#leaving tumblr


As an animator of “no-no bad stuff” I will be leaving Tumblr after their recent ban on NSFW content. If you’d like to keep following me, I plan to post on the sites listed below. I’ll leave this page up as long as it can exist, but it might be quarantined by the Tumblr staff soon.

Thank you all so much for enjoying my work! It’s been a fun 4 years on this site. I hope I can continue to interact with all you amazing fans and fellow artists! :)




So I haven’t been posting for a while, part of the reason is that I’ve been into other projects (Like starting to stream a lil bit ^-^) But I’ve also decided to move primarily to twitter. I probably won’t be using this account anymore in the future, But I will continue posting art on my twitter.

To everyone who’s followed me, ty so much for being around :> If someone is still interested in my art, you’re free to follow me here > https://twitter.com/the_chade

Leaving Tumblr The original of this picture is published on In search of beautyThanks to Tumblr you

Leaving Tumblr

The original of this picture is published on In search of beauty

Thanks to Tumblr you can (perhaps) view only this version here


Eufrat & Michelle

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When Girls Play

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My site here is now blinded, thanks Tumblr!
from now on I’ll post/repost on my new blog at In search of beauty and please let me know what you think about

Thanks to all my followers

Leaving Tumblr The original of this picture is published on In search of beautyThanks to Tumblr you

Leaving Tumblr

The original of this picture is published on In search of beauty

Thanks to Tumblr you can (perhaps) view only this version here


Guerlain & Irina J.

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Leaving Tumblr The original of this picture is published on In search of beautyThanks to Tumblr you

Leaving Tumblr

The original of this picture is published on In search of beauty

Thanks to Tumblr you can (perhaps) view only this version here


Sandy & Tori

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Club Sandy

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Try my new blog at In search of beauty and please let me know what you think about

Try my new blog at In search of beauty and please let me know what you think about

I’m working hard to transfer In search of beauty on the new server, please visit it and feel free to comment my posts and click on like or dislike, please help me to keep it alive, thanks

Try my new blog at In search of beauty and please let me know what you think about

New! Eufrat & Michellethis image is offered by:When Girls PlayYou can get more clicking above an


Eufrat & Michelle

this image is offered by:

When Girls Play

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If you want uncensored pictures visit my new blog at In search of beauty and please let me know what you think about

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I’m very bored about the application of the new rules by Tumblr staff.

I reblogged this picture: hxxps://66.media.tumblr.com/b339a3076241d8949ea37cb71a78ba27/tumblr_oybi94apJC1rnidoyo1_1280.jpg

This was flagged as adult content.

On 2018-12-30 this post: hxxps://lust-n-darkness.tumblr.com/post/181552310360 was considered clean as many others in these days.

Tumblr is creating only confusion and offensive content is often still here

And try to write to their support……

Sophie Vlamingby David BellemereNews =============================================================Tr

Sophie Vlaming

by David Bellemere

Try my new blog at In search of beauty and please let me know what you think about

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Try my new blog at In search of beauty and please let me know what you think about

I opened an account on Ello too, you can find me here


Malena Morgan & Hayden Hawkensthis image is offered by:Digital DesireYou can get more clicking a

Malena Morgan & Hayden Hawkens

this image is offered by:

Digital Desire

You can get more clicking above and subscribing

Try my new blog at In search of beauty and please let me know what you think about

Post link
Leaving Tumblr The original of this picture is published on In search of beautyThanks to Tumblr you

Leaving Tumblr

The original of this picture is published on In search of beauty

Thanks to Tumblr you can (perhaps) view only this version here


Denise & Liliane

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Teen Dreams

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I haven’t spoke at length to FG about it, but it is unlikely we will continue to blog on Tumblr. While our content has taken a turn toward more PG to PG-13 things over the last couple of months, I for one can’t bring myself to continue to use a platform changing it’s policies to reflect the puritanical, misogynistic, and transphobic views pervading American society. We haven’t discussed whether we will continue to publicly share our lives elsewhere, but if we do, we will post a new link. 

