#lee bodecker imagine



Your Guilty Pleasure


Pairing: Stepdad!Lee Bodecker x 18+F!Reader

Summary: A girl’s journal is sacred. Full of secrets and fantasies that she doesn’t intend for anyone else to see. What happens when the person you long for most discovers yours?

Warnings: Explicit sexual content, stepcest, daddy kink, infidelity, humilation, petnames (babylove, sugar, daddy), invasion of privacy, virgin reader, fingering, pussy eating, vaginal sex, blood play, very light tones of dubcon, coercion, innocence and corruption kink if you squint, a little fluff, a tiny sprinkling of breeding kink, and Lee’s filthy mouth. 18+.

Word Count: 5.4k

A/N: Thank you @navybrat817and@dreamlessinparis for letting me screech about this, and for encouraging my hoe ways, and to @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog for beta'ing. I love you all!

All my works are 18+. If you click the read more tab, you are agreeing that you are 18 or over, have read the warnings and take responsibility for your own media consumption. I do not consent to having my work translated or posted anywhere else.


Dear Diary, 

I’m in trouble. I thought it was just a stupid crush, that it would go away eventually and I’d be able to sit across from him at dinner without feeling shy or anxious. It’s bad enough that I have to be under the same roof as him sometimes, but tonight is worse. So much worse.

I can hear her screeching. I bet he hates that. He doesn’t seem like the kind of guy to enjoy the screaming type. Too superficial. I’m such an idiot. How would I know? Like I have any clue what he likes. Can’t they keep it down? 

I can’t stop thinking about him. About what it feels like to kiss him. He’s hugged me before, but I wanna know what it feels like to be held by him, ya know? When my mom told him he needed to watch his figure at dinner, I wanted to stand up for him. I wanted to tell her that I think he’s perfect just the way he is. She doesn’t even seem to like him most of the time. 

Keep reading

I already shouted at you on your doc but OMG I loved this so much!!!!

You KNOW how much I love Lee but you just made him so dirty and so hnnng in one fic.

20 out of 10, loved it

Your Guilty Pleasure


Pairing: Stepdad!Lee Bodecker x 18+F!Reader

Summary: A girl’s journal is sacred. Full of secrets and fantasies that she doesn’t intend for anyone else to see. What happens when the person you long for most discovers yours?

Warnings: Explicit sexual content, stepcest, daddy kink, infidelity, humilation, petnames (babylove, sugar, daddy), invasion of privacy, virgin reader, fingering, pussy eating, vaginal sex, blood play, very light tones of dubcon, coercion, innocence and corruption kink if you squint, a little fluff, a tiny sprinkling of breeding kink, and Lee’s filthy mouth. 18+.

Word Count: 5.4k

A/N: Thank you @navybrat817and@dreamlessinparis for letting me screech about this, and for encouraging my hoe ways, and to @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog for beta'ing. I love you all!

All my works are 18+. If you click the read more tab, you are agreeing that you are 18 or over, have read the warnings and take responsibility for your own media consumption. I do not consent to having my work translated or posted anywhere else.


Dear Diary, 

I’m in trouble. I thought it was just a stupid crush, that it would go away eventually and I’d be able to sit across from him at dinner without feeling shy or anxious. It’s bad enough that I have to be under the same roof as him sometimes, but tonight is worse. So much worse.

I can hear her screeching. I bet he hates that. He doesn’t seem like the kind of guy to enjoy the screaming type. Too superficial. I’m such an idiot. How would I know? Like I have any clue what he likes. Can’t they keep it down? 

I can’t stop thinking about him. About what it feels like to kiss him. He’s hugged me before, but I wanna know what it feels like to be held by him, ya know? When my mom told him he needed to watch his figure at dinner, I wanted to stand up for him. I wanted to tell her that I think he’s perfect just the way he is. She doesn’t even seem to like him most of the time. 

It’s Friday night, and I’m laying in bed listening to my crush fuck my mom. How screwed up is that? Sometimes I close my eyes and imagine it’s me he’s fucking. It’s okay, because it’s not like I’m ever gonna tell him or do anything about it. If I can’t have him, I can at least have my fantasies, right? I can keep them here. Nobody will ever read this. I’ll make sure of that. 

I keep thinking about showing up at the police station. Bringing him lunch maybe. Mom never does that. I think about how happy he’d be to see me, and how much he’d appreciate the thought. But it never stops there. 

I think about him locking his office door and confessing his feelings to me. How he’d tell me that it’s me he wants. That I’m pretty and he’s been desperate to get me alone for months. I think about him kissing me, about what his tongue would feel like in my mouth. God, I’m wet just from thinking about it. I want him to take me. I want him to fuck me. 

