#sebastian stan fanfiction



As many of you know, I work full time while going to college full time. My dream as always been to write, but it’s hard to do while I’m going to school and working. It’s been hard getting by, even having a full time job, so I thought I would team up with Post+ on Tumblr to earn some extra money, while writing!

By subscribing to my Post+, you can get sneak peaks, exclusive fics, and personal requests for just $3.99 a month. I will also be exploring darker themes and R-rated themes, so if that interests you, subscribe!

It would mean the absolute world to me, and I’ll have my first post up soon. I am so excited to start this journey and to see where it takes me!


Mafia!Sebastian Stan x Baker!Reader

Warning: Oral sex (f receiving), angst, feelings???, unintentional exhibition, let me know if i missed any!

Summary: You never thought you’d be standing at the door of a murderer, but here you are.

A/n: I’m so sorry this part took so long, but i lost motivation halfway through :( I’ll have the next part up soon!

“Here’s your dress, Ms. Y/l/n,” The man says, flashing his smile at you. You give him a tight-lipped smile as you dig through your purse, pulling out your credit card. You’ve been getting ready for your date all day, going shopping for new shoes, buying yourself some new lipstick, and now, you’re picking up your dress from the dry-cleaners’.

You wouldn’t say your exactly excited about this date, but it’s something to get your mind off of last night. You can’t believe you got off to a murderer.

Your parents raised you better than that.

When you called your best friend up, she hooked you up with the seemingly perfect man. You’d met her friend multiple times before, but never thought of him in that sense.

“It’s already paid for.” The man states. You lift your head to look at him, furrowing your eyebrows.

“What? No, I haven’t paid for it,” You insist, grabbing your dress. The man across from the counter smiles, shrugging his shoulders.

“It was paid for by the name of…” He starts, grabbing the receipt to look at it. “Mr. Stan?”

Your lips part in shock, your shoulders falling.


This is what he’s doing now? He’s bribing you to come by his house? You sigh, tucking the dress under your arm and walking out of the small store. You drive all the way home, angry at Sebastian.

What does he not understand? You don’t want anything to do with him. He’s a bad person! How are you supposed to ignore him if he’s calling you and paying for your things?

You walk through your front door, shutting it behind you. You toss the dress over onto your couch, groaning. You wish you could just lay in bed all night, instead of having to go on this date.

You walk down your hallway, entering your bedroom. On your bed sits a white box, with a note on top. You jerk your head around, making sure you’re not being followed. You’re sure you locked your door, you’re positive.

Your heart thumps in your chest, knowing exactly who was in your home. But how?

You walk forward, picking up the small note.

‘If you’re going to be with another man, you might as well look good while you’re doing it. Thank me later’

The hair on the back of your neck stands up as you drop the note, tearing into the box. You lift the lid to reveal a set of white, lacey lingerie. It’s beautiful, you can’t deny that. The flower covering the nipple portion of the bra is gorgeous. You run your finger across the top of the lingerie, picturing yourself in this set.

You’ve never worn lingerie, but you think you just might tonight.


“And so I told 'em, I can’t file your taxes if you’re unemployed!” Jake says, laughing so hard his shoulders are shaking. You fake a laugh, gritting your teeth. Your date has been telling a “joke” about doing taxes for the past 30 minutes.

The restaurant is loud and cluttered. Your black dress is wrapped tightly around your body, as if it’s begging you not to take it off for this man. Your white lingerie is hugging your body, reminding you of a certain man.

You’re bored out of your mind, but you don’t want to be. You really wanted to go on this date to forget about Sebastian, but it seems you’re only thinking about him more. You find yourself comparing Jake to Sebastian, only for Jake to fall short.

You really tried to be interested in Jake, but it’s impossible. How are you supposed to forget about Sebastian when he’s so… Enchanting? How are you ever supposed to be with another man if Sebastian keeps popping up randomly?

“I have to go,” You blurt out, scooting your chair out from under the table. Jake furrows his eyebrows, looking up at you as you stand.

“What? Why?” He asks. You ignore him, scrambling to find your pocketbook. Once you have it, you rush to exit the restaurant, one thing on your mind.

If you ever want to be with someone else, you have to tell Sebastian to leave you alone.


You stare at the door in front of you, swallowing the lump in your throat. The taxi ride here was dreadful, a million scenarios running through your head, not sure which one will actually play out.

It’s dark outside, but you can’t bring yourself to knock on the door. Sebastian is a killer.

Had you forgotten that when you randomly decided to show up at his house? Who says he won’t kill you tonight? You know what he’s capable of. Before you can convince yourself to turn around, the door is opening, revealing a very confused Sebastian.

He’s dressed in his usual— tight, black pants and a black dress shirt. His cross necklace is nestled in his chest hair, where the top two buttons are undone. Sebastian flickers his eyes up and down your body, drinking your image in. You almost forget what you’re there for, until he flashes his white smile.

“What a pleasant surprise,” He says, stepping to the side. You plant your feet on the ground, stopping yourself from going inside. You came here to do one thing, and you know if you go inside, it’ll be hard to leave.

“You have to leave me alone,” You say, your voice shaky. Standing up to a man who has murdered somebody wasn’t necessarily on your bucket list, but here you are. Before Sebastian can respond, you continue.

“You can’t keep popping up in my life. No more paying for my stuff, no more texting me, no more inviting me over,” You demand. Sebastian leans against the doorframe, crossing his arms over his chest.

“And why’s that?” He asks, his voice deep.

“You’re a bad man, Sebastian. I watched you murder somebody, I can’t be with someone like that,” You say, watching as Sebastian steps forward. There’s a new smirk on his face, one you haven’t seen yet. He uncrosses his arms, dropping them by his side.

“If I’m such a bad man, why are you wearing the lingerie I bought you?”

You gulp, taking a deep breath. He can’t possibly know you have it on under your dress, can he? You take a step backward, creating distance between the two of you. “I don’t,” You answer, your voice quiet.

Sebastian steps forward again, lifting his arm and reaching it out to you. He hooks his index finger beneath the strap of your dress, lifting it from your skin. The white strap of your lingerie becomes visible, a smile growing on his face. “Why are you lying to me, huh?”

He pops the strap back against your skin, his hand falling down to caress your arm. “You know better than to lie to me,” He says, his voice laced with authority. You can feel your mind slipping already, dragging you under, making it harder for you to deny him. His face is inches from yours, his eyes flickering down to your lips.

Cold chills pop up on your arm, where he’s caressing it. “Did he touch you?” He asks, watching as you shake your head, unable to speak. You’ve never been so fucked out, without even being touched. Sebastian leans forward, his nose brushing against yours.

“Good girl,”

With that, you let go, pushing forward and kissing him. His hands drop from your arm to your waist, pulling you inside. He shuts the door behind you, his lips moving with yours. You feel your breath get trapped in your throat, too mesmerized to remember to breathe. He grabs your waist again, pulling you forward as he walks backward. The kiss is eager, desperate, everything you thought it would be.

You feel yourself being pushed against something hard and cold, but you only focus on Sebastian’s hands gripping you, his lips pulling you in. He pulls away, pressing his forehead against yours. You’re able to see where you are now, taking it all in. You’re in his kitchen, your back pressed against the counter. It’s one of the nicest kitchens you’ve been in, but you’re not thinking about that right now.

“Let me taste you,” He breathes, licking his lips. A smirk grows on his face as he squeezes your ass through your dress. “Or am I too bad for that?”

You roll your eyes, reaching up and tangling your fingers in his hair, pushing him down until he’s on his knees. Sebastian smiles up at you, his hands bunching the bottom of your dress up, revealing your white panties. He presses a kiss to the inside of your thighs, his eyes on yours. “Beg me,” He demands, earning a whimper out of you.

You’ve never been good at being vocal in the bedroom– especially not with men. You’ve always felt more confident in the bedroom when you’re with a girl, but you feel completely lost when it comes to being with a man. But you’ve never wanted anything more, so you’ll do whatever he wants you to do.

“Please, let me feel you,” You whisper, tugging on his hair, trying to pull him closer to your center. You can feel yourself soaking through your panties, sticking to the inside of your thighs. Sebastian shakes his head, seemingly unsatisfied with your plea.

You pout, swinging one leg over his shoulder, his face practically touching your panties. “Need you so bad, Seb, ’m aching,” You mutter, tears threatening to slip out. You think you might actually die if he doesn’t start touching you soon.

Sebastian chuckles quietly, reaching up and pulling your panties down your leg. He moans when you’re exposed, your folds glistening and gleaming for him. He spreads you apart with his thumbs, a string of your arousal spreading between your thighs. “So fucking perfect,” He mumbles, his thumb moving to your swollen bud.

You tighten your grip on his hair, resting your head against the cabinet behind you. You close your eyes, letting bliss overtake you. Sebastian presses his thumb against your clit, gently rubbing circles, looking up at you. “Does that feel good, doll?”

You nod, taking your bottom lip between your teeth. Your moan is trapped in your throat, scared to let go. You’re caught off guard when he wraps his lips around your clit, sucking it into his mouth. He sucks on it gently, while keeping your folds spread with his fingers. You moan quietly, working up the courage to become undone. Your stomach tightens, your head filled with fireworks.

When the sensation becomes too much, he pulls away, burying his face between your legs, licking and slurping up every trace of you. His tongue pushes its way into your tight hole, spreading you open. He fucks you with his tongue, earning another moan out of you. This one is loud, louder than you thought it would be.

Sebastian moans against you, reaching up and cupping your ass, pulling you closer to his face. He adds his finger, your cunt clenching around it. You pant above him, your fingers tightening in his hair. You’ve never been this gone before, especially not so quickly.

You don’t care that he’s a bad man. You don’t care that he’s done bad things. You don’t care that he has blood on his hands.

You are completely crazy for this man.

Sebastian looks up at you, his eyes dazed, locked onto yours. “Cum for me, doll,” He rasps, his lips pink and swollen. Your moan gets trapped in your throat as you struggle to keep your orgasm at bay.

But how could you? The most powerful man you’ve ever met is on his knees for you, doing everything in his power to make you feel good.

Despite the clear power imbalance between the two of you, you’ve never felt more powerful.

You feel a wave of pleasure wash over your body, your legs shaking, trapping Sebastian between them. Sebastian coaxes you through your orgasm, pulling back and resting his cheek against the inside of your thigh. You look down at him, attempting to catch your breath.

“Holy shit,” You mutter, watching as he rises to his feet. He smugly licks his lips. reaching out and stroking your jaw with his hand. He stares in your eyes, opening his mouth as if he wants to say something, but he’s interrupted by the sound of footsteps. You both turn to face the man at the bottom of the stairs, who’s dressed in the same outfit as Sebastian.

The man with the brown hair and blue eyes clears his throat, smirking. “Sounds like you’re busy, so I’ll show myself out,” He says, turning to the door. You turn to face Sebastian, your face red and full of anger.

You can’t believe he had people over! He ate you out in the middle of the kitchen, knowing anyone could walk down and see you? You know the mysterious man heard you! When Sebastian turns to face you, his smile drops, his eyebrows furrowing.


“You are unbelievable! Am I some sick game to you?” You ask, pulling your dress back down. You grab your phone, walking to the door. Sebastian follows you, reaching out and grabbing your waist, spinning you back around to face him.

“What are you talking about? I thought we were having a good time?” He asks. You huff, shaking your head. The way you feel now is a major contrast from how you felt earlier. Instead of feeling powerful and divine, you feel cheap and dirty. Did he just use you to make himself feel good? Did he want to show off his skills to his friend?

“You had someone over, Sebastian! I thought you really wanted me, not to just use me to make yourself feel good,” You say, pulling your arm back.

Sebastian’s face drops, allowing you to see a glimpse of what’s going on his head. Before you can figure it out, he’s rolling his eyes, clenching his jaw. “You said it yourself, y/n,” He spits, causing you to flinch.

You hadn’t realized how used to 'doll’ you’d become. Now, hearing him say your name is a harsh slap of reality, reminding you that he’ll never be anything to you and you’ll never be anything to him.

“I’m a bad man; What did you expect?”

You swallow down your response, deciding it isn’t worth it anyway. He’s right, and you know it. He’ll never be the person you deserve– the one that shows up at your door with flowers or the person who tells you how much he loves you every day.

You open the door, walking out and slamming it behind you. You rest your back against the door, taking a deep breath.

He’ll never be the one you deserve, but he’ll always be the person you want.

The DILF Next Door

Summary: You’re the new single mom in the neighborhood who’s doing your best not to check for the dad next door, but he’s a fuckin smoke show. And super into you. He’s makin moves, still married, but he insists it’s over. Do you believe him and move forward or get yours and try not catch feelings?

The DILF Next Door — Three

Summary: An incident at the kids’ school has you and Chris face to face after he stood you up the night before. And boy, does have plans to make amends…

Relationship: dilf!destroyer!Chris x black!reader

Warnings: infidelity/cheating, open relationship situations, graphic language, late night creep, smut, rough passionate sex, oral sex (fem receiving), 18+

A/N: wheeeew boy the plot thickens! Felt like this smut is long af but watch I’m gonna read it back and it’ll be nothing anyway, it’s a little cute, a little nasty and a little messy but hey you know how I do

Toss and turn, get ready for work, drop Nev off at school, get to work, sit through two boring ass meetings and have lunch. Still no word from Chris. Your anger boils right beneath the surface but you try to remain…mature about this situation. You didn’t move to get entangled with a married man, no, your job and your daughter are your only priorities. So he didn’t text you, fine, that’s not a problem. The problem is…well…you thought he was different, but stupid of you to believe that. Disappointment comes with the territory of being interested in another person. So you do your best not to be mad at Chris and accept that it’s his first strike. And just because you’re damaged doesn’t mean every man is against you. He’s still a good man, a good dad, it’s just you’re a little butthurt and whole lot of horny. Staring out your office window running through all your thoughts, you check your attitude so you can move past it.

Besides, you did see Anne’s car unexpectedly in the driveway when you left the house this morning. She’d been gone for days what kind of mom could away from their kid that long? Oh that set your brows back to irritated. Anne…what’s her fuckin deal? You couldn’t help but wonder why was she like that. Why does she treat Chris like leftovers she no longer had an appetite for when he does so much for their family. Most wives don’t even get the pleasure of having such a present husband, a hands on dad. So, what, because he wasn’t the typical brief case toting, 401K managing, sit on my ass and scratch my balls piece of shit, she didn’t want him? All you can do is assume, and speculate and despise her since you don’t even know the whole story. Probably will never get it with the way Chris gets all weird when you bring it up. Maybe he’s hiding something terrible that happened so the maybe your hate for Anne is blind as fuck. Your cell ringing in your purse grabs your attention. Damn it’s the school calling. You never get a call from the school.

“Nev is fine, a little riled up but fine.” Her teacher spoke calmly since you’re already on ten from all your anxiety. “I’m calling because…she really socked Max’s bully in the nose after lunch and she’s in a bit of trouble for it. Is it possible for you to come down…”

You sigh, relax, almost laugh, as you hear the story of Nev poppin this kid fuckin with Max in her teacher’s classroom. Sitting in a little kid chair next to a peeved Nev, you hide your smirking lips behind your fingers rubbing across tip of your nose, listening to her teacher say,

“They were lined up in the hallway to return to class and according to Nev, Jeffrey kept pushing Max into the wall.”

“Mama Max kept saying stop!” Nev interrupts sitting up in her chair annoyed but you calmly push her back, and shush her so her teacher can talk.

“And when he didn’t stop, Nev here took action into her own hands.”

Her tiny fists more like it. None of this surprises you though you did raise her to defend herself and anyone she cared about and she really cares about Max. You glance down at your tiny boxer, pretend to be upset when really you’re nothin but a proud mama. But play like the mad mama so you can get out of here and treat her for doing what a good friend should.

“Jeffery…how bad?” Jeffery sounds like douche, a bully and you hope she really laid him out.

Her teacher waves her hand. “Just a little blood but okay. He’s having a conference with his parents and the principal about bullying.”

Good, little asshole. “And Max?”

“Sitting in the front office, waiting on his parents.”

Shit. So you might see Chris and Anne if you don’t get the hell on. “So is Nev in trouble here? Why aren’t we talking to the principal?” For the first time ever, you might add because Nev usually stays in her lane.

Sighing back into her seat, her teacher looks over your little girl and grins. “Nev’s a good kid, makes good grades, and I see that she and Max are becoming good friends. She was just protecting him.” Then she switches her sights back to you proudly smiling down on her. “Max needs a friend like her. So I thought I would talk to you and you can handle the situation yourself. Make this look official.”

Perfect. You both dodged a huge bullet and it was all due to her good behavior. Collecting your kid’s backpack, you thank her for her time, for being on your brainwave and head for the decorated door hoping you won’t catch Chris and Anne on the way out. Petting back her curly hair, you check on your little lightweight fighter.

“Are you okay little one? Does your hand hurt?”

“I’m fine mama. Can I go check on Max?”

She asks you with those big puppy dog eyes of hers. The exit is right there as you two approach the front office. You didn’t want to tell her no but you weren’t ready to see him and his shit wife as a unit after being so intimate with him. But Max was still sitting alone and waiting, you notice as you guys look through the glass windows of the office. He needed his best friend.

“Yeah…go ahead hun. I’ll be right outside ok?”

You usher her in, speaking to the secretary and little Max who’s still sniffling and teary eyed, traumatized from the incident earlier. Nev gives him a big hug and apologizes for what she did as you walk out even prouder of your little person. Looks like you’re doing something right as a single parent so yeah, you’re a little proud of yourself as well. Your girl did a good thing today, probably made some future asshole reconsider his lifestyle. Chin held high, chuckling and grinning softly to yourself, you push through the front doors of the school to meet the warm afternoon sun…aaaand the two individuals you necessarily didn’t want to see. Damn near bumped into them if Chris didn’t call out your name; you’re too busy picturing a tiny fist hitting a little nose with a comic strip BAM!

“Oh! Uh…” You dart an anxious glance between the pair of their wide nervous eyes, “hey guys…” You can hardly look at him without getting all flustered, fuck, you are so stuck. And he’s so close with his wife right there as if it’s not telling.

Together in a panic, they ask, “how are they?!”

You adjust Nev’s backpack on your shoulder with an uneasy smile, a worried breath. “Oh they’re fine. Well, they’re both upset but uh…in their own ways. Max is a bit shaken up but Nev’s with him.”

Anne doesn’t waste another second she pushes pass you to get to her son, leaving you two to face each other but at least there’s a distraction already set in place. Your fingers wring her strap, looking down at your pointed toed heels, unsure of what to say to him. Where he should be apologizing, there were no words because he doesn’t know what to say either. He was worried about you, the kids, Anne’s unexpected return; he knows he should say sorry but his mind races. No words race to his tongue though. Kids on the playground scream and shout. Cars slowly drive by the school. Chris just stares down at you with heavy breaths, ingesting how good you look a little professional but a little sexy, and how he just wants to rip your dress shirt open and suckle at your chest. His urges only make him feel dumber for not calling you sooner to explain what happened last night. You’re upset with him, he can see it in your grip on Nev’s backpack, and he feels even worse. He has to something say something to break the tension it’s starting to drive him crazy.

“Got a little fighter on your hands.”

If you laugh, even just a little, he’ll know he’s still good. And you do, because suddenly that Batman WHAM, all retro and loud, fills your mind’s eye. Her little fists. You have to wonder what she yelled as she swung.

“Mm yeah, looks like it.” You hum another snicker shaking your head. “Should put her in a boxing class huh.” That’s actually not a horrible idea. If she could make a six year old bleed…you still can’t meet his antsy stare beaming down on you.

He can tell you’re serious and you should be. A girl strong headed like Nev could benefit from training. “Coincidentally enough, I know a gym.”

You grin down at your feet. “Of course you do.” He’s so fuckin hot and cool it only makes sense that Chris has sparred before. Imagine him shirtless, sweaty, those chiseled muscles red and veiny, fists tight and knuckles raw. Maybe a cut on his lip or across his cheek. Menacing. Beastly. Suddenly you forgot what you were mad about. “Bet you could teach me a thing or two.”

Biting your lip you finally look up at him with a dangerous look in your eye that sends all the blood rushing straight to his cock. His nostrils flare with a muted growl. An indecent smirk creeps up his scruffy cheeks as he takes a step closer to smell you when really he wanted to kiss you.

“Sign up for my Masterclass.” Chris muses softly bracing your elbow drawing you in, so relieved to look into your beautiful eyes again. “I’m so sorry about last night sweetness please…please don’t be mad at me.” A slight tingle crawls up your arm as his thumb brushes over your warm skin, and he drops his chin closer to your ear. You try to get ahold of yourself but it’s useless you tremble anyway. Can hardly breathe. “Wanna make it up to you. Wanna show you how truly,” to put emphasis on his words he strengthens his hold, “and deeply sorry I am for standing you up. Hate to disappoint you YN…”

You steady your dizzy head with a slow meditative breath, allowing is enticing whispers to swim around your brain. That shit sounds so damn good and all but…when. If you have to wait another night, you were going to combust into a cloud of smoke. You can’t take living on the edge much longer it was really beginning to wear you down.

