#lee jong suk


These Ships are the top ones that gave me the FEELS! They had the BEST CHEMISTRY in my opinion.

I think as I watch at least 10 more kdramas, I’ll do a top 10 best ships, top 5 worst chemistry, and top 10 ‘blah’ chemistry. 

5.Lee Min-ho & Kim Hee-sun asChoi Young & Yoo Eun-soo



4. Lee Min-ho & Park Shin-hyeasKim Tan & Cha Eun-sang

The Heirs


3. Park Hyung-sik & Park Bo-youngas Ahn Min-hyuk & Do Bong-soon

Strong Girl Bong Soon


2. Lee Jong-suk & Han Hyo-jooas Kang Chul & Oh Yeon-joo

W two Worlds


1. Park Seo-joon & Park Min-youngas Lee Young-joon & Kim Miso

Whats Wrong With Secretary Kim


In total I have finished watching 20 K-Dramas and I’m currently watching Goblin, so that will not be included in this list. 

The first drama I ever watched was on Netflix, ‘12 Year Promise’. I was sooo hooked with the first half of it…little did i know that the next 19 dramas that I was going to watch were 100x’s better!!! So I guess I’m addicted. I already know most of the tropes, and I have my favorites….which I’ll list in another post. For now, here is my PERSONAL ranking :) 

(Disclaimer: most of the dramas have the same 3 actors [Lee Minho, Park Seojoon, Lee Jongsuk], because I fell in love with them and then HAD to watch the rest of their work…sorry for the lack of diversity. lol)

20. 12 Year Promise

It had a good premise and lots of potential, but the change of actors and incomplete ending made the drama suffer. 

19. My First First Love

This was the latest drama that I finished. I thought it was cute, I was more interested in the second male lead though. It wasn’t exciting enough to keep me hooked.

18. Doctor Stranger

It was a good interesting story. I didn’t think I would enjoy a medical drama, but it WAS intriguing. I just disliked the main female lead. I was rooting hard for the second female lead. 

17. She was Pretty

I was really interested in the premise of this drama. But once again it lacked in chemistry from the main leads. Overall I enjoyed it though. 

16. Witch’s Romance

Loved the premise. It was a Noona romance which was pretty hot at first, but when they started dating, their age difference really showed and it was no longer organic.

15. I Can Hear Your Voice

Good story. I learned about their justice system, but it lacked romance, which is a MUST for me. 

14. Romance is a Bonus Book

Very down to earth Noona romance. I didn’t go crazy for their chemistry, but they tried their best and it showed. 

13. Pinocchio 


story!!! Opened my eyes to the different sides of the media. It did drag a bit and not enough ROMANCE!

12. City Hunter



drama! So much action that I’m sure my husband would enjoy. But I needed more romance/happiness :( 

11. Faith: The Great Doctor

If you like

Historical dramas, action, science fiction, fantasy, medical, && romance

….then this drama is for you! It was all over the place, but i actually enjoyed it. It was also a Noona romance, but it actually worked for me! Their chemistry was amazing even though they literally shared one kiss.

10. Personal Taste

I never know which one i should rank higher, this one or Faith, but i guess this one because it was more relatable. The female lead’s role is my favorite thus far. Spirit animal!!! This drama is also one of the most


of all the ones I’ve seen. 

9. While You Were Sleeping

Great story and premise. It had fantasy elements that where hard for me to fully follow, but it was good. I wish there was more chemistry. 

8. Legend of The Blue Sea


story! Great romance, great visuals……the only reason why its ranking kinda lowish is because Lee Minho has had better chemistry with other actresses, but it was still great!

7. Fight for My Way

Another down to earth drama, very relatable and showcases beautiful friendships. Plus you get to see Park Seojoons

beautiful abs

multiple times!!!!!

6. Boys Over Flowers

Although this drama is not on my top 5, its probably one of the main ones that I can watch a million times. It may seem a simple drama, but it has excellent acting and a romance that had me hooked. 

5. Hwarang: The Poet Warrior Youth


!!! I was at first turned off by the fact that it was a historical drama…but beeettccchhhhh!!!! Its amazing! I LOVED IT! And the boys!!!!!!!!!!! HOT AF! Their friendship was everything! I did NOT like the romance pairing, it felt like it lacked chemistry, but the overall quality made me forget about that.