Nights like this one are rare. They don’t have sex very often. Fucking walls are cardboard thin in this house so I’d know if they were humping like rabbits. But the jealousy I feel having to listen to them makes me want to throw my goddamn journal out the window. I can hear him pounding her. Would he be gentle with me? Or would he fuck me even harder? 

I guess I’ll never find out, will I? He’s my stepfather. It’s never gonna happen. 

“God-fuckin’-damnit,” Lee grunts, fist wrapped around his throbbing cock as it begins to soften in his grip - the pages of your journal glistening with pearly drops of his come, bleeding into black ink. 

He thinks about trying to wipe the pages clean, but the ever present devil on his shoulder tells him not to. Closing the journal and slipping it back into your pillowcase, he wipes his sticky palm on your comforter and tucks himself away. 

Lee wonders if you know he takes a quiet moment with your memoir every chance he gets. That he gets off to the thought of you touching yourself over him. He doesn’t know how much longer he can restrain himself, especially when you turn into a delicate, doe-eyed doll whenever you’re in his presence. He has wondered why you always look so taken with him, and now that he knows, the thought of experiencing your body for himself rather than reading about all the things you want him to do to it on paper is too strong to push away. 


Dear Diary, 

This morning when I was washing up after breakfast, he brushed up against me. And I felt..it. I heard the little noise he made. At first I just thought I was imagining things, but now I’m not so sure. And he called me ‘sugar’ this morning. ‘Thank you, sugar’, he said. He’s never called me that before. What does it mean? I know it’s wrong. I know I shouldn’t want him like..that. But he’s just so..I don’t even know. He’s not like other boys. He’s not a boy at all. 

Am I going crazy? I feel like I’m going crazy. Mom left for work earlier than usual today. I think they were fighting about something. I tried to listen in, but I couldn’t hear what they were arguing about. I’ve spent the evening trying to stay out of (Lee’s) his way.

My underwear drawer was open when I got home. The new panties I bought are missing, too. I don’t think my mom would take them. Is that what they were arguing about? Does she know that I’ve been having these thoughts? If she did, she’d march me down to church by the collar of my dress. 

I don’t know if I can go back downstairs tonight. I’m not scared of him, I just..I don’t trust myself not to say something stupid, ya know? He’s the Sheriff. He’s not an idiot. Speaking of, he’s been wearing that damn uniform around the house more than usual and it’s driving me crazy. He always used to come home, shower and change immediately. Not anymore. Now he wears it until bedtime. It’s like he knows what it does to me. He doesn’t even take off that stupid utility belt, and I think he might know that I..

The light rapping of knuckles on your bedroom door makes you jump, snapping your journal shut as you shuffle up towards the pillows on your bed. You panic. There’s only one person it can be. Your mom isn’t due home until at least midnight. Just as you open your mouth to speak, the door clicks open. He stands there in your doorway, his thumbs hooked through his belt loops as he rolls back on his heels slightly. 

“What’cha doin’, sugar? Been awful quiet tonight,” he hums, narrowing his gaze at you as it drops to the journal hugged tight against your chest. You swear he almost smirks upon seeing it, slowly dragging his eyes back up to your face as he takes a few steps forward. “Holdin’ onto that thing for dear life. You got some secrets in there you don’t want your momma to know about?”

“No,” you bark a little too hastily, and he chuckles. His fingertips glide across the comforter draped at the end of your bed, his lips twitching into a smirk at the sight of your freshly painted toenails. You didn’t choose the cherry red polish because it was his favourite colour, the same colour has his favourite candy. Or at least that’s what you told yourself when you reached for it without a single thought to any other colour on your vanity earlier that night. “What-what were you and mom fighting about before?” 

Lee raises his eyebrows at you, shaking his head with a lopsided grin as he moves to perch on your bed. You shuffle nervously, tucking your legs beneath you to keep some distance from him. He’s too tempting. You can’t keep your thoughts under control when it comes to him at the best of times, let alone when he’s so close to you. 

“Nosy, ain’t ya?” He teases, turning to face you, looking down at the worn notebook in your grasp once again. Goosebumps rise on your bare legs as you subconsciously tug at the hem of your night dress. Lee’s cool, penetrating stare is enough to set your skin on fire. He doesn’t give you the explanation that you asked for, instead humming as if amused, his fingers reaching for the confessional in your hands. You hold it tighter, your fingertips digging into the cover and your pulse thumping in your eardrum. “Since when did we start keepin’ secrets from each other under my roof?”

He can’t be serious. Your panicked eyes flit from his hand, to your chest and back again. A frantic shake of your head has him hushing you, his tone deceptively soothing as his touch lingers on the back of your hand. “I’m not keeping secrets, I swear. It’s-it’s my diary. Nobody’s ever read this.”