“Anne coming home threw me off,” Chris explains when he senses your hesitancy, “and I didn’t know how to tell you sweetness please.”

You hear him but you aren’t a fan of excuses. You’ve had your share. “You could have text me, Chris. Today. This morning.”

But he’s begging with those steel blue eyes. “I hear you. And you’re right I’m sorry…please…”

Your eyes fall down and around his pretty face, inspecting for a flicker of bullshit but nothing there. Just the handsome fucker you’re falling for. It’s his ticket to his second chance.


Your indecision falters his confidence a bit but he knows you, knows you like to play hard to get, so he accepts. Chris gives you some air with a crooked smirk, nodding as he reaches for the door handle with a flirty wink. That maybe will turn into a beautiful chorus of yes’s later.

“I’ll escort Max’s bodyguard out.”

Anne watched you two from the down the hall while Max gathered his things for the day. Nev in tow, keeping a protective arm around his shoulders. Looks like she’s right her husband is into the single mom next door. And you two have been intimate it seems she can tell by the way he looks at you. Chris used to look at her like that for a little while before she started to show him that she didn’t want him anymore. Anne wanted to make it work but she had to be honest with herself. If it wasn’t for Max, she’d probably have nothing to do with Chris. Yes he was a good dad and had changed his lifestyle to be that man for him but he still wasn’t the man she could fall in love with. He’ll never be. Hopefully he’s the man someone like you could fall in love with. From where she stood, you seemed to be. Anne grins at Chris as he jogs over to get Nev.

“Everything good?” He asks peeking his head into the classroom.

“Yeah he’s okay. Nev calmed him down.” She watches him observe them with this loving smile that speaks volumes. Chris keeps his focus on them like she isn’t even there. “Glad Max has a friend like her. They seem to spend a lot of time together.”

Anne’s baiting him again. “They do.” He cuts his eyes over at her, challenging her to shutup.

“They’re cute. Kinda like…brother and sister…don’t you think?” Anne nudges a nod at them walking over, stifling back an up to no good smirk as Chris’s nostrils flare.

“Anne, stop.”

“Ready?” She calmly asks Max and Nev, ignoring him killing her with his glare. Taking their hands to walk them out, she whispers over, “When you’re ready to be honest, let me know.”

Nev was so confused when you offered up to treat her to whatever she wanted. She knew she did right by standing up for Max but she also knew that hitting someone at school isn’t allowed, so why were you in such a good mood? Why weren’t you fussin? Why was she getting ice cream?

“Mama you sure I’m not in trouble?” She asks from across the kitchen table, bowl of strawberry ice cream untouched. What if it’s a trap.

Just to show her you’re not upset, you smile big and pinch her cheek. “Nah you’re good twin.” But she still won’t pick up her spoon, so you give it to her straight. “Understand, what you did for Max was right. Sometimes you’ve got to break the rules. I’m proud of you baby. Just don’t make it a habit okay?”

Nev hesitantly picks up her spoon, her grin growing the more she peers up at you.

“Yes ma’am.”

Chris didn’t tell Anne exactly where he was going. Out with some friends, that’s all he said as he headed out the door. And some friends he did go see for about an hour or so. Had a few drinks, some good laughs before he was taking his exit, pulling his phone out to call you like he promised. It’s getting late, but if he heads over now, Anne will think he’s still out with his friends. All the secrecy wasn’t necessary but he really wasn’t ready to have that talk with his wife yet. Everything is fresh, and he didn’t want to rush anything by announcing his split because ultimately, that’s what it would all boil down to. Then it’s conversations about custody and the house yada, yada. Too soon.

“Chris,” you answer with a yawn. You’d fallen asleep watching a show on Hulu. Realizing how late it is you worry. “What’s up? You ok?”

“Come let me in sweetness.”

You jump up in the bed. “Huh?!” And Chris just darkly chuckles at the surprise in your shout. You gun for your mirror, mentally going down your pre-sex checklist as you do something cute with your hair.

“Ssshhhh baby…come on. Come open the door for daddy…”

Thankfully you already had on something pretty enticing, a matching underwear set and your kimono that’s flying out behind you as you race to the door for your daddy. Sends a chill down your spine. You’d hope he would show and fuckin right he did. There he stood beneath your porch light, all alluring and fatal, leaning up against the frame.

“Mm good evening…” Chris can’t believe his eyes seeing you in stand there in your underwear, robe slippin down your shoulder. Can’t take his smoky eyes off your tits sitting perfectly in that push up bra he tastes his thin lips. “This is nice. Is this for me?” His thick fingertips pinch and soothe the silky hem of your robe as he takes a dominant step inside. And his abrasiveness takes your breath, ignites the flame that burns your cheeks. His fingers continue to slide on down until they reach your tingling hip dying for his calloused prints to grab ahold.

“I’m for you.” Bracing both sides of his soft fuzzy head you pull Chris into your whispering lips. He smells like orange bitters and weed. His goatee tickles your chin as you faintly graze your warm pants of breath. “I’m for you daddy.”

His palms are clammy but strong on the small of your back, guiding you directly to his narrow hips so you can feel how hard he gets when you call him daddy. Can’t hear it enough. Your burning midsections meet, and grind, and you guys whimper as your sloppy wet tongues intertwine.

“Mmmm yeah you are sweetness,” Chris hums into your lips locked, gripping your ass so hard you inhale sharply and claw his scalp. Your legs clamor up his pants legs as he helps you up, slipping his fingertips into the damp crotch of your panties. “Pussy made just for me,” you cry out his name as one of his fingers dip into your squishy hole, “can’t get her off my mind.”

Chris swirls his finger around inside you while he sucks up under your chin, carrying you trembling and whining over to the sofa. First stop on his make up tour. He sits you down, then falls to his knees, pulling your panties off with frenzied fingers. He isn’t lying he can’t stop thinking about how exquisite your juices taste, obsessed with how insanely wet his dick he makes her when he’s digging you out. He’s going to be inside you until you beg him to give you a break but even then he won’t stop because he’s fuckin addicted to your drive. Chris grabs ahold of the back of your knees and jerks your weak body further down into the seat with a carnivorous smile, reinserting his dancing fingers back inside your throbbing folds, and sits up on his knees to steal another erotic kiss. Y’all are trying to do your best to keep all your sounds on the low. Can’t wake Nev but then again it feels so goddamn good to be connected you almost don’t give a fuck. You’re left breathless as Chris kneels back down on the carpet, plucking your panties off the ground and stuffing them into your dry noisy mouth.

“Shh, shh sweetness. Gotta be quiet,” he whispers pressing two fingers covered with your creamy wetness into your parted lips, “no matter how fuckin good it gets.” Chris chuckles at your muffled tiny whimpers as he traces them leaving a trail of your essence on every wrinkle in your pink skin. God you wish you could lick them clean but he reads your mind and does it himself. “Understood sweetness?”

You nod and fist the cushion, barely mewling behind your panties drenched with your drool. Your gaze falls with Chris lowering his smirking lips towards your fluttering folds asking for a sweet, sweet kiss. He pulls them apart and slowly licks each one keeping his sights set on you hyperventilating and intently watching him french kiss your messy pussy. Watching him go to work only heightened the experience because it’s so damn beautiful the way he turns his neck from side to side, swirls and flickers his broad tongue around your swollen clit, fucks you with three fingers and falls into your loving gaze. And even with him slurping and smacking between your thighs, you keep all your wailing to a minimum. Only wanna please daddy who is doing his best to please you. Chris has got to make amends.

Tears stream down the sides of your face as you quietly keen and bow your back off the couch, fighting yourself to shutup the closer he beckons your orgasm with each curl of his tongue against your g-spot. You mildly grunt and wheeze, ride his chin that’s meeting your rolling hips, focus on the building rumble of your impending climax. No sound. You promised. But you wanna scream his name as you convulse attached to his vacuum sealed lips, squirting your cum over his tastebuds and down his guzzling throat that hums with absolute pleasure. And he doesn’t stop until you settle slouched with drunkish eyelids, image of him wiping his chin with the back of his hand fading in and out.

Chris takes you by your limp hands and pulls you up into his sturdy arms. “Not yet sweetness,” he whispers removing your ruined panties from your tired jaw then wipes away your drying tears and drool. “Still gotta prove myself to you.”

He doesn’t think he’s done enough? Your body was already so worn from him devouring a piece of your soul like an appetizer. How can you take his perfect dick after all of that? So tired all you can do is huff a pathetic sigh and drape you spaghetti noodle arms around his shoulders as he collects your exhausted legs.

“Oh daddy…it’s too much I can’t…” You shake your fatigued head but Chris believes in you, nodding with a lewd crooked smile, effortlessly picking you up as he stands.

“Yes, yes you can baby,” he coaches tenderly in your ear, carrying you to your bedroom, “it’s not enough…I can never get enough of you.”

You release a delicate hiss, “ssshiiiit…” when Chris fists your hair, stretching your neck to the side just so he can nibble his way down to your collarbone. But then right back up with big sloppy open mouth kisses, flat tongue lapping up to your earlobe, taking a bite with a menacing growl—fuckin hell—this man…this man is a monster. Holding you up by your feeble thighs, relentlessly rutting his stiff cock raging behind his zipper into your messy spread. He huffs and grunts hushed obscenities, all the nasty things he wants to do to you and as he spoke, his voice would crack behind his longing. With each hitch, your skin shudders…all the way down to your sensitive pussy. Only the third time you two have fucked around together and…Chris owned you.

Once he’s at the foot of your bed, he drops you on the mattress, and tears his shirt off over his head. Licking and biting his bottom lip that still smelled like you, his lust blown pupils eat you up all sprawled out over the vintage print of your robe. Your chest heaving so your tits are about to pour out of the cups of your bra. All you can do is stare, like really take him in and shake your head, whisper fuck as your eyes scale over his massive chest piece that you love…all the scars imprinted into his rippling muscles. Fuck.

He unbuckles his belt, and the tiny clinking of the metal makes your pussy quiver. “Take it off.” Your bra, he means, flicking his chin at it. “Wanna see every inch of your skin sweetness.”

As you reach around to unhook your bra, Chris unzips and drops his pants, revealing every inch of his twitching cock to the dimly lit room. You choke on a gasp, because witnessing it…him…as a full thick bodied unit is…a work of art. He loves how hard you gape, sights jumping from his delicious smirk down to his cock, back up to that chest piece but then back down to his toned legs when he slowly sinks a knee into the bed. Crawling up your soft brown legs, he grazes his goatee along your calf muscle and you can feel him grin at the way your breath gradually hitches. Can feel your skin burn the higher he travels. Looking into his dark eyes, you run your shaky fingers through his short auburn hair, crying out when his pouty wet lips trail over your knee. Chris hums a teasing chuckle abandoning the curve of your knee to fill in the space between your lips with a subtle moan.

You almost can’t believe he’s here, in your bed, in between your thighs, while everyone’s obliviously sleeping. His family. Your kid. You almost don’t care with the way he fucks into you, roughly grunting into the palm of your hand as you whine into his. Neither of you can take how amazing it feels, how connected you guys are not only physically but emotionally…it’s clear as day in your eyes, in his. He’s just a good fuck, you try to convince yourself but your focus on him never wavered as you guys so your best not to wake up Nev.

“Sorry I neglected you sweetness.” Chris pants into your sweaty face, bracing the small of your back with his swole arm. Picking up the pace he frenches back your high pitched moans, smacking his red hips off the back of your thighs. Feels like he’s been fuckin you for hours he probably should get home soon but he didn’t want to stop making you squirt all over his dick and balls like that. Between that and the way he can still hear you call out his name with his tongue down your throat…it’s enough to make him fuckin bust.

“So sorry I let you down.” He hisses into the back of his hand that’s returned to muffle back your blissful sighs. “I’ll do better sweetness daddy promises.”

You relinquish a dirty groan and whine into his salty palm, feeling his promises and your oncoming orgasm, plush walls choking out his veiny shaft. Chris doesn’t stop, really bucking his hips now, doesn’t care what time it is or who can hear he’s determined to make you feel him in your sleep. While you act like everything’s normal in your office tomorrow. Like you didn’t get fucked into by your hot as fuck neighbor. He huffs a breathless chuckle as he watches your eyes roll back into your skull. Your voice gone silent, hell, maybe you even stopped breathing but didn’t matter. You’re right there…he’s right there…he’s blowing your back and your mind ho-ooolyshit…holy shit!

“You accept me sweetness? Accept my apology?”

Chris rehabilitates you with loving kisses up and down the bridge of your nose, holding you so close as you gasp for air. How are you even conscious enough to nod yes to that stupid ass question. Fuck yeah you forgive him. Right now, Chris can do no wrong for a really, really long time. Yeah you accept him just as he is. You ground yourself in his scent, run your weak fingertips over the softness of his buzzcut. You wish he didn’t have to go. You could lay naked with him like this for days and days and days…

“Stay a little longer…” you plead as he gets dressed even though you knew he would turn you down. But Chris wishes he could. Just look at that pout.

“I’ll see you in a few hours.” He sinks his teeth into your bottom lip then kisses you goodbye, cupping your cheek, getting one last look at you glowing. “Get some sleep. I’ll lock the door.”

He always leaves you with a little hop in his step, feeling so calm and giddy, relishing in the smell of your immaculate pussy, grabbing his dick still tingling. Damn he wanted to stay, love up on you as you peacefully slept then woke you up with breakfast. Chris wanted a life with you. He hated to be without you, and he missed you so much already. The only way to remedy this ache, to get what he really wants, was to do the one thing he wasn’t ready for. Talk to his shit wife.

The house is dark. Still. Good, he can avoid Anne’s probing and insinuating comments. When he’s ready, feels absolutely sure you, he’ll present the full situation. Until then it’s none of her business. It’s just Anne wasn’t willing to let it die. A living room lamp clicks on, busting Chris who heaves a hard irritated sigh. He sharply turns to his right. Anne sits on the couch, patting the seat next to her.

“Let’s talk.”


Pairing:Sebastian Stan x Female Reader

Genre:Smut |  Word Count: 4,624

Summary:Sebastian’s outfit is a litte bold, but his girlfriend seems to enjoy the sight a bit too much.

Warnings:car sex, semi-public sex, unprotected sex, choking, name calling, dirty talk, Dom!Seb, spanking, face slapping, oral sex (male receiving), public fingering, Daddy kink (I am so fucking sorry)

Author’s Note: This is long overdue. This fic was inspired by the sin that was Sebastian in that green velvet suit at the 2nd Annual Unitas Gala Against Human Trafficking. This is pure filth. I didn’t think it was going to turn out this fucking filthy. There’s no plot at all, just smut. Blame Seb. Feedback is good for my soul <3

Special mention @twhstuckylover. She wanted me to tag her in this filth. Hope you enjoy <3

Taglist in the reblog



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      Sebastian Stan Masterlist

The fics are ordered from most recent (top) to least recent (bottom).

Fics marked with * link back to the the main blog since they were first posted there.

[  S - Smut   |   A - Angst   |   F - Fluff  ]

(Last Updated: January 19, 2019)




[  S  |  Real Life AU  ]

Sebastian’s outfit is a litte bold, but his girlfriend seems to enjoy the sight a bit too much.



Summary: You are working as a makeup artist on a small film where the lead actress rarely bothers to show up. So what happens when you are asked to be a stand in during a steamy scene?

Warnings: definitely 18+, language, smut, maybe a little fluff

Length: 3.5k

A/N: This is hands down the best thing my subconscious has ever created. I don’t normally dream of Sebastian like this but I’m soooo glad I did! I don’t own the gif. DO NOT POST TO ANY OTHER WEBSITE! Reblog and send comments please!

You were sitting in your makeup trailer with your feet up on a table eating your lunch and scrolling through your phone when your friend Liz, who also happened to be the first assistant director, walked in and sat down.

“We need you to be a stand in again,” she said.

“Again? How is that bitch a working actress? She’s a flake!”

“That bitch is stressing me out,” she said rolling her eyes.

You referred to the lead actress as “the bitch” because she was, in fact, a bitch. She was rude, inconsiderate, and barely showed up for work.

“They need to just hire a professional stand in for her. Stop making me do it.”

“Honestly, you are probably the best stand in for her. I was watching some footage they had edited together and I had no idea it was you in the scene until someone told me. Go to the hair trailer first. They already know what to do. I’ll come by and show you what the scene is in a little bit.”

“Yeah, okay.”

You were first asked to help out when the lead actress in the film couldn’t make it to set for whatever reason sometime during the first week of production. You had the same y/h/c, y/h/l hair and body type and it was actually hard to tell you apart when someone was looking from behind. You had said yes just to help the shoot move along. All you ever had to do was stand in the frame with your back to the camera while the lead actor said his lines to you. It wasn’t hard work. So you continued to say yes whenever they asked which had been 6 times in the last 3 weeks.

“This is a little more than just standing there Liz! A lot more!” you complained while taking the piece of gum Liz offered you. “They really can’t wait to get his coverage?”

“Pay attention to how she stands and where her hands are. That’s all you really need to know. Sebastian is going to take care of the rest.”

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Take the Wheel

Pairing: TJ Hammond x F!Professor!Reader

Word Count: 2185

Summary: End of exams and instead of partying with his friends, Tj wants to spend extra time with his Professor.

Warning: explicit sexual content, dom/sub dynamics, bondage, age gap (TJ’s in his early twenties, Reader in her mid thirties), drinking, use of a feather duster, ball gag, nicknames, teasing, mentions of frat parties, cumplay, oral (f receiving), fluff, domme reader, sub TJ, explicit language, praise, 

A/N: This is my submission for @musingsinmoonlight‘s challenge, and my prompt was “They tried to warn me about you, but I didn’t listen,you know.“ This is the first time I’ve done this type of dynamic so I’m a little nervous. Thank you to @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog for reading it over for me. All mistakes are my own.  Another huge thank you to the always brilliant @sweeterthanthis for planting this idea in my head❤️

if you’re a minor, please DNI!

Please do not repost, publish or translate my work. Reblogs and comments are appreciated! Thank you for reading :)

The bar was packed, which didn’t surprise you. It was Friday night after all, and exams were finally over. So celebrations were ample and loud. You sipped your dirty martini as you surveyed the crowd. This was just a pregame spot for these students, heading afterwards to the massive parties spread out on Greek row.

This was your favorite time of year. Everyone was in the best spirits. With even lower inhibitions. You had a bit of a track record with students,one you were slightly proud of. It was fun though; none of them ever wanted commitment, just a way to blow off some steam. One you were happy to provide.

A loud hollar shifted your attention to the group of men by the dart boards. TJ Hammond and his friends were having a blast playing darts and chugging back beers. You were sure their rambunctious tones were to attract the group of pretty sorority girls. From here, it looked like it was clearly working. You smiled to yourself, turning back to the bar to ask for another drink. The bartender was an attractive man, a bit old for your taste but you wouldn’t mind taking him home tonight.

“Fancy seeing you here, Professor,” A voice came up beside you. TJ stood, leaning against the counter, eyeing you. He looked you up and down lingering on your bare legs. You crossed them purposefully, knowing your skirt rose a bit with the movement. Those pretty blue eyes grew darker.

“Can’t say I’m surprised to see you here, TJ.” you smiled at him, “Although I figured you’d be celebrating the end of exams at some big frat party.”

He nodded, taking a slow sip of his beer, “That’s the plan. Just finding some dates first.” He pointed towards the ladies with the beer bottle. You glanced your shoulder to see that his friends had made a move and were now seated with them. 

“Ah, looks like you’re already good to go.“ 

“Seems that way. None of them really has my eye, you know?”

“Oh really? That’s the worst,” you took a sip of the martini that the bartender placed before you, winking at him. 

He nodded, looking between you and the bartender, “And you, Professor, anyone caught your eye?”

Your eyes snapped, and saw him looking at you with a heat in his exes that had you

squeezing your thighs together . “I don’t know.” you said coyly, “I don’t think I’ll be leaving alone but no one yet.“

“Too bad,” TJ said, taking a step closer, “I’d love to take you back to my place for coffee." 

“Coffee, huh?” The two of you seeming to gravitate. towards each other, ” Coffee sounds good.“ 


You rounded the bed slowly enjoying the way TJ laid tied up on the sheets. Your fingers trailing up his leg, getting closer to his cock with the feather duster, lightly brushing over it. With the ceiling fan on, you knew the feeling was even more intense. It had been well over an hour since you’d started teasing him and he looked ready to break. You pulled away, letting the duster feather over his torso.

TJ bucked his hips, pleading with his eyes. Those perfect pink lips wrapped around the ball gag, restraining him from begging. You were tempted to take it off him and ride his face. But you hadn’t had your fun yet.