4. Strong Girl Bong Soon

Again, great story….romance made me squeel!!!!


as well. Could also be a great drama for beginners!


3. W: Two Worlds


intriguing plot! A bit hard to follow the possible plot holes, but it doesnt matter as long as Lee Jongsuk smiles ;) PERFECT romantic chemistry!!!! I couldn’t get over it! I think they are

my favorite couple



2. Heirs

You want that cheesy romantic drama? HERE you go!!!! lol This is the romance I crave!!!!! Its so simple and unrealistic, but I’m soooo here for it!!!!!! From the stalker bf, to his aggressive kisses and possessiveness, the love triangle, the rich/poor trope….I love it all. I sound horrible, but it was hot to me lol. You know what, don’t watch it, unless its your first k drama, or you’re trash like me! :)


1. Whats Wrong With Secretary Kim

Of course, this is THE romance drama you must watch. Especially if you want to see some sexy time and the

hottest perfect boyfriend.

Again, it may seem like a simple drama, but after over 20 K dramas that I’ve seen, this one is undefeated.


lowkey want to post the abs gif…….lol

I’ve previously done a Lee Minho Ranking and a Park Seojoon ranking which lots of people seem to love. Now Its time for my current love, Lee Jong-suk. I noticed that his dramas were more about the drama content than the romance, which is unfortunate for me because thats what i love about dramas. But his smile made up for everything. And in some dramas I was able to see his sillier side which was adorable! He’s currently in the military so binge watching these is the best way to miss him :(

BTW, so why can’t the writers give LJS parents? They were always killed off! wtfffff 

6. I Can Hear Your Voice

The concept of this one was really good. It was a Justice System drama and it was interesting. I didn’t really mind the noona aspects of it, I just wish there would have been more romantic scenes included. 

Drama rating: 4/5
My preference rating: 2.7/5 


5. Doctor Stranger 

I was super hesitant to watch this one because I knew it was a Doctor Drama…but I actually enjoyed it. A big concern which I’ve never had before in a drama was that I was rooting for the second female lead! I did NOT like the main female lead. I felt wayyy more chemistry with the the SFL than the first…..I literally kept thinking that maybe he was gonna end up with the other one, like that never happens in dramas from what I’ve seen, but their chemistry was sooo strong that thats how it felt. Which is probably why I didn’t really enjoy the rest of the drama. The female lead was great though, but she would have been much better if she turned out to be the villain. It would have been more organic from the flow of events. But oh well. :/

Drama rating: 4/5
My preference rating: 2.5/5


4. Romance is a Bonus Book

Hmmm…This one, I was surprised that It made it higher than the former 2. Because when i watched it I couldn’t really feel chemistry between them….This was another noona drama in which their age was more noticeable so it was hard to accept their relationship. However, they had more cute interactions and more believable connections than say Doctor Stranger lol. It was not the most exciting drama…but it did have a lot of relateable elements which i enjoyed. 

Drama rating: 2.5/5
My preference rating: 3.2/5


3. Pinocchio 

This was my first Lee Jong suk drama! The story was pretty amazing and it made me feel so many things. It made me angry, sad, depressed, happy…..etc. However, it didn’t make me fall in love with him. In his other roles he was more charismatic and lovable…in this one, maybe because of the dramatic elements, made me think he was a bit stiff and not invested in the romantic scenes. But they were still better scenes than the former dramas. Overall, excellent drama.

Drama rating: 4.5/5
My preference rating: 3.4/5


2. While You Were Sleeping

This is the last one I watched, and It was pretty good actually. It pulled my heartstrings towards the end. The romance was pretty good, could have had more…but I’ll take it. Maybe LJS just doenst like romance scenes. IDK. But still, I really enjoyed it, and the the Second male lead was tooooo adorable! LOVED HIM….I also lowkey loved the villain. He was kinda hot. Especially with his devilish smile lol. 