The grin that Lee shoots your way unsettles you somewhat, a knowing look on your face that has you wanting the ground to split open and swallow you whole. He can’t have. There’s no way he would’ve. There’s no way he can know. “N-no. You haven’t. You wouldn’t." 

"I won’t tell nobody what you’ve been cookin’ up in that pretty head a'yours,” he tells you softly, his palm settling at your ankle and giving it a little squeeze. God this, cannot be happening. You should have been more vague. You can’t even try and deny that what you’ve written is about him. It was stupid of you to think that nobody would ever find it. “Gotta say, I’m kinda flattered, sugar. Ain’t had a pretty little thing like you go all doe eyed over me in a long, long time." 

The compliment goes straight to your gut, warmth spreading to your core as you clench your thighs tightly and hope to god he doesn’t notice. But he does. He notices everything, apparently. That’s why you’re in this predicament. 

"I’m not-,” you stutter, feeling your cheeks heat up at his praise-like condescension, “I’m not ‘doe eyed’. It’s just a stupid crush. I didn’t mean it." 

Lee clicks his tongue against his teeth with a smile, calloused palm gliding up towards your kneecap. You’re frozen beneath his touch. You should move. You know you should move and tell him to get out. Threaten to call your mom and tell her what’s happening. 

You don’t.

"Oh, you didn’t mean it, huh? Tell me,” he pauses, sidling closer up the bed until he’s seated next to your thighs, “what exactly were you writin’ when I knocked on your door?”

Your tongue feels heavy in your mouth, and if you weren’t holding onto your book of secrets so tight, you’re pretty sure your hands would be shaking. You’re torn. Torn between throwing all caution to the wind and living out your deepest fantasy and telling him to get the hell out of your room. Your cunt has already made her decision, fluttering and drenched from the slightest of touches at his rugged hands. 

“You’re not shy are you, sugar?” He asks, walking his fingertips up over your bare thigh as his steely, cobalt stare eats you up from the inside out. Your nipples pebble against the thin cotton of your night dress, and the little groan that escapes from his throat at the sight has you clenching once again. “C'mon. Read it. Wanna hear how much of a silly crush you got on me." 

You shake your head from side to side defiantly, gritting your teeth as you grow more frustrated by his playful insistence. His hand settles, fingers nestled at the crease of your thighs and digging into your skin. They’re trembling. They want to fall open for him, and it’s taking everything in you to stop them from doing so. 

"Would it help if I wasn’t starin’ right at you?” He asks, as if that’s the issue. He’s not joking around at all, and for some reason, you’re almost glad. Even if the last thing you want to do is read a single sentence about him from your diary. You tuck your bottom lip between your teeth as you shrink back against the headboard, thighs parting as you go. “Tell ya what, I’ll go easy on ya. You show me what you were writing and I’ll show ya my favourite entry, how 'bout that?”

“Your favourite..how long have you been reading this?” you ask him mortified, shaking his touch from your skin as you shuffle up onto your knees and hide your journal behind your back, out of his reach. 

Lee doesn’t even flinch at your melodrama, instead loosening his tie and dragging his knuckles across the bedspread towards you; the tip of his index finger grazing your knee. He looks you dead in the eye, a look of intent lingering behind those pretty eyes. “I’ve read every single page, sugar. So ya see, there’s no use hidin’ away from me now. I know what you’ve been thinkin’ 'bout.”

Your mind wanders back to a few days ago, the night you caught him exiting your bedroom on your way back from washing up for the night. Your cheeks are hot, brow scrunching together as you internally debate your unlikely situation. You should want to scream at him, rage and cry over the fact that he invaded your privacy like this. That’s what your brain is telling you to do; the sensible part of your brain, at least. But your pussy? The way it dampens your inner thighs and aches to be touched by him? She just wants his attention, no matter the form it comes in. 

Lee’s brows arch in slight surprise as you slowly hold out your hand to him, giving him permission to take the diary from you and read your latest lovesick confession about him. You watch as he flicks to the last written page, a slow, sly smile curling on his plush lips. Tugging on your fingers, you wait. 

“Well, ain’t you the sweetest thing. Sounds like that crush you got ain’t so little after all is it, sugar?” He teases you, his eyes scanning the page once more before he flips back a few entries; handing it back to you as you take it with shaky hands. “Now this one; this one’s got me curious.” 

You want to sink into your mattress, your eyes struggling to read a single sentence of it coherently. Lee chuckles, his fingers toying with the hem of your nightdress. Maybe he’s drunk, you think. He doesn’t smell like bourbon though. Too early for him to be drunk. The semi cohesive part of your mind attempts to reason your way out of it, but the overwhelming desire to live out the fantasies you’ve been pouring over every night is too strong to ignore. 