“Don’t misbehave, bunny. I wouldn’t want to have to punish you.” You warned. Untying your silk robe, you let it fall to the ground, exposing your naked body. TJ’s eyes bulged out, and his hands tugged at the cuffs, trying to get free. You could tell he wanted to touch you and it’d be a lie if you said you weren’t also getting impatient.

You climbed up until you were straddling his thighs, and began slowly running your fingers down his chest. "You looked so pretty, all tied up like this, handsome. Do you like it? Letting me be in control?” You dug your nails a bit harder and reveled in how his cock twitched. TJ nodded, trying to say something but the sound was muffled.

You circled a fingertip around his nipple before giving it a hard flick. The way his body responded to you was thrilling. You grinded your hips down, the head of his cock brushing over your swollen clit. You kept your eyes on his face as you continued rolling your hips, slowly coating his cock with slick. Pleasure was apparent on his face. His eyes squeezing tightly shut and you saw the slight trembling in his body, almost like he was trying to behave. Trying not to buck his hips.

You lifted up off him and he slumped down, defeated. TJ opened his eyes, glancing up at you. Watching as you gathered some of the spit pooling from the gag and used it to rub your folds. “Such a good boy. Letting me do as I please with you. I think you deserve a reward.”

His eyes lit up with a hungry anticipation, darkening further when you stroked his cock a couple times. Lining yourself, you lowered onto him. You bit your lip, moaning as he filled you up. It had been a long time since anyone had felt so good.

It didn’t surprise you though, especially with all the rumors that circulated around campus about TJ’s prowess. You were almost upset that it took you so long to find out for yourself. Maybe he would make you break your own rule and meet up with him again.

You rolled your lower half until your hips met his. Your nails raked down his slender, sinewy torso and back up. Part of you wanted to hear his pretty noises but another part loved how he looked with his mouth full.

Leaning down, you brushed the tip of his nose with yours. The way he was peering up at you , made your stomach flutter. You felt unease but you couldn’t tear your eyes away either.

"Do you wanna talk, bunny? Should I take this off you?” You tapped against the red silicone ball. TJ nodded, pleading with those beautiful cerulean eyes.

You smiled, stroking his cheek, trailing down to his throat. Gauging his reaction, you tightened your hold, his cock twitched and he shut his eyes in a silent moan. You found a good grip, choking him as you rolled your hips faster. It was crazy how quickly you were approaching your first climax. "Oh fuck TJ, you feel so good.” Reaching down between your bodies to frantically rub your clit. “Ah right there. Oh,oh,oh yes!”

Fireworks exploded in your vision as you came, your body on autopilot as you kept going. TJ’s eyes were squeezed shut, enjoying the way you were milking him. Your chest heaved, slowly coming down. “No cumming.” You warned, twisting one of his nipples. He seemed to enjoy pain, moaning around the gag.

Leaning forward, you finally took it off. He took a moment, stretching out his jaw. Your fingertips helped massage along his sore muscles. “I never knew that I liked this stuff.”

"This stuff?” you asked, cocking an eyebrow. 

“All this,” he said, gesturing with his hand to the best of his ability, “The rope, the teasing, the lack of control. I like you making me feel good." 

“Do you feel safe?” 

"Completely.They tried to warn me about you, but I didn’t listen, you know. I knew it’d be worth it.”

“Yeah? So you regret nothing then?”

“Not at all. But please can I come?”

"Of course, handsome. Good boys deserve to come,” You leaned in, kissing the tip of his nose. He shifted, catching your lips in a heated kiss. You fell forward, your body weight pressing on him. He wanted to touch you, by the way his hands were clenching and unclenching. Giving him a couple more kisses and he relaxed beneath you. Slowly you began to rock your hips, yourbreaths intermingling with your quickened movements. TJ’s hips snapped up, angling to hit your sweet spot. He was larger than most, nudging your cervix with any hard roll of his hips. You couldn’t help the surprised gasp every time he did it.

“Oh fuck,” a low moan fell from TJ’s lips as you clenched around him. Your second orgasm was quickly approaching, the coil tightening even quicker this time around.

“I want you to come for me,” you whispered against his lips, “Come on, baby. you can do it.“ TJ almost whimpered at your words, looking at you with big eyes. It made you feel powerful, knowing he was under your control, "Are you my good boy?” you asked, clenching harder to bring him to his edge.

“Yes -” he groaned, his body tensing, “Yes I am.” you smiled, pleased with yourself. He was the most responsive lover you’d ever had and he seemed to find comfort in you. Kissing his forehead, you brought your lips to his ear, “Then come…now.”

TJ let out a broken growl, wrecked already, and he shut his eyes tightly. You could feel his hot, sticky spend coating your silky walls, filling you up.

Up until now you’d used a condom with all your partners, despite taking birth control yourself but something about this time had felt different. TJ gave himself over to you so fully that you chose to spoil him by offering to fuck him without one. Was it risky? Yes. But deep down you had a feeling you’d be seeing more of TJ.

“Did I do good?” TJ asked softly. You cupped his check lightly, giving him a small nod.

“So good, baby. But you did make a bit of a mess.“ You replied, lifting off of him. Using your hand, you opened up your folds to show his cum dripping from you should clean me up, "I think you should clean it up.”

TJ didn’t hesitate, immediately bobbing his head in agreement. This boy was going to be the death of you. So sweet, and easily malleable. You shifted up his body until you were hovering over his face . TJ tried to lift his head to dive in, but you stayed out of reach. “Please, Professor, let me clean up my mess. I want to be your good boy,” TJ begged. A drop of cum fell on his cheek and his tongue darted out to lick it clean. Trying to prove his eagerness. It was so hot, that you had to bite back a moan, almost cumming on sight. You ran your fingers through his sweaty brown locks, soothing him. You could tell he was almost about to get whiny. Not wanting to upset him, you lower down onto his face. He was borderline ravenous as he began to lap at your soaked folds

Your eyes fluttered shut, fingers continuing to card through his hair. Deciding to give him more freedom, you undid his hands and he wrapped one arm around your thigh, pulling you even closer to his face. Practically suffocating himself. His other hand explored up your body, finding a breast to play with. His focus was torn between kneading your boob, tweaking your nipple, and burying his tongue deep in you, trying to reach every bit of you. The aftershocks of your second orgasm were still vibrating every lick and suck. Your whole body thrumming with a tingling sensation.

The room filled with the lewd sound of his slurping, your moans adding a debauched air to the environment. You couldn’t help grinding against his face, his nose nudging your clit. Both hands tugged at his hair as you ground down harder. Small squeaks and keens, breathy pants, all leading to another climax. A gush of arousal all over his face.

It was like he was insatiable, and he could go on for hours. But you began feeling too sensitive to let him keep going and you pried his hand from your thigh lifting off of him. TJ made a sound of protest, trying to reach for you. “Don’t get greedy, baby. You’ve done enough, I’m clean.“ 

“But you taste so good, He pouted, "I wasn’t done.”

You chuckled, and gave him a kiss after you got off the bed. "If you want to be good for me again, my office door is always open.” You began to collect your clothes, slipping on your underwear first.

You heard the sheets rustling behind as TJ got up. 

“Could you stay the night?” TJ asked, making you pause. The tone of his voice was strong but there. was an edge of vulnerability. You turned to face him. “You want me to stay?”

“If it’s okay with you?”

"Yeah,” you started, “It is.” Your clothes slipped from your hands and you returned to the bed. He scooted over to give you room. 

Like two magnets drawn to each other, you two found a comfortable position, with his back pressed to your chest, your arms wrapped tightly around him. You placed soft kisses on the nape of his neck, feeling him relax beneath your touch. It quickly became the best sleep you’d had in a long time.









Summary:You’re all set to enjoy your vacation away with your friends, but they’re about to throw a spanner in the works in the form of one Bucky Barnes.

Characters: Bucky x F!Avenger!Reader.

Words: 2K.

Warnings: enemies to lovers, oh shit there’s only one bed, mentions of being physically injured, unrivalled competitiveness, angst, smangst, explicit sexual content, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it kids), 18+.

A/N: Formerly a Patreon exclusive. Beta:@princessmisery666​ but all the general bullshit is entirely mine.


You sense something is off the minute you enter the hotel room behind Sam. You’re too excited at the prospect of some downtime— and away from one super soldier in particular, to notice that Sam ‘takes the longest to get ready despite the lack of hair’ Wilson has no luggage for the three day vacation. But as soon as the occupants of the small hotel room come into view, you know you’ve been duped.

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This story gets better every time I read it heheh


Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Reader

Word Count: 1,925

Warnings: fluff, anxiety, fluff

A/N:Hey, y’all! @sonofadeanwinchester and I decided it’d be cool if we wrote a series together. SO, HERE’S CHAPTER 23! also i have no idea how i pulled this off but this chapter definitely sucks but oh well

After a few days, you’d completely unpacked all of your stuff into Seb’s house, and most of the shock had worn off. You were still concerned that the two of you were moving too fast, especially since he had taken the initiative to move all of your stuff into his house without even telling you first. You knew you loved him, but you weren’t sure if you were ready to be an actor’s wife. Especially one who worked for a company as large as Marvel. He’d reassured you about his fans, but he wanted to take you to his press tours and premieres, and you weren’t sure how to prepare yourself for that.

Keep reading

Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Reader

Word Count: 1,925

Warnings: fluff, anxiety, fluff

A/N:Hey, y’all! @sonofadeanwinchester and I decided it’d be cool if we wrote a series together. SO, HERE’S CHAPTER 23! also i have no idea how i pulled this off but this chapter definitely sucks but oh well

After a few days, you’d completely unpacked all of your stuff into Seb’s house, and most of the shock had worn off. You were still concerned that the two of you were moving too fast, especially since he had taken the initiative to move all of your stuff into his house without even telling you first. You knew you loved him, but you weren’t sure if you were ready to be an actor’s wife. Especially one who worked for a company as large as Marvel. He’d reassured you about his fans, but he wanted to take you to his press tours and premieres, and you weren’t sure how to prepare yourself for that.

You’re sitting on Seb’s balcony, with a beautiful view of L.A., a book in hand. You were rereading A Series of Unfortunate Events to get ready for the Netflix series. Seb had gone out to get groceries, and you’d declined his invitation to join him. You needed to relax and have time to think. You read for a little longer before you drift off to sleep.

You slowly wake up, noticing you’re no longer sitting outside in the chair. You’re laying in Sebastian’s bed, assuming that he moved you there when he got home. You stretch, checking your phone when you realize you’d been asleep for 3 hours. You hear footsteps in the hallway and Sebastian comes in, beaming at you.

“Hey, Sleeping Beauty,” he says as he climbs on the bed, kissing you softly.

You kiss back hesitantly and he pulls away, confused.

“What’s going on?”

“I’ve been thinking…”

He winces, “that doesn’t sound good.”

“I’m nervous. I don’t know if I’m ready for press tours and red carpets and being next to you in the spotlight. I have all this overwhelming anxiety that I’m going to fuck something up and you’re going to leave because I might ruin your career.”

He picks you up as he crosses his legs, cradling you in his lap, “darling, when I mentioned press tours and all of that, those won’t happen for months. We have a long while to get situated and for you to get used to this world. There’s not a chance that you could ruin my career, because I won’t pick acting over you again. If it comes down to it, I’ll pick you.”

“Seb, you can’t do that. That’s not fair to you.”
He scoffs, “what are you talking about? Of course it’s fair. I broke us when I chose acting the first time. You’re the love of my life, my soulmate, my everything. You’re so much more important to me than some silly career.”

You sigh, “Sebby, you love acting.”

“Yes, I do. But you know what?”

You raise an eyebrow, waiting for him to finish his thought.

“I love you more.”

You blush, kissing him softly as you turn to wrap your arms around him. He moves so you’re laying back down on the bed, “so is there anything else you’re worried about?”

You bite your lip, looking up at him, “I’ll let you know.”

He kisses your forehead, picking you up, “well I ordered Chinese, it’ll be here in a few minutes.” He carries you downstairs to the living room, sitting down to pull you on his lap as you turn on the TV. You change the channel to MTV, learning about the newest drama between two celebrities you really didn’t care about. The news changes, and it’s like you’re staring in a mirror. The reporter is talking about you and Sebastian, a photo of the two of you at LAX taking up most of the screen. She’s discussing how beloved you are among Marvel fans, and Sebastian kisses the spot behind your ear, making you shiver.

“I told you so,” he says smirking, leaning into kiss you before he’s interrupted by the doorbell. He stands up and opens the door, and you hear the delivery guy start to panic when he recognizes his customer.

“Oh my god, you’re-” Sebastian smirks, handing the guy cash, including a big tip, signing his autograph on a napkin. He closes the door behind him, coming back to join you on the couch.

He sets the bag on the table and you immediately dig in, biting your lip as Sebastian watches you.

“God, I love a girl with a healthy appetite,” he says, taking a bite of his own food.

You wiggle your ring finger, winking at him, “well I sure hope so, otherwise we’ve got a bit of a problem.”

He laughs as he turns on Netflix, putting on BoJack Horseman. You’d made him watch the first episode the day before, and he was addicted now. He’d even started calling you “Diane,” because you reminded him so much of her character. He was your Mr. Peanutbutter, goofy, yet absolutely charming.

You eat with your legs across his lap, leaning on him as BoJack screws something up again. This was probably your favorite series on Netflix, other than Shadowhunters. Matthew Daddario was your favorite actor. Other than your husband, of course. But speaking of Matthew, you knew if you had the chance, you’d climb him like an oak tree.

“But why is BoJack so fucked up?” Seb asks through a mouthful of egg roll.

“That’s what makes him so relatable. He’s just a big mood and he doesn’t know what he’s doing with his life.”

“I cannot believe you just said ‘big mood.’ Holland says that shit all the time. What a kid.”

You frown at Sebastian, “go easy on him, like you said- he’s just a kid. He’s probably as scared of all this huge Marvel stuff as I am. Actually, that gives me an idea. Can I have his number? Maybe he can give me some tips on how to not go into full blown panic attacks in front of the media.”

He thinks it over for a minute before nodding, pulling out his phone, “yeah, you know, that’s actually a great idea. And you can probably give him tips on how to act like an actual adult.”

You roll your eyes, “baby, we just got married at Disney World. I hardly think I’m the kind of person that should be giving advice on adulting.”

He laughs, kissing the top of your head as he forwards you Tom’s information. You text Tom and finish eating before curling up on your husband’s lap to continue BoJack. Sebastian runs his fingers through your hair, occasionally kissing your forehead. You and Tom text back and forth for a bit, and you smile at Sebastian.

“Can Tom come over for breakfast tomorrow? He says he wants to hang out with you away from everybody else since you seem the most chill.”

Seb shrugs, “fine with me. But he better bring his own bib,” he says as he finishes his food, placing the empty containers on the table.

You grin at him, pausing BoJack so you can turn to face him, “do you remember our first real date?”

You pace around your room in your turquoise blouse and white skinny jeans, waiting for Seb to come pick you up. He had finally asked you on a date, and you were panicking. You’d known him so long, what if this date ruined your friendship? You wouldn’t be able to handle losing your best friend.

You hear a knock on your front door and freeze before running downstairs to open the door. “I GOT IT,” you scream, not wanting anyone else to greet Seb. You open the door to your date holding a single sunflower. He hands it to you and kisses you on the cheek, leaving you a red-faced mess.

“You look beautiful,” he says, stepping inside.

You grin and put the flower in a vase in the kitchen before leaving your house with Sebastian. He opens the passenger side door for you and kisses your forehead, closing the door once you’re inside.

“So where are we going?” You ask as Sebastian starts up the car and starts driving.

“Oh, I’m not telling. It’s a secret.”

“Seb pleaseeeee…” you beg, puffing out your bottom lip.

“This is our first date, love. If I can keep it a secret, I’m going to keep it a secret.”

You frown, looking out the window. Your date puts his hand on your thigh, rubbing it gently, “don’t worry, I know you well enough that I can promise that you’ll love it.”

He pulls up to a pizza place you’ve never heard of. It looks like it’s cheap, but it could still be a nice sit-down date spot. You walk in with him and he takes you to a secluded table in the back of the restaurant, away from prying eyes. He pulls out your chair for you and sits down in his own, smiling at you.

“Well, you were right, Seb. This is perfect.”

The waitress brings you both menus and you each order a Coke, and as she walks away, you can visibly see how nervous he is. You reach across the table and take his hand, looking him square in the eye.

“Sebastian, calm down. You don’t need to be nervous.”

He laughs, running his hands through his perfect, chestnut brown hair, “of course I need to be nervous, I’m on a date with my best friend, who–” he cuts himself off, removing his hand from under yours and grabbing his Coke from the waitress as she arrives. He takes several gulps of his drink and you thank her, asking for a few more minutes before you order.

“Who what, Seb?” You ask, taking a sip of your Coke.

He sighs, setting down his drink, “who I’ve been wanting to ask out for a while.”

You laugh, shaking your head, “well you asked me out and we’re on a date now, so chill so we can actually enjoy it.”

He smiles and picks up his menu, and you steal glances at him looking over your own menu. He looks more relaxed now, more like the Sebastian you’ve come to know and- you stop yourself, even though everyone knows you’re in love with him. Luckily, he’s too oblivious to know, but he’s not too oblivious to notice that you’ve been staring at him.

“Helllloooooo, Earth to (Y/N). Why are you staring at me?” He asks, putting down his menu.

“Sorry, I got distracted.”

“I know, I know, I’m so hot it’s distracting.”

Hot doesn’t even begin to cover it, you think as the waitress returns and you order. You get a breakfast calzone, and Sebastian gets a meat lover’s pizza. She takes your menus and walks away, and Sebastian raises an eyebrow at you.

“You do know you’re sharing that calzone, right?”

“Make me, Stan.”


After dinner, Sebastian drives you back to your house, and you invite him inside to watch a movie.

“Okay, but we should probably watch it on the couch. Cuz ya know, Gabe.”

You laugh as you walk inside, plopping yourself down on the couch. Sebastian sits next to you and grabs the remote and puts on “13 Going On 30,” one of your favorites.
Seb pulls you onto his lap, kissing the top of your head. You freeze, not knowing what to do. You know he’s an affectionate guy, but that’s not something he’s ever done before. You breathe and lay back on him, resting your head on his chest.

“You know,” he says through a yawn, “Mark Ruffalo seems like a cool guy. I’d love to meet him one day.”

MY Tag List (let me know if you’d like to be added!):

@sis-tafics@my-emotional-self@thankyouforanonymity@gatorgal94@supernaturaldean67@lostinthoughtsandfeelings@summer-winchester@thevampywitch@princess76179@sebbies@white-chocolate-mocha-fan@jcc04220@lostess-souless@samanddeanmyguardianhunters @ilovethefandomwho@dancer2001@a-tale-of-two-comics@moondustparker@yleryoseeph@magellan-88@healojane@sarahp879@mizz-kraziii@lostinspace33@silver-starburst@lilmissperfectlyimperfect@guera31@destielinamoose@808shelbsters@demonkitkat@hoe4sebstan@izzy206-2001@esther-alves-world @tinyfistwarrior@mrs-meghan-winchester @toms-gf

@sonofadeanwinchester ‘s Tag List:

@shellymaesworld @titty-teetee @pawallday@221bshrlocked@chameerah 
@buckylicious @nerdywitch @sarahp879 @i-should-probably-be-asleep-rn @ssweet-empowerment@jhangelface0523@parkerrpeterr @bxxbxy @winter-cearig

⤿word count:1.2k

⤿ summary [also requested by anon (thank you!)] : insecurities can be caused by many things but there is always one person to love each one of the things you hate…

warnings :18+, smut, reader is insecure about her vagina but i haven’t included a description of anything specific, fingering, pussy eating, tiny bit angst, fluff

*feedback is appreciated. please reblog so it can reach more people♡

You were gripping the microphone you were holding as you tried to calm yourself down. There wеre soo many people in front of you, and even after years of being an actress and going to Comic–Cons, you still couldn’t get over your anxiety sometimes.

You thought that grounding yourself with the cold surface of the microphone was going to calm your flipping stomach, but the harder you squeezed it, the warmer the metal was becoming, and this wasn’t helping.

It was worse than you expected, and you smiled awkwardly as one of your co-stars was answering a question.

‘Y/N?’ Sebastian whispered, and you jumped slightly because you thought he was on the other side, four people away from you. ‘You okay, baby?’ He asked concerned and saw the way you were holding for dear life the microphone in your hands.

‘I’m just anxious, but it’s okay.’ You mumbled and felt his big palm gently enveloping your arm, just above your elbow, squeezing it lightly.

He knew well how to calm your anxiety just with his touch, and you were only dating for a few months. It always seemed like he knew you better than anyone else, even better than you know yourself, but you knew him better, too.

‘I can’t wait for us to go home so I can finally calm you down a little.’ He groaned in your ear, not even carrying about the next question.

