even the outer shirt was considered somewhat an underwear-ish, but it’s TF we are talking about. also, some fine boots

step 6 (the final one) - pauldrons/very bis shoulder pads!

so far they don’t seem to have much practical applaince, but it looks like they are the staple of Bilgewater fashion, worn in different forms over both shirts and coats. i wonder how this trend came to be (i really do!)

thank you for your audience and till the next part of Fashion Dissection (yes, it’s a multi-part affair)

Commission of Leona from League of Legends in her Lunar Eclipse outfit. <3


“It’s only us. You’re my daughter. I’ll never forsake you.l”

I loved how their base colors turned out too much to not share them too.


Here’s another B. Dylan Hollis inspired Silco, as a treat.


Some of you were saying B. Dylan Hollis was built like Silco and mans has a good sense of style so I referenced this picture and ended here.

thesaltybuns: I just like the idea of them teaching each other different things about makeup, now th


I just like the idea of them teaching each other different things about makeup, now that I know Silco pencils in his eyebrow. 

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thesaltybuns: Did somebody say more Cozy Dad Silco headcanons? I doodled this while watching Jason Sthesaltybuns: Did somebody say more Cozy Dad Silco headcanons? I doodled this while watching Jason Sthesaltybuns: Did somebody say more Cozy Dad Silco headcanons? I doodled this while watching Jason S


Did somebody say more Cozy Dad Silco headcanons? 

I doodled this while watching Jason Spisaks live signing this afternoon, I can’t wait to get my new prints in the mail the quality is so good and Jason always has the sweetest things to say for this fandom! 

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thesaltybuns: I have this headcannon that Silco has a green house that he uses to get away from the


I have this headcannon that Silco has a green house that he uses to get away from the violence and stress of being a crime lord, and he and Jinx bond over the botanicals <3 

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Jinx’s love language is gift giving

100% would tear up over Jinx’s gifts

zackkufair: “She’s like his daughter”zackkufair: “She’s like his daughter”


“She’s like his daughter”

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