“Get yourself comfy. Been a while since anyone’s read me a bedtime story,” he grins, and you roll your eyes at his incessant ribbing. Admittedly, albeit in a strange way, it makes you feel at ease somewhat. You do as he says, leaning back against your pillows and stretching your legs out on the bed in front of you. Lee tilts his head to the side, widening his eyes a touch as he silently urges you to obey his shameful command. “Go on, now. From the beginnin’.”

You pull your knees up to your chest, the vivid exposure that you’re about to give him making his eyes glint with anticipation. “D-Dear Diary..” you trail off, looking up from the page to him and training your eyes back down again, “I heard some boys talking at the diner today. Boys are disgusting and selfish,” you read quietly, shuffling your feet against the comforter as Lee nods for you to continue, his fingertips dancing over your shin and causing you to suppress a shudder. “They said-” you pause, nipping at your bottom lip with your teeth as your heart beats like a kickdrum in your chest, “they said boys aren’t supposed to eat pussy.”

Lee lets out a tsk of disapproval, his fingers hooking beneath your knee. His touch is firm and cool against your clammy skin, and it takes every ounce of composure within you to regain your concentration and continue. “They said that they’d never do it, because that’s not what girls are for.” Anger bubbles in your belly as you remember the way they laughed, egging each other on. “I wonder if they’re right. Afterall, whenever I’ve heard my momma and her friends talking about sex none of them have ever mentioned that.”

“Do you think those boys are right, sugar?” he interrupts, moving closer as the heat from his body seeps against yours. He smells like leather and rain, and you can’t help but clench your thighs once again and gulp. His eyes tell you exactly where he’s going with his, devouring you as the silence ticks on. 

“I mean, well, maybe?” you mumble, fiddling with the corner of the page and watching as it curls upwards. His arm hooking beneath your leg makes you gasp and Lee’s stare rolls up to meet yours. He doesn’t say a word, instead tugging your body closer to him as your legs part of their own free, and eager, will. His fingers stroke at the damp flesh of your inner thigh, and you whimper at the motion. Any moment now, you’ll wake. It’ll all have been a dream. But your dreams never felt quite like this. Bravery sparks in your gut. “D-Do boys eat pussy?”

“No babylove,” he hums, and the term of endearment has you swooning internally. Lee sinks to his knees next to your bed, pulling you to the edge of the mattress with him, his big hands spreading your legs wide and his eyes hungrily soaking in the sight of your cotton covered cunt. “Boys don’t eat pussy. Men do. Keep reading.” 

You’re speechless, wide-eyed and strung up inside at the way he talks, the way he looks at you. Like you’re a 8 course tasting menu and he’s about to indulge. You roll your hips just a little, a quiet gesture of consent should he choose to accept it. “I-I wonder if he’d eat my pussy. Probably not. I wouldn’t even know where to look, having somebody down there. What if it’s not..pretty?” 

“Oh, it’s fuckin’ pretty. I know it’s pretty.” You gasp when he curls two fingers beneath the gusset of your panties, slowly peeling them to the side and exposing your aching, virginal cunt to his gaze. This isn’t happening, you think to yourself, mouth gaping while you watch him nuzzle his face against your thigh; dragging his nose across the sensitive pearl between your legs. “Knew you’d smell good, babylove. Sniffin’ those sweet, little panties a’yours just ain’t the same as the real thing.”

“L-Lee..” you whimper, your feet digging into the sheets as your body works on instinct to try and put some space between the two of you. You knew someone had been in your underwear drawer. You’re trapped between his mouth and the headboard, your breaths heavy as he looks up from between your legs. “C’mon now, sugar. Ain’t got to the best part yet.”

“W-would he like the way I taste-oh!” His tongue flattens against your cunt, the sound it makes sending sparks straight to your gut, slick between your folds as your hole clenches against the wet muscle. You feel dizzy, your vision blurring from the sheer disbelief coursing through your veins. 

“Fuckin’ delicious. Better’n candy. Keep readin’,” he grumbles, slurping at your cunt and swiping the tip of his tongue back and forth across your clit. The fact that he’s expecting you to continue while you try to remain composed is maddening, but you push through. 

“I’ve heard him-fuck-heard him with my mom. He knows what he’s doing. Sometimes I think about him coming into my room at night and slipping beneath my sheets. I wanna know what it feels like to have his mouth on me,” you confess, letting your head fall back against the headboard. It’s too good. Too much. Not fucking enough. Lee’s hands grip your thighs roughly, spreading them wide open so he can get his fill. You whine shamelessly as he nuzzles his face from side to side against your drenched pussy, his cheeks glistening with your slick. “Please, can’t read anymore.”