Your breath got stuck in your throat as you tried to form words in your mouth. Was he talking about sex? Probably. That’s why you just smiled tightly and whispered ‘Me too.’

But things weren’t that easy, not at all. Your anxiety was even worse when it came to having sex with Sebastian, which you never did because… well you still haven’t gotten to that part yet. It wasn’t because he didn’t want to or because you didn’t, you knew that he wanted this, but whenever stuff escalated between the both of you, you stopped him, always.

Being insecure about body parts was like being sick. It made you feel terrible. You couldn’t even enjoy the things you wanted to, just because of insecurity. An insecurity that was the end of many relationships for you. You realized how toxic they were, but they all ended when men stripped your panties and saw what was between your legs.

You couldn’t picture Sebastian reacting the way your exs did, but that feeling was still there. The feeling of not being good enough just because you were like this and there was nothing you could do to change it.

You arrived in front of Sebastian’s apartment, walking anxiously behind him as he unlocked the front door and opened it for you.

Before you could realize what was happening, he turned around on his toes, and his mouth found yours in an eager kiss. Both your tongues and teeth met each other as you were trying to pour every bottled-up feeling from today, every little piece of anxiety and awkwardness but not your insecurity.

Sebastian slowly walked into the apartment, still not breaking the kiss. You allowed him to lead you, but as soon as the hall ended, his hand left yours, and he wrapped his hands around your hips. He lifted you and placed you on the kitchen table.

‘Let me make you feel better…’ Sebastian tried to catch his breath after the heated kiss as his hands leisurely traveled down to the button of your jeans.

He looked at you from between your legs and unbuttoned them. At this moment, all you could think about was him being between your legs, waiting like a starved animal. But when he started to slide the jeans down your legs, your head snapped.

‘Stop!’ You shouted and lifted yourself on your elbows, shivering slightly from the cold surface of the table.

He immediately pulled away, shock written on his features, but what made your heart sink more was the worried look behind the shock.

‘Did I do something? God, I’m soo sorry! I didn’t want to hurt you!’ He started to ramble, his fingers ran anxiously through his hair.


‘I don’t know what happened. I just, I - ’

‘Sebastian!’ You shouted, and his rambling finally stopped. His head snapped up to look at you, eyes wide and watery. ‘I’m okay, baby. You didn’t do anything. It’s my fault.’

‘But you haven’t done anything wrong, sweetheart. Why are you saying it’s your fault? What’s wrong?’ His palms cupped your jaw, and you squeezed his wrists, closing your eyes for a moment.

‘All my past relationships ended when they found out about… about my vagina. I know it’s normal to have different types, and I know it sounds silly, but they never liked it. Like they were disgusted by the way it looks.’ You confessed, your cheeks becoming red.

‘Sweetheart, look at me.’ Sebastian put his index finger under your chin and lifted it so he could look into your eyes. ‘Those people had no idea how to love a woman. I’m not saying that I know how to love someone the right way, but I know that I love every part of you, no matter how it looks. I don’t want you to feel this way, and I’m sorry you had to go through this, but never think you’re less attractive because of your body. You are beautiful, and you should feel beautiful, baby. Every part of you is beautiful, and I’m going to show you how much I love every corner of your body if you let me.’

‘Please.’ You pleaded, your eyes watering a little from his speech.
Sebastian removed your underwear and your shirt, tossing them to the side. He started kissing first your ankles, taking his time with your calves until he stopped for a while on your inner thighs. He slightly sucked on the soft skin there, leaving love marks all over them before his head disappeared between your legs.

‘So beautiful.’ He groaned against your core before his warm, damp tongue slid between your folds. You couldn’t help but moan, your grip around his waist tightened, bringing him even closer. Your hands ran through the soft locks of his hair as he sucked on your sensitive bud, making your spine arch in a rainbow shape.

‘I love you.’ You whimpered as his tongue twirled around the soft skin.

‘I love you.’ He murmured, the vibrations of his voice sent shivers down your spine before his tongue entered you.

You only hoped that his neighbors won’t hear your moans as they grew when his mouth wrapped around your clit and sucked harshly.

When his fingers replaced his tongue, opening and closing your soaking folds, you could taste yourself on his lips. His finger entered your hole as he felt your tight walls squeezing him inside of you.

The tight knot in your lower stomach continued to tighten until you couldn’t take it anymore.

It felt like a fresh wave washed over your body, and the tight knot was finally released, your walls clenching around his fingers.

‘You’re soo good, baby. I won’t let anyone tell you otherwise because you are the most beautiful woman. Every part of you and I will continue to do that until you understand it.’ Sebastian whispered against your lips, brushing your hair away from your face.

‘I don’t need anyone else to tell me… I just need you.’ You murmured against his lips before capturing them into a kiss.

⤿word count:740

⤿ summary [also requested by anon (thank you!)] : you reassure sebastian during the met gala.

warnings :fluff, one curse word, feeling insecure and people being rude

*feedback is appreciated. please reblog so it can reach more people♡

You were posing in front of the photographers whose camera flashes snapped and clicked with each photo being taken. Even after attending the Met Gala for many years now, you still got a little bit nervous as everyone yelled your name.

This year’s theme was Gilded Glamour. You loved those times and how women dressed back then in their pretty dresses and hair secured in a beautiful bun. That’s why you wanted to go a little extra on this event and it seemed to work. Everyone was in love with your dress.

You were wearing a long, white, satin dress with short sleeves, secured with an asymmetrical pastel pink bodice. The middle of the flowing material was tied with ribbon in the same pastel pink color as the corset. Two lines of pink satin waves were finishing the dress at your feet.

But the main highlight of your outfit was the flower décor all over the dress. Fake pink roses were attached all over the fabric, especially around the ribbon where part of the dress was tied like a bouquet and in your hair where it was tied in a half-bun.
The outfit was completed with white satin gloves with a golden bracelet on each wrist and a pearl necklace ending with a golden charm.

‘Did you see what a terrible outfit Sebastian Stan is wearing?’ A voice came to your ears as you were trying to pose for more pictures. You tried to ignore it, thinking that it was probably something else and you only imagined it until you heard the reply.

‘It’s not even in the theme like how is he not embarrassed?’
Your heart sank into your chest as you quickly apologized and went in a search of your secret boyfriend. Even though you two had prepared together, you arrived at different times, still not wanting to expose your relationship. Most fans thought you were just really good friends, but that was far away from the truth.

The truth was that you and Sebastian were dating for over a year now, and keeping it a secret was the hardest part. Paparazzi don’t know privacy, but luckily you were known as good friends, so when pictures were taken they didn’t make a fuss. After all, you had been in 2 movies together.

As you were walking around the large space, you couldn’t stop thinking about how those girls talked behind his back. But while you were making your way through the crowd of people, you heard even more of those hateful comments.

Your eyes watered just at the thought of how happy he was before you left. He was happy to wear something different, to try something different. Yes, it was a challenging outfit, but he looked great in it, and you couldn’t be more proud of him when you saw him standing in front of the mirror.

But when your eyes fell on the man with a pink outfit who was posing for photos you saw the hurt in his eyes. You were still far away, but you hurried up to him.

‘Ew, ugly in pink!’ You heard in front of you and saw how Seb’s face immediately stopped to fake smile.

Rushing over to him, you hugged him, your face smashing in his chest as you felt the rushed beat of his heart. But as soon as he realized who was hugging him his arms wrapped around your waist, head resting on top of his head.

‘Hi.’ You whispered quietly, looking over at him and pulling away from his chest to pose next to him.
‘Hi, baby.’ He whispered back and snaked his arm around your waist, bringing you closer to his body.

‘I heard what that bitch said. You look stunning tonight, love.’ You kissed his cheek and saw them reddening under your compliment, which made you giggle.

‘Thank you, my love.’ Sebastian squeezed your waist, reassuring you that he was okay.

‘I love you.’ You said only with your lips but Sebastian understood, knowing too well how your lips moved when you told him that little phrase every morning.

‘I love you, too.’ He mouthed, and you smiled lovingly at the sight of him finally having fun at this too crowded party.

You couldn’t wait to go home and wash away all the stress he had to go through for this event. Sometimes pleasing fans is the most challenging thing people in your profession have to face.


WELCOME TO THE TELL ME, NOT HIM. Q&A! Thank you to everyone who submitted questions! A lot of the questions were duplicates so If you don’t see your question, it was most likely a duplicate and combined with someone else’s. Since the majority of the people didn’t specify if they wanted to be anonymous or not, I automatically made it anonymous, but message if you’d like to be tagged on your question! I’m sorry if this wasn’t the wrap up event you wanted, but remember if you want side stories and “what-ifs” of TMNH you are always free to request them in my inbox.


1. When you started writing this, did you have someone in mind for who she would end up with? And if not, did you think it would be this hard to choose? (Or is it not hard for you lol)

Originally, when I started writing TMNH, I was writing for Y/N to end up with Sebastian despite the plot where he pretty much lies to her about her role in Silver Spoon in that hellhole of a chapter. I would definitely say that I had so many headaches from switching between Timothée and Sebastian. At one point I was rocking with Sebastian, then the next I wasn’t. Despite being the writer, all the shit he’s done is really hard to recover from

2. Are you willing to make an alternate ending? Or is this it?

Hmm, very good question. I’m sure a lot of you started off with reading this as Team Sebastian and slowly got disappointed as you saw that Seb & Y/N were not end game. I considered making an alternate ending, but I don’t want to milk this story/concept too much. I feel like it’s time to close off this era of TMNH, but definitely if a lot of people would like an alternate ending, I’ll definitely consider it. Also the alternate ending would have cut off the story about 3 chapters earlier. However, I am considering making a short prequel series to TMNH where you see how Y/N and Sebastian’s relationship came to be all the way from the start to where she got her role in Silver Spoon (probably would’ve been a stand alone at the same time).

3. I know for me ideas usually come from something I see throughout the day or think of. What inspired you to write this? It was amazing and different from most fics I’ve read you should be proud!

For a couple years, I’ve been one of the biggest Sebastian fans. In early quarantine, in April, someone on Tik Tok created the famous Timothee (as Elios in the dancing clip from Call and By Your Name) slow-mo/velocity edit with Play Date by Melanie Martinez playing, which made me shoot out of bed with an urge to write. So what better yet to mix two actors I absolutely love? As for it being the plot line it is, I naturally found myself making angst, and for some odd reason it’s always love triangle angst (if you’ve known me from my Queen phase BAHAHAHA).

4. Personally, who were you rooting for? Or who are you more of a fan of in real life?

In the first few months of the series, I was rooting for Sebastian. But as events in real life occurred alongside with those of the series, I found it hard to turn the tables back to where he was a completely redeemable character. As for real life, and as much of a shocker it is, I’m 100% more of a Sebastian fan. But for some reason, I found myself having a better time and effective style emulating Timothée and his emotions.

5. If you were to have Sebastian end with Y/N, what would that have looked like?

If Y/N and Sebastian were to have gone back to each other’s arms, Y/N would have done so after already “dating” Timothee, but realizing he’s not the person she wants in her life romantically. Needless to say, ultimate friend zone, sad Timothee, but happy Sebastian and Y/N. There would’ve been wayyyy more angst on Timothee’s side.

6. Were there any original plot lines that you thought of but abandoned?

Oh hunny, let me get started. TMNH was originally supposed to have 8 chapters, where the majority of things remained the same, obviously less elaboration or filler, but with the inclusion of a different interaction at a pizza restaurant. During that scene, which was after the fight, Sebastian got a new “girlfriend” and bumped into Y/N and Timothee in public (who are not dating, but just friends). A highlighting scene was going to be “Seb: Funny the guy you told me not to worry about is the guy you end up with after we break up. Y/N: I see you’ve moved on fast.” The last chapters were supposed to take place at the Emmys and the After Party where Y/N let’s Timothee know she still loves Sebastian, leaving Timothee heartbroken. Later, he uses his emotions as a driving point in a project allowing him to receive an Oscar, where in the last last chapter, while giving his Oscar speech, he says, “Wow, maybe I should get my heart broken more,” with an awkward chuckle, referring to Y/N. All is resolved when they agree to remain key friends in each other’s lives. Obviously, the first plot line was very short and fast, and as I wrote it, it came to the point where I realized I couldn’t properly execute this story with only half of what it actually ended up with. Obviously, as things started changing throughout the story, the original plot line was abandoned. (Oh yea, there was gonna be like a hand scene from the Pride & Prejudice movie between Timothee and Y/N but it never pulled through).

7. Geo, Rachel, Emeline, etc., are all considered side characters but I feel like they had some kind of significant role. Did you have any specific role for them and what you wanted their impact to be?

Nice catch! Rachel: audience, Geo: instigator, Emeline: character relief, support system. Without Emeline, this story would have most likely been a very toxic fanfic.

8. From your Spotify playlists, what are the most fitting songs for each main character?

Sebastian: Somebody Else - The 1975, Someone New - Banks, Salty - Andrés

Y/N: Pretty Girl - Clairo, I Love You So - The Walters, cellophane - FKA twigs

Timothee: SLOW DANCING IN THE DARK - Joji, Somethin’ Stupid - The Ray Coniff Singers, Call Me Baby - Beach Bunny, She’s Gonna Leave You - The Walters

9. If you could do anything different with this story, what would it be? (Although it’s already an extremely great story already).

FUCKING. ENEMIES. TO. LOVERS. DUDE. ENEMIES TO LOVERS WITH Y/N & TIMOTHEE. LIKE DEADASS ENEMIES TO LOVERS IS MY SHIT BUT SINCE I WANTED TO MAKE IT AS REALISTIC AS POSSIBLE I DIDNT WANT TO MAKE TIMOTHÉE MEAN OMFG. BESIDES THAT I WANT TO FIX ALL MY SHIT WRITING AND TYPOS. and because of that, i considered rewriting the whole story to fix the typos but.. what if i rewrite it or make a new story where it’s enemies to lovers.. HEHEHEHEHE. ACTUALLY A TIMOTHEE X Y/N FIC THAT’S JUST ENEMIES TO LOVERS DOESN’T SOUND TOO BAD TBH. BRB MIGHT DO THAT. I also would want to rewrite it for the sake of grammatical and other spelling errors. As well as how some of the formats are made and yea. But I guess you can say all authors would feel that way with their writing.

10. How long does it take to create one chapter, especially with making media?

Typically, if I don’t take school into consideration it takes me about a week to write and complete a chapter including media. Proof-reading might extend that time but since I had a vigorous amount of school, this led to me taking a long time to write and publish chapters.

11. What was your favorite chapter?

My favorite chapter was definitely chapter 7, “what goes around, comes around,” aka the fight LMAO. I enjoyed writing and rereading the angst


My favorite media I’ve ever made was the YouTube thumbnail for the Don’t Spill Your Guts video, UGH SO GOOD. As for apps, I use ibisPaint, LightRoom, and PicsArt. Mostly ibisPaint.

13. Congrats on finishing the story! Did you ever expect that you would get this much readers for this story?

Actually, not really BAHAHAHA prior to writing the story, I was on a big hiatus and was originally a Queen blog. So I just assumed that it would’ve flopped or sum?? IDK.. but I also had some hope since I felt that people would enjoy the socialmedia!au aspect.


  • Emeline was supposed to hate Y/N and be somewhat of an antagonist.
  • Chapter 7 had much more toxic tones compared to what I originally posted.
  • I considered killing off Emeline at the end .
  • I only made Y/N an aerospace engineer for the sole purpose of making her meet Sebastian at the NASA facility.
  • I tried my best to avoid pictures that depicted any form of Y/N so that it was more inclusive of all readers. The only photo that “depicted” Y/N in any way was the hand holding pic which I was extremely hesitant to post
  • The last chapter was supposed to include a call with Sebastian.
  • I wanted to drop this series mid way.
  • I started to hate Geo halfway and disliked writing her.
  • I wish I used Instagram media for the photos instead of Twitter.
  • I considered making Y/N end up with no one for the sake of her own character development.
  • I considered making a series called Silver Spoon so you could see what the show looked like.
  • I planned to rewrite this story and publish it on AO3 and/or Wattpad, but the media aspect would have been gone and not in the form of photos or videos.
  • Repetition, parallelism, and antithesis were literary devices I used a lot throughout the series to demonstrate differences in Timothee and Sebastian’s actions and to emphasize the effect of anybody’s actions.

⤷ TAGLIST: @thummbelina@the-romanian-is-bae@clockworks-world-to-fandoms@asapkyndall@cevanstann@arymb@am4sawa@aberrant-annie@sspidermanss@lasciv-0@witchything@mvmakki@ceeellewrites@harpersmariano@derangedcupcake@xaesthetic-mirrorx@theroyalbrownbarbie@alaeddis@chclcmet@sweetveganangel@1999yanira@actuallyazriel@geminiparkers@uglipotata72829@uchihaslut@sungieeeeeee@bonkyboinkybucky@blueeyesbrowncurls@emmyyy-rose@kaithezaftig@tinymalscoffee@gargantualla@roleplay-multifandom@littlegangrel@sspidermanss@shamelessfangirl-3@lostinfxndoms@lu-morningstar@brokensimpson@cocoamoonmalfoy@thegunnerkelly@pparkeramorr@sunsetswrv@1999yanira@awkward117@roserose26@navegandoaciegas@jjk-bitch@buckys-henley@shesgotabookforeverysituation@louvrr@n-dg-wm@cantexplain@ethernal-onism@lizzlethal@officiallyunofficialperson@cursedsele@ghostoiogy@f-hollands@imetmyloveratthegraveyard @whatareyouscaredof@malfoysadore@swtltlmrvlgrl@euphoniumpets


— where y/n l/n lands a role in a new television series that will put her relationship to the test.

⤷ timothée chalamet & sebastian stan x reader

⤷ social media! au + original written fiction

warnings: cussing, slight angst, a lil bit of sadness, no media for the epilogue!
word count: 3.3K
listen to the series’s playlists here: TMNH SPOTIFY PLAYLISTS
previous |you have reached the end !


series masterlist|side stories masterlist|navigation
note: don’t kill me lol <3333

“And the Oscar goes to…”


A groan escaped your lips as you felt someone nudge your shoulder.

“Y/N, wake up before Boss gets on your ass again. I can’t keep defending you, wake up, you’re drooling all over the papers,” the voice said in a stern way, a slight threatening undertone accompanying it.

It was Emeline. You had only assumed that you guys were on set filming a new project and that you dozed off.

As your eyes fluttered open, the bright white lights of the room caused you to flinch. Lifting your head off the feeling of a cold desk and drool-drenched papers, your eyes adjusted to the light and turned to Emeline. But as you took in her uniform and your surroundings, your eyebrows crunched in confusion.

Where were the cameras? Boom mics? Lights? Director? Where was it all? As you looked down to look at your clothes, a simple white button up and slacks, Emeline was looking at you with curious eyes. “Girl, what are you doing? Are you okay?” 

“What scene are we filming right now?” you asked groggily, your head turning to Emeline. 

“Scene? What scene are you even talking about? You think we in some movie?” Emeline asked with a dying chuckle.

Your heart dropped as you heard her response. Your eyes darted around the room, whiteboards with numerous math problems and charts scattered the walls. The sounds of computers clicking away gave you a sense of nostalgia. Your heart continued to get heavier and heavier as your surroundings began to become more familiar. With shaky hands you grabbed the ID card hanging from your neck on a lanyard.

NASA, National Aeronautics and Space Administration 


Aerospace Engineering Intern

Issued XX/XX/XX

No, no, no, no.

With a nervous chuckle, you looked back at a concerned Emeline. “So, Em, when are we gonna meet with your girlfriend? Tuesday? Timothée’s supposed to pick us up after he’s done filming.” you said unaware of the right terms to use in your confused state.

“Who the hell is Timothy?”

“Timothée, as in Timothée Chalamet, our friend? And you know… my boyf-“ Before you could finish your sentence, Emeline busted out laughing. 

“Are you okay, Y/N? I know you’re excited to go to the movies and watch Little Women, but we don’t know him in real life, like at all. What went on in your dream?”

“What?” you exasperated. “This isn’t funny, Emeline. Haha, April Fool’s, you can drop it now. Where’s everyone?”

“Y/N, are you okay? Like seriously,” Emeline asked as she put her hand on your forehead. “You coming down with something?” 

“No, Emeline, are YOU okay? This isn’t-“ you paused as you looked around the familiar work place you used to intern at, “This isn’t right. I don’t work here anymore. And you never worked here either. Like- Emeline, we’re actresses. We’re in a TV show together. What the fuck is this?” 

As your fellow coworkers began to notice your frantic state with your growing voice, Emeline gave you a deadpan look. “Y/N, calm down. I think you just hit your head too hard while presenting the model project earlier and maybe you’re just mixing up a really realistic dream with real life. Y/N, we’ve been NASA interns for a couple months now. Never in our lives have we ever auditioned for a single fucking role in our life. And even if we did, how did we land one where YOU started dating Timothée Chalamet.”