Drama rating: 3.8/5
My preference rating: 3.9/5


1. W: Two Worlds

THIS is IT! This is the drama that I was like YAAASSSSSS daddy!!! lol it had all the great elements of a great drama. Action, mystery, drama, ROMANCE! I didnt expect to love their chemistry THIS much! It all the other dramas, I guess there was a hint of chemistry or no chemistry at all, but in this one DAMNNNN. Their chemistry was everything. I loved her role, she was so relatable and amazing. I think her character is my favorite thus far!!!! I ship them soooo hard!!!!!TBH i did feel like the storyline had many plot hole or things i just didn’t really understand, but overall, it was an entertaining and creative show. Its definitely in my top 5 kdramas! <3

Drama rating: 4.8/5
My preference rating: 4.5/5


Ranking the K Dramas I’ve Watched So Far

Last time I ranked them I had watched 20 in total, this time I’ve added 10 more kdramas to my list. My previous number one was officially dethroned- I was shook!

I’ve watched a total of 5 kdramas during this quarantine alone —all Hyun Bin’s (he’s my current obsession)

I’m currently watching The King: Eternal Monarch so I will not be including it. 

Link: to myprevious rank

Disclaimer: I rank them based on how much I personally enjoy them, which means some dramas are actually better in general, but I might have not enjoyed them as much as some cheesier ones.   

30. I can hear your voice

Good story. Noona Romance that I enjoyed but there wasn’t enough of it. And the lawyer/justice system bored me.

29. Doctor Stranger

Good story. I hated the romance. The only kdrama that I was rooting SOOO hard for the second leading lady. 

28. My First First Love

Okay story. It was cute but it bored me. Its more of a ’laid back, if you have nothing else to do give it a try’ kind of drama.

27. 12 Year Promise

Okay story. Deals with teenage pregnancy which had me shook for a Kdrama, but the second half of it fell short and had an unresolved ending. 

26. A Witch’s Romance

Okay story and realistic. A noona romance which started off good but then their age difference was more apparent and no longer interested me. 

25. She was Pretty

Great story. But there was NO chemistry between the leads. I never believed that PSJ had feelings for her. I think the female lead was a bit too annoying. 

24. Goblin

EXCELLENT story, probably one of the best from this list. Unfortunately I couldn’t get into this Oppa romance. I couldn’t get over their age difference and I didn’t really grow to love either one of the leads. I preferred the second romance story. 

23. Romance is a Bonus Book 

Okay story. Another laid back drama, but this one I actually enjoyed. A Noona romance which although their age difference was an issue for me, the lead female was very likable. 

22. Faith: The Great Doctor

Interesting story. This drama gets an award from me for being all over the place. Too many genres in one. I really loved the romance but it was very limited. 

21. Pinocchio

Great story. I needed more romance. 

20. City Hunter

EXCELLENT story. LMH is super hot and it has a very intriguing story with a lot of action, but if failed to please me with the romance. I loved their chemistry but they didn’t have an ending that i liked.  

19. Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo

EXCELLENT story. I think this is the drama that I cried the most with! The leads’ chemistry was EVERYTHING. Reason why is low on my list, because it had more plots that I didn’t care for. 

18. While you were Sleeping

Good story. I feel like this is one of the few dramas that is the most unmemorable to me. I remember liking it…but not going crazy for it. I just can’t really remember details or why I liked it. 

17. My Love from the Star

Good story. Perfect laid back romcom. The ending hurt my feelings though. 

16. Itaewan Class

EXCELLENT story. It was very different from what I normally enjoy. A must watch. I didn’t care much for the romance though. 

15. Fight for my Way

Good story. Very realistic and cute. Another laid back drama.

14. Memories of the Alhambra

Great story. A lot of action with the hottest actor alive. I needed more romance though!!! And again the ending hurt me. 

13. Hyde, Jekyll, Me

Good story. I cried so much towards the ending. I did a whole post on this drama. 

12. My Lovely Sam Soon

Great story. This is my latest drama…and I loved it and hated it at the same time! I’m going to do a review on it because it was just too much for my little heart. 

11. Touch Your Heart

Okay story. There’s nothing extraordinary about it…but it was a beautiful romcom that made my heart flutter. 

10. Personal Taste

Okay story. Simple and laid back. But interesting at the same time. Most relatable leading lady!

9. W: Two Worlds

Great story. Had me on my toes and I loved the romance! Only down side is that I needed more romance and less action. 

8. Crash Landing on You

Great story. This is the ‘it’ romcom right now. I need to watch it again once I’m done with most of Hyun Bin’s dramas. 

7. Legend of the Blue Sea

Great story. Enjoyable from beginning to end. 