“Jus’ a little bit more, babylove. Do it for daddy,” he smirks, his teeth grazing your fleshy mound. Your eyes bulge, a lump forming in your throat at the title he’s taken for himself. The title you gave him. Lee presses the tip of his index finger against your untouched hole, circling it and spreading your arousal up towards your clit. “You wanna be good for me, don’t ya? Know you do. One last lil’ bit and I’ll give ya what you want.” 

You release your bottom lip from between your teeth, blowing out a shaky breath and doing your best to fulfill his wishes. Even with his lips suckling at your pussy lewdly and your hips bucking down against his face. “I know he’s s’posed to be my daddy now, but I don’t care. I want him. I want him to take my virginity. I just want him to notice me. ” 

The air is still, his lustful assault halted as he wipes his damp cheek against your leg, his greedy eyes never straying from your own. “You want me to pop that little cherry, babylove, or are you still gonna try tellin’ me it’s jus’ a lil’ crush?”

The speed in which you toss the journal aside surprises him, but you’re riddled with fiery lust and you can’t wait any longer. Your fingers grip his collar, impatiently tugging him up your body, the soft bulge of his belly pressing against your cunt. 

You think of all the times you’ve willed him to kiss you, all the times you’ve secretly wished to be beneath him like this. Your hands settle either side of his throat, looking to him to take the lead as your bravery ebbs away. You can feel him, hard against your inner thigh. “Gotta tell me what ya want, sugar. Ain’t gonna take it ‘less you tell me to.” 

You can’t speak, your tongue too heavy in your mouth. You want it. You want it more than you’ve ever wanted anything. The scent of him is intoxicating when he’s close like this, his warm breath fanning your cheeks as you breathe him in. 

Your mouth collides with his, the musky taste of yourself oozing from his lips to yours; his tongue eagerly seeking out yours as he groans and grunts against your lips. You claw at his shirt, making light-yet fumbled-work of the buttons. God, he’s perfect. Just firm enough to overpower you if he chose, yet soft enough to envelop you and make you feel safe. 

“Lift those arms up for me, babylove.” You do as he says instantly, trembling as he rucks up your nightgown and lifts it up over your head. The deep breath he sucks in through his nostrils at the sight of your tits doesn’t go unnoticed by you. The more he looks at you, the more at ease you feel. “Look'it you. Fuck.”

His lips chain down your throat, teeth grazing your nipples, one after the other. He makes you feel dizzy. The kind of dizziness you feel when you get off the tilt a whirl at the fair. Like you’re floating on air and he’s the only thing keeping you out of the clouds. You giggle when his tongue dips into your navel, lips sucking at the flesh of your stomach and leaving a slick pool of saliva in their wake. 

“Please, Lee. Did what you wanted me to do. Gotta gimme what I want now,” you pout, arching yourself into him as he retraces his route back up your torso, sucking a bruise at your neck and smirking against your skin when you scold him for it. “Please, daddy." 

Your hands reach for him as he stands, shrugging his shirt off his shoulders, grinning at you as you ogle his body. You’re hypnotised by him, completely enraptured by the masculinity that radiates from his body. 

You find yourself looking away when he removes his underwear, almost as if instinctive. You’ve seen him shirtless before, but naked? That’s something you’ve never dreamed of seeing. "Gone shy on me again, sugar?” Lee teases, tugging your panties down and crawling back between your legs. 

“I didn’t.. just not how I expected my night to go, is all.” He chuckles at your sweet admission, resting his elbow next to your head and leaning down to devour your mouth again. You grind against him, the weight and warmth of his cock heavy against your clit making you keen for more. “Do it. I want you to fuck me, daddy.”

“Jesus fuckin’ christ, listen t'you.” Your hands cling to his biceps, fingernails leaving little crescent moons behind on his skin as you mumble an apology, knowing damn well he wouldn’t be able to explain those away to your mother. “Been thinkin’ ‘bout this for a while now, you know that? Since Christmas, in fact. ‘Member you wore that pretty red dress with the green bow? Fuck, looked so pretty, babylove.”

Lee reaches down, gripping his length in his hand and tapping the swollen, pink head against your cunt. It clenches, and you can’t wait any longer. Your legs wrap loosely around his waist, and you lean up to steal one more kiss from him. “Please, daddy.”

The sound your pussy makes as he slips the first inch in makes you cringe a little, embarrassed at how wet you are - how much you want him inside you. Lee hushes you, stroking your temple with his thumb as he slowly splits you open, piercing through your purity and seating himself to the hilt with a lustful groan. “Tight lil’ pussy, jus’ for me. Be okay, sugar.” You sob as a sharp pinch of pain rings through your abdomen. “I know, baby. S’gonna start feelin’ real good any second, I promise.”