As your head began to throb, and Emeline stared at you waiting for an answer, you took a look at your desk. A few cute pictures of you and Emeline together here and there, standees of some of your favorite shows, but the piece that stood out the most was a Pop figurine of the Winter Soldier.

After a few moments and deciding to call it a day, considering it was already early evening, Emeline led you to clock out. As Emeline propped open the door with her elbow for you, she removed her work lanyard. “Hey, Y/N, you still up for Little Women tonight, we just got our paychecks. After all, we get to see your boyfriend as Laurie,” Emeline teased as she began laughing. But your lips didn’t budge. “‘Y/N, I have always loved you!’” she exclaimed dramatically, assuming that she was reciting one of Timothée’s famous lines from the movie, replacing Jo for your own name. When she noticed your solemn look as you gripped your work ID, she stopped. “I’m just joking, you know that right?”

“Emeline, this isn’t funny! What I had wasn’t just a dream! And there’s no way in hell this isn’t one either! You never worked here with me! You’re a famous actress! You worked on numerous movies and at first you were stingy and kind of a bitch…” Emeline is frowning now. You chuckled nervously before continuing, “But besides that, you were one of my first friends that protected me and showed me the ropes! But right now, you’re just being a real douche rubbing it in my face.” you exploded. 

As Emeline stood there staring at you with wide eyes, she deeply sighed. As her head fell down, she asked, “Did I win an Oscar?” 


“In your dream. Did I ever win an Oscar?” she asked with a low voice.

“What- It wasn’t a dream for God’s sake, Emeline. You were my best friend. You helped me with everything that was going through my career and personal life with Timothée and Sebastian. You were there for me through all those tough times 24/7, so it’s really pissing me off that it’s being labeled as some dream,” you inhaled sharply after ranting with speed. 

Now, your voice was sharp and sure. “And yes. One Oscar, but you’re practically nominated every year. Because you were- ARE that good of an actress.”

After your rant, Emeline released another sigh. As bizarre as your dream was to her, she didn’t want to continue stressing you out. Emeline turned on her heels and waved her keys around her finger. “We drive to work together and I drop you off every Friday. Let’s not go out today, I think you need to go home and rest.” 

✧・゚: *✧・゚: *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

“We’re here,” Emeline said, snapping you out of your trance. Frantically taking off your seatbelt and getting out the car, you thanked Emeline for the ride. She drove off as you waved goodbye. 

As you turned around to face where she had dropped you off, your heart dropped. “Oh no,” you whispered. “This has to be a dream.”

Sebastian’s apartment complex. 

You haven’t been here for ages, but you knew the look of that lobby anywhere, you lived here for more than a year. If everything that happened the past year was all a dream, and Little Women was still playing in theaters, was Sebastian still part of your life? Is this what it is? Your life hasn’t progressed at all. You’re still in square one. 

With shaky legs you brought your feet to finally start moving, going into the lobby and into the elevator. Eventually you were staring at the similar gold plate. Apartment 406. And almost like a robot, you fished the keys out of your purse and pushed it into the key hole.

Does this mean you’re back to the time where you believed that your efforts of becoming an actress was self-made? Your eyes stung as you were afraid that maybe everything was a dream. But a dream of what your future looked like. You don’t know if you can bring yourself to relive all of this. But it still didn’t make sense, Emeline shouldn’t be here.

Your head was throbbing, and with a shaky breath, you turned your key. 



“Y/N,” you heard a voice say. As you grumbled back in response, the voice repeated in a deep, raspy whisper.

It’s morning.

And as you felt the ghostly touch of someone’s hand going under your shirt and encircling around your waist, you jolted awake. You’re not sure if it’s because their hand was cold or it’s because you just remembered your “reality.”

“Please let it all be a dream, please, please, please,” you begged in your head. In pure fear, you slowly turned your head to the man. 

And as you made eye contact with Timothée, his hair and shirt tousled and his eyes, although droopy and riddled with sleepiness, looking back at you as if he were a deer caught in headlights, you threw yourself onto him and scattered his face with kisses. “Woah, woah, woah, you okay, Y/N? I know I’m irresistible, but you look all shaken up. Bad dream?” Timothée chuckled, his voice still deep and groggy.

As you pulled away from Timothée and grabbed his face in your hands, squishing his cheeks, you stared at him with the happiest expression. “It was the worst dream ever. It was like- like if everything that happened the past like year never happened, I wasn’t your girlfriend, I wasn’t an actress, I was still working as an intern, and to top it all off I was still with-“

“What do you mean, Y/N? Wake up. Wake up, Y/N. Wake up, you’ve been in a coma for two months,” Timothée said, his expression immediately changing. 

Just as yours changed, one from relief to pure terror, Timothée bursted out laughing.

“OH, SHUT THE HELL UP. STOP YOU SCARED ME,” you whined as you hit Timothée’s chest. As you turned away from him and buried your face in your pillow, Timothée’s laughs continued to fill the room. He attempted to remove the blanket covering your head but to no avail. 

“It must’ve been a really scary dream, huh,” he said as his hand rested on your arm through the comforter. 

“Tell me about it,” you muffled out. 

Timothée chuckled at your tone. “But we’re in real life now, so can you please remove the blanket off your face?” Silence. “Please?” With a dramatic puff of air, your face was hit with a whiff of cold air as you removed the blanket from your face. “There she is,” Timothée sang.

“Whatever,” you said as you pushed his face away. As much as you were brushing it off now, your heart was still coming down from the scare you got. Even if it seemed so bizarre to suddenly go back in time as if none of the present had happened, it just seemed too real. You pinched yourself just in case. You felt it. 

“You nervous for today?” Timothée asked as you made your way into the restroom. 

“Of course I am. I’m actually nominated for an Oscar. Supporting actress, wow,” you replied.

It’s been about a year since that night with Timothée. A night where you both thought that you would lose each other, but now you guys are as strong as ever, officially dating. Not just official as in between the both of you, but the public knows too. And even if you received hateful remarks here and there, you both never paid mind to it or allowed it to affect your relationship. 

✧・゚: *✧・゚: *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Your hands were sweaty as Timothée stepped out of the limousine before you. From your spot in the car, you can see a variety of flashing lights and numerous people. Timothée stuck out his hand for you to take, and you swore you could here everyone take a sharp inhale when you emerged in your beautiful night get up. You’re sure that the both of you would appear on the Oscars Best Dressed video montages. When Timothée first proposed the idea of wearing a track suit to the Academy Awards, you practically screamed bloody murder. Thankfully he opted out of it.

Once you both took your respective solo photos down the red carpet, you both reunited to take photos together. With his hand on your waist, he leaned into your ear, and whispered, “Did I ever tell you how beautiful you look today?” And just like how he expected, your face immediately flushed as people took photos. 

He smirked and laughed as the paparazzi and nearby onlookers “Ooo’d” at the interaction. Cocky little shit. 

“Timothée, Y/N! Look to the front! To the right!” you heard the cameramen holler as they continued to take more photos. 

After you guys had taken multiple photos, you had temporarily split to accommodate the interviewers present. “I am here with Y/N L/N joining me! What a big night for you! How are you feeling at your first Oscar event?” the interviewer greeted.

You gave them a smile, “I’m extremely nervous but whether I go home with an award or not, I’m just extremely happy and honored to even be here. It’s surreal,” you responded. 

“So, how was it working on your first film, especially considering you first started out in a Netflix series? How was working with Director Marlow?”

“Well…” as you continued answering the interviewer’s questions, Timothée slowly peered behind you, catching the attention of the interviewer. 

“Oh my goodness, and we also have Timothée Chalamet here with us! So… you two lovebirds, how’s it been!” As you turned around and noticed Timothée who put his arm around your shoulder you both began to laugh. “How is it being together publicly, I’m sure that things have been interesting especially since you two are quite young, tell us about it!”

“You know, relationships are definitely never easy, a lot of- a lot of commitment goes into it, and I feel like especially with the industry, people feel inclined to blame it on outside, you know, forces. That’s not always the case, I think any relationship will work if you really, really want it to work,” Timothée said. You were peering up at him with bright eyes as he continued, “And I’m extremely happy to have someone as loving and caring and just overall amazing.” As Timothée finished his explanation, the interviewer had a look of adoration for the both of you. Wrapping up any remainder interviews, you both made it into the main venue.

✧・゚: *✧・゚: *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

“Man, when will we be able to attend the Oscars?” Anthony semi-jokingly huffed as he took a swing of his drink. 

“I don’t know, Mackie, I don’t think I can relate with you on this one,” Chris Evans laughed. 

“Shut your ass up,” Anthony said as he attempted to suppress a laugh. 

Sebastian along with many of his other friends, who were also famous, hosted an Oscar watch party. Sebastian knows that you’ve been nominated, and he was beyond proud of you, The program had just begun and everyone began to gather their attention on the screen. Sebastian was pouring himself another glass of champagne until he heard the host say, “Today’s night is filled with actors and actresses varying from those who were once a poor girl in a rich university who then turned into the wife of a psycho British king and…” The camera suddenly focused on you giving a shy smile, who then turned to the familiar curly haired boy seated next to you. Sebastian stared at the screen as he took another sip, drowning out the rest of the host’s words, even when you weren’t on the screen anymore, he continued to stare. 

Both Anthony and Chris side-eyed each other as they both noticed Sebastian’s stare. Sebastian felt two pairs of holes burn into the side of his head. When he turned, he was met with Anthony’s stare. “Why are you looking at me like that?” Sebastian asked.

“What are you talking about? I always look like this,” he shrugged.

“You good, man?” Chris asked his long time friend. 

Sebastian sighed as he swirled the drink in his glass. “Look, I know what you guys are thinking, but seriously, I’m fine. I’m over it. It’s been a year,” he said as he downed the remainder of his champagne, “Trust me, guys.” He peered down and got up, “I need to refill my cup.”

Anthony sighed as he saw Sebastian make his way back to the table. “He’s never been a good liar,” he said behind his glass. Chris nodded in agreement.

Sounds of champagne bottles opening and glasses clinking filled the room as the show continued.

✧・゚: *✧・゚: *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

It’s at this point in time where you may have led yourself to believe that you were on your way to get your first Oscar as a rookie. Both you and Timothée’s hearts were beating rapidly in your chest as you both stared at the stage with intensity. Your fingers were twisted as the announcer opened the envelope. 

“And the Oscar goes to…”

It’s a dream. It all feels like it. And you were afraid that if they called your name, you’d wake up in the same busy office, all your moments spent with Timothée, Sebastian, Emeline, and Geo gone, just like that. That all of this was created by your bored little head in a job that you thought you loved, but really didn’t. 

And so when you didn’t hear the call of your name, you smiled and began clapping. You celebrated their win, and a new opening for you. Because if you had won, it would’ve for sure been a dream. Too good to be true. Too fast. Too unreal. 

As the night came to an end, after celebrating with numerous celebrities, and eating food to the point your dress began to feel tighter, Timothée prepared to go to bed. You followed after him, but not without noticing the envelope below the mail slot you had noticed upon entering your apartment that you had now placed on your kitchen counter. 

The envelope had “S.S” written on it. Only a genius could figure out who it’s from. You stood against your counter as you opened the letter. 

Dear Y/N,

Congratulations on your nomination with your new movie! You probably already know who it is (if it wasn’t obvious enough) especially considering the fact I went through all the trouble to send you a physical letter. It’s been a long time since I’ve spoken to you, a year was it? I’m glad to see you continue working on your career, hearing you in that British accent was pretty cool. 

Now for the more deep stuff, I know I could’ve called you, but there’s something about using good old paper and pen. I don’t want to say that what we had was a right person, wrong time thing, because it wasn’t. I was the wrong person. And I’m glad that you’re finally with someone who will value you in a way that I never did. He treats you right. He loves you. Something I took for granted when I was in his shoes. 

I don’t know when we’ll ever see each other again. But please know I’m forever rooting for you. 

Love you,


As a small smile rested on your lips, you carefully folded the paper back to its original state and slid it into a drawer. You haven’t heard from Sebastian in a very long time. All you know is that he’s killing it with his Marvel projects and what not, but other than that, a space grew between the both of you, which was for the best.

Your bare feet padded along the hardwood floor as you made your way into bed with Timothée, who was already fast asleep. You lifted the covers and slipped in, Timothée, feeling your presence and the bed dipping, made more room for you and took you in his arms. 

You sighed with content as your body relaxed and you inhaled the smell of Timothée’s body wash. 

He’s the right person, at the right time.

And it wasn’t a dream.


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⤷ TAGLIST: @thummbelina@the-romanian-is-bae@clockworks-world-to-fandoms@asapkyndall@cevanstann@arymb@am4sawa@aberrant-annie@sspidermanss@lasciv-0@witchything@mvmakki@ceeellewrites@harpersmariano@derangedcupcake@xaesthetic-mirrorx@theroyalbrownbarbie@alaeddis@chclcmet@sweetveganangel@1999yanira@actuallyazriel@geminiparkers@uglipotata72829@uchihaslut@sungieeeeeee@bonkyboinkybucky@blueeyesbrowncurls@emmyyy-rose@kaithezaftig@tinymalscoffee@gargantualla@roleplay-multifandom@littlegangrel @sspidermanss@shamelessfangirl-3@lostinfxndoms@lu-morningstar@brokensimpson@cocoamoonmalfoy@thegunnerkelly@pparkeramorr @sunsetswrv @1999yanira@awkward117@roserose26@navegandoaciegas@jjk-bitch@buckys-henley@shesgotabookforeverysituation@louvrr@n-dg-wm@cantexplain@ethernal-onism@lizzlethal@officiallyunofficialperson@cursedsele@ghostoiogy@f-hollands@imetmyloveratthegraveyard @whatareyouscaredof@malfoysadore@swtltlmrvlgrl@euphoniumpets

⤷ UNABLE TO TAG: @izdevett @sxenjill @ppkrtingle @aewandwwefans @i-volunteer-for-finnick @umbrellaacademyandwrestlingfan @yeriville

note: WAHHHHHHH IM SO SAD man, this is so unreal you guys, you have officially reached the of TELL ME, NOT HIM. thank you to all of those who have decided to read this fanfic even with my stupid ass upload schedule. i want to publicly apologize to any of the stans of either side who i have hurt IM SORRY MAN I HAD TO DO IT. this was my first genuinely complete fanfic and although there have been many errors and bumps along the way, i’m pretty happy with it. but most importantly, i’m happy and thankful to all of you who took your time to read this series. so much love, keep in touch because this definitely isn’t the end of the franchise and please stick around for my other works outside of tmnh! don’t forget to participate in the wrap up event if you are interested!

[ posted april 7 ]

In celebration of the famous series, “TELL ME, NOT HIM,” airing it’s last chapter, you’ve been invited to it’s wrap up party! Whether you’re bringing Timothee Chalamet or Sebastian Stan as your plus one, we want to hear you! Hosted by zsiopao, here’s what the party will look like!

During this event, you get the opportunity to:

  • ASK ANY KIND OF QUESTION ENTAILING THE SERIES AND AUTHOR this could be varying from thought process, original plot points, author’s standpoint, and more!
  • VIEW FUN FACTS THAT THE AUTHOR MAY HAVE UP HER SLEEVE oh brother, this is the really random stuff that will be explained according to my discretion if not asked, which is super unlikely considering how random they could be.

Although there is no necessary cut off for submissions, please get in your submissions before APRIL 21ST. All questions submitted after this date will still be answered, but is not guaranteed to be showcased on the official wrap up event post! You may submit your questions through my ask box or private messages! You may also use the comments, but if it is after April 21st, I prefer that you refrain from using the comments to ask questions.

As a farewell, I’ll miss writing for this series. Although. I had times where I felt like bashing my head into the wall, this has been a very positive part of my life. I had fun writing this series and I hope you all look forward to any future works I have. I don’t think I can ever properly express the gratitude I have for all of you who have read this series. Love you all so much!

⤷ TAGLIST: @thummbelina@the-romanian-is-bae@clockworks-world-to-fandoms@asapkyndall@cevanstann@arymb@am4sawa@aberrant-annie@sspidermanss@lasciv-0@witchything@mvmakki@ceeellewrites@harpersmariano@derangedcupcake@xaesthetic-mirrorx@theroyalbrownbarbie@alaeddis@chclcmet@sweetveganangel@1999yanira@actuallyazriel@geminiparkers@uglipotata72829@uchihaslut@sungieeeeeee@bonkyboinkybucky@blueeyesbrowncurls@emmyyy-rose@kaithezaftig@tinymalscoffee@gargantualla@roleplay-multifandom@littlegangrel @sspidermanss@shamelessfangirl-3@lostinfxndoms@lu-morningstar@brokensimpson@cocoamoonmalfoy@thegunnerkelly@pparkeramorr @sunsetswrv @1999yanira@awkward117@roserose26@navegandoaciegas@jjk-bitch@buckys-henley@shesgotabookforeverysituation@louvrr@n-dg-wm@cantexplain@ethernal-onism@lizzlethal@officiallyunofficialperson@cursedsele@ghostoiogy@f-hollands@imetmyloveratthegraveyard @whatareyouscaredof@malfoysadore@swtltlmrvlgrl@euphoniumpets

⤷ UNABLE TO TAG: @izdevett @sxenjill @ppkrtingle @aewandwwefans @i-volunteer-for-finnick @umbrellaacademyandwrestlingfan @yeriville

☆ THE END - deja vu

— where y/n l/n lands a role in a new television series that will put her relationship to the test.

⤷ timothée chalamet & sebastian stan x reader

⤷ social media! au + original written fiction

warnings: angst, cursing, sad times :,,,,,((
word count: 2.7K
listen to the series’s playlists here: TMNH SPOTIFY PLAYLISTS
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To you, Sebastian was everything. 

He was respectful, humorous, organized, passionate, handsome, you name it. He took care of his body, his mind, and his overall well-being.

He has a routine, he’s met his goals and big dreams, people love him. 

When you’re around Sebastian, you feel like you can turn away from him and look back and he’d still be there.

Despite graduating in such a prestigious and demanding major, it didn’t mean your brain was a constructive site. You had slip ups, you had brain farts, you weren’t a system.

To you, Timothée wasn’t everything. 

He wasn’t the most organized and at times his diet consisted of cereal and three iced coffees. Sometimes you wished he would eat a vegetable. Sebastian benches heavier weights, more than what Timothée can do for sure. If they were both put in the ring, Sebastian would win, hands down. 

You can bicker and banter with Timothée all day, but at the end of the day he knows you still care about him. He can read hundreds of “fans” tell him that you aren’t suitable for him, but he’d still blush every time you look at him.

They’re different.

Sebastian could cook you a filling breakfast that wasn’t burnt, while Timothée could publicly take you to your favorite local coffee shop any morning you wanted, the same local coffee shop you had to enter by yourself if you wanted something. Even if you wanted to sit down with your loved one and watch people pass by on the street through the window, talking about your weekend plans, Sebastian wouldn’t couldn’t do it.

Timothée knows that if he were your boyfriend, he wouldn’t let strangers determine who he can or can’t be with.

If they’re so different, why is Timothée’s face slowly replacing Sebastian’s? It’s a new apartment, but the situation is all the same.

“For… me?” you asked slowly, your eyes solemnly staring at Timothée. As Timothée stared at you with wide eyes, obvious fear written in them, you scoffed. “I’ve heard something like this before,” you muttered under your breath as you looked away from Timothée. 

Timothée’s heart dropped as he understood what you were implying. “Y/N, I’m nothing like him, I had a good reason, and I know that me not taking this role wouldn’t-”

“Timothée, he knows you! You talked to him! He admires you! It’s more than you not wanting to take the role, it’s the fact that you probably slipped my name!” 

“Y/N, I didn’t slip your name. Well, technically, I did- But It’s nothing like that. Just listen,” Timothée’s voice began to match yours. As you raked your fingers through your hair all your anxiety and past traumas began to recircle. It’s almost like you’re taking an elevator to the top of the industry, while others are climbing with their bare hands and feet.

“I have nothing more than a Netflix show I didn’t deserve under my resume, Timothée. Tell me it’s not a coincidence that a prestigious man who has worked with you before, who approached you, now wants me to audition for his movie.”

“Y/N, he came up to me and we talked about you but I’m not the one who recommended you. I’m not the reason why he wants you in the cast. Believe me!”

You cut off Timothée with a scoff once again. “I thought you understood what I was going through Timothée. Was everything I was saying just going through deaf ears?”

“I do understand what you went through, Y/N. I’m nothing like him. I want you to know that. I would never hurt you, especially when I’m so- so aware of your situations, past and present. Hell, I was even part of it.”

“Then, why, Timothée, why am I here again?” you asked in a wavering voice. Before you could continue, Timothée stepped closer to you, in an attempt to give you a comforting hug, but instead you took a step back. 