I have really grown to love this place. I am on Tumblr nearly daily and have been an active Tumblr user on and off for eight years. I’m sad to have to leave a platform that has taught me so much, given me so much joy and entertainment and has helped me connect with others and share my love of Farm Girl. 

As of right now, I do not plan to post much more. I have ripped all of our NSFW images and stored them elsewhere for us to be able to enjoy privately in the future as well as other important posts we want to keep. When the change happens, I expect we will set our account to private so we can still visit our blog and enjoy the photos, but I don’t want to give Tumblr the benefit of traffic brought by the images I own and have taken. 

Thank you for all the support you’ve given us. We will still likely visit until the change happens (at least) and will read messages and asks sent to us. 

(Farm Girl)

I haven’t been engaged in Tumblr nearly as long as Butternut, but it’s been a hugely formative and supportive experience. Finding enthusiasm, sharing joy, expression, and identity has been a liberating experience for me, and apparently even an inspiring experience for others (even as I still have a hard time believing I merit that kind of attention). I will really miss this and hope we find something else. You all have been a part of this journey and story, and I’m so grateful for all of it. Most of all to Butternut, for their unwavering support, encouragement, and invitation.

I second Butternut’s philosophical critique of the new Tumblr. We all know there are gross pornbots here. It’s the internet. But that’s a fraction of a percent. This has been a bastion for all forms of self love, erotic expression, and identity, particularly LGBTQ+ identity. I can’t really support what amounts to a puritanical whitewashing of who we are. Much love to all of you and we’ll keep creating beautiful communities to be ourselves.

Hey, it’s Arctic.  So it’s been awhile since my last post.  I think I’ve come to the conclusion over the last few months that I have grown away from tumblr.  I still love all of my various fandoms, but I just personally think I have grown into a need for a new primary fandom platform.  I don’t know what that is just yet (feel free to leave me recommendations).

There is a lot of good on this site and there are a lot of really great people.  There’s a lot of negativity too, and I guess the site just stopped being as much fun as it once was.  But that is okay.  I have been on this website since I was in high school.  In life, we all change and grow as people.

It’s been real.  

If anyone wants to stay in touch, I’m on Ao3 as Arcticmist and Discord as Arctic #6430.  Feel free to say hi (and let me know who you are).  My email is also [email protected].  I’m also probably anyone else you can find that uses the screename Arcticmist honestly.  I can’t see myself ever stopping using that name for fandom spaces online.

I sincerely wish everyone all the best.  I am rooting for everyone to follow their dreams and pursue whatever it is that makes them happy.  I’ve grown tremendously since I opened this blog years ago, and I am in a much better place.

Perhaps I will reemerge one day, but for now this is the end.  



Estou deixando o tumblr.

 Aparentemente pessoas estão muito preocupadas que mamilos DESENHADOS sejam apresentados em uma rede social enquanto a quantidade absurda de violência e apologia ao ódio e burrice tomam conta sem pudor. 

Uma rede social que não me permite me expressar artisticamente não me representa. 

Já basta o tsunami conservador que meu pais está vivendo nesse momento. Uma das mais feias, cheias de obscurantismo e desunião.

a mediocridade ganhou.


Ainda estou no Instagram: @jordnybor e  @galeriaoutra 


I’m leaving tumblr.

 Apparently people are very concerned that DRAWN nipples are presented in a social network while the absurd amount of violence and hate speech and stupidity take over without shame.

A social network that does not allow me to express myself artistically does not represent me.

The conservative tsunami that my country is living right now is enough. One of the ugliest, full of obscurantism and disunity.

the mediocrity won.


My instagram: @jordnybor and @galeriaoutra 

I’ll admit that it’s a bit awkward to make this post when I’ve been radio silent for so long. But given that tumblr’s new “adult content” algorithm has managed to flag Kwan Yin and several infants, it’s probably time to shut down this tumblr.

Please find me as gracedpalmer at twitter, mastodon, and pillowfort, where I’ll try to post more art soon. If you still keep up with it, you can also find me as gpalmer at deviantart.

My main website is gracedpalmer.com

Tumblr’s been great and I thank you all, but this is just silly.