The second thrust brings just as much discomfort as the first, a stray tear rolling down over your cheek. Lee captures it with his tongue, the salty taste flooding your senses when he kisses you. Kisses you like you’re all the air he needs, and everything in-between. 

Your cunt barely adjusts to his size, and you can feel it all. The hard ridges of his shaft, the prominent vein at the underside of his cock. All of it. Pain melds slowly into comfort and hurtles into pleasure, your face contorting at each stretch of your walls. 

The filth that spills from his tongue is almost as addictive as his cock. Lee pushes your legs back against your chest, hitting an angle that has your body shaking. It’s too much. Too much, and not near enough. You don’t know what you need, don’t know how to ask for it. But you don’t have to; because he already knows. “Most girls don’t get 'ta come on their first try. Gonna make sure you’re one a'the lucky ones. Gonna come all over my cock." 

"There it is. There’s that feelin’,” he purrs, sitting back on his knees and tugging you further down the bed by your thighs. You let out a little moan, panting as his large hands pin you down at the hips; holding you in place as he sets his own rhythm. Your legs feel like jell-o, splayed open and tingling as he admires the sight of your cunt taking his cock; the crimson smears of virtue on his flesh making him grunt. “That little cherry belongs to daddy now, babylove,” he gloats, gathering it up on the pads of his fingers before he reaches for your lips, nestling his digits against your tongue. “Bet its sweet like a fuckin’ cherry, too.”

You nod your head eagerly, babbling nonsense as you hold your legs back for him, looking down entranced as he pounds into you. It’s tender, aches deep in your bones. But fuck, it feels so good. 

Your first orgasm creeps up on you faster than you anticipated, tight, little ministrations of his thumb against your sensitive nub helping you along as your body tenses beneath him. You don’t have time to recover, not when he’s sitting back against the headboard, tugging you onto his lap and sinking your cunt back down onto his dick. It burns hotter now, that feeling in your belly that you’ve already grown to crave. 

“Wanna watch you, babylove. Wan’ you to ride daddy. Know you been humpin’ on that pillow. It’s just like that,” he tells you gently, his rough hands gripping your waist and guiding your movements. You wind your hips back and forth, grinding yourself down against him as he let’s you set your own pace. “That'sa good girl. You got it. You’re a fuckin’ natural." 

His praise urges you on, your hands settling on his broad shoulders and raking down over his soft chest as you rise and fall gently on his shaft, flesh slapping with flesh as his thighs hold you steady. Lee’s hands move to cup your tits, pinching at your nipples and caressing your clavicles while he watches you pleasure him. The look on his face has you fucking him harder, with more intent. You want to drag the same pleasure he gave you, out of him. 

“C’mon daddy,” you whisper, and the sound is debauched coming from your lips. He grits his teeth, bending his knees and thrusting up into your soaked cunt. You’re so high, so fucking high on the feeling he gives you. His hand grips your throat, and you preen at the notion, pushing further into his grasp and letting him use your pussy for his own gain. Stroke after stroke of bliss, that newly familiar heat in your gut rising once again. 

“Can’t-shit-can’t come inside you, babylove.” Your brow crumples in disappointment, riding him with a new insistence that has him cursing under his breath. The sharp slap of his palm against your ass, followed by a possessive grab at your flesh makes you cry out, a low rumble escaping his throat. “You want daddy t’keep fuckin’ you? Won’t be much of a secret if you got my baby in your belly, will it?” 

His words shouldn’t affect you the way they do, the thought of his seed deep inside you, your body belonging to him completely - it’s fucking riveting. He can see it on your face too, and a twisted smirk forms on his lips; sharp thrust after sharp thrust, stretching and molding your cunt to perfection. Lee pulls his cock free, a disappointed whimper catching in your throat. “Stroke daddys cock,” he instructs, guiding your hand as you wrap your fist around his heavy girth and jerk him slowly. You’re not sure if you’re doing it right, but if the sounds coming from his mouth are anything to go by, you most certainly are. 

“That’s it, sugar. You got it. Jus’ like that. So fuckin’ close,” he hisses, returning the favour and letting his fingers toy with your cunt, two fingers slipping in and out of your used hole and massaging that tender spot inside you. You could watch him teetering on the edge of bliss for hours. You know he’s waiting for you, know he wants you to feel good. But you’re too focused on him to let your guard down long enough to come again. “Can’t hold back much longer.” 