As Timothée’s hands remained in the air before falling down slack by his sides, he slid his hands down his face. “Let me explain, Y/N,” he said in a low, yet stern tone. One that wasn’t asking you to listen, but rather, it held a sense of strictness. All he wants is for you to listen to him. Timothée just got you. He didn’t want to lose you this fast. 


“Timothée, “ someone said behind Timothée as he waited for you to come back inside from talking with Sebastian. As Timothée whipped around to the deep voice that called him, he turned to see one of the directors of his past films standing behind him, a glass of chardonnay in his hand. 

“Oh, hello, sir!” Timothée said as he shook the man’s hand.

“‘Sir?’ Timothée, just call me Marlow. Come on, we worked together. People who I hate only call me sir.  How are you tonight? This party is stunning,” Marlow had said as he peered around the venue, his eyes glazing through the crowd. 

Timothée let out a filler laugh, “Well, um, my night has been, fantastic, all thanks to Rachel really. Without the show, who knows what I’d be doing tonight-” As Timothée looked at the latter, who has yet to respond or react, he followed his eyes scanning eyes. “Are you looking for someone, Marlow?” At the sound of his name, Marlow turned his attention back to Timothée, and without sugarcoating his original intentions, he answered Timothée.

“Yes, I am, actually. Where’s your little girlfriend?”

“Y/N? Oh, she’s not my girlfriend, but she’ll be back soon, she just needed to take care of some quick business. You know how persistent interviewers can get,” Timothée replied. Marlow expressed a small smile behind his glass as he heard Timothée’s response. ‘Didn’t even mention her name, yet, he knows who I’m referring to… Young love,’ he thought.

As a few seconds passed, Marlow sighed. “Since it looks like she won’t be coming back any time soon, I’ll say it. I’d like for the both of you to star in my next film. I believe I sent out my little assistant to inform you both, but I just wanted to make sure I got it directly to you. Don’t get me wrong, your performance in Silver Spoon was good, but her’s… I need that for my next film. So get the word to her, would you?”

Timothée, who’s heart began to beat in excitement, stopped Marlow before he could walk away. “Wait, um, Marlow, I think I’m going to have to decline your offer…” Timothée knew he would get an earful from his manager at the fact that he even attempted to decline an offer from such a prestigious director known for his award-winning films. But he knew that this was your opportunity to be independent and shoot all the rumors of you being dependent on him down. He knew that you were a talented actor all by yourself, to be honest, all the Silver Spoon scenes that delivered you praise didn’t really have a whole lot of him in it anyways. He also knew that as long as he was on that screen in the film, people with no lives would only continue to slander you as a leeching actress. 

“Decline…?” Marlow said as his eyes became dull. “Well, that’s certainly a first… “

“It’s not you, Marlow, it’s just that-”

“Well, as long as you make sure Y/N shows up to my auditions, that’s all that really matters. If you change your mind, I’m sure there’ll still be space for you. Maybe the opposing side’s commanding officer? Well actually, not unless we get Pedro Pascal instead-”

Timothée stood there mouth slightly ajar as he realized that Marlow really just wanted to make sure you were on the cast. ‘Good enough for me,’ he thought.

“Well, Timothée, that’s alright, just promise me you’ll make sure she comes. This film needs Y/N L/N, not Timothée Chalamet’s co-star,” Marlow said before he walked away and blended with the crowd. Timothée sighed to himself in relief.

“Ouch,” Timothée thought back at the fact Marlow didn’t really care as much as he thought he did about his role. As Timothée lifted his hand in a small wave, from the corner of his eyes, he could see your approaching figure from the glass wall.


“Y/N, please, listen to me first. If after you’ve heard my story, and you decide that you don’t accept what I did or why we’re even in this position, then we can call it quits. Just please, listen to me,” Timothée said as his eyebrows furrowed and he stared at you with pleading eyes. You didn’t say anything but rather gave him a look of anticipation, waiting for his response.

“I’ve liked you since I met you, Y/N. I’ve never felt this way before, and- and I don’t know what I’d do with myself if I ended up losing you, because I repeated some dumb shit your ex did,” he stuttered out. “But listen to me, Y/N, he came up to me. I didn’t even bring up your name- Y/N all he was interested in was you. Sure, he wanted to work with me, but I declined for the sole purpose that I wanted you to have a spotlight, and show to those people that you don’t need me or Sebastian.”

“So, you think the only way for me to stand out is that if there were no one else around?” you asked as you stared at the floor. Fatigue had began to settle in your body, your head beginning to throb. 

“That’s not what I wanted it to appear as Y/N. I just thought that it would be better for you. I thought this could be your opportunity to show yourself in a way that- in a way that people can finally recognize your talents, Y/N. I want people to see you the way that I see you.”

Your heart throbbed at Timothée’s last sentence. You didn’t want to be Sebastian Stan’s girlfriend. You didn’t want to be Sebastian Stan’s charity work. You didn’t want to be Emeline Davis’s co-star, nor do you want to be known as Timothée’s. You wanted to be known as Y/N L/N. And you can’t do that if your name always appears second to Timothée’s on a movie poster. 

What’s the harm in Timothée taking a step back from this role? 

As you stood in your apartment wondering why you were so afraid of getting help in a business like this, you realized it was because of the way Sebastian handed you your first role on a silver platter. You can’t go a day without picking up your script and wondering if you even deserved the privilege of delivering it. Because of him, you can’t feel proud of yourself, because, in your head, there was another Miyu Kennedy that was better than you in all aspects.

You clenched your fists as you realized how idiotic you were to even compare Timothée to Sebastian. “I’m sorry, Timothée,” you began to cry into your hands. Timothée’s ears perked immediately at the sound of the first sob. Without hesitation he was by your side, arms around you and you dug your face into his chest. “I’m sorry… I don’t want to fight with you, because you had good intentions. And I’m sorry that I compared you to him.” 

Deja vu.

That’s what it was. It felt the same, and you were beginning to feel the same. But this time, you recognized what was the actual problem. 

Timothée felt his eyes sting as he physically felt your body melt and give out. You were tired. The past months have been hell for you. “It’s going to be okay, Y/N. I’m here for you… I’m sorry that I made you feel this way, that I made it seem as if I had no faith in you. Truth is that I do. I just- I’m scared, Y/N. I don’t want you to see me as him. I’ve always been afraid that I can’t give you what you need, I always felt like that you should be with him, but not anymore.”

A few moments of silence had passed, but the sound of your phone buzzing on a nearby table disturbed it. As he led you to the couch, he went to go grab your phone for you. “I’ll get it for you,” he said. Upon picking up your phone, the name, “Sebastian,” glowed on the screen. Timothée clicked his tongue, “It’s… It’s… Sebastian… I can just ignore it-“

“No, no, it’s okay. I need to talk to him,” you said as you sniffled and composed yourself. Once Timothée handed you your phone, he excused himself to a different room. Hitting the green icon, you waited to hear his voice.

“Hello? Y/N?” you heard Sebastian’s voice. It was it’s usual deep, yet somehow pitched, voice. 

“Hey, Sebastian,” your voice shaky from the crying. “What’s up?”

“Are you okay? You sound like you were just crying, what’s wrong?” Sebastian said, his instinctual response coming out before he could even think. 

“It’s nothing really, so why’d you call?” you asked in an attempt to not speak about your audition.

Sebastian didn’t reply for a few moments, but soon you heard him take a deep shaky breath. “I just wanted to let you know that… I really do want to move on. I want to get over you, I’m on that road now, because I just don’t think there’s room for me in your life, at least not right now. It’s so that we can just be… happier? Living our lives, I guess. I don’t really want to go on a whole tangent about it. But I just- I felt like I needed to say this, and let you know that I’m not trying to win you back, because I think we’ll be happier this way,” Sebastian spilled. “Fuck, Y/N, this is really hard,” he laughed. You gave a small laugh in return as a few more tears went down your cheek. Tears that signified an end to a period in your life where you were tested and your value amongst people were determined. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t do better. I wasn’t there for you in the way that I should’ve, and I’m so sorry I fucked up the past few months. I didn’t know- Fuck, no, I did know what I was doing, I just didn’t know the weight and consequences that came with it. You deserved so much better, I’m sorry for everything I caused. You don’t have to forgive me-“

“Sebastian-“ you cut off, but Sebastian wouldn’t allow it. 

“No, scratch that, I don’t necessarily want you to forgive me any time soon, because as I fix myself as a person, I want you to know that I will change. I will do it.”

You held back tears as you listened to Sebastian, and as Sebastian listened to your harbored breaths, he said goodbye. “I love you, Y/N. I’m sorry… for everything. Till I see you next time…” With that, he hung up.

You set your phone down on the couch as you rest your back on your couch. Tears of relief, sadness, happiness, and pure emotion ran down your cheeks. Sooner or later, you felt the warmth of a certain boy wrap around your shoulder. As you continued to cry, your body resting against Timothée, a weight on your shoulders began to lift. You felt safe in Timothée’s arms. And as you both sat on your couch, the sound of the AC and Timothée’s heartbeat coinciding, your hands clenched around the front of his shirt. You didn’t want him to go away.

For the first time in forever, you looked away and looked back to not see Sebastian there. A barren spot, with nothing but his footprints in the dirt.

But if you looked a little bit further, Timothée was there. He was there waiting for you all this time. He’s been there staring at the back of your head wondering when you’d turn around and look in his direction, anticipating for the moment your eyes would connect with his green ones. 

Sebastian and Timothée are different. 

But in a sense, they’re the same.

They both love you, but one may say the other loved you more. 

One loved you so much that he had to leave, and the other… Well…

He loved you so much he stayed.



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NOTE: THE END, YAYYYY thank you to everyone who stayed for this journey or who just discovered it, my heart is breaking and i hope you aren’t disappointed. <333333 how y’all rockin with it, am sweating rn. OK BUT LISTEN, YOU HAVE TO READ THE EPILOGUE WHEN THAT MF COMES OUT LIKE IT’S ACTUALLY VERY IMPORTANT SO PLEASE DO READ THE EPILOGUE WHEN IT COMES OUT. a more detailed post-tmnh announcement post will be created but for right now, here’s the main event of tmnh ending: A FULL BLOWN “TELL ME, NOT HIM.” Q&A. THIS CAN RANGE FROM “oh why did you write this” or “what was your thought process throughout the whole story” or “what did you mean by-” YOU FEEL?? when submitting questions, you can do it in messages, comments, etc, if you send them Privately, please know that I will post them so let me know if you’d like to be known and credited for the question or if you’d like to stay anonymous. MORE DETAILS SOON. SO READ THE EPILOGUE WHEN IT COMES OUT OR ELSE.

[ posted march 19]

Your Guilty Pleasure


Pairing: Stepdad!Lee Bodecker x 18+F!Reader

Summary: A girl’s journal is sacred. Full of secrets and fantasies that she doesn’t intend for anyone else to see. What happens when the person you long for most discovers yours?

Warnings: Explicit sexual content, stepcest, daddy kink, infidelity, humilation, petnames (babylove, sugar, daddy), invasion of privacy, virgin reader, fingering, pussy eating, vaginal sex, blood play, very light tones of dubcon, coercion, innocence and corruption kink if you squint, a little fluff, a tiny sprinkling of breeding kink, and Lee’s filthy mouth. 18+.

Word Count: 5.4k

A/N: Thank you @navybrat817and@dreamlessinparis for letting me screech about this, and for encouraging my hoe ways, and to @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog for beta'ing. I love you all!

All my works are 18+. If you click the read more tab, you are agreeing that you are 18 or over, have read the warnings and take responsibility for your own media consumption. I do not consent to having my work translated or posted anywhere else.


Dear Diary, 

I’m in trouble. I thought it was just a stupid crush, that it would go away eventually and I’d be able to sit across from him at dinner without feeling shy or anxious. It’s bad enough that I have to be under the same roof as him sometimes, but tonight is worse. So much worse.

I can hear her screeching. I bet he hates that. He doesn’t seem like the kind of guy to enjoy the screaming type. Too superficial. I’m such an idiot. How would I know? Like I have any clue what he likes. Can’t they keep it down? 

I can’t stop thinking about him. About what it feels like to kiss him. He’s hugged me before, but I wanna know what it feels like to be held by him, ya know? When my mom told him he needed to watch his figure at dinner, I wanted to stand up for him. I wanted to tell her that I think he’s perfect just the way he is. She doesn’t even seem to like him most of the time. 

It’s Friday night, and I’m laying in bed listening to my crush fuck my mom. How screwed up is that? Sometimes I close my eyes and imagine it’s me he’s fucking. It’s okay, because it’s not like I’m ever gonna tell him or do anything about it. If I can’t have him, I can at least have my fantasies, right? I can keep them here. Nobody will ever read this. I’ll make sure of that. 

I keep thinking about showing up at the police station. Bringing him lunch maybe. Mom never does that. I think about how happy he’d be to see me, and how much he’d appreciate the thought. But it never stops there. 

I think about him locking his office door and confessing his feelings to me. How he’d tell me that it’s me he wants. That I’m pretty and he’s been desperate to get me alone for months. I think about him kissing me, about what his tongue would feel like in my mouth. God, I’m wet just from thinking about it. I want him to take me. I want him to fuck me. 

Nights like this one are rare. They don’t have sex very often. Fucking walls are cardboard thin in this house so I’d know if they were humping like rabbits. But the jealousy I feel having to listen to them makes me want to throw my goddamn journal out the window. I can hear him pounding her. Would he be gentle with me? Or would he fuck me even harder? 

I guess I’ll never find out, will I? He’s my stepfather. It’s never gonna happen. 

“God-fuckin’-damnit,” Lee grunts, fist wrapped around his throbbing cock as it begins to soften in his grip - the pages of your journal glistening with pearly drops of his come, bleeding into black ink. 

He thinks about trying to wipe the pages clean, but the ever present devil on his shoulder tells him not to. Closing the journal and slipping it back into your pillowcase, he wipes his sticky palm on your comforter and tucks himself away. 

Lee wonders if you know he takes a quiet moment with your memoir every chance he gets. That he gets off to the thought of you touching yourself over him. He doesn’t know how much longer he can restrain himself, especially when you turn into a delicate, doe-eyed doll whenever you’re in his presence. He has wondered why you always look so taken with him, and now that he knows, the thought of experiencing your body for himself rather than reading about all the things you want him to do to it on paper is too strong to push away. 


Dear Diary, 

This morning when I was washing up after breakfast, he brushed up against me. And I felt..it. I heard the little noise he made. At first I just thought I was imagining things, but now I’m not so sure. And he called me ‘sugar’ this morning. ‘Thank you, sugar’, he said. He’s never called me that before. What does it mean? I know it’s wrong. I know I shouldn’t want him like..that. But he’s just so..I don’t even know. He’s not like other boys. He’s not a boy at all. 

Am I going crazy? I feel like I’m going crazy. Mom left for work earlier than usual today. I think they were fighting about something. I tried to listen in, but I couldn’t hear what they were arguing about. I’ve spent the evening trying to stay out of (Lee’s) his way.

My underwear drawer was open when I got home. The new panties I bought are missing, too. I don’t think my mom would take them. Is that what they were arguing about? Does she know that I’ve been having these thoughts? If she did, she’d march me down to church by the collar of my dress. 

I don’t know if I can go back downstairs tonight. I’m not scared of him, I just..I don’t trust myself not to say something stupid, ya know? He’s the Sheriff. He’s not an idiot. Speaking of, he’s been wearing that damn uniform around the house more than usual and it’s driving me crazy. He always used to come home, shower and change immediately. Not anymore. Now he wears it until bedtime. It’s like he knows what it does to me. He doesn’t even take off that stupid utility belt, and I think he might know that I..

The light rapping of knuckles on your bedroom door makes you jump, snapping your journal shut as you shuffle up towards the pillows on your bed. You panic. There’s only one person it can be. Your mom isn’t due home until at least midnight. Just as you open your mouth to speak, the door clicks open. He stands there in your doorway, his thumbs hooked through his belt loops as he rolls back on his heels slightly. 

“What’cha doin’, sugar? Been awful quiet tonight,” he hums, narrowing his gaze at you as it drops to the journal hugged tight against your chest. You swear he almost smirks upon seeing it, slowly dragging his eyes back up to your face as he takes a few steps forward. “Holdin’ onto that thing for dear life. You got some secrets in there you don’t want your momma to know about?”

“No,” you bark a little too hastily, and he chuckles. His fingertips glide across the comforter draped at the end of your bed, his lips twitching into a smirk at the sight of your freshly painted toenails. You didn’t choose the cherry red polish because it was his favourite colour, the same colour has his favourite candy. Or at least that’s what you told yourself when you reached for it without a single thought to any other colour on your vanity earlier that night. “What-what were you and mom fighting about before?” 

Lee raises his eyebrows at you, shaking his head with a lopsided grin as he moves to perch on your bed. You shuffle nervously, tucking your legs beneath you to keep some distance from him. He’s too tempting. You can’t keep your thoughts under control when it comes to him at the best of times, let alone when he’s so close to you. 

“Nosy, ain’t ya?” He teases, turning to face you, looking down at the worn notebook in your grasp once again. Goosebumps rise on your bare legs as you subconsciously tug at the hem of your night dress. Lee’s cool, penetrating stare is enough to set your skin on fire. He doesn’t give you the explanation that you asked for, instead humming as if amused, his fingers reaching for the confessional in your hands. You hold it tighter, your fingertips digging into the cover and your pulse thumping in your eardrum. “Since when did we start keepin’ secrets from each other under my roof?”

He can’t be serious. Your panicked eyes flit from his hand, to your chest and back again. A frantic shake of your head has him hushing you, his tone deceptively soothing as his touch lingers on the back of your hand. “I’m not keeping secrets, I swear. It’s-it’s my diary. Nobody’s ever read this.”

The grin that Lee shoots your way unsettles you somewhat, a knowing look on your face that has you wanting the ground to split open and swallow you whole. He can’t have. There’s no way he would’ve. There’s no way he can know. “N-no. You haven’t. You wouldn’t." 

"I won’t tell nobody what you’ve been cookin’ up in that pretty head a'yours,” he tells you softly, his palm settling at your ankle and giving it a little squeeze. God this, cannot be happening. You should have been more vague. You can’t even try and deny that what you’ve written is about him. It was stupid of you to think that nobody would ever find it. “Gotta say, I’m kinda flattered, sugar. Ain’t had a pretty little thing like you go all doe eyed over me in a long, long time." 

The compliment goes straight to your gut, warmth spreading to your core as you clench your thighs tightly and hope to god he doesn’t notice. But he does. He notices everything, apparently. That’s why you’re in this predicament. 

"I’m not-,” you stutter, feeling your cheeks heat up at his praise-like condescension, “I’m not ‘doe eyed’. It’s just a stupid crush. I didn’t mean it." 

Lee clicks his tongue against his teeth with a smile, calloused palm gliding up towards your kneecap. You’re frozen beneath his touch. You should move. You know you should move and tell him to get out. Threaten to call your mom and tell her what’s happening. 

You don’t.

"Oh, you didn’t mean it, huh? Tell me,” he pauses, sidling closer up the bed until he’s seated next to your thighs, “what exactly were you writin’ when I knocked on your door?”

Your tongue feels heavy in your mouth, and if you weren’t holding onto your book of secrets so tight, you’re pretty sure your hands would be shaking. You’re torn. Torn between throwing all caution to the wind and living out your deepest fantasy and telling him to get the hell out of your room. Your cunt has already made her decision, fluttering and drenched from the slightest of touches at his rugged hands. 

“You’re not shy are you, sugar?” He asks, walking his fingertips up over your bare thigh as his steely, cobalt stare eats you up from the inside out. Your nipples pebble against the thin cotton of your night dress, and the little groan that escapes from his throat at the sight has you clenching once again. “C'mon. Read it. Wanna hear how much of a silly crush you got on me." 

You shake your head from side to side defiantly, gritting your teeth as you grow more frustrated by his playful insistence. His hand settles, fingers nestled at the crease of your thighs and digging into your skin. They’re trembling. They want to fall open for him, and it’s taking everything in you to stop them from doing so. 

"Would it help if I wasn’t starin’ right at you?” He asks, as if that’s the issue. He’s not joking around at all, and for some reason, you’re almost glad. Even if the last thing you want to do is read a single sentence about him from your diary. You tuck your bottom lip between your teeth as you shrink back against the headboard, thighs parting as you go. “Tell ya what, I’ll go easy on ya. You show me what you were writing and I’ll show ya my favourite entry, how 'bout that?”

“Your favourite..how long have you been reading this?” you ask him mortified, shaking his touch from your skin as you shuffle up onto your knees and hide your journal behind your back, out of his reach. 

Lee doesn’t even flinch at your melodrama, instead loosening his tie and dragging his knuckles across the bedspread towards you; the tip of his index finger grazing your knee. He looks you dead in the eye, a look of intent lingering behind those pretty eyes. “I’ve read every single page, sugar. So ya see, there’s no use hidin’ away from me now. I know what you’ve been thinkin’ 'bout.”