6. Hwarang: The Poet Warrior Youth

Great story. The only kdrama that I didn’t care for the romance, but still loved! The Hwarang boys and their bromance was EVERYTHING!

5. Boys Over Flowers

Good story. Just a must watch! Especially for kdrama beginners. 

4. Strong Girl Bong Soon

Good story. Another must watch! Also great for kdrama beginners. 

3. The Heirs

Okay story. I admit is not the most interesting when you compare it to all these kdramas. Its also the cheesiest….but I LOVE IT! 

2. Whats Wrong with Secretary Kim

Good story. Another simple kdrama that stole my heart! Best chemistry, best ending, best relationship….it was just the perfect romcom

1. Secret Garden

Good story. Must watch! Iconic! I never thought I would love a kdrama more than WWWSK…but Secret Garden had all the tropes that I love in romcoms!!!





Lee Jong Suk in Ok! Magazine April 2021


Jan. 17, 2021 Leejongsuk’s IG Update #PradaFW21 #ad



Lee Jong Suk, Esquire Korea issue February 2021 & Prada FW21

supernad2: A Chinese fan did a presentation on LeejongsukCr: 女神一鹿有你_70626 Via: Riman Rakshit supernad2: A Chinese fan did a presentation on LeejongsukCr: 女神一鹿有你_70626 Via: Riman Rakshit supernad2: A Chinese fan did a presentation on LeejongsukCr: 女神一鹿有你_70626 Via: Riman Rakshit supernad2: A Chinese fan did a presentation on LeejongsukCr: 女神一鹿有你_70626 Via: Riman Rakshit supernad2: A Chinese fan did a presentation on LeejongsukCr: 女神一鹿有你_70626 Via: Riman Rakshit


A Chinese fan did a presentation on Leejongsuk

Cr: 女神一鹿有你_70626
Via: Riman Rakshit

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FanCam - Dec. 06 2017 LeeJongSuk’s Dreamlike fM in Osaka Japan 

Cr: start_js_805

#lee jong suk    #dreamlike    #fan meeting    
supernad2: Samsonite Red IG Update of LeeJongSuk supernad2: Samsonite Red IG Update of LeeJongSuk


Samsonite Red IG Update of LeeJongSuk

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supernad2: Leejongsuk’s “Imagine Your Korea” Ads on Buses in ChinaCr: shandy1114 supernad2: Leejongsuk’s “Imagine Your Korea” Ads on Buses in ChinaCr: shandy1114 supernad2: Leejongsuk’s “Imagine Your Korea” Ads on Buses in ChinaCr: shandy1114 supernad2: Leejongsuk’s “Imagine Your Korea” Ads on Buses in ChinaCr: shandy1114


Leejongsuk’s “Imagine Your Korea” Ads on Buses in China


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supernad2:Dec. 06 2017 LeeJongSuk’s Dreamlike fM in Osaka Japan Cr: as tagged  supernad2:Dec. 06 2017 LeeJongSuk’s Dreamlike fM in Osaka Japan Cr: as tagged  supernad2:Dec. 06 2017 LeeJongSuk’s Dreamlike fM in Osaka Japan Cr: as tagged  supernad2:Dec. 06 2017 LeeJongSuk’s Dreamlike fM in Osaka Japan Cr: as tagged 


Dec. 06 2017 LeeJongSuk’s Dreamlike fM in Osaka Japan

Cr: as tagged 

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supernad2: Dec. 10 2017 Leejongsuk spotted at his cafe today- Cafe 89 Mansion Cr: as tagged


Dec. 10 2017 Leejongsuk spotted at his cafe today- Cafe 89 Mansion

Cr: as tagged

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supernad2: Born as a model LeeJongSukCr: as tagged


Born as a model LeeJongSuk

Cr: as tagged

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FanCam -Dec. 08 2017 LeeJongsuk’s DreamLike FM In Saitama Japan

#lee jong suk    #dreamlike    #fan meeting    #saitama    
supernad2:Dec.10 2017 LeeJongSuk at IU’ s Concert


Dec.10 2017 LeeJongSuk at IU’ s Concert

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FanCam-  Dec. 06 2017 LeeJongsuk’s DreamLike FM In Osaka  Japan

Source: start_js_805

#lee jong suk    #dreamlike    #fan meeting    



#lee jong suk    #dreamlike    #fan meeting    #saitama    