“Then don’t hold back, daddy. I wanna watch you. Wanna see what you look like. Wanna remember it,” you confess, wrapping your other fist around him and pumping him eagerly in both hands. It’s beautiful, his cock throbbing and threatening to burst all over your fingers. You gasp softly at the first droplets of come, licking your lower lip and wondering what it tastes like. He yells out a curse, gripping the sheets beside him and jerking his hips up into your hands, letting you milk him dry until he’s whimpering. “Beautiful daddy,” you praise him, the warmth of his spend coating your fingers, sloppy wet against his stomach. 

You try not to look at the clock on the nightstand, knowing your mother is probably due home sooner than you’d like. A twinge of guilt hits you, but you shove it away, determined to enjoy the feel of Lee’s body against yours. Your body sags against his, head resting on his chest as he tucks your head beneath his chin. His arms are tight and firm around you, lips grazing the top of your head and his cock pulsing as it softens against your belly. 

You’ve always wanted to know what it would feel like to be held by him.

And now that you know, you don’t think you’ll ever get enough. 

A/N: I no longer have a tag list, but if you want to keep up to date with what I post follow my sideblog, @sweetersficlibrary​, and turn on alerts to be notified whenever I post something new


— Lee pushes you past your limit.

pairing:lee bodecker x reader
this is an explicit fic. 18+ only.
part of my (closed) lake house getaway.
warnings:omorashi (piss kink/holding kink), ddlg undertones, daddy kink, degredation
a/n:based off the prompt ‘lee bodecker + patience’. thank you to a dear friend (who will remain unnamed) for brainstorming with me and providing some of the lines. you know who you are, you’re awesome. please be kind to me, this is my first time exploring my omorashi kink in writing. not beta read.


It had been a nice day.

Lee had taken you to the next town over for lunch, where a new diner had opened up and then a picnic in the nearby park.

Going out with Daddy was your favourite.

You’d have little adventures with him, and one way or another, you always ended up with a full tummy and pussy full of Daddy’s cream at the end of the day.

Although Daddy had been a little mean. He’d pumped you full of multiple water bottles, opening a new one as soon as you finished the last one.

It was nice to stay hydrated in the sweltering heat, but your bladder quickly started to fill with the never-ending succession of water entering your system.

By the time you returned to his cruiser, the sun beginning to set in the skyline, your thighs were clenching together.

You really needed to pee.

“Daddy.. Can we stop at a bathroom, please?” You begged, watching the way Lee’s eyes raked over you, a smirk forming on his lips at the sight of your tensed legs.

“No. You have to hold it, princess. We can use the bathroom at the station. I need to drop in on my way home.” There was something about the sultry drop in Lee’s tone that had your core tight for another reason. Daddy always affected you like this, your body responding to the slightest changes in his voice.

You waddled into the car, letting out a little whine as you got into the passenger seat, the pressure worsening. “Daddy… m’really need to go..”

“I said no,” Lee snapped, gripping your chin with his thick fingers. They still smelt like your wetness from when he fingered you in the park earlier. “I know you’re a dumb fuckin’ baby, so maybe you didn’t understand Daddy the first time. You will fuckin’ hold it.”

Tears welled in your eyes, your hips squirming into the plush seat.

Ithurt. Your fingers dug into your thighs as you whimpered.

“Tell Daddy what you’re gonna do, princess.”

“M’gonna hold it.”

Lee tapped your cheek with his fingers, giving a toothy grin. “That’s right, darlin’. You’re gonna hold it and not ruin Daddy’s seats. Otherwise, you’re in for a hard spakin’.”

You sat back in your seat, whining when you buckled your seatbelt, and Lee started the cruiser. The vibrations mixed with the pressure from the fabric made your need to go so much worse, and you looked longingly at the public bathroom as Lee pulled away from the park.

“Have some more water, princess,” Lee demanded, holding out the bottle to you. This had to be your sixth bottle by now, and it had your stomach churning as tears of frustration and need threatened to spill over.

“But.. But I’m so full, Daddy.” You took the bottle with shaky hands, watching the liquid swish against the plastic, the sight only making you want to piss more.

“You’re full when I say you’re full. We’ve got thirty minutes before we get back, and I don’t want you getting dehydrated in the sun,” Lee eyed your tears that began to trickle down your cheeks, letting out a low chuckle. “Fuckin’ crybaby. You need to piss so fuckin’ bad you’re crying about it? You’re just makin’ Daddy wanna pull over and fuck you ‘til you piss everywhere like a brainless puppy without housetrainin’.”

You sniffled with a hiccup, rubbing your eyes. “Bein’ mean, Daddy.”

“Oh c’mon, princess. I know how wet you get when Daddy treats you like a fuckin’ dog.”

He was right. Oh, he was so fucking right.

From his words alone there was a wetness pooling in your panties, a wetness that was going to get a lot worse if you didn’t get a bathroom soon.

“Now make Daddy proud and drink up. Don’t make me ask again.”