Your mind wanders back to a few days ago, the night you caught him exiting your bedroom on your way back from washing up for the night. Your cheeks are hot, brow scrunching together as you internally debate your unlikely situation. You should want to scream at him, rage and cry over the fact that he invaded your privacy like this. That’s what your brain is telling you to do; the sensible part of your brain, at least. But your pussy? The way it dampens your inner thighs and aches to be touched by him? She just wants his attention, no matter the form it comes in. 

Lee’s brows arch in slight surprise as you slowly hold out your hand to him, giving him permission to take the diary from you and read your latest lovesick confession about him. You watch as he flicks to the last written page, a slow, sly smile curling on his plush lips. Tugging on your fingers, you wait. 

“Well, ain’t you the sweetest thing. Sounds like that crush you got ain’t so little after all is it, sugar?” He teases you, his eyes scanning the page once more before he flips back a few entries; handing it back to you as you take it with shaky hands. “Now this one; this one’s got me curious.” 

You want to sink into your mattress, your eyes struggling to read a single sentence of it coherently. Lee chuckles, his fingers toying with the hem of your nightdress. Maybe he’s drunk, you think. He doesn’t smell like bourbon though. Too early for him to be drunk. The semi cohesive part of your mind attempts to reason your way out of it, but the overwhelming desire to live out the fantasies you’ve been pouring over every night is too strong to ignore. 

“Get yourself comfy. Been a while since anyone’s read me a bedtime story,” he grins, and you roll your eyes at his incessant ribbing. Admittedly, albeit in a strange way, it makes you feel at ease somewhat. You do as he says, leaning back against your pillows and stretching your legs out on the bed in front of you. Lee tilts his head to the side, widening his eyes a touch as he silently urges you to obey his shameful command. “Go on, now. From the beginnin’.”

You pull your knees up to your chest, the vivid exposure that you’re about to give him making his eyes glint with anticipation. “D-Dear Diary..” you trail off, looking up from the page to him and training your eyes back down again, “I heard some boys talking at the diner today. Boys are disgusting and selfish,” you read quietly, shuffling your feet against the comforter as Lee nods for you to continue, his fingertips dancing over your shin and causing you to suppress a shudder. “They said-” you pause, nipping at your bottom lip with your teeth as your heart beats like a kickdrum in your chest, “they said boys aren’t supposed to eat pussy.”

Lee lets out a tsk of disapproval, his fingers hooking beneath your knee. His touch is firm and cool against your clammy skin, and it takes every ounce of composure within you to regain your concentration and continue. “They said that they’d never do it, because that’s not what girls are for.” Anger bubbles in your belly as you remember the way they laughed, egging each other on. “I wonder if they’re right. Afterall, whenever I’ve heard my momma and her friends talking about sex none of them have ever mentioned that.”

“Do you think those boys are right, sugar?” he interrupts, moving closer as the heat from his body seeps against yours. He smells like leather and rain, and you can’t help but clench your thighs once again and gulp. His eyes tell you exactly where he’s going with his, devouring you as the silence ticks on. 

“I mean, well, maybe?” you mumble, fiddling with the corner of the page and watching as it curls upwards. His arm hooking beneath your leg makes you gasp and Lee’s stare rolls up to meet yours. He doesn’t say a word, instead tugging your body closer to him as your legs part of their own free, and eager, will. His fingers stroke at the damp flesh of your inner thigh, and you whimper at the motion. Any moment now, you’ll wake. It’ll all have been a dream. But your dreams never felt quite like this. Bravery sparks in your gut. “D-Do boys eat pussy?”

“No babylove,” he hums, and the term of endearment has you swooning internally. Lee sinks to his knees next to your bed, pulling you to the edge of the mattress with him, his big hands spreading your legs wide and his eyes hungrily soaking in the sight of your cotton covered cunt. “Boys don’t eat pussy. Men do. Keep reading.” 

You’re speechless, wide-eyed and strung up inside at the way he talks, the way he looks at you. Like you’re a 8 course tasting menu and he’s about to indulge. You roll your hips just a little, a quiet gesture of consent should he choose to accept it. “I-I wonder if he’d eat my pussy. Probably not. I wouldn’t even know where to look, having somebody down there. What if it’s not..pretty?” 

“Oh, it’s fuckin’ pretty. I know it’s pretty.” You gasp when he curls two fingers beneath the gusset of your panties, slowly peeling them to the side and exposing your aching, virginal cunt to his gaze. This isn’t happening, you think to yourself, mouth gaping while you watch him nuzzle his face against your thigh; dragging his nose across the sensitive pearl between your legs. “Knew you’d smell good, babylove. Sniffin’ those sweet, little panties a’yours just ain’t the same as the real thing.”

“L-Lee..” you whimper, your feet digging into the sheets as your body works on instinct to try and put some space between the two of you. You knew someone had been in your underwear drawer. You’re trapped between his mouth and the headboard, your breaths heavy as he looks up from between your legs. “C’mon now, sugar. Ain’t got to the best part yet.”

“W-would he like the way I taste-oh!” His tongue flattens against your cunt, the sound it makes sending sparks straight to your gut, slick between your folds as your hole clenches against the wet muscle. You feel dizzy, your vision blurring from the sheer disbelief coursing through your veins. 

“Fuckin’ delicious. Better’n candy. Keep readin’,” he grumbles, slurping at your cunt and swiping the tip of his tongue back and forth across your clit. The fact that he’s expecting you to continue while you try to remain composed is maddening, but you push through. 

“I’ve heard him-fuck-heard him with my mom. He knows what he’s doing. Sometimes I think about him coming into my room at night and slipping beneath my sheets. I wanna know what it feels like to have his mouth on me,” you confess, letting your head fall back against the headboard. It’s too good. Too much. Not fucking enough. Lee’s hands grip your thighs roughly, spreading them wide open so he can get his fill. You whine shamelessly as he nuzzles his face from side to side against your drenched pussy, his cheeks glistening with your slick. “Please, can’t read anymore.”

“Jus’ a little bit more, babylove. Do it for daddy,” he smirks, his teeth grazing your fleshy mound. Your eyes bulge, a lump forming in your throat at the title he’s taken for himself. The title you gave him. Lee presses the tip of his index finger against your untouched hole, circling it and spreading your arousal up towards your clit. “You wanna be good for me, don’t ya? Know you do. One last lil’ bit and I’ll give ya what you want.” 

You release your bottom lip from between your teeth, blowing out a shaky breath and doing your best to fulfill his wishes. Even with his lips suckling at your pussy lewdly and your hips bucking down against his face. “I know he’s s’posed to be my daddy now, but I don’t care. I want him. I want him to take my virginity. I just want him to notice me. ” 

The air is still, his lustful assault halted as he wipes his damp cheek against your leg, his greedy eyes never straying from your own. “You want me to pop that little cherry, babylove, or are you still gonna try tellin’ me it’s jus’ a lil’ crush?”

The speed in which you toss the journal aside surprises him, but you’re riddled with fiery lust and you can’t wait any longer. Your fingers grip his collar, impatiently tugging him up your body, the soft bulge of his belly pressing against your cunt. 

You think of all the times you’ve willed him to kiss you, all the times you’ve secretly wished to be beneath him like this. Your hands settle either side of his throat, looking to him to take the lead as your bravery ebbs away. You can feel him, hard against your inner thigh. “Gotta tell me what ya want, sugar. Ain’t gonna take it ‘less you tell me to.” 

You can’t speak, your tongue too heavy in your mouth. You want it. You want it more than you’ve ever wanted anything. The scent of him is intoxicating when he’s close like this, his warm breath fanning your cheeks as you breathe him in. 

Your mouth collides with his, the musky taste of yourself oozing from his lips to yours; his tongue eagerly seeking out yours as he groans and grunts against your lips. You claw at his shirt, making light-yet fumbled-work of the buttons. God, he’s perfect. Just firm enough to overpower you if he chose, yet soft enough to envelop you and make you feel safe. 

“Lift those arms up for me, babylove.” You do as he says instantly, trembling as he rucks up your nightgown and lifts it up over your head. The deep breath he sucks in through his nostrils at the sight of your tits doesn’t go unnoticed by you. The more he looks at you, the more at ease you feel. “Look'it you. Fuck.”

His lips chain down your throat, teeth grazing your nipples, one after the other. He makes you feel dizzy. The kind of dizziness you feel when you get off the tilt a whirl at the fair. Like you’re floating on air and he’s the only thing keeping you out of the clouds. You giggle when his tongue dips into your navel, lips sucking at the flesh of your stomach and leaving a slick pool of saliva in their wake. 

“Please, Lee. Did what you wanted me to do. Gotta gimme what I want now,” you pout, arching yourself into him as he retraces his route back up your torso, sucking a bruise at your neck and smirking against your skin when you scold him for it. “Please, daddy." 

Your hands reach for him as he stands, shrugging his shirt off his shoulders, grinning at you as you ogle his body. You’re hypnotised by him, completely enraptured by the masculinity that radiates from his body. 

You find yourself looking away when he removes his underwear, almost as if instinctive. You’ve seen him shirtless before, but naked? That’s something you’ve never dreamed of seeing. "Gone shy on me again, sugar?” Lee teases, tugging your panties down and crawling back between your legs. 

“I didn’t.. just not how I expected my night to go, is all.” He chuckles at your sweet admission, resting his elbow next to your head and leaning down to devour your mouth again. You grind against him, the weight and warmth of his cock heavy against your clit making you keen for more. “Do it. I want you to fuck me, daddy.”

“Jesus fuckin’ christ, listen t'you.” Your hands cling to his biceps, fingernails leaving little crescent moons behind on his skin as you mumble an apology, knowing damn well he wouldn’t be able to explain those away to your mother. “Been thinkin’ ‘bout this for a while now, you know that? Since Christmas, in fact. ‘Member you wore that pretty red dress with the green bow? Fuck, looked so pretty, babylove.”

Lee reaches down, gripping his length in his hand and tapping the swollen, pink head against your cunt. It clenches, and you can’t wait any longer. Your legs wrap loosely around his waist, and you lean up to steal one more kiss from him. “Please, daddy.”

The sound your pussy makes as he slips the first inch in makes you cringe a little, embarrassed at how wet you are - how much you want him inside you. Lee hushes you, stroking your temple with his thumb as he slowly splits you open, piercing through your purity and seating himself to the hilt with a lustful groan. “Tight lil’ pussy, jus’ for me. Be okay, sugar.” You sob as a sharp pinch of pain rings through your abdomen. “I know, baby. S’gonna start feelin’ real good any second, I promise.”

The second thrust brings just as much discomfort as the first, a stray tear rolling down over your cheek. Lee captures it with his tongue, the salty taste flooding your senses when he kisses you. Kisses you like you’re all the air he needs, and everything in-between. 

Your cunt barely adjusts to his size, and you can feel it all. The hard ridges of his shaft, the prominent vein at the underside of his cock. All of it. Pain melds slowly into comfort and hurtles into pleasure, your face contorting at each stretch of your walls. 

The filth that spills from his tongue is almost as addictive as his cock. Lee pushes your legs back against your chest, hitting an angle that has your body shaking. It’s too much. Too much, and not near enough. You don’t know what you need, don’t know how to ask for it. But you don’t have to; because he already knows. “Most girls don’t get 'ta come on their first try. Gonna make sure you’re one a'the lucky ones. Gonna come all over my cock." 

"There it is. There’s that feelin’,” he purrs, sitting back on his knees and tugging you further down the bed by your thighs. You let out a little moan, panting as his large hands pin you down at the hips; holding you in place as he sets his own rhythm. Your legs feel like jell-o, splayed open and tingling as he admires the sight of your cunt taking his cock; the crimson smears of virtue on his flesh making him grunt. “That little cherry belongs to daddy now, babylove,” he gloats, gathering it up on the pads of his fingers before he reaches for your lips, nestling his digits against your tongue. “Bet its sweet like a fuckin’ cherry, too.”

You nod your head eagerly, babbling nonsense as you hold your legs back for him, looking down entranced as he pounds into you. It’s tender, aches deep in your bones. But fuck, it feels so good. 

Your first orgasm creeps up on you faster than you anticipated, tight, little ministrations of his thumb against your sensitive nub helping you along as your body tenses beneath him. You don’t have time to recover, not when he’s sitting back against the headboard, tugging you onto his lap and sinking your cunt back down onto his dick. It burns hotter now, that feeling in your belly that you’ve already grown to crave. 

“Wanna watch you, babylove. Wan’ you to ride daddy. Know you been humpin’ on that pillow. It’s just like that,” he tells you gently, his rough hands gripping your waist and guiding your movements. You wind your hips back and forth, grinding yourself down against him as he let’s you set your own pace. “That'sa good girl. You got it. You’re a fuckin’ natural." 

His praise urges you on, your hands settling on his broad shoulders and raking down over his soft chest as you rise and fall gently on his shaft, flesh slapping with flesh as his thighs hold you steady. Lee’s hands move to cup your tits, pinching at your nipples and caressing your clavicles while he watches you pleasure him. The look on his face has you fucking him harder, with more intent. You want to drag the same pleasure he gave you, out of him. 

“C’mon daddy,” you whisper, and the sound is debauched coming from your lips. He grits his teeth, bending his knees and thrusting up into your soaked cunt. You’re so high, so fucking high on the feeling he gives you. His hand grips your throat, and you preen at the notion, pushing further into his grasp and letting him use your pussy for his own gain. Stroke after stroke of bliss, that newly familiar heat in your gut rising once again. 

“Can’t-shit-can’t come inside you, babylove.” Your brow crumples in disappointment, riding him with a new insistence that has him cursing under his breath. The sharp slap of his palm against your ass, followed by a possessive grab at your flesh makes you cry out, a low rumble escaping his throat. “You want daddy t’keep fuckin’ you? Won’t be much of a secret if you got my baby in your belly, will it?” 

His words shouldn’t affect you the way they do, the thought of his seed deep inside you, your body belonging to him completely - it’s fucking riveting. He can see it on your face too, and a twisted smirk forms on his lips; sharp thrust after sharp thrust, stretching and molding your cunt to perfection. Lee pulls his cock free, a disappointed whimper catching in your throat. “Stroke daddys cock,” he instructs, guiding your hand as you wrap your fist around his heavy girth and jerk him slowly. You’re not sure if you’re doing it right, but if the sounds coming from his mouth are anything to go by, you most certainly are. 

“That’s it, sugar. You got it. Jus’ like that. So fuckin’ close,” he hisses, returning the favour and letting his fingers toy with your cunt, two fingers slipping in and out of your used hole and massaging that tender spot inside you. You could watch him teetering on the edge of bliss for hours. You know he’s waiting for you, know he wants you to feel good. But you’re too focused on him to let your guard down long enough to come again. “Can’t hold back much longer.” 

“Then don’t hold back, daddy. I wanna watch you. Wanna see what you look like. Wanna remember it,” you confess, wrapping your other fist around him and pumping him eagerly in both hands. It’s beautiful, his cock throbbing and threatening to burst all over your fingers. You gasp softly at the first droplets of come, licking your lower lip and wondering what it tastes like. He yells out a curse, gripping the sheets beside him and jerking his hips up into your hands, letting you milk him dry until he’s whimpering. “Beautiful daddy,” you praise him, the warmth of his spend coating your fingers, sloppy wet against his stomach. 

You try not to look at the clock on the nightstand, knowing your mother is probably due home sooner than you’d like. A twinge of guilt hits you, but you shove it away, determined to enjoy the feel of Lee’s body against yours. Your body sags against his, head resting on his chest as he tucks your head beneath his chin. His arms are tight and firm around you, lips grazing the top of your head and his cock pulsing as it softens against your belly. 

You’ve always wanted to know what it would feel like to be held by him.

And now that you know, you don’t think you’ll ever get enough. 

A/N: I no longer have a tag list, but if you want to keep up to date with what I post follow my sideblog, @sweetersficlibrary​, and turn on alerts to be notified whenever I post something new


(gif is not mine, all credits go to the author)

to remind of the rules :

you chose one possibility out of all five, ending with three elements then you send it to me and i write you a full fic on whatever you sent :)


  • bucky barnes
  • carter baizen
  • nick fowler
  • mickey from monday
  • frank from ending beginnings


  • secret service!au
  • witch!au
  • mafia!au
  • demon!au
  • rocker!au


  • different worlds
  • spontaneous vs serious
  • too dumb to be left alone
  • kidnapped
  • sworn off relationship



Summary:After taking an accidental detour on your way to a remote getaway, you and boyfriend Zach end up in the middle of nowhere with no other option than to spend the night at a seemingly desolate motel.

Still covered in the blood of their latest victim, killer duo Steve and Bucky head to the nearest motel to freshen up before hitting up the closest bar in search of a couple of one night stands to top their night off.

But when your paths cross, and the friends bear witness to the disrespectful way you’re treated, they decide to take out their pent up energy on you and Zach instead.

Characters:Dark!Steve x F!Reader x Dark!Bucky.


Warnings:non-con/dub-con, explicit sexual content, dom!Steve (ish), unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it kids), threesome, double penetration, anal play, anal sex, spit roasting, deep throating, oral sex (male and female receiving), multiple orgasms, mentions of cheating, (sort of) cuckolding, voyeurism, pistol whipping, creampie, murder, violence, Stockholm Syndrome (if you squint), 18+.

A/N:Formerly a Patreon exclusive. Beta:@princessmisery666​ but all the general bullshit is entirely mine.


“Do you want me to drive?” you ask, eyes spanning the dark highway ahead while chastising yourself as the question falls from your lips. 

Keep reading


i have no words, only incoherent sounds


pairing: Chase Collins x Reader

Ghost Adventures, a tv show host by Zak Bagans. he’s also the neighbour of Y/N. What would happen if one day he needs an extra crew member for his team and the next location : Ipswich.

A/N:this is my entry for @thewritingdoll freaky500 writing challenge


warnings:angst, fluff

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Amore (Bucky Barnes x Female Reader)

This song inspiration request was sent in by @caritobbg for the song “You Are My Everything (Grande Amore)” by Il Volo. After listening to the song, I looked up a little bit about the group as my idea for the story came together. I do not speak Italian, so I hope I got the phrasing right. Enjoy! :)

warnings: nothing really. Just some mutual pining and sicky sweet fluff!!!

Bucky laid in bed and stared up at the ceiling of his bedroom for what felt like the millionth night in a row. Ever since you had joined the Avengers a few months ago, he found himself lying awake most nights just thinking about you. It was like you had him under some spell and he could think of nothing else except you.

Even during training or missions, when he had usually been so laser focused, he was now finding himself keeping an eye on you instead of the target in front of him. While it was usually frowned upon to let your mind drift during such a time, it had saved your life today. Had he not been watching you instead, he would have missed the trap you had unknowingly walked into at the Hydra base they were inspecting. Instead of falling to a certain death, you had only ended up with cuts and bruises, along with a cracked rib. He had seen those fighting beside him get injured before, but none of those times felt like they did when it was you.

Now sure what time he had finally dozed off last night, he awoke a few hours later to find the morning light beginning to creep into his room. After grabbing a quick shower, he threw on his work out gear and made his way downstairs. Just as he had entered the kitchen to grab a quick bite before heading to the gym, he saw you standing on the balls of your feet as you desperately tried to reach your coffee mug that someone had put on one of the higher shelves. Seeing you struggling due to your injury the previous day, Bucky jumped into action without a second thought.

“Here, doll. Let me get that for you.”

Not hearing him come into the room, you jumped slightly before realizing who was standing behind you. At the sight of Bucky, you immediately relaxed and stepped out of the way to give him better access to the cabinet. When he handed the mug to you, you gave him a polite smile before turning to head towards the coffee pot.

“Grazie amore mio…”

As he turned to grab a bottle of water and an apple, he saw Natasha standing in the doorway giving the two of you a strange look. After waiting until you left the room, she smirked at Bucky as she moved to make her own cup of coffee to wake herself up.

“So… when did thathappen?”

Buck was confused with the question as he turned to look back at her before leaving the room.

“What do you mean?”

“I wasn’t aware that the two of you were a thing now.”

Her statement did nothing to help clear his confusion. With the lack of sleep, he was already short tempered and not in the mood to play twenty questions with the Russian spy this morning.

“We aren’t a thing, Romanoff. What gave you that impression?”

Hiding her smirk behind her cup as she stared at him to get a better read on him, Natasha didn’t see any signs of a lie.

“That’s not what it sounded like to me, Barnes. Since when do the two of you exchange sweet nothings in Italian?”

“Sweet nothings? I thought she told me that meant thank you. All I did was get her cup down for her.”

As she walked by him to head into the living room, she patted him on the shoulder and gave him a grin he didn’t understand.

“Yes, Buck, grazie does mean thank you. However, our girl said grazie amore mio.”

“I’m not following you.”

