#romance is a bonus book


Siempre dices que no tienes donde ir, deja de decir eso. Yo soy tu hogar, siempre puedes venir a mi.

- El amor es un capítulo aparte.

No creo que un libro tenga la capacidad de cambiar el mundo, pero de todos modos, me gustaría que en un futuro seas el tipo de persona que es como un libro.

Tal vez un libro no puede cambiar el mundo, pero estoy seguro que puede dejar una sensación de calidez en el corazón de alguien

- El amor es un capítulo aparte/Dorama

“A certain type of perfection can only be realized through a limitless accumulation of the imp

“A certain type of perfection can only be realized through a limitless accumulation of the imperfect.” Haruki Murakami

Do I keep doing my bullet journal? Yes. I just don’t have the inspiration to do a more aesthetic spread so here you have a Lee Jongsuk spread i did a couple of months ago, i miss this little baby, i think it’s time to watch “While you were sleeping” hehe, anyway, hope you have an excellent week ✌️

ig: amyyreadz

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Another drama  touches my soul. 

The letter she wrote on her interview really moved me. Her story is similar with a very dear friend of mine is going through.

in short, almost the same as in the drama, her husband dropped on her for a younger chic, and she’s now in the process of discovering herself. 

so far, she was all in for the" us" “ we” game, and now she finally gets to know herself and what she wants in life, after realizing how small she let herself be for his sake…

i’m really proud of the strength she finds each day to stop thinking about him, and work on her own bucket list and make a living. hope she’ll be able to stand tall again one day; she’s been through plenty.

all in all, that letter, those words. just …bravo.

I’ve previously done a Lee Minho Ranking and a Park Seojoon ranking which lots of people seem to love. Now Its time for my current love, Lee Jong-suk. I noticed that his dramas were more about the drama content than the romance, which is unfortunate for me because thats what i love about dramas. But his smile made up for everything. And in some dramas I was able to see his sillier side which was adorable! He’s currently in the military so binge watching these is the best way to miss him :(

BTW, so why can’t the writers give LJS parents? They were always killed off! wtfffff 

6. I Can Hear Your Voice

The concept of this one was really good. It was a Justice System drama and it was interesting. I didn’t really mind the noona aspects of it, I just wish there would have been more romantic scenes included. 

Drama rating: 4/5
My preference rating: 2.7/5 


5. Doctor Stranger 

I was super hesitant to watch this one because I knew it was a Doctor Drama…but I actually enjoyed it. A big concern which I’ve never had before in a drama was that I was rooting for the second female lead! I did NOT like the main female lead. I felt wayyy more chemistry with the the SFL than the first…..I literally kept thinking that maybe he was gonna end up with the other one, like that never happens in dramas from what I’ve seen, but their chemistry was sooo strong that thats how it felt. Which is probably why I didn’t really enjoy the rest of the drama. The female lead was great though, but she would have been much better if she turned out to be the villain. It would have been more organic from the flow of events. But oh well. :/

Drama rating: 4/5
My preference rating: 2.5/5


4. Romance is a Bonus Book

Hmmm…This one, I was surprised that It made it higher than the former 2. Because when i watched it I couldn’t really feel chemistry between them….This was another noona drama in which their age was more noticeable so it was hard to accept their relationship. However, they had more cute interactions and more believable connections than say Doctor Stranger lol. It was not the most exciting drama…but it did have a lot of relateable elements which i enjoyed. 

Drama rating: 2.5/5
My preference rating: 3.2/5


3. Pinocchio 

This was my first Lee Jong suk drama! The story was pretty amazing and it made me feel so many things. It made me angry, sad, depressed, happy…..etc. However, it didn’t make me fall in love with him. In his other roles he was more charismatic and lovable…in this one, maybe because of the dramatic elements, made me think he was a bit stiff and not invested in the romantic scenes. But they were still better scenes than the former dramas. Overall, excellent drama.

Drama rating: 4.5/5
My preference rating: 3.4/5


2. While You Were Sleeping

This is the last one I watched, and It was pretty good actually. It pulled my heartstrings towards the end. The romance was pretty good, could have had more…but I’ll take it. Maybe LJS just doenst like romance scenes. IDK. But still, I really enjoyed it, and the the Second male lead was tooooo adorable! LOVED HIM….I also lowkey loved the villain. He was kinda hot. Especially with his devilish smile lol. 

Drama rating: 3.8/5
My preference rating: 3.9/5


1. W: Two Worlds

THIS is IT! This is the drama that I was like YAAASSSSSS daddy!!! lol it had all the great elements of a great drama. Action, mystery, drama, ROMANCE! I didnt expect to love their chemistry THIS much! It all the other dramas, I guess there was a hint of chemistry or no chemistry at all, but in this one DAMNNNN. Their chemistry was everything. I loved her role, she was so relatable and amazing. I think her character is my favorite thus far!!!! I ship them soooo hard!!!!!TBH i did feel like the storyline had many plot hole or things i just didn’t really understand, but overall, it was an entertaining and creative show. Its definitely in my top 5 kdramas! <3

Drama rating: 4.8/5
My preference rating: 4.5/5


someone send me a list of amazing, must see, angst ridden, heart stomping, gut wrenching k-dramas on Netflix. My lonely ass tryna see something