You knew that tone. The ‘do what I saw and don’t fuck with me’ attitude that Lee fell into when he’d had enough of playing around.

You wanted to make Daddy proud so fucking badly.

So, you took the cap off the bottle, ignoring the screaming pulses from your bladder as you swallowed the clear liquid.

Oh,fuck, this was so much worse.

A cold sweat began to form on your clammy skin, sweat beading on your forehead as you threw your head back against the seat and squeezed your eyes shut.

Hold it. Hold it. Hold it.

The chanting didn’t make the twinging pain lessen. Your free hand gripped your thigh, nails digging in hard enough to leave crescent marks in your flesh.

Not even the low drawl of the music on the radio could distract your mind enough from how much you needed to pee.

Maybe you could just let out a little? But Daddy would know. Daddy always knew. And you didn’t want to ruin the seats of Lee’s cruiser. He’d be so disappointed.

God knows how, but you kept drinking until the bottle crinkled empty. Time was an illusion as all you focused on was clenching as hard as you could the entire drive.

Lee may have been speaking to you, but nothing registered as your breathing turned laboured.

Everything hurt. Your entire being felt as if you could combust with how badly you needed to piss.

You couldn’t piss yourself. It was shameful – humiliating. Daddy told you to hold it so you would. But God, you really needed to go.

You let out a whimper as Lee parked outside the station.


Your toes were curling in your trainers as you wiped your damp hands off on your blue sundress.

This was fine. You could make it.

But as Lee opened your car door and helped you out, you realised you wouldn’t make it if you didn’t find a bathroom right now.

“Daddy,please, need da’bathroom,” your weak voice sounded, taking little steps as you clutched at your stomach.

“Patience, princess. Daddy just needs to say hi first.”

A sorrowful no left your lips as Lee pulled you into the main room, where there were several desks, and multiple deputies milling about on the evening shift.

“Sheriff,” one of them tipped their hat in greeting, and you watched in horror as Lee just stood there chatting with them.

You tried to sneak off, but Lee kept a firm grip on your arm that kept you unable to flee.

Hold it. Hold it. Hold it.

The sound of the bubbling water cooler invaded your ears like nails on a chalkboard as one of Lee’s deputies filled a cup of water, bringing it to you with a small smile. “You look thirsty, ma’am. It’s awful hot out there.”

Lee’s gaze turned to you. “Well, look at that fine hospitality. Drink up, darlin’, don’t wanna be rude now, do ya?”

You didn’t want to be rude. But you couldn’t.

“I—” You couldn’t even speak. Everything hurt. Your bladder pulsed painfully with each passing moment. “Thank you,” you squeaked, taking the cup with trembling hands.

It was like everyone in the station was staring at you, waiting for you to drink.

Okay, it’s just a little water. It’s fine.

You took a gulp, offering a weak smile to the deputy as he seemed content.

A wobbly gasp passed your lips as your bladder spasmed, and it felt like your heart was in your throat.

Lee was still caught up in idle conversation, and you knew how mad he got when you interrupted.

“Da—” You started, but your words got cut off by a mewl as a sharp pain shot right through you.

No no no no no no no.

You keeled over, abdomen convulsing as the first trickle of piss ran down your leg.

Oh no.

As soon as it started, you couldn’t tense anymore, your muscles weakened.

You started crying as you pissed on the linoleum floor, everyone in the room stopping to watch you.

It was everywhere. All over your dress, panties, socks and shoes, and the floor below.

Thank God none seemed to splash onto Lee.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, m’so sorry,” you sobbed, but the relief felt so good. It was as if you were euphoric as the pressure released, the pain subsiding so that all you were left with was a deep embarrassment.

You started crying harder when you looked around the room and saw Lee and his deputies laughing at you.

Lee’s hand moved to the back of your neck, grip firm as he forced you onto your knees, lowering your face so it was inches away from your mess. “What do you have to say for yourself, hm?”

“M’sorry, Daddy. Made me drink so much today, can’t hold it,” your skin felt hot with humiliation as your tears dropped into the piss below, and to your horror, more dribbled out of your bladder with a whine.

Lee’s still laughing at you as he pulls your panties tight against your cunt, watching as your piss dripped from the baby pink fabric. Your clit throbbed under the pressure.  “Dumb baby can’t even hold her piss. You enjoy dirtying daddy’s work? Making a mess that needs cleanin’?”

You shake your head, your mind a mess of lust, shame and relief. You don’t think you could even talk if you tried. All you could process was how the fabric stuck uncomfortably to your skin, and everything was drenched.

“C’mon, stupid baby, stick that little tongue out and get to work lickin’ it up nice and good. If you’re a good girl, Daddy will let you hump his leg like a needy whore.”


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