“It translates to thank you my love. When you travel around Europe as a secret spy, you tend to pick up on ways to seduce a man in many different languages…”

Too stunned to speak, Bucky stood frozen in place as Natasha left the room with a huge smile on her face. After going down to attempt his work out, he couldn’t get the woman’s words out of his head. Is that really what you had been saying to him all along? Were you really calling him your love? Surely it was just a term of endearment, and you couldn’t possibly have meant it in the same way Natasha had implied.

Nearly thirty minutes later, he hadn’t even broken a sweat yet due to his complete distraction. In that moment, he made a choice. He was going to confront you about the true meaning of your wording. Either you felt the same as he did and the two of you could see where those feelings led, or he was just a friend to you, and he would finally know where he stood and could get back to focusing on other things again.

Just before he knocked on the door to your room, he finally realized what he was actually doing, and his nerves nearly got the best of him. Bucky had just put his hand back down and fought the urge to walk away when the door in front of him opened and you appeared. The sight of him in the doorway slightly startled you as you nearly walked right into him as you stepped through the door.

“Oh! Hey Buck.”

He offered a quiet greeting back and couldn’t help but just stare at you. You were no longer wearing your pajamas from earlier and appeared to have just stepped out of the shower. When he didn’t respond with anything else, your face shifted into a mixture of confusion and nervousness.

“Did… did you need something, Bucky?”

The question was enough to snap him out of his daze.

“Yeah, I uh… I just wanted to talk to you about something, but it appears that I picked a bad time. I didn’t realize you had somewhere to be. I’ll just catch you later.”

Just before he started to walk away, you smiled at him and shook your head.

“It’s alright. I was just going down to Nat’s room. She said she would rewrap my bandage around my ribs for me once I got dressed. It can wait. Did you… did you want to come inside?”

With a polite smile and nod of his head, he watched as you stepped aside and allowed him to enter the space. It was the first time he had stepped foot inside your room, but he immediately noticed how all the small accents you had added to the space were completely you somehow. All of the rooms were identical in design, but yours just seemed more… welcoming. Seeing the bandage in your hand, he licked his lips and tried to keep his voice steady.

“I can do it. If you want me too… I’ve done it before. If you’re comfortable with that. If not, it’s fine if you would rather have Natasha do it.”

Bucky was pleasantly surprised when you handed the roll of bandages over to him along with the clip to secure them.

“I don’t mind.”

He welcomed the distraction, but quickly realized that the task was more personal than he originally thought. Even though the fabric was being applied over the tank top you were wearing, it still required him to get quite close to you. Giving you the start of the band to hold against you, he wrapped his arms around your torso as he passed the bandages between his hands, making sure to keep it tight and secure to help support your ribcage as it healed. Just as he was finishing up, he looked down just in time to see you look up at him for a brief moment. That one look was enough to cause the atmosphere around the two of you to become slightly charged. You watched him as he stood perfectly still in front of you, mere inches away, without breaking the intense eye contact that had developed you.

“The clip?”

Bucky jumped into action at the mention of the item still in his hand.

“Oh, right. Yeah. Sorry.”

After quickly fastening the metal clip to secure the end of the bandage against the previous wraps around your body, he stepped back to put distance between you and him once again. Running his fingers through his hair, he tried to get his thoughts and emotions back under control.

“What was it you needed to talk to me about, Buck?”

Turning to face you, he found it difficult to breech the subject. His hand went up to the back of his neck as he glanced down at the floor to avoid your gaze.

“I…uh… need to ask you something… It’s about the bits of Italian that we’ve talked about. Apparently, this morning, Natasha overheard you in the kitchen telling me thank you and she… she told me what the full phrase means…”

You had been unaware that Nat was even in the room at the time, let alone the fact that she apparently spoke Italian as well. There was no denying the heat that crept upon your cheeks and you didn’t need a mirror to know that a flush was spreading across them.

“Oh… and umm… what exactly did she say? That it means?”

Not finding any other way around it, he just came right out and said it. Bucky knew that he had already opened the door to this discussion and there was no way to get out of it now. He was at a crossroads right now and he had no idea which direction he would be heading after this. After letting out a long sigh, he just came right out and said it.

“She said it doesn’t just mean ‘thank you’, it means ‘thank you my love’… Did you mean it the way it came across? Is that how you see me, doll? As your love?”

He watched as you studied his expression for a moment. In his heart, he knew what you were doing in your head right now. There was an internal struggle taking place that he could see behind your eyes. You were trying to read his body language to decide how you would answer his question. If he seemed upset with the notion, you would absolutely deny it and make certain to never say it again. However, if he seemed please with it, you would either be confirming that you meant it the way Natasha saw it, or you would let him down gently and let him know that you didn’t return his feelings. Just before you opened your mouth to speak, he stepped in and took the pressure off of you.

“Before you answer that, let me just say one thing first.”

The relief flooded your face as you looked down to where he had reached out and lightly grasped your arm to capture your attention. When you didn’t pull away, he seemed content to leave it resting there for now as he spoke.

“I just want you to know that no matter which way you meant it, I am okay with it. I need you to know that for me, I truly hope you meant it as something more. I should have said something much earlier to you, but I am absolutely enchanted by you, sweetheart. I have been since the day I met you. When you’re not around, I find myself obsessing over your smile, your laugh, the way your expression and your body language gives away any emotion that you are feeling! I love the way you always find a way to make every person in the room feel included and the way that even just the sight of you is enough to brighten my day. The thought of you makes it impossible to sleep, or to think, or to even focus on anything else but you. It was my feelings for you that prevented us from losing you yesterday without a second to spare. I hate that you got hurt when I prevented you from falling, but I would do it a million times again if that meant that I got to wake up to see your beautiful face this morning.

I wanted to say all of this to you for so long, but just haven’t had the courage to do so until this very moment. Even if you tell me that you didn’t mean it that way and that I am just a friend to you, at least I will know that I took a chance and told you how I felt about you. That being said, I really do wish you meant it, because you are myamore…my love…”

Bucky didn’t have to wait for very long to receive your answer. The longer he spoke, the wider your smile became until it spread across your face. With a slight bite of your lip as you pushed down the butterflies in your stomach, you carefully lifted up on to your toes while resting your hand on his chest to steady yourself. He barely had a moment to register what was happening before you softly pressed your lips to his. The kiss was sweet and delicate, but it was enough to let him know all he needed to know. With a dazed expression, he stared back into your eyes as you pulled away to look at him once again.

“The first time I let the term of endearment slip, I was relieved to know that you didn’t understand Italian so I could play it off as something casual at the time. After that, it just kind of… stuck. I had no idea that Nat spoke Italian, although it shouldn’t surprise me given her background. I’ve had feelings for you for quite some time now, Buck, but I couldn’t tell how you felt about me. You’ve always been polite and kind, and you usually seem so interested in anything I have to say, but I didn’t know if those mannerisms were out of friendship or something else. So, to answer your question… yes, Bucky Barnes, I meant it in the way you were hoping. I do consider you my love… amore mio.”

He was speechless. All he could do was smile back at you as the entire world disappeared, leaving only you and him standing there staring at each other. Placing his hand against your cheek, he slowly leaned down and kissed you this time, letting his lips linger slightly longer than you had a moment ago. Bucky had a feeling that his thoughts of you were far from fading anytime soon, but at least now he could express them to you.

He also knew he planned to learn more Italian going forward, and he knew the perfect person to teach him.


— Lee pushes you past your limit.

pairing:lee bodecker x reader
this is an explicit fic. 18+ only.
part of my (closed) lake house getaway.
warnings:omorashi (piss kink/holding kink), ddlg undertones, daddy kink, degredation
a/n:based off the prompt ‘lee bodecker + patience’. thank you to a dear friend (who will remain unnamed) for brainstorming with me and providing some of the lines. you know who you are, you’re awesome. please be kind to me, this is my first time exploring my omorashi kink in writing. not beta read.


It had been a nice day.

Lee had taken you to the next town over for lunch, where a new diner had opened up and then a picnic in the nearby park.

Going out with Daddy was your favourite.

You’d have little adventures with him, and one way or another, you always ended up with a full tummy and pussy full of Daddy’s cream at the end of the day.

Although Daddy had been a little mean. He’d pumped you full of multiple water bottles, opening a new one as soon as you finished the last one.

It was nice to stay hydrated in the sweltering heat, but your bladder quickly started to fill with the never-ending succession of water entering your system.

By the time you returned to his cruiser, the sun beginning to set in the skyline, your thighs were clenching together.

You really needed to pee.

“Daddy.. Can we stop at a bathroom, please?” You begged, watching the way Lee’s eyes raked over you, a smirk forming on his lips at the sight of your tensed legs.

“No. You have to hold it, princess. We can use the bathroom at the station. I need to drop in on my way home.” There was something about the sultry drop in Lee’s tone that had your core tight for another reason. Daddy always affected you like this, your body responding to the slightest changes in his voice.

You waddled into the car, letting out a little whine as you got into the passenger seat, the pressure worsening. “Daddy… m’really need to go..”

“I said no,” Lee snapped, gripping your chin with his thick fingers. They still smelt like your wetness from when he fingered you in the park earlier. “I know you’re a dumb fuckin’ baby, so maybe you didn’t understand Daddy the first time. You will fuckin’ hold it.”

Tears welled in your eyes, your hips squirming into the plush seat.

Ithurt. Your fingers dug into your thighs as you whimpered.

“Tell Daddy what you’re gonna do, princess.”

“M’gonna hold it.”

Lee tapped your cheek with his fingers, giving a toothy grin. “That’s right, darlin’. You’re gonna hold it and not ruin Daddy’s seats. Otherwise, you’re in for a hard spakin’.”

You sat back in your seat, whining when you buckled your seatbelt, and Lee started the cruiser. The vibrations mixed with the pressure from the fabric made your need to go so much worse, and you looked longingly at the public bathroom as Lee pulled away from the park.

“Have some more water, princess,” Lee demanded, holding out the bottle to you. This had to be your sixth bottle by now, and it had your stomach churning as tears of frustration and need threatened to spill over.

“But.. But I’m so full, Daddy.” You took the bottle with shaky hands, watching the liquid swish against the plastic, the sight only making you want to piss more.

“You’re full when I say you’re full. We’ve got thirty minutes before we get back, and I don’t want you getting dehydrated in the sun,” Lee eyed your tears that began to trickle down your cheeks, letting out a low chuckle. “Fuckin’ crybaby. You need to piss so fuckin’ bad you’re crying about it? You’re just makin’ Daddy wanna pull over and fuck you ‘til you piss everywhere like a brainless puppy without housetrainin’.”

You sniffled with a hiccup, rubbing your eyes. “Bein’ mean, Daddy.”

“Oh c’mon, princess. I know how wet you get when Daddy treats you like a fuckin’ dog.”

He was right. Oh, he was so fucking right.

From his words alone there was a wetness pooling in your panties, a wetness that was going to get a lot worse if you didn’t get a bathroom soon.

“Now make Daddy proud and drink up. Don’t make me ask again.”

You knew that tone. The ‘do what I saw and don’t fuck with me’ attitude that Lee fell into when he’d had enough of playing around.

You wanted to make Daddy proud so fucking badly.

So, you took the cap off the bottle, ignoring the screaming pulses from your bladder as you swallowed the clear liquid.

Oh,fuck, this was so much worse.

A cold sweat began to form on your clammy skin, sweat beading on your forehead as you threw your head back against the seat and squeezed your eyes shut.

Hold it. Hold it. Hold it.

The chanting didn’t make the twinging pain lessen. Your free hand gripped your thigh, nails digging in hard enough to leave crescent marks in your flesh.

Not even the low drawl of the music on the radio could distract your mind enough from how much you needed to pee.

Maybe you could just let out a little? But Daddy would know. Daddy always knew. And you didn’t want to ruin the seats of Lee’s cruiser. He’d be so disappointed.

God knows how, but you kept drinking until the bottle crinkled empty. Time was an illusion as all you focused on was clenching as hard as you could the entire drive.

Lee may have been speaking to you, but nothing registered as your breathing turned laboured.

Everything hurt. Your entire being felt as if you could combust with how badly you needed to piss.

You couldn’t piss yourself. It was shameful – humiliating. Daddy told you to hold it so you would. But God, you really needed to go.

You let out a whimper as Lee parked outside the station.


Your toes were curling in your trainers as you wiped your damp hands off on your blue sundress.

This was fine. You could make it.

But as Lee opened your car door and helped you out, you realised you wouldn’t make it if you didn’t find a bathroom right now.

“Daddy,please, need da’bathroom,” your weak voice sounded, taking little steps as you clutched at your stomach.

“Patience, princess. Daddy just needs to say hi first.”

A sorrowful no left your lips as Lee pulled you into the main room, where there were several desks, and multiple deputies milling about on the evening shift.

“Sheriff,” one of them tipped their hat in greeting, and you watched in horror as Lee just stood there chatting with them.

You tried to sneak off, but Lee kept a firm grip on your arm that kept you unable to flee.

Hold it. Hold it. Hold it.

The sound of the bubbling water cooler invaded your ears like nails on a chalkboard as one of Lee’s deputies filled a cup of water, bringing it to you with a small smile. “You look thirsty, ma’am. It’s awful hot out there.”

Lee’s gaze turned to you. “Well, look at that fine hospitality. Drink up, darlin’, don’t wanna be rude now, do ya?”

You didn’t want to be rude. But you couldn’t.

“I—” You couldn’t even speak. Everything hurt. Your bladder pulsed painfully with each passing moment. “Thank you,” you squeaked, taking the cup with trembling hands.

It was like everyone in the station was staring at you, waiting for you to drink.

Okay, it’s just a little water. It’s fine.

You took a gulp, offering a weak smile to the deputy as he seemed content.

A wobbly gasp passed your lips as your bladder spasmed, and it felt like your heart was in your throat.

Lee was still caught up in idle conversation, and you knew how mad he got when you interrupted.

“Da—” You started, but your words got cut off by a mewl as a sharp pain shot right through you.

No no no no no no no.

You keeled over, abdomen convulsing as the first trickle of piss ran down your leg.

Oh no.

As soon as it started, you couldn’t tense anymore, your muscles weakened.

You started crying as you pissed on the linoleum floor, everyone in the room stopping to watch you.

It was everywhere. All over your dress, panties, socks and shoes, and the floor below.

Thank God none seemed to splash onto Lee.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, m’so sorry,” you sobbed, but the relief felt so good. It was as if you were euphoric as the pressure released, the pain subsiding so that all you were left with was a deep embarrassment.

You started crying harder when you looked around the room and saw Lee and his deputies laughing at you.

Lee’s hand moved to the back of your neck, grip firm as he forced you onto your knees, lowering your face so it was inches away from your mess. “What do you have to say for yourself, hm?”

“M’sorry, Daddy. Made me drink so much today, can’t hold it,” your skin felt hot with humiliation as your tears dropped into the piss below, and to your horror, more dribbled out of your bladder with a whine.

Lee’s still laughing at you as he pulls your panties tight against your cunt, watching as your piss dripped from the baby pink fabric. Your clit throbbed under the pressure.  “Dumb baby can’t even hold her piss. You enjoy dirtying daddy’s work? Making a mess that needs cleanin’?”

You shake your head, your mind a mess of lust, shame and relief. You don’t think you could even talk if you tried. All you could process was how the fabric stuck uncomfortably to your skin, and everything was drenched.

“C’mon, stupid baby, stick that little tongue out and get to work lickin’ it up nice and good. If you’re a good girl, Daddy will let you hump his leg like a needy whore.”


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new chapter | sebastian stan | ongoing

sebastian stan x original female reader [series]

summary: actress neve dobrev, older identical twin sister of actress nina dobrev was shocked, stunned, and hurt to find out that her fiancé rapper drake had cheated on her and was allegedly the father of a baby with the woman he had cheated with. breaking up with her now ex-fiancé, neve has to pick up the pieces of her broken heart and start a new chapter in her life. what happens when months later, neve decides to start a new chapter with an old friend and that old friend is none other than mr. sebastian stan?

new chapter: [05.06.2022 - tba]


nina dobrevasnevena “neve” dobrev / herself
sebastian stanashimrself
aubrey “drake” grahamashimself
marvel actors and actressesasthemselves

new chapter | sebastian stan |

sebastian stan x original female character [series]

summary: actress neve dobrev, older identical twin sister of actress nina dobrev was shocked, stunned, and hurt to find out that her fiancé rapper drake had cheated on her and was allegedly the father of a baby with the woman he had cheated with. breaking up with her now ex-fiancé, neve has to pick up the pieces of her broken heart and start a new chapter in her life. what happens when months later, neve decides to start a new chapter with an old friend and that old friend is none other than mr. sebastian stan?

warnings: talks of cheating

word count: 371

a/n: none



May 7, 2017

Nev Dobrev has broken off her engagement and has ended her relationship with ex-fiancé Drake, Us Weekly has confirmed. The actress, 28, shared the news on Instagram on Sunday, May 7, posting a statement from the actress.


TMZ reported that the rapper had cheated on the actress with retired porn star Sophie Brussaux in January 2017. Brussaux claims that she is pregnant with the rapper’s child, which he denies.

“This past Wednesday has been the most humiliating, embarrassing, horrible, sickening, heartbreaking day of my life. I had found out via TMZ that the man I was in what I believed was a committed, loving romantic relationship with for eleven years and engaged for six months had cheated on me. I had found out that he had cheated on me multiple times throughout our relationship. I also found out that the woman he had recently cheated with is currently pregnant and is claiming him as the father,” the statement read.

“After talking, confronting, and finding out the truth, I have decided to end my engagement and relationship with Aubrey. I do not condone any form of cheating. I will not continue to be in a relationship with someone who has hurt me in ways that I did not think were possible from someone who promised to love me and always be faithful to me and our relationship. I am asking the public to please let me deal with this situation privately as I now have to close this chapter of my life and somehow find the strength to start the next chapter. I will be taking time off from work and social media for the time being. I like to thank my family, friends, and fans for the undying love and support that has been shown and given to me in the past few days. I love you all from the bottom of my heart. - Neve.”

The pair met while filming the Canadian tv series Degrassi: The Next Generation back in 2006. They began dating shortly after and became engaged in November 2016.

Drake has not released a statement.

published: 05/06/2022

new chapter | sebastian stan |

sebastian stan x original female character [series]

summary: actress neve dobrev, older identical twin sister of actress nina dobrev was shocked, stunned, and hurt to find out that her fiancé rapper drake had cheated on her and was allegedly the father of a baby with the woman he had cheated with. breaking up with her now ex-fiancé, neve has to pick up the pieces of her broken heart and start a new chapter in her life. what happens when months later, neve decides to start a new chapter with an old friend and that old friend is none other than mr. sebastian stan?

warnings: real tmz article, talks of cheating and abortion

word count: 425

a/n: this story is for entertainment purposes only. i did copy this article from tmz but have edited and added a few things. you can find the real article on tmz.


She Claims, But He Calls BS

EXCLUSIVE 5/3/2017 11:28 AM PT


Drakecheated on his fiancée, actress Neve Dobrev withSophie Brussaux back in January 2017.

Sophie, who was hanging out with Drake back in January, claims she is pregnant with his baby, and she says she has text messages to prove it. Drake however, is calling BS.

Sophie has already hired a big NYC lawyer, Raoul Felder, to get the paternity/child support ball rolling. She claims she is 3 ½ months pregnant and pins down conception to either January 20 or 21. The pic was taken January 24 at a Japanese restaurant in Amsterdam.

The woman, a retired porn star, has what she says are text messages between her and Drake, which purport to say the following:

Drake: I want you to have an abortion.

Brussaux: I can’t kill my baby simply to indulge you sorry.

Drake: Indulge me? F*** you.

Brussaux: What?

Drake: You do know what you’re doing you think you’re going to get money.

She says she’s having a girl.

Drake has been engaged to longtime girlfriend Neve for six months but has been dating the actress for almost eleven years. The two had met on the set of the Canadian tv series Degrassi: The Next Generation back in 2006.

We reached out to Neve’s people but have not received a response.

We also reached out to Drake’s people, who say, “This woman has a very questionable background. She has admitted to having multiple relationships. We understand she may have problems getting into the United States. She’s one of many women claiming he got them pregnant.”

The rep goes on, “If it is in fact Drake’s child, which he does not believe, he would do the right thing by the child.”

The rep says he has no idea whether the purported text message is even real or out of context because they haven’t seen the actual text.

The rep says Brussaux had sex with another big rapper at the same time as Drake, adding the other rapper has all but acknowledged it’s his kid.

The rep ended with, “Drake is accepting full responsibility for his infidelity to his fiancée Neve. He knows the hurt and pain he has caused her and is currently working on getting in contact with her.”

Drake is currently in Los Angeles, and Neve is in Toronto, staying in their manor house.

Sophie Brussaux’s attorney Raoul Felder, of Felder and Nottes, declined to comment.

published: 05/06/2022
